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The UNESCO Courier 1997: Vol 50 Index PDF

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UNESCO COURIER INDEX 1997 ern Movement (M. Kuipers). In youthful JANUARY & MICROFINANCE MAY @ LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES hands (I. Kvisteroy). Words and deeds (G. Interview with Johan Galtung (N. Batic). Interview with Aimé Césaire (A. T. Melsan). Zouain). The North-South gap (L. Rajk). A Reaching the unreached (S. Rahman). A new Reading the landscape (Y. Bergeret). Thresh- vigilant eye (M. Bjérnstad). Sacred mountains weapon in the war on poverty (J. Garson). olds of divinity (M. Ninomiya). Sicilian flights (E. Bernbaum). A canal in southern France (FE. Three golden rules (M. Otero). Where credit (J.-F. Patricola). Colourful language (G. Pifia- Bordry). Three highland villages in Japan (H. is due... (R. P. Christen). A bank for the poor Contreras). Say it with flowers (Y. E. Ioan- Saito and N. Inaba). Commentary: The her- (M. Yunus). Microfinance in Indonesia (M. nou). What’s ina name? (L. Miz6n). Fact file: itage, memory of the future (F. Mayor). S. Robinson). Latin America: ACCION The world network of biosphere reserves. Greenwatch: A waste-free farm (F. Bequette). speaks louder than words (M. Otero). Enter- Commentary: Science and Society (3) (F. Interview with Youssef Chahine (M. Fargeon). prise in Africa (K. Mutua). Village banking: a Mayor). Heritage: The Island of Mozambique report from 5 countries (R. Scofield). Three (P. Lagés). Greenwatch: Gardens of the Far microcredit schemes in Europe (M. Nowak). East (F Bequette). Listening: Ethiopia’s azmari OCTOBER @ NATURAL DISASTERS, Commentary: Education, seedbed of the minstrels (I. Leymarie). Anniversary: Aleko BE PREPARED! future (F. Mayor). Greenwatch: People and Konstantinov (1863-1897) (G. Danailov). Safety first! (B. Rouhban). A decade for inter- plants (F. Bequette). Heritage: Colonia del national action (F. Press). Nature on the ram- Sacramento (E. Bailby). Listening: Interview with David Sanchez (I. Leymarie). JUNE @ HOW IDEAS TRAVEL page (W. W. Hays). Making cities safer (M. Erdik). The do’s and don'ts of risk reduc- On the road (F.-B. Huyghe). Manuscripts on tion (B. Carby). Sounding the alarm (F. Fer- the move (G. Messadié). Best-sellers and gos- FEBRUARY@ RADIO, sip-mongers in 18th-century France (R. Darn- rucci). Women in the front line (D. Guha- A FUTURE FOR SOUND Sapir). Insurance: halting an ominous trend ton). ‘Words have no legs, yet they walk’ (Y. Interview with Alain de Libera (R. Sabbaghi). Tata Cissé). The mixed signals of globaliza- (G. Berz). Commentary: Water and civiliza- On the crest of the waves (H. Bourges). The tion (S. Guemriche). Cyberspace: a planetary tion (F Mayor). Greenwatch: New Caledonia: first half century, 1895-1945 (B. Blin). The network of people and ideas (J. C. Nyiri). The threats to biodiversity (F. Bequette). Her- second half century, 1945-1995 (G. Price). A test of time (L. Merzeau). Fact file: Safe- itage: Taxila, the cradle of Gandhara art (L. public service (K. Ebbesen). From short wave guarding the documentary heritage; Routes of Gourret). Reflections: Spreading the word to satellite (R. Gallon and D. Seligsohn). By dialogue. Commentary: From ideal to action (O. Vallet). Interview with Manuel Elkin the people, for the people (C. A. Arnaldo). (F. Mayor). Greenwatch: Save our soils! (F. Patarroyo (F. Romero). Villages find their voice (W. Jayaweera and L. Bequette). Heritage: Palmyra, faces that belong Tabing). All power to the microphone! (A. to eternity (M. Zibawi). Ancient and modern Oganessian). Commentary: Energy for all (FE. Egypt come face to face (S. Gharib). Inter- NOVEMBER @ THEATRE’S CHANGING Mayor). Heritage: Mr. Jefferson’s dream house view with Viviane Forrester (E. Reichmann). SCENE (F. Leary). Greenwatch: Earthwatching satel- Theatre for tomorrow (R. Schechner). Rules lites (F. Bequette). made to be broken (J.