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The Ultimate Computer Acronyms Archive PDF

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The Ultimate Computer Acronyms Archive www.acronyms.ch Last updated: September 27, 2004 «I'm sitting in a coffee shop in Milford, NH. In the booth next to me are two men, a father and a son. Over coffee, the father is asking his son about modems, and the son is holding forth pretty well on the subject of fax compatibility, UART requirements, and so on. But he's little out of date: The father asks, "So should I get one with a DSP?" "A what?" says the son. You just can't get far if you're not up on the lingo. You might squeak by in your company of technological nonexperts, but even some of them will surprise you. These days, technical acronyms quickly insinuate themselves into the vernacular.» Raphael Needleman THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. The information contained in this document represents the current view of the authors on this subject as of the date of publication. Because this kind of information changes very quickly, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of the authors and the authors cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented herein. INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND FREEDOM FROM INFRINGEMENT. The user assumes the entire risk as to the accuracy and the use of this document. This document may be copied and distributed subject to the following conditions: 1. This document must not be altered. 2. This document may not be distributed for profit. Page 2 of 173 www.acronyms.ch µ (mu) ABEND 0-9 A/D: Analog/Digital 0-9 A (Hardware) µ (mu): Micro A/P: Accounts Payable Prefix for 10 power -6 A/PC: Auto Personal Computer 1GL: 1st Generation Language (Hardware) Machine language (Software) A/R: Accounts Receivable 24/7: 24 hours a day/7 days a week A/UX: Apple UniX 2D: 2-Dimensional (Operating systems) (Apple) 2D: Double Density AA: Advertising Agent (Hardware) AA: Anti-Aliasing 2G: 2nd Generation Method for removing jagged edges Mobile telecommunication network allowing 14.4 kbps transfer AA: Auto Answer rates (Communication) 2GL: 2nd Generation Language AAA: Asp Application Aggregator Assembler and other low-level languages (Software) AAA: Authentication, Authorization and Accounting 2HD: 2 sides, High Density A term for a framework for intelligently controlling access to computer resources, enforcing policies, auditing usage, and (Hardware) providing the information necessary to bill for services. These 2PC: 2-Phase Commit combined processes are important for effective network management (Security) Protocol to allow replicated data to be modified at multiple sites AAB: All-to-All Broadcast 2S: 2 Sides (Hardware) AAC: Advanced Audio Coding 2S2D: 2 Sides, Double Density AAC: Authorization and Access Control (Hardware) (Security) 2SHD: 2 Sides, High Density AAF: Advanced Authoring Format (Hardware) AAL: Atm Adaption Layer 3D: 3-Dimensional Layer 3 of the ATM architecture. Adapts user traffic into/from ATM 48-byte payloads (Communication) 3DES: Triple Data Encryption Standard (Security) AAM: Automatic Acoustic Management Feature that allows the host to request that the drive modify its 3G: 3rd Generation acoustic behavior (Hardware) Mobile telecommunication network allowing 300-400 kbps transfer rates (Communication) AAP: Applications Access Point (DEC) 3GIO: 3rd Generation Input Output (Hardware) (Intel) AARP: Appletalk Address Resolution Protocol (Network) (Apple) 3GL: 3rd Generation Language High level programming languages (Software) AAS: All-to-All Scatter 3GPP: Third Generation Partners Project AAS: Auto Area Segmentation See http://www.3gpp.org/ (Organizations) Scanner technology which detects and optimizes text and graphics on the same page (Hardware) (Epson) 4G: 4th Generation AASP: Ascii Asynchronous Support Package Mobile telecommunication network allowing 10Mbit/s transfer rates (Communication) AAT: Average Access Time 4GL: 4th Generation Language AATP: Authorized