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The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 121(4):883—914, 2009 Index to Volume 121, 2009 Compiled by Leslie A. Robb This index includes references to genera, species, authors, and key words or terms. In addition to avian species, references are made to the scientific names of all vertebrates mentioned within the volume and other taxa mentioned prominently in the text. Nomenclature follows the AOU Check-list of North American Birds (Seventh Edition) and F. Gill and M. Wright (Birds of the World, Recommended English Names, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey and Oxford, United Kingdom). Reference is made to books reviewed and announcements as they appear in the volume. A Amakihi, Kauai, see Loxops stejnegeri Lesser, see Loxops virens wilsoni Accipiter bicolor, 54-74 Amaurolimnas concolor, 54-74 cooperii, 406, 610-617, 641-644, 810, 833 Amazilia amabilis, 556-567, 636 gentilis, 528-547, 615, 810 decora, 636 nisus, 12, 18, 615 fimbriata, 54-74 spp.. 407 striatus, 406, 422, 528-547 tzacatl, 556-567 Acrobatornis fonsecai, 805 Amazon, Mealy, see Amazona farinosa Acrocephalus arundinaceus, 193, 718 Orange-winged, see Amazona amazonica palustris, 719 Yellow-crowned, see Amazona ochrocephala schoenobaenus, 719 Amazona albifrons, 79, 81 scirpaceus, 719 amazonica, 54-74, 387 sechellensis, 650 aurepalliata, 81 spp.. 380 autumnalis, 81 Actitis macularius, 54-74, 528-547 farinosa, 54-74, 81 Aechmophorus spp., 392 finschi, 387-388 Aegolius funereus, 12, 19 ochrocephala, 54-74 Aethia cristatella, 568-584 Amblyramphus holosericeus, 806 psittacula, 568-584 Ammodramus bairdii, 411 pusilla, 568-584 caudacutus, 403, 770 pygmaea, 568-584 henslowii, 194-197, 363, 411 Afton, Alan D., see Humphries, Elizabeth M., Jeffery L. maritimus, 399-405 Peters, Jon E. Jénsson, Roger Stone, . and maritimus fisheri, 771 Kevin E. Omland maritimus maritimus, 770-777 Agelaioides badius, 813 savannarum, 196, 553, 822-825 Agelaius phoeniceus, 8, 178, 443, 548-555 savannarum floridanus, 846 Agreda, Ana E., see Harris, J. Berton C.. . Mery E. Amphispiza belli, 688 Juifia, and Bernd P. Freymann Anabazenops dorsalis, 54-74 Aguirre-Mufioz, Alfonso, see Wanless, Ross M., ——— Anairetes parulus, 585-592 Andrea Angel, Jeff K. Jacobsen, Bradford S. Keitt, Anas acuta, 528-547, 745-751 and John McCann affinis, 745-751 Aimophila aestivalis, 359-365 americana, 528-547 Aix sponsa, 516 clypeata, 528-547, 745-751 Akepa, Hawaii, see Loxops coccineus crecca, 528-547, 745-751 Akialoa, Kauai, see Akialoa stejnegeri cyanoptera, 745-751 Akialoa stejnegeri, 622 discors, 54-74, 745-751 Akiapola’au, see Hemignathus wilsoni flavirostris, 812, 813 Aibatross, Black-footed, see Phoebastria nigripes laysanensis, 187-190 Laysan, see Phoebastria immutabilis marila, 745-751 Wandering, see Diomedea exulans platyrhynchos, 83, 189, 528-547, 745-751, 844 Alca torda, 581 querquedula, 745-751 Alcippe cinereiceps, 800 Ancistrops strigilatus, 54-74 Alectoris graeca, 168 Anderson, David J., see Zavalaga, Carlos B., Scott A. rufa, 167-170 Taylor, Giacomo Dell’omo, . and Vicki L. Alle alle, 581 Friesen Almario, Barbara S., Peter P. Marra, J. Edward Gates, and Angel, Andrea, see Wanless, Ross M., Alfonso Aguirre- Laura Mitchell, Effects of prescribed fire on Muijioz, . Jeff K. Jacobsen, Bradford S. depredation rates of natural and artificial Seaside Keitt, and Jonn McCann Sparrow nests, 770-777 Ani, Greater, see Crotophaga major 883 884 THE WILSON JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY « Vol. 121, No. 4, December 2009 Groove-billed, see Crotophaga sulcirostris Plain-throated, see Myrmotherula hauxwelli Smooth-billed, see Crotophaga ani Pygmy, see Myrmotherula brachyura Anianiau, see Loxops parvus Rufous-tailed, see Myrmotherula erythrura Anous minutus, 650 Slaty, see Myrmotherula schisticolor tenuirostris, 650 Stipple-throated, see Myrmotherula haematonota Anser albifrons, 745-751 Stripe-chested, see Myrmotherula longicauda ant, red imported fire, see Solenopsis invicta White-flanked, see Myrmotherula axillaris Antbird, Banded, see Dichrozona cincta Anumbius annumbi, 805 Band-tailed, see Hypocnemoides maculicauda Anurolimnas castaneiceps, 54-74 Bicolored, see Gymnopithys leucaspis Apapane, see Himatione sanguinea Black, see Cercomacra serva Aphelocoma californica, 175 Black-chinned, see Hypocnemoides melanopogon coerulescens, 175, 846 Black-faced, see Myrmoborus myotherinus insularis, 175 Blackish, see Cercomacra nigrescens Aphrastura spinicauda, 590, 805 Chestnut-backed, see Myrmeciza exsul Aphriza virgata, 528-547 Grey, see Cercomacra cinerascens Applegate, R. D., see Johnson, T. N.. ———, D. E. Hoover, Hairy-crested, see Rhegmatorhina melanosticta P. S. Gipson, and B. K. Sandercock Mato Grosso, see Cercomacra melanaria Aquila chrysaetos, 528-547 Northern Chestnut-tailed, see Myrmeciza castanea Ara ambiguous, 81 Scale-backed, see Hylophylax poecilonotus macao, 81, 384, 387 Silvered, see Sclateria naevia militaris, 384-391 Sooty, see Myrmeciza fortis