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Preview The Vertebrate Fauna of Bennett Brook and Success Hill Reserve, Caversham

THE VERTEBRATE FAUNA OF BENNETT BROOK AND SUCCESS HILL RESERVE, CAVERSHAM By N.K. COOPER, J. DELL and M.A. COWAN Western Australian Museum of Natural Science, Francis Street, Perth 6000 INTRODUCTION interface of the Bassendean Dune System and the Pinjarra Plain (Keighery Recent work especially that by the 1996) and consequently the soils are a Western Australian Museum has mixture of sands and clayey silts. In the illustrated the significance of urban past, clay has been mined in several bushland remnants to the survival of places. vertebrate fauna of the Perth region (How and Dell 1989, 1993,1994, How Success Hill Reserve is situated on the et al. 1996, Harvey et al. 1997 and Bassendean Dune System. It is a Cooper 1995). There is a relationship remnant Banksia woodland consisting of between size of remnant bushland and Candlestick Banksia, Banksia attenuata the number of species surviving with and Firewood Banksia, B. menziesii with reserves as small as 4 ha having been an overstorey of Jarrah, Eucalyptus shown to be important for faunal margimta. There is a shrub and heath assemblages (Turpin 1990, 1991). understorey. The Swan River has a However many species persist on even fringing forest of Flooded Gum, E. rudis, smaller reserves (Cooper 1995). Paperbark, Melaleuca rhaphiophylla and She-oak, Casuarina obesa. This riverine This study was initiated by the Success forest extends, patchily, along the Hill Action Group (Inc.) to determine entire length of Bennett Brook. the vertebrate fauna of the small Additionally, the Paperbark has remnant of native bushland at Success extensive woodlands associated with the Hill and the adjacent and contiguous swamp system on the eastern side of Bennett Brook area northwards to Bennett Brook. These vegetation types Benara Road, in Caversham (Figure 1). are described by Keighery (1996). Much of the shrub vegetation along STUDYAREA Bennett Brook has been modified or eliminated by various land use practices Success Hill Reserve (Figure 1) is vested especially cattle and horse grazing. with the Bassendean Town Council and occupies an elevated area overlooking the Swan River. It is bounded by the SAMPLING SITES AND METHODS Swan River to the east and housing to the west. The area has been isolated by This study aimed to record the roads to the west for many decades but vertebrate assemblage of each is contiguous with the riverine vegetation type in the Success Hill woodlands of Bennett Brook to the Reserve and nearby parts of the north. The study area is located at the Bennett Brook area. In order to obtain 179 Figure 1. Aerial photograph of the Success Hill/Bennett Brook area showing locations of vertebrate trapping sites (marked 1 and 2) and the fish shampling sites marked (A, B, C, D, E). 180 an assessment of the seasonal faunal and fish were sampled on two occasions assemblage it was decided to undertake at set sample sites (Figure 1) along the sampling surveys at several times of the lower reaches of Bennett Brook in year. Accordingly, surveys were autumn and the beginning of winter. undertaken to examine the fauna during Afternoon and evening surveys were September and November 1994, also conducted on four occasions to January, February, March, April, May, record calling frogs. All surface fresh July, October and November 1995. water was examined with nets for the presence of tadpoles. Terrestrial vertebrate sampling sites were established in January 1995 when Birds were recorded opportunistically nine 20 litre buckets, placed 10 metres whilst checking the fenced pitlines and apart, were used as pitfall traps. A seven during all other reptile and frog surveys. metre long flywire fence standing 30 cm A search was carried out of relevant high was placed vertically over each trap literature to find distributional records when they were opened and operational of vertebrates from the region. In Two sites were chosen for intensive particular we used How and Dell sampling, one on Success Hill and one (1993) for mammals, Bush er al. (1995) on the slopes below Pyrton (Figure 1). and How and Dell (1993, 1994) for These two sites were chosen to reptiles, Storr and Johnstone (1988) represent the range of habitats available and How and Dell (1993) for birds, in the elevated dry sandy areas. The Tyler et al. (1994) for amphibians, and lowland sites close to Bennett Brook Sarti and Allen (1978) for freshwater were not chosen for intensive sampling fish. Museum databases were also as pitfall traps cannot be located in searched for additional mammal and areas that become waterlogged during reptile data. winter rains. The traps were opened and examined RESULTS on seven