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Downloaded from symposium.cshlp.org on March 13, 2012 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press The Units of DNA Replication in Drosophila melanogaster Chromosomes Alan B. Blumenthal, Henry J. Kriegstein and David S. Hogness Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol 1974 38: 205-223 Access the most recent version at doi:10.1101/SQB.1974.038.01.024 References This article cites 26 articles, 7 of which can be accessed free at: http://symposium.cshlp.org/content/38/205.refs.html Article cited in: http://symposium.cshlp.org/content/38/205#related-urls Email alerting Receive free email alerts when new articles cite this article - sign up in service the box at the top right corner of the article orclick here To subscribe to Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology go to: http://symposium.cshlp.org/subscriptions Copyright © 1974 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Downloaded from symposium.cshlp.org on March 13, 2012 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press The Units of DNA Replication in alihposorD retsagonalem Chromosomes ALAN B. *,LAHTNEMULB HENRY J. KRIEGSTEIN, DNA DAVID S. SSENGOH tnemtrapeD of ,yrtsimehcoiB Stanford University loohcS of Stanford, California Medicine, 50349 The DNA which must be replicated in a chromo- the electron microscope because of the much lower some of Drosophila melanogaster appears to exist as fork frequency, and we have therefore used the a single molecule of double-stranded DNA, which, technique of radioautography to examine this state. for the largest chromosomes, has a length of about A situation in which multiple forks cooperate in 2.1 cm, or 62,000 kb I (Kavenoff and Zimm, 1973). the replication of a single, duplex molecule is We have studied both the topography of the units depicted by configuration A in Figure 1, where two of replication in this chromosomal DNA and the topologically related ways of replicating a large rate of replication per unit in two different classes of amount of DNA in a short time are indicated. Con- Drosophila nuclei which exhibit very different S figuration A is similar to that suggested by phases. Our purpose is to define the factors which Huberman and Riggs (1968) to account for the determine the overall replication rate for these radioautographic patterns produced by replicating giant DNA molecules. DNA from mammalian chromosomes. Here each of The two classes are the rapidly replicating many origins (oi) in a single DNA molecule cleavage nuclei and the slowly replicating nuclei in generates two replication forks, which move in op- cell cultures. At 24~ the cleavage nuclei divide posite directions to create a serial array of "eye every 9.6 min in the syncytium of the egg for a forms." Configuration B consists of a set of circular period of about two hours after fertilization DNA molecules, each of which contains a single (Rabinowitz, 1941). Since interphase occupies origin with this same capacity to generate bi- 3.4 min of this doubling time, we presume that each directional replication. The resulting "0 forms" are chromosomal DNA molecule is replicated within typical of the replicating configurations of many this short period. By contrast, the nuclei in cell prokaryotic chromosomes and have been described cultures at 25~ exhibit an S phase of about in considerable detail for bacteriophage ~ (SchnSs 600 min (Dolfini et al., 1970), more than two orders and Inman, 1970; Inman and SchnSs, 1971). Since of magnitude greater than that for cleavage nuclei. configuration A can be formed from B by cutting The molecular rate of replication for the DNA in each circular DNA at a position other than i o and the largest chromosomes in the cleavage nuclei joining the cut ends of adjacent circles, the topo- must then be equal to or greater than 18,000 kb. logical aspects of replication are much the same in rain -1 (cid:12)9 molecule -1. This extremely rapid molecular the two configurations. replication is about four orders of magnitude However, the two configurations exhibit an greater than the upper estimates for the rate of important difference for our present consideration. movement of a DNA replication fork in animal Whereas each origin in B must be activated to chromosomes (Huberman and Riggs, 1968; Callan, replicate all oft he DNA in the set, the activation of this volume) and would therefore require the co- only one origin is sufficient for that purpose in A. operative action of thousands of these forks per The time required to replicate all DNA in A can molecule. This condition has allowed an examina- therefore be controlled by regulating the distribu- tion of both the structure and the topography of tion of those origins which are activated, without replication forks in cleavage nuclei by electron A microscopy. Forks in the nuclei from cell cultures ~ ~ 1 + ~+ 2 would, however, be extremely tedious to study in * Present address: Laboratory of Radiobiology, University B 0 6 6 of California, San Francisco, California .22149 .... + + + + v +.