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http://informahealthcare.com/txc ISSN:1040-8444(print),1547-6898(electronic) CritRevToxicol,2013;43(2):119–153 !2013InformaHealthcareUSA,Inc.DOI:10.3109/10408444.2012.756455 REVIEW ARTICLE The use of biomonitoring data in exposure and human health risk assessment: benzene case study ScottM.Arnold1,JuergenAngerer2,PeterJ.Boogaard3,MichaelF.Hughes4,RaeganB.O’Lone5,StevenH.Robison6, and A. Robert Schnatter7 1TheDowChemicalCompany,Midland,MI,USA,2BGFA–Forschungsinstitutfu¨rArbeitsmedizinderDeutschenGesetzlichenUnfallversicherung, Erlangen,Germany,3ShellInternationalB.V.,TheHague,theNetherlands,4UnitedStatesEnvironmentalProtectionAgency,ResearchTrianglePark, NC,USA,5ILSIHealthandEnvironmentalSciencesInstitute,Washington,DC,USA,6TheProcterandGambleCompany,Cincinnati,OH,USA,and 7ExxonMobilBiomedicalSciences,Inc.,Annandale,NJ,USA, Abstract Keywords Aframeworkof‘‘CommonCriteria’’(i.e.aseriesofquestions)hasbeendevelopedtoinformthe Biomarkersofexposure,biomonitoring,ben- use and evaluation of biomonitoring data in the context of human exposure and risk zene,cancer,riskassessment assessment. The data-rich chemical benzene was selected for use in a case study to assess whetherrefinementoftheCommonCriteriaframeworkwasnecessary,andtogainadditional History perspective on approaches for integrating biomonitoring data into a risk-based context. The Received17August2012 availabledataforbenzenesatisfiedmostoftheCommonCriteriaandallowedforarisk-based Revised30November2012 evaluationofthebenzenebiomonitoringdata.Ingeneral,biomarker(bloodbenzene,urinary Accepted4December2012 benzene and urinary S-phenylmercapturic acid) central tendency (i.e. mean, median and geometricmean)concentrationsfornon-smokersareatorbelowthepredictedbloodorurine concentrationsthatwouldcorrespondtoexposureattheUSEnvironmentalProtectionAgency referenceconcentration(30mg/m3),butgreaterthanbloodorurineconcentrationsrelatingto theairconcentrationatthe1(cid:2)10(cid:3)5excesscancerrisk(2.9mg/m3).Smokersclearlyhavehigher levels of benzene exposure, and biomarker levels of benzene for non-smokers are generally consistentwithambientairmonitoringresults.Whilesomebiomarkersofbenzenearespecific indicators of exposure, the interpretation of benzene biomonitoring levels in a health-risk context are complicated by issues associated with short half-lives and gaps in knowledge regardingtherelationshipbetweenthebiomarkersandsubsequenttoxiceffects. TableofContents BenzeneandBradfordHillCriteria....................................... 129 Abstract .................................................................................119 CommonCriteriaandEpidemiology.................................... 129 Introduction ...........................................................................120 Biomarkers/AnalyticalMethodology ..........................................130 Exposure.................................................................................121 Benzene ........................................................................... 130 Primarysourcesandroutesofexposure.............................. 121 Analyticalmethodology...................................................130 Temporalityanddurationofexposure................................. 122 Biomarkerconcentrations................................................130 CommonCriteriaandexposure .......................................... 122 Conclusionforbenzeneasabiomarkerofexposure .........131 Toxicology/Toxicokinetics.........................................................123 S-Phenylmercapturicacid ................................................... 131 Toxicology ........................................................................ 123 Analyticalmethodology...................................................131 Hematotoxicity...............................................................123 Biomarkerconcentrations................................................133 Genotoxicity ..................................................................... 124 Backgroundsources ......................................................133 Carcinogenicity.................................................................. 124 ConclusionforS-phenylmercapturicasabiomarkerof Carcinogenicity–Humans .............................................124 exposure ..................................................................133 Carcinogenicity–Animals................................................124 Trans,trans-muconicacid................................................... 133 Toxicokinetics .................................................................. 125 Analyticalmethodology...................................................133 Absorption.....................................................................125 Biomarkerconcentrations................................................133 Distribution ..................................................................125 Backgroundsources ......................................................134 Metabolism ..................................................................125 Conclusionfortrans,trans-muconicacidasabiomarkerof Elimination.....................................................................126 exposure ..................................................................134 ModeofAction.................................................................. 127 Phenol,CatecholandHydroquinone ................................. 134 PharmacokineticModels ................................................... 127 Analyticalmethodology...................................................134 CommonCriteriaandToxicology/Toxicokinetics .................. 128 Biomarkerconcentrations................................................135 Epidemiology...........................................................................129 Backgroundsources ......................................................135 Addressforcorrespondence:ScottArnold,TheDowChemicalCompany,1803Building,Midland,MI48674,USA.Tel:þ19896364843.Fax:þ1989 6382425.E-mail:[email protected] 120 S. M. Arnold et al. CritRevToxicol,2013;43(2):119–153 Conclusionforphenol,catecholandhydroquinoneasa lifestyle factors such as diet, smoking and hobbies), it can biomarkerofexposure .............................................135 provide valuable perspective to help evaluate aggregate DNAandProteinAdductsofBenzene................................. 135 exposure to chemicals (Angerer et al., 2006, 2007; Pirkle DNAadductsofbenzene ................................................136 et al., 1995). Traditionally, biomonitoring data are used to Proteinadductsofbenzene.............................................136 ConclusionforDNAandproteinadductsasabiomarker assess the efficacy of control measures in occupational ofexposure...............................................................137 settings. Biomonitoring data are now one commonly used CommonCriteriaandBiomarkers/AnalyticalMethodology ... 137 tool to determine chemical exposure in the general popula- RiskAssessment/RiskCharacterization .......................................138 tion. Biomonitoring data can also be used to assess the Relevanttoxicologydata ................................................... 