Chapter One: Custom Vehicle Construction Scale Scale Base Size Assistant Base Cost Square (m) Toughness Multiplier Crew CORE DETAILS AND SYSTEMS Required Strength: -1 0.5 x 0.5 3 0.25 0 $300 0 1 x 1 6 1 0 $500 The vehicle's strength 1 2 x 2 9 4 0 $800 determines its carrying capacity, 2 4 x 4 12 16 0 $6,400 armour capacity, and firepower. 3 8 x 8 15 64 0 $51,200 Vehicle strength generally ranges 4 16 x 16 18 256 1 $409,600 from 1 to 8. Multiply the 5 32 x 32 21 1024 10 $3M strength cost multiplier (see the 6 64 x 64 24 4069 20 $25M chart below) for the chosen 7 125 x 125 27 16384 40 $200M strength score by the Base Cost 8 0.25 km x 30 65536 80 $1.6B (from the scale) to determine 0.25 km 9 0.5 km x 33 262144 160 $12B the modified cost. 1km 10 1 km x 1km 36 1048576 320 $102B Chassis Material: This determines the vehicle's Durability. For ships, this is what the hull is made out of. For cars, the frame. A chassis has a cost based on its mass and material, and has a mass equal to its material’s mass multiplier times its size multiplier. Strength: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Cost: x0.25 x0.5 x1 x2 x4 x8 x16 x32 Vehicle Armour: Vehicles can be armoured. Look at the vehicle armour chart, choose a weight category, and multiply its base mass by the vehicle's size multiplier. This determines the armour's total mass, which is used to determine whether it is light, medium, or heavy for the vehicle, and the armour's cost. If the vehicle is humanoid, it can wear armour just like a person does. See the Equipment chapter. The armour can be either bolted or welded on, or worn in the same manner as a human. Since vehicles do not have an endurance score, use strength in its place to determine what mass of armour qualifies as light, medium, or heavy. 1 Material Name Durability Era Cost/kg Chassis Mass Multiplier Chassis Cost Multiplier Paper, Cloth -3 Archaic * * Glass, Ice -2 Archaic * * Dirt, Mud -1 Archaic * * Leather -1 Archaic * * Silver 0 Archaic $250 * * Gold 0 Archaic $2,500 * * Platinum 0 Archaic $25,000 * * Lead 0 Archaic $2.5 * * Wood 1 Archaic $0.5 50† 25 Aluminum 3 Modern $2.5 50† 125 Bronze 5 Archaic $20 110 220 Stone 5 Archaic $0.5 300* 150* Iron 5 Archaic $10 100 1,000 Refined Steel 7 Industrial $10 100 1,000 Titanium 7 Modern $100 50† 5,000 Cerametal 9 Future $50 75* 3,750 Adamantium 13 Future $25,000 100 2,500,000 * These materials, for one reason or another, are generally completely unsuited to making the vehicle’s chassis out of. Values are provided in case of exceptional circumstances. † Although aluminum is roughly one-third as dense as iron, the chassis mass multiplier is only 0.5x because the components must be made thicker to negate its relative lack of strength. Similarly, titanium is more than half as dense, but the components can be made thinner so the total mass is reduced. Vehicle Armour Name Defence Base Mass (kg) Era Coverage Very Light + Durability - 2 9 Any Full Light Plate + Durability - 1 13.5 Any Full Medium Plate + Durability 18 Any Full Heavy Plate + Durability + 1 24 Any Full Superheavy Plate + Durability + 2 36 Any Full Ultraheavy Plate + Durability + 3 48 Any Full 2 Crew and Assistants Vehicles can combine multiple crew positions (such as having a pilot who is also the ECO or a Commander with a pintle-mounted machine gun), which saves on personnel and space but also cuts into the time that a character has to perform each task. The different crew positions can, on larger vehicles, require assistant crew. The assistants require at least one rank in the related skill (Engineering for Engineers, Science (Computers) for ECOs, Drive/Pilot for Pilots, and Charisma for Commanders) to be useful. To find out how many assistant crew are required, look at the main vehicle chart above under the column “Assistant Crew Required.” This is the number of assistants necessary for each crew position to function without penalty. A crew position with less than the required number of assistants takes a -1 penalty to all related skill checks. If the position requires more than 10 assistants and less than half the required number are present, the character takes a -2 penalty. If the position requires 20 or more assistants and none are present, the character takes a -3 penalty. Every second of activity the lead crewmember makes, the