-. 1 Abbreviations and notation: kb, kilo bases, a unit of length equal to one thousand bases or base pairs in single- Figure .1 Two schemes for replicating a large amount of or double-stranded nucleic acids, respectively. DNA in a short time. 205 Downloaded from symposium.cshlp.org on March 13, 2012 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 206 BLUMENTHAL, KRIEGSTEIN, AND HOGNESS recourse to any change in the rate of fork move- labeled by the addition of enidimyht]Ha-lyhtem[ ment. Thus, if a unit of DNA replication is defined (45 to 56 Ci/mmole; New England Nuclear) to a as that segment which is replicated by the forks concentration of 200 #Ci per ml of medium. Incor- which emanate from a single origin, then the length poration of the [3H]thymidine into DNA proceeded of a unit, though fixed in B, can be varied in A. linearly for a period of at least 2 hr with no detect- The replicating DNA in both classes of Droso- able lag. In most cases, the [aH]thymidine was phila nuclei examined here exhibits the configura- added directly to the above culture medium, and tion given in A. In spite of the great difference in S the pulse terminated by addition of 2 volumes of phase between these classes, no significant differ- ice-cold medium supplemented with unlabeled thy- ence in the rate of fork movement was observed midine at 0.1 mM. In a few early experiments, the between them. Distinct differences in the distribu- culture medium was replaced by a modified medium tions of active origins were, however, observed. (the culture medium minus the yeast hydrolysate, These observations have been used to construct a bactopeptone, and serum) containing the general model for the topography of active origins [aH]thymidine. No significant differences in the during S phase which accounts for its duration in radioautographie patterns given by the two the different nuclei. methods of labeling were observed, and the data from both have been combined here. A [3H]thymidine pulse can be effectively chased (i.e., Methods all tracks have sharp ends and do not exhibit the "tailing" described in Huberman and Riggs, 1968, Electron Microscopic Measurements on DNA for pulse-chase experiments with Chinese hamster from Cleavage Nuclei cells) by replacing the labeled culture medium Fertilized eggs of D. retsagonalem (Oregon R) laid with fresh culture medium supplemented with over a 40-min interval at 25~ were collected and thymidine at 0.1 raM. incubated for an additional 15 min before prepara- Radioautography. Labeled cells from spinner tion of cleavage nuclei. Egg collection, preparation cultures were rinsed twice with ice-cold Schneider's of cleavage nuclei, and isolation of the chromosomal medium (without the bactopeptone and serum) by DNA by equilibrium sedimentation in CsC1 centrifugation in a Sorvall HB4 rotor at 1000 rpm gradients are described in another article (Kriegstein for 5 min and resuspending to 2-6 (cid:141) l0 s cells per and Hogness, 1973), which also contains a de- ml. Surface cultures were directly suspended in the scription of the methods used to prepare the DNA ice-cold medium. Cells (3 (cid:127) 2 (cid:141) 401 per slide) were for electron microscopy. Contour length measure- lysed, and their DNA spread on subbed slides ac- ments were made with a Hewlett-Packard 9864A cording to the method of Lark et al. (1971), except Digitizer and 9810A Calculator with a fully that the lysis medium consisted of 2 o~ sodium smoothed, length-calculation program giving an dodecyl sulfate in 2 Mm Na EDTA. Dry slides were accuracy of (cid:127) Lengths in kb units were fixed for 30 rain in ~ 5 cold TCA and rinsed in 95 obtained by comparison to the lengths of reference ethanol, after which they were coated with AR-10 phage DNAs. The single- and double-stranded stripping film or NTB-2 liquid emulsion (Kodak), references were M13 (6.6 kb; Marvin and Hohn, dried, and stored at 4~ for 3-6 months. Slides 1969) and PM2 (9.9kb--determined from the were developed for 2 min (NTB-2) or for 5 or l0 min PM2/2 length ratio of 0.213 and the 46.5 kb length (AR-10) in Kodak D-19 at 20~ Grain tracks were of 2 DNA; Davidson and Szybalski, 1971). observed under oil without a cover glass with a Zeiss Planapo (40 (cid:141) using either bright or dark Radloautographic Measurements on DNA field illumination, and fields of approximately from Cell Cultures 300/z were photographed with Panatomic X film Cell line and culture. D. retsagonalem cells of for analysis. Schneider's line #2 were grown at 25~ in Schnei- Grain track measurements. Photographic der's meclium (Grand Island Biological Co. #172) negatives were projected onto the Hewlett-Packard supplemented with