consecutive days during February, March, July, October and MAMMALS November 1995. Traps were closed and During these surveys the only mammal sealed and the flywire fence removed trapped was the introduced House between trapping periods. Traps were examined daily and all reptiles, Mouse, Mus musculus. Numerous signs of House Mice were recorded amphibians and mammals were throughout the area where old nests and identified, measured, and released. burrows were located under various large Extensive searches were also made of items of rubbish. Both Success Hill the entire area to record reptiles and Reserve and the Bennett Brook area are amphibians. In particular all surface used by domestic cats and dogs. Rabbits, rubbish and timber, bark and leaf litter Oryctolagus cuniculus, were widespread was turned over and examined to reveal but not abundant in the area Signs of hidden species. Nocturnal surveys were Foxes, Vu/pes vulpes, were widespread in undertaken with headtorches on three the area. A fox den had the remains of occasions to reveal species which are Swamphens, Black Ducks, Ring-necked only active at night. Parrots, Dusky Moorhens and freshwater Frogs were sampled during favourable crustaceans, indicating the wide range weather conditions throughout the year of prey items taken. 181 k/ S, oM Broe; X X X X nett Bridg n BeOld XXX X X XX X s atOB, at habitarea; XXX X XX e e of thmphir X XXX X X X XX ha cS eaA, nS y is; XXX X X XX allmp sticwa ortunimall S £ XXX X XX XX pS opS, ved k; S £ XX X X X X ro eo bsBr nd onett £ X X X X g aen nB ppiB, aB r ally by tSheoak; E XXX X X X aticSO, & 3s X X X X X m en; sto d syPyrt i pleY, I 3o m F O r-- o ptiles saess Hill; 1 ,;i 1.aaa* &e :3= *5Ci, -|-S3 •S Reucc o H §• 3 | nd S g ii ii2 aH, Frogs Hill. Samp. .£*«> •§ DJC M2i l ffi: *s *(j. s C*CO2 5 S.sg ^5C I£-a .onOy -XavS Table 1.SuccessMain Sw C8O . 5t30J5 -o3g gC2 ucXCS- ill 2£ cpg^r-g 2c §Pa^ £? 182 The Quenda or Southern Brown (1993) suggest that many may no Bandicoot, Isoodon obesulus, was longer be found in the region. recorded. Characteristic feeding diggings were located around the edges of the AMPHIBIANS inundated areas after the heavy rains Seven species of amphibians were during the winter of 1995. These recorded during these surveys. They are animals were presumably forced out of their habitat along Bennett Brook and listed on Table 1 together with habitat types in which they were recorded. the Swan River. Two dead Quendas Each species is also briefly discussed were also located on Benara Road near below. the junction of Bennett Brook at the northern end of the study area during Slender Tree Frog Litoriaadelaidensis heavy rain. At Bennett Brook, it breeds in early Although not sighted in the study area spring in the bullrush swamps at the base several Common Brush possums, of the hill below Pyrton. Calling males Trichosurus vulpecula were reported in were abundant in these swamps between the Flooded Gums, Eucalyptus rudis August and October. The egg masses along the banks of the Swan River just were attached to the rush stems just downstream of our study area (K. below the surface of the water. Tadpoles Pearson, pers. comm). It is likely that were present in late spring and summer. Water Rats, Hydromys chrysogaster occur When not breeding they tend to disperse in the lower reaches of the Bennett widely and can be found throughout Brook as there are old museum records Bennett Brook and the adjacent from nearby localities including Melaleuca swamps and were trapped in Belmont Park, as well as unspecified February mainly in the Bracken Fern on localities on the Swan River. the slopes below Pyrton. No other species of terrestrial mammal was recorded during this survey Motorbike Frog Litoria moorei although introduced Black Rats, Rattus Only one Motorbike Frog was trapped rattus are likely to be widespread in the in the Bracken Ferns below Pyrton area. Historically, seven species of during this survey. native terrestrial mammals (Kitchener and Vicker 1981) are known from the Quacking Frog Criniageorgiana Bassendean Sand System but most of Many individuals were captured in the these are now locally extinct in the pit traps both on Success Hill and below region (How and Dell 1993). Pyrton. They were captured in all One species of bat was heard calling in sampling periods. the area during nocturnal surveys This This frog breeds in shallow seepages was the White-striped Mastiff Bat, along the entire western side of Bennett Nyctinomus australis, which is the only Brook northwards from the base of local bat whose echolocation sounds Success Hill. The large eggs are laid can be heard by the human ear. A from mid-winter and were found search of the literature, especially throughout the shallow seepage areas. Strahan (1995) and the Museum