U.S.$24.95 Canada$31.00 "Reading Chet Holmes's book can turn your business into a high-performing, massively profitable, superior, money-making force in whateverfield or market you compete in.... It's essential reading for anyone craving business greatness and prosperity." -Jay Abraham, authorof Getting Everything You Can OutofAll You've Got Chet Holmes has been called "America's greatest business growthexpert." Hehelps hisclientsblow away both the competition and their own expec tations. And his advice starts with one simple concept: focus! Instead oftrying to master four thousand strategies, zero in on the handful of essential skill areas that makethebigdifference in transforming your business. Too many managers jump at every new trend, but don'tstickwith anyofthem. Instead, says Holmes, focus on twelvecriticalareasofimprovement--<me at a time-and practice them over and over with pigheaded discipline. The UltimateSalesMachineshowsyou howto tune upandsoupupvirtuallyeverypartofyourbusiness by spendingjust an hour perweek on each impact area you wanttoimprove. Likea tennis playerwho hits nothing but backhands for a few hours aweek to perfecthisgame,youcansystematicallyimprove each keyarea. Holmes offers proven strategies for: •Management: Teach your people how to work smarter, not harder •Marketing: Get more bang from your Web site, advertising, trade shows, and publicrelations •Sales: Perfect every sales interaction byworking on sales, notjustin sales (continuedonbackflap) 0607 (CQnli"unlfromfrontjl4p) The Ultimate Sales Machine will put you and your companyon apath to successand. more important. helpyoustaythere! "This is by far the best salesbook Ihave everread and Ihave read hundreds. As someone who runs more than fifteen companies and employs more than six hundred people, Ican honestlysay this isabook Iwill refer to for decadesto come." -A. Harrison Barnes, CEO, Juriscape CHET HOLMES is an aeclaimed corporate trainer, strategic mas· termind, businessgrowthexpert, and lecturer. His nearly one thousand clients have included majorcompanieslikePacificBell, BC, Citibank, Warner Bros., GNC, Wells Fargo, Estee Lauder, Merrill Lynch, andW. R. Grace,aswellassmallbusinessesofevery kind. Holmeshasalsodesignedhundredsofadver· tisingcampaigns and sales systems for hundredsof industries. Helivesin LosAngeles, California. Turn your business into the Ultimate Sales Machine today! Visit www.chetholmes.com/book. where you will find links to webinars, training DVDs, discounts, and special offers just for purchasers of this book. i AmemberofPr:nguinCroup(USA)Inc. :)75HudsonSirtel NcwYork,N.Y. 10014 ..alnOllC _.penguin.com More praiseforChet Holmesand The UltimateSalesMachine "ChetHolmesisoneofthebest marketersontheplanet. This bookproves it. It's a landmark work that you could read and reread forever and just keepgettingmore andmoreoutofit." -HaleDwoskin,NewYork Timesbestsellingauthor,The SedonaMethod 'We all sell for a living-some of us know this and the rest of us don't yet. Eitherwayyou have to readthis book. Chet Holmesis aconsummate professionalwithsalesandmarketingknow-howthatevenHomerSimpson could implement without a brain transplant. ... Applying the success systemsinthisbookwilltransformyourbusinessandyourlife." -StewartEmery,bestsellingcoauthor, SuccessBuilttoLast "Nobodyknows more abouthowto create the ultimate sales machine than ChetHolmes. Readthis bookandsuperchargeyourbusiness." -MarkThompson,bestsellingcoauthor, SuccessBuilttoLast "Ibuilt myfirst companyto become the fifty-ninth-fastest-growing private companyinAmerica, and mysecondoneto $85 millioninjusttwenty-one months. We used Chefs concepts at both companies and there isjust no one that has such powerful yet practical