T The global perspective on prime property and wealth h e W e a l T h R e p The o R T WealTh 2 0 1 RepoRT 5 2015 www.knightfrank.com/wealthreport 33 tthhee wweeaalltthh rreeppoorrtt 22001155 Welcome to the 2015 edition of The Wealth Report Andrew Hay Global Head of Residential [email protected] +44 20 7861 1071 It is clear that 2015 will be a remarkable year in terms tivity, wealth migration and luxury spending trends. of political and economic fluctuations, making it Our Attitudes Survey adds depth to our analysis harder than ever to predict investor sentiment and by delving deep into the views of the wealthy regard- the resulting wealth flows. ing investment risks and opportunities. Our coverage We are fortunate in being able to draw not only of the world’s premier luxury residential markets on a network of over 350 offices, but also the views has been expanded to include 100 cities and second- of thousands of active clients and investors, together home destinations. And our focus on investment with the expertise of our agency and consultancy opportunities covers the world. teams, including those advising on alternative The scope and the ambition of the report is property sectors, such as healthcare, agriculture and reflected by Knight Frank’s growth. In the last year student housing. we have formed a strategic residential relationship I am delighted that in this edition of The Wealth with Douglas Elliman covering New York and the Report we share the first-hand investment perspec- key luxury home hotspots in the US. We have also tives and experiences of Massimo Ferragamo and established new offices in Chamonix, Provence, Goodwin Gaw. In addition, the report also features San Remo, Venice, Sardinia, Marbella and Taipei, the latest research from leading wealth analysts and as well as opening five new offices in the UK. commentators. Through our partnership with The reach and influence of The Wealth Report WealthInsight, for example, we can offer an analysis continues to grow. We hope you find our latest find- of wealth distribution trends covering almost 100 ings and forecasts both informative and inspiring. countries and over 100 cities. Contributions from If we can provide you with further research or advice NetJets, Fragomen and Ledbury Research allow us to we are of course happy to help and look forward focus on the critical issues of global travel and connec- to hearing from you. The Wealth Knight Frank Winkreative Photography Definitions Report 2015 editor creative director portraits of andrew UHnwi Andrew sHirley mAUrUs FrAser hay and liam Bailey throughout this report, we use taken by John wright Uhnwi as an abbreviation for commissioned by global head of art director at the corinthia ultra-high-net-worth individual. Andrew HAy research leslie KwoK residences, whitehall, Unless otherwise stated, an Uhnwi liAm BAiley london, courtesy of is defined as someone with a net written by designer Simon naudi worth of over US$30m. KnigHt FrAnK marketing & pr mAtt le gAllez reseArcH BronyA HeAVer Illustration Prime ProPerty art Buyer the most desirable and most designed by rHiAnnon nicol lyndon hayes expensive property in a given location, generally defined as the winKreAtiVe michael kirkham account manager Joël penkman top 5% of each market by value. printed by emilie AAgreen Jim Spencer prime markets often have a significant international bias PUrePrint in terms of buyer profile. contentS 4 5 the wealth report 2015 For me the p20 slump in oil 06 prices that started World in numbers in 2014 is a game changer for the highlights from the key research findings of the 2015 edition of economy, The Wealth Report, including attitudes Survey, piri, global cities 46 Survey and wealth distribution data p63 and also for property Property investment investment 08 Attitudes Survey tAngiBle Assets ProsPer ten to wAtcH the total amount of money knight frank experts highlight P48 invested into commercial 10 trends and sectors Uhnwi property rose to around investors should be aware of $619bn in 2014. private inves- — pp52–55 weAltH worries no PlAce liKe Home 81% of advisors say their Just over 25% of Uhnwis are p41 tors accounted for $153bn of that — p49 clients are worried about considering buying a new tax hikes — p10 home in 2015 — p12 p28 58 16 Luxury spending trends Global wealth distribution rUle BritAnniA Vroom, Vroom the Uk tops our new Big classic cars are still the top Spenders index, followed performers in our luxury by china and Qatar — p60 investment index, rising in weAltH rise AFricAn sUrge value by 16% in 2014 — p62 the total number of Uhnwis the ivory coast will see rose by almost 5,200, or 