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INTeRNATIONAL SOCieTY Of' OCCULT SCieNces Collegea nd ResearchS ociet9 Sorcer9 Psionics Healing Oros Witchcraft THE INFORMATIOINN THIS BOOK ISF OR RESEARCHO NLY. USEA T OWN RISK. THE SOCIETY OFFERSA COMPLETE LINEO F BOOKS,C OURSESAND SERVICES. MEMBERSHIPS ARE ALSOA VAILABLE. WRITET O THE ADDRESSB ELOW AND ENCLOSE $3 00F ORO UR HUGE CATALOG. WE WELCOME ANY COMMENTS OR QUESTIONSO N OUR BOOKS AND PRODUCTS. ENCLOAS SEA SEF OR A REPLY. 9H N.CL CICLO RD. SUITC s6s,PALSMP RINGS,C{).92262 (619)3 27- CoursSey llabus Tob egina s tudoyfs o mtehing asd epe abnrdo aasHd o odeakaauV xo odoun Magicw,e musht avseo mgeu idaalnoncgte h ew ayT.h issy llwaiblbule sy o urg uidteo learasn minugc ha syo uc apno ssfimbdolu yta boutth ce ovekntoewdl eged of Voodoun ort hmeo rep opulbaurtb astardizetedrmi nologyo fVo odoun. Ofc ourtsheei d eao fs tudHyoiondega ubxym aimla yse erm idicIua lssoueur s, youh owevethra,al tl m agipcraalc treigcraedelss,osf t ardition, artew enty perocwe­nt kn howan de ighptye rcsewnetaI tno.!th ewro rdsy,o suho uldl earna l ittthleeo r&y practice al otto p erfeyocutrc raft. BARO:\' SAMEDI,B ARON CIMETIERE' BARO:\' LA CROIX ��rThe·sel o ac anb et houghotfa sa specotfsG hed amolythls ealrosooa osvsdentlpeorooe obu aicn es otnheotfs.e dhbee ves GeachrrtfeeshonBdl,.rteuea. f h t nale gmi yruik uaGlelTghuy theees.he ,duy ec ea a he lriimleamneya slt j feelterl ahayofn�r de k i:gy ;; sbolam c_ hese�u_c :ilrhtoiaastdnt,hid ic sthn�teglayb or wuucetshaa,,ecrt t du- h ffsesus -caamhmsta e tok ipehmt saeh tt,ehsf omye,rI m·a o ak l � e wteeranrfg ylamsstgeso .b eliervsei nV oodooT.h eb aronussu alYl RecommenRdeeadd iLnigs t Thearreef uro cosuret exobkowshi cahr nee csearstyo s cucesscfuolmlpylt ehcteoe ru es. Thecsaeen i tbheoe rbt aisneecdo hnadno drd iretchtrloyIu GOgSh . VoodoIunnH aibtyAi l freMde tr(auSoxch ke1n9;7 I2S)B N0:- 820-50894-1 Excelslcehnotlc alrasilscoy nt hfiee lodVf oodounW.e lrle scehareadn wde ll writtent hbioso ikso neo ft hees nsteitaelxf troths i cso rues. ThMe agiIcsn ldba yW iliml Saeaboro(kP araHgoouns1 e89;)9 I SB:1N -585-1702-5 Anotehxelcrle tec nlsasciocn cernVionoogdu nF.o arl ognt imiewt,a os uto f prnith owevero nHP oausrhaeag sd edceitdob riinbtga cfkorth em ases.sO riginally pubilsehdi n1 299i,bt e caanm ien stsancutc eWsesl.wril tt ent,h oughs owimtdeha ted ternmolioyg,i ."ene.g roeetscJ".u, s tl ooovtekhre racaists hte wyte oronefe nase arlier timSeea.b orowka sg enuiinhn ieas ff ectfirooV nosoo dupnr aiccteNso.tth eo ugh that soemV ooodositssc offS eaatob rk'owso rcko indseriittnr gia tnfedul olf ovre-inflated an imagination. SerceOtfsV oodobunyM ilo R(iAgracnuoodd; a tIeS)B: NN