severus, 54-74 Spot-backed, see Hylophylax naevius Aracari, Chestnut-eared, see Pteroglossus castanotis Spot-winged, see Schistocichla leucostigma Ivory-billed, see Pteroglossus azara Warbling, see Hypocnemis cantator Lettered, see Pteroglossus inscriptus White-browed, see Myrmoborus leucophrys Many-banded, see Pteroglossus pluricinctus White-plumed, see Pithys albifrons Aramides cajanea, 54-74 White-shouldered, see Myrmeciza melanoceps calopterus, 54-74 Yellow-browed, see Hypocnemis hypoxantha spp., 654 Anthracothorax prevostii, 556-567 Aramus guarauna, 54-74 Anthus rubescens, 528-547 Aratinga canicularis, 79, 81 spragueii, 198-202, 826-830 finschi, 81 Antpipit, Ringed, see Corythopis torquatus leucophthalma, 54-74 Antpitta, Ochre-striped, see Grallaria dignissima weddellii, 54-74 Scaled, see Grallaria guatimalensis Archilochus alexandri, 809-812 Thrush-like, see Myrmothera campanisona colubris, 29, 33, 39, 549, 649 White-lored, see Hylopezus fulviventris Ardea alba, 493, 646, 844 Antshrike, Barred, see Thamnophilus doliatus goliath, 844 Blackhooded, see Thamnophilus bridgesi herodias, 32, 39, 654, 745-751, 844 Castelnau’s, see Thamnophilus cryptoleucus Ardeola ralloides, 844 Cinereous, see Thamnomanes caesius Arenaria interpres, 745-751 : Dusky-throated, see Thamnomanes ardesiacus Arizmendi, M. C., see Contreras-Gonzdlez, A. 'M., F. A. Fasciated, see Cymbilaimus lineatus Rivera-Ortiz, C. Soberanes-Gonzalez, A. Valiente- Great, see Taraba major Banuet, and Mouse-colored, see Thamnophilus murinus Arremon aurantiirostris, 54-74 Plain-winged, see Thamnophilus schistaceus Arremonops conirostris, 556-567 Russet, see Thamnistes anabatinus Asio flammeus, 356, 528-547, 745-751 Spot-winged, see Pygiptila stellaris otus, 439-441, 650 Undulated, see Frederickena unduligera Atalotriccus spp., 654 Western Slaty, see Thamnophilus atrinucha Athene cunicularis rostrata, 745-751 White-shouldered, see Thamnophilus aethiops Atlapetes albinucha, 159, 161, 162 Antthrush, Black-faced, see Formicarius analis citrinellus, 161, 162 Rufous-capped, see Formicarius colma latinuchus, 162 Short-tailed, see Chamaeza campanisona leucopis, 159, 161, 162 Striated, see Chamaeza nobilis melanocephalus, 159, 161, 162 Antvireo, Plain, see Dysithamnus mentalis pallidiceps, 161, 162 Antwren, Dugand’s, see Herpsilochmus dugandi pallidinucha pallidinucha, 159-163 Grey, see Myrmotherula menetriesii tricolor, 161 Long-winged, see Myrmotherula longipennis Atticora fasciata, 54-74 Moustached, see Myrmotherula ignota Attila, Bright-rumped, see Attila spadiceus Ornate, see Myrmotherula ornata Attila spadiceus, 54-74 INDEX TO VOLUME 121, 2009 885 Auklet, Cassin’s, see Ptychoramphus aleuticus foraging perch-sites used by Loggerhead Shrikes, Crested, see Aethia cristatella 104-111 Least, see Aethia pusilla Bednekoff, Peter A., see Becker, Miles E.. ———, Michael Parakeet, see Aethia psittacula W. Janis, and Donald C. Ruthven III Rhinoceros, see Cerorhinca monocerata behavior Whiskered, see Aethia pygmaea accidental egg removal by incubating Charadrius Aulacorhynchus derbianus, 54—74 melodus, 171-173 prasinus, 81 active and passive bait-fishing by Nycticorax nycticorax, Automolus infuscatus, 54-74 844-845 melanopezus, 54-74 ad libitum water source for Corvus corax, 210-212 ochrolaemus, 54-74 behavior and reproductive success of Calidris ptilocne- rubiginosus, 54-74 mis breeding on the Yukon-Kuskokwim River rufipileatus, 54-74 Delta, Alaska, 328-337 Aythya affinis, 424, 528-547 brood rearing ecology of Somateria spectabilis on the collaris, 528-547 north slope of Alaska, 430-434 marila, 424, 528-547 characteristics of foraging perch-sites used by Lanius spp., 392 ludovicianus, 104-111 valisineria, 97, 745-751 commensal foraging between Phalacrocorax auritus and a southern stingray, 646-648 B effects of weather and habitat on foraging behavior of Baccus, Join T.,.s0¢ Troy, Jeff R. and om non-breeding Sayornis phoebe, 97-103 Baelophus bicolor, 33, 40, 409 fanning behavior and nesting biology of Tachybaptus Ballard, Bart M., see McCloskey, Jon T., Jonathan E. ne a Thompson, and foraging behavior of Anairetes ee in semiarid Bananaquit, see Coereba flaveola sola yarerciapsonnteariat oe Banks, Richard C., review, The white-cheeked geese: — pachanlincses cien afc waggle, ht tithe ciate: 0 admin 2“ aN 5 B. misdirected parental care by a male Pipilo erythrophthal- mus at a Hylocichla mustelina nest, 427-429 hutchinsii, B. leucopareia, and B. minima, taxono- : nest defense by Tyrannus tyrannus, \-11 my, ecophysiographic relationships, biogeography, ee - Aerie: z é nest sharing between Turdus migratorius and Cardinalis and evolutionary considerations, volume 2, western : : : ‘ e cardinalis, 424-426 taxa, biogeography, and evolutionary consider- senate f davti , ey ae gE ations, by Harold C. Hanson, 658-662 a i lie pte ite gatas “an pt Sin) < s u s fer, = Barber, Colleen A., see Foote, Jennifer R. and fs yaa, pI, epi : } ; : observations of foraging Cathartes aura, 839-841 Barbet, Gilded, see Capito auratus : : , : Perisoreus canadensis