THE WAHL MAP OF ONE-NODAL CURVES ON K3 SURFACES 7 1 EDOARDO SERNESI 0 2 n a J Abstract. We consider a general primitively polarized K3 sur- 7 face (S,H) of genus g+1 and a 1-nodal curve C ∈|H|. We prove 1 that the normalization C of C has surjective Weahl map provided ] g =40,42 or ≥44. G e A . h To L. Ein on the occasion of his 60-th birthday t a m [ Introduction 1 v In this Note we consider 1-nodal curves lying on a K3 surface and 1 we study the gaussian map, or Wahl map, on their normalization. If 0 8 we consider a primitive linear system |H| on a K3 surface S, then it is 4 well known that every nonsingular C ∈ |H| has a non-surjective Wahl 0 . map 1 e 0 2 7 Φ : H0(C,ω ) −→ H0(C,ω3) K C C 1 ^ : v (see §1 for the definition) and that, if moreover C ∈ |H| is general i X then it is Brill-Noether-Petri general [W2, L]. It is of some interest e r to decide whether the same properties hold for the normalization C a of a 1-nodal C ∈ |H|, and more generally for the normalization of a singular C in |H|. The Brill-Noether theory of singular curves on a e K3 surface has received quite a lot of attention in recent times, see e e.g. [Go, FKP, BFT, CK, Ke]. On the other hand to our knowledge very little is known on their Wahl map. In [Ke] and [H2] the authors consider a modified version of the Wahl map, which does not seem to have a direct and simple relation with the ordinary Wahl map Φ ; K in particular their results point towards the non-surjectivity of such modified map. On the other hand in [FKPS] it is proved that the normalization C (of genus 10) of a general 1-nodal curve C ∈ |H| on a general polarized (S,H) of genus 11 has general moduli; then the e 1 2 EDOARDOSERNESI main result of [CHM] implies that Φ is surjective for such a curve. K This surjectivity result isextended inthe present paper inthefollowing form: Theorem 1. Let (S,H) be a general primitively polarized K3 surface of genus g + 1. Assume that g = 40,42 or ≥ 44. Let C ∈ |H| be a 1-nodal curve and C its normalization. Then the Wahl map e 2 Φ : H0(C,ω ) −→ H0(C,ω3) K C C ^ is surjective. This of course gives yet another proofof themainresult of [CHM] for the values of g as in the statement because 1-nodal curves are known to exist in |H| for a general primitively polarized (S,H) of any genus g +1 ≥ 2 [MM, Ch]. Now a few words about the method of proof. Letting P ∈ S be the unique singular point of C we consider the blow-up σ : X := Bl S −→ S at P and we let E ⊂ X be the exceptional curve. Then P e the normalization of C is the strict transform C = σ∗C − 2E ⊂ X. The Wahl map Φ on C can be decomposed a K e e Φ = H0(ρ)·Φ K KX+C where Φ is a gaussian map on X and H0(ρ) is induced in coho- KX+C mology by a restriction homomorphism: ρ : Ω1 (2K +2C) −→ ω3 X X C on X. We study these two maps and prove their surjectivity sepa- rately. This method of proof is analogous to the one adopted in the work of several authors before, notably [W1, DM, CLM1, CLM2]. The restriction on the genus depends on the proof: one would expect the result to hold for g = 10 (as it does indeed, as already remarked) and for g ≥ 12. In fact the surjectivity of H0(ρ) holds for g = 10 or g ≥ 12 (see Lemma 2). On the other hand the proof of the surjec- tivity of Φ , which consists in adapting an analogous proof given KX+C in [CLM2] for plane curves, leads to the restrictions on g: in fact this proof requires that we decompose a certain divisor on X as the sum of three very ample ones and this decomposition forces the genus to increase. RecentworkbyM.Kemeny[Ke]impliesthatthecurvesC