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The use of individual patient-level data (IPD) to quantify the impact of pretreatment predictors of response to treatment in chronic hepatitis B patients. PDF

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Preview The use of individual patient-level data (IPD) to quantify the impact of pretreatment predictors of response to treatment in chronic hepatitis B patients.

Open Access Research The use of individual patient-level data (IPD) to quantify the impact of pretreatment predictors of response to treatment in chronic hepatitis B patients Shehzad Ali,1 Stuart Mealing,1 Neil Hawkins,1,2 Benedicte Lescrauwaet,3 Stefan Bjork,4 Lorenzo Mantovani,5 Pietro Lampertico6 Tocite:AliS,MealingS, ABSTRACT ARTICLE SUMMARY HawkinsN,etal.Theuseof Objectives:Evidencesynthesisisanintegralpart individualpatient-level decision-makingbyreimbursementagencies.When Article focus data(IPD)toquantifythe impactofpretreatment directevidenceisnotavailable,network-meta-analysis ▪ InpatientswithchronichepatitisB,arethereany predictorsofresponseto (NMA)techniquesarecommonlyused.Thisapproach baselinepatientcharacteristicsthatimpactonthe treatmentinchronichepatitis assumesthatthetrialsaresufficientlysimilarinterms probability of achieving undetectable viral load Bpatients.BMJOpen oftreatment-effectmodifiers.Whenimbalancesin after1yearoftherapy? 2013;3:e001309. potentialtreatment-effectmodifiersexist,theNMA ▪ Ifso,whatisthemagnitudeoftheeffect? doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2012- approachmaynotproducefaircomparisons.The 001309 objectiveofthisstudywastoidentifyandquantifythe Key messages interactionbetweentreatment-effectandpotential ▪ Time on treatment and baseline viral load were ▸ Prepublicationhistoryand treatment-effectmodifiers,includingtime-of-response independenttreatment-effectmodifiers. additionalmaterialforthis measurementandbaselineviralloadinchronic ▪ The treatment–effect interaction OR for baseline paperareavailableonline.To hepatitisB(CHB)patients. viralloadwas0.94(p=0.047). viewthesefilespleasevisit Design:Retrospectivepatient-leveldataeconometric ▪ Future meta-analyses should account for this thejournalonline analysis. interactionterminordertogenerate‘like-for-like’ (http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/ Participants:1353individualsfromtworandomised comparisons. bmjopen-2012-001309). controlledtrialsofnucleoside-naïveCHBtaking0.5mg Strengths and limitations of this study Received23May2012 entecavir(n=679)or100mglamivudine(n=668)daily ▪ Analyses based on patient-level data from two Revised12December2012 for48weeks. high-quality randomised controlled trials (patient Accepted13December2012 Interventions:HepatitisBvirus(HBV)DNAlevelsfor count=1353). bothdrugsweremeasuredatbaselineandweeks24, ▪ The statistical models took account of the longi- Thisfinalarticleisavailable 36and48.Generalisedestimatingequationfor tudinal nature of the data and the correlation foruseunderthetermsof repeatedbinaryresponseswasusedtoidentify betweenrepeatedmeasures. theCreativeCommons AttributionNon-Commercial treatment-effectmodifiersforresponsedefinedat ▪ HBVDNAlevelswereobservedatrelativelysmall 2.0Licence;see ≤400or≤300copies/ml. number of discrete time points, that is, 24, 36 http://bmjopen.bmj.com Primaryoutcome measures:ORat48weeks. and48weeks Results:TheORforthetime-of-response ▪ Only two treatments included in the trials (ente- measurementandtreatment-effectinteractiontermwas cavirandlamivudine). 