The story unfolds between Maghreb, Italy and the Middle East in a contemporary context. The international political balance is controlled by heightened tensions between “traditionally Islamic” countries and “Western” countries. ISIS claims a series of attacks in Algeria, while Iran is trying to drive its development of nuclear weapons forward, against the expectations of the UN and of the rest of the world.
Algiers (Algeria)– The city, once ideal and beloved home to an Italian couple, unpredictably turns into a hostile place they must quickly escape.
Hagelloch (Germany) – Ten-year-old Nicholas Wharz and his father Alexander disappear in mysterious circumstances.
Milan (Italia) – A man’s life is shaken by unforeseen encounters and events, the fate and survival of others will depend on his choices and actions.
Andimeshk (Iran) - A refinery in a barren area in the south of Iran, a significant crossroads for crude oil trade and essential passage to access the Persian Gulf, also conceals a secret that is threatening the lives of innocent people.
Everything is connected, everything is clear at last, he is asked to take action, to recover the necessary information at all costs. This is how Nino finds himself thrown into a world that he’d have believed to be light years away from him and that now becomes his dangerous reality.