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The Watchman PDF

227 Pages·2002·40.512 MB·English
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\:lh 't During d-ris historical season dre prophetic ministry l-ras come into a new dimension of maturitv. When the earthwaswithout forrn and chaotic, God began to create. He put mar| in His creation to watch after and steward it. The watching aspect of rnankind is so necessary for God's Glory to be seen in the earth realm. Thz.\X/atcluranHelps give us eyes of understanding to not only see, but to presewe the pordon God has given us. I don't know that l've read anyd-ring more thorough over the watcllman ministry tlran this book' The srlarzar prophet working in conjunction with the intercessor, is one of *re keys to unlocking dre hawest of dre firnrre. Most importandy, this is a key book to give you insights over Satan's robbing strategies. lt's rime to warch. The Watchrnan lrelps opens your eyes to do so Chuck D. Pierce President, Clow of Zion lnternadonal, 1nc. Vice President, Global Harvest Minisnies I have anticipated reading dris bookbecause I already have telationship rT'ith Martha Lucia. I have watched God use her snategically, globally, and I have seen the results in the newspapers. So now we have a book produced that is not just biblically based, nor is it just revelation, but it contains the experience drat has proved the Word and dre revelation. Another reason that I have expectantly waited for this book is drat I believe this is a necessary window of tirning. With the prayer movement being released in the earth, we have needed definition, job description, and revelation to facilitate people's potential to release the Spirit of God. Dr. Sharon Stone Director, Chrisdan International Europe Martha Lucia and Dana Millar have done an excellent job in revealing what sffipture has to say regarding the vital ministry of the watchman. This book will equip and encourage those called to function in dris minisry role as well as enlighten spiritual leaders and intercessors regardinghow to workwith the watch of the Lord in their local churches and territories to bring kingdom impact. Thz $/atchman will libemte all in ChrisCs body to pny prayers that will hasten the day of our Lord's return. Jane Hamon Co-Pa.stor, Christian lnternadonal Family Clrurch The Watchman By Martha Lucia and Dana Millar - THEVATCHMAN Available through, Martha Lucia /o Christial lntemational Minisries Network P.O. Box 9000 Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459 U.SA. 850-211.2o00 O Copyright 2002 by Martha Lucia and Dana Millar, all rights reserved. Printed in rhr U.S.A. ISBN O-9J9868474 Cover illustration ofthe wheel within a wheel from the book ofEzekiel, used with pernrission, Copyright 2002 Bonnie Blystone. unless . Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version ofthe Bible otherwis€ noted. Note on capitalization: When "Word" is capitalized, it is referring to the Bible. When referring to a prophetic "word" it is not capitalized. The word "Church' is capitalized when referring to the universal Body of Christ. It is not capital ized when referring to a local church or a segment ofthe Body ofChrist. CONTENTS ACKNO\TLEDGMENTS 1 IN APPRECIAT1ON 3 FOREWORD by Dr. BiIl Hamon 5 PREFACE 9 CHAPTER RESTORATION OF THE 1 \TATCHMAN ANOINTINC 13 CHAPTER 2 THE WATCHMAN MINISTRY /9 CHAITER 3 EZEKIEL THE WATCHMAN- 55 CHAPTER 4 THE IMPORTANCE OFTHE INTERCESSOR 69 CHAPTER 5 THE COMMISSIONING AND CHARACTER OF THE WATCHMAN 87 CHAPTER 6 STANDINC BEFORE THE LORD 109 CHAPTER 7 KEEPING THEWATCH r27 CHAPTER B THE \TATCHMAN'S SPHERE OF INFLUENCE 151 - CHAPTER9 D1SCERNING THE TIMES r75 CHAPTER 10 THE BODY IN UNITY 703 RESOURCES ACKNOWLEDGMENTS So rnany people have been involved in the production of this book. Marry have spoken encouraging words along tl.re way and have pral'ed for us as we have spent clays pouring over the words which have been formed into this book. I deeply appreciate the support, encouragement, and prayers that each of you brought. I particularly want to express my appreciation and thanks to the following individuals wlio hare been intricately invoh.ecl in mv life and in the production of this book: To Bishop Hamon, thank you for allowing me to beconre who God called rne to be. To Pastor Jane, thank you for encouraging me to not give up, but to press on with this book. To Keiko, thank you for pusl.ring me at every opportunity to finish the book. To Dana, thank you for all the hours yott toilecl with me in understanding the vision and helping to put it in written form. To Wendy, thank you for the many hours of editing ancl trelp in arangir-rg the structure of the book. To Bonnie, thank you for creating the cover design. 