ONE Simpcloynd seirtehdbe esscth olarlny tVieonxt othdfi eoe ulOdn.l rya nkbeyd thaebo vtew toe xtdsi steanqtu als. sAitvloalnti hlmeaar bkleet uasnecddo pifloeast as about. Vooodu&n H oodoboyJ iHmas ki(nOsr igPiunb1a;9l8 7 )I SB:0N -9422-2178-8 Anotchlesars iintc h fiee landdo uto ft hfeuo rt exthtissi ,st hmeo sptr actical. Spells, pjoitnxieosrn,es m,e dies, feotlcarkl.eo,a r elc,ol n tahienreediAn m.us t have reefrence. LessoOnNE Why VoodouMna gic IsP otenSto rcery WhatY ouR eallWya ntO utO fL ife BrieHfi stoOrfyV oodoun VoodouOnr Hoodeaux? RoleO fT heP riesthood RoleO fT heB okor PractiEcxaelr cise Bibliography Self-Quiz Vevef or Agassu-Hayman Why oVo douMna giIcs P otenSto rcery Thefi rsqtu estiIgo entf romm ospte op,le especinaelwlcyo metrots h eO cculits", Wh y doy oup ractViocoed ounI?s nt'hta atd arakr t?A"ft erI g edt onceh uckliIhn agv,te o explatinot hemt hteru th abVoouotd ounM agic( Sorcearnyd) hiotwi sN OT inherently evil. Thet hintgh amto spte oplleo oakt i sw hatth erye membaebro uSto rcewrhiyc hi su sually misinformactuilolnfe rdo md imes tonroev eolrsthi rd ratheo rromro viesIh. a vyee tt o seean y accurOactceu olrite ntmeodv iefi,c tiobnoaolko ro therwtihsaedt e picatnsy aspeocftt heO ccuilnta p ositliivgehe ts,p eciVaololdyo unT.h er easfoontr hiiss twofold: 1.P eopldeo n'wta n.tt oh eart het ruth 2.P eopllei kbee insgc ared Sincmeo stpe oplwean tt ob elieavloelf thae bsuhrodr rsotro raibeosu Vto odoupnr iests & Sorcercearuss isnngak est oc ralwo uto fp eoplset'osm acahnsdo thesru cbha lderdash, theriesl ittanlye Voodouncians td oa boutth ed ecebiuttg rity ourt eetahn db eairt . · Furthermorep,e oplLeI KEb eign scareidft; h edyi dnt'hte mno vielsi kNei ghtmarOen ElmS treweotu lbdo mba tt heb oxo fficey ewte kn ow thesmeo viesm ustd ov erwye ll sincteh es equanlusm bears h igahs e ighcto nsecufitlimvsea boutth es ames upernatural characatsine rt hceas eo fJ asofnr othme FridTahye 1 3tfha me. Hoodeauixsp oteMnatg icT.o q uotDer .C hristophHeyra ttw hoc o-auththoer ebdo ok "UrbaVno odoun(N"e w FalcoPunb litcoians;1 99D5r).H yatts tates: The grevairtute o fVoodino cuno ntrtasot othpeart ihsds ir ¢�<;xtp eneanncthdee pursoufri ets u(lpt.sl.� 2) Itc an bes aithda to nec anp urusree suilntan sy otherpa th ors y.fi� ofO ccultibsumtt he facrte maintsh aotut o fa lolf t hosweh otr avetlh osoeth erp atlls,f ewa ctuallpylir sue resultMso.s tw annabeO ccultci�lst st ow antr esulbtustt hearye notm otivattoea dc t tog ett hosree sults. Anothbeirg f actionHr o odeaupxo'tse nticsty h ea ttitudoef theS orceroeverthr a to fth e traditiWoensatelErn s oteMriacg ickianTh.e "Wesotce,ria"s t hel atWei lliGarma yc alled ceremonmiaagilck iasn, ison lyf ocusoendt h'eg