Contents Introduction Question / 1 What existed before the big bang? Question / 2 What is dark matter? Question / 3 What is dark energy? Question / 4 How does gravity work? Question / 5 Can anything escape a black hole? Question / 6 What is the “god particle”? Question / 7 What is antimatter? Question / 8 Are there more than three dimensions? Question / 9 What happens to time as you approach the speed of light? Question / 10 How are stars born, and how do they die? Question / 11 What is the origin of the moon? Question / 12 What triggers reversals of earth’s polarity? Question / 13 What is earth’s hum? Question / 14 What drives plate tectonics? Question / 15 Are earthquakes predictable? Question / 16 Where does earth’s water come from? Question / 17 Could climate change cause ocean currents to shift? Question / 18 Do rogue waves exist? Question / 19 What is the structure of water? Question / 20 Why doesn’t water freeze in clouds? Question / 21 Why is each snowflake unique? Question / 22 What creates the tornado vortex? Question / 23 Why is the world green? Question / 24 Can evolution outpace climate change? Question / 25 Where did life come from? Question / 26 What defined dinosaurs’ diet? Question / 27 What causes an ice age? Question / 28 Where are the fossil chimpanzees? Question / 29 What caused the extinction of the neanderthals? Question / 30 What explains latitudinal patterns in species diversity? Question / 31 What determines the size of a primate social group? Question / 32 Why do primates eat plants that produce steroid mimics? Question / 33 Why do we age? Question / 34 What is the circadian clock? Question / 35 Why do we sleep? Question / 36 Why do we dream? Question / 37 Why do we yawn? Question / 38 Why do we hiccup? Question / 39 Why do we blush? Question / 40 What causes depression? Question / 41 What causes autism? Question / 42 Why do placebos work? Question / 43 What triggers puberty? Question / 44 Do humans use pheromones? Question / 45 Is sexual orientation innate? Question / 46 Why do we have an appendix? Question / 47 Why do we have fingerprints? Question / 48 How do humans have the ability to learn language? Question / 49 Do Trees talk to each other? Question / 50 How long can trees live? Question / 51 Why do some plants eat animals? Question / 52 Do immortal creatures exist? Question / 53 Why do some underwater organisms light up? Question / 54 Why do whales beach themselves? Question / 55 How do migrating animals find their way back home? Question / 56 Why don’t animals’ muscles atrophy during hibernation? Question / 57 Why do whales sing? Question / 58 What does “chickadee” mean to a chickadee? Question / 59 Why do pigeons bob their heads when they walk? Question / 60 Do squirrels remember where they bury their nuts? Question / 61 Why do cats purr? Question / 62 What do honeybees say when they dance? Question / 63 Why do humans and ants have so much in common? Question / 64 How much can parasites change the social habits of their host? Question / 65 Where will the next pandemic come from? Question / 66 How much of human behavior is predetermined? Question / 67 How does the brain give rise to the mind? Question / 68 Why do we fall for optical illusions? Question / 69 How flexible is the human brain? Question / 70 Why are humans and chimps so different if they have nearly identical dna? Question / 71 Why do humans have so much genome “junk”? Question / 72 How can a mature cell be “reborn”? Question / 73 How do cells talk to each other? Question / 74 How can cancer be such a biologically unlikely event, and still be so common? Question / 75 Are nanomaterials dangerous? Scientists Artists Index Acknowledgments About The Author Copyright