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ISmce TF-iriday, September 25 2015 g wesifieldvoice.com , @^estfieidvoice Plan for first Physician Assistant program announced at SGA meeting Ryan Caulfield her intentions were, and SGACorrespondent they all were ecstatic, as wasthesecretaryofhealth Westfield State Univer- andhumanservices atthe sity has gone and will go State House, who asked, throughmanychangesover “whyhasn’tsomebodydone tthheenenxetwfouSrciyeenacres.BCeesnitdeer,s tPhAisparlorgeardaym?”isSh2e4smaoidntthhse renovationstoDeverStage, in length and the curricu- the Juniper Park Elemen- lum has already been de- tary School building, and signed.Shedescribeditas, the overall new design of “innovative, modular and pttohaerhtacmvaeemnpatusno,fehwtehaaelcrtaehdiessmcaiiecpnlcdaeen-s sotuhysas,tteiamsn-edbvaevsreeyrdy,PAdicffalfsiatcs,uslti,nfubtruhite- cometotheUniversity. country. It’s like taking a dePhveyepsnaWirhhctiaimsatetnonrtwiAiclaslls—sipsmeitcsaainktathela—tPtatrhnohid-es esditedr’e.si”CnnkAoUtfLrfoFomIrEatLhDefirolenighphyatdghreeaafnrottu;-r gram will be the first pub- lic program offered in the ShannonCullinaneasksDr.JenniferHixon,Dr.MarshaMarotta,andDr.HollyNoun In this week*s issue New England area. The aboutpriceofP.A.programatWestfieldStateascomparedtoprivateinstitutions. Campuspages 1-4 program itself.TheMaster SGA ofScienceinPhysicianAs- department. programinNew England,” The proposed depart- sistantStudies,includesan She also advocated shesaid. ment will be submitted to StudyAbroad undergrad HealthSciences two reasons why the new Due to it being a De- campus governance and Op-Ed pages 5-7 major,apost-baccalaureate department should ex- partment ofGraduate and each ofthe four programs ‘The Conservative aHenadlatnhESMcTienpcreogrparmo.gram, ihseta,ltthhecafrierstfibeelidnhgatshamtatnhye Cgornatmi,nuitinwgouEldudcabteioansperlof-- wpirlolpribaetefocrowmamridtetdeetso afpo-r View’ Dr. Marsha Marotta, job opportunities and the supporting program and action. Hixon spoke to the ‘Fromthe Editor’s vice president ofacademic department would prepare wiU return revenue to the SGA after Marotta and Desk’ affairs, discussed the pro- students to acquire those university. She said the saidthatbeingaphysician A&E pages 8-9 pSotsueddentprGoogvrearmnsmewnitthAsstoh-e jsoabisd.,iTshtehescecuornrde,ntMsatraotettoaf opnr,ogthruasmaisskeixnpgentshievsettuodpeuntt cashsainsgteadnthfeorrl3if0e.y“eSatrasrthiansg ‘Knowingto Cook’ ciation Tuesday. Dr. Holly healthcare and the short- topayahighertuitionthan an affordable public physi- j Noun of the movement ages of healthcare provid- other graduate programs. cian assistant program in Sports pages 10-14 science department and ersinWesternMass.“This Thebonus,shesaid,isthat New England has been an Men’sSoccer Jennifer Hixon, associate department would notjust a graduate is guaranteed ambition of mine forever,” Football deanandthephysicianas- prepare students for jobs, employmentata 100%em- Hixonsaid. sistant program director butitwouldalsofulfillour ployment rate with start- When she recently left Women’sVolleyball I and founder, accompanied mission as a public insti- ing pay at $90,000 and her position at a private Column Marotta, whosaidthefour tution and start the first $100,000ayearasaphysi- university, Hixon said she I programs warrant a new public Physician Assistant cianassistant. told her colleagues what The objective student press ofWestfield State University Volume VII, Issue I free of charge, available everywhere on campus 2 I TheWestfieldVoice I westfieldvoice.com &Friday, September25, 2015 campus news life Friday, September 25 2015 , SGA holds final meeting before News senate convenes next week full from other Ryan Caulfield SGACorrespondent schools The Student Govern- ment Association’s third TheDailyCollegian, UOFMass,.Amherst omfefewtiitnhgsofurtphreisyienagrnsetwarsteodf The National Science anacademicdepeirtmentof FmiolulnidoanttiooUnMgarsanstetodr$e1- hWeesatlftihelscdiSetnactees’,sthhiestfoirryst.in searchenergyefficienct One of the four pro- waintdhEtlehcetrHioclCyoomkpeanGya.s grams in the department, the Physician Assistant TheHarvardCrimson, Studies, is the first public H-WARDUniv-^tiy program in New England. A year after more To learn more about the than 100Harvard aUi- new department see page hates recieved racially #1. themes emails, the After the announce- Harvard College’s Of- ment of the new depart- Fromlefttoright:MarshaMarotta,BrendanMcKee,Jacobhotter,Justin ftircoedoufceSdtuadennetwLsiyfsetienm- mdeenntt,ofEtvheelySnGADinbae,gapnrehseir- Connolly,MatthewCarlin, Jon Cubetus,HaleyBatchelder,Brandon Trafford forreportingoccuranc- report. pohce department visited chino,representativeofthe dents andfamily members esofbias. She appointed Sandra the board’s meeting and classof2017,gavethefirst participated at family day Mercer as a representa- discussedthesuccessoflast Food Committee report of last Saturday. Brown bag TheDailyCampus, tive-at-large for the 2015- year’s downtown neighbor- the semester. He said So- bingo, she said, will be UNI^^OFCONNECTKXT 2016academicyear,which hoodsocial. dexo would be taking part held on Friday, Sept. 25 Morethan250students passed unanimously. She Last semester, admin- in the real food challenge at 10 p.m. in the Scanlon led the first pohtical ended her brief report by istration,students,andthe initiativethisyear. BanquetHall. Shefinished rallyoftheyearinsup- announcing that the Ely citizensofdowntownWest- The challenge, Man- with announcing that Six portofBemieSanders. Librarywillholdawebsite fieldmetoutsidetownhall chino said, leverages the Flagsticketswillbeonsale Therallytookplaceon usabihtystudy. to discuss concerns from powerofyouthanduniver- for$15onSept. 