Academic Training Program Database access languages (Software) (Microsoft) 4GT: 4 Gigabyte memory Tuning ABA: Address Book Archive 5GL: 5th Generation Language Filename extension Artificial intelligence languages (Software) ABAP: Advanced Business Application 6DOF: Six Degrees Of Freedom Programming Powerful programming language created specifically for A developing SAP applications. ABAP Objects is the new object- oriented generation of this language, designed to respond to the A: Ampere needs of SAP's future strategies and environments (Software) Current measurement unit ABC: Atanasoff-Berry Computer a: atto First digital calculating machine that used vacuum tubes Prefix for 10 power -18 ABEL: Advanced Boolean Expression Language Å: Ångstrom ABEND: ABnormal END Length measurement unit corresponding to 10 power -10 meters (Software) www.acronyms.ch Page 3 of 173 ABI ACS ABI: Application Binary Interface ACF: Access Control Field A Defines the binary system interface between compiled ACF: Advanced Communications Function applications and the operating system on which they run (Software) ACH: Automated Clearing House ABIOS: Advanced Basic Input Output System ACIA: Asynchronous Communication Interface Adapter ABIST: Automatic Built-In Self-Test (IBM) ACIAS: Automated Calibration Interval Analysis System ABLE: Adaptive Battery Life Extender ACID: Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and ABM: Asynchronous Balanced Mode Durability HDLC data transfer mode (Network) (Software) ABNF: Augmented Backus Naur Form ACIS: American Committee for Interoperable ABR: Available Bit Rate Systems One of five ATM Forum defined service types. Supports variable ACK: ACKnowledge bit rate data traffic with flow control, a minimum guaranteed data transmission rate and specified performance parameters A transmission control character transmitted by a station as an (Communication) affirmative response to the station with which the connection has been set up. (Communication) ABRS: Automated Book Request System ACL: Access Control List ABS: ABSolute For granting or denying access to computer resources (security) ABS: Address Book Synchronization (Operating systems) (IBM) ACL: Advanced Cmos Logic ABS: Auto Balance System ACL: Asynchronous ConnectionLess System to reduce vibration and noise in a peripheral (Hardware) (Communication) ABS: Automatic Backup System ACM: Afp Conversion Module ABT: ABorT (Software) ABTS: Ascii Block Terminal Services ACM: Association for Computing Machinery (Organizations) AC: Access Customer ACM: Audio Compression Manager (Communication) (Microsoft) AC: Alternate Current ACMS: Application Control Management System AC: Audio Codec ACNM: Application Centric Network Management (Hardware) (Software) AC: Authentication Center ACO: Alternate Checksum Option AC: AutoCheck (Network) AC: Automatic Computer ACP: Active Code Page ACAP: Application Configuration Access Protocol ACP: Ancillary Control Program ACC: ACCumulator ACP: Auxiliary Control Process ACC: Authorization Contract for Containers ACPI: Advanced Configuration and Power Interface Specification (JSR-115) that defines new (Hardware) java.security.Permission classes to satisfy the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) authorization model (Software) (Sun) ACR: Advanced Communication Riser ACD: Automatic Call Distribution (Hardware) ACR: Allowed Cell Rate ACDI: Asynchronous Communications Device Interface ACROSS: Automated Cargo Release and Operations Service System ACE: Access Control Encryption ACS: Access Control Server ACE: Access Control Entry An entry in an Access Control List (ACL). An ACE contains a set ACS: Access Control Set of access rights and a security identifier (SID) that identifies a trustee for whom the rights are allowed, denied, or audited ACS: Access Control System (Operating systems) ACS: Admission Control Service ACE: Adobe Certified Expert (Network) (Microsoft) (Adobe) ACS: Advanced Computer System ACE: Advanced Computing Environment (IBM) ACE: Adverse Channel Enhancements ACS: Anti Curl System ACE: Ascii