rewaortk' and man y belietvheau ts ing thearti rt oi ncretashee wiera tlh,s tatourfs o anry kindo fp hysigcaailin swr ong,e vianld unethicaNlo.ts of or Vtohoed ounist. TheV oodonuisftoc useosng aininrge sult, tuhrsouuaglnhle ye dw,he rase theC eremonial Magickianfo usceso nm agicask a s piituarl scineceT.h eV o odouSno rceirsem ror e interestde in obtaiinng caa lcmo mfortabelne vironmesnoht e c ano btsaomiein nn er peaecand tranquilHiea tyc.h ievtehisbsa lan ceb yw orkingh iSso rceornyt hpeh yisacl pleant ob rinhigm thef ollowgi finved esires: Succe*sP sro spe*rH ietayl thH appine*s Lso ve * Iitsim portanfto yro ut ou ndersttanhda t thec odmibriencatto ifto hne sfiev ei mportant principles.T hesaree t hed esirsetda ttehsaw te h umansw anitn o urlv ie.sT heyc an be likentoe tdh eM azlowe''sH ieraOrfcN heye dwsh'i carhe :( idne scendoirndgeo rf importance) Phsyoiolgicneaeld- sfood,w atsee,rair, x Safenty ee-sdescu riptryo,t ecfrtoimoh n arm Socineaeld- sl ovea,c ceptaanffceec,t ions Self-estneeeed-mss uccepsrse,s tfieeglei,n ogfss e lf-worth Self-actutoainln eiezd-asself-fulfillment Ifyseoetu h ec omparisyoonu,' nlolt ictehsat th Veo odouSno rceirseo rnl yw orking toward st hesgeo alesv eryti eh el gihtshi sc andleansd c alolnsth es piritAnso.h ter m reasoIng uestsh Saotrce re'srs uccemeodr eo ftent hnaonti, ts h tahthe ayvt ehii nnser desirfoer w haiittts hweayn Thtey.i mmersteh emsesli vnoe btaininthga td esbieryoend alell seT.hi si sN OT easys incyeo um ayn ot' truwlanywt'h a yto u" thiynko"uw anta nd thati sw heryeo u'lli ntcoo nfusinngoo tnly y oursbeulttf h sep iritst hemselves. run TlJ.� :reistru th thathtVe o odounS orcseereekcrso ntranodl th ati nit selifN sO T ab ad doesn't tfun.g.Th e difbfeetrweaeCn ehrcnie s atniadVa o nodo unisti tsh tahtCe hr istian �(;yv whathew ants.H ewi ll"a lyhi sr equeuspto nt hlea opf h igso d" wheretahse Voodosunitwil lc aupllo nhi ss pirwiotr landd askf owrh aitt i sh ew antosr d esirOense. ;,"�Ih� a¥.va*de e s ierb uotnly i fit b eYO URwillw"hi let hoet hearkss " Iha vethi sd esire (i1�illl,:S;eh elmpeo btaiitnD" o.y ous eteh ed ifferencOen?ei sa fraitdow antw hilteh e i(?W.:�fdoWe®st . ��1��0'* f.:.:.. .1.f�.· p o.Mstiu,ri�.ahg iacv; ea.us :,ke.S�ioadanrP!.cd be �irylsa i lesvpinooe tdie stnboest c�a uselyth 't"eh�4tbcy upfrglogri�ritein sinsng ot ots i trytoo uarnP .egasin . t ��ffpelctu ggymogur smetlaofc tc1urrevnetof a e.T h1sso metrmessc aretsh ows}J.eo 'Qwnlanytt op lyaa tb eigna S orcewrehre riesttim aulsat est hose whSoo racreer inetros motivatinof ort hedire sies. r Finaltlhyea veraSgoer ceriesNr O T afraindo ri sh et oot ietdod ogma toi gnore techniques tnhoatot fh iatsrr ea ditFioorinn .tsan ce, Thelemitfeostrh em ospta rta bhor thpea tohf H unaa ndth ereforew on't considerp athtry'sit negc hniqtuheifsso r themseTlhveeear sr.em an y whop ractTihceem laew hom ayt rys omethinegl sbuet withiints o wn dogma, Thelema demtahnatdth sre ei sn or oomt oe xperienocthee rp aths. Nots owi thSo rcery. Keeypo urc hinu pa ndl ets'eswe h awt eh avwei thtihne slee ssotnhsay to u cmana ked o withi nyo ur life! Pro-t'et.