29onMy- the lawn behind the Theeventcallsforstu- citizensandstudentsahke. sities to create a healthy, Westfield. StudentUnionMall. dentsbecausetheactivities ‘Thisisarelationshipthat fair,andgreenfoodsystem. Brendan McKee, ex- canhelpimproveandorga- isgrowingandgrowing.We Thecampaignistoshift ecutivesecretary, saidthat TheDailyOrange, nize the hbrary’s homep- really hope to maintain it $1 billion of universities only 115 first years have Smj,CUSE_UNI\:ERSITY age, Dina said. The study withthecitizens,”Connolly exiting food budgets away votedinthefirstyearelec- TheSyracuseUniversity win take place Sept. 28 said. from industrial farms and tionssofaronSept.22. Marching Band was of- from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. and Mathew Carhn, vice junk food to local/commu- By next Tuesday, the ffiocriamllayttihneviLtoedndotonNpeerw- wfirlelshpmreonvtisd.e pizza and re- pproerstieddentthaotfs1t,u6d0e0ntstluifdee,nrtes- nsiotuyn-db,aseadn,d huemcaolnoegicfaololdy S20G1A9cwlaisnswkinnonewrswahroe. the Yydsmeeiieaaleerrlnn.i’cosbeTnyhoDpfeaaemyowppooalPrrreaelarddtaewhhdioawedwinelenlv3ea0ebxu0re-t JdtrueusnsttAtifentef,eirnCgioatsnhvhneeeodltmlhayehd,eNraemisrgtephuprbdoeoersrnti-t,- hcsaoreauexvrueusapelptseaorpkcrfelaenrav,sesmntmtoheisenotn.oHfAownVhliEicnNhe tsanhaonteuniroocSunenGasclAebPdyraotn2hoc0ama2tk0ee.SrepuDHtpa.etye2da5alnsiidons Ssatotcui5dTa:eth3nie0tonnpe.Gwxmiot.lvlmeeirbnenetmtiehSneengpttoP.feAtt2seh9-er tshuerebwahnedthdeirreocrt,onrotisthuen-y hpoorotd. Advisory Board re- ryfTorheallcosutrusdeenistsmaannddattoh-e cheeHrsa.ley Batchelder, vice Dm.enMtazRzoaomStuindetnhteGgoavredrne-n willattend. He said one ofthe ser- firsthalfmustbecompleted president ofprogramming, levelofElybyDunkin’Do- geants from the Westfield by Oct. 30.Andrew Man- announced that 1,342 stu- nuts. — Friday, September25, 2015 westfieldvoice.com TheWestfieldVoice 3 | I Go Global Experience Westfield State’s study abroad and travel programs give students unique opportunities for excursion and education HaleyBatchelder hiking through the rain- VoiceColumnist forest. “I had never taken a course in tropical biol- Are you interested in ogybefore this piece,” said studying abroad but un- Brooks, “and through this abletoleavethecountryfor trip I was able to experi- a whole semester? Do you enceithands-on.” wanttohavetheexperience Brooks is just one of of traveling abroad while manystudentswhogained stillbeingabletospendthe valuable experience and semesterwithyourfriends? memoriesfromtheJTerm Well, through Westfield’s courseofferedbyWestfield Go Global Experience, you State University. Brooks havethatopportunity! also added, “being able to The Go Global Experi- experience the biodiversity ence is a program offered ofthe rainforest, the cloud by the International Of- forest, and the dry forest fice that allows students wastrulyincredible.” tostudyinavarietyofdif- If you aren’t a science ferentlocationsaroundthe major or interested in bio- world.TheseJTermcours- diversity, don’t give up esgiveattendeestheoppor- on the Go Global Experi- tunity to spend two weeks ence! EachJTermoffers a imm—ersedinanothercoun- vastly different experience try learning about a new basedon astudent’s major culture, picking up a new andinterests. Afew ofthe language, and completing most popular trips include field related coursework a Service Learning Project allwhileworkingalongside in Nicaragua, a Civic En- fellowstudents. gagement and Language Michele Brooks, a se- ImmersioncourseinPuerto nior at Westfield State Rico, and aMovement Sci- University and an Envi- enceExpeditioninNepal. ronmental Science andRe- Ifyou are interested in gionalPlanningdoublema- learning more about the jor, partook in last year’s CostaRicatrip,oranyoth- J Term Course to Costa er ofour J Term Courses, Rica. WhilstinCostaRica, make sureyou stop bythe Brookshadtheopportunity StudyAbroad FaironSep- tohikethroughthetropical tember30thfrom5p.m.to rainforests, go bird watch- 7p.m. intheScanlon Ban- ing, and go snorkeling, quetHalltolearnaboutthe among a number of other endless opportunities of- activities and cultural ex- fered by the International periences. ProgramsOffice. Through these experi- Foranyadditionalques- ences, Brooks was able to tions, please stop by the have a hands-on lesson as InternationalProgramsOf- towhythereisbiodiversity ficeintheParenzoLobbyor in the tropical rainforest, visit the webpage at www. learning just how complex westfield.ma.edu/academ- EachJTermcoursefortheGoGlobalExperienceat WestfieldStategivesstu- ofa subject biodiversity is ics/study-abroad for more dentsamazingopportunitesthatdonotcomearoundeveryday. Seeingthe andhowevidentitiswhen information. worldwhilealsogettingcoursecreditisadreamcometrueformanystudents. 