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INSIDE: • Medvedev’s second visit pulls Ukraine closer to Russia – page 3. • Complete results of elections at the UNA Convention – page 4. • Reporter’s Notebook: Asking “Why?” in Zaporizhia – page 13. T U W HE KRAINIAN EEKLY Published by the ukrainian National association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association Vol. LXXVIII No. 22 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 30, 2010 $1/$2 in Ukraine Ukrainian National Association holds 37th Convention by Roma Hadzewycz KERHONKSON, N.Y. – The Ukrainian National Association held its 37th Regular Convention here at the Soyuzivka Heritage Center on May 20-23, re-electing the vast majority of incumbents to positions on the fraternal organization’s General Assembly. Re-elected by acclamation were four Executive Committee members, President Stefan Kaczaraj, National Secretary Christine E. Kozak, Treasurer Roma Lisovich and Director for Canada Myron Groch; and all three Auditing Committee members, Slavko Tysiak (chairman), Gene Serba and Dr. Wasyl Szeremeta. (Mr. Serba, elected in 2006 as an advisor, had been appointed to the Auditing Committee to fill the vacancy created after the death of Dr. Vasyl Luchkiw.) Also elected by acclamation were the two other members of the six-member Executive Committee, First Vice-President Michael Roma Hadzewcz Koziupa (previously the second vice-presi- Elected by acclamation at the UNA’s 37th Regular Convention were (from left): Director for Canada Myron Groch, First dent) and Second Vice-President Eugene Vice-President Michael Koziupa, National Secretary Christine E. Kozak, President Stefan Kaczaraj, Treasurer Roma Oscislawski (previously an advisor). Lisovich, Second Vice-President Eugene Oscislawski and Auditors Gene Serba, Dr. Wasyl Szeremeta and Slavko Tysiak. Delegates to the quadrennial convention, who arrived at Soyuzivka from across the York), Oleh Palaschenko (Ohio), Olya also served the UNA as an auditor, and the second time the UNA was holding its United States and Canada, also elected 11 Czerkas (Florida) and Luba Poniatyszyn Advisor Al Kachkowski, who also held the convention at Soyuzivka, which he advisors to serve on the General Assembly: Keske (California). Messrs. Futey, Osidacz, office of director for Canada. described as the American Carpathian Maya Lew (New York state), Andrew Futey Szul and Palaschenko, and Ms. Keske are The convention was opened with a brief Mountains. An opening prayer was offered (Ohio), Ewhen Osidacz (Quebec), Nicholas newcomers to the General Assembly. ceremony at the heritage center’s monument by Dr. Holubec. Fil (New York), Stephanie Hawryluk (New Two members of the 2006-2010 General to Taras Shevchenko, where participants Afterwards, the women members of the York), Gloria Horbaty (Connecticut), Lubov Assembly announced they were retiring: heard welcoming remarks from President Streletsky (Pennsylvania), Andrij Szul (New First Vice-President Zenon Holubec, who Kaczaraj. Mr. Kaczaraj noted that this was (Continued on page 4) ukraine in danger: an end SBU attempts to pressure rector to citizens’ monitoring of police? of Ukrainian Catholic University by Zenon Zawada by Marta Kolomayets inform the Ministry of Internal Affairs of any planned student actions or unrest, Kyiv Press Bureau CHICAGO – In tactics reminiscent of recalled Father Gudziak. Ukraine in danger: Ukraine’s civil soci- the Soviet era, a Lviv representative from “I was not an informant during the days ety has begun to report on authoritarian the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU, the of the Soviet Union,” said Mr. Marynovych, successor to the KGB) paid a visit to the policies and rights abuses by the adminis- who was a prisoner of conscience and spent rector of the Ukrainian Catholic University tration of President Viktor Yanukovych. This seven years in Perm’s labor camps and on May 18. article, the third in this series, examines three years in exile in Kazakhstan. “And The rector of the Ukrainian Catholic threats to citizens’ monitoring of govern- I’m not about to start in an independent University, the Rev. Dr. Borys Gudziak, ment. Ukraine,” he had noted. was asked to sign a letter presented by the Nine years ago, the SBU presented the SBU. Although he did not read the text of KYIV – When Internal Affairs Minister Rev. Gudziak with a veiled threat of depor- the letter and did not sign anything (see Anatolii Mohyliov met with German tation, but pressure from the news magazine memorandum below), the Rev. Gudziak Ambassador to Ukraine Hans-Jurgen The Economist and then U.S. Ambassador said he assumes it was in the same vein as Heimsoeth in late March, he assured the to Ukraine Carlos Pascual put an end to the message delivered during a 2001 visit diplomat that his changes to the country’s actions of the overzealous police. from the SBU. police department “would only support the This week once again (May 23) the In March 2001 the Rev. Gudziak and his improvement of controls to ensure human Economist published a piece on the “spooks fellow vice-rectors, including Myroslav rights.” of Russia and Ukraine,” noting that “given Marynovych, were visited by officials of Yet, by then Mr. Mohyliov had already the way the SBU has been behaving of late, the SBU, who were disturbed by student taken swift measures to severely reduce the the difference between its tactics and those Zenon Zawada protests hoping to bring down then ability of Ukrainian citizens to monitor the of the Russia’s FSB seems to be narrow- Yevhen Zakharov of the Kharkiv President Leonid Kuchma. The campaign, activity of their own police, who have a ing.” Human Rights Group said Ukraine’s known as “Ukraine without Kuchma” well-established record for corruption and The students of the Ukrainian Catholic new police chief, Internal Affairs began soon after the slaying of Ukrainian abuse of the law. University, which reopened in Lviv more Minister Anatolii Mohyliov, has dis- journalist and investigative reporter Heorhii Within a week of assuming office, than 15 years ago (it had been closed down missed respected human rights activists Gongadze. (Continued on page 10) from monitoring the country’s police. In 2001 the SBU asked the rectorate to (Continued on page 9) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 30, 2010 No. 22 ANALYSIS NEWSBRIEFS The FSB returns to Ukraine Biden speaks with Yanukovych (PRU) is planning to table in Parliament next week a bill on basic languages in by Taras Kuzio undertake this activity. Foreign siloviki are WASHINGTON – The White House Ukraine so that the Verkhovna Rada can Eurasia Daily Monitor banned from undertaking “operative-search” Office of the Vice-President on May 24 adopt it before the end of the current ses- activities on Ukrainian territory. issued the following “Readout of the Vice After the second round of Ukraine’s 2010 Former SBU Chairman Valentyn President’s Call with Ukrainian President sion, faction member Vadym Kolesnichenko elections, Russia demanded that President Nalyvaichenko has pointed out that the Viktor Yanukovych.” The full text of the said in an interview with Interfax-Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych undertake measures to 2000-2009 stationing of FSB officers in release read: “Vice-President Joe Biden and on May 25. “It [the bill] will put everything improve relations between both countries. Sevastopol was illegal under Ukrainian law. Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych in place and enshrine Ukraine’s commit- Moscow demanded that Mr. Yanukovych “The protocol signed in 2000 whereby FSB spoke today by telephone. They discussed ments to the Council of Europe on the re-admit the Federal Security Service (FSB) units were stationed in Crimea never was in the steps Ukraine is taking to put its econo- Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, to the Black Sea Fleet (BSF) and “end all conformity with Ukrainian legislation,” Mr. my on a stable path to recovery. They also ensuring the right of territorial communities, cooperation with the Central Intelligence Nalyvaichenko revealed, meaning that discussed issues of bilateral and regional and most importantly, the right of all people Agency” (Kommersant Vlast, February 22). President Leonid Kuchma had agreed to the importance, including Ukraine’s progress in to use their own language within the powers The Yanukovych administration has agreed stationing of the FSB by violating Ukrainian forging closer ties with the United States that will be provided by law,” he said. Mr. to most of these demands, which are benefi- law (Komersant-Ukraina, May 12). and Europe.” A spokesperson for the Office Kolesnichenko noted that the document cial to Russian, not Ukrainian, national secu- The 2000 agreement was annulled by Mr. of the Vice-President told The Ukrainian would be based on a bill drafted by former rity. Nalyvaichenko and the officers withdrew in Weekly no further information was avail- PRU National Deputy Yevhen Kushnariov, One of the Russian demands was for the December 2009 (EDM, July 14, 2009). The able. (Office of the Vice-President) who died in 2007, adding that Mr. return of FSB officers to the BSF based in FSB re-located to Novorosiysk (www.korr- Kushnariov’s bill had been reviewed by Sevastopol. On May 19-20 in Odesa, fol- Pope may visit Ukraine in 2012 European experts and undergone a serious spondent.net, December 1, Ukrayinska lowing President Dmitry Medvedev’s visit revision. Mr. Kolesnichenko said that the Pravda, December 10, 2009). KYIV – The Holy See has accepted an to Ukraine two days earlier, Security Service issue concerned not only the use of the The first group of FSB officers returned invitation for Pope Benedict XVI to visit of Ukraine (SBU) Chairman Valeriy Russian language. “Why only Russian? to Ukraine ahead of the signing of the new Ukraine in 2012, it was reported on May 26. Khoroshkovsky and FSB Chairman Why don’t we talk about Hungarian or documents in Odesa. They were preparing The date for the visit is currently being set, Oleksandr Bortnykov signed documents Romanian? Why is everything linked only joint anti-terrorism manoeuvres with the said Archbishop Mieczyslaw Mokrzycki at permitting the return of the FSB officers to the Russian language in our country? We SBU (Ukrayinska Pravda, May 12). Mr. the fourth working meeting of Ukrainian (Eurasia Daily Monitor, March 12). The have 13 regional languages. We have a suf- Nalyvaichenko argued, as he did in 2009, Catholic bishops. In 2012, the 600th anni- agreement will reinstate the same level of ficient number of communities, and the state that the SBU has sufficient resources to versary of the transfer of the capital of bish- SBU-FSB cooperation that existed between pledged to defend their right to use their counter any kind of threats to the BSF. The ops from Halych to Lviv will be marked in 2000 (when Vladimir Putin was first elected own language,” he said. He added that the SBU offered to provide full security for the Lviv. The predecessor of the current pontiff, as Russian president) and 2009 (marking the bill proposed by the PRU was aimed at pro- fleet through a new SBU, “powerful coun- the late Pope John Paul II, paid an official point that the FSB were withdrawn from ter-intelligence unit in Symferopol, visit to Ukraine in June 2001. This was the tecting the rights of regional minorities. Mr. Ukraine). One possible difference would be Sevastopol and other cities of Crimea.” This first visit by a pope to independent Ukraine. Kolesnichenko said that after the adoption that the officers in question would have to unit would be ideally suited to protect the (Ukrinform) of this law, regional communities would be be agreed with Ukraine, representing only a BSF, he added (Nezavisimoy Gazete, June able to use their native languages in educa- formality (Ukrayinska Pravda, May 12). 15, 2009). The SBU could deal with law and Crimean Rada’s new (old) name tion, office work and the judicial system. The numbers of FSB officers would be order, and counter terrorism, “We do not (Interfax-Ukraine) proportionate to the BSF personnel. This SYMFEROPOL, Ukraine – The Crimean need assistance or the physical presence of could be problematic, as Russia has always Parliament on May 26 introduced amend- Kyiv authorities want curfew foreign secret services,” Mr. Nalyvaichenko provided conflicting data on the number of ments to the Constitution of the Autonomous said (Nezavisimoy Gazete, June 15, 2009). KYIV – By the end of May, the capital its naval troops stationed in Ukraine. A more Republic of Crimea, according to which the The first deputy head of the State Duma city’s state administration will submit a bill controversial question is whether the FSB name of the Crimean Parliament when used Committee on the CIS, Kostiantyn Zatulin, to the Verkhovna Rada proposing to set a officers, who belong to its counter-intelli- in text in the Russian language is changed stressed the importance of the FSB presence curfew for children and teenagers, it was gence department, would be given the right from the Verkhovna Rada (Supreme Council in Crimea to counter terrorism. Mr. Zatulin reported on May 9. Earlier, similar restric- to undertake “operative-search” activities on in Ukrainian) of the Autonomous Republic claimed the FSB is involved in countering tions regarding children’s presence on the Ukrainian territory. Russian legislation per- of Crimea to the Verkhovnyi Soviet terrorism on a wide scale and, therefore, has streets in the evening and at night were mits such activities wherever the FSB are (Supreme Council in Russian). This deci- greater practical experience than the SBU introduced in several cities. Kyiv authorities stationed, but Ukrainian law outlines the sion was supported by 76 out of 94 mem- propose in their bill amendments to the domestic “siloviki” units who have a right to (Continued on page 22) bers of the Crimean Parliament registered Administrative Code that will stipulate par- for voting on May 26. Four members voted ents’ responsibility for their children staying against. (Interfax-Ukraine) on the street when it is not permitted. It is Yanukovych rejects Putin’s proposal PRU preps bill on languages expected that children up to 8 years of age KYIV – The Party of Regions of Ukraine (Continued on page 14) for Gazprom-Naftohaz Ukrainy merger T U W by Pavel Korduban TV interview (ICTV, May 12). Mr. Boiko he krainian eekly FOUNDED 1933 Eurasia Daily Monitor went to Moscow on May 13 to discuss Mr. Putin’s offer with Gazprom CEO Alexei Russian President Dmitry Medvedev met Miller, but no agreement was reached. An English-language newspaper published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a non-profit association, at 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. with his Ukrainian counterpart, Viktor The Ukrainian president, speaking to Yearly subscription rate: $55; for UNA members — $45. Yanukovych, for the seventh time this year, Ekho Moskvy on May 13, said that a merger in Kyiv on May 17-18, but contrary to gen- would be possible on the parity principle Periodicals postage paid at Caldwell, NJ 07006 and additional mailing offices. (ISSN — 0273-9348) eral expectations no new gas agreements only. “If I had been there,” he said half-jok- were reached. Ukraine rejected Russian ingly, meaning in Prime Minister Mykola The Weekly: UNA: Prime Minister Vladimir Putin’s April 30 Azarov’s place during his meeting with Mr. Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 644-9510 Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 292-0900 offer to merge the national oil and gas com- Putin on April 30, “I would have extended pany, Naftohaz Ukrainy, with Gazprom. my hand to Mr. Putin saying ‘I agree on a Postmaster, send address changes to: Kyiv’s position is that such a merger is 50/50 share.’” Mr. Yanukovych noted that The Ukrainian Weekly Editor-in-chief: Roma Hadzewycz impossible in principle as it would mean the modernization of gas pipelines was more 2200 Route 10 Editors: Matthew Dubas Naftohaz’s takeover by Gazprom, given the important for him than a merger. He reiterat- P.O. Box 280 Zenon Zawada (Kyiv) fact that the latter is much larger. Instead, ed that Russia should drop its South Stream Parsippany, NJ 07054 Kyiv may agree to a joint venture between pipeline project bypassing Ukraine and help Naftohaz and Gazprom. Mr. Medvedev sig- to upgrade its pipelines instead, which The Ukrainian Weekly Archive: www.ukrweekly.com; e-mail: [email protected] would be a cheaper option. naled his readiness to discuss this option. Kyiv’s reaction to Mr. Putin’s proposal In another interview, on May 13, Mr. The Ukrainian Weekly, May 30, 2010, No. 22, Vol. LXXVIII Yanukovych said in clear terms that there has been cautious from the outset. In early Copyright © 2010 The Ukrainian Weekly would be no merger. Russia would not agree May, Kyiv indicated that it would proceed to a 50/50 Gazprom-Naftohaz merger given from national interests as far as Mr. Putin’s Naftohaz’s small size compared to Gazprom, offer was concerned (Eurasia Daily Monitor, ADMINISTRATION OF THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY AND SVOBODA he explained. “However, a merger on any May 12). As the opposition and the expert other condition is impossible,” said Mr. Walter Honcharyk, administrator (973) 292-9800, ext. 3041 community stepped up criticism of the Yanukovych (BBC Ukrainian Service, May e-mail: [email protected] merger offer, the government also became 13). Maria Oscislawski, advertising manager (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 more outspoken. Ukrainian Fuel and Energy Serhii Pashynsky, former advisor to fax: (973) 644-9510 Minister Yurii Boiko was the first top offi- Yulia Tymoshenko on energy matters, sug- e-mail: [email protected] cial to rule out a “simple” merger of gested that Kyiv would prefer the creation Mariyka Pendzola, subscriptions (973) 292-9800, ext. 3042 Naftohaz and Gazprom as it would be e-mail: [email protected] “unprecedented in scale,” he stated during a (Continued on page 22) No. 22 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 30, 2010 3 NEWS ANALYSIS Russian president’s second visit pulls Ukraine closer to Russia by Vladimir Socor been Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s gested. Ukraine would choose “based on Eurasia Daily Monitor outright denial (during a NATO meeting) Moscow exploits a the national interests” (Interfax-Ukraine, that anything worthy of concern was May 19). Russian President Dmitry Medvedev’s occurring between Russia and Ukraine triple opportunity: This has been Mr. Azarov’s position all May 17-18 visit to Kyiv capped a (Voice of America, April 22). along, not shared to the same extent, if at Ukraine’s regime 10-week campaign to lay the basis for Moscow is in a hurry to capitalize on all, by other Donetsk industrialists and “reintegrating” Ukraine with Russia. It its perceived free hand in Ukraine while politicians. Many in that group, however, change, the lack of was Mr. Medvedev’s seventh meeting the opportunity lasts. It cannot be certain lack a clear definition of national interests with Ukraine’s new leaders since early how long it will last and seeks to advance any coherent West- as distinct from business and group inter- March, not counting Russian Prime the process of reintegration quickly, ests. The economic crisis has increased Minister Vladimir Putin’s similar number beyond the point of no return. ern policy toward the gravitational pull of Russia’s market of meetings with them. Mr. Medvedev’s Heading a governmental and business and raw-material base vis-à-vis Ukraine. previous visit to Ukraine, on April 21, delegation to Kyiv, President Medvedev Ukraine and the Mr. Medvedev offered to represent from had produced the agreement to extend the proposed a wide-ranging program of now on the positions of Ukraine and other economic crisis af- basing of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet on industrial joint ventures with Russian CIS countries at G-8 and G-20 summits. Ukrainian territory in return for Russia capital in Ukraine. Apart from gas, the Russia would “lobby,” he said, to ensure fecting Ukraine. subsidizing Ukraine’s gas consumption. focus is on the steel, chemical, nuclear, that decisions taken at those summits (on Moscow exploits a triple opportunity: aviation and ship-building industries. The anti-crisis measures, meet the interests of Ukraine’s regime change through overall concept involves Russian acquisi- “our friendly neighbors”) (Russia Today, Donetskization of the executive power in tion of stakes in Ukrainian industries, with Ukraine’s leading industrialists at the May 17; www.kremlin.ru, May 19). Such Kyiv; the lack of any coherent Western tempting the crisis-hit Ukrainian owners business forum, in Mr. Medvedev’s pres- a promise reflects Moscow’s goal to act as policy toward Ukraine; and the economic with the prospect of guaranteed Russian ence. At the forum, Mr. Yanukovych leader of a Eurasian bloc of countries and crisis that disables Ukraine and the West markets for the proposed joint enterprises. remarked on Russia’s apparent capacity to speak to the world on those countries’ col- from resisting, but not Moscow from pur- Overall, Mr. Medvedev proposed that invest in Ukraine during the economic cri- lective behalf. suing Ukraine’s economic absorption. Russia and Ukraine “synchronize the sis, even as “the crisis showed the vulnera- As Russian analyst Fedor Lukyanov has Previewing his visit for Ukrainian development of their socio-economic bility of the U.S. and EU economies” remarked (Center TV, May 18), Russia media, Mr. Medvedev remarked: “As relations” (speech at Kyiv State (Interfax-Ukraine, May 18). looks more interesting from Ukraine’s per- soon as any vacuum emerges, the tempta- University, Interfax-Ukraine, May 18, 19; In a post-summit interview with spective because the country itself is actu- tion arises to fill this vacuum with some- www.kremlin.ru, May 19). Russian and Ukrainian media, Ukraine’s ally interested in Ukraine, whereas the thing. ... This is why Europe and NATO Mr. Medvedev and Ukrainian President Prime Minister Mykola Azarov, expressed European Union is apparently not. Within showed an absolutely calm reaction to Viktor Yanukovych co-chaired a session his readiness to consider the possibility of days of President Medvedev’s Ukraine our agreement with Ukraine to extend the of the bilateral Interstate Commission, Ukraine’s accession to the Single visit, the United States is scheduled to host presence of Russia’s naval base in which had been dormant in recent years, Economic Space of Russia, Belarus and him, hoping for Russian support on multi- Sevastopol. This is wise” (Russia Today, but will henceforth convene twice a year Kazakhstan. He described this grouping ple U.S. predicaments. Downgraded on the May 17). at the presidential level. The session con- as a potential market of some 200 million list of Western priorities, Ukraine’s current During this 10-week period, the only sidered a raft of investment projects, to be people (including Ukraine’s 46 million), decision-makers must feel that they lack a reaction from Brussels was that of EU submitted in July of this year to both gov- where Ukrainian industries could enjoy strategic option other than Russia at this Energy Commissioner Guenther Oettinger, ernments for quick action. It also decided guaranteed access for their products. stage. stating that a takeover of Ukraine’s gas to order the drafting of a 10-year program Ukrainian steel and chemical producers transit system would be a purely bilateral for the expansion of socio-economic rela- can join forces with their Russian coun- The article above is reprinted from matter between Ukraine and Russia tions (Interfax-Ukraine, May 18, 19; terparts in the Single Economic Space, Eurasia Daily Monitor with permission (European Union press releases, May 3, www.kremlin.ru, May 19). instead of competing against each other from its publisher, the Jamestown 6). Washington’s only reaction thus far has Those investment projects were broached on international markets, Mr. Azarov sug- Foundation, www.jamestown.org. Non-bloc status covers Kyiv’s shift to Russian-vector orientation by Vladimir Socor happy to open the door for you, and wel- compartmentalized agreements. The pub- wake of Mr. Medvedev’s visit, telling the Eurasia Daily Monitor come you into our ranks” (Website of the lic announcement singles out “economic media: “If we see that some really impor- President of the Russian Federation, May and industrial counter-intelligence, as tant issues cannot be resolved without Opening, alongside Russian President 19). well