Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,1–7(2011) Printed5January2012 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) The Universal Nature of Accretion-induced Variability: The RMS-Flux Relation in an Accreting White Dwarf 2 S. Scaringi1⋆, E. Ko¨rding1, P. Uttley2,3, C. Knigge2, P.J. Groot1, M. Still4,5 1 1Department of Astrophysics/IMAPP, Radboud University Nijmegen, P.O. Box 9010, 6500 GL Nijmegen, The Netherlands 0 2Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK 2 3Astronomical Institute “AntonPannekoek”, Universityof Amsterdam, Science Park 904, 1098XH, Amsterdam, The Netherlands n 4NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA 94035, USA a 5Bay Area Environmental Research Institute, Inc., 560 Third St.West, Sonoma, CA 95476, USA J 3 ] R S ABSTRACT . h We report the discovery of a linear relationship between the root-mean-square (rms) p variability amplitude and the mean flux in the accreting white dwarf binary system - MV Lyrae. Our lightcurve, obtained with the Kepler satellite, spans 633 days with o quasi-continuous 58.8 second cadence resolution. We show, for the first time, how r t thiscataclysmicvariabledisplayslinearrms-fluxrelationssimilartothoseobservedin s manyotherblackholebinaries,neutronstarbinariesandActiveGalacticNuclei.The a [ phenomenologicalsimilarity between the rms-flux relationobservedhere and in other X-raybinariessuggestsacommonphysicaloriginforthebroad-bandvariability,inde- 1 pendentofsourcetype,massorsizeofthecompactaccretor.Furthermore,weinferthe v viscosity parameter, α, and disk scale height, H/R, using two independent methods. 9 In both cases, both values are found to be uncomfortably high to be accommodated 5 by the disk instability model. 7 0 Key words: accretiondiscs,stars:binaries:close,stars:novae,cataclysmicvariables, . 1 stars: MV Lyrae, black hole physics, stars: oscillations. 0 2 1 : v 1 INTRODUCTION Variability is a common characteristic of X-ray binary i X systems (XRBs, consisting of NS or BH accretor), cata- Compactinteractingbinaries(CBs)areclosebinarysystems clysmic variables (CVs, consisting of a WD accretor) and r usually consisting of a late-type star transferring material a ActiveGalacticNuclei(AGN,wheretheaccretorisasuper- onto a compact object such as a black hole (BH), neutron massiveblackhole).Specifically,thepowerspectrumofthis star (NS) or a white dwarf (WD) via Roche-lobe overflow. variability consists of two components: single or multiple With an orbital period on the order of hours, the trans- quasi-periodic oscillations(QPOs), and an aperiodic broad- ferred material from the donor star forms an accretion disk bandnoisecomponentspanningseveraldecadesintemporal surroundingthecompactobjectinordertoconserveangular frequency. QPOs have been extensively studied in a num- momentum. The dynamics and physics governing the flow berofaccretingsources,rangingfromWDbinaries(Warner of matter accreting onto compact objects is however still 2004;Pretorius et al.2006),tosuper-massiveblackholesat debated. BH and NS compact binary systems are powerful the centre of AGN (Gierlin´ski et al. 2008). On the other, and highly variable sources in X-rays,and it is by studying handthepropertiesofthebroad-bandnoisecomponenthas the fluctuations in X-ray luminosities that we have made been examined in detail only in XRBsand AGN. progresstowardsunderstandingthephysicsinvolvedwithin accretiondisks(Belloni2007;van derKlis2007).Forexam- One feature of the broad-band noise X-ray variabil- ple, thanks to the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer (RXTE), ity which seems to be ubiquitous in XRBs and AGN is van derKlis et al.