138 effectiveness of environmental remediation efforts. Thus, Relationshipbetweenthebiomarkerofexposureand knownhumanhealtheffect .......................................... 138 when collecting biomonitoring data, one must also consider PharmacokineticData......................................................... 139 the overall objectives of the evaluation. For example,if there Benchmarks ..................................................................... 139 is a need tounderstand exposure, then determining the levels Generalpopulationbenchmarks.......................................139 ofthechemicaland/oritsmetabolitesinanappropriatematrix Noncancerendpoints......................................................139 (e.g. blood and urine) may be sufficient. Alternatively, if the Cancerendpoints............................................................139 Occupationalbenchmarks................................................140 biomonitoringdataaretobeusedtounderstandhealtheffects, RiskCharacterization ......................................................... 140 considerably more information would be needed. For asses- Generalpopulationexposure ..........................................140 sing risk to a population, in addition to the exposure Bloodbenzene ...............................................................140 assessment data that biomonitoring may provide, additional UrinarybenzeneandSPMA.............................................142 information including sources and pathways of exposure and Urbanworkerexposure...................................................143 Industrialworkerexposure .............................................144 toxicology are needed. CommonCriteriaandRiskAssessment/RiskManagement ... 144 The Biomonitoring Technical Committee of the SummaryandConclusions ......................................................145 International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) Health and Acknowledgements..................................................................146 Environmental Sciences Institute (HESI) held an DeclarationofInterest ............................................................146 International Biomonitoring Workshop in 2004. At this References ..............................................................................146 workshop, a framework of ‘‘Common Criteria’’ (i.e. a series of key questions, Table 1) was developed to inform the use Introduction and evaluation of the use of biomonitoring data in exposure and human health risk assessment. The criteriawere outlined Human biomonitoring can be an effective tool for assessing for the following categories (Albertini et al., 2006): exposure to a variety of chemicals. As biomonitoring data (cid:4) exposure, integratesallroutes(inhalation,dermalandoral)andsources (cid:4) toxicology/toxicokinetics, of exposure (i.e. including occupational, environmental and Table1. Biomonitoringcommoncriteria. Analyticalmethodology/ Riskassessment/risk Exposure Toxicology/toxicokinetics Epidemiology biomarkerofexposure management Source(s)identified? Aretheresufficientdata Arereasonablecause–effect Werestandardreference Aretheresufficientand includinglongerdura- inferencessupported?* materialsusedinthe relevanttoxicologydata tionstudies? biologicalmatrixof interest? Pathway(s)/route(s) Doroutesusedintoxicol- Hasanadversehealtheffect Havespecificityandsensi- Knownrelationship understood? ogystudiescompareto beenobservedin tivityofmethodsbeen betweenbiomarkerof anticipatedhuman humans? described? exposureandhuman exposure? healtheffect? Humanexposurerela- Aretoxicokineticdatain Hasthepathogenesisofthe Isbiomarkerofexposure Applicabletoxicokinetic tionshiptoexisting animalsavailable? healtheffectbeen validforintendeduse?y data? toxicologydata described? Exposure–doserelation- Is/arethecriticaleffect(s) Isthereahealtheffectin Doessamplingstrategy Ifapplicable–evidencethat shipunderstood? known? theexposedpopulation consider potential remediationeffortsare sourcesoferror? working? Temporality/duration Isthemode/mechanismof Havetoxicokineticand/or Doessamplingstrategy understoodz actionunderstood? toxicodynamicgenetic considerstabilityofbio- polymorphismsbeen markerofexposure? describedwhichmay impactrisk? Didsamplingstrategy incorporate toxicokinetics? *AretheBradford-Hillcriteriafulfilled? yDoesthebiomarkerofexposureaccuratelyreflecttheintendeduse? zTemporalityreferstotherelationshipofwhenexposureoccurredrelativetowhenthesamplewascollected.Durationreferstohowlongtheexposure occurredrelativetowhenthesamplewascollected. DOI:10.3109/10408444.2012.756455 Benzene biomonitoring data for risk assessment 121 (cid:4) epidemiology, For occupational settings, where the primary exposure (cid:4) analytical methods/biomarkers ofexposure and routesareinhalationanddermal,exposureassessmentcanbe (cid:4) risk assessment/risk management. relatively straightforward if the quantity of material used and Theframeworkemergedthroughtheevaluationofsixcase the work area is relatively well defined. In contrast, studies of chemicals with varying physical–chemical proper- assessment of benzene exposure for the general population tiesanddataavailability(Barr&Angerer,2006;Birnbaum& is harder to quantify because individual lifestyles are CohenHubal,2006;Butenhoffetal.,2006;Calafat&McKee, extremely variable, ambient weather conditions can impact 2006; Hughes, 2006; Robison & Barr, 2006). As a follow-up exposure, and living environments are more diverse. In non- to the 2004 workshop, the ILSI HESI Biomonitoring occupational settings, inhalation of benzene is the primary Technical Committee selected benzene, a data-rich com- exposureroutewith minor contributionfromdermaland oral pound,to assess whether refinement ofthe Common Criteria sources. Outdoor ambient air concentrations of benzene are framework was necessary, and to gain additional perspective dependent on geographical location (i.e. rural versus urban) on approaches for integrating biomonitoring data into a risk- (Wallace, 1996). Recent surveys in the San Francisco area based context. (Harley et al., 2006), Mexico City and Puebla, Mexico Several biomonitoring datasets are available for benzene, (Tovalin-Ahumada&Whitehead,2007)andinFlorence,Italy including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (Fondelli et al., 2008) indicate ambient air concentrations of (CDC) National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey about 0.2–2mg/m3 (San Francisco), 7mg/m3 (Puebla), 44mg/ (NHANES). There is a wealth of published human epide- m3 (Mexico City) and 2.3–7mg/m3 (Florence). US national miology, exposure and toxicology data on benzene (ATSDR, trends (1994–2009) indicate a 66% decline in the average 2007; International Agency on Research in Cancer (IARC), ambient air benzene concentration (2.7–0.9mg/m3) for 22 1982,1987;Johnsonetal.,2007).Benzenehasbeenasubject urbanmonitoringsites(USEnvironmentalProtectionAgency of recent reviews on exposure, health effects and biomarkers (USEPA), 2010). Natural sources of benzene in air include (Bird et al., 2010; Galbraith et al., 2010; HEI, 2007; Johnson