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The unexplained : great mysteries of the 20th century PDF

145 Pages·1994·13.997 MB·English
by  RandlesJenny
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GreaMty sterieosf t he2 0tChe ntury the • U nex GreaMty sterieosft he2 0tChe ntury JENNRYNA DLES INDEX Firsptu blishienGd r eaBtr itaiinn1 994b y AnayaP ublishLeirmsi te3dr dF looSrt,r odHeo use 44-5O0s naburgSht reLeotn donN WI 3ND Textc opyri©g h1t994J ennyR andles All righrtess ervNeod .p arotf t hipsu blicatmiaoybn e reproducsetdo,r eidna retriesvyaslt eomr,t ransmitt,e d ina nyf ormo rb ya nym eanse,l ectromneicch,a nical, photocopyriencgo,r dionrog t herwiwsiet,h otuhte priowrr ittpeenr missoifot nh ec opyrigohwtn er. BritiLsihb raCrayt aloguiinnP gu blicaDtaitoan RandleJse,n ny TheU nexplainGerde:a Mty steroifet sh e2 0thC entury I.T itle 001.9 ISBN1 -85740 -178(-h9a rdbaocnkl y) ISBN1 -85740 -086(-p3a perbaocnkl y) DesignbedyG lynnP ickerill DesigPnr oductbiyoT nh eR & B Partnership EditebdyJ ohnG ilbert Printaendd b oundi nP ortugal Coveprh otograbpyhF so rteaPni ctuLrieb rary Frontispioefa c mee,d iump roduciencgt oplaisnam 1920e xperimebnytF ,o rteaPni ctuLrieb rary CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 6 19��]9�9 rrhNee w Centurv 8 I 191�[1919 Portenotfs\ Var 20 ln�J19l9 rrheR oarinrgl \venties 36 19J�]9J9 A Shrinki\nrgV orlcl 44 194�JI949 Disastaenrd R ecovery 52 191�]1919 AlieEnn counters 66 196�]969 TheS pacRea ce 86 19]79�7 9 Challenogfet heP aranonnalI0 2 198�]989 Socieatnyd t heU ncxplaineId I4 T�1e9 9�� �rheF uturBee ckons I26 aonn�w ar�... I 83 FurtheRre ading 139 I42 Index Acknowledgen1ents 144 INTRODUCTION uring thet wenteithc enturyt hes tarnegst D thinghsa vhe appenedb othi nt hew orldosf sicence and poafar sicence. So-callneodr maslc ienhcaesw itnesas ed revloutiosno i mmenes ast oe quaolr e vens urpass thsoep ioenerebdy N ewton andG aleiol.v Veh ave reachuedp waradn do utwardi tnos pac,e DrJWIIo1rtg h e probedt hei nteiroro ft hea otm, 'JerDseevy1 l'. Phrlacfiv eelnprhnig< J discorveedh didenr adiatniso, Bu/ljedtnrun1d.9ry 0 9 revealae gdh osutni verfsilele dw ith tmie-tarvellinpgh antoamnsd c reated tehcnolgoicamli ralceusn foreseeenv enb y thew riteorfss ceincfeci tino.T hes niiesrt sidteo t hesea chieemventsi st he unleahsinogf n autralc aatstorpheasn d thefo ringgo fw eaponcsap abloefe nding lifoen E arht.N o signlece nturyi nh istory canm atcht hirse corodfi vnentvieness, with uintilsmt iedp oetntiafolrc retaion andd esturctino. Int he wakeo ft hsi�o- allJoi�uin cha�< rre byt he forceosf r aotinalishma sc omea delgueo fp aranormaplh enoemnaIh at semest oh earlda returtno tdhiset anagte ofs upersttiino.\ Veh aveb eena skedt ob elieivne f�tiarnidess pa cemne,w e haves oughtf (Jmre aning ITJ inp asltie vsa ndw e havue sedc omputerst op robe thef utreu.O uro cenash avet eetuweidt mho ntsers, ourf iledhsa ev beens pecklweitdh m ysetrious cicrelsa ndo urs kiseh aveb eeno vefrlowbny dazzlinflget eso fU FOs. Its eemasp propriatteh,ec eatnsu rdyr awtso a clsoet,o r evietwh el ogbooofkt he lashtu ndredy ears, examinisnogme o ft heser emarkaebvlneets a nd develmoepnttso s eeh owt hisnm gayi nter-relate. To thsie ndI h aved eviesda chornologyo ft en moste xtaroridnaryd ecad,ed sesrcbiinmga nyo f thebr oda trendasn di nidviudalmvstertihetas I havep arallealneddo, ft eno uttsirppe,dt here alist ie ofI �Katn d tlh�em tasoiffe isic ot.nT heyh aev woventh eri way,l kiea ni nvibsliet hraedt,h rough SwJ ohnH unlte aditnhgeE verest exped1toifo1 n9 5T1h e thea nnlaso ft hsil asncaiting H1malhaayvaeb see nt hes cene ofs everal aslilgehgte1odnf tg hse periodt o crea;: ttalpee sotfr y Abom1nSanbolwem an. awesombeea utoyusthining , antyhinignt hep ageosf t he AmbimN1i ghts. Soc limabb oarodu rm agic carpfeto ra r idteh orught he twentiectehn tur\yV.h o knowsw hawto ndesrw e shacloln foint·? ITJ THEN EWC ENTURY ;\ st he twenteithce