baetopeptone and 15% heat- Digitizer, and the lengths of grain tracks and gaps inactivated fetal calf serum, as described in between tracks in the linear arrays measured as Schneider (1972), except that spinner as well as describedf or the electron micrographs. Distances in surface cultures were used. The cells were diploid, microns were obtained by normalization to a contained two X chromosomes, and exhibited a micron grating photographed under the same doubling time of about 24 hr at 25~ conditions and then converted to kb by dividing by [3H]thymidine labeling of the DNA. Asyn- 0.34. The terminal grain tracks in a linear array chronous cultures in exponential growth were pulse were never included in the analysis, as they may Downloaded from symposium.cshlp.org on March 13, 2012 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press DNA REPLICATION IN CHROMOSOMES 207 contain broken ends. Grain densities were deter- served. Since the structure of these eye forms and mined to set criteria for the following three classes the analysis of the single-stranded regions in their of tracks: (a) one daughter duplex containing one forks are reported in detail elsewhere (Kriegstein labeled strand (density = D); (b) a pair of such and Hogness, 1973), only a brief summary of these daughter duplexes created by a single fork and subjects is given in this section. That the eye drawn together when the DNA is stretched during forms result from DNA replication is indicated by spreading (density= 2D); and (c) aggregated three kinds of observations. First, the two seg- DNAs (density > 2D), which were eliminated from ments that form an eye are invariably of the same the sample. To be scored, gap lengths had to be length and are doubIe-stranded, except for a small greater than 1 tt and 2 # for 2D and 1D tracks, region at the fork which is described in the next respectively. No significant differences in the dis- paragraph. Second, the two segments in each eye tribution of grain-track lengths and of distances exhibit partial denaturation maps that indicate between the centers of adjacent tracks were they contain related sequences of base pairs. These detected after 2, 3, or 4 months of exposure. two characteristics are those expected for repli- cated daughter segments. Finally, the frequency of eye forms exhibited by DNA isolated from the Results and Discussion slowly replicating nuclei of cell cultures is less than that observed for cleavage nuclei by about two Electron Microscope Observation of Repli- orders of magnitude. cating DNA from Cleavage Nuclei Most forks (63 ~) have single-stranded regions associated with them (Fig. 3A, B). These single- The structure of "eye forms" and the stranded forks can be divided into the same two mechanism of replication. When the DNA classes (SSGx and SSG2) observed for the replication isolated from cleavage nuclei is examined in the forks in 2 and T7 DNAs (Inman and SchnSs, 1971; electron microscope, molecules containing multiple Wolfson and Dressier, 1972). For this reason, and eye forms, such as that shown in Figure 2, are ob- because they have the configuration and orientation Figure 2. Replicating DNA chromosomal from cleavage nuclei. The portion of the molecule chromosomal shown here is 911 kb in length and contains 32 eye forms. This electron micrograph si reproduced from Kriegstein and Hogness ,)3791( should which be consulted for the methods and conditions. Downloaded from symposium.cshlp.org on March 13, 2012 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 208 BLUMENTHAL, KRIEGSTEIN, AND HOGNESS eye forms in which (a) both forks contain single- A 1 & SSG PRODUCTS -- 62% stranded regions (42~), (b) one fork is single- stranded and one is all duplex 14( ~), and (c) both forks are all duplex (16~o) are not significantly different from the frequencies expected for in- dependently occurring pairs of forks; i.e., the WHISKER--SSG 1 WHISKER expected frequencies are (a) (0.63) ,2 or 40 ,o~ (b) 5.6% 11.4% 2(0.63)(0.37), or 47~o, and (c) (0.37) ,3 or 14~o, 1 - SSG 45% PRODUCTS OF BRANCH MIGRATION - 17% respectively. These are the characteristics expected C LLA XELPUD - %73 if both forks in an eye are replication forks. B 2 - SSG 1% Eye lengths and eye-to-eye distances. The histograms given in Figure 4 indicate the distribu- tions of eye lengths and of eye-to-eye distances. The mean length of 439 eyfeo rms is 4.1 kb and the mean of 316 eye-to-eye distances is 9.7 kb. The eye lengths were taken from the same population of trans CONFIGURATION OF 1 SSG PAIR IN EYES - 100% molecules used for the eye-to-eye distances and were therefore limited to those molecules con- taining multiple eye forms. When all scorable eye forms in each field were measured, the length distribution of 279 eye forms was very similar to that shown in Figure 4 but exhibited a slightly Figure 3. The structure ofr eplication forks