ways to grow companies. And I lovetheideathattobegreatyouonlyneedtoknowtwelvethings, notfour thousand. Thafsproventobesotruein mylife." -ScottHallman,CEO, BusinessGrowthDynamics,Inc. "RarelydoesaCEOhavetheopportunitytoworkwithsomeoneastalented as Chet Holmes. In growing my own company, Chet was instrumental incausingaquantumleapinthegrowthofoursales.... Profoundchanges in your organization are possible by applying the simple yet powerful truthsChetexplains in what maybe the best business bookeverwritten. As an adviser to CEOs and organizations ofevery size, I draw on Chefs techniquesineveryengagement." -MitchRusso,founderandformerCEO,TimeslipsCorporation The Ultimate Sales Machine o Tu.bocha.ge You. Business with Relentless Pocus on 12 Key 5t.ategies CHET HOLMES PORTFOLIO PORTFOLIO PublishedbythePenguinGroup PenguinGroup(USA)Inc.,375HudsonStreet,NewYork,NewYork10014,U.S.A. PenguinGroup(Canada),90EglintonAvenueEast,Suite700,Toronto,Ontario, CanadaM4P2Y3(adivisionofPearsonPenguinCanadaInc.) PenguinBooksLtd.,80Strand,LondonWC2RORL,England PenguinIreland,25St.Stephen'sGreen,Dublin2,Ireland (adivisionofPenguinBooksLtd.) PenguinBooksAustraliaLtd.,250CamberwellRoad,Camberwell,Victoria3124, Australia(adivisionofPearsonAustraliaGroupPtyLtd.) PenguinBooksIndiaPvtLtd, 11CommunityCentre,PanchsheelPark, NewDelhi- 110017,India PenguinGroup(NZ),67ApolloDrive, MairangiBay,Auckland1311,NewZealand (adivisionofPearsonNewZealandLtd.) PenguinBooks(SouthAfrica) (Pty)Ltd.,24SturdeeAvenue, Rosebank,Johannesburg 2196,SouthAfrica PenguinBooksLtd, RegisteredOffices:80Strand,LondonWC2RORL,England Firstpublishedin2007byPortfolio,amemberofPenguinGroup(USA)Inc. 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2 Copyright©ChetHolmes,2007 Allrightsreserved LIBRARYOFCONGRESSCATALOGING INPUBLICATION DATA Holmes,Chet. Theultimatesalesmachine:turbochargeyourbusinesswithrelentlessfocuson 12keystrategies/byChetHolmes. p.cm. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN978-1-59184-160-9 1. Salesmanagement.2.Organizationaleffectiveness.I.Title. HF5438.4. H632007 658.8'I----dc22 200700325] PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica DesignedbyHeleneBerinsky Withoutlimitingtherightsundercopyrightreservedabove,nopartofthispublication maybereproduced,storedinorintroducedintoaretrievalsystem,ortransmitted,in anyformorbyanymeans(electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recordingor otherwise),withoutthepriorwrittenpermissionofboththecopyrightO\vnerandthe abovepublisherofthisbook. Thescanning,uploading,anddistributionofthisbookviatheInternetorviaanyother meanswithoutthepermissionofthepublisherisillegalandpunishablebylaw. Please purchaseonlyauthorizedelectroniceditionsanddonotparticipateinorencourage electronicpiracyofcopyrightablematerials.Yoursupportoftheauthor'srightsis appreciated. Whiletheauthorhasmadeeveryefforttoprovideaccuratetelephonenumbers andInternetaddressesatthetimeofpublication,neitherthepublishernortheauthor assumesanyresponsibilityforerrors,orforchangesthatoccurafterpublication. Further,thepublisherdoesnothaveanycontroloveranddoesnotassumeany responsibilityforauthororthird-partyWebsitesortheircontent. Acknowledgments On the business side, I'd like to thank Jay Abraham for being a great partnerand teaching me so much about growingcompanies, JayLevin sonforencouragingme towritethis book(onlytook 10years, Jay, butI didit), Napoleon Hillforinspiringme towantto rise above the trials of a misspent youth, and Howard Linker for handing me that book that changed my life. Thank you to every major trainer out there as I have been like a sponge my entire life, learning from everyone-Tony Rob bins, Michael Gerber, Tom Hopkins, Wayne Dyer, Brian Tracy, Denis Waitley, andso