3%, africa’s largest 10-year in 2014. their population is increase in Uhnwi numbers 66 set to grow a further 34% by with forecast growth of 119% 2024 — p18 — p21 Databank 26 wealth distribution data in detail — p66 attitudes Survey responses by region — p68 Global cities p12 70 london cAlling wHere tHe ricH liVe the Uk’s capital city holds a graphical representation of Final word off new york to take the Uhnwi wealth population data top spot in our 2015 global for over 100 cities across the cities Survey — p28 world — p30 liam Bailey, knight frank’s global head of research, highlights the implications of The Wealth Report’s latest findings for Uhnwis and their advisors 34 Growing wealth PIRI 2015 creation has led to an increas- ing number of tHe Big APPle sHines room witH A View buyers from an new york tops our piri 100 monaco once again tops our index with prime residential list of the world’s most ever-widening price growth of almost 19% in expensive prime residential list of countries 2014. overall, the index rose by property. US$1m will buy you Contributors and interviewees purchasing just over 2% — p37 just 17 sq m of home there, compared with 204 sq m in property in a cape town — p39 growing liAm BAiley Andrew sHirley grÁinne gilmore JAmes roBerts mAdelAine olliVier gloBal head of the wealth head of Uk reSidential chief economiSt, analySt, ledBUry number of reSearch, knight frank report editor, reSearch, knight frank knight frank reSearch global hubs p49 foremost prime knight frank former economics leading commercial luxury goods commentator property expert luxury investments correspondent, The Times property expert and researcher commentator clAire Adler mAssimo FerrAgAmo goodwin gAw KAte eVerett-Allen dr PiPPA mAlmgren P38 lUxUry Jewellery chairman, chairman, gaw capital head of international foUnder, drpm groUp conSUltant ferragamo USa one of asia’s leading reSidential reSearch, economist and former writer, pr advisor, Scion of leading property investors knight frank US presidential advisor speaker fashion dynasty authority on international residential markets world in nUmBerS 6 7 the wealth report 2015 Highs and lows: key statistics The Wealth Report contains a huge amount of data, not only from knight frank’s own research teams, but also from leading industry analysts and commentators. the map below includes a worldwide snapshot of the numbers drawn from our piri 100 index; the wealth distribution data from The Wealth Report 2015 supplied by wealthinsight; the results of our global cities Survey and the fi ndings of our unique annual attitudes Survey. global trends 18.8% 61% the largest prime 17.3 sq m residential price rise, seen by new york 01 of russian UHnwis are 03 sending their children the area of prime overseas for their $20.8tn property Us$1m will buy secondary education london’s ranking in our in monaco Hong Kong’s ranking in 2015 global cities survey our 2015 global cities survey – the top Asian location Attitudes the total wealth global held by UHnwis Piri cities Piri global 172,850 cities the total number of UHnwis worldwide 15% 3% of latin American UHnwis are thinking of changing 42% their country of residence increase in the global of Australasian UHnwi number of UHnwis wealth investment portfolios are allocated to property 2013 to 2014 Attitudes Attitudes Property $153bn 50,767 52% the number of Us UHnwis predicted global the estimated commercial in 2024 wealth global property investment by the proportion of wealth private individuals Property UHnwis from the UAe who are considering buying a new home in 2015 Piri 82% -15% $0.2tn 1,752 the greatest drop the total wealth held by 1.8m sq ft in prime residential African UHnwis in 2014 re%p oorft winega tlhthe andevt iwsoorrsth pBruiecneso,s s Aeierne sby the area of First-world tshineg garpoowreth’s i Un Hnwi of their UHnwi shopping malls set to population, 2014 clients increased open in nairobi in 2015 to 2024 aattttiittuuddeess ssuurrvveeyy 88 9 the wealth report 2015 A global guide to UHNWI wealth, attitudes and investments The Wealth Report Attitudes Survey The world is becoming increasingly preoc- this trend would continue for their 01 cupied by the lives of the rich and famous; clients in 2015. Getting richer the more sensational the detail the better. But with contributors from all parts according to the results of the fuelling this trend is the growing of the world, the results of our Attitudes attitudes survey, 80% of wealth omnipotence of an internet that streams a Survey highlight some revealing advisors expect their clients’ net worth to increase in 2015 non-stop fl ow of gossip and photographs, regional