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Preview The weird wonderful wombat Warendja Wakefieldi Hope & Wilkinson

The Beagle, Records of the Northern Territory Museum of Arts and Sciences, 1992 9(1): 111-114 THE WEIRD WONDERFUL WOMBAT WARENDJA WAKEFIELD! HOPE & WILKINSON. NEVILLE S. PLEDGE South Australian Museum, North Terrace, Adelaide, SA 5000, Aicstralia. EXTENDED ABSTRACT Warendja wakefieldi Hope and Wilkinson, Phascolarctos. The parietals are almost rectangular 1982 was first described from two dentaries and and smoothly convex except for the lip along the six isolated teeth from a cave near Nelson. medial edge where the sagittal crest is fomied, and Victoria. Sub.sequently, a maxilla was described the occipital edge. The brain ca.se is 50 mm wide at (Flannery and Pledge 1987) from a small cave the anterior squamosal root of tlie zygoma. near Comaum, South Australia. More material The squamosal is incompletely known since from the latter site has been recognised by J. the auditory regions are damaged in all speci¬ McNamara, who was able to fit it to the original mens. It is rectangular in its cranial part which is specimen and reconstruct most of the skull. This evenly convex and not perforated by foramina as is described briefly below. in modern wombats. The zygomatic wing is not The skull of Warendja is slightly smaller than as laterally extensive or as robust as in Vombatus that of an adult common wombat and very lightly and Lasiorhinus Gray but is wombat-like in built. With the length of more than 155 mm being dorsally flat with a well defined posterola¬ (nasals and occipitals are missing), the rostrum teral rim. Its simple overlapping contact with the is relatively long (about 50 mm), narrow (25 jugal is unlike the intertonguing contact seen in mm) and high. The zygomatic arch is low and modern wombats and most other living marsupi¬ slender, the cranium distinctly constricted als but is similar to that seen in Ngapakaldia anteriorly and domed behind, and there is a weak Stirton and Muramura Pledge. The ventral sur¬ sagittal crest. The highest point of the skull is at face of the squamosal has much gentler relief the frontals which have a slight post-orbital than in Vombatus, with a broad flat glenoid prominence. The premaxillae are not complete, facing anteroventrally. The epitympanic sinus is lacking the palatal area and postcrodorsal con¬ moderately deep, the postglenoid foramen large tacts, but suggest that the narial opening was and ovate, and the tympanic cavity is large (7mm cylindrical rather than flattened and laterally transverse diameter) and lined by .squamosal expanded as in Vombatus Geoffroy. The maxil¬ bone. The auditory region, as preserved, is a lae are better preserved, both in the reconstructed reduced version of that seen in Vombatus with skull (SAM P24105) and the skull fragment lower and rounder prominences. (SAM P31836). Contact with the frontal is un¬ A wombat-like femur (SAM P31854) is tenta¬ clear, but it seems there was not a narrow tively referred to Warendja because of its differ¬ postcrodorsal extension of the maxillary as seen ences from Vombatus femora also preserved in in Vombatus and Phascolarctos Gray. It is not the deposit. It has a smaller head, a more pointed likely that the nasal made contact with the lach¬ greater trochanter closer to the axis of the shaft, rymal. The palatal part of the maxilla is distinc¬ a sharper shorter and lower lesser trochanter, and tive as indicated by Flannery and Pledge (1987), larger lower third trochanter. At the distal end, being very broad and relatively fiat - unlike that the anterior face is rounded rather than having a of living wombats. The palatine bones bound a shallow saddle, the lateral condyle narrower and large palatal fenestra, extending forward to the the intercondylar channel is parallel-sided rather middle of M"*. The alisphenoid is not clearly than tapering upwards. The.se and other differ¬ defined on all sides, but its suture, with the ences indicate that Warendja had a slightly squamosal, skirts the anterior base of the tym¬ different gait to Vombatus. panic process. The lachrymal appears not to have The skull of Warendja shows a number of the tubercle that is prominent in Vombatus and features that are considered to be plesiomorphic 111 N.S. Pledge Fig. 1. Skull of Warendja wakefieldi in dorsal, right lateral and palatal views. 112 Wombat skull with respect to other wombats, while at the same REFERENCES time possessing several wombat synapomorphies. The synapomorphies include rootless incisors, Flannery, T.F. and Pledge, N.S. 1987. Specimens of premolars and molars, and the sole involvement Warendja wakefieldi (Vombatidae: Marsupialia) from the Pleistocene of South Australia. In: of the squamosal in the tympanic process. The Archer, M. (ed.) Possums and Opossums; stud¬ plesiomorphic features include: broad palate, ies in evolution. Pp. 365-368. Surrey Beatty & parallel molar tooth-rows, lightly built zygomatic Sons, Sydney. arches, convex rather than flattened dorsal cra¬ Hope. J.H. and Wilkinson, H.E. 1982. Warendja nial surface, and a simple glenoid region. These wakefieldi, a new genus of wombat (Marsupialia. features further support the contention of Flannery Vombatidae) from Pleistocene sediments in and Pledge (1987) that Warendja wakefieldi was McEachern’s Cave, western Victoria. Memoirs a very primitive wombat with a more gracile of the National Museum Victoria 43: 109-120. build than the lumbering modern wombats. Accepted 21 October, 1991 113

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