(1996)havebeenabletodetectfast(kHz) the so-called rms-flux relation, which is a linear relation- quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) in NS binaries, associat- ship between the absolute root-mean-square (rms) ampli- ing these with the inner edges of the accretion disk. The tudeofvariabilityandtheflux,suchthatthesourcesbecome detected kHz QPOs can immediately be used to constrain morevariableastheygetbrighter(Uttley & McHardy2001; themass and radius of theNS (Miller et al. 1998). Uttley et al. 2005; Gleissner et al. 2004; Heil & Vaughan 2010). The rms-flux relation is remarkably linear and ap- plies over a broad range of time-scales, so that the rms of ⋆ E-mail:[email protected] high frequency variations correlates with those at low fre- 2 S. Scaringi et al. quencies (Uttley et al. 2005). Crucially, the rms-flux rela- AGN, is well studied because of the high throughput X- tion is observed while the power-spectrum shape is itself ray missions with good timing capability (RXTE, XMM- stationary, implying that the rms-flux relation is a funda- Newton),allowingveryshortcadence(downto ms)obser- ≈ mentalpropertyofthevariabilityprocess,andnotconnected vations, at high sensitivities. In the optical, Gandhi (2009) with otherprocesses which can changethevariability prop- observed three XRBs with ULTRACAM (Dhillon et al. erties on longer time-scales. Finally, it can be shown that 2007) and, as expected,also found that thelightcurves dis- the rms-flux relation predicts a log-normal distribution of play similar rms-flux relations as those observed in the X- fluxes and implies that the variability process is non-linear rays(although theopticalemission couldpossibly originate (Uttley et al. 2005). The current most-favoured model to from the jet and not the disk). Accreting white dwarfs are explain the rms-flux relation, as well as many other fea- faint in X-rays, since their gravitational potential wells are turesof thevariability in XRBsand AGN,is thepropagat- not as deep as those of XRBs (so they show lower inner ing fluctuations model (Lyubarskii 1997; Kotov et al. 2001; disc temperatures) and also (unlike AGN and XRBs) they Ar´evalo & Uttley 2006). In this model, the observed vari- do not seem to possess strong Comptonising coronae. Be- ability is associated with modulations in the effective vis- cause of this, detailed timing studies in the X-ray region cosity of the accretion flow at different radii. More specifi- have not been possible for disk-fed white dwarfs, and most cally, the model assumes that, at each radius, the viscosity timingstudiesofthesesystemsconcentratedonopticallight. – and hence accretion rate – fluctuates on a local viscous Specifically,aseriesofpapers(Warner2004;Pretorius et al. time scale around the mean accretion rate, whose value is 2006) already noted analogies between the QPOs observed set by what is passed inwards (again on the viscous time inCVsandthoseobservedinXRBs.However,detailedanal- scale) from larger radii. Theoverall variability oftheaccre- ysis of the broad-band noise component in CVs was so far tionrateintheinnermostdiskregionsisthereforeeffectively not as straight forward as for XRBs. The reason for this theproduct of all the fluctuationsproduced at all radii. is twofold: first, the broad-band noise component displays, ForCVs,thepresenceofbroad-bandnoiseinthepower in the optical, low-amplitude, few per cent fractional rms spectrum has been recognised for many years and is usu- variations requiring sensitive cameras; second, the broad- ally referred to as “flickering” in the literature. However, band noise component can only be studied with long, con- the methods employed to study XRB lightcurves have not tinuous, observations. This is because optical broad-band been applied to CV data. The properties of flickering have noiseisthoughttobegeneratedfurtheroutintheaccretion been mainly studied through the use of eclipse maps (eg. disk compared to X-rays, and is thus observed on longer Baptista & Bortoletto(2004)),whichhaveidentifiedtheex- timescales. Furthermore, broad-band noise is a stochastic istenceoftwodifferentandindependentsourcesofflickering: process, requiring statistical studies of many realisations. thelowandhigh-frequencyflickeringcomponents.Thelow- This, in turn,demands long continuous observing. In order frequency