volcanoesandforestfires.Anthropogenicsourcesofbenzene etal.,2007;Snyder,2012;VCEEP,2006;Weisel,2010).This inairincludecombustiblefuelemissions,exhaustfrommotor paper applies the Common Criteria to the benzene data to vehicles and evaporation of gasoline and solvents, especially examine the relationship between benzene exposure and in attached garages, industry or hazardous waste sites, and human health risk. home products (e.g. paint). The range of urban, rural, indoor and personal air benzene concentrations vary from 20- to Exposure about1000-foldintheUSandEurope(Figure1AandB;HEI, 2007andBruinendeBruin,2008).Thiswidevariabilityinair Human biomonitoring data integrates all sources of possible benzene concentrations shown in Figure 1(A) (data from exposuretoachemical,butitdoesnotprovideinformationon Table 4, HEI, 2007) is due to many factors such as sample individual routes of exposure. This is because biomonitoring location (e.g. rural versus urban; outdoor versus indoor), generally makes an assessment of the exposure by quantitat- season and time of measurement (e.g. winter; afternoon), ingabiomarkerofexposureinblood,urineorotherbiological number of observations, average sampling time and other media.Thus,itisdifficulttomakeaninformeddecisiononan factors (e.g. mean versus maximum concentrations). This individualroute ofexposure. Ifavailable, additional informa- variability emphasizes the point that public health scientists tion concerning the primary sources, routes of exposure and need to be cognizant of the sources of their data when temporal variability will help inform sampling assessingthepotentialadversehealtheffectsfromexposureto strategies, interpret the health implications of the data and environmental toxicants. provide the basic information for advice to limit exposure, if An overarching consideration for both occupational and necessary. generalpopulationsourcesofexposuretobenzeneexposureis tobaccosmoking.Benzeneconcentrationscanbe10–20times Primary sources and routes of exposure higher in exhaled breath of cigarette smokers than in non- Several recent reviews summarize the sources of benzene smokers (Gordon et al., 2002). For cigarette smokers, exposure(ATSDR,2007;Johnsonetal.,2007;VCEEP,2006; smoking accounts for about 90% of this group’s exposure to Weisel, 2010). The two primary sources of industrial benzene (Wallace, 1996). For non-smokers, environmental exposure to benzene are activities associated with the tobaccosmoke,dependinguponlifestyleandlocalrestrictions production and synthesis of benzene and the use of benzene on smoking, can be a significant source of benzene exposure tosynthesizeotherchemicals.Anumberofotheroccupations (Wallace, 1996). Thus, any biomonitoring study of benzene such as aviation workers, service station workers (Carrieri must take into account smoking history and whether et al., 2006), bus drivers, police (Capleton & Levy, 2005), individuals are exposed to second-hand smoke. cargotankerworkers(Kirkeleitetal.,2006a,b),urbanworkers Considerablylower exposures tobenzene (usually51% of (Fustinonietal., 2005a,b;Maninietal., 2006)andfishermen the total body burden) can occur from consumption of food, (Kirraneetal.,2007)maybeexposedtobenzenethroughthe water and beverages (Wallace, 1996). Benzene is detected in use of petroleum products. Exposure to benzene in solvents raw,processedandcookedfoodswithconcentrationsranging hasalsobeendemonstratedforshoeproductionworkers(Kim from1to190partsperbillion(ppb,mg/kg)(Fleming-Jones& etal.,2006a,b;Wangetal., 2006).Theairconcentrations for Smith, 2003). It has been suggested that the presence of these various occupational settings ranged from 1mg/m3 to benzene in food is by its uptake from air (Grob et al., 1990). over 1000mg/m3. Currently available data indicate that the mean concentration 122 S. M. Arnold et al. CritRevToxicol,2013;43(2):119–153 (A) (B) 1000 100 e n e 10 z n e B 3 m 1 g/ μ 0.1 0.01 Personal Exposure Indoor Offices Indoor Ho m e Outdoor W ork Figure1. (A)BenzeneambientairconcentrationsintheUSA,HEI(2007).ReprintedwithpermissionfromtheHealthEffectsInstitute,Boston,MA. (B) Benzene ambient air concentrations in European metropolitan areas. Adapted from Bruinen de Bruin et al. (2008) with kind permission from SpringerScienceþBusinessMedia. of benzene in drinking water is 0.27mg/L (95th percentile fueling automobiles or yard equipment (e.g. lawn mowers, ¼0.5mg/L and maximum¼355mg/L) (ATSDR, 2007). Page snow blowers or other gasoline powered equipment) can et al. (1993) detected benzene in one of 182 bottled drinking result in transient exposures to air concentrations of benzene water samples at a concentration of 2mg/L. Dermal uptake that approximate occupational air concentrations (Egeghy canalsocontributetosystemicexposurefollowingcontactof et al., 2000).Inaddition,exposuretosolventsused incertain the skin with solvents or fuels containing benzene. The site hobbies may result in higher cyclic exposure to benzene. and surface area of the skin contacted is of particular Lifestyle choices such as cigarette smoking or frequent importance when evaluating occupational skin exposure to exposure to second-hand smoke must also be factored in to benzene and fuels or solvents containing benzene. any consideration of background exposure to benzene. The assessment of benzene exposure must take into Temporality and duration of exposure considerationthatbenzeneanditsmetaboliteshaverelatively shorthalf-lives((cid:5)16h)(Quetal.,2000;Rickertetal.,1979). There is some understanding of temporality and duration of Additionally, biomonitoring data have documented daily and occupational exposures since workers typically have defined weekly human intra- and inter-individual variability for schedules with known durations of contact with benzene, benzene and other volatile organic chemicals (Sexton et al., benzene in the air, or solvents containing benzene. It is more 2005). The sampling strategy and analysis of the data should difficult to establish patterns of exposure for the general also take this into consideration. populationsinceavarietyoffactorsimpactexposureandlead to greater variability in exposure (Johnson et al., 2007). Common Criteria and exposure Backgroundambientairconcentrationsofbenzeneareknown orcanbedeterminedforthegeneralpopulationandarehighly Overall, large amounts of data are available to adequately dependent on the living environment of the population being address the Common Criteria questions related to exposure evaluated. For example, mean ambient air levels of benzene (Table1).Theprimarysourcesofoccupational(chemicaland arereportedtorangefrom0.6–0.7mg/m3inruralsettingsand petroleum industries, use of organic solvents in the manu- 0.3–3.9mg/m3 in urban settings (HEI, 2007). Thus, indivi- facturingindustry,proximitytocombustionoffuelsandother dualslivingincitieswilllikelyhavehigherbackgroundlevels flammable material) and non-occupational (tobacco smoke, of benzene when compared with individuals living in a rural refueling of combustion engines, emissions from combustion environment. Knowledge of the ambient benzene air con- engines) exposures are well characterized. The predominant centrations may provide information