-f_s FR.&£�v)v f/vtoR .:SpiRITS What YWoaun t How manyt imehsa vyeo ub eetno a s torwei tahl imitaemdo unotf fu ndso nltyo fi nd yoursewlofn derinwgh ati tw asy ouw antetdob uy?T hec hoicoensl cyo nfusyeodua nd thaitsa s cary thougihstn i'tt? Thef acitss om any peoploeu tt herhea vNeO IDEAo fw hati ti st hetyru lyw antT.h e famous ThelemMiacg ickiAan,l eisCtreorw eloyn,c sea i"dI afm anf ollohwists r uwei ll, hew ilhla vteh em omentuomf t heu nivebreshe inhdi m"An.o thefra mouisn dividtuhael , latPer ofesJsooers pCha mpbelsla,i(p da raphras"eIdaf)m anf ollohwists r ubel ishse, wilalc hievhea ppiness". Ib rintgh iusp e arliynt hec ourssoey ouc an findt imteo e xaminteh ivse ryi mportant concepAt .w ismea nb yt hen ameo fS ocrataelsl egesdaliy'd t huen examineldi fiesn ot worthl ivinIgti. s'v eryi mportantth ayto ub egitnot eadro wnt hew allosfy ouro ldw ays ofthi nking ands tarrte buildyionugr sbeelffo erree ctnienwgw allsI.fy ouf aitlod ot his, youwi lls taiyn t heo ldh abiatnsd s ilwlayy sy out hahta vber ougyhotu t hufsa r. Youa rea G uilmde mbewrh oi sa c uta bovteh er estY.o uw antt og oh ighaenrd s tand apartf romt heg roudpo n'yto u?Are n'yto ui ntereisnta ecdh ievsinogm eo fy ourp ersonal goalbse foyroeu d iea ndm oveo n?I fy est,h erne aodn ;i fn ott,h eeni thgeorg eth elanpd leavteh icso ursael onoerp repafroetr h es piritwtootr eladc yho us omev erhyar dl essons. Thefi rstth intgod oi st ol ooakt w haitt i sy ouw anti nl if"eTh.e FivDee siredse"s cribed int hep revioaurst iacrleaeg oods tartpionign Btu.t t hata'ltslh earye ,s tartinpgo ints. You'rgeo nnan eetdo d os omes eriousso usle archUinnfgo. rtunatemloys,tO ccultists havneo c luweh att hiissan d therefwroirteen othinagb ouitt B.u tl uckitlhye,ra er es ome non-Occult reyfoeurc aennd ceelsv e anidn thoo pefulwiltyh s omeo ft hemy,o u'blela ble tos eew hati ti sy out rulwy ant. Asky ourseslofm et ougqhu estiloinks"e H ows uccesdsofuI lw ant tob e?I"f y ous ay' As successas fuald octotrh'e,bn e p reparteopd a yt hep riec!T heh ighine rsu ccsesy ouwi sh tob e,th e hardyeoru 'hlalv teo w orkt oa chieet vhatS.o rrbyu ti ttru'es. No amount of cajoltihens gp irwiotr ladb ou'tg iviynogus' o methnigf onro thinigss implfiec tioYno.u ·gento thingf onro e fforte xpendeIdyf.o u arel axor l azyt heenx peclti tttlon eor