component originates from the overflowing gas to truly assess whether accreting white dwarfs display the stream from the secondary star, and is associated with the rms-flux relation, and thus determine if this phenomenon mass transfer process. The high-frequency component, on is indeed ubiquitous in all accreting compact objects, irre- the other hand, originates from the inner accretion disk re- spectiveofaccretortype,asensitive,long,high-cadenceand gion,andnoevidenceofvariableemissionfromthehotspot, continuous light curve in the optical light is required. This gas stream, or white dwarf has been observed (contrary to kind of observation has only now become possible, thanks some previous suggestions, see Bruch 1992, 2000). to theKepler satellite (Koch et al. 2010). XRBs and AGN, which do show the rms-flux relation, share many properties with CVs. Both XRBs and CVs are observed to exhibit large-amplitude outbursts, which are HereweanalysetheKepler lightcurveoftheaccreting theoreticallyexplainedasarisingduetothermal/viscousin- whitedwarfsystemMVLyrae(oneofabout14CVsknown stabilities in the accretion disks surrounding the compact to exist within the Kepler field-of-view), and show that it objects (Shakura& Sunyaev 1973). Furthermore, similarly does indeed exhibit an rms-flux relation similar to that ob- to XRBs, CVs also display outflowing jets in conjunction served in Cyg X-1 by Gleissner et al. (2004). MV Lyrae is with specific changes in the spectral energy distribution aVYSclnova-likesystem,spendingmost ofits timein the (K¨ording et al.2008).Therefore,itisnaturaltosuspectthat highstate(V 12 13) andoccasionally (everyfewyears) ≈ − CVsshould alsoshowbehaviourassociated with afluctuat- undergoingshort-duration (weeks/months) dropsin bright- ing accretion flow, including the rms-flux relation which is ness (V 16 18, Hoard et al. 2004). It is not clear why ≈ − seeninaccretingBHandNS.However,althoughCVsshare MV Lyrae, and all VY Scl type stars, undergo this kind manysimilaritieswithXRBsandAGN,theyalsodiffersub- of behaviour, but it is known that these systems have ex- stantiallyinotherrespects.Specifically,theradiusofaWD tremelylowmasstransferratesattheirminimumbrightness is over an order of magnitude larger than that of a NS or (6 10−10M Linnell et al. 2005; Hoard et al. 2004). The the event horizon of a BH. Because of this, accreting white infe×rreddista⊙ncetoMVLyraeis 530pc,withasecondary ≈ dwarfsarenotsubjecttotheeffectsofstronggravity.Addi- star cooler than 3500K (Hoard et al. 2004).Theorbital pe- tionally,accretingWDshavenotbeenobservedtodisplaya riod of this CV is 3.19 hours, with a binary mass ratio of comptonisedcomponentasinXRBsandAGN,andfurther- 0.43 (Skillman et al. 1995). We observed MV Lyrae during more they do not posses the extreme magnetic fields which itsfinalascent,inalow-to-highluminositytransition,where are found in some NS. Therefore it remains an important itsopticallightmostlyoriginatesfromitsnearlyface-onac- open question as to whether accreting WDs should show cretion disk (Skillman et al. 1995). In the next section we thesame rms-fluxbehaviouras seen in XRBs and AGN. will describe the data acquisition and analysis, whilst our Thebroad-bandnoisecomponent,presentinXRBsand results and discussion are presented in Section 3. Accretion induced variability in CVs 3 2 DATA ANALYSIS 5000 The MV Lyrae light curve was obtained with the Kepler satellite andprovidedtousbytheScienceOperationsCen- 4500 tre1 inreducedandcalibratedformafterbeingrunthrough the standard data reduction pipeline (Jenkins et al. 2010). The response function for the photometry covers the wave- 4000 lengthrange4000 9000˚A.Here,weonlyconsidertheSingle AtopaerntaulryesePhthoteomPre−et-rsyea(rScAhPD)alitgahtCcounrdvietiaonndindgo(nPoDtCat)telmigphtt −−1e s)3500 curve, as the latter is optimised for planet transit searches. σ ( Asa consequence of thischoice, data artifacts which would 3000 havebeenremovedbythePDC,remain inourKepler SAP light curve. These artifacts