about a somewhat pathway of benzene occupational and non-occupational constant low-level background exposure with little variation exposure is inhalation. Dermal exposure to benzene is more intemporalityandduration.Incontrast,highershort-duration of an occupational than non-occupational concern. With exposuresareoftenmoredifficulttoassesssincetheytendto regard to relating human exposure to animal toxicology occur at irregular intervals. Ambient air concentrations are studies (Table 1), there are a number of inhalation toxicity most often reported as an average concentration measured studies of varying duration in rats and mice (ATSDR, 2007; overan8h,24horlongerduration.Therefore, thesetypesof National Toxicology Program (NTP), 1986; VCEEP, 2006), measures should be considered average levels with no and this topic is covered in ‘‘toxicology/toxicokinetics’’ information on temporal variation within the sampling time section. In addition, there is a relatively good understanding frame or over more extended time periods. Activities such as of the exposure–dose relationship for benzene toxicity in DOI:10.3109/10408444.2012.756455 Benzene biomonitoring data for risk assessment 123 animals and humans following inhalation exposure as there one of the most sensitive parameters to benzene exposure. are a number of physiologically-based pharmacokinetic Rothman et al. (1996) reported a decrease of the absolute (PBPK) models for benzene following inhalation exposure, lymphocyte count in a group of workers exposed to 8ppm whichareevaluatedinthe‘‘Pharmacokineticmodel’’section. benzene (median 8h TWA). The USEPA (2003) used data Temporality and duration of exposure to benzene are not from this study to derive the benzene inhalation reference well studied, but are recognized to be important in the concentration (RfC) of9.4ppb(30mg/m3). exposure assessment of benzene. It is recognized that More recent studies have examined exposures to lower exposures to benzene vary with regard to temporality and levelsofbenzenethanthosereportedbyRothmanetal.(1996). duration across occupations, geographic regions and popula- Lan et al. (2004) examined shoe manufacturers exposed to tions.Patternswithinoccupationalexposurescanbeassessed benzene over a 16-month period. There was also a group of morecloselythannon-occupationalexposures.Biomonitoring age- and gender-matched controls not exposed to benzene results for short-lived compounds such as benzene indicate (5limit of detection (LOD) of 0.04ppm). The workers were large intra-individual daily variability in exposure and grouped according to their exposure (control,51, 1–510 and represent only recent exposure. Care must be taken to (cid:6)10ppm,meanlevelsover1monthmonitoringperiod).Blood extrapolate the results to long-term exposure. Therefore, was drawn from these individuals and hematological evalua- benzeneexposuresstudiesneedtobecarefullydesignedifthe tionswereconducted.Inthelowestexposuregroup,leukocyte goal is to allow interpretation of benzene biomonitoring data andplateletcountsweresignificantlydecreasedrelativetothe in a health-risk context. This is discussed further in ‘‘risk controlvalues (8–15% lower). In the highest exposure group, assessment/risk characterization’’section. these cells were decreased 15–36% compared to controls. However,Lamm&Grunwald(2006)reanalyzedtheLanetal. data and concluded that while hematotoxicity was demon- Toxicology/toxicokinetics strated at benzene concentrations greater than 10ppm, it was Toxicology inconsistentatlowerconcentrations.IntwostudiesbyCollins etal.(1991,1997),nosignificantcorrelationwasobservedin The presence of a chemical in the body does not itself mean workers between benzene exposure (range, 0.01–1.4 ppm; that the chemical will cause harm (CDC, 2009). The mean, 0.55ppm, 8h TWA) and prevalence of abnormal concentration of a chemical detected in the body needs to becomparedtoconcentrationsknowntocausehealtheffects. hematological values. More recently, Swaen et al. (2010) There is awealth of literature on the human health effects of assessed low-level occupational exposure to benzene and its effect on hematological parameters. Approximately 20000 benzene; indeed, it is one of the most studied compounds in blood samples of non-exposed and benzene-exposed workers commerce due to its ubiquity in the environment, the ability wereanalyzedandtherewereasimilarnumberofbenzeneair toidentifyitatlowlevelsandconcernaboutitshealtheffects measurements. Depending on the job and operational status, (ATSDR, 2007; Ahmad Khan, 2007; Krewski et al., 2000; themean8hTWAbenzeneairconcentrationrangedfrom0.14 Snyder, 2002, 2007; Snyder et al., 1993; World Health to0.92ppm.Therewasnodifferencebetweenthelymphocyte Organization (WHO), 1993). The health effects of benzene are primarily documented from inhalation exposure. For counts of exposed and non-exposed groups. There were no short-term acute toxicities, outcomes from benzene exposure differences in hematological parameters (e.g. hemoglobin, hematocrit, white blood cells) among exposed subgroups can range from dizziness to death. For chronic toxicities, (50.5ppm,0.5–1ppmand41ppm)andwiththenon-exposed major outcomes include hematotoxicity and cancer. For the group. Schnatter et al. (2010) examined a largepopulation of purposes of this paper, only the key endpoints used to derive shoe and rubber workers from Shanghai, China. Exposure to chronicbenzenetoxicologicalbenchmarksforriskassessment benzene ranged from 0.02 to 273ppm. These authors found are summarized. decrementsinmostbloodcelltypes,whilefittingchangepoint regressionmodelstoeachcelltype.Theseanalysessuggested Hematotoxicity decreased blood cell counts down to approximately 8ppm, The hematopoietic system is the most critical target tissue benzene; but, clear signals below this concentrationwere not followinginhalationexposuretobenzeneineitherhumansor evident. This concentration is similar to the concentration animals. A reduction in the number of the three major blood reportedasano-effectlevelinRothmanetal.(1996),although components, erythrocytes (anemia), leukocytes (leukopenia) the Schnatter et al. (2010) study is much larger. Thus, the and platelets (thrombocytopenia), can develop following concentration of benzene in air where hematological effects exposure to benzene. This effect has been noted in humans begintooccurarestillbeingdebated,althoughmorethanone froma2doccupationalexposuretobenzeneataconcentration studysuggestshematologicaleffectsbegintoappearbetween5 greaterthan60ppm(partspermillion;Midzenskietal.,1992). and10ppm,andnosucheffectatlowerlevels. Pancytopenia occurswhen there isa reduction in the number In cases of high exposure to benzene, aplastic anemia can of more than one type of blood cell. These effects in blood develop. Aplastic anemia occurs when the bone marrow no cellsarereversibleiftheexposuretobenzeneisremovedand longerfunctionsadequatelyandthestemcellsfromwhichthe the individual provided medical assistance. Rothman et al. blood cells are derived are unable to mature. Aksoy et al. (1996) observed decreases in counts of total leukocytes, (1971,1972)reportedontheeffectsofoccupationalexposure platelets, lymphocytes and red blood