database indicates that as many as nine Glauert’s Froglet Criniaglauerti other bat species were originally known from the region but How and Dell This frog is common along Bennett 183 Brook especially in the bulrush swamps together with habitat types in which and the seasonally inundated areas that they were recorded. occurred in the winter of 1995. This frog bred in large numbers in all the Swamp Skink Bassiana trilincata. freshwater areas that remained after Several individuals were located in these heavy rains. winter under rubbish around the margins of the inundated areas at the Squelching Froglet Crinia insignifera base of the slopes above the old This is the commonest frog in the area bridge. and was present throughout the Melaleuca swamps. It bred in large Wa 11 Sk i n k Cryptoblepha rus numbers in the inundated areas after the plagiocephalus. heavy winter rains in 1995. The eggs are This species is widespread in the area laid in water in the same manner as and found on many trees including Glauert’s Froglet. Paperbark, Melaleuca rhaphiophylla, Swamp Sheoak, Casuarina obesa, Moaning Frog Heleioporus eyrei Flooded Gum, Eucalyptus rudis. It Only 3 individuals were trapped in the occupies crevices and gaps among Success Hill and Pyrton areas. Although peeling bark. not recorded breeding on this survey, they probably breed around the margins Striped Skink Ctenotus fallens of the seepage areas. This fast-running, diurnal species is Banjo Frog Limnodynastesdorsalis widespread throughout Success Hill and the slopes northwards to Pyrton. They were captured at both Success Hill and below Pyrton and calling males were heard in the Melaleuca swamp in Limestone Skink Ctenotus australis winter and spring. It is scarce in the area and only two individuals were trapped at Success Most of the frog species recorded in the Hill. study area have widespread distributions in suitable habitat on the Coastal Plain. One species, the Two-toed Skink Herniergisquadrilineata Quacking Frog, is mainly a Darling Only one individual was trapped in May Range species with populations on the slopes below Pyrton. extending onto the Coastal Plain on alluvial soils associated with stream Elegant Lerista Leristaelegans zones. One additional species, the This tiny lizard is widespread in the Turtle Frog, Myobairachus gouldii, is area and was trapped on Success Hill known from the Bassendean Dune and located among leaf litter under System (How &. Dell 1993) and may the flooded gums along Bennett occur at Success Hill. Brook. REPTILES Worm Lerista Lerista praepedita Thirteen species of reptiles were This elongated, burrowing lizard is recorded during these surveys They are probably rare in the area as only one discussed below and listed on Table 1 was trapped on Success Hill. 184 Grey's Skink Menedagreyii FISH They live among fallen leaves and are Five species of native and two widespread and probably the most introduced fish species were recorded in abundant lizard in the area Bennett Brook during these surveys. Each species is listed below together Flecked Morethia Morethiaobscura with comments on their status at This lizard is scarce in the area as only Bennett Brook. one was sighted among the she-oaks near the brickworks on the eastern side Western Minnow Galaxias occidentalis of Bennett Brook. These small eel-like fish were often seen swimming close to the surface against Gould’s Monitor Varanusgouldii the current in the fastest running parts Only one subadult was sighted under of Bennett Brook. They are relatively the remains of an old car on the slopes common in Bennett Brook in the upper below Pyrton after the fire in January parts of the study area, downstream at 1995. least to the old bridge. This is a common endemic species in the Tiger Snake Notechis scutatus southwest extending from the Moore River to the east of Albany (Allen Tiger snakes are scarce but widespread 1982). in the area especially around the Melaleuca swamps and the seasonally inundated areas. Mosquito Fish Gambusia holbrooki This is an exotic species which is Dugite Pseudonajaaffinis extremely abundant in Bennett Brook It is widespread in the area and several and the extensive Melaleuca Swamps, were observed during the survey. even in the shallow weedy seasonal wetlands around the margins. Long-necked Tortoise Chelodina oblonga Populations fluctuate markedly in Bennett Brook as this is a very fecund This tortoise is common species which produces up to 375 live throughout the fresh water swamps young up to six times during the year along Bennett Brook and also (Cadwallader and Backhouse 1983). It occasionally occurs in the brook is regarded as a pest on native species itself. When the peripheral waters and in some cases its effect on the evaporate in summer, some native fish fauna has