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The Virial Theorem in Graphene and other Dirac Materials J. Dustan Stokes,1,2 Hari P. Dahal,3,4 Alexander V. Balatsky,5 and Kevin S. Bedell1 1Department of Physics, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts 02467, USA 2Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York 11973, USA 3Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545, USA 4American Physical Society, 1 Research Road, Ridge, NY 11961, USA 5Theoretical Division and Center for Integrated Nanotechnology, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545, USA (Dated: February 1, 2012) 2 The virial theorem is applied to graphene and other Dirac Materials for systems close to the 1 Dirac points where thedispersion relation is linear. From this, we findthe exact form for the total 0 energygivenbyE =B/rs wherersa0 isthemeanradiusofthed-dimensionalspherecontainingone 2 particle, with a0 the Bohr radius, and B is a constant independent of rs. This result implies that, n given a linear dispersion and a Coulombic interaction, there is no Wigner crystalization and that a calculating B or measuring at any value of rs determines the energy and compressibility for all rs. J Inaddition tothetotalenergy wecalculate theexact forms ofthechemical potential, pressureand 1 inversecompressibility in arbitrary dimension. 3 PACSnumbers: 81.05.ue,71.27.+a,73.20.-r,73.22.Pr ] l e The linear dispersion of graphene near the Dirac ies have concluded that contributions to the compress- - r points [1] combined with the experimental realization of ibility from the Coulomb interactionyield a (logarithmi- t s graphene sheets [2] has provided the impetus for count- cally)doping dependent correctionofbetween10 and20 . t lesstheoreticalandexperimentalinvestigations[3]. Stud- percent in the experimental regime. We see significantly a m ies of graphene have been fueled by the material’s broad differentphenomenonviewingthesameproblemthrough spectrum of interesting features—from the pragmatic the lens of the virial theorem. - d possibletechnologicalimplementationstoitsrelationship Usingthevirialtheoremforthelinearlydispersivesys- n tomasslessfermionstravellingatthespeedoflight,asthe tem, we find that an exactformof the total energyvalid o linear dispersion is identical in form to the Dirac Hamil- for all doping densities can be expressed as c [ tonian for massless relativistic fermions. From the point of fundamental physics,one of the most importantques- E¯(rs)= B. (1) 1 tions is about the role of electron-electron interaction in rs v the system with linear dispersion. This question is more is a constant which does not depend on r , however, 4 s B 2 complicated than it sounds for the Dirac Materials, ma- the exact numerical value will depend on the material 4 terials that have linearly dispersive excitations [4], be- and the dimensionality of the system. Eq. (1) is the 6 cause at least close to the Dirac point, where the Fermi- main result of this work. The virial also gives concise . 1 surface reduces to a point, the density of state vanishes confirmation of the absence of Wigner crystalization at 0 giving rise to a suppressed Coulomb interaction screen- alldensitiesoriginallyarguedin[8]forlowdensities,and 2 ing. Forreduceddensity,theCoulombinteractionincon- aqualitativelydifferentdescriptionofthecompressibility 1 ventionalelectronsystems would leadto the localization than is currently reported in the literature. : v of the charge in space, also known as Wigner crystal- TheapproachweusetoobtainEq.(1)followstheargu- i X lization. Does this conventional physics hold in linearly mentofArgyres[9],appliedearliertoaquadraticdisper- dispersive system at the dilute limit? or does the differ- sion,withslightbutsubstantivemodificationstoaccount r a enceinthedispersionrelationintroducesunconventional for the linear dispersion. We consider the virial theorem physics? Thisquestionisveryrelevantbecausethelocal- forasystemwithasingleparticleenergythathasalinear izationofcarriersingraphenehasnotyetbeenobserved. dispersion relation E = v p, with v=v pˆ (where in p g ± · graphene the characteristic velocity v 106 m/s), and g ∼ CentraltothedeterminationoftheroleoftheCoulomb interacts with the other electrons and a uniform back- interaction is the measurement and calculation of the ground charge via a Coulombic potential V 1/r. It is ∝ electronic compressibility which depends upon the total inthissensethatthisresultisvalidforother(Coulombic) of the potential and kinetic energy. The compressibil- Dirac materials found in arbitrary dimension. The virial ity of monolayer graphene has been measured and the hasbeenstudiedextensivelyfortheconventionalelectron data seems to be well described by the kinetic energy’s gas [9, 10] but has not yet been studied in graphene or contributionalone[5]witheffectiveFermivelocitywhich other Dirac materials with a linear dispersion. incorporatesthe effect of the Coulomb interaction. Ran- We focus here on the two dimensional case and intro- domPhaseApproximation[6]andHartree-Fock[7]stud- duce