as protection of Russian and being a [full] member and without ratify- Dmitry Medvedev, the Interstate Mr. Medvedev’s reference to CSTO’s Ukrainian technologies on the internal ing the charter, we will consider this, of Commission’s session, Ukrainian open door sounds like a taunt to NATO’s markets [of the two countries]” (Interfax- course” (Interfax-Ukraine, May 19). President Viktor Yanukovych turned the eponymous but failing policy in Ukraine. Ukraine, May 19). This statement typifies the new clock back to 1990. Invoking that year’s In a concluding statement on European This aspect of cooperation seems relat- declaration of Ukraine’s state sovereignty Ukrainian authorities’ proclivity to put security, Mr. Yanukovych joins Mr. ed to the planned entry of Russian capital (still within the USSR), Mr. Yanukovych leverage in Moscow’s hand, in advance Medvedev in pledging to promote a new into Ukrainian industries and creation of selectively underscored the document’s of any negotiation, by displaying their security system for all states in the Euro- joint enterprises there. Mr. stipulation of “non-bloc status” for sense of Ukraine’s vulnerability. Thus, Atlantic space, along the lines of the Khoroshkovsky himself has had long- Ukraine. The country can now “finally Mr. Yanukovych and his government Russian president’s 2009 proposals to standing connections with Russian busi- achieve this goal,” he declared (UNIAN, have advertised their fear of Gazprom’s create a structure superordinate to NATO. ness in the metallurgical and energy sec- May 17). As a distinct feature related to Ukraine, tors. South Stream pipeline project, inviting This statement implies more than repu- the joint statement includes a call for A separate protocol, signed at the same Russia’s entry into Ukraine’s gas transit diating the hypothesis of NATO member- security “guarantees to non-bloc coun- meeting, provides for the return of system, as a price for lifting South ship. Ukraine’s new authorities have tries and those that voluntarily gave up Russian FSB military counter-intelligence Stream’s alleged bypass threat. already done that, both declaratively and their nuclear arsenals” (Interfax, May officers to Russia’s Black Sea Fleet in the Emboldened, Prime Minister Vladimir by disbanding the two state commissions 17). Crimea (Interfax-Ukraine, May 19). Putin and Gazprom have raised the pres- that used to handle Ukraine-NATO coop- This seems to presage Kyiv’s own con- Those officers’ presence had all along sure by demanding an outright “merger,” eration programs. Going back to 1990, however, implicitly overrides Ukraine’s tribution to promoting Moscow’s propos- contravened CIS-wide agreements that rather than shared control. Similarly, existing Constitution, which dropped the als from now on. Relegated to a grey prohibit FSB operations on the territories President Medvedev felt emboldened in “non-bloc” clause, so as to open the way zone between NATO and Russia, the of member-countries of the Kyiv to raise the prospect of a shift from toward joining NATO. Mr. Yanukovych’s Ukrainian government can from its own Commonwealth of Independent States. In Ukraine’ non-bloc status to entry into the statement also reflects Moscow’s and his perspective feel justified supporting 2009 Ukraine ordered FSB officers CSTO. own government’s view, that “non-bloc” Russia’s proposals to create a structure attached to Russia’s Black Sea Fleet to By all appearances, the Ukrainian pres- is fully compatible with hosting Russia’s above NATO, if those proposals would on leave Ukraine’s territory. ident and government feel that they must Black Sea Fleet on Ukrainian territory for paper “guarantee” the security of “non- Ukraine is one of the founding coun- deal with Russia one-on-one, in the decades to come. bloc” Ukraine. tries of the CIS, but has never ratified absence of Western involvement, which Moscow apparently regards Ukraine’s Following the summit, Russia’s procedure of the CIS charter and is thus could steady the Ukrainian authorities’ “non-bloc” position as applying only Federal Security Service (FSB) and not a full-fledged member. The new gov- nervous hand. Far from the anticipated toward NATO, but not toward the Ukraine’s Security Service (SBU) initiat- ernment’s minister of foreign affairs, two-vector policy, Kyiv has drifted far Collective Security Treaty Organization ed an unprecedented program of joint Kostyantyn Gryshchenko, has stated more into a single-vector policy toward Russia. (CSTO). In his speech at Kyiv State activities. Meeting on May 19 in Odesa, than once since taking office that Ukraine University, Mr. Medvedev declared that the chairmen of the FSB and the SBU, can participate in CIS activities without Ukraine’s non-bloc position was perfectly Aleksandr Bortnikov and Valerii ratifying the charter and therefore, does The article above is reprinted from acceptable to Russia at present. “But life Khoroshkovsky, respectively, signed a not intend to do ratify it. The ministry’s Eurasia Daily Monitor with permission does change, and if Ukraine decides to framework document for cooperation on new spokesman, Oleh Voloshyn, howev- from its publisher, the Jamestown join the CSTO in the future, we would be a wide range of issues, to be detailed in er, retreated from that position in the Foundation, www.jamestown.org. 4 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 30, 2010 No. 22 THE 37th CONVENTION OF THE UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION The uNa General assembly for 2010-2014 Below are the complete results of both the primary elections and the final balloting oFFIce/caNDIDaTe PRIMaRY FINaL for offices on the UNA General Assembly. The names of candidates for office appear in the first column; the results of the primary, which is conducted as a AUDITORS write-in vote, appear in the second column; and the final election results are in the Slavko Tysiak 76 ACCLAMATION third column. Eugene Serba 73 ACCLAMATION Wasyl Szeremeta 73 ACCLAMATION After the results of the primary were announced, nominees could accept or decline Eugene Oscislawski 1 to run; no more than three candidates for each position could run in the final elec- Andrij Szul 1 tion (i.e., three candidates could run for each of the six executive officers’ positions, nine persons could run for the three auditors’ slots; and 33 could run for the 11 ADVISORS advisors’ positions). Nicholas Fil 68 59 Maya Lew 65 66 The names of those elected to office appear in bold. Officers who ran unopposed in Stephanie Hawryluk 64 59 the final election were elected by acclamation. The new General Assembly begins Andrew Futey 63 64 its term on July 1. Gloria Horbaty 62 59 Ewhen Osidacz 60 60 Lubov Streletsky 58 58 oFFIce/caNDIDaTe PRIMaRY FINaL Olya Czerkas 56 43 Michael Luciw 47 37 PRESIDENT Oleh Palaschenko 44 47 Stefan Kaczaraj 73 ACCLAMATION Andrij Szul 42 50 Andrij Skyba 21 22 1st VICE-PRESIDENT Al Kachkowski 12 Michael Koziupa 66 ACCLAMATION Bohdan Doboszczak 9 Zenon Holubec 2 Tamara Kuropas 8 Eugene Oscislawski 1 Stefan Lysiak 6 Andrij Skyba 1 Nestor Olesnycky 3 Markian Hadzewycz 2 2nd VICE-PRESIDENT Luba Keske 2 40 Eugene Oscislawski 72 ACCLAMATION Raymond Komichak 2 Michael Koziupa 1 George Soltys 2 Maya Lew 1 Andrii Andriyevsky 1 Oleh Palaschenko 1 Andrij Gavdanovich 1 (No first name) Holovata 1 DIRECTOR FOR CANADA Halyna Kolessa 1 30 Myron Groch 67 ACCLAMATION Oksana Koziak 1 Ewhen Osidacz 2 Gloria Paschen 1 Ulana Prociuk 1 NATIONAL SECRETARY Irene Pryjma 1 Christine Kozak 73 ACCLAMATION Bohdana Puzyk 1 Roma Lisovich 1 Myron Pylypiak 1 Anna Slobodian 1 TREASURER Oksana Stanko 1 Roma Lisovich 74 ACCLAMATION (No first name) Schultz 1 Stephan Welhasch 1 UNA holds... ously 300 and above) for the maximum four delegates. UNA recognizes (Continued from page 1) During the four days of sessions, dele- gates also had an opportunity to attend a General Assembly placed flowers before the longtime branch secretaries Secretaries Course, to get advice from the statue of the Rev. Hryhory Hrushka, first UNA’s top organizers, and to hear a presen- editor of Svoboda and founder of the Ukrainian National Association. tation about how the UNA’s insurance and The following UNA branch secretaries Alexandra Dolnycky 38 years