on. Thankyou, Charlie Munger, for providing me with thefirstplaceIeverworkedwhere Ihadthe freedom toprove mytheo ries.Thankyou, DickHarrington,forbeingmyfirstclientwhenIstarted myown companies and for teaching me howto make things happen in large-scale organizations. Youwere apowerfulinfluenceand teacherto me andI'mverygrateful. I'dsurelyliketothankmyagent, Lorin Rees, forhelpingmecreatea razor-sharp bookoutline. I'dlike to thank myeditor, Adrienne Schultz, who helpedto sharpen everysentence and chapter. The reinforcement provided by Bruce Sylvesterwas amazing. He is the most detailed per son I've ever known. The entire team at PortfoliO-including Adrian Zackheim, smart as awhip, andWillWeisser, devotedto spreadingthe word-has beenapleasuretoworkwith. Ix x Acknowledgments I'dalsoliketothankKimberlyDelaney,thebackboneoftheproject, whohelpedmeassembleallthismaterialandtumitintoawell-organized book. On the personal side, I'd like to thank my father for teaching me about courage and my mother for giving me so many gifts, from art to music to, most important, the beliefin myselfthat I could accomplish anything. Thanks to my second mom, June, who is the epitome of sophistication and grace under pressure. You helped sculpt me as a youngadultandgavemeabrotherandthreemoresisters,whomIadore. Thankyou to mywife, Vickey, who has beenlike the calm in mystorm, and my children, Jordan and Amanda, who are my greatest source of hope andjoy. Okay, Baby,too. Thanksalsogotomyfriendswhotaughtmethingsthathelpedshape mylife forthebetter--especiallytoTom Shepard (the Sundanceto my Butch Cassidy), Mitch, Scott, Marc, Kit, Paul, and Ralph. You are the only true friends in this long life. I am privileged to know you. To my spiritualgenius friend, Hale Dworskin, aspecialthankyou. IalsothankmybrotherTimforhishiddenbeautythatIseesoclearly, mysisterVickiforherindomitablespirit, Martin(whoIhopewillliveup tohis enormouspotential), and, lastly, Steve. Iwillforeveracknowledge howyou tookme from the life Iwasheadedfor andset me on apathof learning. Youset mysoulonfire withyourgreatwriting. You awakened myambitionateverylevel,andyousculptedtheearlyfoundations ofmy telephone skills that have helped me get tojustabout anyone on Earth. I'll always remember the good times, like rehearsing Kings in Bloom field. I never laughed so hard. Know that wherever you may go, ifyou think ofme and smile ... (Iwon'tstealyourwords, butyou knowwhat IwouldsayifI did.) Contents Acknowledgments ix ANotetotheReader xiii Foreword:WhenwordsAreNeverEnough xv Preface xvii Introduction 1. TimeManagementSecretsofBillionaires 7 HowtoMaximizeYourProductivityand HelpYour PeopleDotheSame 2. InstitutingHigherStandardsandRegularTraining 21 PreprogramYourOrganizationtoRun LikeaFinely Tuned Machine 3. ExecutingEffectiveMeetings 38 HowtoWorkTogethertoImproveEveryAspectof YourCompanyUsingWorkshopTraining 4. BecomingaBrilliantStrategist 58 HowtoGetUptoNineTimesMoreImpactfrom EveryMoveYouMake xl xii Contents 5. HiringSuperstars 78 HowtoAccelerateYourGrowthbyUsing High-OctaneTalentatEveryLevel 6. TheHighArtofGettingtheBestBuyers 102 TheFastest, LeastExpensiveWaytoDramatically IncreaseSales 7. TheSeven MustsofMarketing 117 TurbochargeEveryAspectofYourPrimary MarketingEfforts 8. TheEyesHaveIt 154 AttractandCloseMoreBuyersbyUsingMore CompellingVisuals, PlustheBiggestMistakesEveryone MakesWhen Presenting 9. TheNitty-GrittyofGettingtheBestBuyers 171 Step-by-Step, Day-by-DayTacticstoLandYour DreamClients 10. SalesSkills 192 TheDeeperYouGo,theMoreYouWillSell 11. FOllow-UpandClientBondingSkills 209 HowtoKeepClientsForeverand Dramatically IncreaseYourProfits 12. All SystemsGo 226 SettingGoals, MeasuringEffectiveness,and ActivatingYourMasterPlan Notes 246 Index 247