in the chromo- higher mean of 5.6 kb. somes of D. melanogaster (Kriegstein and Hogness, 1973). The percentages in (A), (B), and (C) derive from a popula- Mean origin-to-origin distance. The dis- tion of 360 forks that were examined in the electron micro- tance between origins in any given segment may be scope after spreading DNA from cleavage nuclei in 40 formamide to allow visualization of both single- and different from the observed eye-to-eye distance; double-stranded DNA. In (A), whiskers are shown to arise from forks with one single-stranded gap (SSG1) by branch migration that is assumed to occur while preparing the 25- I I 1 I I _=--/I DNA. The lengths of the single-stranded regions in SSG~ and whisker forks yield equivalent distributions with means of 0.22 kb and 0.21 kb, respectively. The arrows in 20 EYE LENGTHS the forks indicate the 3'-OH termini in the newly replicated N=439 strands. The fact that the 3' --+ 5'-spoeifie E. coli exonu- ,z, MEAN = 4.1 kb clease I destroys the whiskers confirms the orientation 15 given in the figure. This orientation is also compatible with the property of DNA polymerases to add nucleotide W subunits only to 3'-OIt termini, which in turn forces syn- thesis to be discontinuous in the daughter, where chain elongation proceeds away from the fork. The SSG 1 forks are a prediction of such a discontinuous synthesis, as are 5 forks with two single-stranded gaps (SSG~). The ratio of SSG2 to SSG~ forks will depend on the rates of fork move- ~ i..i =.tr_ ~..p m-- ,,,..~.P ment and of chain extension and will be small, as observed 0 (cid:127) " here, if the fork movement is much slower than chain ex- 15 r T--'t------T--I --z'- tension. The percentage in (D) refers to the fact that all of the 37 eye forms in which both forks were SSG 1 exhibited the trans configuration shown. These 37 are part of a total EYE-TO-EYE DISTANCE population of 128 eye forms in which each daughter seg- 10 N =316 ment could be unambiguously traced from one fork to MEAN = 9.7 kb another. The percentages for the different classes of eye forms given in the text derive from this population. Ill O. 5 (see legend, Fig. 3) predicted from models which are based on the properties of DNA polymerases, DNA ligases, and Okazaki fragments, they are presumed 0 5 10 15 20 25 20>30 to represent replication forks. kb An analysis of the distribution of forks in the eye Figure 4. Distributions of eye lengths and eye-to-eye forms indicates that the eyes are created by bi- distances in the replicating DNA from cleavage nuclei. The directional replication. All eye forms in which both eye length is the measured contour length of either daughter segment in an eye. The eye-to-eye distance is forks are SSG t exhibit the trans configuration measured from the center of one eye to the center of the shown in Figure 3D. The observed frequencies of adjacent eye. Downloaded from symposium.cshlp.org on March 13, 2012 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press DNA REPLICATION IN CHROMOSOMES 209 fi§ ?i§247 §io, intervals and the mean value for the eye-to-eye 1 ~ + 1 I I I I I distance determined for each. These mean values i I O- i i I I have been plotted against the midpoint of their tl , I i I I I respective class intervals to give the upper curve shown in Figure 6. The mean values drop precipi- tously to a plateau, which is reached when about 20-30 ~ of the segment is replicated. This plateau value is maintained until about 70 to 80 o~ replica- tion, when the mean values rise again. The simplest interpretation of this curve is that initiation events are highly synchronized and occur during the first 30 ~ of replication. The eyes formed by these events then grow bidirectionally, with little merging until I- ca. 70 o~ replication, when mergers become a domin- z 5 ant factor. The plateau value of 7.9 kb would then represent the mean origin-to-origin distance. Rate of fork movement. If we adopt the above interpretation, that the plateau represents a period when no new eyes are initiated and no existing eyes merge, then the linear increase in mean eye length observed during this period (Fig. 6) can be used to determine the average rate of fork movement. It is necessary to make a trans- formation to units of time on the abscissa of Figure 6 for this determination. The diagram in Figure 5 01 illustrates this transformation. The line at the top of Figure 5. The distribution of a segment of chromosomal the diagram represents a segment in the chromo- DNA in a random population of cleavage nuclei repre- somal DNA just after nuclear division. Activation senting all stages in the 10-min nuclear cycle. The single line at the top of the figure (zero time) represents the of origins first occurs at time tl, and replication is segment in nuclei which have just divided. Replication of completed by time Q, yielding two segments per the segment begins in nuclei at 1 t and is just completed in nucleus in place of one until the nucleus divides at nuclei at t2, so that nuclei at later times in the cycle contain two copies of the segment. 