considered here, i.e. normalizations of 1-nodal curves on a general primitive K3 surface, are generically Brill-Noether-Petri general and fill a locus in M , the coarse moduli space of curves of genus g, whose closure has g THE WAHL MAP OF ONE-NODAL CURVES ON K3 SURFACES 3 dimension19+g. Theorem1and[W2]implythatthisnaturallydefined locusisnotcontainedintheso-calledK3-locus(i.e. thelocusofsmooth curves that can be embedded in a K3 surface). One can ask whether a result analogous to Theorem 1 can be proved for the normalization of curves on K3 surfaces having a more compli- cated singular point. We did not consider this case. Note though that, to our knowledge, such curves are known to exist only in the case of A -singularities or ordinary triple points (see [GK, Ga]). k The paper is organized as follows. In §1 we introduce the gaussian maps and explain the strategy of proof of the surjectivity of the Wahl mapofacurve lying inaregularsurface. In§2weprovethesurjectivity of H0(ρ) and in §3 we prove the surjectivity of Φ . We work over KX+C C. Acknowledgements - We thank M. Halic and M. Kemeny for helpful e-mail correspondence, and A. L. Knutsen for very useful com- ments on a preliminary version of this work. The author is member of GNSAGA-INDAM. 1. Generalities on Gaussian maps In this section we recall a few definitions and basic facts concerning gaussian maps. Given line bundles L,M on a nonsingular projective variety Y we consider: R(L,M) = ker[H0(Y,L)⊗H0(Y,M) → H0(Y,L⊗M)] Then we have a canonical map: Φ : R(L,M) −→ H0(Y,Ω1 ⊗L⊗M) L,M X called the gaussian map, or Wahl map, of L,M, which is defined as follows. Let ∆ ⊂ Y ×Y be the diagonal and p ,p : Y ×Y → Y the 1 2 projections. Then R(L,M) = H0(Y ×Y,p∗L⊗p∗M ⊗I ) 1 2 ∆ Since I ⊗O = Ω1 , the restriction to ∆: ∆ ∆ Y p∗L⊗p∗M ⊗I −→ p∗L⊗p∗M ⊗I ⊗O 1 2 ∆ 1 2 ∆ ∆ induces Φ on global sections. The exact sequence: L,M 0 // p∗L⊗p∗M ⊗I2 // p∗L⊗p∗M ⊗I // p∗L⊗p∗M ⊗I ⊗O // 0 1 2 ∆ 1 2 ∆ 1 2 ∆ ∆ shows that the vanishing: H1(Y ×Y,p∗L⊗p∗M ⊗I2) = 0 1 2 ∆ is a sufficient condition for the surjectivity of Φ . L,M 4 EDOARDOSERNESI In case L = M we have R(L,L) = I (Y)⊕ 2H0(Y,L), where 2 I (Y) = ker[S2H0(Y,L) → H0V(Y,L2)] 2 andΦ iszero onI (Y). Therefore Φ isequivalent to itsrestriction L,L 2 L,L to 2H0(Y,L), which is denoted by V 2 Φ : H0(Y,L) −→ H0(Y,Ω1 ⊗L2) L X ^ In particular, for a non-hyperelliptic curve C we are interested in Φ K,K or rather in 2 Φ : H0(C,ω ) −→ H0(C,ω3) K C C ^ where O (K) = ω is the canonical invertible sheaf. C C Suppose that C ⊂ X where X is a nonsingular regular surface. Then H0(C,ω ) = H0(X,K + C) and Φ can be described as a C X K composition: (1) Φ = H0(ρ)·Φ K KX+C where 2 2 Φ : H0(C,ω ) = H0(X,O (K +C)) −→ H0(X,Ω1 (2K +2C)) KX+C C X X X X ^ ^ and ρ : Ω1 (2K +2C) → ω3 is the restriction map. Therefore if both X X C H0(ρ) and Φ are surjective, the surjectivity of Φ will follow. KX+C K This is how we will prove it in our situation. 2. The surjectivity of H0(ρ) As in the Introduction, we let (S,H) be a K3 surface with a polar- ization of genus g +1 ≥ 3 and let C ∈ |H| be a curve with one node, i.e. an ordinary double point, at P ∈ S and no other singularities. e Consider the blow-up σ : X := Bl S −→ S of S at P, let E ⊂ X be P the exceptional curve and C = σ∗C −2E ⊂ X the strict transform of C. Then we have a homomorphism of sheaves e e ρ : Ω1X(2KX +2C) −→ ωC3 induced by the natural restriction Ω1 → ω . We prove: X C Lemma 2. Suppose that (S,H) is a general primitively polarized K3 surface of genus