esults. Thisi sb ecauosfet hes implfeo rmula: AmouonfEt ff orPte rsonal Rewar=d + Desire Ih ighligthhtaeftdo rmubleac auistie s s os implthea tm ospte oploev erloiotk. I'NmO Ts ayintghH aoto deiasungx'o tit nohg e lypo oub tayionurg oablustt h feca ti s thnaotG eniigseo itnoag p peaarng di vyeop ur ecjieowueansld gs o ljdsut b eucesay ou moutohffs omaer cawnoer dsI.yf o tuhink thaitsw hatH oodeiaasul xal b otuhte,n "SorryC harlie!" Onesh ousldt aapr etr sjoonurnaalal tt hpiosi nYto.uw iwlaln ttow ridtoew rnan odm thoughitdse,c aosn,c eapsw teslas, lm editants,i roituarl/esspueflletlase rt,sc T,.hi si s goig tob ey ouvre roywn inne1r1 Woorffl odrm atoiro nth,eC abalAidsetpritecsf t eor n as ity,o u"rA tziluLtho"gi. nthtoij so urneavle ryatbhoiyunotgu rtsoeolS.fis to metanidm e notaelo lfy ours trenagctchso,m plirsehmgeanrtodsfhl oewbs isog rs maaltlt,i tudes aboduiftfe rtehnitn gsd,i slliqikukeiesras,kb, si ,l eittcTi.hies si ,sy ou'Orcc ultM irrort'o yousro ulY.o us houalldhs aov aes ectwihoenyr oelu o egv erytahbionugt ytohuarts elf yoduo nl'itsku ehc as youwrea knessfese,ap rhosib,a, s hatreasn,wt hsa,utp syeotuse, t, c . soy ocuan s eheo wy orue alalryTe h.re e ulssti st ofin ds o ep atteirnsny oulri fNeo.t e m wheyroeu rre satlr engantdhws e aknessleisUe s.the i si nformattoli aotinen rf otrmh e spiroiftws h oy oaur aned w haitti sy ouw isth od oa nhdo wd oy opur opyoosguee t there.w iTulhllet yi mdaetceiHldOyeW y ooub tyaoiungr o ablusit td oensoh tu rtot mentpiaotnoh frs e sistthayanotcou enl ys eeO.fc ourMsaeg itcak tehspe a tohf" least resisbtuattnh ciaesst"o metmhoisnntge vseerue n taiftlet rhf ea ct. Fori nstanifcy eo,wu an tt om akaem illdioolnlfin ardso ,u tw hatt hmei llioinnya oiurre s fielodfis n tedrietdsom t a kteh eainrmdsa po uatl o ng termp latnom akteh waeta lat h :reality. Thseo uflo rwicteh iunsi asp owerafullil wfye a llitot wom anifesMto. sctu ltruerfeesr toia ts th e" alloyrt" h meo dme psycholocgailislthttse " super.T- heigalosl, iyps l ugged intthove o iasd w ella st h"ec ompbuanktseo rfe ternknaolw led.gY eo"ud'odw eltlo learnt ot awilkt hthis allanyd l isttowe hna itht a tsos ya. Planninigsa s impletas k bufto llotwinhgpe l ani NsO T simple. Ihta bse esnai thda t mosbtu sinepseso pwleh og oi ntbou siness withfianitlll. e:fjr stt eyne arso fo praeiton includithnogs weh oh avteak ethne t imet oc reaab tusei neplsan.s·Wh y? Becaumsoes t ofth eo newsh ob othetrome akdea p la"nd idfno'lltiot an"wd t hoet hhearndso p lan whatsoever. Inth ec ovnersaitonb etwteheeCn h eshirCeat an dA lice: CC:" Wheriesi yt o wua nttog o?" A:" Id onr'etal knloyw " CC:" Weltlh eann,ry o awdi glelyt ou t here"

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