4 TheWestfieldVoice westfieIdvoice.com Friday, September25,2015 1 | Westfield State students transformed by Costa Rica culture and life in short term study abroad course Fromnewsrelease Twelve Westfield State University students trav- eledtoCostaRicathissum- mer as part of the short- term study abroad course “ACostaRicanIntercultur- alandTropicalEcologyEx- perience” led by Professor Kathleen Itterly and Pro- fessorTrudyKnowles,both from the Westfield State DepartmentofEducation. Thecoursewasdesigned to allow future teachers to immersethemselvesinan- other culture both by par- ticipating in service learn- ing as they observe and assist with instruction at local schools andexploring the Costa Rican environ- ment by visiting different ecologicalsites. Itterlysaidthatunder- WestfieldStatestudentsposeatabeachinCostaRica.LtoR:Firstrow:KellyGriffin,StephanieCobb,HannahAdams,MichelleDeane,Mad- standing different cultures dieSpillers.Secondrow:EmilieManna,MeganBarr,JordanCiaramitaro,AlanaSullivan,MeghanArment,AbbyDeming,KolleenWhite. isanessentialtoolforedu- cators. verde area (Cloud Forest in her hfe, who takes care ’16ofReading, Mass, most grow. “We five in a multicul- School and Monteverde of her younger sister five enjoyed visiting the Chil- Spillers said she wiU tural world,” Itterly said. FriendsSchool)tofocuson days out ofthe week, and dren’s Eternal Rainforest, applywhat she learned as ‘Weallneedtocontinueto bilingual education, and gets herself to school was which she described as a future teacher with the broaden our awareness of then concluded with the soinspiring. Shereminded “life-changing.” notionthatnotaUlearning the many human perspec- Santa Elena Pubhc School meto dreambig, andwith “Itwas amazing to see occursinsideaclassroom. tivesacrosstheplanet.” inSantaElenawherethey hard work and dedication, andlearnaboutallthedif- “Duringmycareerasa Whilestudentshadtwo taughtalessontostudents anythingispossible.” ferent animals and how special education teacher guidesthatwerebilingual, ingradesK-5. Inadditiontoteaching, they aU work together to Iwantmystudents toem- they mostly were left to WestfieldStatestudent students visited a number keep the forests ahve and brace the world and what themselvestoworkthrough Maddie SpiUers ’17 from ofecologicalsitesincluding growing,” Manna said. “I surrounds them and at- thelanguagebarrier. Hopedale, Mass, said she the Atlantic lowlands, vol- lovedthatwe were able to tackfaceon, andseeitfor ‘Theymuddledthrough enjoyed the first teaching canic mountains, thecloud learnaboutsomethingand themselves rather than the language challenges location. forests ofMonteverde, and have a lecture thentake a on a piece ofpaper.” Spill- justasmanyofoursecond “The first school we thePacificlowlands. walk and seeexactlywhat erssaid. “Studentsneedto language learners in USA went to truly changed my Going along with the welearned.” get outside, explore, and schools must in our teach- perspectiveonthemeaning ecologyaspectofthecourse, Manna also said the usetheirhandsandsenses ers’ eventual classrooms,” of education, and cherish- students were able to bal- course helped her decide to learn about what sur- Itterly said. “Many stu- ing what you have,” SpiU- ance the carbon footprint what type of environment roundsthem.” dents embraced the term, erssaid. oftheirtravelbycontribut- tohaveinherfutureclass- Atthe endoftheirtwo ‘puravida,’whichbasically Spillers was especially ing to scientific research. rooms. week travel, one thought means, pure hfe, go with affected by an ambitious Students measured the “For my future class- cametoManna’smind. thefiow.” youngstudent. growth ofsecondary forest room, I learned the power “This course made me Students visited four ‘The girl I spent the trees scattered throughout of love and how simple realize that I have chosen Costa Rican elementary mosttimewithwas12years an area near the La Ca- acts of kindness and ac- the right profession and schools. The first was Es- old. She wanted to go to a landriafieldstation.Inex- ceptancecangosuchalong all the many reasons I am cuela San Jorge, a small university in the U.S. and change for their research, way,” Manna said. “Your blessed to have chosen it,” school with five students become a computer engi- treeswereplantedinthen- classroomneedstobebuilt Mannasaid. “CostaRicais ages 6-14. Students then neer,” SpiUers said. “Hear- names, three for each stu- offofthat and giving stu- a beautiful country and I visited two private bi-hn- ingthisfromagirlwhohad dent. dents thattype ofenviron- onlyhopetoreturnbackto gual schools inthe Monte- never owned a computer Student Emihe Manna mentwillonlyhelpthemto teachthereoneday.” Friday, September25, 2015 & westfieldvoice.com TheWestfieldVoice |5 | opinions editorials Friday, September 