are the result of rapid attitude tweaks to correct pointing drift, caused by the loss of fine 2500 pointingaccuracy.Thispointingaccuracy loss is duetothe spacecraft thrusters firing regularly every 3 days to desat- 2000 urate the reaction wheels and can affect Kepler data for 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 several minutes. Furthermore, data gaps occasionally occur Flux (104 e− s−1) due to Kepler entering anomalous safe modes. During such events no data is recorded and following data is often cor- Figure 2. Rms-flux relation obtained from a 10 day segment (indicatedbytheyellowshadeinFig.1)inMVLyrae. related with electronic warming. Furtherdetails of artifacts withinKepler light curvescan befoundintheKepler Data ReleaseNotes32.Here,wemakenoattempttocorrectthese reasonably well, although occasionally large χ2 values are artifacts, butsimply remove them from thelight curve. recovered,implyingthereexistssomeintrinsicscatter.This Fig.1 shows the short cadence (58.8 seconds; scattercanbecausedbyanynon-stationarityinthevariabil- Gilliland et al. 2010), barycentre corrected, light curve ityprocesseswhichcausesvariationsintherms-fluxrelation for MV Lyrae obtained during the first four quarters of on the 10 day time-scale of the segments. Furthermore, the Kepler operations. The lightcurve spans an interval of 633 presenceofanyfrequency-varyingQPOcouldbreakthelin- days. The visible data gaps present in the light curve are earrms-fluxrelationbyvaryingthepowerspectrumoverthe due to the artifacts described above as well as the monthly frequency-rangeused tomeasure therms.In Fig.3 we show data down-links. At first glance the light curve reveals an the noise-subtracted power spectral density (PSD) of the obvioussteady increase in flux(over1magnitude) and also fourcoloured,independent,sectionsshowninthelightcurve an increase in theflux variability (rms) during therise. of Fig.1. The timescales used to measure the rms are those To characterise the relationship between the rms vari- at frequencies higher than 10 minutes, marked the dashed ability and the mean flux, we followed a similar proce- black line in Fig.3. For each segment, these rms values will dure as used by Gleissner et al. (2004) on Cyg X-1. Whilst respondtofluxvariationsonlongertime-scales,downtothe Gleissner et al.(2004) usedthemean PSD leveltomeasure 10 day length of the segment. rms,wedirectlymeasureitfromthespreadinthelightcurve The PSDs shown in Fig.3 show possible candidate datapoints.First,theMVLyraelightcurvewassplitinto10 QPOs at low frequencies and breaks just above 10−3Hz. day segments. For each segment we computed 10 minute Fromthemodelling performed byAr´evalo & Uttley(2006), flux averages and corresponding rms. All 10 day segments thesebreakscanbeassociatedwiththeviscoustimescaleat analysed displayed linear rms-flux relations after binning theinner-mostedgesoftheaccretion disk.Abovethebreak the 10 minute averages by flux. One example is shown in frequency,noannulicontributesignificantvariabilitypower, Fig.2. We carried out the same exercise employing smaller andthePSDbendsdownwards.Giventhatthefourdifferent andlarger datasegments,and longer andshorteraveraging quadrantsappeartodisplayshiftsinthebreakfrequency,it timescales. In each case, we still recovered linear rms-flux is possible that mass accretion rate variations are displac- relations. This is already strong evidence that the optical ing the inner edges of the accretion disk. Furthermore, at variabilityobservedintheaccretingWDisanalogoustothe frequencies below the break, there appears to be candidate X-ray variability seen in XRBsand AGN. QPOs.Thesefeaturesatlowfrequencies,andthePSDbreak InordertoquantifythelinearrelationshipinFig.2,we shifts, will be analysed and discussed in a paper in prepa- modelleditwithafunctionoftheform(Uttley& McHardy ration: here we are only concerned with the high-frequency 2001), component observed in MV Lyrae. σ=k(F C) (1) AnotherinterestingfeatureobservedinMVLyraecon- − where