accept Molothrus ater eggs, 173- Lemon-throated, see Eubucco richardsoni 177 = eer mereney See Remnness Caeexsered olygyny and male parental care by Anthus spragueii Barbour, James D., see Hanks, Lawrence M., ———. Kim polyey™ P il iti a 826-830 Kratz, and William C. Webb : : : ; : : response of adult Dolichonyx oryzivorus to neck ligatures Barbthroat, Band-tailed, see Threnetes ruckeri asia on nestlings, 441-444 Pale-tailed, see Threnetes niger sap well use and maintenance by Diglossa lafresnayii, Bare-eye, Reddish-winged, see Phlegopsis erythroptera 213-215 Barone, Rubén, see Rodriguez, Airam, Felipe Siverio, selection of fresh vegetation for nest lining by Buteo . Beneharo Rodriguez, and Juan J. Negro lineatus, 207-210 Barrantes, Gilbert, see Sandoval, Luis and snow bathing by Carpodacus mexicanus, 834-838 Bartramia longicauda, 523, 528-547 wintering Sphyrapicus varius time activity budgets in Baryphthengus martii, 54-74 east Texas bottomland hardwood forests, 593- Basileuterus bivittatus, 672 599 culicivorus, 672 Bell, Ronald L., see Griffin, Amanda D., Francis E. griseiceps, 667 Durbian, David A. Easterla, and melanogenys, 672 Benz, Brett W., see Robbins, Mark B., Arpad S. Nyari, rufifrons, 672 Monica Papes, and signatus, 672 Bernardon, Bianca, see de Pinho, Joao Batista, Leonardo tristriatus, 667-679 (Frontispiece) Esteves Lopes, Marcos Maldonado-Coelho, Tatiana Baywing, see Agelaioides badius Colombo Rubio, and Becard, Black-capped, see Pachyramphus marginatus Biasiolli, Traynor G., Depredation of Black-throated Blue Chestnut-crowned, see Pachyramphus castaneus Warbler nestlings by an introduced slug (Arioni- Pink-throated, see Platypsaris minor dae), 422-423 White-winged, see Pachyramphus polychopterus Bielefeldt, John, see Rosenfield, Robert N., , Laura Becker, Miles E., Peter A. Bednekoff, Michael W. Janis, J. Rosenfield, Travis L. Booms, and Michael A. and Donald C. Ruthven III, Characteristics of Bozek 886 THE WILSON JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY « Vol. 121, No. 4, December 2009 Bird, David M., see Donehower, Christina E. and genibarbis in Manu National Park, Peri, 623- Bittern, Least, see Lxobrychus exilis 627 Blackbird, Red-winged, see Agelaius phoeniceus habitat fragmentation and paternity in Empidonax Rusty, see Euphagus carolinus minimus, 306-313 Scarlet-headed, see Amblyramphus holosericeus incubation in Tinamus major, 506-511 Yellow-headed, see Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus long-term pair bonds in Anas laysanensis, 187-190 Blackcap, Eurasian, see Sylvia atricapilla nest defense by Tyrannus tyrannus, 1-11 Blue Jay, see Cyanocitta cristata observations on the breeding biology of Caprimulgus Bluebird, Eastern, see Sialia sialis sericocaudatus mengeli, 498-505 Western, see Sialia mexicana of Basileuterus tristriatus in Venezuela, 667-679 Boa constrictor, 684 of Crotophaga major at Gatin Lake, Panama, 679-687 Boag, Peter T., see Kasumovic, Michael M., Laurene M. of Paradoxornis zappeyi at Wawushan, Sichuan, China, Ratcliffe, and ———— 800-803 Bobolink, see Dolichonyx oryzivorus of Porphyrio porphyrio at Tirunelveli, South India, 796— Bobwhite, Northern, see Colinus virginianus 800 Bodrati, A. Alejandro, see Cockle, Kristina L. and of Selenidera maculirostris, 807-809 Bollinger, Eric, K., see Enstrom, Patrick C. and of Spartonoica maluroides, 803-807 Bombycilla cedrorum, 406, 516, 745-751 pair bond in /cterus galbula and I. spurius, 190-193 garrulous, 528-547 polygyny and male parental care by Anthus spragueii, Bonasa umbellus, 528-547, 638 826-830 Bonier, Frances, see Martin, Paul R., , and Ignacio polygyny in Ammodramus savannarum, 822-825 T. Moore site fidelity, mate fidelity, and breeding dispersal in Booby, Abbott's, see Papasula abbotti Falco sparverius, 12-21 Blue-footed, see Sula nebouxii song rates, mating status, and territory size of Dendroica Brown, see Sula leucogaster cerulea in Missouri Ozark riparian forest, 283- Masked, see Sula dactylatra 289 Nazca, see Sula granti Brennan, Patricia L. R., Incubation in Great Tinamou Peruvian, see Su/a variegata (Tinamus major), 506-511 Red-footed, see Sula sula Brewer, Richard, review, On the wings of cranes: Larry Booms, Travis L., see Rosenfield, Robert N., John Walkinshaw’s life story, by Lowell M. Schake, Bielefeldt, Laura J. Rosenfield, , and 445-447 Michael A. Bozek Brigham, R. Mark, review, Reply to Pruett-Jones book Bourque, Ryan M., see Garwood, Justin M., Karen L. Pope, review of Tawny Frogmouth, 860-861 -, and Monty D. Larson Brigham, R. Mark, see White, Corie L., , and Bozek, Michael A., see Rosenfield, Robert N., John Stephen K. Davis Bielefeldt, Laura J. Rosenfield, Travis L. Booms, Brilliant, Black-throated, see Heliodoxa schreibersii and Pink-throated, Heliodoxa gularis Bozek, Michael A., see Rosenfield, Robert N., Stephen J. Brooks, Daniel M., John P. O'Neill, Mercedes S. Foster, Taft, William E. Stout, Timothy G. Driscoll, David Todd Mark, Nico Dauphiné, and Irma J. Franke, L. Evans, and Avifauna of the Pongos Basin, Amazonas