25 2015 Race Rugh, Editor , THE CONSERVATIVE VIEW China raising tensions in the Southeast Pacific Matthew Carlin againstthemfromSouth ManagingEditor Korea, Japan and Viet- namwithpublicdistrust TheChinesehavebeen from out south pacific playing a dangerous Asiancountries. game with the United I beheve that this States these past few may be an attempt for weeks. On Sept. 15th, a China to assert itselfas Chinese jet performed aworldpowerbesidesits an “unsafe maneuver” industrial wealth, which in front of a US recon- hasseensomehardships naissanceplanenearthe with recent declines in Shandongpeninsula. the Chinese stock mar- . Essentially, as the ket. Besides these inte’^ pentagon put it, the jet national disturbances, flew right in front of the Chinese government the recon plane, which hasbeenplaguedby“cor- was a cause for concern. ruption” of which Presi- This is one of many re- dentXihashandledwith cent “provocations” from anironfist. the Chinesethat are not After a few recent limitedto arecentevent purges ofupper commu- involving Chinese naval nist partymembers, and vessels coming danger- a few civil liberty pro- ouslyclosetoUSterrito- tests, even a major ex- rialwatersofthe Bering plosion,theChinesegov- Sea and the detainment matter of the Chinese offered “Second hand” they started pushing ernment has tightened of a US citizen on the attempting to “puff out vessels to the Vietnam- theirclaims. its grip over the general chargesofespionageand their chest” towards the ese navy since the Chi- The “million man” population and media endangeringthe“nation- US. Ever since the Chi- nese navy has been bul- army that China boasts outlets. alsecurityofthepeoples nese have applied sig- lyingVietnamesefishing is poorly equipped with In all reality all this republic”. nificant pressure and vessels with water can- soviet era weaponry may be a simple public- These events trail influence over the un- nons.Inmyhonestopin- along side with just as itystuntthatwilljustgo behind President Xi’s inhabited islands in the ion ifthesehostilities do old naval vessels and away given enough time recent visit to Seattle, “South China Sea” there notcease,theremaybea aircraft. Recently, the andthenwewillmoveon whichisdesignedtopro- has been an increase full scale “intervention” Chinesehaveannounced tootherissues. mote peace and in es- amountofmilitaryactiv- tooccurofaSouthAsian thelaunchofitsfirsttwo However, it would be sence downplay the se- ityintheregion. Coalition against the aircraft carriers and it wise to note the previ- verityoftherecentstring TheJapanesealready Chinese. wouldn’t be too long be- ously mentioned events of “aggressive behavior” areattemptingtomilita- Honestly, I wouldn’t fore we heard rumors of when looking towards that both the Chinese rizetheirnavyandmove blame them. China’s newer aircraft technol- the future, specifically andUSgovernmenthave away from their pacifist armed forces have been ogy (apparently to rival the militarization ofthe supposedlymade. constitution (that was attempting to modern- outF-22s). South Pacific nations For me I see this as writtenpostWWII). izeandmilitarizeforthe The Chinese cur- andthegrowingpolitical a pure black and white They have also have last decade ever since rently have grievances instabilityoftheregion. 61 TheWestfieldVoice | westfieldvoice.com Friday, September25, 2015 From TheFrontPage programs are designed to uate classes would bejust cian,shesaid. process,”shesaid. specifically address the ashighasthePAprogram. Shannon Cullinane, JonCubetus,vicepresi- health needs ofMassachu- Marotta said that the cost class of 2016 representa- dentofacademiclife,asked Hixonclosedbysayingshe setts. ‘The health sciences oftheundergraduateclass- tive, asked what the price whether or not this new is hopeful that the pro- program goes beyond that es would have the same differencewouldbeforthe departmentwouldbroaden grams will give solutions blanket of prerequisites. rate as a normalWestfield PAprogramcomparedtoa the University’s student for the healthcare issues We are working with and Statestudent. private University. Hixon enrollment by attracting in Western Massachusetts giving you a set of skills BrendanMcKee,execu- didnotgiveaprecisenum- more potential students. and other parts the state that you can communicate tivesecretary, askedifyou ber, but she said it would Marottaansweredthatthe for the first time in an af- ataninterprofessionallevel hadto be in a specific ma- hopefully be 30% cheaper undergraduate program is fordable fashion. Before withotherhealthcareprac- jortotakethePAprogram than taking the course at notdesignedtoexpandthe the SGA senators asked titionerstopreventcommu- as a graduate. Hixon said a private University. “Not universitybut to raise our questions. Dr. Noun made nicationerrors,”Nounsaid. any graduate of any ma- oncehaveIseenastudent University’sstatusandav- abriefstatementaboutthe She added that the jor could do the program dropoutoftheprogramdue eragegradepointaverage. department and programs. number one error in the and that most of the PA tofinicalissues,”shesaid. There is no