been profound individuals aestivate in the drying (Allen 1982). In eastern Australia it mud to emerge with the following also has an impact on amphibian winter rains. Adult females leave populations by predating on tadpoles the water to lay their eggs in dry (Webb & Joss 1997). sandbanks particularly along the western side of Bennett Brook. Nightfish Bostockia porosa Another 31 species of reptiles are known from the Bassendean Dune This nocturnal species prefers running System (How & Dell 1993) but are water and was found in the upper unlikely to be present in the study reaches of Bennett Brook downstream area as suitable habitat does not to the old bridge During the day time it occur. is very hard to find as it secretes itself 185 away among stones or vegetation at the recorded during this survey. They are bottom of the stream. This is an listed in Table 2. Not surprisingly, most endemic species found in coastal species are associated with the extensive streams, lakes and ponds from the swamp system on the eastern side of Moore River to Albany (Allen 1982). Bennett Brook. Wooded wetlands such as these are now relatively scarce on the Western Pygmy Perch Edclia vittata eastern side of the Swan Coastal Plain. This small fish was found throughout Accordingly, this swampland is a the length of Bennett Brook significant feeding and roosting area for downstream to where the freshwater many species of bird especially herons, meets the tidal waters of the Swan cormorants and ducks River. It was found among water weeds Table 2 also includes a number of small and vegetation debris This is an insectivorous landbirds such as endemic species found in coastal thornbills, fairy-wrens, scrub-wrens and streams, lakes and ponds from the Grey Fantails which require natural Moore River to Hopetoun (Allen vegetation for their survival. Each of 1982). the species in this group have declined markedly on the Swan Coastal Plain as Swan River Goby Pseudogobiusolorum a result of habitat fragmentation (How This small species is abundant in the and Dell, 1993). The corridor of mature Swan River and was found in the lower trees along Bennett Brook provides an reaches of Bennett Brook. This fish is a important linkage between the riverine slow swimming species and was hard to corridor of the Swan River and locate as it spends most of its time conservation reserves, especially Ellen Brook to the north. resting among submerged vegetation. This species is commonly found in streams and estuaries of the South-west CONSERVATION SIGNIFICANCE (Allen 1982). The study area has been recognised as Long Thin Goby Favonigobius lateralis having important conservation significance and is recommended for This larger fish was found in the same sites as the Swan River Goby. conservation in Perth's Bushplan (Government of Western Australia 1998) as the largest and most diverse Golden Carp Cyprinusauratus relatively intact lagoonal system on the Only two juveniles of this exotic species Swan-Canning River Estuary and is one were found in the middle sections of of a very limited number of bushland Bennett Brook. It feeds on insects, areas on the Swan Estuary in providing crustaceans, molluscs and aquatic habitat for fauna as well as linkages vegetation (Allen 1982). The seasonal between different bushland areas nature of Bennett Brook suggests that it The study area has five species of native is unlikely to become abundant and fish all of which have declined on the therefore not likely to become a major Swan Coastal Plain. The frog fauna problem here which includes seven species is moderately rich for a coastal plain BIRDS wetland. The area has a rich lizard fauna Seventy-eight species of birds were with nine species of skink lizards. The 186 most significant species is the Swamp killed outright by the fire Others which Skink which is now rarely recorded on occupied burrows emerged after the fire Swan Coastal Plain bushlands (How and to face considerably increased predator Dell, 1994). pressure because their protective cover had been removed. The conservation significance of the area for birds has been highlighted A large number of exotic grasses and above The swamplands support a large other plants occur in the Success Hill/ number of waterbirds and the riverine Bennett Brook area and all contribute forest is an important transit corridor to changes to native plant and animal linking the Swan River with communities, displace sensitive native conservation reserves to the north. species, reduce regeneration of native species, disposess native animals of habitat or food resources, increase MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS flammability of native vegetation and result in more frequent and increased The Success Hill/Bennett Brook area fire intensity. They also