trends. authorised or not. Some of the super-rich, Generally, UHNWIs living in Austral- 02 those whose wealth derives from their asia seem happiest with their lifestyles The joy of property celebrity status, actively encourage it, – only 4% want to change their country of over a quarter of uhNwis are but for most the intrusion is unwelcome. residence or domicile, and very few send thinking of buying a new house No wonder then that the distinctly their children overseas to be educated. in 2015, while 35% of those un-voyeuristic results of our own annual By contrast, a third of those from russia surveyed expect their clients survey of the attitudes of the wealthy, and the cIS are considering a move, and to increase their allocation to property investments during discussed over the following pages, reveal over 60% dispatch their children abroad the year. in certain regions of that ultra-high-net-worth individuals are for their secondary education. the world up to a third of the becoming increasingly concerned about The results of the Attitudes Survey also super-rich are thinking of the power of the web in terms of online cement the position of property as the cor- changing their domicile or privacy and cyber-crime. nerstone of many UHNWI investment stra- country of residence Interestingly, however, given a tegies – it accounts on average for almost a 03 potential economic slowdown in china third of UHNWI portfolios. But bricks and The collecting bug and continued political and economic mortar are not the only tangible assets that over 60% of survey respondents uncertainty in many parts of the world, it are in demand. So-called investments of reckon their clients are becoming is family and business succession issues passion, such as art, wine and classic cars, more interested in collecting followed by a possible hike in wealth taxes continue to attract more interest. investments of passion that are the biggest concerns for UHNWIs, While our survey doesn’t delve into the according to the wealth managers and more personal facets of UHNWI lifestyles, private bankers who advise them. it provides an invaluable glimpse of their putting these concerns aside, 2014 attitudes towards property, investments was a good year for the wealthy. The vast and the factors aff ecting their ability to majority saw their net worth increase, and increase and safeguard their wealth, and most of the respondents to the survey said how those factors vary around the world. attitudes survey 10 11 the wealth report 2015 Wealth monitor respondents were asked how their clients’ wealth had changed during 2014 and how they thought it would change in 2015 2014 Change Wealth trends region % increase The latest fi ndings from The Wealth africa Report’s annual Attitudes Survey of 89% UHNWI advisors asia ANDREW SHIRLEY, 74% THE WEALTH REPORT EDITOR australasia 81% The fi fth instalment of The Wealth expect their clients’ wealth to grow further europe Report’s annual Attitudes Survey is based in 2015 (see p18 for our detailed predic- do younger uhNwis spend 74% on a detailed survey of almost 500 leading tions on global wealth creation over the more on luxury goods than their parents? latin america private bankers and wealth advisors from next 10 years). 87% across the globe, and refl ects the attitudes Middle east of their ultra-wealthy clients who have a 88% combined wealth of over US$1.7tn. wealth threats covering many aspects of the lifestyles North america of ultra-high-net-worth individuals (those However, the road to greater riches is not 100% with a net worth of over $30m), from always simple, and the survey results russia/Cis wealth creation to philanthropy, from highlight a number of issues that UHNWIs 33% property investments to luxury spend- believe could hinder their ability to gener- ing trends, the survey’s fi ndings off er a ate more wealth. Interestingly, it was not 66% wweeaalltthh hhaass dreemcraeianseedd the same unique insight into the attitudes of the the global geopolitical and economic wealth has increased super-wealthy. issues that tend to spook stock markets BriGht Future Most wealth advisors expect their clients’ wealth to increase in 2015 25% last year proved to be a more profi t- that were of the most concern, but more 2015 outlook able one for the world’s UHNWIs than personal issues. 