g+1, with g = 10 or g ≥ 12. Then, with the notations introduced above, the map: H0(ρ) : H0(X,Ω1 (2K +2C)) −→ H0(C,ω3) X X C is surjective. THE WAHL MAP OF ONE-NODAL CURVES ON K3 SURFACES 5 Proof. We have an exact sequence on X: 0 // Ω1 (log C)(−C) // Ω1 // ω // 0 X X C where Ω1 (log C) is the sheaf of 1-forms with logarithmic poles along X C [EV]. Tensoring with O(2K +2C) we obtain: X 0 // Ω1 (log C)(2K +C) // Ω1 (2K +2C) ρ // ω3 // 0 X X X X C Since K = E we have O (2K + C) = σ∗H and therefore in order X X X to prove the Lemma it suffices to prove that (2) H1(X,Ω1 (log C)⊗σ∗H) = 0 X Consider the relative cotangent sequence of σ: 0 // σ∗Ω1 // Ω1 η // ω // 0 S X E and tensor it by σ∗H: 0 // σ∗[Ω1 ⊗H] // Ω1 ⊗σ∗H ηH // ω // 0 S X E We have: H2(X,σ∗[Ω1 ⊗H]) = H2(S,Ω1 ⊗H) = H0(S,T ⊗H−1)∨ = 0 S S S Fromtheassumption aboutthegenus andfromthegenerality of(S,H) it follows that we also have: H1(X,σ∗[Ω1 ⊗H]) = H1(S,Ω1 ⊗H) = 0 S S (see [B], 5.2). Therefore η induces an isomorphism: H H1(η ) : H1(X,Ω1 ⊗σ∗H) ∼= H1(E,ω ) ∼= C H X E Then from the exact sequence: 0 // Ω1 ⊗σ∗H // Ω1 (log C)⊗σ∗H // σ∗H ⊗O // 0 X X C ω (E) C we see that, since H1(C,ω (E)) = 0, in order to prove (2) it suffices C to show that the coboundary map: (3) ∂ : H0(C,ω (E)) −→ H1(X,Ω1 ⊗σ∗H) H C X is non-zero. 6 EDOARDOSERNESI We can argue as follows. Consider the commutative diagram: 0 // Ω1 // Ω1 (log C) // O // 0 X X C (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) 0 // Ω1 ⊗σ∗H // Ω1 (log C)⊗σ∗H // ω (E) // 0 X X C where the vertical maps are induced by multiplication with a section 0 6= s ∈ H0(X,σ∗H). Then we have the following commutative dia- gram involving the coboundary maps of both sequences: H0(C,O ) ∂ // H1(X,Ω1 ) C X❘❘❘❘❘❘H❘❘1❘(η❘)❘❘❘(( s s H1(E,ω ) (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) ❧❧❧❧❧H❧❧1❧(❧η❧H❧)❧❧66 E H0(C,ω (E)) ∂H // H1(X,Ω1 ⊗σ∗H) C X and it suffices to prove that H1(η)·∂ : H0(C,O ) → H1(E,ω ) C E is non-zero. Observe that ∂ associates to 1 ∈ H0(C,O ) the Atiyah-Chern class C ofO (C)andH1(η)(∂(1))isitsrestrictiontoE. Wehavethatker(H1(η)) ∼= X H1(X,σ∗Ω1) is generated by the Atiyah-Chern classes of curves com- S ing from S, which are trivial when restricted to E. Since E·C = 2 we see that ∂(1) ∈/ ker(H1(η)) and this proves the Lemma. (cid:3) 3. The gaussian map on X We keep the notations of §2. We will prove the following: Proposition 3. Suppose that (S,H) is a general primitively polarized K3 surface of genus g +1, with g = 40,42 or ≥ 44; let C ∈ |H| be a 1-nodal curve and C is normalization. Let X = Bl (S) where P ∈ C P e is the node. Then the gaussian map e 2 Φ : H0(X,O (K +C)) −→ H0(X,Ω1 (2K +2C)) KX+C X X X X ^ is surjective. We will need the following result and its corollary: THE WAHL MAP OF ONE-NODAL CURVES ON K3 SURFACES 7 Proposition 4. a) For every d ≥ 10 there is a K3 surface S containing two very ample nonsingular curves A,B such that Pic(S) = Z[A] ⊕ Z[B], with intersection matrix: A2 A·B 8 d = (cid:18)B ·A B2 (cid:19) (cid:18)d 8(cid:19) and A and B non-trigonal. b) For every d ≥ 12 there is a K3 surface S containing two very ample nonsingular curves A,B such that Pic(S) = Z[A] ⊕ Z[B], with intersection matrix: A2 A·B 10 d = (cid:18)B ·A B2 (cid:19) (cid:18)d 8(cid:19) and A and B non-trigonal. In both cases (a) and (b) the surface S does not contain rational nonsingular curves R such that A·R = 1 or B ·R = 1. Proof. The Proposition is a special case of [Kn], Theorem 4.6. We obtainthePropositionbytaking (withthenotationsused there) (n,g− 1) = (4,4) and (n,g − 