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436 Pages·2013·2.16 MB·English
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The Virginia Commission on Higher Education Board Appointments: The Impact of Legislative Reform on Public University Governance A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Arts at George Mason University By Carolyn D. Chappell Master of Education University of Virginia, 2002 Bachelor of Liberal Studies Mary Washington College, 1988 Associate of Arts Germanna Community College, 1986 Director: John O’Connor, Professor New Century College Summer Semester 2013 George Mason University Fairfax, VA Copyright: Chappell, 2013 All Rights Reserved ii Dedication This dissertation is dedicated first to my late mother, Sally Harrison Chappell, who believed that education was the most powerful tool for a happy and successful life. Finishing this degree fulfills my promise to her. It is also dedicated to my husband, Larry Czarda, who encouraged, nagged, inspired, cajoled, and mentored me throughout the whole process. His insights into, and thorough understanding of, higher education governance and leadership have been a valuable asset to me as I pursued this degree…and the dissertation would not be finished yet if it were not for him! iii Acknowledgements I would like to thank my committee, Dr. John O’Connor, Dr. Vicki Salmon, and Dr. Linda Schwartzstein for their patience, guidance, and support throughout the process. Dr. O’Connor was an excellent committee chair, and his holistic approach to the scholarly exercise of dissertation writing and defense was greatly appreciated. I am also grateful to Dr. Sondra Patrick for her invaluable assistance with understanding the research aspects inherent with this level of work. I am indebted to Eloise Czarda Stinger for her able editorial eye and kind advice. I would also like to acknowledge my family members for their support during the several years it has taken to complete the coursework and wrestle with the dissertation. iv Table of Contents Page List of Tables............................................................................................................... viii List of Figures ................................................................................................................ ix Abstract ........................................................................................................................... x Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 1 Statement of the Problem .......................................................................... 5 Research Questions .................................................................................. 6 Limitations and Delimitations ................................................................... 9 Definition of Terms ................................................................................ 10 Chapter 1: Overview and Context .................................................................................. 12 American Higher Education Governance Today ..................................... 12 Overview of states and systems ................................................. 13 Virginia..................................................................................... 15 Lay Governance ..................................................................................... 17 Comparison of non-profit and for-profit boards. ....................... 19 General attributes of non-profit boards ..................................... 22 Comparisons between public and private boards ...................... 23 Current Higher Education Trends That Effect Governance. .................... 25 Recent Governance Issues. ..................................................................... 27 American University .................................................................. 27 College of William and Mary ..................................................... 30 University of Illinois .................................................................. 32 University of Virginia ................................................................ 34 The Pennsylvania State University ............................................. 40 Higher Education Nominating Commissions .......................................... 42 Minnesota ................................................................................. 47 Massachusetts ........................................................................... 50 Hawaii ...................................................................................... 52 North Dakota ............................................................................ 56 Kentucky .................................................................................. 57 The Virginia Commission on Higher Education Appointments ............... 59 Comparison of Existing Councils and Commissions .............................. 71 Summary ................................................................................................ 74 Chapter 2: Literature Review ......................................................................................... 75 Brief History of American Higher Education .......................................... 75 Academic Governance ............................................................................ 82 Effective Governance and Best Practices ................................................ 93 v Non-profit and Higher Education Associations ..................................... 109 Online Periodicals ................................................................................ 117 Chapter 3: Methodology and Research Procedures ...................................................... 120 Research Methodology ......................................................................... 120 Research Sites ...................................................................................... 120 Design of the Study .............................................................................. 121 Data Collection Procedures................................................................... 122 Open-ended interviews ............................................................. 122 Document review of archival data ............................................ 123 Data Collection ..................................................................................... 126 Archival data............................................................................ 126 Open-ended interviews ............................................................. 126 Data Analysis ....................................................................................... 128 Interview data analysis ............................................................ 128 Archival document and board composition analysis ................ 128 Chapter 4: Findings ..................................................................................................... 130 Analysis of Board Member Template Data ........................................... 131 Gender .................................................................................... 131 Ethnicity ................................................................................. 132 Alumni status .......................................................................... 134 Occupation .............................................................................. 135 Highest degree attained ........................................................... 145 Political donations ................................................................... 150 Board absences ....................................................................... 152 Conclusions regarding board member template ....................... 154 Analysis of Board Meeting Template Data ........................................... 155 Action items. ........................................................................... 158 Board meeting length .............................................................. 165 Comparison of institutions regarding action items ................... 167 Conclusions regarding board meeting template ....................... 178 Interview Analysis ................................................................................ 179 Board rector or vice rector interviews ...................................... 179 President or chief of staff interviews ....................................... 194 Conclusions regarding board member and administration interviews ............................................................................... 