9% region % increase expected by their advisors. In 2013 when on average, less than half of respond- concerned about the handover of family activities to increase; in this year’s survey we asked the survey’s respondents about ents said their clients were concerned wealth to the next generation. the fi gure was 22%, with three-quarters africa their clients’ wealth creation prospects about the impact of the chinese economy A potential increase in wealth taxes predicting they would remain the same. spend more 82% over the next 12 months, 63% said they dipping (although unsurprisingly this (81%) and increased government scrutiny The outlook for a rise in giving was most spend the same thought their net worth would increase. rises to over 70% in Asia and 67% in spend less of wealth (80%) were the second and third pessimistic in more mature economies asia A year later 82% said it had actually neighbouring Australasia). The same pat- most vexatious issues, according to our like europe (17%), perhaps because 75% increased during 2014, with only 3% tern was repeated for the ongoing turmoil survey results. respondents from Aus- philanthropy is already well established australasia reporting a fall. in the Middle east and Ukraine. tralasia were the least concerned about there, compared with emerging economies 69% looking forward, the outlook is still family succession issues were, in source: the wealth report 2015 increased government scrutiny, with only like Africa (36%). europe attitudes survey bullish. Despite concerns over the global fact, the number one worry, with 85% 44% fl agging it as a threat. As part of this year’s Attitudes Survey 71% economy, 80% of survey respondents of respondents saying their clients were The growing power of the internet, we have endeavoured to fi nd out if younger latin america both in terms of cyber-crime and the abil- UHNWIs have a diff erent attitude to wealth 85% ity to invade privacy and damage reputa- than their parents’ generation. When asked Middle east tions, led 76% of respondents to highlight if they were more philanthropic, 45% of 77% Wealth worries it as an area of concern. respondents said “yes”. North america By contrast, when we asked if they the issues uhNwis believe could affect their wealth, lifestyles or business 100% spent more on luxury goods, two-thirds Philanthropy, shopping, fl ying of those taking the survey agreed that was russia/Cis the case, perhaps explaining why succession 44% UHNWI attitudes to philanthropy remain planning is considered such a big issue. wealth will decrease largely unchanged. According to last overall, 30% of survey respondents are wealth will remain the same year’s Attitudes Survey, 21% of respond- expecting their clients to splash out more wealth will increase ents expected their clients’ philanthropic on luxury goods this year, compared with 2014, with UHNWIs from Africa (39%) enjoying their wealth the most. source: the wealth report 2015 attitudes survey s sue percentage of respondents who think their The use of private jets is growing stead- Family/business succession issues 85% potential increase in wealth taxes 81% increased scrutiny of wealthy by governmentwealthy by governmentwealthy by governmentwealthy by governmentwealthy by governmentwealthy by government 80% Cyber-crime and online privacy 76% political interference 68% health/environment is 66% Crisis in Middle east 51% political situation in russia/ukraine 51% China’s potential economic slowdown 49% ythoeuinr gpearr eunhtsN’ wgeisn earr4aet imono5re %philanthropic than imst(lshayeoie dea ms rtot o hqufuoeurnri isr cdbp kc uetllhisyceiie nina nwlet sfsAoe swrsa laietdanur, e–d rw e i3l nieo8tcihn%sr u edp orae4efsm0 irpne afusgonrplrdpy om ounrsiosdseiriesnnen g)g.t s TAtbpcthohHTraiemseTvE e agI pTrWdlteolUe eEbso DtbuanAeEall Ld ttfinST sh gka H eSue o sUrrRrfeuse REst rsaVh vPapneEeOrodye YRna wiwsTnteet e iisltaga uhlfttrdethoe e madasu td otasvu lruimmseroflvon reess c2yt tw 05 at1h0hr4o0ee. homes, vineyards, migration regional distribution of uhNwi wealth popu- lations. a full regional breakdown of the Across the world, 23% of the wealth on av- data is available in databank at the back data refers to number of survey respondents who erage of UHNWIs is accounted for by their of the report. said each issue was of concern to their clients source: the wealth report 2015 attitudes survey main residence and any second homes not attitudes survey 12 13 the wealth report 2015 Allocation to property in UHNWI investment portfolios How is the allocation changing? australasia 42% Middle east 40% 35% asia 38% 37% europe 33% st a c africa 31% ore 4 55% 5 f 54% 1 1 0 0 owned purely as an investment, according russia/Cis 27% 2 2 8% 10% to our survey results. In Australasia and Asia the proportion edges up to almost latin america 26% 30%. Just over a quarter of UHNWIs are considering purchasing another house in allocation increase North america 24% allocation remains the same 