10 min (Rabinowitz, 1941). We are interested in calculating the time it takes to replicate the segment, or (t 2 -- tl), since this will represent the either because there are origins in the segment that interval 0-100~ replicated on the abscissa of have not been activated by the time of sampling but Figure 6. would be activated later or because two or more eye The population of segments examined in the forms have merged before sampling. The effect of electron microscope derive from a random popula- these factors is depicted in Figure 5 between times tion of cleavage nuclei in which nuclei from any tl, when the first origins in a segment are activated, given time interval in the nuclear cycle are equally and t ,2 when the replication of the segment is represented. The fraction of segments which are complete. It is seen that the eye-to-eye distance at observed to contain one or more eye forms, fe, is first decreases, as more origins are activated and no therefore given by mergers take place. At later times, the effect of mergers becomes dominant, and the eye-to-eye fe = (t2 tl)/[t2 -b 2(10 -- t2)], distance should increase from a minimum value. It -- is this minimum value which best approximates the from which we derive origin-to-origin distance in the segment. We have obtained this minimum value by analyz- (t 2 -- tl) = f.(20 -- t~). (1) ing the eye-to-eye distances in the following manner. The data for the eye-to-eye distances was The value of fe for a random population of seg- grouped into ten classes according to the fraction of ments having the same mean length as that for the segment containing the eyes that had been the population used to obtain the data in Figure 6 replicated. That fraction equals the sum of the eye (see legend Fig. 6) is 0.07. Substituting this value lengths in the segment divided by the total length in equation (1) yields of the segment. The range between 0 and 100~o replication was thereby divided into l0 equal class 2 t 1.4 -- 0.07t .2 (2) -- t 1 = Downloaded from symposium.cshlp.org on Ma r!chI 13, 2012 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 210 BLUMENTHAL, KRIEGSTEIN, AND HOGNESS 2,,t I i, i i, i, plateau interval). Since the eyes expand bidirec- tionally, the rate off ork movement is one-half this value, or 2.6 kb. rain -1. Given the fork rate and the time required to ~/ E Y E - O T - E Y E replicate a segment, one can then arrive at an 20 independent estimate of the mean origin-to-origin distance, as this should equal twice the fork rate 16 multiplied by the replication time. The resuIting value of 6.6 kb is in reasonable agreement with the 12 plateau value of 7.9 kb exhibited in Figure 6. Distribution of active origins in cleavage nuclei. According to the arguments given in the preceding sections, the distribution of origin-to- origin distances will be closely approximated by the distribution of eye-to-eye distances in segments that fall into the plateau region observed in Figure 6. The eye-to-eye distributions for segments which r , 5 15 T N E C25 R E P D E35 T A45 C I L P E R 55 65 75 85 95 have experieneed 30 (~ 10), 40 ((cid:127) 10), 50 (q- 10), and 60(~:10)~o replication are given in Figure 7A-D, and Figure 7E gives the distribution for a range of I I I I I I segments that includes most of the plateau region 0 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 (30 to 70 o~ replicated). The striking characteristie TIME (MIN) of these distributions is the periodic nature of the F|gure 6. Mean eye.to-eye distances and mean eye lengths modes that are observed. Five significant modes as a function of the fraction of the segment that is repli- cated. The data are the same as that given in Figure 4, but appear at 3.5, 7.5, 10.5, 13.5, and 16.5 kb in Figure classified according to the extent of replication in each 7E and are usually seen in the four distributions segment that was examined. The fraction of a segment that with smaller samples. These modal values exhibit a is replicated (upper scale on the abscissa) is defined as the sum of the eye lengths divided by length of the segment, good fit to the integral multiples of 3.4 kb: i.e., 6.8, where the boundaries of the segment are the midpoints of 10.2, 13.6, and 17.0 kb. There appears to be a sixth the two terminal eyes (i.e., one-half of the length of each of the two terminal eyes and the entire length of all other mode about 3 kb from the fifth, and there is a sug- eyes are included in the sum of eye lengths). The segments gestion of a seventh mode about 3 kb from the were divided into ten equal class intervals according to the sixth. percent replicated, and the mean value for each class was plotted at the midpoint of the interval. The