cells and hematocrit in tobenzenecontainedinadhesives.Theworkerswereexposed workersexposed tobenzene (median level:31ppm,8h time- to benzene for 5 months to 17 years. Recordings of working weightedaverage(TWA)).Lymphocytecountisthoughttobe environment benzene exposures reached 210ppm, and in 124 S. M. Arnold et al. CritRevToxicol,2013;43(2):119–153 some cases, 640ppm. In one study (Askoyet al., 1971), with reported a RR of 9, while workers exposed to over maximum exposures up to 210ppm, 25% of the study 1000ppm-years showed an unprecedented RR of 83 AMML participants displayed hematological effects including leuko- (Crump, 1994). One of the several large occupational studies penia,thrombocytopenia,eosinophiliaandpancytopenia.Yin in China reported significant increased RR of benzene- et al. (1987a) documented 24 cases ofaplastic anemia out of exposed workers for all hematologic neoplasms (RR¼2.6), over 500000 individuals exposed occupationally to benzene all leukemias (RR¼2.5) and acute non-lymphocytic leuke- mixed with other solvents or benzene alone. In the latter mia (RR¼3.0) (Hayes et al., 1997). For lower benzene exposures, the workplace benzene air concentration ranged exposures, risks are less clear, as expected. For example, from 0.02 to 264ppm. Schnatter et al. (1996a,b), Rushton & Romaniuk (1997) and Decreased blood cell counts are observed in laboratory Glass et al. (2003) have all studied petroleum workers where animals following repeated acute, intermediate and chronic benzeneexposurerangeduptoapproximately220ppm-years, inhalation exposure to benzene. Anemia and lymphocytope- with averageexposures mostly below5ppm. Resultsof these niawere observed in mice chronicallyexposed (26 weeks) to studies have been inconsistent. Limitations of many of the 302ppm benzene (Green et al., 1981). Additional studies in published occupational studies are that exposures to other animals show there are effects on bone marrow cellularity solvents occur with benzene exposure, exposure monitoring (hypo- and hypercelluarity) and colony forming stem cells, was inadequate in some cases and the overall low number of which are indicative of the development of aplastic anemia study subjects in several of the studies decreased the (ATSDR, 2007). Snyder et al. (1978a, 1980) reported a statistical power of the association (ATSDR, 2007). 20% and 81% incidence of bone marrow hypoplasia in Occupationalexposuretobenzenehasalsobeenrelatedto mice exposed to benzene for life at 100 or 300ppm, the development of myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS; Irons respectively. et al., 2005, 2010; Schnatter et al., 2012). MDS is a diverse arrayofneoplasticdisorderscharacterizedbyvaryingdegrees Genotoxicity ofpancytopeniaanddysplasiaofmyeloidcells.Itspathogen- esisisnotwellunderstood,althoughMDSandAMLareoften Benzene is considered not mutagenic in bacterial systems or observed as secondary cancers subsequent to treatment with in vitro mammalian test systems. However, benzene is chemotherapeutic agents (Smith et al., 2003). MDS has also reported to be genotoxic when evaluated in mammalian been previously termed pre-leukemia since it can progress to systems in vivo. Furthermore, there is evidence that benzene AML. However, recent estimates report that only about 20– induces DNA strand breaks in lymphocytes from humans 30%ofcasesprogresstoAML,thustheterm‘‘pre-leukemia’’ exposed to benzene (Andreoli et al., 1997; Nilsson et al., is outdated (Albitar et al. 2002). Since bone marrow smears 1996; Sul et al., 2002). There has been one evaluation of are required for the definitive diagnosis of AML, manyearly mutations in bone marrow cells from humans exposed to studiesmayhavemisclassifiedMDSasAML,aplasticanemia benzene (Rothman et al., 1995) using the glycophorin A or other blood disorders (Layton & Mufti, 1986). There are mutationassay.Theresultssuggestthatmutationsaccumulate several different subtypes of MDS (e.g. refractory anemia; in long-lived bone marrow stem cells. However, it was refractory anemia with ringed sideroblasts) and the number observed that gene duplication occurred as opposed to gene has been changing as diagnostic tools have improved inactivation (Rothman et al., 1995). (Swerdlow et al., 2008). Only recent studies have examined benzeneexposurewithrespecttoMDSsubtypes(Ironsetal., Carcinogenicity 2005, 2010). Using the WHO criteria for the diagnosis of MDS (Swerdlow et al., 2008), Irons et al. (2010) found that Carcinogenicity – humans MDS-unclassifiable (MDS-U) case subtypes had high ben- Occupational exposure to benzene via inhalation has been zeneexposurewhencomparedtocasesofMDSwithouthigh associated through epidemiological studies with the develop- benzene exposure (odds ratio¼11.1). More recently, ment of cancer (ATSDR, 2007; IARC, 1982, 1987; USEPA, Schnatter et al. (2012) suggested that lower benzene 1998). The cancer type is predominantly acute myeloid exposures may be related to MDS, although specific MDS leukemia (AML), although there is suggestive evidence that subtypes were not examined. other leukemia cell types, non-Hodgkin lymphoma and multiple myeloma, may also develop (Hayes et al., 1997; Carcinogenicity – animals Rinskyetal.,1987;Schnatteretal.,2005).Thepliofilmstudy (Rinsky et al., 1987) of occupational benzene exposure Benzene is carcinogenic in rats and mice following exposure stronglysuggestsarelationshipwithleukemia,asthestandard via inhalation. Maltoni et al. (1989) observed carcinomas of mortalityratiofordeathfromleukemiaoftheexposedcohort the Zymbal gland and oral cavity in male and female was3.4andstatisticallysignificant.Crump(1994)performed Sprague–Dawley rats exposed to benzene at concentrations additional analyses on these data and reported that for the of 200–300ppm. The animals were exposed for 4–7h/d, 5d/ development of acute myelogenous and monocytic leukemia week, up to 104 weeks. There were also small increases in combined(termed‘‘AMML’’,ofwhichthemajorityisAML), hepatomasandcarcinomasofthenasalcavitiesandmammary therelativerisk(RR)forcancerdeathbycumulativebenzene glands of these exposed animals. Mice develop thymic and exposure was 5–6 and statistically significant. For higher lymphocytic lymphomas, Zymbal gland, lung and ovarian exposures, the RRs were much higher. For example, workers tumors,andmyelogenousleukemiasfromchronicexposureto exposed to benzene between 400 and 1000ppm-years benzene (Cronkite et al., 1984, 1989; Farris et al., 1993). DOI:10.3109/10408444.2012.756455 Benzene biomonitoring data for risk assessment 125 Theassociationbetweenoccupationalexposuretobenzene Benzene can be absorbed through the skin. Modjtahedi & and development of cancer as well a number of animal Maibach(2008)reportedthatinhumanvolunteers,0.07%and bioassayswhere carcinogenic effectswere observedprovided 0.13% of the applied dose of benzene (0.1mL, dose area of sufficient evidence whereby the IARC (1982, 1987), the 25.8cm2)wasabsorbedafterdirectapplicationtotheforearm USEPA (1998) and the NTP (2005) of the Department of andpalm,respectively.Invitrodermalabsorptionofbenzene Human and Health Services have classified benzene as a in monkey and mini-pig was 0.19% and 0.23% of the dose