The convention heard reports by the annuities products can be used in funding a were honored at the 37th Regular UNA Janet Bardell 38 years UNA’s executive officers, auditors and advi- child’s college education. Convention for their longtime service. Gloria Paschen 37 years The keynote address at the convention sors, as well as the editor-in-chief of The banquet was delivered by Petro R. Michael Sawkiw 37 years Ukrainian Weekly and Svoboda, Roma 50 or more years of service to the UNA Stawnychy, president of the U.S. national Mary Hnatyk 36 years Hadzewycz. Following an extended session executive board of Plast Ukrainian Scouting Bohdan Hryshchyshyn 36 years for questions and discussions regarding the Nicholas Bobeczko 60 years Organization. Ukraine’s consul general in reports, the UNA Auditing Committee pro- New York, Serhii Pohoreltsev, delivered Oleksa Prodywus 58 years Olga Pishko 35 years posed a vote of confidence for the outgoing Marguerite Hentosh 34 years greetings to “the strongest organization of Peter Serba 56 years officers, which was accepted by the dele- Teodor Duda 34 years Ukrainians in America.” Mary Sweryda 53 years gates with a round of applause. The convention was conducted by Fedir Petryk 52 years Katherine Sargent 34 years Convention participants also voted on Nestor Olesnycky, chairman, and Vera Napora 33 years reports delivered by the Secretaries Petro Pytel 50 years Raymond Komichak and Roman Peter Leshchyshyn 33 years Committee, Petitions Committee, Finance Hawryluk, vice-chairmen, who were Stephan Chorney 32 years Committee and Resolutions Committee, assisted by Dr. Szul as parliamentarian. 25 or more years of service to the UNA which were composed of convention dele- Peter Hawrylciw 32 years The secretaries who recorded the minutes gates and General Assembly members. Dmytro Galonzka 49 years Eugene Makar 32 years of the sessions were Lada Bidiak and In addition, delegates accepted two of Larissa Raphael (dubbed by Mr. Olesnycky Gloria Tolopka 48 years Myron Groch 31 years the four amendments to the UNA By-laws as the “Minutewomen”). In addition, the Ana Twardowska 47 years Irene Oliynyk 31 years proposed by the By-Laws Committee: the proceedings were recorded on video by Michael Bilyk 47 years Tatiana Miskiv 29 years positions of UNA president and treasurer Vlodko Artymyshyn and crew. Genet Boland 46 years Myron Kramarczuk 28 years will now be referred to, respectively, in Instrumental in the convention’s success Ukrainian as “prezydent” (formerly “pred- was the Convention Committee chaired by Emilia Smal 44 years Natalia Shuya 27 years sidnyk”) and “skarbnyk” (formerly Oksana Trytjak, the UNA’s national orga- Michael Zacharko 44 years Stephanie Hawryluk 27 years “kasyr”); and the threshold for the mini- nizer. Committee members were: Mr. Fil, Olga Dudish 43 years Rev. Myron Stasiw 27 years mum number of members needed for a Mr. and Mrs. Hawryluk, Maxine Hayden, Roman Kuropas 43 years Annabelle Borovitcky 26 years branch to qualify for its own convention Ms. Lew, Sonia Semanyshyn, Anna Semen Hasiak 40 years Barbara Chupa 26 years delegate was lowered from 75 to 65. For Slobodian, Mr. Tysiak and Nestor Paslawsky Joseph Chabon 40 years Jurij Danyliw 25 years additional delegates branches must have: (general manager of Soyuzivka). between 130 and 194 members (previously Holding voting powers at the convention Olga Maruszczak 40 years Lubomira Szeremeta 25 years 150-224) for two delegates; 195-259 mem- were 60 delegates of UNA branches, as well Pete Kohut Sr. 39 years Anna Burij 25 years bers (previously 225-299) for three dele- as 17 members and one honorary member Stephan Shilkevich 38 years George Pollyniak 25 years gates; and 260 or more members (previ- of the General Assembly. No. 22 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 30, 2010 5 THE 37th CONVENTION OF THE UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Roma Hadzewycz Participants of the 37th Regular Convention of the Ukrainian National Association. Dr. Zenon Holubec, honored for his ser- UNA Advisors are sworn into office (from left): Oleh Palaschenko, Luba Poniatyszyn Keske, Gloria Horbaty, Dr. Andrij vice as first vice-president and auditor, Szul, Ewhen Osidacz, Andrew Futey, Lubov Streletsky, Stephanie Hawryluk and Nicholas Fil. (Missing, because they had to with National Secretary Christine E. leave earlier: Maya Lew and Olya Czerkas.) Kozak and Treasurer Roma Lisovich. Peter Serba is congratulated by Christine E. Kozak after being recognized for 56 Members of the convention’s Election Committee (from left): Stefan Zacharko, Andrij Gavdanovich, Markian Hadzewycz, years of service as a UNA branch sec- Sofia Derzko, Dr. Andrew Hrechak (chairman), Motria Milanytch, Dr. Zenon Holubec, Ulana Prociuk, Anna Slobodian and retary. Tamara Kuropas. (Missing from the photo: Eli Matiash.) 6 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 30, 2010 No. 22 WINDOW ON EURASIA T U W HE KRAINIAN EEKLY Closing Soviet archives: “Ukrainians know UCU takes a stand all they need to know about their past” The May 18 meeting between an agent of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) and the rector of the Ukrainian Catholic University, the Rev. Dr. Borys Gudziak, is the latest disturbing evidence of authoritarianism returning to by Paul Goble of the so-called ‘fatherland’ one, that is, Ukraine under the administration of President Viktor Yanukovych. the Soviet vision of history” – yet another The decision of new Ukrainian The request made of UCU’s leadership – that students “should be warned by example of the way in which Ukraine like President Viktor Yanukovych to declare the university administration that those involved in any illegal activities will be many other post-Soviet states shifts direc- that the Terror-Famine was a mass mur- prosecuted” – is nothing less than an attempt by the SBU to recruit university tion after each change in power rather leaders into intimidating students from taking part in anti-government protests. der in which Ukrainian peasants suffered than continuing to develop as a national There is no need for university leaders to tell their students that doing some- alongside Russian and Belarusian ones school. thing illegal will lead to prosecution. That’s a basic lesson in civics that one rather than a Moscow-orchestrated geno- The internal contradictions of that learns in elementary school. cide directed against the Ukrainian nation approach, Mr. Kabachiy continues, can be What the SBU really needs is for those annoying young people – with all their has attracted a great deal of attention in seen in the names of streets and squares childish notions of democracy, justice and a fair and prosperous nation – to keep Ukraine, Russia and the West. in Kyiv itself. Thus, a half-kilometer from their ideas to themselves while the neo-Soviet oligarchs who run Ukraine contin- But a far more serious development is the monument to Mykhailo Hrushevsky ue cutting deals and reaping their profits. the decision of one of the Ukrainian lead- is a monument to Vladimir Lenin, who Father Gudziak handled the incident well. Not only did he decline to read the er’s aides to re-close Soviet-era archives wanted to destroy the state Hrushevsky letter offered by the SBU agent, let alone sign it, but he also immediately made because in his words, “that truth which it sought to build. public the details of the incident in a well-documented account widely distributed was necessary to bring to the Ukrainian Moreover, a street named for Symon in the news media and on the Internet. people has already been brought to its Petliura, the otaman of that state, “ends at Perhaps foolishly, the SBU decided to make its request on the eve of the attention,” a policy and a statement with a monument to Nikolay Schors,” the General Assembly of the Federation of European Catholic Universities that was much more far-reaching consequences Soviet commander of that time who hosted by UCU on May 20-22. More than 50 prominent university administrators (www.polit.ru/institutes/2010/05/06/ fought against him. And while a large from throughout the world are now aware of the neo-Soviet tactics of the memory.html). central square in the Ukrainian capital is Yanukovych