number of eye These curves indicate that the origins are not lengths contributing to the mean for each class varied from randomly distributed but tend to be spaced at dis- 21 to 66 and averaged 44; the number of eye-to-eye tances equal to 3.4a kb, where a is an integer. One distances contributing to each class mean varied from 13 to 51 and averaged 32. The mean length of all segments was explanation for this spacing is that specific se- 25 kb. This is less than the mean length of 90 kb observed quences determine the positions of origins, that for the molecules in the preparation, because the boundaries of the field in the electron microscope were allowed to these origin-specific sequences tend to be spaced at a restrict the size of the segments that were analyzed here. distance of 3.4 kb, and that the probability, P, that a given sequence is activated to form an origin is less than one. The probability of activation can be Since t, is assumed to be less than or equal to the estimated from the mean eye-to-eye distance for interphase interval, or 3.4 min (Rabinowitz, 1941), those distributions in which each eye is derived then the minimum value for tz -- 1 t is 1.2 min. The from a single origin (i.e., before mergers begin) maximum value for 2 t --t I is 1.3rain and is according to calculated from equation (2) by substituting 2 t ~-- 1.2, since 1.2 < 2 t -- 1 < t tz. This small range of values for ~t -- ~t allows us to use its midpoint, or P = (3.4)/(mean eye-to-eye distance). 1.25min, as the time interval covered by the abscissa in Figure 5 without introducing errors The mean for the plateau region is essentially greater than those involved in determining fe or the constant at 7.9 kb (Fig. 6), from which we estimate nuclear doubling time (Rabinowitz, 1941). P ~--0.43. However, the mean steadily decreases The rate at which the length of the eye forms with increasing replication in the preplateau region increases during the plateau period can then be (0 to 30 o~ replication), indicating the progressive determined from the slope of the eye length-versus- increase in P that is given in Table 1. time curve (Fig. 6), which is 5.3kb.min -1 In this model, the frequency of origin-to-origin (determined by method of least squares over the distances in the first peak (a = 1) will be P, that in Downloaded from symposium.cshlp.org on March 13, 2012 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 20 I i i i I i i I i I i i i i i i I i i I i i i i ~ i I i I - i I I i ~ i _ 15 I A. EYE-TO-EYE DISTANCES (cid:12)9 EYE-TO-EYE DISTANCES 30 (+10)% REPLICATED 60 (+10)% REPLICATED Iz - I I N = 99 I N = 75 I I= JJ MEAN = 8.3 kb MEAN = 8.0 kb 10 [ i I i- t I i - 441 I t i I I l t xi i I I _ I I I I/% I I= I I I , , I , I I I I I I I 1 ' 15 i I i I I V B. EYE-TO-EYE DISTANCES E. EYE-TO-EYE DISTANCES 40 (+-10)% REPLICATED 30-70% REPLICATED I N =95 N = 170 I'- / MEAN = 7.8 kb I i MEAN = 7.9 kb 10 i i I i I I I i - t,LI I I I I I I I r I )i ' I , I't I I I / I 0 L 25 I I I I | ] i i i i i I i I I F. EYELENGTNS I L 1 i J J TOTAL POPULATION I - 20 N = 439, MEAN = 4.1 kb I I t i i C. EYE-TO-EYE DISTANCES 50 (+10)% REPLICATED N = 47, MEAN = 10.6 kb 15 I-- N =81 I t I z i.u MEAN = 7.8 kb ] r I I I 1 I 10 I I I [ i I 0 0 2.5 7.5 12.5 17.5 22.5 0 2.5 7.5 12.5 17.5 22.5 kb Figure 7. Distribution of eye-to-eye distances in the plateau period. The eye-to-eye distances in segments that were classified with respect to the extent of replication as described in Figure 6 are plotted in (A) through (D) for different parts of the plateau period, and in (E) for the entire period, using 1-kb class intervals. Although the data for adjacent distributions overlap, those used in (A) are independent from those in (C), and those in (B) are independent from those in (D). Eye-to-eye distances greater than 25 kb, which are not shown, are: (A) 30-32 kb, 2.0~; (B) 30-32 kb, 1.1 ~; (C) 32-34 kb, 1.2 ~ and 38-40 kb, 1.2 ~; (D) 32-34 kb, 1.3 ~ and 38-40 kb, 1.3 ~; (E) 30-32 kb, 32-34 kb, and 38-40 kb, 0.6 ~. Eye lengths in segments from the postplateau period are plotted in (F), where the distribution for the total population is also shown (taken from Fig. 4) for comparative purposes. Eye lengths at 26-28 kb (2.1 ~o), 28-30 kb (6.3 ~o), 36-38 kb (2.1 ~), and 50-54 kb (2.1 ~) in the 90 (cid:127) ( 10) ~ replicated segments are not shown. Downloaded from symposium.cshlp.org on March 13, 2012 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 212 BLUMENTHAL, K_RIE~STEIN, AND HOGNESS Table 1. Frequency Distributions of Origin-to-Origin Distances During Replication Frequency of Origin-to.origin Distances in Peaks Percent Probability 1st Peak 2nd Peak All Other Peaks Replication P obs.a calc. obs. a calc. obs. a ealc. Preplateau 10 (4-10) 0.220 0.22 0.220 0.20 0.172 0.58 0.608 15 (cid:127) ( 15) 0.280 0.28 0.280 0.23 0.202 0.50 0.518 20 (cid:127) ( 10) 0.343 0.34 0.343 0.20 