Compatible Encoding ACS: Asynchronous Communication Server ACE: Automatic Computing Engine ACS: Automatic Class Selection Page 4 of 173 www.acronyms.ch ACS ADS ACS: Automatic Contrast Selection ADCCP: Advanced Data Communication Control Procedures A ACSE: Association Control Service Element (Communication) The method used in International Organization for Standardization's open systems interconnection (OSI) for ADD: Adapter Device Driver establishing a call between two applications. ADD: Automatic Document Detection ACSI: American Customer Satisfaction Index ADE: Application Data Export ACSM: Application Centric Storage Management (Databases) (Oracle) (Software) ADF: Adapter Description File ACSS: Aural Cascading Style Sheets File name extension ACT: Application Compatibility Toolkit ADF: Automatic Document Feeder (Software) (Microsoft) Scanner device (Hardware) ACTS: Advanced Communication Technology ADF: Automatically Defined Function Satellite ADI: AutoCad Device Interface (Communication) (NASA) Driver ACTS: Automated Computer Time Server ADK: Appliance Development Kit ACTT: Advanced Communication and Timekeeping (Software) Technology ADL: Address Data Latch ACU: Automatic Calling Unit ADL: Architecture Description Language ACVC: Ada Compiler Validation Capacity (Software) AD: Acpi Disassembler ADLAT: ADaptive LATtice filter AD: Active Directory ADLC: Asynchronous Data Link Control (Operating systems) ADM: Application Distribution and Management ADA: ADA ADMACS: Apple Document Management And Programming language named after Augusta Ada Lovelace Control System ADA: Adobe Developers Association ADMD: ADministrative Management Domain (Organizations) ADA: Automatic Data Acquisitions ADML: Application Description Markup Language (Software) ADAPT: Architecture, Design, Analysis and Planning Tool ADMS: Adstar Distributed Management System ADB: Apple Desktop Bus ADO: Activex Data Object Bus architecture (Hardware) (Apple) (Databases) (Microsoft) ADBS: Advanced Data Broadcast System ADODB: Activex Data Object DataBase (Communication) (Databases) (Microsoft) ADC: Active Directory Connector ADP: Access Database Project (Operating systems) Filename extension (Software) (Microsoft) ADC: Adaptive Data Compression ADP: Aol Dynamic Pages (Hayes) (Software) ADC: ADd with Carry ADP: Automatic Data Processing ADC: Advanced Data Connector ADPCM: Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation (Databases) (Microsoft) Communication protocol (Communication) ADC: Analog to Digital Converter ADR: ADdRess A device that translates analog signals to digital signals. Contrast with digital-to-analog converter (DAC). (Hardware) ADR: Advanced Digital Recording ADC: Apple Developer Connection (Hardware) (Apple) ADR2: Advanced Digital Recording 2nd generation ADC: Apple Display Connector (Hardware) (Hardware) (Apple) ADS: Active Directory Service ADC: Application Delete Certificate Windows 2000 network objects database that stores each specific network item in a central database and that may be ADC: Application Development Consultant replicated (Operating systems) (Microsoft) ADCAP: ADvanced CAPability ADS: Advanced Digital System Used to refer to advanced capability, cuttin edge technology, ADS: Application Development Solutions also in military applications (e.g. ADCAP missile) (AT&T) ADS: Application Development System www.acronyms.ch Page 5 of 173 ADS AGA ADS: Automatic Distribution System AFAICT: As Far As I Can Tell A ADS/O: Application Development System / Online (Net lingo) AFAIK: As Far As I Know ADSC: Adobe Document Structuring Conventions (Net lingo) ADSI: Active Directory Service Interface AFAIR: As Far As I Remember (Network) (Net lingo) ADSI: Analog Display Services Interface AFAIUI: As Far As I Understand It ADSL: Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (Net lingo) Communication infrastructure (Communication) AFC: AntiFerromagnetically-Coupled ADSM: Adstar Distributed Storage Manager Multilayer coating expected to permit hard-disk drives to store (Databases) (IBM) 100 billion bits (gigabits) of