1) = (5,4) respectively. The restriction on d is forced by the requirement that the hypotheses of the theorem apply symmetrically w.r. to A an B so that both are very ample. The non- trigonality follows from the fact that S is embedded by both |A| and |B| so to be an intersection of quadrics. The last assertion is proved as done in loc. cit. for (−2) curves, by comparing discriminants. (cid:3) Corollary 5. If S is as in Prop. 4(a) then H = A + 2B defines a primitive very ample divisor class of genus g +1 = 21+ 2d for every d ≥ 10. If S is as in Prop. 4(b) then H = A+2B defines a primitive very ample divisor class of genus g +1 = 22+2d for every d ≥ 12. Proof. ClearlyH isveryampleanditisprimitivebecausethegenerator A of Pic(S) appears with coefficient 1. The genus in either case is (cid:3) readily computed using the intersection matrix. Proof. of Proposition 3. By semicontinuity it suffices to prove the Proposition for just one primitively polarized K3 surface for each value of g as in the statement. We take (S,H) as in Corollary 5, distinguish- ing cases (a) and (b) according to the parity of g. Letting C,C,P and X as in the statement, consider the product X ×X and the blow-up e π : Y = Bl (X × X) → X × X along the diagonal ∆. Let Λ ⊂ Y ∆ be the exceptional divisor. For any coherent sheaf F on X we define F = (p ·π)∗F, i = 1,2. It suffices to prove that i i H1(X ×X,p∗O (K +C)⊗p∗O (K +C)⊗I2) = 0 1 X X 2 X X ∆ 8 EDOARDOSERNESI which is equivalent to: H1(Y,(K +C) +(K +C) −2Λ) = 0 X 1 X 2 Note that we have: (K +C) +(K +C) −2Λ = K +C +C −3Λ X 1 X 2 Y 1 2 and therefore we want to prove that: (4) H1(Y,L) = 0 where we set L = O (K +C +C −3Λ). The proof is an adaptation Y Y 1 2 of the proofs of Lemmas (3.1) and (3.10) of [CLM2]. One uses the following: Lemma 6. Assume that D is a very ample divisor on X. Then D + 1 D −Λ is big and nef on Y. 2 (cid:3) Proof. See [BEL], Claim 3.3. Let M := σ∗H(−3E) on X. We have: M = σ∗A(−E)+2(σ∗B(−E)) Since A and B are non-trigonal S has no trisecant lines through P and does not contain a line through P whether it is embedded by |A| or by |B| (Proposition 4). Therefore every curvilinear subscheme of S of length 3 containing P imposes independent conditions to both |A| and |B|. Then it follows from [Co], Prop. 1.3.4, that both σ∗A(−E) and σ∗B(−E) are very ample on X. Therefore by the Lemma we have that both σ∗A(−E) +σ∗A(−E) −Λ and σ∗B(−E) +σ∗B(−E) −Λ are 1 2 1 2 big and nef. It follows that the divisor M +M −3Λ is big and nef, 1 2 being the sum of three big and nef divisors. Since C ∼ M + E we have C + C ∼ M + M + E + E and 1 2 1 2 1 2 therefore we have an exact sequence on Y: 0 → O (K +M +M −3Λ) → L → O (L) → 0 Y Y 1 2 E1+E2 By Kawamata-Vieweg we have H1(Y,K +M +M −3Λ) = 0: there- Y 1 2 fore in order to prove (4) it suffices to show that (5) H1(E +E ,O (L)) = 0 1 2 E1+E2 Letting W := E ∩E we have an exact sequence: 1 2 0 → O (L−W) → O (L) → O (L) → 0 E1 E1+E2 E2 and, by symmetry, it suffices to prove that: (6) H1(E ,O (L−W)) = 0 1 E1 and H1(E ,O (L)) = 0 1 E1 THE WAHL MAP OF ONE-NODAL CURVES ON K3 SURFACES 9 We can then consider the exact sequence on E : 1 0 → O (L−W)) → O (L) → O (L) → 0 E1 E1 W and finally we are reduced to prove (6) and (7) H1(W,O (L)) = 0 W ∼ Let U = E × E be the proper transform of E × E in Y. Then in E we have W = U + Λ . As in [CLM2], proof of Lemma (3.1), 1 |E1 one shows that Λ|E1 ∼= PE, where E = OP1(1)⊕OP1(−2), and L|PE = OPE(2C0 +2f) where C0 ∈ |OPE(1)| and f is a fibre of PE → P1. 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