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Progress 111I'/lathematics 6 Editedby J. Coatesand S.Helgason Gerard Lion Michele Vergne TheWeil . representation, Maslov index and Theta series SpringerScience+BusinessMedia,LLC MicheleVergne DepartmentofMathematics MassachusettsInstituteofTechnology Cambridge.MA02139 USA GerardLion UniverstedeParis XU.E.R.deSciencesEconomiques 92001Nanterre France LibraryofCongressCataloginginPublicationData Lion.Gerard.1949- TheWellrepresentation.Maslovindex,andthetaseries. (Progressinmathematics;6) Includesbibliographicalreferences. 1.Symplecticgroups.2.Representationsofgroups.3. Series.Theta.4.Forms,Modular.5.Liftingtheory.I.Vergne, Micheel,jointII.Title.III.Title:Maslovindex,andthetaseries.IV Series:Progressinmathematics(Cambridge);6. OA171.L765 512'.22 80-15942 CIP-KurztitelaufnahmederDeutschenBibliothek Uon,Gerard: TheWei!representation,Maslovindexandtheta series/GerardLion:MicheleVergne.- Boston, Basel,Stuttgart:Birkhauser.1980. (Progressinmathematics:6) ISBN 978-0-8176-3007-2 ISBN 978-1-4684-9154-8 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4684-9154-8 NE:Vergne,Michele: Allrightsreserved.Nopart01thispublicationmaybereproduced. storedInaretrievalsystem,ortransmitted,Inanyformorbyany means.electronic.mechanical,onotocoovmo.recordingorornerwrse. Withoutpriorpermissionofthecopyrightowper ©SpringerScience+BusinessMediaNewYork.!.980 OriginallypublishedbyBirkhauserBostonin1980. >-30<t;orl1> 3:l1>i3...0 '< 0...., 3:...'""'0'"<l1>...(JQ::>l1> Preface. In these notes, the Shale-Weil representation of the symplectic group is discussed, as well as some of its applications to number theory. The monograph is composeu of two parts: In Part I, written by Gerard Lion and Michele Vergne, we introduce the Shale-WeiI representation and establish a relation between its cocycle and the Maslov index. In Part II, written by Michele Vergne, applications of q-series to liftings of modular forms are given. Although the results of the first part enlightens the exposition of the classical transformation properties of A-functions, a reader mainly interested by these applications to liftings could read directly the second part with an eventual glance to earlier paragraphs. The two parts have separate introductions and bibliographical notes. The authors Table of Contents Part I: The Shale-Weil representation and the Maslov index, by G€rar d Lion and Michele Vergne. 1.0. 2:ntroduction. 1.1. Symplectic vector spaces and the Heisenberg Lie algebra. 1.2. The Heisenberg group and the Schrodinger representation. 1.3. The Weyl transformand the Stone-Von Neumann theorem. 1.4. Fourier transforms and intertwining operators. 1.5. Maslov index. 1.6. The cocycle of the Shale-Weil representation and the Maslov index. 1.7. Oriented Lagrangian planes and the metaplectic group. 1.8. The universal covering group of SL(2,R). 1.9. The universal covering group of the symplectic group. A. Appendix: Ageneralization of Maslov index to local fields. B. Bibliographical notes. Part II. Theta-series and applications, by Michele Vergne. 2.0. Introduction. 2.1. Lattices and representations of the Heisenberg group. 2.2. The multiplier of ~. 2·3· Modular forms on the upper half plane. 2.4. Modular forms of weight 1/2. 2.5. The Shale-Weil representation associated to a quadratic form. 2.6. ~-series associated to quadratic forms. 2.7. The Shimura correspondence. 2.8. Zagier modular forms and the Doi-Naganuma correspondence. 2.9. Cohen correspondence. B. Bibliographical notes. Part I: The Shale-Well representation and the Maslov Index. by Gerard Lion and Michele Vergne 4 1.0. Introduction: Relations between symplectic geometry, Maslov index, representations of the Heisenberg group and the Shale-Weil representation of the symplectic group are discussed in this chapter. We first give in 1.1 the basic definitions and properties of symplectic vector spaces, Lagrangian subspaces, the Heisenberg Lie algebra and the action of the symplectic group of those objects. The Schr8dinger representation of the Heisenberg group N associated to a Lagrangian plane £ is constructed in 1.2. We prove in 1.3 the Stone-von Neumann theoremwhich asserts that all unitary representations of N whose restriction to the center of N acts by the same non-trivial character are essentiall: the same: two such irreducible representations are equivalent. Although this uniqueness theorem underlies the construction of the Shale-Weil representation R, wewill give however a direct construction of R, independent of the proof of this theorem. Thus results of Section 1.3 will not be needed sub sequently. The Schr8dinger representations W£ and W£. of the Heisenberg group associated to the Lagrangian planes £ and £. are equivalent: we give in 1.4 a canonical choice of an operator f£.,£ such that: Fe;, ~" £ w£(n) = £ w£.(n) for every n € N. (This operator in appropriate coordinates is a partial Fourier 4 4 transform.) Before going further, we have to introduce, in 1.5, the Maslov index of a triple of Lagrangian planes: Let (V,B) be a symplectic vector space, £1' £2 and £3 three Lagrangian planes, then Q123(Xl$X2$X3) = B(xl,x2) + B(x2,x3) + B(x3,xl) is a quadratic form on £1 @£2 $ £3' which can be diagonalized with p times the eigenvalue 1 and q times the eigenvalue -1. Amodified definition of the Maslov index ~(£1'£2'£3) due to M. Kashiwara is ~(£1'£2'£3) =sign Q =p - q. We prove 123 in 1.5 that this Maslov index verifies a fundamental chain property. The symplectic group G acts on Lagrangian planes, on the Heisenberg Lie algebra n and on the Heisenberg Lie group N. If W£ is the Schr8dinger representation of N associated to £, the representation W'(n) =w£(g.n) is equivalent to Wi: The natural action A(g) of the symplectic group on functions on N transforms the representation W£ of N into the representation n ~ Wg'hn(g·n). The Fourier operator ~hn,g'hn intertwines the representation W £ with Wi' Thus the g. canonical unitary operator R£(g) = ~,g.£ A(g) satisfies the fundamental relation: W£(g.n) = R£(g) w£(n) R£(g)-l, for every n € N. We prove in (1.6) that

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