administration. Moreover, the incident received attention in the In a comment posted online on May 6, named for Russian writer Lev Tolstoy, the online political publications of prominent political magazines, such as The Roman Kabachiy, the editor of the history small one named for Ukrainian poet Taras Economist and the National Review. section of Kyiv’s “Ukrainskyi tiyzhden,’” Shevchenko is on the northern edge of It must be hard spinning public relations for Mr. Yanukovych’s SBU. says that this action by Valerii the city. Spokeswoman Maryna Ostapenko claimed her agents were merely explaining to Khoroshkovskyi, the new head of the Thus it can be seen, he says, that “the the Rev. Gudziak “that involving students in illegal activity, in possible mass dis- Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), Ukrainian powers that be have sought to turbances, is against the law.” In her brief statement, she neglected to mention means that “the memory [of the Ukrainian support a compromise, not wishing to the letter that the SBU wanted signed. And her claim raises another question: people has been again] stolen.” appear especially radical as has been the What rector of a university with Western standards would involve himself in According to Mr. Kabachiy, “Soviet case in Latvia and Estonia.” But “the controlling the nonviolent, political activity of his students? The Rev. Gudziak archives again are returning to their cus- paradox is that even such small steps in has far more relevant matters to deal with. tomary status – closed to outsiders. One the direction of the de-Sovietization of In supporting UCU since its revival in 1994 (as the Lviv Theological can understand the new head of the SBU: the history [of Ukraine] has infuriated Academy), the Ukrainian diaspora has made one of its wisest investments in the popularization of history cannot be Moscow and its fifth column in Ukraine. With its bold stance in defense of Western values such as freedom of the basic direction of the work of that Ukraine.” association and freedom of assembly, UCU remains a solitary beacon of promise organization. But if earlier there existed As a result, Mr. Kabachiy says, “now, amidst a Ukrainian university community that all but folded to the Yanukovych when Viktor Yanukovych and his com- a small chance of state enlightenment in administration’s suppression of civil liberties and opposition activity. mand achieve power, those small achieve- the historical sphere, now it will be As the Rev. Gudziak acutely pointed out, no other university has yet to speak ments which Ukraine’s humanitarian pol- blocked.” out about the SBU campaign, despite the likelihood that they’ve all been visited icy had achieved will be liquidated in “More than that,” the historian says, and have signed on, particularly in Lviv. This includes otherwise well-regarded rapid fashion.” Indeed, the historian says, “the de-Sovietization [of the history of universities such as Ivan Franko National University in Lviv and Lviv the current and future disasters them- Ukraine] will be changed in the direction Polytechnic University. Unlike its counterparts, UCU hasn’t forgotten the sacri- selves reflect the mistakes of Viktor fices of those who shed their blood and died in the Soviet gulags for a free and Yushchenko and Yulia Tymoshenko.” democratic Ukraine that has integrated Western values. Paul Goble is a long-time specialist on That can be seen in the history of the In declining to comply with the SBU – which refused to even provide a copy ethnic and religious questions in Eurasia Ukrainian Institute of National Memory, of the letter it wanted signed – UCU’s leadership demonstrated it will defend who has served in various capacities in the a body that took its name from the Polish against any slide towards authoritarianism and a neo-Soviet Ukraine where civil U.S. State Department, the Central analogue but that was fundamentally dif- rights and liberties would be suppressed. Intelligence Agency and the International ferent. The Polish institution took pos- This would not have been possible without the support of the Ukrainian com- Broadcasting Bureau, as well as at the session of and processed thousands of munity that is thriving in the Western world, which has given us economic Voice of America and Radio Free Europe/ feet of archival materials; the Ukrainian opportunity and freedom. The Rev. Gudziak asked for our prayers and support, Radio Liberty and the Carnegie one remained dependent on the SBU and and we must rally to support the university’s principled stance and help defend it Endowment for International Peace. He did not secure a law to protect itself. against any future attempts to pressure or persecute the university’s leadership. has also been director of research and pub- Consequently, immediately after Mr. We must send the message – to the Ukrainian government and to the world – lications at the Azerbaijan Diplomatic Yanukovych’s election, the new vice that we won’t give up what has been gained in the last five years and we won’t Academy, vice-dean for the social sciences prime minister for humanitarian ques- allow Ukraine to slide into a neo-Soviet system of governance. We will stand and humanities at Audentes University in tions, Volodymyr Semynozhenko called alongside the Ukrainian Catholic University to ensure that any such attempts will Tallinn and a senior research associate at for defining new rules for “the future be strongly repulsed. the EuroCollege of the University of Tartu function” of this institution and its subor- in Estonia. Mr. Goble writes a blog called dination to the State Archives Committee, “Window on Eurasia” (http://windo- which was headed by a representative of woneurasia.blogspot.com/). This article May above is reprinted with permission. (Continued on page 11) Turning the pages back... 31 ACTION ITEM: Intimidation by the SBU 1997 Thirteen years ago, on May 31, 1997, Presidents Boris By now, many Ukrainian Americans have learned that the current regime of Ukraine Yeltsin and Leonid Kuchma signed the Treaty on Friendship, is trying to intimidate free expression by students, academics, clergy and others. The Cooperation and Partnership at the Mariinsky Palace in Kyiv. Rev. Dr. Borys Gudziak, rector of the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv, received The agreement outlined Russia’s formal recognition of the a visit from a representative of the SBU (former KGB) who wanted him to sign a letter sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, which for centuries was the centerpiece concerning possible future student protest activities. Father Gudziak was told he could of the Russian Empire and later, the Soviet Union. not have a copy of the letter even if he signed it. He therefore refused to even read the This was President Yeltsin’s first visit to Ukraine, and his seventh attempt at a state letter, let alone sign it. visit to Kyiv. “I could not come to Kyiv until we had an agreement on the Black Sea A massive campaign protesting these types of Soviet scare tactics has begun. Please Fleet,” he said. “Ukraine is an independent country, and we will hold this premise keep up the pressure on your representatives and senators in the U.S. Congress to pro- sacred,” President Yeltsin stated, adding that Russia “does not lay claim on any part of test in the strongest language to the Embassy and Consulates of Ukraine here in the Ukraine or on any of its cities.” United States, as well as to President Viktor Yanukovych that such actions are unac- During the signing ceremony, the two leaders also signed a statement on the Black ceptable in a modern democratic state. Sea Fleet and an agreement of cooperation in the development of a common space Below is a sample letter constituents may write to their senators and representatives. industry. A similar message urging President Barack Obama to express his administration’s The treaty had an original life of 10 years, but has been automatically extended objections to such undemocratic behavior in an ally may be telephoned to the White unless either side calls for its cancellation. The treaty called for far-reaching coordina- House comments line: 202-456-1111. (This line is staffed by volunteers during week- tion in areas