Depart- Brachygalba lugubris, 54-74 ment, Peru, 54-74 Brachyramphus marmoratus, 581 Brotogeris cyanoptera, 54-74, 387 Brandeis, Thomas J., see Steadman, David W., Jensen R. jugularis, 79, 81 Montambault, Scott K. Robinson, Sonja N. Oswalt, Brown, Christine R. D., see Somershoe, Scott G., . Agustavo Londofo, Matthew J. Reetz, and Richard T. Poole Wendy M. Schelsky, Natalie A. Wright, Jeffrey P. Brown, William P., see Schaeffer, Kelly M., Hoover, Jill Jankowski, Andrew W. Kratter, Arie W. Gregory Shriver Martinez, and Jordan Smith Brushrunner, Lark-like, see Coryphistera alaudina Branta canadensis, 24, 528-547, 639, 745-751 Bryce, Rosalind, see Herzog, Sebastian K., Steven R. leucopsis, 640 Ewing, Karl L. Evans, Aidan MacCormick, Thom- Braun, Clait E., Editor’s Comments, 882 as Valqui, , Michael Kessler, and Ross Breeden Jr., James H., see Reynolds, Michelle H.., MacLeod Mark S. Vekasy, and Tana M. Ellis Bubalornis albirostris, 814 breeding biology Bubo virginianus, 13, 32, 39, 373, 528-547, 641, 652 * adoption by Sialia sialis, 830-834 Bubulcus ibis, 745-751 adoption in Lagopus muta and L. leucura, 638-641 Bucco capensis, 54-74 attributes of Dendroica cerulea song and pairing status, macrodactylus, 54-74 273-282 Bucephala albeola, 528-547 egg laying, egg temperature, attentiveness, and incuba- clangula, 528-547 tion in Sialia mexicana, 512-520 islandica, 528-547 eggs, nests, and incubation behavior of Thryothorus Buceros bicornis, 485-492 INDEX TO VOLUME 121, 2009 Buckelew Jr., Albert R., George A. Hall: a lifetime melanoleucus, 54-74 dedicated to birds, 656-657 rubricollis, 54-74 Bufflehead, see Bucephala albeola Campylopterus largipennis, 54-74 Bufo marinus, 839-841 Campyloramphus trochilirostris, 54-74 Bulbulcus ibis, 646 Campylorhynchus turdinus, 54-74 Bullfinch, Lesser Antillean, see Loxigilla noctis Canirallus spp., 654 Bunting, Common Reed, see Emberiza schoeniclus Canis lupus familiaris, 152 Indigo, see Passerina cyanea Canvasback, see Aythya valisineria Lark, see Calamospiza melanocorys Capito auratus, 54-74 Painted, see Passerina ciris Caprimulgus europaeus, 503-504 Snow, see Plectrophenax nivalis natalensis, 504 Burger Jr., L. Wes, see Conover, Ross R., — . and Eric nigrescens, 54-74, 503 T. Linder noctitherus, 503-504 Burtt Jr., Edward H., review, Humans, nature, and birds: pectoralis, 504 science art from cave walls to computer screens, by sericocaudatus mengeli, 498-505 Darryl Wheye and Donald Kennedy, 857-858 sericocaudatus sericocaudatus, 498 Bushbird, Black, see Neoctantes niger tristigma, 504 Buteo jamaicensis, 528-547, 549 vociferous, 503 lineatus, 29, 32, 39, 207-210, 649 Caracara cheriway, 846 magnirostris, 54—74 Caracara, Crested, see Caracara cheriway Buteogallus urubitinga, 54-74 Red-throated, see /bycter americanus Butler, Luke K., see DesRochers, David W., Yellow-headed, see Milvago chimachima Michael D. Silbernagle, and J. Michael Reed Cardellina rubrifrons, 303, 668, 671, 672, 674 Butler, Michael W., Buddy A. Whitman, and Alfred M. Cardinal, Northern, see Cardinalis cardinalis Dufty Jr., Nest box temperature and hatching Red-capped, see Paroaria gularis success of American Kestrels varies with nest box Red-crested, see Paroaria coronata orientation, 778-782 Cardinalis cardinalis, 32, 38, 318, 319, 424-426, 548-555 Butorides striata, 54-74, 844 Cardoni, Daniel A., see Llambias, Paulo E., Valentina virescens, 32, 39, 844 Ferretti, , and Jestis E. Maldonado Carduelis flammea, 528-547, 835, 836 Cc pinus, 528-547, 649 Cacholote, Brown, see Pseudoseisura lophotes spp., 380 Caatinga, see Pseudoseisura cristata tristis, 32, 38, 319, 648, 649, 835, 836 Cacicus cela, 54-74 Carib, Green-throated, see Eulampis holosericeus sclateri, 54-74 Carpodacus mexicanus, 141, 145-146, 318, 319, 427, 834— solitaries, 54-74 838 Cacique, Ecuadorian, see Cacicus sclateri Castelli, Paul M., see Collins, Bridget M., Christopher K. Solitary, see Cacicus solitaries Williams, and Yellow-rumped, see Cacicus cela Castilla, Aurora M., Juan Martinez de Aragon, Anthony Cairina moschata, 81 Herrel, and Sgren Moller, Eggshell thickness Calamospiza melanocorys, 200, 201 variation in Red-legged Partridge (Alectoris rufa) Calcarius lapponicus, 528-547 from Spain, 167-170 ornatus, 416, 778 Cat, domestic, see Felis catus pictus, 528-547 Catbird, Gray, see Dumetella carolinensis Calidris alba, 745-751 Cathartes aura, 24, 81, 839-841 bairdii, 516, 528-547 burrovianus, 81 maritima, 328 Catharus guttatus, 112-118, 121-123, 129, 528-547 mauri, 334, 745-751 minimus, 54-74, 112-118, 528-547 minutilla, 528-547, 745-751 ustulatus, 54-74, 112-118, 129, 528-547, 645, 649 ptilocnemis, 328-337 Cavender, Nicole, see Ingold, Danny J., James L. Dooley, ptilocnemis couesi, 328 and ptilocnemis ptilocnemis, 328 Celeus castaneus, 81 ptilocnemis quarta, 328 elegans, 54-74 ptilocnemis tschuktschorum, 328, 334, 335 grammicus, 54-74 pusilla, 516 loricatus, 81 Callipepla gambelii, 638 spectabilis, 54-74 Calliphlox amethystine, 54—74 Centrocercus urophasianus phaios, 736 Camarhynchus pallidus, 752-764 urophasianus urophasianus, 736 parvulus, 752-764 Cephalopterus ornatus, 54-74 psittacula, 752-764 Cepphus spp., 581 Campephilus guatemalensis, 81 Cercomacra cinerascens, 54-74 888 THE WILSON JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY « Vol. 121, No. 4, December 2009 melanaria, 157 spp.. 654 nigrescens, 54-74 Clypicterus oseryi, 54-74 serva, 54-74 Cnemarchus spp., 654 Cerorhinca monocerata, 580 Cnemoscopus spp., 654 Certhidea olivacea, 752-764 Cnemotriccus fuscatus, 54-74 Chachalaca, Speckled, see Ortalis guttata Coccyzus americanus, 32, 39, 54-74, 480, 549 Chaetocercus astreans, 227-239 erythropthalmus, 54-74, 480 berlepschi, 227-239 (Frontispiece) melacoryphus, 54-74 bombus, 227-239 minor, 43. 