2015 to add to the three they already own. allocation decrease When we asked our respondents if any of their clients were particularly interested source: the wealth report 2015 in a ski, vineyard or equestrian property, attitudes survey a few interesting trends emerged. The de- mand from Asian UHNWIs for vineyards remains keen, with 40% of respondents with clients in china, 43% in Taiwan and 31% in Malaysia noting rising interest. property type. (See pp46 to 57 for more one of the outside property, equities are pre- MasterClass art is the most popular investment of passion, according to the attitudes survey In Africa (29%) and the Middle east on property investment trends.) most revealing dicted to be the most popular investment PERCENTAGE OF (40% in the UAe) equestrian properties control of their property investments questions class in 2015, with a net balance of 45% of UHNWIS LIKELY TO SEND THEIR CHILDREN are more of a draw, while a ski chalet is is clearly important to the wealthy – posed by those taking the survey expecting their OVERSEAS FOR the top priority for wealthy second-home longer-term trend is emerging. investing, collecting almost 80% of respondents said the survey clients’ exposure to stocks and shares to THEEIDRU SCEACTOINODNARY seekers from europe (35%) and North Globally, tax was highlighted as the UHNWIs prefer to invest directly into increase in 2015. This builds on the grow- relates to the America (50% in the US). main reason UHNWIs would consider of course, property is not just a place property, with only 12% choosing to use ing appetite for riskier investments that number of one of the most revealing questions moving to a diff erent country, but in rus- where the wealthy live. It is increasingly a fund vehicle. the Attitudes Survey fl agged up last year. Uhnwis who posed by the survey relates to the number sia education and political issues were seen as a mainstream investment class, Bricks and mortar retain their appeal consequently, according to the survey of UHNWIs who are planning to perma- reported as two of the biggest drivers. accounting on average for 32% of an for the latest generation of UHNWIs, with are planning results, cash, fi xed income bonds and nently change their domicile or country Seeking out the best education abroad UHNWI’s investment portfolio. Globally, 45% of respondents saying their younger to permanently gold and other precious metals are likely australia of residence. for their children is clearly very important 37% of survey respondents said their clients were more interested in property change to see a declining demand this year. 3% Australians and New Zealanders are for russian and cIS UHNWIs. over 60% clients increased their exposure to prop- than their parents. their domicile Investments of passion, however, the least likely to want to up sticks. only are likely to send their off spring overseas erty as an investment in 2014 and 35% or country remain fi rmly on the radar for the super- 4% of those surveyed said their clients for their secondary education, compared expect that trend to continue in 2015. of residence rich. Globally, 61% of our respondents were considering a move. By contrast, with a global average of 27%. This process residential property is the most said their UHNWI clients were becoming percentage of uhNwis who are becoming a third of respondents with clients in the also seems to be happening sooner, with popular sector to invest in, with 81% of more interested in investments of passion more interested in the likes of classic russia/cIS region said a move could be 67% of respondents noting that their wealth advisors saying their clients were cars, art and wine. China on the cards. This follows a response rate clients were sending their children becoming more interested in it. offi ces Art is the luxury asset where interest 42% of 35% in last year’s survey, suggesting a overseas at an earlier age. (59%) were the next most popular is rising the most – perhaps unsurpris- ing given its accessibility – followed by watches, wine and classic cars. Stamps arouse the least passion around the House hunting Emigrating 61% world, but there is a noticeable diff erence respondents were asked what percentage respondents were asked what percentage of their in Africa and Asia, where 14% and 8%, russia of their clients were considering purchasing clients were considering permanently changing respectively, of survey respondents noted a new home in 2015 their domicile or country of residence 50% increasing interest. Drilling down, the fi gure rises to 17% for china. africa 23% africa 11% urvey for TAhsiisa nm aantcdh ceos mthme orencweneat