1.039(p=0.00)and1.035(p=0.00)whenresponse wasdefinedat≤400or≤300copies/ml,respectively. ThebaselineHBVDNAandtreatment-effectinteraction INTRODUCTION ORwas0.94(p=0.047)and0.95(p=0.096), Chronic hepatitis B (CHB) is an infectious respectively,forthetworesponsedefinitions condition caused by the hepatitis B virus suggestingevidenceofinteractionbetweenbaseline (HBV). Long-term consequences of infection diseaseactivityandtreatmenteffect.Theinteraction include cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma betweenHBeAgstatusandtreatmenteffectwasnot and ultimately death.1 For patients in the UK, statisticallysignificant. the licensed treatments for CHB are entecavir Conclusions:Themeasurementtimepointseemsto (ETV),lamivudine(LAM),telbivudine,adefo- modifytherelativetreatmenteffectofentacavir Fornumberedaffiliationssee vir dipivoxil, tenofovir disoproxil fumerate comparedtolamivudine,measuredontheORscale. endofarticle. (TDF), peginterferon α-2a, interferon α-2a Evidencealsosuggestedthatdifferencesinbaseline and interferon α-2b.2 These treatments have viralloadmayalsoalterrelativetreatmenteffect.Meta- *CorrespondencetoStuart analysesshouldaccountforsuchmodifierswhen beenevaluatedinrandomisedcontrolledtrials Mealing;;Stuart.mealing@ generatingrelativeefficacyestimates. (RCTs); however, head-to-head comparisons oxfordoutcomes.com AliS,MealingS,HawkinsN,etal.BMJOpen2013;3:e001309.doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2012-001309 1 Impact of baseline characteristics on CHB response arenotalwaysavailableforallpossibletreatmentcompari- interaction analysis would provide an estimate for the sons. From the perspective of a reimbursement agency magnitude of potential treatment modifier effect rather such as the National Institute for Health and Clinical than proving beyond doubt that these interactions exist Excellence (NICE), this poses a challenge since relative at the studylevel. estimatesofthetreatmentefficacymaynotbeavailablefor To date, two network meta-analyses of treatments for eachinterventiontoinformreimbursementdecisions. CHB have been published in peer-review journals.8 9 One strategy to overcoming this challenge is to use Both studies defined response to treatment in terms of network meta-analysis (NMA) to generate relative effi- attainment of undetectable levels of HBV DNA below a cacyestimates between competing treatments.3–6 While a predefined threshold at a given time point. However, in traditional meta-analysis includes studies that compare both cases, the authors did not attempt to fully account two interventions with each other, an NMA synthesises for the differences in different sources of heterogeneity, all available evidence from a network of RCTs involving including baseline patient characteristics across different multiple treatments compared directly or indirectly or trials. Moreover, the effect of using different definitions both. NMA extends the concept of a traditional of virological response to treatment was not explored meta-analysis by including multiple pairwise compari- duringevidence synthesis. sons across a range of interventions and provides esti- The objective of this study was to explore and quantify mates of the relative treatment effect on multiple the relationship between treatment effect and patient treatment comparisons by using achain of evidence that characteristics, in particular, baseline disease severity links treatments of interest. It represents a comprehen- and time-of-response measurement, in predicting sive analysis framework for combining both direct and response to CHB treatment. Baseline HBV DNA level as indirect evidence in such a manner as to preserve ran- measured using the PCR assay is known to be a pre- domisation within trials. dictor of treatment response but the extent of this rela- The NMA approach allows consideration of all rele- tionship, and whether or not it is also a treatment-effect vant evidence and addresses research questions in the modifier (ie, whetheror not it impacts on the efficacyof absence of direct comparative evidence, thus improving a particular treatment option) is not currently known. the precision of estimates by combining direct and indir- This work is of interest tothe clinical communitysince it ect evidence. One of the key assumptions underpinning would provide evidence on whether and how much this method is that the studies included in the analysis treatment effects vary based on these variables. It will are homogeneous, that is, the trials are sufficiently also be of value in future network meta-analyses since it similaron studyand patient characteristics (‘covariates’). explores the methodological implications of treatment If these covariates act as modifiers of the relative treat- interactions that can impact on the observed level of ment effect (ie, the difference in response on a given response. Extending network meta-analysis models with scale, typically log-odds orodds) and their distribution is treatment-by-covariate interactions may explain hetero- not balanced across the studies that are compared dir- geneityin relativetreatment effects. ectly or indirectly, the similarity assumption is violated We used individual patient level data (IPD) from two and the NMA is affected by confounding bias. Effect clinical trials of CHB patients, comparing ETV and modifiers may include patient characteristics, study LAM, to quantify the relationship between treatment setting, length of follow-up, outcome definition and effectandbaselinecovariatesandtime-of-responsemeas- measurement and study methodology (eg, protocol urement to identify any treatment-effect modifiers. requirements and study time frame).7 This is particularly Treatment response was defined in terms of attainment important in cases where response to treatment is of undetectable levels of HBV DNA below predefined defined in terms of post-treatment level of a measure threshold values of≤400 and ≤300copies/ml. (eg, a biological marker such as response viral load) when the baseline level of this measure is known to vary across studies. As a result, if one study happens to recruit patients with a more advanced disease (ie, worse METHODS levels of a given clinical variable), and this variable is Patient-level data from 1353 treatment-naïve individuals known to modify the impact of treatment, then the level recruited into two multinational double-blinded, double- of response achieved in this study is likely to be smaller dummy studies of ETV 0.5mg once daily (n=679) and compared to another study which primarily includes LAM 100mg once daily (n=668) were made available by patients with less-advanced disease (ie, with better base- Bristol-Myers Squibb for the purpose of this analysis line variable levels), all things being equal. To identify (study names: 022 and 027).10 11 In both clinical trials, treatment-effect modifiers and to provide an estimate of all individuals were nucleoside-naïve with the common the magnitude of treatment–covariate interaction, composite primary efficacy endpoint being histological regression analysis of individual patient-level data can be improvement (≥two point decrease in the Knodell used. This, in turn, can form the basis for evaluating necroinflammatory score) and no worsening of fibrosis baseline imbalances acrosstrials included in the NMA. It (≥one point increase in the Knodell fibrosis score), at should, however, be noted that such within-trial week 48, compared to baseline. Individuals were 2 AliS,MealingS,HawkinsN,etal.BMJOpen2013;3:e001309.doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2012-001309 Impact of baseline characteristics on CHB response HBeAg-positive in Study 022 and HBeAg-negative in the restricted to the key HBeAg-positive regulatory trials for Study 027. ETV and TDF (AI463-022 and Marcellin2008), there is The primary rationale for the study was to explore the an approximate difference of 1log copies/ml. The 10 effect of interaction between baseline variables and corresponding difference between the values in the ETV treatment effect in predicting response. Here, response and TDF in HBeAg-negative regulatory studies is defined as a binary (yes/no) variable in terms of (AI463-023 and Marcellin2008) was approximately achieving a threshold of undetectable levels of HBV 0.5log copies/ml. Hence, the studies appear dissimilar 10 DNA. Two commonly used response thresholds were in terms ofbaselineviral load levels. evaluated in this study, that is, ≤400 or ≤300copies/ml GEE logit regression models evaluated the odds of measured by PCR assay. Responsewas evaluated foreach achievingtreatment responseat two threshold values (ie, individual patient at weeks 24, 