ntruyd awned,t hanskt o fi_ Darwinst hoerv ofe voultionth,e bitrho f ' ' psycohanalyassip si oenerebdy S imgund Freud and the eexrpimtelanr esearocfAh n toPna vlvo, scineces eemde doset oc retainagn o rdreed, prdeictawbolrel pde olpedb ya uotmataa: g odless Unievrsew itnho s pi,r intsoo ualn dn oa heriell. Moree nocuraginwge ret hefi rls�lt1t ierngst pes inot a� ravi-tfvreeen voinrmenatss ciesntsta ind u ' aviatrosc onevrteadge -olddre amsi ntor elai.t y Yeta,st arditionalr elgiiodne clidn,te heh uman spriirteb elledc.r etiangn ewm odeso fe xperssion f(:>r itisnn erw orlda,s i f ptroo vteo s ceincet haatll wasn otq utiea ss imlpea si ste eemd. [JJ BoxingD ay.t het ul-emee n lefitn c harge 19�� had vanishe:'\do. weaponsh ad been FERBUYA R 14 toucheadn dt herwea sn ot racoef a disrt­u THEV ANISHGI ANTH ANGINRGO CK banceT.h el ast elnotgrb yy t hem en.d ated 15 Decemberr,e ferrteodt he calmneosfs Oneo fth em osta stoniinsgdh isappearancetshe seaa fter etnhdei nogfa starnge storm on recortd ook placaet H angingRo ck, notr enlrdetdw etn�m·i leasw aya,n dm en­ ncar:\ lcloburnc\,' inor:iu\as,t ralTihai.s toined thatt heyw erea fraipdr,a yinagn d wasr ecordiedn1 h eb ookP irnait1c / aginng allirimntgh a'tG odi so Yearl 'l. RotbyhJ oanL insday( 1967a)n,dw asa lso thes ubjeocfta nc th crcaaln de eri1e9 57 19�1 filomf t hes ame tibtyl Pee te\r\ 'eTihre. JUNE booka,l thoulgahb elal neodv eils,b yi mpli­ catiobna sed on ICttt retl.lo sfa school AN EARYL CLOSEEN COUNTER partoyn a dayo utniga tt hei solabteeadu ty spota,n dh m,·f ourt eneageg irlasn da The firsrctc onlcddo see nocunteorf t he femaltee achvearn ishaefdt esre tntgio ffi,n thirkdi nd( ora liecno ntacotc)c urreadt sighotf mancyol leagtuoe se.x plao rroec k Bournborok\,\ 'ei\slti dlanEdnsg,l anwdh,e n lace in butshhe.O ne girrle trunedi na ano bjelfile k a 'hutw'a ss een a igna rdebny slatoefd eeps hcok.A notheri,na ne qularl ay outhI.tc ontaitnweods lllmaelnl.u nde4r caattonriocn diitonw,a sf ounad weelkae tr. feetta lwle,a riknhg akis uiatns dh elmteso,n e :'\eithecro uledx plawihna t hado cucrred. of whom approachtehde w imessb d(lre The thremei snsgi memberso ft hep art}' rctumiinnsgi deTh.e o �jle nfcateadn c lcr­ werel lCc\r found. A strangpei nkc loud trcialg lowa rounidt bsa sea nd toooikls 'k y­ seenh m·erinnge arb r reifnorcedt he wardw iht wah ooshinnogi se. superntaura,l· ietwh atth erh ads lpiepd intaon othcdt·im ensoino rt imeT.h ee vent 119 �1 sttrL(a· ckl 10rdde epi nt hep sychbee cause 0A UGUST ofi tdsi rernh aclnlge tos (·icnotmin(iip(o·­ tencOen. theo thehra ndw,h ereamsa nro f TIMSELIAPT VERSAILLES thep eoplaen dp laredisd h istoriecxailslty, theJ oanL indsayn o\'erlo ntaisnesr ious Two Englissrhh oloteacsh,cA rnne:\ tuber­ errorosff; lcatn dn o contemproarmye dia leya ndE leanJooru rdaiwne,r eo nh oliday accounts rteof tehre v anishin\g\s'.h en in FranceV.i sintgi theg ruonds of the askeidn 1 97i7fs heh adi nventeidta llth,e Palacoef Versail01l1e as hots unny day, authorre plieedni,g maitcaltlhya,tt h is wast hey clatiomh eadv e been promjoercet ed impossitbola en wser becaus'ef aactn df ic­ thana centurbya cki nt imeT.h eyc ame tioanr es od osclivn tretwined'. acrostsh eP ettT irainont,h e smcahlalt eau I giYcbny L ouisX \'1t ol\ larie-,\ntaosn iette, ith adb eeno n1 0A ugus1t7 92t,h eh sitroic 19�� day when theF rencrho yafla milwya s MI-DEDCEMBER forceldo f leTeh. e1 w o womenw andered THEL IGHTHOUDSISEA PEPARACNE pathwa\'St hatn o lonegt·e xiesdt,s aw people olindf -ahsionecdol tihnga nde ven On G Dc(·embe.rJ,o sep:\hl oorJee lflo r witnessae dw oman busyp anitingwh o three weleckas\'f' reo mt he deoslatEei lean straedt hemt il.lit nt he face and tbhme· e :\lorl igthhousoen theF luananI lsesw,e st resemblanocfe :\ larico-iAnntetleh erself. ofL ewisS,c oltand\.'\ hehne returneod n Onlyf (llnlgow liate\r' istiott sh es cene. THNEE WCN ETURY

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