known human carcinogen. (5mL/cm2), respectively (Franz, 1984). Benzene vapor has alsobeenreportedtopenetrateanimalskin(McDougaletal., Toxicokinetics 1990; Tsuruta, 1989), which should be considered in assessments of occupational exposure to benzene. Toxicokinetics is important for helping understand the relationship between exposure and the measured concentra- tion of benzene and its metabolites in the body, and helps Distribution relate the toxicological observations at a given dose level in Following absorption, benzene distributes throughout the animal studies to what might happen at similar exposure body to a number of tissues. Benzene is detected in blood, levels in humans. brain,kidney,fat,liver,placenta,cordbloodandothertissues There are a number of toxicokinetic studies available for of individuals exposed by inhalation (Dowty et al., 1976; benzene. Generally, there are more data from laboratory Winek&Collom,1971).Animalstudiesshowthatbenzeneis animalthanhumanstudies,withthelattereitherfromcasesof distributed widely after inhalation, oral, or dermal exposure, poisonings or a small number of human volunteers. being detected in brain, fat, liver, kidney and in pregnant Examination of the benzene data from the perspective of animals, the placenta and fetus (Ghantous & Danielsson, the absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination, the 1986; Low et al., 1989; Rickert et al., 1979). metabolic aspect is the best characterized. Since benzene has a relatively short biological half-life (Yu & Weisel, 1996a), understanding when exposure occurs relative to when blood, Metabolism urine or expired air samples are collected is an important The metabolism of benzene has been extensively studied in component of the exposure and risk assessment. humansandlaboratoryanimals(ATSDR,2007;Lovernetal., 2001; Monks et al., 2010; Snyder, 2004). These include Absorption in vivo studies to identify metabolites of benzene as well as The majority of absorption data for benzene is focused on in vitro studies to better understand the mechanism of its inhalation as the route of exposure. Benzene is detected in metabolism. The mouse, rat and non-human primates share blood of smokers, firefighters, mechanics and individuals in the same Phases I and II pathways of benzene metabolism occupations that produce or use benzene, demonstrating with humans (Henderson, 1996). However, there are species inhalation of benzene is an important route of exposure. A differences in the capacity of these pathways to metabolize studywithhumanvolunteers(Srbovaetal.,1950)showedthat benzene which results in differences in the fractional absorption of benzene is rapid at first, with approximately distribution of metabolites formed. These metabolites have 70%ormoreofthedoseabsorbedduringthefirstfewminutes potentially different toxicological potency. A scheme of the of exposure. By 1h, absorption of benzene then declined, metabolic pathways of benzene and its metabolites is shown whichisduetotheincreasingbenzeneconcentrationinblood, in Figure 2. thus reducing the concentration gradient between benzene in Thefirststepinthemetabolismofbenzeneisoxidationto airandblood.Overall,thegeneralthoughtisthattheextentof theintermediatebenzeneoxide.Thisoxidationiscatalyzedby the absorption of benzene in humans via inhalation is about cytochromeP450(CYP)2E1.CYP2B4hassomeactivity,but 50% (can vary between 20% and 60%; USEPA, 2002). is less efficient than CYP2E1. Benzene oxide is in Laboratory animals absorb benzene following inhalation equilibrium with the intermediate benzene oxepin. Benzene exposure to a similar extent. At 10ppm, during a 6h oxide (or the oxepin) can undergo non-enzymatic rearrange- exposure, rats and mice absorb and retain 33% and 50% of ment to phenol, hydrolysis to a dihydrodiol, ring opening to the dose, respectively. The percentage of the dose absorbed trans,trans-muconic acid (ttMA) (which is believed to occur decreases with increasing concentration of benzene in both through the intermediate trans,trans-muconaldehyde), or species (Sabourin et al., 1987). Mice appear to absorb a react with glutathione to form a pre-mercapturic acid greater cumulative inhaled dose of benzene than rats conjugate. The metabolites can undergo further metabolism (Eutermoser et al., 1986; Sabourin et al., 1987). by oxidation, dehydrogenation or conjugation with sulfate or Cases of accidental or intentional poisoning by ingestion glucuronic acid. For example, a primary metabolite of indicatethat benzene isabsorbedsystemically because ofthe benzene oxidation, phenol, can undergo an additional toxicity(centralnervoussystemeffects,death)thatdeveloped oxidationcatalyzedbyCYP2E1tohydroquinoneandcatechol in the exposed individuals (Thienes, 1972). Benzene admi- or can be conjugated with sulfate to form phenyl sulfate. nistered by gavage in corn or olive oil to animals is rapidly Hydroquinone and catechol can undergo further oxidation (peakconcentrationat1h)andreadilyabsorbed((cid:6)90%ofthe catalyzed by peroxidases to their respective quinones. These dose) (Low et al., 1989; Parke & Williams, 1953; Sabourin quinones, which are reactive species, can be reduced back to et al., 1987). It is generally held that the extent of the hydroquinone and catechol by NAD(P)H:quinone oxidore- absorption of benzene via the oral route is 100%. ductase (NQO). 126 S. M. Arnold et al. CritRevToxicol,2013;43(2):119–153 O OH O gly OH benzene O S S O NH NH OH [O] OH O γγ-glu O S-phenyl mercapturic acid GST + GSH CYP2E1 [O] t,t-muconaldehyde O (S-PMA) t,t-muconic acid (ttMA) OH OH OH EH EH O O + H2O + H2O [O] OH OH benzene oxide benzene oxepin O OH epoxybenzenediol DHDH DHDH OH OH OH CYP2E1 CYP2E1 OH catechol phenol OH hydroquinone [O] [O] NQO1 MPO NQO1 MPO O OH O OH O O OH o-benzoquinone p-benzoquinone 1,2,4-trihydroxybenzene Figure2. Aschematicoflivermetabolismofbenzene.FromBoogaard(2009);reproducedwithpermissionofJohnWiley&SonsLtd.EH,epoxide hydrolase;GSH,glutathione;GST,glutathione-S-transferase;DHDH,dihydrodioldehydrogenase;MPO,myeloperoxidase;NQO1,NADPHquinone oxidoreductase1. Theimportance ofCYP2E1 inthe metabolismofbenzene Both enzymes were important in the metabolism of benzene, was shown by Valentine et al. (1996). This group exposed although it appears that CYP2F1 has a higher affinity but benzene to CYP2E1 knockout and wild-type mice via lower activity than CYP2E1 toward this hydrocarbon. This inhalation. The urinary excretion of benzene metabolites difference in affinity/activity may explain the observation by was significantly decreased in the knockout mice and there Valentine et al. (1996) that CYP2E1 knockout mice exposed was a change in the metabolite distribution. Phenyl sulfate to benzene by inhalation do not display cytotoxicity or levels in urine of the knockout mice increased significantly genotoxicity as opposed to similarly exposed wild-type (and compared to wild-type mice, indicating that there are other B6C3F1) mice. CYPsthatoxidizebenzeneandthatCYP2E1isalsoimportant CYP2E1 is detected in bone marrow of laboratory in the metabolism of phenol. animals and humans (Bernauer et al., 1999, 2000; Powley Metabolismofbenzeneoccursinorgansinadditiontothe & Carlson, 