36 and 48. The following HBV DNA ≤400 or ≤300copies/ml) after adjusting for covariates were used in the statistical analysis: natural log baseline characteristics. Both main effect and interaction of baseline HBV DNA measured by PCR assay (variable: terms were included in the analysis. The results are pre- ‘LPCR_0’), treatment received (‘ETV’ or ‘LAM’, with sented as both log-ORs (tables 2 and 3) and ORs (tables LAM used as the reference group), HBeAg antigen 4 and 5) with CIs. An OR of <1 suggests a decrease in status of the patient (‘HBeAg’) and a time variable odds of achieving treatment response when the level of (‘TIME’) expressed in weeks to evaluate the impact of baselinevariableincreasesbyoneunit,andviceversa. duration on treatment response. The following inter- The results show that the coefficient on the inter- action terms were included: treatment with ETV and action term for treatment and baseline log-PCR baseline viral load (‘ETV*PCR’), treatment with ETV (ETV*PCR) is negative for both threshold values (tables and time (‘ETV*TIME’) and treatment with ETV and 2 and 3) with different levels of statistical significance. e-antigen status (ETV*HBeAg). Study-specific intercepts The odds for the interaction term for response at were also included in the analysis. Covariates were ≤400copies/ml were found to be 0.94 which represents centred at their mean values, except for the time vari- the multiplicative factor by which the ratio of the pre- ablewhich was centred at 48weeks. dicted odds of response for ETVand predicted odds for Statistical analysiswasperformed using the generalised LAM changes when the baseline log-PCR increases by estimating equations (GEE) with logit link function and one unit. In other words, when the baseline log-PCR autoregressive correlation structure. The use of GEE is increases by one unit from its mean value, the OR of preferred when outcomes are correlated and the focus response for ETV compared to LAM decreases by 5.6% of analysis is on estimating average effect in the popula- (ie, (1–0.94)*100). The analysis at ≤300copies/ml tion. The GEE takes an account of the correlation found that the odds were similar, that is, 0.95. However, between repeated observations from the same individual it should be noted that the coefficients are only margin- at multiple time points. Moreover, since the sample size ally significant in both analyses (p=0.047 for ≤400 needed to achieve adequate statistical power to detect copies/ml and p=0.096 for ≤300copies/ml). These interaction effects is larger than the sample size needed results show that there is evidence (albeit relatively to detect main effects,12 the use of GEE is preferred weak) to suggest that the treatment effect may be mod- over cross-sectional logistic regression as it allows the use eratedby the level ofbaseline log-PCR. of multiple observations per individual. The analysis was The interaction analysis of treatment and TIME in the conducted in Stata V.11 (StataCorp. 2009. Stata GEEmodelisalsostatisticallysignificant(p=0.00)forboth Statistical Software: Release 11. College Station, Texas: response definitions. This indicates that the treatment StataCorp LP). effect is moderated by time-of-response measurement. The positive coefficient on the interaction variable sug- gests that when time-of-response measurement increases RESULTS by1week,theORofresponseforETVcomparedtoLAM To contextualise the results of the statistical analysis con- increases by 3.9%. This indicates that, while the odds of ducted in this study, we present the summary statistics achieving undetectable levels of HBV DNA increases with from a systematic review of CHB interventions con- timeinbothtreatmentgroups,therateofchangeinodds ducted separately by the authors and presented at the is higher for ETV compared to LAM. We also evaluated International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and the interaction between HBeAg status and treatment Outcomes Research conference in 2011. Table 1 pre- effectwhichwasfoundtobestatisticallynon-significantin sents baseline HBV DNA levels in the RCTs of CHB both analyses. This result shows that there is no evidence interventions. The table shows that the baseline HBV tosuggestthattheoddsofresponseforETVcomparedto DNA values in all trials ranged from 5.6 to 10.3log LAMismoderatedbytheHBeAgstatus. 