definitive Shesaiditisnotjustabout country's healthcare sys- program students she has Noun added that the start date set for the pro- the specialpresence ofthe tem is the lack ofcommu- taught came from other undergraduate program grams. More developments newprogramsforWestfield nication.Shesaidthatalot majorssuchascommunica- aspectofthedepartmentis on the progress and the Statebuttheprograms’in- ofstateschoolshavehealth tionsandEnglish. tobemultidisciplinaryand formationofthehealthsci- dividual uniqueness that science classes. “I promise Jon Kelland, represen- togatherstudentsfromall ences department will be separates the University you,”shesaid,“notonesin- tative-at-large,askedifoth- majors to create an acces- announcedas theyearun- fromitssisteruniversities. gle schoolcandowhatour eradditionalfacultywould siblelearningenvironment. folds. Eleven academic de- programcantoprepareyou behiredforthehealth sci- Andrew Morin, presi- The process requires partments began meeting forthehealthcareworld.” ences department. Hixon dent of the class of 2017, theprogramstoreceiveap- threeyearsagotocreatea Some notable ques- said that a program direc- asked what a typical class proval from the respective program of study to meet tions and responses from tor,threefacultymembers, size would be for these campus governance com- the needs ofstudents that the SGA followed after and one medical director courses.Nounsaiditcould mittees,theBoardofTrust- wish to pursue a path in the three speakers. Haley wouldbehired. Twooutof rangefrom24-30students, ees, and then the Massa- healthcare in addition to Batchelder, vice president the three faculty members depending on the type of chusetts Board of Higher nursing. of programming, asked if willbephysicianassistants class. “Teaching health Education in order to be Noun stressed that the thepricefortheundergrad- and one could be a physi- careshouldbe anintimate implemented. Are you a liberal? Are you a conservative? Do you have opinions? Write about them! The Westfield Voice is looking for a columnist to write about politics. Ifyou*re interested, contact Andrew Burke, Editor-in-Chief by emailing [email protected]. Friday, September25, 2015 westfieldvoice.com TheWestfieldVoice 7 | | fix>mthe editor^ desks TSoxce Creating a standard of The objective studentpress of Westfield State University excellenfceoufnrdoamtiaonnexisting AndrewBurke.Editor-in-Chief agGadAnseninznefaootrurianolcnoiesnnm-feaconraretmmspfuarseteiaQonnrod-f TccaohIrnefdysmWougeublsymtw.fiiitsehlydotuoVrowiircniett,eeryefosoutr TishteheWepsrtefsiseltdhaVtoiscteu- oefsteaxbcleilslhenacestwahnedanridt GZiManacathtaMhurelylweVrCa,a,rLOlaniylnoi,unteMMaanandnaagDgeiisnnigggnEEddEiidttiootrror campadahnl.itatlmterio.t.gcweeisdt,phaaneptnoredMlidoanmttneuedprsduattbyahlsbiaecbnsaepst5faui:ocbo0re-n0e ittC3noh0aWe5wtmrhripeidtoutufeeisfrrdiniiscgtneogomCrreasino.iyntfnfeiaract,lnehseoeh-rovmoiuaEsorilimslyt dentsonthiscampus comestothispublica- (ChairoftheEditorialBoard) wiTllheprinWtes“tlfeitetlerdstVooitchee orTbhyeapvpioeiwnstmaenntd.opin- ttmhuoerrnepltiaoncifenotrohmradetedrtahtbeooyubcteall thaianovdneetdehisatttoarbJsloisbshehfeCodlr.aerhkim MSoanNniidqcrukaeSMaDerernscenleolryi,e,rAsHsse,iasdHtaeCnatodpCyCoopEpdyyiEtEdodirittoorr epadndrrpaBieopmtseveoseear.ssrsu”srateiinhfnatdttophreiitennh-actemul.iaturidhleolreytoaatudpe--rr pioarWaeordefpnmslestietrfcnht,iieeestxtltfhhpdaroercaseueteVsldiostiooiyetfcn,doertihosaitefdalnofnfWse,teTwasnfhstoofe--tr, otphafrrhooertmdOehbeueeuac-rftcywoiekeproaretnrniko..innshAteitfiaatnmtegnuordscna,oatrnwhdl-oseng tttdsoohheaenewttIvifsweaItconhtwuohuoliaultrmttdykawtganwheionientdtresbehstledtaayoufan-fiobdnnlge CaWrRiSoDalyleclidleMinnaiaeeRncmyueChyghSCahioaeGz,nseledtmkOrBobp,iaininnrAgsiirruo,t,ynsas,PAy&sh&,sSoEiptEnsoFodttregieatatrnrstoatturEpariCdhieaioynlstpsmoEEyedrEdniEdittditoitoErtordorirtor ^ttsbmmgknsoehooyiuerATSrteutbeauuhvysnmpmepbteeolim-rtmshtywttaihmiio.tohneeattfsrditeeiuiyhsisrldlecttildahoteorlrealihtnieitnetlagtslaeitrhelrkep5teteerte:dcsamte0rihtstora0atsaaooayanofnmirtfssongpsa,skne.uakrelysbmbooelei,d--.err-.f fapdcSfSASiiuasuttutteTTwsbaalrenulhhhottleimdddoceeieenneeliSisdgdnenathaUWWt.taerneebtitidssyhosetvtteneheffaemeUrbiivGeasn$eeuetsiio1lldUrttvdd6vgnWWyeye,eeiee,rrVV0trvss.soo0Fettniwiio0rrfftmcchfisiiyeeelidtieeincaalhtlniithdyseydess ttiaHzrunaeardmdcn,ptitsanhhhegnaisdttroabwebeTelGehoanaiezrdfeeDiltanartiaeylle-o-yut twtcohaeemliIpcnguwfoosoomi.rnuemglbsdo-atolchnikekroeNfsittocahskisto PRRryoyfaa.(nnvGaClcCaaaeununltlff)Bii.reeelAlwdddvs,,etrCetSiirrGsc,AiunlFgCaaotMcriaurolnnetasMypgaoAenndradveignsetorr tircttaafiiapphehnTccoapesadltnhtrenesMseoresgdpovecrtaeanpooisrndunaaedebfattndileetytiyiat.nthcocgtboeacarretuiefaniarnomdsrolarspminteeugaacedrhltaiatlenifsttaicteiacanaa.crtalfdl--o-lf TbapbTka1dyaehe9hnFv9epecdeeo6pear,usprTtmnaCihTebdprsiaehtieeeTemenvrgdhWfgpeaeerV.iunsnesoiueOtsniafewacliossels1efVo9loiWi4dcnifne7hcus,2Va1efnt0or9rdc0git6oeke3h9cimd,.,,een fromtwoyearsago. Sarnellifromhisstudy Prof.GeorgeLayng,FacultyAdvisor inIfantyhearreticilseaornleetrtreorr, inT2h0e08.Westfield Voice Althoughwehavea abroadtriptoIreland, tlihkeeetdoitobreialmasdtaeffawwoaurled. hfoarsmatbesiennce2i0n10.tabloid newprintingcompany althoughIknowhe Pleasesendtheerrorin anFdorinafdovremrattiisoinn,gplreaatsees for2015/2016,wehave wouldmuchratherbe call413-572-5431. waistthrofnagmiblaisaerffialcleesdthat iendiEtuinrgopfoertThhaenVcooipcye-. 