assistants have to spend one second as well. For example, an Engineer of an aircraft carrier (scale 9) tries to boost power to the motors using Overcharge. On a small vehicle, this is only a 6SA. However, the engineering room spans multiple decks and the amount of modifications necessary for a vehicle so large are staggering – each of the Engineer’s 160 assistants all have to make a 6SA to Overcharge the engine. Each crew member adds 125kg to the vehicle’s encumbrance and may require life support. A vehicle can have multiple of each crew position (for example, so one ECO could defend the ship with ECM while the other focuses on jamming enemy communications) but each position requires assistants. Two positions cannot use the same device simultaneously: if there are two ECMs, the vehicle will need two Fire-Control Arrays for them both to assist gunners. Engineering: Requires the normal amount of assistants ECO: Requires the normal amount of assistants Pilot: Requires half the normal amount of assistants Commander: Requires 1 assistant per 20 crewmembers on board (round down) Gunner: One gunner is required per turret. Gunners do not require assistants, but some weapons may benefit from having one or more loaders. Remember that reloading time increases with weapon scale. The chart shows how many seconds it takes for a scale 0 creature (i.e., a human) to reload weapons of different scales alone, or the number of loaders it would take to cut that time down to 4 seconds. Scale Reload Time Loaders 0 4 0 Implied Systems 1 8 1 You don't need to specify every little detail about your vehicle while creating it. 2 12 2 3 16 3 For example, it is assumed that any reasonably modern vehicle has headlights, 4 20 4 turn signals, a car stereo, and speakers. Anything that a vehicle has in real life, 5 24 5 that is relatively minor (such as air conditioning), and/or just seems 6 28 6 appropriate to you and your GM comes with your vehicle. 7 32 7 These things probably won't come up in play, but if they do (you're fighting a 8 36 8 demon with invulnerability/ classic rock, for example) feel free to use them. 9 40 9 10 44 10 DEFENCE SYSTEMS, MODERN: Chaff: Chaff are bundles of thousands of small metal particles that can be deployed to confuse enemy radar systems. Deploying chaff is an immediate 2SA. Chaff covers an area 2 scales larger than the deploying vehicle, appearing as a single large object on radar. A DC 10 sensor perception check reveals the chaff’s true nature. However, any object partially covered by chaff gains concealment against sensor-based detection methods (including FaF guided missiles), and any object completely covered has invisibility. 3 Activation: ECO's immediate 2 second action. Name Mass Cost Mass: 1 kg x Scale Multiplier per use Chaff 1 kgS $50 S ECM Neg. $30,000 ECM: Allows the vehicle's ECO to make ECM defence rolls. This Faraday Cage Neg. $50S defence roll uses the character's Computers skill and only functions Flares 10 kg. $500 against guided missiles (manual or FaF). Also allows the ECO to Jam Heat Shields Neg. $500S enemy sensors. Weight is negligible. Using ECM requires active effort, Lock Detect Neg. $10,000 and the ECO must concentrate to do so. Airtight Neg. $250S Activation: ECO's Immediate 2 second action and/or 2 second Smoke Launchers Neg. $300 Concentration Stealth Neg. $25,000S Mass: Negligible Tempest Hardenend Neg. $500S S This component scales. Multiply its Faraday Cage: This makes the vehicle and its contents completely cost and weight by the vehicle's immune to EMP effects, but also prevents all transmissions (cell Scale Multiplier. phones, radios, etc.) from entering or exiting the machine. Opening a window, hatch, door, etc. ruins the Faraday cage effect. Activation: Passive Mass: Negligible Flares: Allows the vehicle to make defence rolls, using Pilot, against FaF guided missiles. This only works on vehicles scale 3 or smaller. Activation: Pilot's Reaction Mass: Negligible Heat Shields: Heat Shields allow a vehicle to make atmospheric re-entries without burning up. Activation: Passive Mass: Negligible Lock Detect: This device detects when enemies have targeted your vehicle, giving you a pre-emptive warning. With it, you can make defence rolls against high-powered attacks. Activation: Passive Mass: Negligible NBC