10 copies/ml. For HBeAg-positive patients, the range was between 5.7 and 10.3log copies/ml, whereas for CONCLUSION 10 HBeAg-negative patients, the range was 5.6–7.8log This study evaluated the effect of interaction between 10 copies/ml. Of note, however, is that when the focus is treatment received and the baseline characteristics and AliS,MealingS,HawkinsN,etal.BMJOpen2013;3:e001309.doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2012-001309 3 Impact of baseline characteristics on CHB response Table1 BaselineHBVDNAlevelsbystudy BaselineHBVDNAlevels(log copies/ml) 10 Study Treatment HBeAgPositive HBeAgNegative 018StudyGroup TBV600mg 9.57 ADV10mg 9.98 ADV437StudyGroup Placebo 8.12 ADV10mg 8.25 StudyAI463-022 ETV0.5mg 9.62 LAM100mg 9.69 Cooksley2003 IFNA 9.29 PegIFNA 9.25 Hou2008 TBV600mg 9.3 LAM100mg 9.7 Lau2005 PegIFNA 9.9 LMV100mg 10.1 Leung2009 ETV0.5mg 10.3 ADV10mg 9.88 Marcellin2008 TDF300mg 8.64 ADV10mg 8.88 Ren2007 LAM100mg 8.49 ETV0.5mg 8.52 Shindo2009 LAM100mg 7.94 ETV0.5mg 8.39 USLIG Placebo 5.7 LAM100mg 10.2 Placebo 8.6 AI463023 ETV0.5mg 8.8 7.7 LAM100mg 8.7 7.6 Globestudygroup LAM100mg 9.5 7.4 TBV600mg 9.5 7.7 StudyAI463-027 ETV0.5mg 7.6 LAM100mg 7.6 Chan2007 Placebo 5.6 LAM100mg 5.7 Hou2008 TBV600mg 7.8 LAM100mg 7.6 Marcellin2004 PegIFNA 7.1 LAM100mg 7.2 Marcellin2008 TDF300mg 6.9 ADV10mg 7.0 ADV,adefovirdipivoxil;ETV,entecavir;HBV,hepatitisBvirus;LAM,lamivudine;TBV,telbivudine;TDF,tenofovirdisoproxilfumerate. Table2 Log-oddsofresponsebasedongeneralisedestimatingequationfortreatmentresponseat≤400copies/ml Variables Log-odds SE z P>|z| (95%CI) Constant 1.618 1.118 1.450 0.148 −0.573to3.809 Maineffects LPCR_0(centred) −0.172 0.020 −8.490 0.000 −0.212to−0.132 Treatment,ETV 1.563 0.224 6.990 0.000 1.124to2.001 HBeAg(positive) −1.277 0.567 −2.250 0.024 −2.387to−0.166 Time(centredat48weeks) 0.022 0.005 4.480 0.000 0.012to0.031 Clinicalstudy(ID=27)/ −0.306 0.558 −0.550 0.583 −1.399to0.787 Interactionterms ETV*time(centredat48weeks) 0.039 0.008 5.040 0.000 0.024to0.054 ETV*PCR(centredat48weeks) −0.059 0.030 −1.980 0.047 −0.117to−0.001 ETV*HBeAg(positive) 0.267 0.249 1.070 0.284 −0.221to0.754 ETV,entecavir. 4 AliS,MealingS,HawkinsN,etal.BMJOpen2013;3:e001309.doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2012-001309 Impact of baseline characteristics on CHB response Table3 Log-oddsofresponsebasedongeneralisedestimatingequationfortreatmentresponseat≤300copies/ml Variables Log-odds SE z P>|z| (95%CI) Constant 1.817 1.128 1.610 0.107 −0.394to4.027 Maineffects LPCR_0(centred) −0.166 0.020 −8.160 0.000 −0.205to−0.126 Treatment,ETV 1.429 0.214 6.680 0.000 1.010to1.848 HBeAg(positive) −1.414 0.572 −2.470 0.013 −2.536to−0.293 Time(centredat48weeks) 0.025 0.005 5.290 0.000 0.016to0.035 Clinicalstudy(ID=27) −0.450 0.563 −0.800 0.424 −1.553to0.653 Interactionterms ETV*Time(centeredat48weeks) 0.035 0.007 4.710 0.000 0.020to0.049 ETV*PCR(centeredat48weeks) −0.049 0.029 −1.660 0.096 −0.106to0.009 ETV*HBeAg(positive) 0.264 0.244 1.080 0.278 −0.213to0.742 ETV,entecavir;LPCR_0,naturallogofbaselineHBVDNAmeasuredbyPCRassay. time-of-response measurement in predicting the odds of DNA level on odds of response in the models. The coef- treatment response (defined as undetectable HBV DNA ficient suggests that patients with more severe or levels at threshold values of 400 and 300 copies/ml). advanced levels of disease activity before treatment initi- The baseline variables included the log of baseline HBV ation (as measured by baseline viral load) are less likely DNA level, the time-of-response measurement (in to achieve response (as measured by response viral load) weeks) and HBeAg status. While the qualitative relation- at any given time point, that is, higher baseline disease ship between time, baseline viral load and response has activity