49 heliodor, 227-239 spp., 745-751 jourdanii, 227-239 Cockle, Kristina L. and A. Alejandro Bodrati, Nesting of mulsant, 227-239 the Planalto Woodcreeper (Dendrocolaptes platyr- Chaetura cinereiventris, 54-74 ostris), 789-795 pelagica, 24 Cock-of-the-rock, Andean, see Rupicola peruvianus Chaffinch, Common, see Fringilla coelebs Cocks, Kelly L., see Kajiura, Stephen M., Laura J. Macesic, Chamaepetes goudotii, 54-74 Tricia L. Meredith, , and Lynda J. Dirk Chamaeza campanisona, 54-74 Coereba flaveola, 43, 45-47, 49, 51 nobilis, 54—74 Colaptes auratus, 29, 33 40, 528-547, 778 Charadrius alexandrinus, 135 Colinus virginianus, 32, 38, 135-140, 549, 639, 688-695, bicinctus, 172 846 hiaticula, 97, 100 Collins, Bridget M., Christopher K. Williams, and Paul M. melodus, 97, 100, 171-173 Castelli, Reproduction and microhabitat selection semipalmatus, 745-751 in a sharply declining Northern Bobwhite popula- vociferous, 549, 745-751 tion, 688-695 Charter, Motti, Ido Izhaki, Kobi Meyrom, Yoav Motro, and Colonia colonus, 54-74, 81 Yossi Leshem, Diets of Barn Owls differ in the Columba livia, 129, 643, 812-815, 841, 844 same agricultural region, 378-383 oenus, 836 Chasiempis sandwichensis, 97 spp.. 380 Chat, Red-breasted, see Granatellus venustus Columbina passerina, 43, 49, 51, 745-751 Yellow-breasted, see /cteria virens spp., 654 Chelidoptera tenebrosa, 54-74 Chen caerulescens atlantica, 730 Conant, Sheila, see Young, Lindsay C., Eric A. Vander- caerulescens caerulescens, 640, 730-738 Werf, David G. Smith, John Polhemus, Naomi rossti, 731, 735 Swenson, Chris Swenson, Brent R. Liesemeyer, Betsy H. Gagne, and Chickadee, Black-capped, see Poecile atricapillus Boreal, see Poecile hudsonica Conklin, Jesse R., see Johnson, Matthew, . Branden Carolina, see Poecile carolinensis L. Johnson, Brian J. McCaffery, Susan M. Haig, Mountain, see Poecile gambeli and Jeffrey R. Walters Chiffchaff, Common, see Phylloscopus collybita Conopias albovittatus, 81 Chiroxiphia pareola, 54-74 Conopophaga peruviana, 54-74 Chloroceryle aenea, 556-567 Conothraupis speculigera, 54-74 amazona, 54-74 Conover, Ross R., L. Wes Burger Jr., and Eric T. Linder, americana, 54-74 Breeding bird response to field border presence and Chlorophanes spiza, 54-74 width, 548-555 Chloropipo holochlora, 54-74 conservation status unicolor, 54-74 of Chaetocercus berlepschi of western Ecuador, 227-239 Chlorospingus flavigularis, 54-74 of Zenaida asiatica asiatica nesting colonies in Tamau- spp., 654 lipas, México, 338-346 Chondestes grammacus, 688 Contopus cinereus, 654 Chordeiles minor, 649 cooperi, 528-547, 815-818 Chough, Red-billed, see Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax sordidulus, 54-74, 528-547, 654 Chrysoptilus punctigula, 54-74 spp., 654 Chrysuronia oenone, 54-74 virens, 32, 39, 54-74, 654 Cinclus mexicanus, 141-147, 600-609 Contreras-Gonzalez, A. M., F. A. Rivera-Ortiz, C. Sober- Circus cyaneus, 109, 199, 528-547, 745-751, 765-769, anes-Gonzalez, A. Valiente-Banuet, and M. C. 841-843 Arizmendi, Feeding ecology of Military Macaws Cissopis leverianus, 54-74 (Ara militaris) in a semi-arid region of central Cistothorus palustris, 399-405 México, 384-391 platensis, 347-358 Converse, Sarah J., review, Cranes: a natural history cf a Clangula hyemalis, 528-547 bird in crisis, by Janice M. Hughes, 219 —221 Claravis pretiosa, 54-74 Conway, Warren C., see Speights, Jason R. and INDEX TO VOLUME 121, 2009 Conyne, Sally B.. see Gill, Frank B., Minturn T. Wright III, Fish, see Corvus ossifraggu , and Robert Kirk Cyanoc itta cristata, 549, 5 31 Cooper, Robert J., see Rush, Scott A., Eric C. Soehren, Kirk Crypturellus bartletti, 54-74, 506 W. Stodola, Mark S. Woodrey, and ———— boucardi, 506, 510 Coot, American, see Fulica americana cinereus, 54-74 Coppedge, Bryan R., Repeated Brown-headed Cowbird SOUL, 54-74 parasitism of an artificial nest, 177-180 variegatus, 54-74 Coquette, Spangled, see Lophornis stictolophus Cuckoo, Black-bellied, see Piaya melanogaster Cormorant, Double-crested. see Phalacrocorax auritus Black-billed, see Coccyzus erythropthalmus Corvus brachyrhynchos, 2, 3, 7, 176, 470, 835, 836 Dark-billed, see Coc ‘yzus melacoryphus corax, 7 176, 210-212, 432, 528-547, 836 Guira, see Guira guira corax clarionensis, 745-751 Mangrove, see Coccyzus minor corone. 