7^J7J \C/o^»l|jor MOCM4wS.yO willhelptomakeita Ialsowanttowish Southwick, r\A^ 0 1077 sRmeobJomotashnhntu,raanJCsalicatlriyko,nn.JPoarnk- lIEsumacibkleylilnHetahMneaisrrhkfeaurwtuagrnoedod HOUTSE IJJN/t»fjorJ1J1oVi*§!.»->to?cVr4>^orxui*s.»^iL-cc:oomI'm eharra,evaeonfafdlflJogorrsmahidunuagatFtheredainraknd vtpieunnsuteaurtweoosnmdaaeskrtefhuetlhyipcsloacnca-em- 413/998-3679 SOMROTlWIIVSO/UVFO^FSOTRUO1E0I«SyGITOF1.F0 Vbooewirncsep,ofaatonhudsraasftftaeefrfwTamrheeemo-ff jtooulrIintvaeilsiastnthdseladenuadrtnye.doiftors JJSVtvoippobarynHdeovutyseao<nr»iukifos..fiyfrWoeeuerhsaahyvraeiovnucegutrwIhishesoauubetse-ssyotwroiushteanhlveewecertd-igohufneoasrIvtneyiohoyurioirgushvacaqobupvoaielurn«itg-tcynJa.ejsueiedctseu.s.pMthoadts doingbiggerandbetter tobethorough,hon- iitairUn«veriu1y' thingsoncampus. est,anddiligent.Our Thefamiliarity staffthisyearhasall andestablishedroles ofthesequalitiesand withinourexisting thensome,creatingan editorialstaff,however, environmentthatis willallowustocreate destinedforsuccess. to(TMO farpoampethrethCaotmemvuenriycoan-e beaIfpyaorutowfoTulhdelViokieceto — of • tOnun tionsDepartmenton thisyear,pleaseemail t:hI i^ 1:\/v/o for thethirdfloorofElyto thevoice@westfield. K thecitizensofWestfield ma.eduorvisitEly305 ISflWff canbeproudof. duringofficehourson Iwillbethesole Monday,Tuesday,or Editor-In-Chiefstart- Wednesdaynight. ingthisweek,andI T37ColleoeMm hopetocontinueto 8 I TheWestfieldVoice | w&estfieldvoice.com Friday, Septemeber25, 2015 entertainment arts Friday, September 25 2015 Caroline Chizek, Editor , quickhits Explore ^Nature up Close* at Westfield State I ggofSeptember25.2015 I Top 10Singles I iW1.eTehkeenHdills-The { !I2.WhatDoYouMean !\ JustinBieber \^3.Can’tFeelMyFace j -TheWeekend 4.WatchMe-Silento 5.GoodForYou- SelenaGomezftA$AP Rocky j! 6.LockedAway-R. CityFtAdamLevine j 7.679-FettyWapFt RemyBoyz j 8.Cheerleader-OMI j 9.HotlineBhng- Drake 10.leanOn-Major 'Lazer&DJSnakeFt MO 1.BeTaoupty5BAelhbiundmsThe i’ westfield.ma.edu/galleries YS(TfATeEsytNifviEef^lTdY ; Madness-TheWeek- i end JohnColt,anartistfrom Wisconsin, willhaveafeatureartshowattheArnoMarisArtGalleryonEly ; 2B.riThnagtM’seTThheeSHpoirriitzo-n | SecondFloor.Althoughhepassedawayin1999, hisuniqueartworkhasbeencirculatedaroundtheworld. 3.Illinois-BrettEl- ! Fromnewsrelease theUniversityofWisconsin and was honored with the Colt’s wife Ruth Kjaer ;dredge j The Westfield State and eventually became a Top Award from Wiscon- wiU be at the opening re- j4.Repentless-Slayer UniversityArnoMarisArt facultymemberattheuni- sin Painters and Sculptors ceptiontoanswerquestions ;T5.Qp1_958_9M.-QTvaiyelosrSwift- i: Greaclelpetriyonwilflorhosttheanexahritbiistt versiPtrye.ferringtoworkwith b(1e9e7n3)p.ubHliisshpeadinitniTnhgsehNaevwe taiboonust, ahinsdalritfweotrimke,aicnhsipeivrea-- IMazeRunner:The ! “NatureupClose:theWork paintandcanvas, Coltwas Yorker, Artforum, and Art ments. I ; ofJohnColt”onThursday, largelyinspiredhy nature. inAmerica. Colt’s artwork wiU re- iS23..coTBrlhcaehcVkTirMsiiaatlsss j\ pS.emp.tFeeamtbuerred24afrrtiosmt 5:J3o0h-n7 ewHloiersmlaedrnttwwsiotrhokfaobfstttherenacptnoarqttuurarahya-sl calnuudCimonlbgte’tsrhaoerfMtiwinsoltrwikatuuhtkaienoengssAirantt- tMmiaalriiOnsctGaoatblelrtehrey17.igsalTlolhceeartyeAdrunonon- 4.ThePerfectGuy j Colt (1925-1999) was in- ties including luminos- Museum, the Wright Art the second floor ofthe Ely III‘'5231....UPESEovnppletyctroeoeursmrgteaiig(nse2tg01D5)VDs |! tMariinrngaagoenMrdayiutbdnchyiaeetsndhhodCientoso,AlUrtp.aWtarSIShtr..cueharnNAottafoCstvaloeynlra,otrfestwaCeiArorshrllvtot-yts irwestenhaycatyposCaoeg.ofnsnl.idttH’zhseeeddeathrwoictapnawstoaaerwtknahlruheidmnaebsrsaeetbcraietpnehiodne-f AMMtMCreoauutlass.stcsehe,Auiumnmmoang,favtteoeaifrdanvednCrdootetfotnhiWterierAisMmemncagpmhodoaenirirfsssanritoeorn,mdny, hpos2C-.iona5omumn.Srppusi.nusTmdhasf.arreeyeae..gnCTaedRFulneeoltSsgreeadurrmyatl.oyuai-rrrsFdeAgracdaiiylmUndofieas1osyre-r-,y5d- •4.Aloft earned his bachelor’s and Walker Biennial at the there until his death in mation,pleasecallthegal- . 