the generalized volume Ω, which is the area A in 2 2D, but the proof applies in arbitrary dimension. Given The last equality follows from Eqs. (5) and (6). Because a Hamiltonian H = T + V, where the kinetic energy T is independent of r , r ∂V =r ∂H. We then take the s s∂rs s∂rs is given by T = ivi · pi, and the potential energy expectation value of Eq. (8), note that [G,H] = 0 and V = Ve +Veb +Vb. Ve is the potential energy between find [25] P electrons, ∂E¯ T¯+V¯ = r . (9) 1 e2 − s∂r V = , (2) s e 2 ri rj The remarkable feature of Eq. (9) which is not present i6=j | − | X in its 2DEG equivalent with parabolic dispersion is that V isthe potentialenergybetweenthe electronsandthe thelefthandsideissimplytheaveragetotalenergy,such eb background of positive charge, that ∂E¯ Veb =−e d2x r ρ x , (3) E¯ =−rs∂rs. (10) i ZA | i− | X Thus, the average total energy for many-body systems and V is the potential energy of the background of pos- with a linear dispersion interacting via a Coulombic po- b itive charge, tential satisfies a first order differential equation; the so- lution, Eq. (1), has many implications including those 1 ρ2 discussedbelow[26]. Eq.(10)is validforalld, butother V = d2x d2x′ . (4) b 2 x x′ thermodynamicpropertieswillhavesomeexplicitdepen- ZA ZA | − | dence on the dimension. The backgroundpositive chargedensity ρ r−2 andthe Followingthe workofCeperley,asin[11],itcaneasily ∝ s areaA r2. V isthenahomogeneousfunctionofdegree be shown that ∝ s e -1 in {ri}, Vb is a homogeneous function of degree -1 in PΩ= rs ∂E, (11) r , and V is a homogeneous function of degree -1 in s eb −d ∂r s r ,r . The Euler theorem for homogeneous functions i s { } whereP is the pressure,Ω is the generalizedvolumeand combined with the definition of V yields d is the dimension. For a linear dispersion, we have ∂V ∂V T +V E ri· ∂ri =−V −rs∂rs. (5) PΩ= d = d, (12) i X where again we have a simplification leading to a direct Eq.5isexactlythesameresultonegetswhencalculating relationshipinvolvingthetotalenergyEand,inthiscase, the virial for the 2DEG. thermodynamic quantities. This can be readilly used in The difference lies in the kinetic term, for the linear a calculation of the chemical potential for graphene as (quadratic) dispersion in graphene (2DEG) the kinetic well as other Dirac materials in arbitrary dimension via energy is a homogeneous function of degree 1 (2). Thus, the Gibbs free energy for graphene 1 G=E+PΩ= 1+ E =µN, (13) ∂T d p =T. (6) (cid:18) (cid:19) i· ∂pi so, i X 1 We consider the virial µ= 1+ B (14) d Nr (cid:18) (cid:19) s G= r p (7) From the expression for the total energy, Eq. (1), we i i · i can derive the electronic compressibility κ for T = 0, X constantN andd=1,2and3. Wewillfocusfirstonthe the quantum mechanical time derivative of which is compressibilityfor 2Dsince this case,with a spin degen- eracy of 2 and valley degeneracy of 2, models the Dirac 1 G˙ = i~[G,H] material graphene. To compare the theoretical predic- tion of κ with the measurements done on graphene [2], 1 = [r ,T] p + r [p ,V] it is convenient to work with the energy per unit area, i~ i · i i· i ! =E/A, we then find that Xi Xi E = p ∂T r ∂V 1 ∂2 i· ∂pi − i· ∂ri κ˜ = ∂nE2 i i X X ∂V a03 π = T +V +r . (8) = B (15) s∂r N 4 n s r 3 where we have introduced the expression κ˜ = n2κ and ispositiveandindependentofr butismuchsmallerthan s n = N/A. Our result, Eq. (15), which follows directly the experimental value [5]. To improve on the H-F ap- from the Virial Theorem, shows that κ˜−1 n−1/2, as proximation for HF, one needs to include higher order ∝ B seen in experiment [5], since is independent of n. In corrections to the ground state energy, for example, the their paper, Martin, et al. [5]Bhave shown that they can RPA correctionsused in reference [6]. Alternatively, one fit their data using the 2D free Fermi gas with a Dirac could do the H-F approximation for the self-energy [7], spectrum and a spin + valley degeneracy of 4. In this whichgivesrisetoarenormalizationoftheFermivelocity limittheironlyfittingparameteristhevelocity,v ,where v∗. While the approaches used in [6] and [7], are clearly g F v 106m/sisclosetothevalueobtainedfromtheband the right thing to do, the end result is, both approaches g ∼ structure [1]. giverisetoaln(1/r )contributiontothecompressibility s WhilethisinterpretationisconsistentwithEq.(15)we that is not seen experimentally. needtolookmorecloselyattheinterpretationofEq.