0.225 0.46 0.432 25 ((cid:127) 0.382 0.39 0.382 0.20 0.236 0.41 0.382 Plateau 30, 40, 50, & 60 0.430 0.43 0.430 0.30 0.245 0.285 0.325 (cid:127) b (cid:127) b 4-0.035 b a The observed values are taken from the eye-to-eye distances in the indicated distributions, which for the plateau region, are shown in Figure 7A-D. b These values give the range of frequencies observed for the four distributions in the plateau region, Figure 7A-D. the second peak, P(1 -- P), and generally, that in apart (this should occur only late in replication of the nth peak, P(1 -- p)n-1. We have calculated the the segment, since it will take 1.3 min at a fork rate expected frequencies for the first and second peaks of 2.6 kb (cid:12)9 min -1 (cid:12)9 fork-l); and (d) five eyes from and the sum of the frequencies for all other peaks origins separated by four 3.4-kb spacings will yield [1-- P-- P(1-- P)---- 1--2Pq- p2]inthe pre- an eye 17.0 kb in length, as will three eyes from plateau and plateau distributions and compared adjacent origins spaced 3.4 and 6.8 kb apart. These these values with the observed values in Table .1 four length classes, which are also multiples of There is reasonable agreement between the ob- 3.4 kb, are closely approximated by the positions of served and calculated values, although in the peaksi n the distribution of eyel engths for segments plateau region, the second peak is consistently that have been 90(-t-10)~ replicated (Fig. 7F). larger than expected, and the third peak (Fig. 7) The largest peak, at 4.5 kb in Figure 7F, is the ex- smaller. Part of this discrepancy may be due to a pected result of eye growth from single origins, with low frequency of mergers taking place during the no mergers. The synchrony of activation, which plateau period. limits the formationo f most if not all origins to the It is evident from the relative constancy of the range 51 q- 51 o~ replication, and the bidirectional eye-to-eye distributions in the plateau period growth of eyes with a fork rate of 2.6 kb (cid:12)9 -mIi n (cid:12)9 (Fig. 7 and Table )1 that mergers, like activations, fork -1 should yield a peak of eye lengths at 4.9 kb: are infrequent between 30 and 60 o~ replication. i.e., (0.9 -- 0.15)(1.25 rain)(2 forks)(2.6 kb (cid:12)9 rain -1 (cid:12)9 However, the distributions of eye-to-eye distances fork -1) ~-- 4.9kb. Were there no mergers, this for segments exhibiting greater extents of replica- would be the only peak expected; mergers decrease tion indicate that mergers rapidly become a both the frequency of this peak and its modal value. dominant factor. There is a shift toward greater We can estimate that this peak contains only 61 o~ distances, which increases the mean (Fig. 6), and a of all origins in this distribution and that about loss or "blurring" of the peaks present in the 18 o~ of the origins are in eyes that result from plateau distribution; indeed, it is this blurring effect mergers (the remaining 3 o~ are in the eyes of the of mergers which makes it difficult to recognize the small peak seen at 1.5 kb in Figure 7F and may 3.4-kb spacing in the distribution of unclassified represent a low frequencY of activation that occurs eye-to-eye distances shown in Figure 4. during the plateau and postplateau periods). These considerations lead to the expectation that The distribution of eye lengths in segments that the lengths of many or most eyes in postplateau exhibit progressively lesser extents of replication segments will be determined by mergers. Thus, (a) are consistent with these interpretations. The fre- two eyes from origins that are 3.4 kb apart will yield quency of origins in the peak attributable to eyes an eye that is 6.8 kb in length at merger; (b) three that have not merged increases, and its modal value eyes from adjacent origins separated by two 3.4-kb decreases with decreasing extent of replication; spacings will yield an eye 10.2 kb in length; (c) four whereas the frequency otfh e length classes that can eyes from origins separated by three 3.4-kb be attributed to mergers progressively decreases. spacings will yield an eye 13.6 kb in length, as will For instance, at 40 (q-10) o~ replication, the peak of two eyes from adjacent origins that are 6.8 kb nonmerged eyes contains 89 o~ otfh e origins and has Downloaded from symposium.cshlp.org on March 13, 2012 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press DNA REPLICATION IN CHROMOSOMES 213 a modal value between 1.5 and 2.5 kb, whereas the is due to the absence of one or more activation 7.5- and 13.5-kb length classes that result from factors, except during a narrow time interval at the mergers contain only 7 and 4% of the origins, beginning of replication. However, we have respectively. observed small eyes (e.g., 0.5 kb) next to largere yes (e.g., 3.3 kb) where the eye-to-eye distance was Comparison of the number of activable about equal to the