2000). However, the extent of benzene liver. The liver would be the primary site for metabolism of metabolism in bone marrow, at least based on in vitro benzene following oral absorption. For inhalation exposure, results, does not appear to be great (Irons et al., 1980; the lung would be a major site of benzene metabolism. Lindstrom et al., 1999), which suggests that metabolites of Chaney & Carlson (1995) compared the metabolism of benzene formed in other organs are the causative agents for benzene by rat hepatic and pulmonary microsomes. The myelotoxicity. hepatic microsomes metabolized benzene five times faster than pulmonary microsomes. There was also a difference in Elimination the amount of metabolites formed. For example, hydroqui- none comprised 2% and 39% of the metabolites formed in Benzene absorbed by inhalation but not metabolized is hepatic and pulmonary microsomes, respectively. This primarily expired in the breath with much lower amounts differencecouldbeduetotheCYPisozymesthatmetabolize (51%) excreted in the urine (Nomiyama & Nomiyama, benzene.Invitrostudieswithlivermicrosomespreparedfrom 1974a,b; Srbova et al., 1950). Nomiyama & Nomiyama CYP2E1 knockout and wild-type mice show that CYP2E1 is (1974a,b) reported that in human volunteers exposed to the most important CYP isozyme in this preparation that benzenevapors(ca50–60ppmfor4h),approximately17%of metabolizes benzene. In lung microsomes prepared from the theabsorbeddosewasexpiredasparentcompound.Similarly, same mice, it appears that CYP2E1 and isozymes from the animals exhale unmetabolized benzene following inhalation CYP2F subfamily metabolize benzene at equal rates (Powley andoralexposure(Rickertetal.,1979;Sabourinetal.,1987). & Carlson, 2000). The roles of CYP2E1 and CYP2F1 in Severalbenzenemetabolitesareexcretedinurineandinclude benzene metabolism were evaluated in bronchiolar- and conjugated phenol, hydroquinone, catechol and trihydroxy- alveolar-derived human cell lines by Sheets et al. (2004). benzene. However, as the concentration of benzene in air or DOI:10.3109/10408444.2012.756455 Benzene biomonitoring data for risk assessment 127 the administered oral dose increases, the metabolic pathways The critical data gaps described by Meek & Klaunig become saturated, and greater levels of benzene are expired. (2010) include the need for additional perspective on In mice orally administered 10 or 200mg/kg of radiolabeled oxidative damage in DNA and other critical cellular benzene, urinary excretion was the predominant pathway of macromolecules or cells in humans, as well as how the elimination at the low dose (McMahon & Birnbaum, 1991). benzene metabolites interact with cells to induce transforma- The major urinary metabolites were hydroquinone glucur- tion, and the mechanism for mutation induction. An analysis onide (40% of the dose), phenyl sulfate (28%) and ttMA ofconcordancebetweenhumanandanimaldatasuggeststhat (15%). At the higher dose, the relative amount of urinary thereisgoodconcordanceforthehypothesizedcriticalevents excretion decreased considerably and exhalation of volatile includingthemetabolismofbenzenetobenzeneoxideandthe radioactivity increased. Fecal elimination was low for both clonalproliferatonofmutatedcells(Meek&Klaunig,2010). doses.Followingdermalexposureofradiolabeledbenzenein There is a general consensus that the metabolism of benzene humans and laboratory animals, benzene-derived radioactiv- has a role in its toxicity (Atkinson, 2009; Smith, 1996; ity was detected in urine (Franz, 1984; Modjtahedi & Snyder,2004,2007).Butwhichofthemetabolite/metabolites Maibach,2008;Skowronskietal.,1988).Insimilarlyexposed (benzene oxide, phenol, hydroquinone, ttMA, etc., Figure 2) rats,benzene-derivedradioactivitywasdetectedinexpiredair is/are the causative agent(s) is not known. Effects that may (Skowronski et al., 1988). occur from these metabolites include covalent binding to critical macromolecules (i.e. proteins and DNA), generation ofoxidantspeciesresultinginoxidativestress,impairmentof Mode of action tubulin,histone proteins,topoisomerase II andDNAitselfby Acute and chronic adverse health effects can arise from protein-DNA cross-linking or DNA strand breakage; inter- exposure to benzene. Most evidence is from inhalation ference with spindle formation and tubulin function that exposure (ATSDR, 2007; HEI, 2007; Wallace, 1996). The segregate chromosomes during mitosis; chromosomal critical acute effects are thoseoften associated with exposure abnormalities, particularly chromosome 5 and 7 (Regev to many organic solvents and include narcosis, non-specific et al. 2012; Zhang et al., 1998a,b) which are affected in central nervous system toxicity, respiratory depression and AML in general (Irons & Stillman, 1996) and others (Khan, death (Khan, 2007; Snyder et al., 1993). The mode of action 2007; Smith, 1996; Snyder, 2007). Some of the metabolites of the acute effects of benzene is not completely understood. may also interact with one another so that the toxic effect of The critical non-cancer effect from chronic exposure to one is increased. Eastmond et al. (1987) reported that the benzene is toxicity to the hematopoietic and immune system coadministration of phenol and hydroquinone to mice (Lan et al., 2004; Rothman et al., 1996; Snyder, 2002). mimicked the myelotoxicity detected with exposure to Benzene can cause a decrease of the three major circulating benzene. cell types: platelets (thrombocytopenia), red blood cells There is some degree of understanding of the genotoxic (anemia) and white blood cells (leukopenia) and an increase potentialofkeybenzene metabolites (Gaskellet al.,2005a,b; inmeancorpuscularvolume(Quetal.,2002;Rothmanetal., Snyder,2007),butalinkagebetweenanyspecificmetabolites 1996). These effects tend to arise at benzene exposures and the carcinogenic effect of benzene in rodents or humans exceeding 8ppm, but the effect is also influenced by the has not been elucidated. These include formation of DNA- duration of exposure (Rothman et al., 1996; Schnatter et al., reactive metabolites, induction of oxidative DNA damage, 2010).If hematopoietic effects are detected soonenough, the inhibition of DNA topoisomerase II and interference or effects are likely to be reversible upon cessation of benzene damage to mitotic apparatus. Hydroquinone can be oxidized exposure. However, sustained exposure may result in to benzoquinone, which in turn can react with cellular continued marrow depression involving multiple lineages. macromolecules, such as tubulin and histones or can lead to This multi-lineage depression of blood counts is also known the formation of DNA addicts. In addition, catechol and as pancytopenia (Snyder, 2000). Continued exposure may benzenetriol could contribute to the formation of reactive eventually lead to damage to the bone marrow concomitant oxygen species. There are also data indicating that the with pancytopenia, or aplastic anemia. Alternatively, MDS, metabolites hydroquinone and benzoquinone are human which is characterized by abnormal maturation and develop- DNA topoisomerase II inhibitors (Hutt & Kalf, 1996; ment of hematopoietic precursor cells in the bone marrow, Lindsey et al., 2005). may