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The Very Healthy Cat Book: A Vitamin and Mineral Program for Optimal Feline Health (Orthomolecular Medicine ) PDF

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Preview The Very Healthy Cat Book: A Vitamin and Mineral Program for Optimal Feline Health (Orthomolecular Medicine )

»$b- c McGraw-Hill Paperbacks l5 * fJk II A Vitar Mineral Program for Optimal Feline Health THE/HEALTHY BOOK By Wendell O. Belfield, d.v.m. and Martin Zucker WITH A FOREWORD BY DR. LINUS PAULING ' San Mateo Public Library San Mateo, CA 94402 "Questions Answered' mil i 3 9047 0000)33227755 1 \J HIUSDAtEBRANCH The/Healthy Book Cat By the same authors— How to Have a Healthier Dog The/Healthy Book Cat A Vitamin and Mineral Program for Optimal Feline Health by Wendell O. Belfield, D.V.M. and Martin Zucker With a Foreword by Dr. Linus Pauling McGraw-Hill Book Company NewYork St. Louis San Francisco Bogota Guatemala Hamburg Lisbon Madrid Mexico Montreal Panama Paris SanJuan Sao Paulo Tokyo Toronte CA San Mateo. Public Librarv tt- © Copyright 1983 by Wendell O. Belfield and Martin Zucker Allrightsreserved.PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica.Exceptaspermittedunder theCopyrightActof1976, nopartofthispublicationmaybereproducedordistributed in anyform orby anymeans, orstored in adata baseorretrieval system, withoutthe prior written permission ofthe publisher. 123456789FGRFGR876543 ISBN D-D7-Q0M3b7-l ISBN D-D7-00M3SM-X-CPBK.> LIBRARYOFCONGRESSCATALOGINGINPUBLICATIONDATA Belfield, Wendell O. The very healthy cat book. Includes bibliographical references and index. I. Cats—Food. 2. Vitamins in animal nutrition. 3. Minerals in animal nutrition. I. Zucker, Martin. II. Title. SF447.6.B44 1983 636.8'089328 82-22887 ISBN 0-07-004367-1 ISBN 0-07-004354-X(pbk.) Book design byJanice WillcocksStem To Marlene and Rosita, who were patient and wonderfully supportive Contents Acknowledgments ix Foreword by Dr. Linus Pauling xi PART ONE: WHY YOUR CATS NEED EXTRA VITAMINS AND MINERALS 1. Preventive Veterinary Medicine: Getting to the Heart ofProblems 3 2. What the TV Commercials Don't Tell You About Cat Food 16 PART TWO: VITAMINS AND MINERALS AND THEIR FUNCTIONS 3. Vitamin C and the Cat 37 4. Working Together: The Whole Vitamin and Mineral Team 55 PART THREE: THE PREVENTION PLAN 5. How to Use the Plan 85 6. How Supplements Help Pregnant and Lactating Cats 88 7. How Supplements Help Kittens 103 H8 8. How Supplements Help Adult Cats 9. How Supplements Help Aging Cats 134 viii • Contents 10. What Supplements to Buy 147 11. How Much to Use 151 12. How to Administer Supplements 155 PART FOUR: CONTROLLING THE VIRAL KILLERS 13. See Your Veterinarian First 161 14. Feline Leukemia 163 15. Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) 177 16. Upper Respiratory Disease 183 PART FIVE: PREVENTING AND MINIMIZING OTHER COMMON CAT DISORDERS 17. Digestive Disorders 189 18. Eye Problems 192 19. Feline Urologic Syndrome (FUS) 195 20. Skin Problems (including fleas and allergies) 199 21. Tumors 212 22. Worms 218 Reference Notes 220 Index 230

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