lrtihs es tianm pprisc.e s s asia 22% asia 12% s for more on the performance of luxury e percentage of respondents who said ud investments turn to p62. australasia europe 1254%% australasiaeurope 144%% tinh eciorl ulehcNtinwgi: clients were more interested 15 attit beiDnge sdpeistec rciobleldec atsa binlev easstsmetesn ctosm ofm poans-ly 0 latin amMeidrdiclae east 2386%% Middle leaatsint america 1150%% art wine stamps h report 2 sminioogn tti,ov p a6et2iro%son on ffao tlr h ptohleseaeis rs uaurcreqv ieusyi ssetidtili.lo I tnnh, Iean cmdciaoair,nd - North america 31% North america 7% alt however, status (38%) was considered e w almost as important, and across Asia russia/Cis 21% russia/Cis 33% e th capital growth (32%) was a key factor. 63% 48% 3% urce: For full regional results see Databank, source: the wealth report 2015 attitudes survey so pp68–69. attitudes survey 14 15 the wealth report 2015 As an investor you should devote your attention to things that a) matter, and b) you can do something about Wealth trends under Philanthropic attitude change overseas education ment proposition – it is always possible for succession, taxes, government scru- to commission a new yacht, but nobody tiny and privacy/security. or at least their the microscope Millennials (to use the new parlance for recently, leading public schools have start- can paint another Monet or build a classic advisors think they are – which may not under-40s) take seriously the notion ed to insist overseas applicants complete ferrari. Increasing demand and limited be quite the same thing. of stewardship and social responsibility. at least two years in a UK-based prepara- supply suggest that capital growth could This may not be news, exactly, but what tory school. clients from areas that are continue. There are risks, however, like dr GreG B dAvieS, HeAD of differentiates millennials from their already well represented in the independ- fraud and poor portfolio diversification. BeHAvIoUrAl fINANce, BArclAyS parents is the inclination to use robust ent system, such as russia, Nigeria and To remove some of these risks, inves- and/or sophisticated management tech- the Middle eastern states, have realised tors should express their views on luxury niques for family philanthropy. The steel the dramatic effect that an earlier move through a multi-asset solution. online perils magnate model of philanthropy is giving to a UK school can bring. leading public way to that of measuring impact not only schools carry out rigorous preassessments SAeed PAtel, INveSTMeNT ANAlyST, A reputation is an individual’s most valu- through the aforementioned implementa- when children are 10 or 11. preparing for ScHroDerS able asset, and in an increasingly digital tion of business models for philanthropy, these tests from within the system greatly age, cyber-crime and online privacy are but also through the use of metrics to increases a student’s chance of success. for big concerns. We are increasingly being evaluate the potency of value-informed all these reasons, we are seeing renewed Attitudes to risk asked by high-net-worth individuals how Leading wealth experts share investments. While wealth managers interest in boarding preparatory schools they can go about protecting their reputa- still need to employ tax-efficient and and london day schools from most of our As an investor you should devote your tion. It is vital to conduct a reputation their views on key findings long-term wealth management vehicles international clients. attention to things that a) matter, and b) management audit as soon as possible. from the Attitudes Survey for UHNW millennials, they can also ex- you can do something about. Geo-poli- This will focus on maintaining or taking pect to implement values-based consider- williAm Petty, DIrecTor, BoNAS tical events, though of huge significance control of an individual’s reputation. The ations into investment portfolios. Service MAcfArlANe eDUcATIoN in most ways, matter much less to the first area to look at is information that The results of The Wealth Report Attitudes Survey discussed providers supporting UHNWIs through returns of a long-term investor than inves- the individual, or friends and family, has intergenerational wealth management tors think they do, while they’re thinking direct control over, such as social media over the preceding pages provide a unique glimpse into the services (read here, family offices) can luxury investment about them. And they are typically so accounts and personal websites. It’s also attitudes, concerns and investment choices of UHNWIs from expect family giving to evolve from a unpredictable