5.TheConnection j master’sdegreeinartfrom Walker Art Center (1966), 1999. leryat413-572-4400. Friday,September25, 2015 westfieldvoice.com TheWestfieldVoice 9 | | KNOWING TO COOK Whither Canada, Cuisine from our Northern Neighbors R\an Cashman anduniquegoodies. tion in England’s colonies the Pacific Ocean, making farm-to-table...just Cana- VoiceColumnist It’snotthebarrenland tothesouth,attacksbyIro- it easier for Asian immi- dian. where pine trees outnum- quois natives, the birth of grants to trek across the So, as you can see, ber people (though that therailway,andthesecond seaandbringtheircultural Canada has more to offer Let’stalkaboutCanada. is in fact the case) but a Quebecreferendumforsov- heritagetoCanada. foodwise than just French Our friends to the north countryfilledwithcultural ereignty. While Montreal also friesoverloadedwithgravy are primarily known for and gastronomical diver- The city’s primary lan- has a booming Asian gas- and cheese. The northerly theirstereotypicallyfriend- sity that rivals the United guage is French, and the tronomical influence, Van- provincial commonwealth ly demeanor; their silent States. food represents the centu- couver is the city whose produces fantastic food judgement of the United The majority of Cana- ries of French influence. cuisinehasbeenmostinflu- products and chefs who States;theirquiet,unyield- da’s population resides in Foiegras (duckfiverpate), enced. In anepisodeofhis aredeviatingfromthetra- ingpatriotism;andforthat theprovinceswithacoast- sausages, smoked meats, acclaimedtelevisionseries. ditional European cooking wonderful combination of fine, namely British Co- and fishfrom the St. Law- No Reservations, Anthony styles while continuing to French fries, cheese curds, lumbia, Ontario, Quebec, renceRiverarejustafewof Bourdain ventured around create new andfascinating andgravy:poutine. and Nova Scotia. Strong the traditionally European Vancouver visiting fellow foodscenesacrossthecoun- Now here’s a question: Europeaninfluences,main- foodsyoucanfindwander- chefs who have brought try. why am I talking about lyFrenchandEnglish,per- ingaroundtheoldcity. theiruniquecookerytothe IknowintheStateswe Canada instead of Flor- vadethetraditionaldishes Recently, however, due city. don’t truly like to think of ence (the city I spent four of Canada. Poutine, the to the easing ofthe immi- Two of the chefs in othernationsasrivalingus months of my life eating gravy-drenched dish afore- grationprocess in Canada, particular, Hidekazu Tojo in areas in which Ameri- through)? Because Canada mentioned, originates in migrants from other Eu- (Japanese cuisine) and Vi- cans excel, but we have a iscool,that’swhy. Montreal, Quebec’s largest ropean countries such as kram Vij (Indian cuisine), fierce gastronomical com- That being said. I’ve city,whichisperchedonthe Italy, Greece, Spain, Chi- utilize specifically Cana- petitorinCanada. never been there. I would banks of Le Fleuve Saint- na, Japan, and India have dian ingredientswhencre- Imagine that: Canada, very much like to, but I Laurent (St. Lawrence madethejourneyfromtheir atingdishesreminiscentof a country we think of as haven’t - even though it’s River) and was founded in nativehomelandtomakea theirhomeland. essentially invisible and onlyeighthoursawayfrom 1642whenitwaspopulated newhomeinCanada. Tojo, for instance, uses unexciting, is rivaling our here, depending on which bytheFrench. TheCanadiancitywith fishcaughtfromVancouver greatAmericanfoodscene. routeyoutake. Over the course of the themostnon-Europeanin- Bay and the surrounding At least it is in this writ- Despite my lack ofau- next three centuries, Mon- fluence, at least as far as rivers to make his world- er’sopinion. ButIcouldbe thentic Canadian expe- treal established itself as food is concerned, is Van- class sushi, while Vikram wrong. I still haven’t been rience, I can confidently one of Canada’s economic couver, the capital ofBrit- creates curries and sauces there. say that Canada is a food and cultural hubs despite ish Columbia. The city from ingredients sourced Asalways:BuonaTavo- meccafilledwithwonderful the effects of the revolu- shares a coast fine with from local farms: basically laeMangiareBene! — gaiTs Signed, plan, yourparents firealarms in New cooking andevery Anonymous shouldunderstand. HallSTAHP! otheractivity. Pesky guidance Ifyou parents are Signed, firealarms arejust DearAnonymous, verystrictand set Anonymous thepriceyouhave CanItellyou intheirways, you topayinexchange DeaMryGafialm,ilyis aresceocgrneitz?eIdmaasyWebset- mPoawyewraPnotintto;mbualkleeta DeaLretAnmoenyremaosussu,re MfoarcthaenrdigChhteetosemake cmoentaibnouuitnggrtaodnuaagte fsiaegladcSitoautse,’squmaolisftied pnoeivnetrshaunrtd.piecharts yinogudIi’lviegbenetelnywtoork- fyoruormatphaerctommefnotr.tof school, butI don’t lifeexpert, butIdo Iftheyrejectyour become acertified So, nexttime wanttogoforava- nothaveany“real” plans, you always electrician.Your there’s a New Hall rietIyloovferemaysofnas.m- qduoalniofticnaeteiodnsa.gYroaduu- hatavteheaWpelsatcfeietlodstay cporimofroirttyi-sevmeyntifopmy yfiaregiarllaGrami,lcoonmethfeind ibluy,gbmuettohnetyhteesnudbt-o aates’usccdeesgsrfeueltcoarheaerv.e VthoiircdefolfofoirceofonEltyhe fneirgehtwictlhasmseystiintmeer- cshidaetwaablok.utWpeesctiacnide- jtehcetyegveetr.yWchhaatnce preAssenltonygouarsfyuotuure . wGiotohdylaucgki!rlGail. witUhnfmoyrtcuhnialtderleyn,. farnedeogomjbirbeerlreyggfianrgsm.s should I sayordo goalstoyourpar- college students Happycampus withoutbeingdis- entsandprovethat DearGail, canbeverycareless living! respectful? youhave a solid Pleasemakethe whenitcomesto 10 TheWestfieldVoice westfieldvoice.com Friday, September25, 2015 I | Friday, September 25 2015 Michael Barry, Editor , Owls lose 48-41 in Saturday