Protection/Airtight: The vehicle is immune to external contaminants such as radiation, poisonous gasses, diseases, etc.. Typically they also carry enough life support onboard to supply the crew for at least 24 hours. Opening a window, hatch, or door compromises NBC protection until it is closed again. Weight is negligible. Activation: Passive Mass: Negligible Smoke Launchers: Activating smoke launchers grants the vehicle visual concealment for one round. An immediate action. Smoke launchers only function effectively on vehicles scale 2 or smaller. Activation: ECO's 2 second Immediate Action Mass: Negligible Stealth: A vehicle with Stealth appears to be 6 scales smaller than it is against sensor systems. This grants the appropriate bonus to stealth checks, and even those that do detect the vehicle may confuse it with a much smaller object, such as a bird. Stealth has no "weight" but due to the complicated design necessary, carrying capacity is reduced by 25%. Beating the sensors perception DC by 3 or more reveals the vehicle’s actual composition. Stealth grants no bonus against normal Perception checks (anyone looking out a window can see a nearby stealth bomber without trouble) though Stealth vehicles are usually painted black or with camouflage patterns. 4 Activation: Passive Mass: Negligible, but reduces carrying capacity by 25% Tempest Hardened: The vehicle adds +3 to the EMP toughness of all onboard components Activation: Passive Mass: Negligible DEFENCE SYSTEMS, FUTURE: Shields: protect the vehicle in two ways: First, they allow the vehicle's Engineer to make Shield defence rolls. A shield defence roll is the Engineer's mechanics skill check vs 4 + the attacker's Name Mass Cost attack bonus. If the roll is successful, the attack is negated. If it is Shields 5 kgS $5,000S unsuccessful, the shields take damage. A vehicle without an Engineer Damage Control 5 kgS $1,000S automatically fails all Shields defence rolls, but they still stop incoming Cloak 5 kgS $50,000S attacks. Reflex Thrusters 1 kgS $500S Polarized Hull Neg. $500S Shields have a toughness of the vehicle's size bonus from scale + 24, and a S This component scales. Multiply its minimum toughness of 6 lower. When the shields take a wound, their cost and weight by the vehicle's toughness decreases by one. If the shields are destroyed, they can no Scale Multiplier. longer be used to make defence rolls or stop attacks until they are repaired (see the Mechanics skill). All objects inside the Shield have +4 EMP toughness against attacks originating outside the shield. This stacks with the bonus from Tempest Hardening. If the shields are off, then this bonus is negated. Activating Shields is a 2SA done by the engineer. It drains one power point per round active. Activation: Engineer's 2SA Mass: 5kg x Scale Multiplier Damage Control: Allows the Engineer to make Repair or Tinker attempts (see the Mechanics skill) as if he had Rapid Repair. If he already has Rapid Repair, he can make these checks in a 4SA. This also allows the engineer to repair any area of the ship from the engineering department, and it auto-seals any air leaks so long as the vehicle has power. Activation: See text Mass: 5 kg x Scale Multiplier Cloak: A cloaked vehicle becomes invisible, but may still be located with Sensors. Activating or deactivating Cloak is a 2SA done by the engineer, and drains one pp per round. This is almost always paired with Stealth. Activation: Engineer's 2 second Action Mass: 5 kg x Scale Multiplier Reflex Thrusters: A series of tiny thrusters strategically arranged around the ship allow it to perform shockingly rapid evasive actions. While the vehicle is flying, it gets +1 on Dodge defence rolls. Reflex thrusters can only be added to vehicles scale 3 or smaller. Activation: Passive Mass: 1 kg x Scale Multiplier Polarized Hull: The hull of your ship is wired up like a weak electromagnet. In addition to having interesting affects on cutlery when active, it keeps Æther Mist from damaging the ship. The hull can be polarized for 1 pp a day to reduce Æther mist damage to taking damage every day instead of every hour. If instead the hull runs at 1 pp an hour, the ship takes no damage from Æther Mist. The polarized hull is too weak to provide 5 significant protection against antimatter-based weaponry or an antimatter