data per square inch of disk area (Hardware) (IBM) ADSM: Advanced Data Storage Management (IBM) AFC: Application Foundation Classes (Software) (Microsoft) ADSP: Appletalk DataStream Protocol (Apple) AFC: Automatic Font Change ADSR: Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release AFC: Automatic Frequency Control ADT: Abstract Data Type AFD: Automatic File Distribution ADT: Access Developer Toolkit AFDW: Active Framework for Data Warehousing (Software) (Microsoft) (Microsoft) ADT: Advanced Dram Technology AFFS: Amiga Fast File System (Hardware) (Operating systems) ADT: Application Data Type AFI: Authority and Format Identifier ADT: Atlantic Daylight Time AFII: Association for Font Information Interchange Timezone: GMT -4:00 ADTG: Advanced Data Table Gram AFIRM: Automated Fingerprint Image Reporting and Match Proprietary binary format for storing database data (Databases) (Microsoft) AFIS: Automated Fingerprint Identification System ADU: Automatic Dialing Unit AFK: Away From Keyboard ADW: Advanced Docking Window (Net lingo) (Software) AFLCD: AntiFerroelectric Liquid Crystal Display ADW: Application Development Workbench (Hardware) (Software) AFM: Adobe Font Metrics AE: Above or Equal File name extension (Adobe) AeA: America Electronics Association AFP: Advanced Function Presentation (Organizations) (IBM) AEB: Analog Expansion Bus AFP: Advanced Function Printing (Dialogic) Suite of electronic printing solutions to turn your invoices, letters, policies, statements and reports into high-quality, cost- AEC: Architecture, Engineering, Construction effective documents (Software) (IBM) A computer graphics market requiring specialized applications AFP: Appletalk Filing Protocol that facilitate efficient planning, design, drafting, and analysis. (Communication) (Apple) AEGIS: Advanced Electronic Guidance and Instrumentation System AFPL: Alladin Free Public License AEI: Application Enabling Interface AFR: Alternate Frame Rendering (Hardware) AES: Advanced Encryption Standard AFR: Annualized Failure Rate (Security) (Hardware) AESA: Atm End System Address AFS: Andrew File System (Communication) AF: Assured Forwarding AFT: Adapter Fault Tolerance Using AF, a provider may offer different levels of service for IP (Intel) packets received from a customer domain. Each AF class is AFT: Authenticated Firewall Traversal allocated a specified amount of buffer space and bandwidth (Network) (Security) AFA: Accelerated File Access AFTP: Anonymous File Transfer Protocol AFAIC: As Far As I'm Concerned AGA: Advanced Graphics Adapter (Net lingo) Page 6 of 173 www.acronyms.ch AGA AM AGA: Advanced Graphics Architecture AIX: Advanced Interactive eXecutive A Graphics architecture for Amiga computers IBM's Unix (Operating systems) (IBM) AGARAS: AntiGlare AntiReflective AntiStatic AJDT: AspectJ Development Tools AGC: Automatic Gain Control Provides Eclipse platform based tool support for Aspect Oriented Software Development (AOSD) with AspectJ. See (Hardware) http://www.eclipse.org/ajdt/ (Software) AGE: Amorphium Graphics Engine aka: Also Known As AGLR: Anti-Glare, Low Reflection (Net lingo) (Hardware) ALAT: Advanced Load Address Table AGP: Accelerated Graphics Port ALB: Advanced Load Balancing (Hardware) ALC: Airline Link Control AGU: Address Generation Unit Service protocol (Network) Ah: Ampere Hour ALC: Application Load Certificate Rechargable battery charge measurement unit (Hardware) ALC: Arithmetic and Logic Circuits AH: Authentication Header ALC: Automatic Level Control (Network) ALDC: Adaptive Lossless Data Compression AHA: Adaptec Host Adapter (IBM) (Hardware) (Adaptec) ALE: Account Level Equivalence AHDL: Analog Hardware Description Language ALE: Address Latch Enable AHDT: Alaska-Hawaii Daylight Time Timezone: GMT -10:00 ALE: Application Launch and Embedding AHS: Abstract Handle Specification (Software) ALE: Application Linking Enabling AHST: Alaska-Hawaii Standard Time Timezone: GMT -10:00 ALEC: Alternative Local Exchange Carrier AI: Analog Input (Communication) ALEP: Advanced Language Engineering Platform AI: Artificial Intelligence ALG: Application Layer Gateway AIA: Applications Integration Architecture Used in conjuction with Network Address Translation (NAT) to (DEC) allow IP address translation (Network) AIC: Aixwindows Interface Composer ALGOL: ALGOrithmic Language (IBM) Programming language (Software) AID: Application IDentifier ALIBI: Adaptive Location of Internetworked Bases AIFF: Audio Interchange File Format of Information (Apple) ALICE: Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer AIIM: Association for Information and Image Entity Management ALINK: Active LINK AIM: Aol Instant Messenger ALIWEB: Archie Like Indexing in the WEB AIM: Application Integration Module ALM: Application Lifecylcle Management AIM: Application Interface Module (Software) AIN: Advanced Intelligent Network ALM: Asynchronous Line Multiplexer AIO: All In One A device that connects multiple terminals or other serial interface devices to Sun network file servers or workstations. AIP: Application Infrastructure Provider Also known as "multiple terminal interface." AIP: Asp Infrastructure Provider ALN: Asynchronous Learning Network AIR: Architecture Implementation Review ALP: Apple List Price Recommended retail price for Apple Macintosh equipment AIS: Alarm Indication Signal (Hardware) (Apple) AIS: Automated Information System ALP: Automatic Language Processing AISB: Association of Imaging Service Bureaus ALR: Advanced Logic Research AISI: As I See It ALSA: Architectures of Large Systems of Agents (Net lingo) ALT: ALTernate AISP: Association of Information Systems Professionals ALU: Arithmetic Logic Unit Device in a CPU performing arithmetic operations (Hardware) AIT: Advanced Intelligent Tape AM: Amplitude Modulation (Hardware) www.acronyms.ch Page 7 of 173 AMA APF AMA: Automatic Message Accounting ANX: Automotive Network eXchange A AMASS: Archival Management And Storage System AO: Analog Output Manufacturer AO/DI: Always On/Dynamic Isdn AMD: Active Matrix Display AOCE: Apple Open Collaborative Environment AMD: Advanced Micro Devices (Apple) CPU Manufacturer (AMD) AOCN: Administrative Operating Company Number AME: Advanced Metal Evaporation (Communication) Recording media technology (Hardware) AOE: Application Operating Environment AMG: All Music Guide (AT&T) AMHA: Advanced Macro Heuristic Analysis AOL: Alert On Lan (Dr. Solomon) (Network) AMHIK: Ask Me How I Know AOL: America OnLine (Net lingo) (Network) AMI: Alternate Mark Inversion AOP: Aspect-Oriented Programming AMI: American Megatrends, Inc. (Software) AOP: Association of Online Professionals AMI: Application Messaging Interface (Organizations) AML: Acpi Machine Language AOS: Add Or Subtract AMLCD: Active-Matrix Liquid Crystal Display AOSD: Aspect-Oriented Software Development (Hardware) (Software) AMMA: Advanced Memory Management AOT: Ahead Of Time Architecture Programs compilation technique (Software) AMP: Asymmetric MultiProcessing AOW: Asia and Oceania Workshop System architecture that uses different types of processors in a multi-processor system (Hardware) One of the three regional OSI implementors workshops. AMP: Attached Media Processor AP: Access Point (Hardware) (Hardware) AMPS: Advanced Mobile Phone System AP: Access Provider (Communication) (Communication) AMQRS: Audio Master Quality Recording System AP: Application Processor (Hardware) AP: Application Protocol AMR: Audio Modem Riser (Software) Slot for an internal modem (Hardware) APA: Adaptive Packet Assembly AMS: Advanced Microcomputer System APA: All Points Addressable (Hardware) (Siemens-Nixdorf) APA: Arithmetic Processing Accelerator Amstrad: Alan Michael Sugar TRADing APAR: Authorized Program Analysis Report Eurpean based company that built the first sub $1000 IBM compatible PCs in the mid 1980's (IBM) ANDF: Architecture-Neutral Distribution Format APC: American Power Conversion ANI: ANImated cursor APCUG: Association of Personal Computer User Groups File name extension (Microsoft) ANI: Automatic Number Identification APCVG: Association of Personal Computer Users Group ANN: ANNotations (Organizations) File name extension (IBM) APDU: Application Protocol Data Unit ANN: Artificial Neural Network APE: Application Performance Explorer ANS: American National Standard (Software) (Microsoft) ANSI: American National Standard Institute APF: Apple Filing Protocol An organization that reviews and approves product standards in (Apple) the United States. (Organizations) APF: Automated Purposing Framework ANT: Advanced Network Tools Collection of scripts and utilities that enable you to consistently ANT: Another Neat Tool and reliably prepare computer hardware (BIOS, mass storage) Ant is a Java based build tool. In theory it is kind of like make and install the Windows operating system and layered products without make's wrinkles. See http://jakarta.apache.org/ant on one or more build computers (Microsoft) (Software) Page 8 of 173 www.acronyms.ch API ARLL API: Application Programming Interface APSE: Ada Programming Support Environment A A set of calling conventions defining how a service is invoked (Software) through a software package. (Software) APSL: Apple Public Source License APIC: Advanced Programmable Interrupt Software license (Apple) Controller APSO: Audio Precision System One (Hardware) (Hardware) APIPA: Automatic Private Internet Protocol APT: Address Pass Through Addressing (Network) APT: Advanced Package Tool APIS: Advanced Passenger Information System Software download/installation tool for Debian GNU/Linux (Operating systems) APL: A Programming Language APT: Advanced Parallel Technology (Software) APT: Automatically Programmed Tools APL: Applied Physics Laboratory Advanced research facility in Skaggsville, MD. APTC: Authorized Prometric Testing Center Sylvan Prometric is a division of Sylvan Learning Systems. It is APL: Average Picture Level the global leader in computer-based testing for academic Monitor quality parameter (Hardware) assessment, professional licensure, and certification. APLSF: A Programming Language with Shared Files APTM: Application Program to Transaction Manager APM: Advanced Power Management APU: Audio Processing Unit APM: Application Performance Management (Hardware) APN: Access Point Name AQ: Advanced Queueing Used on GPRS as access information (Communication) (Databases) (Oracle) APNIC: Asia-Pacific Network Information Center AR: Access Rate APOP: Authenticated Post Office Protocol The data rate of the user access channel. The rate (maximum) APP: Applecare Protection Plan at which access devices can offer data to the frame relay network (Communication) Extended warranty (Apple) AR: Application Requester APP: APPlication (IBM) File name extension ARA: Appletalk Remote Access APPC: Advanced Program to Program Communication (Communication) (Apple) ARAG: AntiReflective, AntiGlare APPCM: Access Protection and Priority Control Mechanism ARAP: Appletalk Remote Access Protocol APPEL: A P3p Preference Exchange Language ARAS: AntiReflective, AntiStatic APPI: Advanced Peer-to-Peer Internetworking ARB: Architecture Review Board (Network) ARC: Advanced Risc Computer APPN: Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking (Hardware) (Network) (IBM) ARC: ARChive APR: Advanced Port Replicator File name extension (Hardware) ARCA: Advanced Risc Computing Architecture APR: Apache Portable Runtime ARCnet: Attached Resource Computer NETwork Its mission is to provide a free library of C data structures and routines, forming a system portability layer to as many AREQIPA: Application REQuested Internet operating systems as possible, including Unices, MS Win32, Protocol over Atm BeOS and OS/2 (Software) (Network) APRP: Adaptive Pattern Recognition Processing ARF: Abort, Retry, Fail APS: Active Pixel Sensor ARIN: American Registry for Internet Numbers APS: Advanced Photo System (Organizations) APS: Advanced Printing Service ARIS: Architecture of Integrated Information (IBM) Systems APS: Analog Protection System ARIS: Attack Registry & Intelligence Service (Security) APS: Asynchronous Protocol Specification ARL: Access Rights List APS: Automatic Protection Switching A mean for