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The unholy unity : the stage is set for the antichrist PDF

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Believers beware! There's a growing, global unification, bringing politics, economics, and yes, even entire church organizations, into... THE UNHOLY UNITY BY MORRIS CERULLO THE STAGE IS SET FOR THE ANTICHRIST TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction The Stage is Set for the Antichrist! Chapter One Money... Satan's Unifying Force! Chapter Two Fragmentation Forces Political Unity Chapter Three The Unholy Unity Chapter Four The King for the Aces! THE STAGE IS SET FOR THE ANTICHRIST! INTRODUCTION Imagine you are holding in your hands, right now, the loudest fire-engine siren you have ever heard. The bright red lights are boldly blinking, almost blinding you. Unbearably loud noises shatter the tranquility of your quiet room. The brilliant, blinking lights and the devastating noise decibels from this fire- engine siren COMMAND your complete and total attention. WHY? Because man designed the fire-engine siren to SHOCK YOU into an awareness, to WAKE YOU UP to an impending crisis. All truths are parallel. Just as man sometimes needs to be shocked in the natural world, so too, man sometimes needs a sudden shock in the spiritual world. This powerful prophecy book you are now holding in your hands is designed to be your spiritual siren. It will shock you into attention! It will WAKE YOU UP to an impending spiritual crisis...—the subtle infiltration of THE UNHOLY UNITY into the major areas of our world. For most of us, the term "unity" implies predominantly positive, BRIGHT connotations. We use this word to describe pleasant people functioning in harmony and agreement. "Family UNITY" is one example; Christians "UNITED" against abortion also exemplifies the BRIGHT SIDE of a united oneness. Even the divine mystery of the Godhead is the HOLY UNITY of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit into one God. These "bright sides" of UNITY are desirable, but they are not the issues God wants me to share with you in this book. God intends for this book to serve as your alarm! You need to heed this spiritual siren, and know that there can be serious and sinful pitfalls to false unity, especially as we watch the many endtime events unfold in these last days. Not ALL unity is good. Or godly. In this book, you will read about three major movements of increasing unity —our World Economic System, the One-world Political System, and a One- world Religious System. In each of these three areas, you will come to understand, through prophecy, scripture, and divine revelation, that these movements are preparing this world for the Antichrist, and the great tribulation. For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. (II John 7) When Jacob set out to prophetically warn his sons what "shall befall you in the last days," (Genesis 49:1) the first warning he gave to them was: O my soul, come not thou into their secret; unto their assembly, mine honour, be NOT thou UNITED. (Genesis 49:6) Jacob's prophetic warning is highly significant and important, especially since it is THE FIRST TIME in God's Holy Word where "the last days" are mentioned. Today, as God unfolds the final endtime events, you and I must take these prophetic warnings of Jacob very seriously. JACOB'S LAST DAYS WARNING! Jacob instructed the descendants of Israel... now the emerging Church of dedicated, uncompromising believers...that in "the last days," we are to AVOID coming into the "secrets" of those who are not going to give honor to God. Jacob even said for us to STAY OUT OF THEIR ASSEMBLY! His prophecy talks about a time when light will try to mingle with darkness, when saints will compromise and seek assembly with sinners...—and Jacob warned, STAY OUT! Jacob declared that for my "honor," and for the honor of God, STAY AWAY from worldly, murderous men... sinful men not of GOD'S mind. In the New Testament, John echoes this same stern warning: This, then, is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: (I John 1:5,6) Today, these prophetic warnings GO UNHEEDED. Clearly, Jacob understood, through God's eyes, that UNITY is not always a good thing. Clearly, John understood that light and darkness can never fellowship in oneness. Clearly, as a Christian, I am sure you understand that you cannot be "united" with a pornographer in a business venture. That would be a repulsion to God. Yet, today, a leading religious denomination now allows homosexuals to preach from their pulpits as pastors, in a so-called spirit of "unity" and oneness! God wants to vomit such hypocrisy out of His mouth: So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. (Revelation 3:16) Unity...at the sacrifice of spiritual integrity, and achieved through moral compromise...is repulsive to God. And yet, as these endtimes continue to unfold, I see in my spirit an increasing, ungodly trend by world governments, leaders in world economies and even by church organizations to come together in some form of UNHOLY UNITY. In most