reactor’s explosion. Activation: Engineer's 2 second Action Mass: Negligible SENSORS SYSTEMS, MODERN: All sensors come in varying scales. Name Increment Perception? Stealth? Mass Cost The scale of the sensor system does Touch (Limited) — Yes Yes 0.5 kgS $500 not necessarily have to be the same Vision 10m Yes Yes 0.5 kgS $500 scale as the vehicle – a small scouting Vision, Lowlight — — — Neg. +$10,000 Vision, Night — — — Neg. +$10,000 vehicle (scale 2) could have Infrared 10m Yes No 0.5 kgS $800 comparatively oversized radar, for Radar 200m No No 2 kgS $5,000 example (scale 3 or even 4), if it Sonar varies No No 2 kgS $5,000 needs to see over a larger distance. Seismic 2m No Yes 2 kgS $5,000 Cost and weight go up accordingly, Radiation 200m No No 0.5 kgS $5,000 however. Unless otherwise Electromagnetic 5m No No 0.5kgS $5,000 mentioned, all sensor systems add Sound 10m Yes Yes 0.5 kgS $250 the scale of the sensor systems to any S This component scales. Multiply its cost and weight by the sensor’s checks made to use them for Scale Multiplier. detection. Sensors use the crewmember’s (usually the ECO’s) Science (Computers) skill for detection, although some types of sensors can be operated manually, using Perception instead. Regardless of the skill used, detecting a target with sensors works the same way as using natural senses: make a skill check on a fixed DC equal to 0 minus the scale of the target, or the creature’s Stealth check result if it is hiding. The chart says whether or not the crew can use Perception to detect targets with the individual sensors, and whether targets can utilize the Stealth skill to avoid detection. Sensor, Touch (Limited): The vehicle gains crude touch sense, only being able to tell if it is touching something and how hard, but not really being able to feel it. Unlike other forms of sensors, vehicles can only have touch sensors in their scale, and get no appropriate bonus to detection checks. Sensor, Vision: The vehicle has one or more cameras mounted upon the exterior, allowing the crew to see without using a window. At larger scales, the camera becomes more of a digital telescope. Lowlight Vision: This is an enhancement for the Vision Sensor. The vehicle gains lowlight vision. A vehicle with lowlight vision counts hazy illumination as normal light, but still cannot see in total darkness. Night Vision: This is an enhancement for the Vision Sensor. The vehicle gains night vision. Night vision can be toggled on or off as a 1SA. When it is on, the vehicle treats hazy light as normal light, total darkness as hazy, and normal light as blinding (which acts like total darkness would with regular vision). Sensor, Infrared: The vehicle has cameras capable of seeing into the infrared spectrum, allowing it to see heat sources. The vehicle gains infrared vision (see the Perception skill for more information). Sensor, Radar: Radar is the favoured method of detecting vehicles and objects in the modern era. The detection increment for Radar increases to 2km in space. The DC to detect targets made of a conductive material (such as most metals and Adamantine, but not Cerametal) drops by -4 points. Sensor, Sonar: Sonar operates by sending out a sonic ‘ping,’ and waiting for how long it takes for the sound to bounce back. Sonar operates best underwater. Use the chart below to determine the range increment for detection checks using Sonar. Sonar ignores lighting and invisibility. 6 Surroundings Range Underwater 200m Atmosphere 20m Vacuum Does not function Sensor, Seismic: Seismic sensors operate on a similar principle as Sonar, except they are optimized for sending pings through the earth. In addition to getting early warning against earthquakes, Seismic sensors can detect underground features such as rocks, tunnels, and burrowing creatures. Further, Seismic sensors can pick up creatures on the surface in range, as long as they are moving. DCs are as normal perception, except that the range increment is only 2m. Sensor, Radiation: The radiation sensor can detect radioactive material; including nuclear reactors, nuclear batteries, and nuclear weapons. Radiation sensors can only be operated with the Science (Computers) skill, although even without any skill bonus it is extremely easy to detect heavily radioactive objects, such as nuclear-powered