-P. Guingané). An art in JULY-AUGUST @ PORTRAITS search of its roots (R. Maitra). Shingeki’s rest- OF WOMEN less century (O. Yoshio). A common home MARCH @ PLURAL CITIES IN YOUNG PEOPLE’S LITERATURE (A. Smeliansky). The birth of modern Arab Interview with Predrag Matvejevic and and theatre (G. Maleh). The theatre of the UNESCO’S SECRET. Vidosav Stevanovic (J. Sopova). Tangier: oppressed (A. Boal). Fact file: The Interna- myths and memories (T. Ben Jelloun). New Japan: Breaking the stereotype (A. Sueyoshi). tional Theatre Institute. Commentary: Sci- York blues (J. Charyn). Bombay: one and East Africa: Silent partners (E. Ledi Barongo). ence education and sustainable development many (L. R. Jagga). Marseilles: port of call Former USSR: From ideology to love (J. (F. Mayor). Greenwatch: Seaweed at your ser- and recall (E. Temime). La Paz: a tale of two Prosalkova). North America: Mothers and vice (F. Bequette). Heritage: Ironbridge Gorge cities (L. Pacheco). Vancouver, or the spirit daughters (E. Liebs). UNESCO’s secret, an (N. Cossons). Interview with Andrée Che- of place (H. Ditmars). The spirit of diversity LBRZ and ZKRR adventure (Alteau and C. did (M. Leca). (A. Barrak). Commentary: Science and society Doxuan). Declaration: The human right to (1) (FE. Mayor). Heritage: Notre-Dame peace (F. Mayor). Sarajevo’s battered soul (P. d’Amiens (C. Romane). Greenwatch: Large d’Erm). Albania’s threatened heritage (Y. DECEMBER @ ISLANDS dams (F. Bequette). Reflections: The world is Alicka). Greenwatch: Forests: a breathing A WORLD APART a sanctuary (H. Skolimowski). Listening: space for the planet (F. Bequette). Heritage: Islands of the imagination (R. Baudry). Ice- Rediscovering Lili Boulanger (1. Leymarie). the divine faces of Teothihuacan (C. Romane). land’s hidden fire (T. Vilhjalmsson). The UNESCO in action: adult education for tomor- row (C. McIntosh). Reflections: letters from Pacific: the coming of the ancestors (A Guer- APRIL @ THE BODY AND THE SELF Asia (D. Sinor). Interview with Mstislav Ros- reiro). Solstice islands (E. Maunick). The tri- Interview with Mario Luzi(M. Rosi). Face val- tropovich (I. Leymarie). als of Ulysses (J. Lacarriére). What, my brother, is an island? (L. Bhattacharya). Easter ues (D. Le Breton). An invisible river (S. Island’s last secret (L. Mizén). Cuba’s gold Nagatomo). The body and the book (D. Biale). A language of its own (M. B. Priso). From self- SEPTEMBER @ THE STATE (E. Manet). Commentary: Peace, development hood to salvation (R. Maitra). The garden of OF THE WORLD HERITAGE and democracy: UNESCO at work (F. Mayor). delights (A. Meddeb). Commentary: Science What is the world heritage? (Dossier). The Heritage: The treasure of the Cerro Rico (P. and society (2) (F. Mayor). Heritage: Te Wahi- World Heritage Convention, 25 years on (B. Absi). Greenwatch: Climate change (F. pounamu, New Zealands’s pristine wilderness von Droste). Vive la différence! (C. Fabrizio). Bequette). Reflections: A new home for (A.-M. Johnson). Greenwatch: Gardens: a cul- An idea whose time has come (P. Nora). Cul- Egypt’s ancient treasures (S. Gharib). Listen- tural flowering (F. Bequette). Listening: Inter- tural landscapes (D. Lowenthal). Past and pre- ing: Interview with Steve Turre (I. Leymarie). view with Rido Bayonne (I. Leymarie). sent: a creative dialogue (J. Rigaud). The Mod- Interview with René Depestre (J. Sopova). 50 THE UNESCO Gunite avecemoer 1997

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