cases, this oneness simply means shameful and sinful compromise. As you read about this loud, blinking spiritual siren of prophecy, I pray God will reveal to you a clear understanding of the unfolding of endtime events, and clarify for you many of the misunderstood elements in prophecy. Through this book you will come: • TO UNDERSTAND the mark of the beast. • TO KNOW the meaning of a one-world government. • TO RECOGNIZE the emerging Antichrist. Satan's smoke cloud of confusion cannot stop you from receiving God's crystal-clear, prophetic directions for your life! Through this book, you will grow to easily and readily recognize the now- unfolding dark side of oneness I call... THE UNHOLY UNITY! God's faithful servant, Morris Cerullo CHAPTER ONE MONEY... SATAN'S UNIFYING FORCE! And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads. And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (Revelation 13:16,17) There currently exists a relatively obscure, little -known body of FIVE EXTREMELY POWERFUL MEN that are gaining CONTROL of the major economic decisions concerning the world's global monetary system! Although this is NOT a secret organization...—these five men head a low-visibility organization that literally dictates billions of dollars worth of loans every year... without much notice! Yet, I doubt whether one American in a thousand could even name ONE MEMBER of this incredibly powerful organization. This small, select committee of five men is simply called the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The IMF was founded on December 27, 1945, and is currently headquartered at 700 19th ST., N.W., Washington, D.C. What's the purpose of this obscure organization called the IMF? According to their charter, the IMF was founded to... "promote international monetary cooperation” by attempting to regulate and stabilize global monetary and trade transactions. And, to achieve that goal, the IMF has tremendous financial clout! Recently, the finance ministers of most of the major nations in the world asked the IMF... to embark on studies of monetary reform that could potentially herald significantly closer economic cooperation among all countries. The finance ministers of Britain, the United States, Japan, West Germany, France and others look to the IMF for world economic leadership! When these five men advocate interest cuts... — the nations and banks of the world obey, as though virtual puppets on a ONE-WORLD ECONOMIC string. The IMF is in absolute UNITY with the World Bank, an organization charged with assisting "in reconstruction and development of economies by making loans to governments. THESE TWO ORGANIZATIONS... 1. THE IMF AND 2. THE WORLD BANK, —LITERALLY DETERMINE THE FINANCIAL FATE OF DEVELOPING NATIONS IN OUR WORLD TODAY! Mexico, Brazil, South America, the Philippines, Africa, Central America, Europe and so many others... are ALL intimately linked, through large loans, to the IMF and World Bank policies. Collectively, these two organizations influence debt payments in excess of ONE TRILLION DOLLARS! What does this mean? It means that the desperate need for MONEY by emerging nations is rapidly leading to a ONE-WORLD ECONOMY where nations are drawn together by a monetary need into AN UNHOLY UNITY that no country would normally choose. It means that out of necessity (on the part of the debtor nations), and out of greed (by the lending nations), money creates very strange alliances... an unholy, financial unity. THIS CHART SHOWS HOW MUCH MONEY MANY MAJOR COUNTRIES NOW OWE IN DEBTS TO INTERNATIONAL BANKS: BRAZIL 100 BILLION PERU 39 BILLION MEXICO 45 BILLION THE PHILIPPINES 32 BILLION ARGENTINA 37 BILLION NIGERIA 22 BILLION MONEY has become the single most powerful magnetic force for uniting the nations of the world. Our world economic system is no longer just a case of the "have's" helping the "have nots." Billion dollar burdens are common debts for the countries of the world. THROUGH THESE HUGE LOANS, THE LENDER AND THE DEBTOR NATIONS ARE NOW IN AN ALMOST UNBREAKABLE BONDAGE WITH EACH OTHER. The lending nations are sorely dependent upon the debtor nations to pay their obligations. ANY SERIOUS DEFAULT in these loans could dramatically affect the finances of the entire world! So, when a debtor nation cannot repay their loan, the IMF and the World Bank are forced to LEND MORE MONEY, constantly "bailing out” a country in trouble through new, even larger loans. Never before in history have we seen a day like today! The reality of a ONE- WORLD ECONOMIC SYSTEM, as described in Revelation 13:16 and 17, is almost here! And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. RIGHT NOW, the five-man IMF and the World Bank have their "marks" on the debtor nations of the world. RIGHT NOW, no nation can buy or sell in large volume without giving serious consideration to the current IMF and World Bank economic policies. RIGHT NOW, money seems to be the powerful magnet that can force countries with different languages and different cultures to UNITE together for economic survival.

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