automatically detecting and signalling a transmission ARL: Adjusted Ring Length link failure (Communication) ARLL: Advanced Run Length Limited www.acronyms.ch Page 9 of 173 ARM ASIT ARM: Advanced Risc Machine ASA: American Standards Association A ARM: Annotated Reference Manual ASA: Architectures of Systems of Agents ARM: Application Response Measurement ASAI: Adjunct Switch Application Interface (Network) (AT&T) ARM: Asynchronous Response Mode ASAP: As Soon As Possible HDLC data transfer mode (Network) (Net lingo) ARMA: Association of Records Managers and ASAP: Automatic Switching And Processing Administrators ASB: Advanced System Buffering ARMS: Architecture for Reliable Managed Storage (Hardware) (Intel) ARO: Adaptec Raidport Option ASC: Accredited Standards Committee (Hardware) (Adaptec) ASC: ASCii text AROM: Alterable Read Only Memory File name extension ARP: Address Resolution Protocol ASC: Authorized Support Centers The Internet protocol used to dynamically map Internet ASC: Autonomous System Confederation addresses to physical (hardware) addresses on local area networks. Limited to networks that support hardware broadcast. (Network) (Network) ASCB: Address Space Control Block ARPA: Advanced Research Projects Agency Used in IBM Mainframe OS's Multiple Virtual Storage (MVS) - Now called Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency z/OS (Operating systems) (IBM) (DARPA), the U.S. government agency that funded the ASCC: Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator ARPANET. (Organizations) (IBM) ARPANET: Advanced Research Projects Agency ASCI: Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative NETwork A packet switched network developed in the early 1970s. The ASCII: American Standard Code for Information "grandfather" of today's Internet. ARPANET was decommissioned Interchange in June 1990. The standard binary encoding of alphabetical characters, ARPL: Adjust Requested Privilege Level numbers, and other keyboard symbols (7 bit character code.) ARQ: Automatic Repeat reQuest ASD: Application Structure Database (Communication) (Microsoft) ARS: Activity Reporting System ASD: Automatic Skip Driver (Operating systems) (Microsoft) ART: Adaptive Resonance Theory ASDSP: Application-Specific Digital Signal ART: Average Response Time Processor ARTA: Apple Real Time Architecture ASE: Active Storage Element ARTIC: A Real-Time Interface Coprocessor ASE: Adaptive Server Enterprise (IBM) (Databases) (Sybase) ARTS: Asynchronous Remote Takeover Server ASE: Alladin Smartcard Environment ARTT: Asynchronous Remote Takeover Terminal ASET: Automated Security Enhancement Tool ARU: Audio Response Unit A tool that allows a user to specify an overall system security level (low, medium, or high) and automatically maintain ARX: Autocad Runtime eXtensions systems at those levels. (Software) (Autodesk) ASF: Active Streaming Format AS: Advanced Server (Microsoft) AS: Application Server ASF: Advanced Streaming Format (IBM) ASF: Apache Software Foundation AS: Authentication Service (Organizations) AS: Autonomous System ASF: Applied Science Fiction A self-connected set of networks that are generally operated Manufacturer (ASF) within the same administrative domain (Network) ASI: Asynchronous Scsi Interface AS/400: Application System/400 ASI: Automatic System Installation (IBM) ASIC: Application-Specific Integrated Circuit AS/U: Advanced Server for Unix A gate array or other non-standard chip design for proprietary AS3AP: Ansi Sql Standard Scalable And Portable use. (Hardware) Database benchmark (Databases) ASID: Address Space IDentifier ASA: Active Server Application ASIT: Advanced Security and Identification (Network) (Microsoft) Technology Page 10 of 173 www.acronyms.ch

Powerful programming language created specifically for (IBM). ABLE: Adaptive Battery Life Extender. ABM: Asynchronous Balanced Permission classes to satisfy the Java 2 Platform, . ADK: Appliance Development Kit AeA: America Electronics Association AFC: Automatic Frequency Control.
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