σ is the rms value, F is the flux in e−s−1, whilst cerns the evolution of the rms-flux relation with both flux andtime.InFig.4weshowthebest-fitlinesfortherms-flux k and C are the fit parameters. This linear model fits the relations in all of our 10-day segments. In order to give a general shape of the majority of our flux-sorted segments feelforthetemporalevolutionoftherms-fluxrelation,each colour represents a different section in the lightcurve, with 1 Thedataispropritary.ThefirstfivequartersofKepler obser- thecoloursinFig.1associatedtothoseinFig.4.Specifically, vationswillbecomepubliconJanuary72012 there appears to be a hysteresis-like behaviour in the evo- 2 lution of the rms-flux relation within the broad-band noise 4 S. Scaringi et al. Figure1.MVLyraelightcurveobtainedbytheKepler satellite.Thesourcewasobservedinshortcadencemode(58.8secondcadence) for 633 consecutive days. The light curve segment within the yellow shaded region was used to produce the rms vs. flux plot in Fig.2. Theblue,red,greenandmagentaregionshavebeenusedtoproducethePSDsandrms-fluxrelationsinFig.3,Fig.4andFig.5.Thelast 233days,markedbythemagentaregion,hasbeenusedtoproducethefluxdistributioninFig.6. fluxinFig.1,afterabout 250daysof observations,therms- flux relations seem to change behaviour once again during theirfluxdescent(redlines),seeminglyloopingbacktotheir d) originaltrackafterhavingreachedamaximumrmsvariabil- e alis10−3 ity of about 6%. This behaviour has not been observed in m any other accreting compact binary or AGN, and it is not or n clear at the time of writing what the physics behind this ms phenomenonis.InFig.5weshowthegradientandintercept y (r forthebest-fitlines inFig.4,colourcoded in thesameway. c en SimilarlytotheresultsobtainedontheBHbinaryCygX-1 u eq byGleissner et al.(2004),thegradientandinterceptinMV × Fr Lyraeseemtobecorrelatedaswell.Thissuggeststhatsome er fundamentalandanalogousprocessisgivingrisetotherms- w Po fluxbehaviourinbothXRBsandCVs.Interestingisalsothe factthatinthegradientvs.interceptplanethereseemtobe two distinct “tracks”: the rms-flux relations obtained from 10−4 the blue and red lightcurve segments seem to have a sys- 10−4 10−3 10−2 tematic offset in the gradient when compared to the green Frequency (Hz) andmagentasegments.Althoughwecannotproperlyquan- Figure 3. Power spectral distribution obtained from the MV tify this behaviour at the moment with the available data, Lyrae lighcurve shown in Fig.1. The colour coding is analogous the evolution in Fig.4 also seems to suggest that the rms- tothat inFig.1,sothat eachindependent PSD wasobtained by fluxbehavioursystematically changesduringthelightcurve the corresponding light curve segment. The Poisson noise level, evolution. rangingbetween2−3×10−5,hasbeensubtracted.Inthispaper Finally, we also examined the flux distribution within we analyse frequencies higher than those marked by the black the MV Lyrae lightcurve. Specifically, the observed fluxes dashedline. in XRBs and AGN which do show the rms-flux relation are log-normally distributed. In order to perform this test, of MV Lyrae. After about 150 days, the rms-flux relations we produced a histogram of fluxes from the last 233 days seemtochangebehaviouranddetachfromtheoriginaltrend (marked by the magenta region in Fig.1) of the MV Lyrae (markedwith bluelinesin Fig.4)and movetohigherfluxes lightcurve. We then fitted the histogram with both a sym- maintainingsimilarrmsvariability.Inproximityofthepeak metric Gaussian and a three-parameter log-normal model. Accretion induced variability in CVs 5 0.8 7 6.5 0.7 6 0.6 5.5 0.5 %) 4−−1σ (10 e s)00..34 actional rms (4.545 Fr 3.5 0.2 3 0.1 2.5 0 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Flux (104 e− s−1) Flux (104 e− s−1) Figure 4. Right: The best-fit lines for the rms-flux relations in all of our 10-day segments, where one is shown in Fig. 2. In order to followthe temporal evolution of the rms-fluxrelations, colours arematched to those inFig.1. Theblack data points arethe mean flux andmeanrmsvaluesofthecomputedrms-fluxrelationfits.Left:Samefigure,wherethey-axisdisplayspercentage fractionalrms. 