affect the soil needs specific management planning and surface and change natural water and practices to protect the multiple nutrient cycles. objectives of conservation (both wildlife Non-native species of vertebrates such and flora) and human recreation and as foxes, cats, rabbits and Golden Carp aesthetic values. In particular, the compete for resources against native damaging processes of fire, environ¬ species and a number of them predate mental weeds, feral animals, grazing on native fauna Rabbit overgrazing can animals and human disturbance need result in soil erosion, weed invasion and addressing. Some need immediate the loss of native plant species. Foxes attention e.g. wildfire control and others and cats prey upon ground animals and need longer term considerations as can seriously affect the population of disturbance processes increase with time. the Quenda They also destroy nests of Fire has both short-term as well as long¬ ground-nesting birds or those that nest term effects on native fauna. These were close to the ground. summarised in a symposium organised by Native vegetation is easily damaged by the Urban Bushland Council in 1995, human trampling. This also causes and highlighted in a paper by Dell and increased erosion and spread of weeds. How (1995). They indicated that Fertiliser and chemical use (herbicide vertebrate as well as invertebrate and pesticide) should be discouraged in animals were inimically affected by fire. adjacent areas to reduce their effects in In particular, habitat specific, dietary Bennett Brook as these affect water specialist, sedentary species were worst quality and the consequent survival of affected. Some species disappeared native fish and frogs. completely after fire and others were slow to recolonise burnt areas from unbumt patches ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The severe wildfire of January 1995 had a devastating effect on native fauna at We would like to thank the Success Hill Success Hill. Many slow moving, above¬ Action Group (Inc.) for organising the ground reptile species such as Bobtails, grant from the 1994/95 National legless lizards and some skinks were Landcare Programme, One Million 187 Table 2. List of birds recorded at Success Hill/Bennett Brook during surveys in 1994-1995 + = species which have colonised the area through natural expansion * = species which have been introduced by man ANATIDAE Buff-banded Rail Gallirallus philippensis Black Swan Cygmis atratus Spotless Crake Porzana tabuensis Australian Shelduck Tadoma tadomoides CHARADRI1DAE Pacific Black Duck Anas superciliosa Black-fronted Dotterel Charadrius melanops Grey Teal Anas gracilis COLUMBIDAE Australian Wood Duck Chenonetta jubata Spotted 7 urtle-Dove Streptopelia chinensis Blue-billed Duck Oxyura australis Musk Duck Biziura lobata *Laughing Turtle-Dove Streptopelia senegalensis PODICIPED1DAE ^Domestic Pigeon Columba livia Australasian Grebe Tachybaptus novaehdlandiae PSITTACIDAE ANHINGIDAE *Rainbow Lorikeet Trichoglossus haematodus Darter Anhinga melanogaster Australian Ringneck Platycercus zonarius Red-capped Parrot Platycercus spurius PHALACROCORAC1DAE Carnaby's Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus Little Black Cormorant Phalacrocorax latirostris sulcirostris +Galah Cacatua roseicapilla Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo *Corella Cacatua spp. Little Pied Cormorant Phalacrocorax melanoleucos CUCUL1DAE Pallid Cuckoo Cuculus pallidus PELECANIDAE Fan-tailed Cuckoo Cacomantis jlabelliformis Australian Pelican Pelecanus conspicillatus Shining Bronze Cuckoo Chrysococcyx lucidus ARDEIDAE HALCYONIDAE White-necked Heron Ardea pacifica ^Laughing Kookaburra Dacelo novaeguineae White-faced Heron Ardea novaehollandiae Sacred Kingfisher Todiramphus sanctus Great Egret Egretta alba Rufous Night Heron Nycticorax caledonicus MEROPIDAE Rainbow Bee-eater Merops omatus THRESKIORN1THIDAE +Sacred Ibis Threskiornisaethiopicus MALUR1DAE +St raw-necked Ibis Threskiornis spinicollis Splendid Fairy-wren Malurus splendens +Ye l low-billed Spoonbill Platalea flavipes PARDALOTIDAE ACC1PITR1DAE Spotted Pardalotc Pardalotus punctatus Black-shouldered Kite Elanus caemleus Striated Pardalote Pardalotus striatus Whistling Kite Haliastur sphenurus ACANTH1ZIDAE Brown Goshawk Accipiter fasciatus Western Gerygonc Gerygone fusca FALCONIDAE Weebill Smicornis brevirostris Peregrine falcon Falco peregrinus Broad-tailed Thornbill Acanthiza apicalis Australian Kestrel Falco cenchroides Yellow-rumped Thornbill Acanthiza chrysorrhoa RALLIDAE White-browed Scrubwren Sericomis frontalis Dusky Moorhen Gallinula tenebrosa Purple Swamphen Porphyrio porphyrio MELIPHAGIDAE Eurasian Coot Fulicaatra Brown Honeyeater Lichmera indistincta 188

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