2 The Watchman Thanks to all u,l-ro encouraged, prayed, and stood by us as we ptessed on in this endeavor. Most of all thank you Holy Spirit for the ivine u'isdom atd revelation cl bcing impaned to the Body of Chri-st. Manha Lucia INAPPRECIATTON ln October 1997 g'hen I was passing througlr Santa Rosa Beach, Florida on my way to a business meeting, I stopped to visit with Manha Lucia. During that visit Martha shared her vision for the 'Watchrnan Network. A; I listened I tl-rought "rve can do this" ancl I volunteerecl to help pull it togetlier. Our biggest obstacle was that we lir''ed twelve hours apart. Little did I know what was about to happenl God had a unique plan to pull ol'o people together from a clistance via the phone, e-mail, and long road trips to share His heart. Leave it to Cocl to put one,r'ho works in the technical arena for a public utility in the field of nuclear po$,er together u'ith one of His revelators! It has been a rich blessing to nte to share in the transfer ofthe revelatior.t God has brought {orth through Martha in each oftlre newslemers and in the writing of this book. Martlra has been a tremendous soutce of encouragement ancl a wonder{ui mentor to me. I so appreciate her because she eats the u'ord of God from Cenesis to Revelation in search of God's truth. It is only tlirough a revelation of Cod's truth that we can truly be set lree to be who we have been createcl to be. As I hal'e pourecl or'-er her notes to help form them into various newslefters and into this book, I have gained much freedom as the truth has grown within. M1' thanks to Martha for leting me help bring the revelation of the watchman together in this book. As you read this book I pray you gain an underst:rnding of the function and purpose of the u'atchrnan. But more imporrantly I pray you gain a deeper glimpse o{ our God ancl His creative redempdve ways. God's heart is so powerfully clernonstrated in His establishment 4 The Watchnan of the watchman, He longs for a holy people who will make Him dreir God, God's words spoken by the watchman can help bring forth that holy nation. "For thk reason, eq'er since I heard about lour faith in tht Ittrd lesru and yw love for all the saints, I htwe not stopped giving thrml<s for yu, rememberinglou in nt1 prayrs. I lteep asking that thn God of ow l-ord Jexs Christ, thc glonous Father, ma1 giue yu tht Spirit o/ wisdom and rettelztion, so that you may ltnow him better. I pral abo thn tlv ep of 1ow leart ma1 be enligltened in ordrr thtt you ma1 know tlrc lwpe a which fu fuu caLled yu, thz. riches of his gbnous inhrritance in thz saints, and his incomparabb great powel for us +uho belieue." (Eph 1:15-19a NIV) Dana Millar FOREWORD Martha Lucia and Dana Millar have done an outstanding job in presentin€! the ministry of the watchman. The ministry of the watchrnan is established by many Biblical proofs. Biblical characters and presentday experiences of those rvho have been fulfilling the ninisrry of the prophetic watchman portray how to be a participant. Erplanation is given concerning the fact that "watchrnan" is not a gender-specific term, implying tliat only men ftrlfill this ro1e. It rnight sound rnore neutral i{the n'ord "rvatchers" was used; hol'ever, t}re two places in Scripture that use this lafter term seem to be referencitlg ti.re heavenly angelic host who :rre tlre watchers o\€r the earth and over Cod's people. Both the angels and saints co-labor with God in accomplishing His rvork in the heavenlies and on eanh. Christians are people who have been born of the Spirit of God. They are spirit beings living in monal, flesh ancl bone, eanhly bodies. Our warfare, however, is not with natural weapons and u'isdom, but with spiritual. Natural soldiers o{ the nations of this world fight wars and use snategies that are man-rnade. The weapons and strategies of the Christian u'atchmen of the Lorcl are spirirual and be1'oncl the natural realm for they operate in the realm of the supernantral. For this reason, people who are not spirirually mincied have a hard time grasping the truths of spiritual warfare, prophets and watchmen. Apostle Paui declated that the naturally minded person does not receive the things of the Spirit of Cod for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know tl'rem, because they are spiritually discerned (1 Cor, 2:14). Again, Paul declated that we are warriors who are to have on our spiritual armor for though we are in a natural body, the $'eaporls ofour warfare are not natu ra1 thitlgs. The weapons ofourwarfare are

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