0.14 0.12 103 0.1 nt0.08 e di N a Gr0.06 102 0.04 0.02 0 101 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Intercept / Mean Flux Flux (104 e− s−1) Figure5.Best-fitparameters(gradientandinterceptfromEq.1 Figure6.Binnedfrequencydistributionofthemeansourceflux normalised by the mean flux of each 10-day segment) from the for the magenta section of the MV Lyrae light curve in Fig.1 rms-fluxrelations shown in Fig.4. The colour coding is matched (blackdatapoints).Alog-normaldistributionfitisshowninred tothoseinFig.1. andaGaussianfitinblue.Alog-normalfitstatisticallydescribes thedatabetter thanaGaussian. 3 DISCUSSION Thenumberoffluxmeasurementsperbin(N)wasrequired to be at least 50 for the fits, with bin error assigned as We showed how the accreting WD MV Lyrae obeys a lin- √N.Weperformedthisexerciseonthelast 233daysofthe ear rms-flux relation like many other BH/NS compact in- lightcurve,astheseappeartobemostthestationaryinmean teracting binaries and AGN. This is the first time such a flux: a requirement for the log-normal behaviour to be ex- correlation was found in an accreting object other than a pected (see Uttley et al. 2005; Gandhi 2009). Statistically, BH/NSX-raybinaryorAGN.Furthermore,weshowedhow the Gaussian fit resulted in the goodness-of-fit parameter therms-fluxrelationevolveswithtime,displaying,whatap- χ2/d.o.f of 18802/269, whilst the log-normal fit resulted in pears to be, a hysteresis-like behaviour. The physics of this 334/269.MVLyraeclearlyexhibitsalog-normalfluxdistri- phenomenon is not yet understood, and it is the first time bution.Theexcessresidualofourfitcanbeexplainedbythe it has been observed in an accreting compact object. Addi- weaknon-stationarityofthelightcurve,asalsoexplainedin tionally, we confirmed our findingsby ascertaining that the Uttley et al. (2005) and Gandhi (2009). fluxdistributionofMVLyraefollowsalog-normaldistribu- 6 S. Scaringi et al. tion, as seen in other accreting compact objects displaying thelinear rms-fluxrelation. The leading interpretation of the rms-flux relation is thatofafluctuatingaccretiondisk(Lyubarskii1997),where variations in the accretion rate occur at all radii and then propagate inwards on the viscous timescale within the ac- cretion disk. These fluctuations couple together in a multi- plicativeway astheypropagate downtothecentre,so that lowfrequencyfluctuationsproducedatlargeradiimodulate the higher frequency fluctuations produced further in. The multiplicativenatureoftheprocesswillyieldfluxvariations whichfollowalog-normaldistribution,liketheoneinFig.6. Churazov et al.(2001)havepointedoutthat,inastan- dard thin disk, viscous damping will smooth accretion rate fluctuations on the viscous timescale. This means that, for theLyubarskii(1997) modeltowork, thefluctuationsmust happen in a geometrically thick accretion disk flow (such as an advection dominated flow or thick disk). We can use the PSD break just above 10−3Hz ( 13 minutes, shown in ≈ Fig.3), or the relative rms variations, to constrain the vis- Figure7.ViscoustimescaleasafunctionofH/Rfromthestan- cosity parameter, α, and thedisk scale height, H/R. dard α-disk solution (Franketal. 2002, Eq. 5.68). Each colour The PSD break in Fig.3 can be associated to the vis- corresponds toadifferentαwithblack, blue,green andredcor- cous timescale at the inner edges of the accretion disk respondingto 0.001, 0.01, 0.1and 1respectively. Thehorizontal (Ar´evalo & Uttley2006).Ifthiswerethecase,wewouldre- linemarksthePSDbreakat≈13minutes. quireageometrically thickdiskofaboutH/R 0.1(where ≈ H/R is the ratio of the vertical scale height to radius in the disk), and a viscosity parameter α 1. This is shown One other important implication of our discovery re- ≈ in Fig.7, where we computed the viscous timescales result- gardstheinterpretationofflickeringnoiseinCVsingeneral. ingfrom thestandardα-disksolution ofFrank et al.