vehicles. Object DC Nuclear Warhead -6 – Weapon Scale Fission Reactor -8 – Reactor Scale Nuclear Battery -6 – Reactor Scale Radiation (Extreme) -20 Radiation (Heavy) -14 Radiation (Moderate) -10 Radiation (Light) -4 Radiation (Minor) 0 Radioisotope Tracker 4 Smoke Detector 10 Sensor, Sound: Through one or more microphones, the vehicle gains the ability to hear in much the same manner as a human could. COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS, MODERN: Wi-Fi: With a Wi-Fi antenna, the vehicle can wirelessly pick up Name Mass Cost internet signals, as long as it is in a “hotspot” (an area near a Internal Comms Neg. $100 wireless internet provider). Hotspots are relatively common in Radio Neg. $500 urban areas, but almost impossible to find in the countryside. Wi-Fi Neg. $100 Activation: Passive Radio, Satellite 0.5 kgS $5,000 Mass: Neg. GPS Neg. $500 Communications Neg. $50,000 Low-Light Vision: Crew can treat hazy lighting as normal lighting Jammer Activation: Passive Avatar Crew Neg. $2,000 Mass: Negligible Computer-Assisted Aiming Neg. $1,000 Target Lock Neg. $25,000 Internal Comms: Allows crewmembers to communicate with Fire Control Array 0.5 kgS $50,000 each other. S This component scales. Multiply its Activation: 0SA cost and weight by the vehicle's Mass: Negligible Scale Multiplier. Radio: Allows for communication at a distance of up to 10 miles, or 100 miles in space. Radios in space can talk further than that, but the delay is too significant to do anything other than relay messages. 7 Activation: 0SA Mass: Negligible Radio, Satellite: Allows for communication anywhere in the world, so long as there is a satellite network (or a friendly orbiting spacecraft with a Radio) to other Satellite Radios. Also functions as a regular Radio. Activation: Passive Mass: 0.5 kg x Scale Multiplier GPS: Pinpoints your location anywhere in the world. Weight is negligible, but requires a friendly satellite network (or orbiting friendly spacecraft) Activation: Passive Mass: Negligible, but reduces carrying capacity by 25% Communications Jammer: The weight is included in any communications device onboard. With this, the ECO can jam other vehicle's communications. A vehicle with jammed communications cannot use ECM or any other device that requires wireless communication. Activation: Passive Mass: Negligible Avatar Crew: One of the vehicle's crew positions can either be piloted remotely or by an onboard AI. This either replaces the crewmember, or can be used in addition – if the crew is absent, the AI takes over, for example. If the crewmember's physical presence is necessary (in the case of a loader, who has to carry ammo, for example) then this system won't work. To pilot a vehicle remotely, the remote station must be in communications range of the ship. Activation: Passive Mass: Negligible Computer-Assisted Aiming: With this upgrade, one shipboard weapon does not require any proficiency to use. This upgrade may be purchased multiple times, each time applying to a separate weapon. Activation: Passive Mass: Negligible Target Lock: Using sophisticated tracking systems, all weapons on the vehicle count as having aimed before every attack, but only against targets detected using radar, sonar, sensors, or a similar sensor system. If the gunner has techniques that grant special benefits from aiming (such as from Steady Aim) he must aim manually to receive them. Activation: Passive Mass: Negligible Fire-Control Array: This is a state-of-the-art sensor suite and software package that allow the ECO to assist the vehicle’s gunners in hitting extremely distant targets with precision accuracy. As a 4SA that can only be done once a round, the ECO can make a Computers check. The DC is 4 + 1 for every consecutive round after the first, to a maximum of +4. Each round that the ECO succeeds, one ranged weapon gets a cumulative +1 bonus to the next attack made with it. After the attack, the bonus is set back to zero and the DC is reset to 4. While waiting for the gun to be aimed by the ECO with the Fire Control Array, the gunner can fire coaxial weapons or use techniques such as Dead Aim to further increase the odds of hitting. Activation: One or more of the ECO's 4SAs. Mass: 0.5 kg x Scale Multiplier Ghost Signal Generator: This device is essentially the opposite of