176 spp.. 745-751 monedula, 176 Squirrel, see Piaya cayana ossifragus, 29, 32, 39 Yellow-billed, see Coccyzus americanus Coryphistera alaudina, 805 Cuculus spp.. 174 Corythopis spp., 631-634 Curassow, Nocturnal, see Nothocrax urumutum torquatus, 54-74 Salvin’s, see Mitu salvini Cotinga, Black-necked Red, see Phoenicircus nigricollis Curlew. Long-billed, see Numenius americanus Plum-throated, see Cotinga maynana Cyane rpes ¢ aeruleus, 54-74 Purple-throated, see Porphyrolaema porphyrolaema nitidus, 54-74 Spangled, see Cotinga cayana ‘yanistes caeruleus, 97, 516, 826, 830 Cotinga cayana, 54-74 ‘yanocitta cristata, 32, 39, 175, 422, 470, 835-83 maynana, 54-74 lleri, 406 Coturnicops noveboracensis, 347, : ‘yanocompsa cyanoides, 54-74 Coturnix adansonii, 177-179 ‘yanocorax luxuosus, 73, | chinensis, 178 VWRlEo laceus, ae1 3 japonica, 178, 772 yneas, 73, 17 spp.. 380 Cygnus buccinator, 528-547 Cowbird, Bronzed, see Molothrus aeneus Cymbilaimus lineatus, 54-74 Brown-headed, see Molothrus atei ‘yphorhinus arada, 54-74 Giant, see Molothrus oryzivorus Cypsiurus spp., 654 Screaming, see Molothrus rufoaxillaris Shiny, see Molothrus bonariensis D Cox, James A. and Clark D. Jones. Influence of prescribed Dacnis, Black-faced. see Dacnis lineata fire on winter abundance of Bachman’s Sparrow, Blue, see Dacnis cayana 359-365 Yellow-bellied. see Dacnis flaviventei Cox, W. Andrew and Thomas E. Martin, Breeding biology of the Three-striped Warbler in Venezuela: a contrast between tropical and temperate parulids. 667-679 Dasyatis americana, 646-648 Crake, Chestnut-headed. see Anurolimnas Castaneiceps Dauphiné, Nico, see Brooks. Daniel M.. John P O'Neill, Grey-breasted, see Laterallus exilis Mercedes S Foster. Todd Mark, — . and Irma J Rufous-sided, see Laterallus melanophaius Uniform, see Amaurolimnas ¢ onc= olojr . Nesting ecology and reproductive success Crane, Sandhill, see Grits canadensis Lesser Prairie-Chickens in shinnery oak-domi- Cranioleuca curtata, 54-74 nated rangelands, 322-327 gutturata, 54-74 Stephen K. and Ryan J. Fisher, Post-fledging Craves, Julie A., \ fifteen-year study of fall] stopover movements of Sprague’s Pipit. 198-202 patterns of Catharus thrushes at an inland, Davis, Stephen K., see Dohms, Kimberly M. and - site, 112-118 Davis, Stephen K., see White, Corie L., R. Mark Brigham, Creeper, Hawaii, see Loxops mana and ———— Kauai, see Oreomystis bairdi Davis Ji William E.. review, Boom & bust bird stories for Maui, see Paroreomyza montana a dry dry country, edited by Libby Robin, Robert Oahu, see Paroreomyza maculata Heinsohn, and Leo Joseph, 853-854 Crossbill, White-winged, see Loxia leucoptera de Aragon, Juan Martinez, see Castilla, Aurora M.. ———. Crotophaga ani, 43, 49, 51, 54-74, 679 Anthony Herrel, and Seren Moller major, 54-74, 679-687 de Camargo Guaraldo, André and Vanessa Graziele sulcirostris, 679, 686 Staggemeier, Breeding of the Spot-billed Toucanet Crow, American, see Corvus brachyrhynchos (Selenidera maculirostris) in the wild, 807-809 Carrion, see Corvus corone de Pinho, Joao Batista, Leonardo Esteves Lopes, Marcos 890 THE WILSON JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY « Vol. 121, No. 4, December 2009 Maldonado-Coelho, Tatiana Colombo Rubio, and sap well use and maintenance by Diglossa lafresnayii, Bianca Bernardon, Habitat associations and nests of 213-215 Band-tailed Antbirds (Hypocnemoides maculi- Diomedea exulans, 727 cauda) in the Brazilian Pantanal, 153-159 Dipper, American, see Cinclus mexicanus Decenychura longicauda, 54-74, 81 Dirk, Lynda J., see Kajiura, Stephen M., Laura J. Macesic, stictolaema, 54-74 Tricia L. Meredith, Kelly L. Cocks, and ———— Delacretaz, Nicole, see Klem Jr., Daniel, Christopher J. dispersal Farmer, ————, Yigal Gelb, and Peter G. Saenger breeding dispersal in Falco sparverius, 12-21 Dell’omo, Giacomo, see Zavalaga, Carlos B., Scott A. post-fledging movements of Anthus spragueii, 198-202 Taylor, ————, David J. Anderson, and Vicki L. distribution Friesen avifauna of the Pongos Basin, Amazonas Department, Dendragapus spp., 510 Peru, 54-74 Dendrocincla anabatina, 81, 793 birds of Clarion Island, Revillagigedo Archipelago, fuliginosa, 54-74, 81, 793 Mexico, 745-751 homochroa, 81 of Chaetocercus berlepschi of western Ecuador, 227-239 Dendrocolaptes certhia, 54—74, 793 of Megascops marshalli, 240-252 picumus, 81 dog, domestic, see Canis lupus familiaris sanctithomae, 81, 556-567, 793 Dohms, Kimberly M. and Stephen K. Davis, Polygyny and Dendrocopus major, 91 male parental care by Sprague’s Pipit, 826-830 medius, 91 Dolan, Amy C., see Redmond, Lucas J., Michael T. Dendrocygna autunnalis, 81 Murphy, ———, and Karen Sexton spp., 653, 812 Dolichonyx oryzivorus, 441-444 Dendroica adelaidae, 273, 277 Donacobius atricapilla, 54-74 caerulescens, 42, 43, 49-51, 193, 273, 299, 419, 422, Donacobius, Black-capped, see Donacobius atricapilla 423, 670, 841 Donehower, Christina E. and David M. Bird, Nesting castanea, 670 habitat use by Common Eiders on Stratton Island, Maine, 493-497 cerulea, 273-289, 411, 469-475, 670 Dooley, James L., see Ingold, Danny J., —. and Nicole chrysoparia, 416-421, 