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What influences the course and power of events that shape the course of our lives and the power of the events in it? Time, of course, is all of these things and more. Think about it for a second (or a minute, or an hour). It determines what we are allowed to do. It forces us to make decisions that can challenge us as well as shape us. It dictates the limit of all of our experiences. It performs as an obstacle to our goals and achievements. It acts as a friend to the quality of our lives. This yearbook is composed of the elements of time, of the 2004-2005 school year at Northeast High School. But more than that, it is composed of deadlines, of the efforts of its staff to effectively capture what this school year, of what the elements of this year were all about. We hope that you enjoy perusing this 3 2nd volume of Valhalla: It's About Time. 2 Valhalla '2005: It: · bout1ime ll' 1\l::x)ul Time ... @ orthea.;l3 Nevley f>uf)art modeled f)ow sRirts Quintera Gantt sf)owea. f)ow capris really accentuate f)er sf)ape. 'Tf)ey ranged in style. 1l)e lacing in tf)e say tf)at sKirts maRe tf)e oot jeans displayed f)er legs, a real gir~ Nevley maRes tljis sKirt. innovation in style tf)at was trendy tljis T ~~ l'>fJBlanila Jones displayed ljow some students ef)ose to oo ' tf)eir own person. Sf)e FwoRe • tf)e tradition, and wore wljite ~ after baoor r>ay. Always oo yourself. Sl)aronda BrooRs sljowed off a variation of ljiglj f)eels using laces to accent f)er calves. Sandals tf)at tie up tf)e leg were very popular FJeeause tf)ey were inexpensive and stylisl). 4 Valhalla 2005: Its t\boul Time l{esl)ia Watson and Brittanie )VIagee sf)owed f)ow pink was a very popular color last spring, complimenting tl)e annual Cl)erry Blossom Go girls!!!!! ~eason. Carlton Brown wore of a pair of tl)e numoor I 2 Jordans. wl)ile l{esl)ia Watson contrasted l)im, and relaxed wl)ile otl)ers read l)er pink, exotic newspaper pumps. 'Tf)e classic wl)ite Air Foree Ones were very popular and famous among a lot of tl)e students. 'll)ey were worn commonly witl) jeans and a wl)ite tee. Yep, in my wl)ite teen )VIid Air Force Ones were very popular tl)rougl)out tl)e scl)ool. Cl)uck 'Taylors witl) stylist) colors were also a trend for tl)e 2004- 2 0 0 5 scl)ool year. Quintera Gantt and Crystal Palmer, FJotl) seniors, portrayed l)ow different pumps were worn tl)at ranged in style and color, even tl)e loud ones. Everyone knew wl)en tl)ey were coming. IL' · Time @ Nortbea "l 5 Buckles Belt Belt oocrdes jumped from tl)e oroinaPy f)ooR-and-elasp types to mafdng really BIG statements tl)is yeaP, from people's names to nicRnames, from W estePQ attire to AmePican patPiotism. 'TI)e lapgeP, more simple oocrdes were populaP roys, among wl)ile giPls prefet'Ped tl)e decomted oocRles. Belts l)ad always reen vaPied, from woven oolts to gold f)oop oolts, rut tl)en tl)e oocRles caugl)t up witt) tl)em. 'TI)ey were l)ard to miss as you walKed ti)P<>Ugl) tl)e l)alls. 6 Valh lla 2005: It: boul Time

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