(15) The approximations, H-F and RPA, used in refer- from the point of view of the 2D Fermi liquid theory to ences [6], [7] and [8] for calculating the energy and the get a better understanding of the role of interactions in compressibilityhaveworkedwellasstartingpointsinthe the Dirac materials. The derivation of κ˜ in a 2D Fermi traditional 2DEG and 3DEG. The reasons for this are: liquid with a Dirac spectrum is a straightforwardgener- 1) The H-F approximation is considered to be exact in alization of the 3D Landau Fermi liquid result [12, 13], the low-density limit (r 1) and 2) The RPA is con- s ≫ sidered to be exact for the high-density limit (r 1). s 1 = 1+F0S, (16) Thus, in the traditional Coulomb gas, we have re≪gimes κ˜ N(0) of density where we can add perturbative corrections to these leading order exact results. From reference [8] and where the density of states is given by N(0)= π2pvF∗ with more precisely from Eq. (1) it is clear that there is no F v∗ the renormalized Fermi velocity and FS is the spin perturbative regime for graphene, or more generally for F 0 symmetric quasiparticle interaction [12]. The Fermi mo- the case of a charged 2 dimensional Dirac gas (2DDG), mentum is related to the density by n = kF2/π, thus since T¯/|V¯| ∼ 1 for all rs. What we have learned from (1+FS)v∗ = (3B/2N)a must be independent of the the virial theorem is that it is not surprising that the 0 F 0 density to be consistent with Eq. (15). When compar- perturbation theory based efforts [6–8] to calculate the ing Eqs. (15) and (16) it is clear that only measuring κ˜ compressibility have not agreed with experiment. Most is not sufficient to determine the renormalizations of v∗ likely calculating the energy and/or the compressibility F and 1+FS independently. To determine the strength in a 2DDG would require a numerical calculation or a 0 ofthe interactionparameterFS weneedanindependent non-perturbative many-body approach, along the lines 0 measurement of the density of states. This can be ob- of Ref. [14]. tained from the low temperature electronic specific heat The effects of the interactions are even more striking at constant volume, when we consider the 1 dimensional Dirac gas (1DDG). This is not just a theoretical toy model since it is pos- π2 sible to make a 1DDG by rolling up a graphene sheet c = N(0)T. (17) v 3 along specific directions, forming a metallic, 1D, single walled carbon nanotube [15, 16]. There is a lot that is With a measurement of the specific heat we can an- knownaboutinteractingFermionsin1D,seeforexample swer the question: Do many body effects, coming from reviews in Refs. [17, 21]. One of the more important re- electron-electron interactions play an important role in sultsisthatin1Dthe interactionsbetweenthe fermions, graphene? no matter how weak, turn a Fermi gas into a Luttinger In lieu of the measurements, we can make some com- liquid, see for example Refs. [18–21]. Another important ments regardinginteractioneffectsingraphene. Inrefer- resultis thatinthe caseofthe 1DEGthereisno Wigner ence [8] Dahal et al. argued that Wigner crystallization crystal formation at any density [22]. This is expected could not occur in graphene based on the Hartree-Fock since a long range ordered state, like a Wigner crystal, results for the kinetic T¯/N and potential V¯/N energy cannot exist in 1D [27]. per particle, where The absence of the Wigner crystal can be seen more T¯ = 2√π~vgn1/2; V¯ = 4√πe2n1/2. (18) cislegairvleyninbyteErmq.s(o1f),the energydensity E =E/L,whereE 3 3ǫ e is the charge of the electron and ǫ is the dielectric = Ba n2, (19a) 0 E N of the medium calculated in the RPA [8] approximation 1 and is independent of rs. They found [8] that the ratio =2Ba0. (19b) T¯/V¯ 1 is independent of r . Thus, the coefficient κ˜ N s calc|ul|a∼tedintheH-Fapproximation, HF = 2~vg 4 e2B We have defined n = N/L, with L the length of the 1D B 3 a0 −3ǫa0 4 chain, so n = 1 and n = 4k /π. Eq. (19b) for κ˜ is tentials and presented systems in which this is the case. rsa0 F mostinterestingsinceitisindependentofthedensityfor One of the authors (KSB) would like to thank 1D. We expect this behavior to be seen in single walled KrzysztofKempaforvaluablediscussions. Thisworkwas carbon nanotubes. It turns out that there are models in supported, in part, by the Center for Integrated Nan- 1DthatsatisfyEq.(19b),andoneofthem,wewillsee,is otechnologies, a U.S. Department of Energy, Office of theTomonaga-Luttingermodel. Inthismodelthereisan Basic Energy Sciences user facility. This work was sup- exactsolutionforthelimitofextremelylong-rangeinter- ported, in part, by a grant from Brookhaven National actionswhenthenon-interactingsingleparticlespectrum Laboratory. islineraized. Thisproblemcanbesolvedbythestandard bosonizationtechniques,see,forexample Ref.[21], turn- ing the interacting fermions into non-interacting bosons The boson velocity, i.e., the speed of 1st sound, c , is 1 givenby,see[20],c2 =v2 +(2v /π)λ,wherev =k /m [1] P. R. Wallace, Phys.Rev. 71, 622 (1947). 1 F F F F [2] K. S. Novoselov, et al.,Science 306, 666 (2004). and m is the bare electron mass. 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We have presented the wide applicability of this power- [28] The 1D result for the Tomonaga-Luttinger model with fulnewsolutionin1,2and3dimensionsandithasbeen the Dirac spectrum suggests that our virial theorem, showntoagreewiththeexperimentforthecompressibil- whilederivedforthe1/r Coulomb potentialalsoencom- ity in 2D over a wide density range. We have suggested passes other examples of long-range forces. that the results required by the virial theorem for the linear spectrum with a 1/r potential apply to other po-

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