that it is nearly impossible important that family and friends are around the world. To look at some of the issues raised in more redistributive model towards managed In our experience UHNWIs are becom- to do much about them in the short term aware of the risks of posting information detail, we asked leading specialists from various sectors of the and measured philanthropic initiatives. ing more and more concerned about with any certainty. So it is uncommonly online, as it could damage the individual. wealth industry, including private banking, investment, family paper assets such as bonds and equities, reassuring to observe from the Attitudes The more that can be done at the Andrew Porter, DIrecTor of and are increasingly looking for tangible Survey results that clients instead seem proactive stage, the better. offices, education and legal services, to share their own insights reSeArcH, cAMpDeN WeAlTH alternatives. The scarcity of luxury assets to be rightly much more focused on into specific trends and highlight what the implications could and their historic ability to hedge against the certain things they can actually niri ShAn, HeAD of repUTATIoN be for UHNWIs and their advisors. inflation make them an appealing invest- do something about, such as planning MANAGeMeNT, TAylor WeSSING Global wealth distribution 111666 17 the wealth rePort 2015 a comprehensive analysis of how wealth is distributed around the world Global wealth trends With the help of data from WealthInsight, 100,000 head of population, is some 01 The Wealth Report provides a unique and way behind countries in Scandinavia, Wealth rises comprehensive analysis of how global New Zealand and the UK. Despite the the global population of uhnwis wealth distribution is changing and is pre- sharp rise in the number of Chinese rose by almost 5,200, or 3%, dicted to change over the next 10 years. UHNWIs, there are still only 0.6 UHNWIs in 2014, and 53 new billionaires were created Last year, around 15 people a day per 100,000 people in China because of joined the ranks of the ultra-wealthy, or the size of the country’s population. 02 those worth over US$30m. This growth Wealth, or more specifi cally, its future growth is set to continue in the coming decade, uneven distribution, has become an over the next 10 years the with the global population of ultra-high- increasing subject of debate over number of uhnwis around the net-worth individuals forecast to climb by the past few years. Some, such as the world is forecast to rise by 34% 34% to a total of almost 231,000. controversial French economist to almost 231,000. Growth will be strongest in developing regions, Our data also allows us to look at Thomas Piketty, argue that governments with africa’s ultra-wealthy wealth distribution trends at a granular should take action and levy higher taxes population rising by 59% country level. As such, we can highlight on the rich in order to re-distribute specifi c wealth-creation hotspots, for wealth. Others, like our contributor Dr 03 example, Kazakhstan, where the number Pippa Malmgren, believe that higher regional shifts of UHNWIs is set to grow by 114% over the taxes could actually prove a barrier to asian uhnwis now hold more next decade. But topping the list of the economic growth, undermining the total wealth ($5.9tn) than those almost 100 countries we examine is Viet- opportunity for wealth creation across in north america ($5.5tn) nam, with a forecast uplift of 159% every stratum of society. in its UHNWI population. In developing countries signifi cant Taking a diff erent angle on the data, amounts of wealth are already being we can see how evenly wealth is distrib- created by a growing and increasingly uted within a country. While Monaco, aspirational middle class. On p23 we unsurprisingly, perhaps, given that most examine the importance of this movem of its residents are very wealthy, tops this ent across the world, not only as a gen- list, with the equivalent of 574 UHNWIs erator of wealth but also in terms of the per 100,000 people, the other countries increased political power it commands, that emerge at the top are perhaps more and how this may be set to change the surprising. The, US with 12.7 UHNWIs per geopolitical landscape. Global wealth distribution 1188 19 the wealth rePort 2015 uhnwI populations and total wealth by region in 2014 For full details of wealth distribution trends and forecasts for each world region and for almost 100 countries turn to databank, p66 uhnwI population growth continues europe russia/Cis The Wealth Report highlights 60,565 2,068 key current and future global wealth distribution trends Predicted