202 Commission member interviews ............................................. 205 Conclusions regarding commission member interviews........... 215 Comparison of Responses Across All Groups Interviewed.................... 216 Comparison of Board Member and Administrator Interviews ............... 217 Expert Interview Analysis .................................................................... 220 Conclusion ........................................................................................... 225 Chapter 5: Discussion and Recommendations .............................................................. 229 Introduction ......................................................................................... 229 Virginia Context. ................................................................................. 230 vi Research Methodology. ........................................................................ 231 Conclusions Regarding the Commission’s Effect on Board Governance .......................................................................................... 232 General Conclusions Regarding the Commission. ................................. 238 The 2012 University of Virginia Governance Scandal .......................... 243 Recommendations on Research Methodology ....................................... 244 Suggestions for Further Research ......................................................... 247 Overall Conclusions ............................................................................. 250 Appendix A: Code of Virginia Statutes for Individual Institutions in Study ................ 251 Appendix B: Board Composition Template................................................................. 283 Appendix C: Correlation between Donations and Occupation ..................................... 285 Appendix D: Board Meeting Template ....................................................................... 290 Appendix E: Raw Data on Board Action Items for Each Institution ........................... 292 Appendix F: Interview Questions Used for Data Collection ....................................... 295 Appendix G: Interview Transcripts ............................................................................. 302 Appendix H: Interview Protocol Materials .................................................................. 407 References ................................................................................................................... 411 vii List of Tables Table Page Table 1: Methods of Selection for American Higher Education Boards in 2010 ............. 13 Table 2: Board Composition as Required by the Code of Virginia. ................................ 17 Table 3: Commission/Council Comparison… ................................................................ 72 Table 4: Research Questions ........................................................................................ 122 Table 5: Comparison of Gender Representation on Boards in Study ............................ 132 Table 6: Comparison of Ethnicity of Board Members in Study .................................... 134 Table 7: Comparison of Alumni Serving on Boards in Study ....................................... 135 Table 8: Board Members in Study Who Are or Were CEOs ......................................... 136 Table 9: Occupations for All Board Members in Study ................................................ 137 Table 10: Comparison of AGB Percentages with Aggregate Virginia Institutions ........ 139 Table 11: Comparison of GMU Board Member Occupations ....................................... 140 Table 12: Comparison of UVA Board Member Occupations........................................ 141 Table 13: Comparison of VCU Board Member Occupations ........................................ 142 Table 14: Comparison of VT Board Member Occupations ........................................... 144 Table 15: Comparison of Pre-2002 and Post-2002 Occupational Data .......................... 145 Table 16: Highest Degree Attained by Board Members in Study.................................. 147 Table 17: Highest Degree Attained by GMU Board Members...................................... 148 Table 18: Highest Degree Attained by UVA Board Members ...................................... 148 Table 19: Highest Degree Attained by VCU Board Members ...................................... 149 Table 20: Highest Degree Attained by VT Board Members ......................................... 149 Table 21: Percentage of Board Members Donating to Specific Governor……………..151 Table 22: Percentage of Board Members Who Made Political Donations………… …. 151 Table 23: Percentage of Board Members Present ......................................................... 153 Table 24: Number of Board Member Absences............................................................ 153 Table 25: Pre-2002 Average of Action Items Per Year ................................................. 160 Table 26: Post-2002 Average of Action Items Per Year ............................................... 161 Table 27: Pre-2002/Post-2002 Comparison of Action Items ......................................... 162 Table 28: Pre-2002 Average Minutes Per Action Item ................................................. 164 Table 29: Post-2002 Average Minutes Per Action Item ................................................ 165 Table 30: Board Meeting Length ................................................................................. 166 Table 31: Demographic Information on Board Rectors or Vice Rectors Interviewees... 179 Table 32: Board Rector or Vice Rector Rating on Influence in Board Appointments.... 193 Table 33: Board Rector or Vice Rector Average Scores Per Category .......................... 194 Table 34: President or Chief of Staff Rating on Influence in Board Appointments ....... 202 Table 35: Commissioner Rating on Influence in Board Appointments ......................... 215 Table 36: Comparison of All Ratings on Influence in Board Appointments ................. 219 viii List of Figures Figure Page Figure 1: Comparison of Pre-2002 and Post 2002 Action Items for GMU .................... 168 Figure 2: Comparison of Percentage of Individual Action Items for GMU ................... 168 Figure 3: Comparison of Pre-2002 and Post 2002 Action Items for UVA..................... 169 Figure 4: Comparison of Percentage of Individual Action Items for UVA .................... 170 Figure 5: Comparison of Pre-2002 and Post 2002 Action Items for VCU ..................... 171 Figure 6: Comparison of Percentage of Individual Action Items for VCU .................... 171 Figure 7: Comparison of Pre-2002 and Post 2002 Action Items for VT ........................ 172 Figure 8: Comparison of Percentage of Individual Action Items for VT ....................... 173 Figure 9: Finance, Capital Expenditure, and Strategic Planning Action Item ................ 175 Figure 10: Student Life Action Items ........................................................................... 176 ix Abstract THE VIRGINIA COMMISSION ON HIGHER EDUCATION BOARD APPOINTMENTS: THE IMPACT OF LEGISLATIVE REFORM ON PUBLIC UNIVERSITY GOVERNANCE Carolyn D. Chappell, DA George Mason University, 2013 Dissertation Director: Dr. John O’Connor Recent national attention to issues of access, cost, and institutional performance in our public institutions of higher education have included numerous critiques and calls for reform at the level of board appointments and board governance. There has been considerable attention in both scholarly and popular media regarding governance issues including shoddy political appointment practices, lack of orientation and preparation, run- away boards, arrogant chief executives, and the negative effects of under-prepared, under-qualified trustees. These concerns have persisted as national, even congressional, attention has turned to high college costs, student debt-load, and the use of university endowments to offset costs to students and their families. These concerns were amplified by the recent economic recession and its impact on higher education. The use of appointment commissions or councils (whose responsibility is to recommend board member appointments based on merit) has been identified as a way in which to improve

Mary Washington College, 1988 Germanna Community College, 1986 literature review will explore scholarly work in the field on topics related to lay.
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