670 Cavender coronata, 43, 120-125, 298-305, 457-468 (Frontis- Doryfera johannae, 54-74 piece), 528-547, 649, 670, 745-751 Doss, D. Paramanantha Swami, N. Gopukumar, and K. discolor, 43, 45-50, 274, 279, 294, 670 Sripathi, Breeding biology of the Purple Swamphen dominica, 273, 670 (Porphyrio porphyrio) at Tirunelveli, South India, fusca, 43, 129, 279, 466, 670 796-800 graciae, 670, 671 Dotterel, Double-banded, see Charadrius bicinctus kirtlandii, 670 Dove, Blue Ground, see Claravis pretiosa magnolia, 43, 49, 50, 649, 670 Clarion Mourning, see Zenaida macroura clarionensis occidentalis, 298 Common Ground, see Columbina passerina palmarum, 670 Eurasian Collared, see Streptopelia decaocto pensylvanica, 133, 273, 476-484, 670 Grey-chested, see Leptotila cassini Grey-fronted, see Leptotila rufaxilla 547, 670 Mourning, see Zenaida macroura pinus, 273, 618-620 Stock, see Columba oenus striata, 129, 528-547, 670 White-tipped, see Leptotila verreauxi tigrina, 42, 43, 49-51 White-winged, see Zenaida asiatica asiatica townsendi, 298, 528-547, 670 Zenaida, see Zenaida aurita virens, 43, 49, 50, 299, 670 Dovekie, see Alle alle Dendrortyx macroura, 653 Dowitcher, Long-billed, see Limnodromus scolopaceus DesRochers, David W., Luke K. Butler, Michael D. Dowling, Jenélle L. and Kevin E. Omland, Return rates in Silbernagle, and J. Michael Reed, Observations of two temperate breeding orioles (/cterus), 190-193 molt in an endangered rallid, the Hawaiian Drake, Elissa L., see Green, David J., Ivy B. J. Whitehorne, Moorhen, 148-153 Amber L. Taylor, and Dichrozona cincta, 54-74 Driscoll, Timothy G., see Rosenfield, Robert N., Stephen J. Dickcissel, see Spiza americana Taft, William E. Stout, , David L. Evans, diet and Michael A. Bozek diet composition of wintering Gallinago delicata, 434- Drymornis bridgesii, 793 439 Dryocopus lineatus, 54-74, 79, 81 feeding ecology of Ara militaris in a semi-arid region of pileatus, 29, 33, 40 central México, 384-39] Duck, Harlequin, see Histrionicus histrionicus of Tyto alba differ in the same agricultural region, 378- Laysan, see Anas laysanensis 383 Long-tailed, see Clangula hyemalis INDEX TO VOLUME 121, 2009 89] Masked, see Nomonyx dominicus first description of nests and eggs of Sporophila Ring-necked, see Aythya collaris leucoptera, 628-630 Ruddy, see Oxyura jamaicensis of Paradoxornis zappeyi at Wawushan, Sichuan, China, Wood, see Aix sponsa 800-803 Dudley, Jonathan G., see Russell, Robin E., Victoria / temperature and incubation in Sialia mexicana, 512-520 Saab, Jay J. Rotella, and ———— Egret, Cattle, see Bubulcus ibis Dufty Jr., Alfred M., see Butler, Michael W., Buddy Great, see Ardea alba Whitman, and ———— Snowy, see Egretta thula Dulus dominicus, 814 Egretta caerulea, 493, 654 Dumetella carolinensis, 32, 38, 119-125, 129, 478, 645, thula, 493, 745-751 826 Eider, Common, see Somateria mollissima Durbian, Francis E., see Griffin, Amanda D., ———., King, see Somateria spectabilis David A. Easterla, and Ronald L. Bell Spectacled, see Somateria fischeri Dykstra, Cheryl R., Jeffrey L. Hays, and Melinda M. Elaenia albiceps, 54-74 Simon, Selection of fresh vegetation for nest lining martinica, 43, 45, 46, 49-51 by Red-shouldered Hawks, 207-210 Elaenia, Caribbean, see Elaenia martinica Dysithamnus mentalis, 54-74 Forest, see Myiopagis gaimardii Dziadyk, Bohdan, see Hager, Stephen B., ————, and Grey, see Myiopagis caniceps Kelly J. McKay White-crested, see Elaenia albiceps Elanoides forficatus, 54—74 E Elanus caeruleus, 440 Eagle, Bald, see Haliaeetus leucocephalus spp.. 440 Crested, see Morphnus guianensis Elaphe guttata emoryi, 418 Golden, see Aguila chrysaetos obsoleta lindheimeri, 418, 419 Eason, Perri K., see Vanderhoff, E. Natasha and Electron platyrhynchum, 54-74 Easterla, David A., see Griffin, Amanda D., Francis E. Elepaio, see Chasiempis sandwichensis Durbian, ———, and Ronald L. Bell Ellis, Tana M., see Reynolds, Michelle H., James H. Eaton, Muir D., see Govoni, Paul W., Keith S. Summer- Breeden Jr., Mark S. Vekasy, and ville, and ———— Emberiza schoeniclus, 820, 821 ecology spp., 380 breeding seasons, molt patterns, and gender and age Emerald, Glittering-throated. see Amaczilia fimbriata criteria for selected northeastern Costa Rican Empidonax alnorum, 54-74, 528-547 resident landbirds, 556-567 flaviventris, 528-547 brood rearing ecology of Somateria spectabilis on the hammondii, 528-547 north slope of Alaska, 430-434 minimus, 306-313, 411-415, 528-547, 648-651 Darwin's finches as seed predators and dispersers, 752— oberholseri, 518 764 virescens, 29, 32, 38, 104 feeding ecology of Ara militaris in a semi-arid region of Engilis Jr., Andrew and Douglas A. Kelt, Foraging behavior central México, 384-391 of Tufted Tit-Tyrants (Anairetes parulus) in migration routes, reproduction, and lifespan of a semiarid northcentral Chile, 385-592 translocated Pandion haliaetus, 203-206 Enstrom, Patrick C. and Eric K. Bollinger, Stability in nesting ecology and reproductive success of Tympanu- distributions of Black-capped, Carolina, and aber- chus pallidicinctus