Stealth. With it, the vehicle can appear to be up to 3 scales larger than it is to sensors. This is sort of a high-tech version of chaff (see above) which can be 8 used to similar effect – objects hiding inside the ‘ghost’ are invisible to sensors, and those partially covered have concealment. However, the level of control that the Ghost Signal Generator has over the illusion is greater. The ECO can make a Science: Computers check with a +3 bonus to disguise the vehicle as any other up to 3 scales larger (the illusion must be at least slightly larger than the actual vehicle) than itself. The ECO manning any sensors that detect the disguised vehicle must make a Science: Computers check opposed by the fist ECO’s initial roll to penetrate the disguise. This reveals the vehicle disguised underneath and eliminates the concealment and invisibility to anyone on the detecting vehicle and any guided missiles they launch. Activation: ECO’s 4SA and concentration Mass: 0.5 kg x Scale Multiplier COMMUNICATIONS/SENSORS SYSTEMS, FUTURE: Sensor, Touch (Full): Name Mass Cost Sensor, Taste and Scent: Sensor, Touch (Full) 0.5 kgS $2,000 Sensor, Taste and Scent 0.5 kgS $2,000 Sensor Suite, Humanoid: This is simple a package of Touch Sensor Suite, Humanoid 2 kgS $4,750 (full), Taste and Scent, Vision, and Sound sensors designed to Æther Uplink 10,000 kg $5 million mimic the whole range of human senses. This is Sensors 2500 kg $1 million recommended for characters designing a robot body for their S This component scales. Multiply its AI. cost and weight by the vehicle's Æther Uplink: This device creates a microscopic Æther Tear, Scale Multiplier. used only for communications. The hole is too small for anything meaningful other than signals to pass through. Ships with this device can communicate with vessels in Æther, whether they have an Uplink or not, and communicate with realspace ships that have a functioning Uplink. This boosts the effective range of any communications device onboard by a factor of one hundred. Activation: 0SA Mass: 10,000 kg Sensors: Allows the Operator to use Computers to spot targets. Instead of the normal -1 per 10m penalty for Perception, Sensor Operators get -1 for every 2 km in the atmosphere or every 20 km in space. Activation: Passive Mass: 2500 kg REACTOR: The weight of a single power plant is included in the vehicle. Backup or heavier power plants take up extra weight. The power plant determines how many Power Points the vehicle has. Power points are for a particular scale, one scale 3 pp is equal to 4 scale 2 pp and 16 scale 1 pp, etc. Name Mass Cost Steam - $75S Fossil Fuel - $100S Fuel Cell - $500S Battery - $200S Nuclear Battery - $5,000S Fission - $50,000S Fusion - $500,000S Antimatter - $10 MilS S This component scales. Multiply its 9 Steam: cost and weight by the vehicle's Scale Multiplier. Fuel: Coal Power Points: 3 Recharge Rate: None. When the power points run out, the vehicle must be refuelled. Explosion: Vehicle scale +1, +3 damage Special: This power plant type requires an Engineering position and associated assistants to shovel coal whenever the vehicle is operational. Fossil Fuel: Fuel: Fossil Fuels (ex. Gasoline, Diesel, etc.) Power Points: 6 Recharge Rate: None. When the power points run out, the vehicle must be refuelled. Explosion: Vehicle scale +1 Fuel Cell: Fuel: Hydrogen Power Points: 9 Recharge Rate: None. When the power points run out, the vehicle must be refuelled. Explosion: Vehicle scale +1, +4 damage Battery: Fuel: Rechargeable Chemical Batteries Power Points: 6 Recharge Rate: None. When the power points run out, the battery must be replaced or recharged Explosion: None Nuclear Battery: Fuel: Uranium or Plutonium (or similar nuclear material) Power Points: 6 Recharge Rate: 1 point/minute Explosion: Vehicle scale +1, +3 damage, radiation (no EMP or shockwave) Fission: Fuel: Uranium or Plutonium rods Power Points: 18 Recharge Rate: 1 point/minute Explosion: Vehicle scale +2, +24 heat damage; +6 scale for +4 bludgeoning damage; for radiation and EMP effects see “Nuclear Warheads” (below). Fusion: Fuel: Hydrogen Power Points: 18 Recharge Rate: 1 point/round Explosion: Vehicle scale +1, +4 damage (the hydrogen fuel ignites, but there is no ‘fusion explosion’) Antimatter: Fuel: Antimatter Containers Power Points: 36 10