(2002) IthasbeenrecognisedformanydecadesthatalmostallCVs (Eq. 5.68) as a function of H/R for an accretion disk ex- display at least some optical flickering. Many suggestions tending all the way down to the WD surface at 7 108cm. haveemergedinordertoexplaintheoriginofthisflickering, × Both these values are considered to be high for a standard by associating it to the accretion hot spot or the boundary disk solution, and are pushing into uncomfortable limits of layerclose to theWD surface (Bruch 1992, 2000). More re- theShakura& Sunyaev(1973) parameter space. cently, Baptista & Bortoletto (2004) showed that CV flick- Following the procedure adopted by ering is caused by the existence of two different and inde- Baptista & Bortoletto (2004) on V2051 Oph, we also pendentsources. Thelow-frequency flickeringcomponent is used the rms variability amplitude to obtain α and H/R. caused by the overflowing gas stream from the secondary From the inferred 3% rms variability (see Fig.4) we obtain, star,whilstthehigh-frequencycomponentbytheinner-most similarly to V2051 Oph, α 0.16. This estimate assumes regionsoftheaccretiondisk.Ourresultisinagreementwith an H/R value of about 10−2≈, and is based on the effects of the interpretation that the high-frequency flickering is cre- magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence in an accretion atedwithintheaccretiondisk.Thefactthatweobservethe disk, as modelled by Geertsema & Achterberg (1992). linearrms-fluxrelation within MV Lyrae(acanonical flick- However, when the variability reaches 6% in MV Lyrae, eringCV)givesusconfidencethatthefluctuatingaccretion α 0.62, again pushing into uncomfortable limits of the disk model is also at play within other CV systems. Fur- ≈ Shakura& Sunyaev (1973) parameter space. To make α thermore, the observed fractional rms amplitude of 3%, ≈ consistent with the expected viscosity of hot disks (Lasota generallyobservedinMVLyrae(seeFig.4),isalsosimilarto 2001), the disk scale height, H/R, would have to increase that found in V2051 Oph byBaptista & Bortoletto (2004). to 0.1. This would then be in line with a geometrically Although it is clear from the Lyubarskii (1997) model thick, hot, disk. If this were the case, the rms variability thatthevariability istheresult ofmodulations from an en- amplitude would be an indicator of the disk scale height sembleofcoupledperturbations,thephysicalmechanismof (assuming α to remain constant at it’s hot value of 0.1 variableemissionisnotyetknown.Somesuggestedthatsyn- ≈ – 0.2). More importantly, all the above estimates for the chrotronemission at thebaseoftheoutflowingjet couldbe diskscale height andαaresuggesting thatthepropagating a possibility (King et al. 2004). However MV Lyrae is not fluctuation models may have difficulty in explaining the known to display a jet (or synchrotron emission), and it is variability if the disc behaves like a “standard” thin notlikelythatacomptonisedcomponentisdrivingtherms- disc. One way to overcome these inconsistencies would flux relation out to the large radii observed in the optical. be to invoke an overflowing gas stream, as mentioned by More likely instead is that instabilities within theaccretion Baptista & Bortoletto (2004). This flow could exist above disk are responsible for drivingthecontinuum variability. the standard thin accretion disk, extending all the way This interpretation is also supported by the recent re- close to the WD surface, and possibly provide the thick sults of Uttley et al. 2011. They showed that for XRBs disk required to explain the fast viscous timescale inferred the blackbody component in X-rays, associated with the from the PSD breaks. disk, substantially leads the power law component associ- Accretion induced variability in CVs 7 ated with the comptonised region close to the compact ob- Heil L. M., Vaughan S., 2010, MNRAS,405, L86 ject. Thus, the comptonised region, thought to drive jet- Hoard D. W., Linnell A. 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