in shinnery oak-dominated rant chickadee song types in Illinois, 265-272 rangelands, 322—327 Eremophila alpestris, 528-547, 549 of Megascops marshalli, 240-252 Ergaticus ruber, 672 proximity to active Accipiter nests reduces nest predation versicolor, 672 of Archilochus alexandri, 809-812 Erithacus rubecula, 719, 720 spatial ecology of breeding Lvobrychus exilis in north- Eubucco bourcierii, 54-74, 81 west Missouri, 521-527 richardsoni, 54-74 spring tree species use by migrating Dendroica coronata Eulampis holosericeus, 43, 46, 49 in relation to phenology and food availability, Euphagus carolinus, 528-547 457-468 Euphonia, Bronze-green, see Euphonia mesochrysa use of active Myiopsitta monachus nests by Columba Orange-bellied, see Euphonia xanthogaster livia, 812-815 Thick-billed, see Euphonia laniirostris ges White-lored, see Euphonia chrysopasta description for Atlapetes pallidinucha, 159-163 White-vented, see Euphonia minuta description of Porphyrio porphyrio at Tirunelveli, South Euphonia chrysopasta, 54-74 India, 796-800 laniirostris, 54-74 description of the nest and eggs of Habia atrimaxillaris, mesochrysa, 54-74 635-637 minuta, 54-74 egogms hell thickness variation in Alectoris rufa, 167—170 xanthogaster, 54-74 §92 THI WILSON JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY « Vol. /21/, No. 4, December 2009 Eurypyga helias, 54-7744 Small Ground, see Geospiza fuliginosa Euscarthmus spp., 654 Small Tree, see Camarhynchus parvulus Euthlypis lachrymose, 646 Thick-billed Seed, see Oryzoborus funereus Eutoxeres aquila, 54-74 Vegetarian, see Platyspiza crassirostris condamini, 54-74 Warbler. see Certhidea olivacea Evans, David L., see Rosentield, Robert N., Stephen J. Taft, Woodpecker, see Camarhynchus pallidus William E. Stout, Timothy G. Driscoll, . and Firewood-gatherer, see Anwmbius annumbi Michael A. Bozek Fisher. Ryan J., see Davis, Stephen K. and ———— Evans. Karl L., see Herzog, Sebastian K.. Steven R. Flatbill. Grey-crowned, see Tolmomyias poliocephalus Ewing, Aidan MacCormick, Thomas Ochre-lored, see Tolmomyias flaviventris Valqui, Rosalind Bryce, Michael Kessler, and Ross Olivaceous, see Rhynchocyclus olivaceus MacLeod Orange-eyed, see Tolmomyias traylori Ewing, Steven R., see Herzog, Sebastian K., . Karl Zimmer's, see Tolmomyias assimilis L. Evans, Aidan MacCormick, Thomas Valqui, Flicker, Northern, see Colaptes auratus Rosalind Bryce, Michael Kessler, and Ross Mac- Florisuga mellivora, 54-74 Leod Fluvicola spp., 654 F Flycatcher, Acadian, see Empidonax virescens Alder, see Empidonax alnorum Fairy, Black-eared. see Heliothryx auritus Amazonian Royal, see Onycorhynchus coronatus Falcipennis canadensis, 528-547 Boat-billed, see Megarhynchus pitangua Falco columbarius, 12 Bran-colored, see Myiophobus fasciatus deiroleucus Crowned Slaty, see Griseotyrannus aurantioatrocristatus peregrinus, ° Dusky, see Empidonax oberholseri Peregrinus pere Dusky-capped, see Myiarchus tuberculifer rufigularis, 54 Dusky-chested, see Myiozetetes luteiventris rusticolus, 528 Euler's. see Lathrotriccus euleri Sparverlus, European Pied, see Ficedula hypoleuca Fuscous, see Cnemotriccus fuscatus annunculus, Great-crested, see Myiarchus crinitus Falcon, Barred Forest, see Grey-capped, see Myiozetetes granadensis Bat. see Fa Hammond's, see Empidonax hammondii Buckley's Forest. see Micrastiur bux Least. see Empidonax minimus Collared Forest. see Micrastur s¢ mMuUoOrquats Ochre-bellied, see Mionectes oleaginous Laughing, see Herpetothere Olive-chested, see Myiophobus cryptoxanthus Orange-breasted, see Fal Olive-sided, see Cont IPUS COOPerl Peregrine, see Fa pere Olive-striped, see Mionectes olivaceus Slaty-backed Forest, rando Ornate, see Myiotriccus ornatus Falconet, Spot-winged., cIrcun Piratic, see Legatus leucophaius Daniel. Puerto Rican, see Myiarchus antillarum Gelb. and Pete Ruddy-tailed, see Terenotriccus erythrurus Sepia-capped, see Leptopogon amaurocephalus g. Marl Short-crested. see Myiarchus ferox M. Martii Social, see Mviozetetes similis Streaked. see Myiodynastes maculates Streak-necked, see Mionectes striaticoll Swainson’s, see Myiarchus swainsoni Vermillion, see Pyrocephalus rubinus Yellow-bellied, see Empidonax flaviventris Yellow-olive. see To! myias Sulphurescens Fieber Fokidis, H. Bobby. see Rising, James D.., Donald A aron | Goetz Jackson, and ———— Finch, Cocos, Foliage-gleaner, Bamboo, see Anabazenops dorsalis Common Cz Brown-rumped, see Automolus melanopezus House. see Cc Buff-throated, see Automolus ochrolaemus Large Ground, see Geosp Chestnut-crowned, see Automolus rvfipileatus Large Tree, see Co Olive-backed, see Automolus infuscatus Lavsan, see Telespiz Ruddy, see Automolus rubiginosus Lesser Seed, see O DOTUS ANOLENSIS Rufous-rumped, see Philydor erythrocercun Medium Ground, see Geospiza fortis Fontaine, Joseph J., see Robertson, Bruce A.. ———. and Nihoa, see Telespiza ultime Elizabeth Loomis Pale-naped Brush. see Ad/apetes pallidinucl ld Foote, Jennifer R. and Colleen A. Barber, Paired male Song

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