predicts worse response. This is in line with been documented in the literature,13 the key aim of the earlier findings. analysis was to identify and quantify the interaction We did not find any significant interaction between effects that may act as treatment-effect modifiers which, treatment-effect and HBeAg status. However, HBeAg in turn, may be useful to adjust baseline differences in status was found to be a significant predictor as a main future meta-analyses. effect suggesting that patients with positive HBeAg status The analyses presented in this paper showed that are less likely to achieve response after controlling for there is strong evidence to suggest that time-of-response baseline HBV DNA and time-of-response measurement. measurement may act as treatment-effect modifier. This Reimbursement agencies, such as NICE, typically suggests that time of measurement should be taken into make decisions based on evidence regarding relative account during NMA, when clinical trials with different treatment effects based on clinical efficacy data on end- periods of patient follow-up are included in the analysis. points, such as the level of response achieved after treat- Our analysis also found that there is weak evidence to ment for a certain period of time, as a surrogate for suggest that the baseline HBV DNA level may also inter- clinical efficacy.14 From the perspective of a reimburse- act with treatment effect. This is potentially an import- ment agency, the key finding of this analysis is that the ant finding to suggest that future network meta-analyses time-of-response measurement and baseline disease should evaluate the need to account for differences in activity may act as treatment-effect modifiers, suggesting baseline disease activity in CHB patients. We also evalu- that when these variables are not distributed in a ated the main (non-interactive) impact of baseline HBV balanced way across trials, there is potential for Table4 Oddsofresponsebasedongeneralisedestimatingequationfortreatmentresponseat≤400copies/ml Variables Odds SE z P>|z| (95%CI) Maineffects LPCR_0(centred) 0.842 0.017 −8.490 0.000 0.809to0.876 Treatment,ETV 4.773 1.068 6.990 0.000 3.079to7.400 HBeAg(positive) 0.279 0.158 −2.250 0.024 0.092to0.847 Time(centredat48weeks) 1.022 0.005 4.480 0.000 1.012to1.032 Clinicalstudy(ID=27) 0.736 0.411 −0.550 0.583 0.247to2.196 Interactionterms ETV*time(centredat48weeks) 1.039 0.008 5.040 0.000 1.024to1.055 ETV*PCR(centredat48weeks) 0.943 0.028 −1.980 0.047 0.889to0.999 ETV*HBeAg(positive) 1.305 0.325 1.070 0.284 0.801to2.126 ETV,entecavir;LPCR_0,naturallogofbaselineHBVDNAmeasuredbyPCRassay. AliS,MealingS,HawkinsN,etal.BMJOpen2013;3:e001309.doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2012-001309 5 Impact of baseline characteristics on CHB response Table5 Oddsofresponsebasedongeneralisedestimatingequationfortreatmentresponseat≤300copies/ml Variables Odds SE z P>|z| (95%CI) Maineffects Maineffects 0.847 0.017 −8.160 0.000 0.814to0.882 LPCR_0(centred) 4.175 0.893 6.680 0.000 2.745to6.349 Treatment,ETV 0.243 0.139 −2.470 0.013 0.079to0.746 HBeAg(positive) 1.026 0.005 5.290 0.000 1.016to1.035 Time(centredat48weeks) 0.637 0.359 −0.800 0.424 0.212to1.921 Clinicalstudy(ID=27) Interactionterms 1.035 0.008 4.710 0.000 1.020to1.050 ETV*Time(centeredat48wks) 0.952 0.028 −1.660 0.096 0.899to1.009 ETV*PCR(centeredat48wks) 1.303 1.303 1.080 0.278 0.808to2.101 ETV,entecavir;LPCR_0,naturallogofbaselineHBVDNAmeasuredbyPCRassay. confounding bias in the resulting meta-analysis estimates. effects will be observed in other CHB studies. However, Hence,analystsshouldevaluatedifferencesinpatient-level wedonotknowofanyreasonswhytheobservedrelation- and study-level characteristics that may act as shipmaynotholdforCHBpatientsreceivingothertreat- treatment-effect modifiers while undertaking usingdirect, ments.However,wewouldrecommendthatsuchanalyses indirect and mixed treatment comparisons to allow fair are repeated in other randomised trials to ascertain the ‘like-for-like’ comparisons to be made. However, it should