uhnwi 10-yr growth 25% Predicted uhnwi 10-yr growth 25% GrÁinne Gilmore, Head of UK total uhnwi wealth $6.4tn total uhnwi wealth $0.6tn residential researcH The global population of ultra-high-net- 2.9% in the previous 12 months. But at a uncertainty over the ramifi cations of africa asia worth individuals grew by almost 5,200 regional level the diff erences were more withdrawing fi scal stimulus measures 1,932 42,272 last year, according to data prepared marked. in the US aff ected sentiment in exclusively for The Wealth Report by the Most notably, Asia overtook North many regions. analyst fi rm WealthInsight. America as the region with the second- Towards the end of the year plunging Predicted uhnwi 10-yr growth 59% Predicted uhnwi 10-yr growth 48% This latest increase means 65,335 largest UHNWI growth. Some 1,419 people oil prices and the strengthening dollar total uhnwi wealth $0.2tn total uhnwi wealth $5.9tn people have joined the ranks of the moved past the $30m+ mark in Asia in also hit emerging markets, as well as key ultra-wealthy over the past decade – 2014, after an increase of fewer than 1,000 natural resource exporters like Nigeria, a rise of 61%. In total, there are now in 2013. Europe held onto the top spot Russia and Mexico. 172,850 individuals in this cohort who with the most new entrants into the Ouliana Vlasova, Head of Content Middle east australasia hold wealth totalling $20.8tn, an ultra-wealthy bracket over 2014. at WealthInsight, says: “The positive 7,269 3,920 increase of $700bn during 2014. The ultra-wealthy in Asia now also outcomes for developed economies at the Moving up the wealth brackets, nearly hold more in total wealth, with net assets start of 2014 positively infl uenced wealth Predicted uhnwi 10-yr growth 40% Predicted uhnwi 10-yr growth 23% 1,180 people became centa-millionaires in of $5.9tn, than those in North America, creation. However, that picture changed total uhnwi wealth $0.7tn total uhnwi wealth $0.4tn 2014, taking the world’s total population with $5.5tn. However, with a $6.4tn throughout the year. The growth in wealth of those worth over $100m to 38,280. treasure chest, European UHNWIs still could perhaps have been bigger had the At the top of the wealth tree 53 individ- control the most wealth. world economy picked up more strongly uals became billionaires last year, pushing Last year’s rise in UHNWI numbers in the second half of last year.” global membership of this exclusive club came despite weaker-than-anticipated The outlook for the rest of this year is to 1,844 – an 82% rise from the number global economic growth. During 2014 the also mixed. Although the IMF has down- recorded in 2004. IMF was forced to downgrade its forecast graded its own forecasts for annual growth The annual pace of wealth creation also increase for world output from 3.7% in world output from 3.8% to 3.5%, this is north america quickened in 2014 compared with 2013, to 3.3%. still slightly stronger than the growth in 44,922 albeit slightly. The number of UHNWIs Throughout the course of 2014, politi- 2014. Emerging economies are expected grew by 3.1% last year, compared with cal tensions mounted, while increased to grow by 4.3%, compared with 2.4% for developed economies. Predicted uhnwi 10-yr growth 25% total uhnwi wealth $5.5tn latin america countries with UHnWi population growth of 5% or above in 2014 Economic headwinds 9,902 There is certainly evidence that Monaco 10% beneath the economic headwinds, some Predicted uhnwi 10-yr growth 50% central banks and governments have been total uhnwi wealth $1.2tn Zambia 7% getting to grips with the serious repair Mongolia 7% work needed in the wake of the global namibia 6% fi nancial crisis. However, fears over economic weak- Kazakhstan 6% ness in the eurozone prompted the Euro- China 6% pean Central Bank to start a programme of quantitative easing earlier this year, a uruguay 6% signal of the headwinds still facing devel- iran 6% oped economies. Vietnam 5% Yet the longer-term forecast for wealth creation, anticipating how wealthy popu- uae 5% lations will have changed a decade from 172,850 $20.8tn 34% Panama 5% now, is still upbeat. Looking through the hong Kong 5% shorter-term uncertainties, WealthInsight predicts the number of ultra-wealthy nigeria 5% people will grow globally by 34% between Global uhnwi Global uhnwi Predicted global uganda 5% 2014 and 2024, up from a forecast of population 2014 wealth 2014 uhnwi population Myanmar 5% 28% growth between 2013 and 2023 (see growth 2014 to 2024 graphic for regional predictions). Ms Vlasova says: “We expect the all data provided by measures that are being put into place to