result, and often is a precursor to leukemia, especially AML (Layton & Mufti, 1986; Rossi et al., 2000; Snyder, Pharmacokinetic models 2002). AML is characterized by uncontrolled proliferation of immature myeloid cells. PBPK models provide the necessary link to translate the key The mode of action was recently the subject of a 2009 toxicological endpoints (e.g. an external dose-based no conference in Munich, Germany, which was subsequently observed adverse effect level) to an internal-based biomarker published as series of papers in Chemico–Biological concentration (e.g. blood or urine). This information, there- Interactions (Vol. 184, Issues 1–2, 2010). The key mode of fore, allows derivation of toxicologically-based biomarker action events have been described as: (1) metabolism of concentrations that can be used to evaluate biomonitoring benzene to benzene oxide, (2) interaction of this metabolite datainahumanhealthriskcontext.PBPKmodelsincorporate with critical bone marrow cells, (3) initiated bone marrow physiological (e.g. blood flow) and biochemical processes cells, (4) clonal proliferation of initiated cells and (5) (e.g. metabolic rates) to quantitatively describe the absorp- development of leukemia (Meek & Klaunig, 2010). tion, metabolism, distribution and elimination of a chemical. 128 S. M. Arnold et al. CritRevToxicol,2013;43(2):119–153 Table2. HumanPBPKmodelparametersforbenzene(reproducedfrom toxicology data are derived frominhalation exposurestudies. Brownetal.(1998)withpermissionfromJohnWiley&Sons). The primary toxic effects of benzene in humans are: (1) the suppressive effects on formation of the three main types of Parameter Male Female blood cells (erythrocytes, leukocytes and thrombocytes) Bodyweight(kg) 70 60 resulting in hematotoxicity and on the immune system; and Alveolarventilation(L/h) 450 363 (2)thedevelopmentofAML,whicharethekeyendpointson Cardiacoutput(L/h) 336 288 which regulatory agencies such as the USEPA base their Bloodflowfractions(%) Liver 25 25 toxicological benchmarks. MDS is also a toxic effect of Fat 8 8 concern from chronic benzene exposure. However, currently Slowperfused(muscleandskin) 28.5 28.5 itisnotusedasakeyendpointbyregulatoryagencies,sinceit Richperfused(brain,kidneyandheart) 38.5 38.5 has only recently been confirmed as a relevant endpoint, and Tissuevolumefractions(%) there are few exposure/response studies available. Liver 2.6 2.3 Fat 20 30 Although benzene is one of the most extensively studied Slowlyperfused 64 55 chemicals in the world from a toxicological standpoint, the Richlyperfused 6 5 modeofactionisnotcompletelyunderstood.Itiswell-known Partitioncoefficients that the metabolism of benzene is required prior to the Blood/air 7.8 8.2 development of hematotoxicity and cancer, but the actual Liver/blood 2.95 2.8 Fat/blood 54.5 51.8 metabolite(s) that is/are responsible and how the blood cells Slowperfused/blood 2.05 2 areaffectedhavenotbeencompletelyelucidated.Theanimal Richperfused/blood 1.92 1.8 data on the toxicity and disposition of benzene have some Metabolicconstants relevance for human exposure to benzene. The effects of Km–Michaelis–Menten(mg/L) 0.35 0.35 benzene on blood cells and the immune system observed in V –maximumvelocity(mg/h) 13.89 19.47 max animals are pertinent to similar observations in humans. Animals are good models to use to study these two toxicological effects that are observed in humans from exposure to benzene. However, only humans have been AnumberofPBPKmodelshavebeendevelopedforbenzene clearly shown to develop AML from benzene exposure inanimalsandhumans(Boisetal.,1996;Brownetal.,1998; whereas animals develop different types of leukemia and Sinclair et al., 1999; Travis et al., 1990; Yokley et al., 2006; tumors in several organs. Because of these differences in the andreviewedinATSDR,2007andVCEEP,2006).Ingeneral, types of cancer developed between humans and animals thesemodelsprovidegoodsimulationsofbenzenedisposition exposed to benzene, the animal data may not lend itself to inseveralspeciesfollowinganacuteinhaledoringestedacute determinethemechanismofactionforthecarcinogeniceffect dose and lactational transfer of benzene in humans. A major of benzene in humans. While humans and animals have limitationisthatmostofthesemodelsdonotsimulatethefate common metabolic pathways for benzene, there are differ- of metabolites and they have not been evaluated for repeated ences between the preferred pathways, such that different exposure to benzene. Recently, Hays et al. (2012) evaluated amounts of metabolites, some potentially more toxic than the existing human PBPK models for benzene (Bois et al., others are formed. Essentially, there does notappear tobe an 1996; Brown et al., 1998; Sinclair et al., 1999; Travis et al., animal model that mimics exactly human metabolism of 1990; Yokley et al., 2006) in derivation of a blood and benzene (Henderson, 1996). However, animals are useful to urinary-based benzene biomonitoring guidance value termed gain a better understanding on how benzene and its thebiomonitoringequivalent.Theauthorsselectedthemodel metabolites distribute to target organs. Also, animals of Brown et al. (1998) to estimate blood benzene concentra- specificallybredtoimitatehumanpolymorphismsinbenzene tions because of its simplicity, consistency with human metabolizingenzymeswouldprovidevaluableinformationon kinetic data and being gender specific accounting for the susceptibility to the toxic effects of this compound. In differences in body fat (Hays et al., 2012). The parameters addition, humanized mouse models implanted with tissue- usedforthemodelarelistedinTable2.Theapproachusedby engineered human liver (Chen et al., 2011) could potentially Haysetal.(2012)isusedinthe‘‘riskassessment’’sectionfor develop leukemia following chronic exposure to benzene. theinterpretationofbloodbenzenebiomonitoringdata.There Although presently not known, the humanized mice are currently no PBPK models available to predict urinary could theoretically metabolize benzene differently than benzene; therefore, linear regression equations that relate air wild-type mice. benzene concentrations to urinary biomarker concentrations For human biomonitoring, ideally the metabolite(s) are used to derive biomonitoring guidance values for urinary responsible for benzene’s toxic effects would be monitored benzene and a similar approach is used for S-phenylmercap- inbloodorurineandrelatedtotheadversehealtheffect.This turic acid (SPMA). is not possible for benzene, but there are a number of human PBPKmodelsthatprovidethelinkagebetweeninternal-based Common Criteria and toxicology/toxicokinetics benzene biomarker concentrations such as benzene in blood The toxicology of benzene has been extensively studied in and the toxicological endpoints. This information allows laboratory animals and in humans and most of the related derivation of toxicologically-based biomarker concentrations Common Criteria questions were adequately addressed that can be used to evaluate biomonitoring data in a risk (Table 1). Because of benzene’s volatility, the majority of assessment context. However, care must be taken when

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