validity of these findings. Finally, the analysis assumed be noted that the within-trial interaction analysis provides that the unobserved patient characteristics in this study anestimateofthemagnitudeofpotentialtreatment-effect did not directly influence the observed relationship modifier rather than proving beyond doubt that these betweentreatment-effectandbaselinecharacteristics. interactionsexistatthestudylevel. All mixed treatment comparisons of CHB treatments published to date did not adjust for patient baseline Implications forevidence synthesis characteristics. Therefore, if heterogeneity or treatment This study found that the time-of-response measurement modifiers across clinical trials are not accounted for, and the level of baseline disease activity may act as then meta-analysis may produce biased estimates in treatment-effect modifiers in CHB patients. From the favour of treatment(s) that had patients with relatively perspective of evidence synthesis, this study identifies an longer time-of-response measurement and less severe important issue, that is, treatment-effect modifiers may disease activity in the trials (ie, lower baseline risk). impact on the comparisons made across several studies Furthermore, when such evidence is incorporated in an in meta-analyses. It highlights the need to explore the economic model, such as those developed by Dakin impact of baseline characteristics and time-period imbal- et al15 or Veenstra et al,16 17 the cost-effectiveness esti- ances between studies included in meta-analyses. When mates may be biased against interventions that was effect-modifier relationships are significant, comparisons studied in patients withmoreseverely disease activity. across treatments may not be fair and could potentially biasthe comparativetreatment-effect estimates. Strengths and weaknesses of the analyses The study used individual patientlevel datafrom two lon- Authoraffiliations 1OxfordOutcomesLtd,Oxford,UK gitudinalrandomisedtrialsoveraperiodof48weeks.The 2CentreforHealthEconomics,UniversityofYork,York,UK statistical models took account of the longitudinal nature 3XinteraConsultingBvba,Leuven,Belgium of the data and the correlation between repeated mea- 4Bristol-MyersSquibbSarl.RueilMalmaison,Paris,France sures. Interaction effects that may act as treatment-effect 5UniversityofNaples,Naples,Italy modifierswereevaluatedandquantifiedinthisstudy. 6FirstDivisionofGastroenterology,FondazioneIRCCSCàGrandaOspedale MaggiorePoliclinico,UniversitàdegliStudidiMilano,Milano,Italy One potential limitation of the study is that response HBVDNAlevelswereobservedatrelativelysmallnumber Contributors SAperformedallanalysesandcontributedtothepreparationof themanuscript.SMandNHassistedSAinperformingtheanalysisand of discrete time points, that is, 24, 36 and 48weeks. This assistedinthepreparationofthemanuscript.BL,SB,LMandPLassistedin may have an implication on the statistical power of the identifyingkeyparameters,validatedallresultsandassistedinthepreparation study to detect significant effects. Another limitation is ofthemanuscript. that the relationship between treatment effect and Funding ThisstudywasfundedbyBristol-MyersSquibb. patient-level baseline characteristics was explored only in Competinginterests SA,SMandNHworkedforOxfordOutcomesLtdwho thetrialsofETVversusLAMinthisstudy,andassuch,we were not able to explore treatment-effect modifiers in receivedfundingfromBristol-MyersSquibbtoconductthisanalysis.BLand SBwereBristol-MyersSquibbemployeesduringtheconductofthestudy, other interventions such as adefovir and tenofovir. It is andreceivedfundingforconsultingservicesonspecificHEORprojects.PL difficult to anticipate whether or not such interaction receivedhonorariaforadvisoryboardsandspeakingbureauforBristol-Myers 6 AliS,MealingS,HawkinsN,etal.BMJOpen2013;3:e001309.doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2012-001309 Impact of baseline characteristics on CHB response Squibb.LMreceivedhonorariafromBristol-MyersSquibbforadvisory 9. 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