unit spacing of 3.4 kb. This sequences in cleavage nuclei with the number topography is most simply explained by the of chromomeres. The data presented in the formation oft he origin creating the small eye after preceding section are qualitatively consistent with the origin-specific sequence in the larger eye has the model that the aetivable, origin-specific been replicated. sequences are repeated along the chromosomal We reserve a more detailed consideration of the DNA with a spacing that is rather tightly centered concept of activable and nonactivable sequences about a mean value of 3.4 kb, and that, in cleavage until after the following data on DNA replication in nuclei, these sequences are randomly activated to cell culture nuclei has been presented. produce origins with a probability that approaches Radioautographic Observations of Replicat- one-half over a short time interval (ca. 0.4 min). ing DNA from Nuclei in Cell Cultures The haploid genome of 165,000 kb (Rudkin, 1964, 1972; Rasch et al., 1971) would then contain about Experimental plan. Although the average 50,000 of these sequences. This is an upper limit, DNA segment is replicated in 1.2 to 1.3 min in since our data are equally compatible with the cleavage nuclei, the S phase appears to include possibility that the distribution of activable most, if not all, of the estimated 3.4 min of inter- sequences is directly represented by the eye-to-eye phase (Rabinowitz, 1941). This conclusion is distributions in Figure 7A-E (a model for this pos- inferred from the observation that the largest eye- sibility is presented further on in this paper). In this to-eye distance that is consistently present in case, the activation probability would approach distributions where it is unlikely to have arisen one, and the mean distance between these sequences from mergers or to be erased by the formation of would then be 7.9 kb. This leads to a mininmm new origins is 19.5 kb (Fig. 7B, C); and the time number of 20,000 activable sequences per haploid required to replicate this interval between two genome in cleavage nuclei. origins at the average fork rate is 3.7 min. The The slightly more than 5000 chromomeres, 600 min devoted to S phase in cell cultures (Dolfini counted by Bridges as bands in polytcne chromo- et al., 1970) at the same temperature (25~ is somes, account for 78~o of the haploid genome therefore about 2 (cid:141) 10S-fold larger than in cleavage (Rudkin, 1972). The number of activable sequences nuclei. in this fraction of the genome is therefore between This increase in S phase could result from (a) a 16,000 and 40,000, or an average of three to eight decrease in the fork rate, (b) an increase in the sequences per ehromomere. If there is validity to distances separating adjacent origins, and/or (c) an the notion that individual chromomeres correspond increase in the time period during which the origins to individual units of replication (see the review by are activated. In this initial study of the factors Rudkin, 1972), then it would appear that the controlling the overall rate of chromosomal DNA chromomeric structure somehow restricts the num- replication in Drosophila, we shall compare the fork ber of these sequences that are available for rates and the distribution of origins in the two kinds activation and that this aspect of the chromomeric of nuclei. A cursory examination oft he DNA from structure is absent from cleavage nuclei. cell culture nuclei in the electron microscope In regard to the possibility that the class of revealed a very much lower frequency of replicating origin-specific sequences is divisible into activable forks than in DNA from cleavage nuclei. This and nonactivable subclasses according to the observation indicated that a decreased fork rate chromosomal state, we note that among the more cannot be the sole cause of the increased S phase than one-thousand eye forms that we have ex- and that electron microscopy would be too time- amined, no instance of an eye within an eye--i.e., consuming a method for the analysis of this DNA. the reactivation of an origin within a daughter We therefore turned to radioautography, whereby segment~has ever been observed. This observation the replicating DNA can be selectively examined indicates that once replicated, a DNA sequence (Fig. 8). cannot be activated to an origin until the next cycle The problems associated with the analysis of the of replication. Such a restriction could result from linear series of grain tracks produced in the radio- changes during the cycle in the DNA itself (e.g., autographs are summarized in Figure 9. Proceeding methylation), or, more generally, in the chromatin from left to right in this figure, we see that individ- structure. One can also imagine that this restriction ual grain tracks formed from eyes which exist at

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