shootout I MichaelBarry afantastic finish atAlum- SportsEditor ni. On a make or break fourth down, Washburn This past Saturday at threw a beautiful touch- AlumniField,theOwlssuf- downtoYinkaAreago,tying fered a heartbreaking loss the game at 41. Unfortu- to MASCAC rival Umass nately, Umass Dartmouth Dartmouth. Eachteamput madetheplayofthe game on an offensive chnic, end- blocking the extra point, inginaCorsairvictorybya preventing the Owls from scoreof48-41. takingthelead. In a quick three play, With aUofthe momen- 47-second drive, Westfield tum in their favor, Umass gotonthe board firstwith Dartmouth scored on the an impressive 85-yard veryfirstplayoftheirnext touchdown pass to senior drive. Quarterback Cory wide receiver Colin Smith. Burnham completed his Both teams failed to score outstanding sixth touch- fhoorwetvheerretshteofhitghhe-pqouwaerrteedr WeSsmtifitehld(2h0a)dtraiecshtaonmceakaetathleasftinsaelccoantdchHaaislDMaaVroyntFoutlileetrheofgUaMmaesbsutDatortnmooauvtaihl.coSmeensiotroWbirdeaekReucpeitvheerplCaoyl.in bdeoewnntphaespsltaoyewrhooftmhaeyghamaev.e Westfield offense was able limitbigplays,theyshould runbyJuniorrunningback man standout could be a FreshmanAbbiBamgbose. to double its leadjust sec- get a much-needed win in BryanWaruhiu. forceintheMASCACfora With just a minute ondsintothenextquarter. theirconferenceopener. The Umass Dartmouth verylongtime. left onthe clock, Westfield A seven-yard touchdown The second half began offense caught fire in the In the final quarter, didn’thaveenoughtimeto passtoseniorreceiverSam with a Umass Dartmouth third quarter. Reciever Umass Dartmouth scored score, resultinginaheart- Laurincappedoffa13-play three and out which gave Abbi Bamgbose caught his anothertouchdownputting breakingloss. drive that lasted almost theOwlsahugeopportuni- second touchdown pass of the score at 34-21. Hav- Although they couldn’t fiveandahalfminutes. tytoswingthemomentum the day bringthe Corsairs ing let up 14 unanswered comeupwiththewin,their ItseemedtheOwlswere in their favor. Unfortu- back within one. The sec- points, it seemed the Owls were tons of positives for inthedriversseatwithev- natelytheCorsairsdefense ond half had become an were completely out ofthe theOwls. erything chcking both of- had a huge three and out absolute shootout. Nei- game. Owl quarterback Erik fensivelyanddefensively. themselves which set up a ther offense could make a Luckily,theOwlsnever Washburn had a record Umass Dartmouth fi- huge quarter for their of- mistakeanditseemedjust quit for a second. Senior settingperformancethrow- nallywasabletogetonthe fense. onedefensivestopwouldbe quarter back Erik Wash- ingfor 448 yards andfour board with just 2:10 left With another quick enoughtosealthevictory. burncontinuedtotorchthe touchdowns. The offense inthe half. Startingtheir drive that consisted of Westfield punted on Corsairs defense driving looks stacked and set to drive off with two huge crushing big plays, Umass their next possession, 75 yards injust 1:21. The beaheadachefordefenses passing plays of over 20 Dartmouth scored on a six which set up anotherscor- score was now 34-28 with across the MASCAC. The yards, the Corsairs finally play,73-yarddrive. Fresh- ing drive for Umass Dart- 11:16toplaysettingupfor defenselookedgreatinthe scored due to a seven-yard man receiver Abbi Bamg- mouth. AbbiBamgboseput oneofthemostexcitingfin- firsthalfaswell. Theonly touchdown pass to junior bose caught the 30-yard on a clinic inhis firstever ishesinrecentmemory. thing that hurt them was wide-outKevinWadsworth. touchdown pass. After a MASCACgame. Thefresh- After each team had givingupbigplays. Ifthe Westfield was unable missed extra point, the mancaughthisthirdtouch- scored another touchdown defense can keep its com- to convert on their next Owls stiU held the lead down pass with 2:53 to go a piece, Westfield fined up posure and limitlongpass possession and both teams withascoreof14-13. inthethirdquarter. to attempt an onside kick. plays, this team looks fike went into the locker room The high-powered Bamgbose would finish Onlydownbysixpoints, a they could make a serious at the halfwith a score of Westfield offense wasted the game with an insane Westfield recovery would run. 14-7Owls. no time responding, scor- four touchdowns and 209 be huge. Kicker Michael Westfieldfootballhasa Althoughthetwoteams ing a touchdown on their yardsreceiving. Thosesta- Orellana kicked a perfect byeweekthisweekandwill were only separated by verynextpossession. More tistics become even more onside kick, which West- play again October Third one touchdown, Westfield huge passing plays for the impressivesincetheywere fieldrecoveredontheirown against Plymouth State. seemedtobethefarbetter Owlsdrovethemdownthe doneononlyseventotalre- 46yardfine. The game will be played team. If they could come fieldastheyfinallygotinto ceptions. Ifhecontinuesto Regardless of the out- here at Alumni Stadium out inthe second halfand theendzoneaftera10yard playatthislevel,thefresh- come,thestagewassetfor andkickoffisat1pm.

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