of military, political, cultural and economic relations on the basis of “non- days from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; callers need not leave their names if they do not wish to, (Continued on page 18) (Continued on page 11) No. 22 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 30, 2010 7 NEWS AND VIEWS Monuments and memory The politics of appeasement by Askold S. Lozynskyj international educational-practical confer- by Jurij Dobczansky she’s lulled asleep, and awaken her amid the ence titled ‘The history, status and future flames they set…” These words remain Russian muscle flexing in Georgia in Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych development of Ukrainian studies in ominously relevant today. August 2008 and more recently in recently starred in several hilarious You Russia’... On November 26, 2009, V. Mr. Yanukovych and his sinister gang Ukraine, installing its lackeys as rulers, Tube clips. On inauguration day the doors of Semenenko represented the FNCA UR were not sore losers sitting idly since the has caught the attention of the interna- the Parliament practically close on him as he and presided over an event commemorat- 2004 election. They immediately began tional community. However, the reaction enters the building. In a record-breaking ing ‘the victims of the Holodomor and planning their takeover strategy. And they’re has been to acquiesce with little manifest most frequently viewed clip, he is attacked killings of Ukrainians in the 30s,’ which now playing for keeps. With the velocity of indignation and no protest. by a wreath at Kyiv’s Tomb of the was organized in support and to honor the the well spewing oil into the Gulf of What is largely unknown is how the Unknowns. This blockbuster clip has taken victims with ‘an eternal flame’ and a doc- Mexico, the Yanukovych gang has begun to Kremlin internally has directed police on a life of its own – reminiscent of the 2004 umentary-artistic exhibit about the reverse the gains of Ukraine’s fragile democ- tactics against its ethnic communities in egg-throwing incident in Ivano-Frankivsk. ‘Holodomor 1932-1933 genocide of the racy – a democracy that allowed for their Russia. Russia has never manifested However, a clip of Mr. Yanukovych’s Ukrainian nation,’ which opened in Kyiv coming to power. Hastily setting up an ille- much love for its non-Russian population, April visit to Washington’s Taras on November 25, 2009.” gitimate coalition, Ukraine’s “guarantor of but recent steps have become brazenly Shevchenko Monument illustrates the The Russian law on Public the Constitution” brazenly violated the very hostile, yet with seemingly no protest pathetic nature of the current administration Associations provides: foundation for the rule of law. from international structures in which of Ukraine. It calls to mind Shevchenko’s “Article 42. Suspension of Public On the night of the inauguration, the page Russia is a member. 1847 poem “Meni odnakovo...” – roughly Associations’ Activity. If a public associa- documenting the Holodomor Genocide of Clearly emboldened, Prime Minister translated as “I am indifferent to it all.” tion violates the Constitution of the 1932-1933 was removed from the presiden- Vladimir Putin and President Dmitry After watching someone else lay the Russian Federation, or the legislation of tial website. The Security Service of Ukraine Medvedev have taken on the Ukrainians wreath at the foot of the Shevchenko statue, the Russian Federation, and if it performs closed its archives department, which had in Russia. According to leaders of President Yanukovych appears clueless. He actions, contradicting the statutory goals, earlier released documentation of Stalin’s Ukrainian community organizations in chats about the lovely warm weather, his the federal body state registration or its crimes, including the Famine. Speaking Russia, since 2004 Ukrainian culture in three grandchildren and his own singing corresponding territorial body, or the before the Council of Europe in Strasbourg Russia has felt undue pressure, particular- voice. How quaint! “Why am I here?” he Mr. Yanukovych declared the Famine was procurator general of the Russian ly in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Surgut, must have wondered. not genocide. Tossing historical memory to Federation or the corresponding public Voronezh and Ufa. The library of Unexpectedly he presents a bandura to the wind, the president of a post-genocidal prosecutor, subordinated to him, shall Ukrainian literature in Moscow was the meager gathering and says absolutely nation shamelessly prostrated himself before make a presentation on the above-said cleansed of “Ukrainian nationalists”; the nothing of significance. Are we supposed to the leaders of the Russian Federation, who violations to the leading body of the given Ukrainian educational center at Middle take turns playing a bandura belonging to no stubbornly refuse to recognize the facts of association and shall fix a time term for School No. 3124 in Moscow closed its one in particular? He might have announced history. their elimination. If these violations are doors. The Russian Justice Ministry con- the opening of a school of bandura in Liberty and independence require vigi- not eliminated within the fixed time term, ducted an audit and suspended the activi- Donetsk. lance. As the Ukrainian saying goes: No ty of the leading Ukrainian federal struc- the body or the official person, which Poor Mr. Yanukovych! His PR handlers sense in closing the stable doors – when the ture called the Federal National Cultural (who) made the corresponding presenta- are trying so hard to pass him off as Shrek, horses have run off. Shortly after the Orange Autonomy of Ukrainians in Russia. The tion, shall have the right to suspend by its the lovable ogre. They didn’t bother to brief Revolution, Ukraine was lulled asleep in a Ministry’s directive relied on the com- (his) order the activity of the public asso- him on the significance of Shevchenko. false sense of security and well-being. plaint of a third party which alleged the ciation for a term of up to six months. But joking aside, don’t let the Shrek President Viktor Yushchenko’s administra- following: The decision on the suspension of the image fool you. Shevchenko’s brief poem tion mandated the documentation of the “V.A. Semenenko, representing the activity of a public association may be concludes: “Still, while I live, I cannot bear Holodomor, but little was done to ensure the Ukrainian non-governmental organiza- appealed to the courts before the courts to see wicked people rob Ukraine, while preservation of these materials in Ukrainian tions in Russia in the name of the Federal consider an application for its liquidation libraries and abroad. By contrast, many National Cultural Autonomy of or for the prohibition of its activity. years earlier the U.S. government routinely Ukrainians in Russia (FNCA UR), regu- “Article 43. Consequences of the Jurij Dobczansky is a member of the distributed the Famine Commission’s publi- larly participates in events organized by Suspension of the Activity of a Public Shevchenko Scientific Society, Washington, foreign non-governmental structures – the Association. If the activity of a public D.C., chapter. (Continued on page 22) ‘Ukrainian World Coordinating Council’ association is suspended, its rights as a (UWCC), the ‘Ukrainian World Congress’ founder of the mass media shall also be (UWC) on ‘matters concerning the suspended, and it shall be prohibited from LETTER TO THE EDITOR Ukrainian nation.’ The leaders of those organizing and holding get-togethers, organizations act from a position of meetings, demonstrations, processions, nationalism and separatism…The activity picketing and other kinds of mass actions Let’s all protest should instill in their children the rules of of V.A. Semenenko... is aimed at propa- or public events...” civility and explain what peaceful protest ganda glorifying the Ukrainian nation... Incredibly, it would appear that under one flag means. What better example than the The FNCA UR aims to discredit the cur- Russian law supports the actions taken by Orange Revolution? rent activity and the political course of the ministry and the court. Yet, even with Ukrainians in the diaspora, as well as in Russia uniting nationalities and in its such legislation in force, Russia remains Dear Editor: Ukraine, are a very diverse group with many activity constitutes a danger to the exist- a respected permanent member of the different political convictions. Ukrainians On May 3 I took part in a protest in front ing constitutional order...” United Nations Security Council, a mem- of Ukraine’s Mission to the United Nations have many organizations that believe faith- The allegations are striking even for ber of the Council of Europe and the first in New York City against President Viktor fully that their past leaders were the best. Russia, since they manifestly contradict addition to what was once the G-7. Yanukovych’s treasonous agreements with While convictions vary, all share their love international civilized norms for ethnic In May 1945 a delegation from the Russia and other anti-Ukrainian policies of for Ukraine and they hope and wish that minority activity, the rights of association Ukrainian community in the United States his government. We were a small group Ukraine remains an independent and demo- and assembly. The UWCC is legally reg- (the Ukrainian Congress Committee of from Philadelphia and were joined by others cratic country. We protested many times in istered in Ukraine and the UWC is legally America) met with D. C. Poole, associate from New York and from New Jersey. It front of the Soviet Embassy in Washington registered in Canada. The Ukrainian com- public liaison officer of the United States was then that someone brought a large red- against Soviet tyranny and domination with munity sought judicial redress. However, delegation to the San Francisco and-black flag of the Organization of one voice, united under the Ukrainian flag. on May 12, the Moscow regional Tversky Conference. The delegation remarked that Ukrainian Nationalists. The protest on May 3 started as such, but court supported the position of the Justice the United States was the champion of After protesting in front of the soon changed when the red-and-black flag Ministry and went on to affirm the liqui- oppressed people and that they felt confi- Ukrainian Mission we marched toward the appeared. After seeing the photos on the dation citing three violations of the sus- dent of American official interest in the Russian Mission. However, we were not Internet, I saw that the red and black flag pension: cause of Ukrainian independence. Mr. allowed near their building. Three young was between the Ukrainian and American “On October 29, 2009 V. Semenenko Poole answered that the interest of the boys, age 10, 12 and 13, threw eggs at its flags at the head of the procession. This in the name of the Ukrainian community American people in all who felt oppressed entrance and were arrested. The story was gives the false appearance that this was not participated in a public event of Radio was well-established in history. However, that the boys did it on their own initiative an all-Ukrainian protest but only that of the Liberty... On November 11-12, 2009 co- he pointed out that it was necessary above and that one of the boys had dreamed organization represented by this flag. chairs V. Babenko and V. Semenenko all to work out a friendly accommodation about doing this since the egg incident If any organization plans to lead a protest organized and hosted in Moscow an with the USSR and that nothing should with Mr. Yanukovych prior to the Orange with its flag, they should inform everyone in advance so that people are not misled and be done to disturb that effort. Little or Revolution. Most of us did not know the may decide whether they want to partici- Askold S. Lozynskyj is an attorney nothing was done for almost half a centu- exact location of the Russian Mission pate. I hope that when we feel impelled to based in New York City. He is a former ry. building so it is interesting that these protest against injustices in Ukraine in the president of the Ukrainian World One can only pray that today we live youngsters knew exactly where to throw future, it will be under one flag, with one Congress. in a different world. the eggs. The applause after one child voice, peacefully and civilly without any reappeared with his mother hours later was acts from children or adults that will reflect not a sign of approval or admiration, but of badly on us and of which we all should be relief that this child was all right and had ashamed. Visit our archive online: www.ukrweekly.com been released by the police. These boys’ parents should not feel any pride over this Marianna Wakulowska act of vandalism and hooliganism, and Philadelphia 8 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 30, 2010 No. 22 Philadelphians continue to support Ukrainian Catholic University by Marta Kolomayets “Rome is the center of world Catholicism and, thus, the Ukrainian Catholic University PHILADELPHIA – The “city of in Rome is the window to Europe and a for- Brotherly Love” is no stranger to the midable education and academic factor in Ukrainian Catholic University; its citizens education for students in Ukraine and the have supported the institution since the diaspora,” commented Dr. Rudnytzky, presi- 1960s, when Patriarch Josyf Slipyj revived dent of the St. Sophia Association. the university in Rome and called on the During a Sunday afternoon, April 25, Ukrainian diaspora to help cultivate the benefit dinner held at the Ukrainian future leaders of the Ukrainian Catholic Educational and Cultural Center in Church. Jenkintown, Pa., more than 175 people gath- Over the years, Philadelphia has been fer- ered to listen to former political prisoner tile ground for fostering a close relationship Myroslav Marynovych, vice-rector of UCU, between the Church and its brethren. Such speak about “Ukraine as a Fledgling community leaders as the late Dr. Romana Democracy: The Ukrainian Catholic Nawrockyj and the late Prof. Myroslav University Perspective.” Labunka, as well the tireless Prof. Leonid Mr. Marynovych offered news of the cur- Rudnytzky have always kept the dream of rent political situation in Ukraine and Patriarch Josyf alive through their support of answered the many questions posed from the university, now reborn in Lviv. guests who are concerned by the activities The Rev. Dr. Andriy Onuferko, the Rev. of the administration of President Viktor Benefactors are seen at the Ukrainian Educational and Cultural Center in Jenkintown, Mykhailo Loza and Prof. Mykhailo Yanukovych. Troubled by the appointment Pa., during a fund-raising event organized on April 25 by the Philadelphia Friends of Petrovych, native sons of Philadelphia, and of Dmytro Tabachnyk as the government’s the Ukrainian Catholic University. alumni of the Ukrainian Catholic University Minister of Education, Mr. Marynovych it only makes sense for it to (UCU) in Rome, continue to work to edu- explained that he spearheaded a campaign thrive in an atmosphere of free- cate minds and shape souls for the benefit of of protest on the Internet, which was later dom,” Mr. Marynovych told the not only Ukraine, but for Ukrainians world- published in Ukrainian newspapers and audience, adding that the stu- wide. aired on Ukrainian television. UCU was dents of UCU continue to take Now, more than 40 years later, later joined by the National University of the part in peaceful protests. They Philadelphians are heeding that call again, Kyiv Mohyla Academy and Lviv State have been advised by the raising close to $70,000 to support the uni- University in denouncing the Soviet histori- University’s leader that the cur- versity – the only Catholic institution of an and Ukrainophobe. rent government may try to pro- higher learning on the territory of the former What was most shocking to Mr. voke violent actions to put the Soviet Union. Marynovych was the fact that a number of students and the university in a The lion’s share of these funds is ear- rectors (university presidents) from western compromising situation. marked for the 2010 academic programs at Ukraine went to Kyiv to greet Mr. Citing recent statistics regard- the UCU Rome Center and donated by the Tabachnyk in his new role. “It is shocking to ing the political situation in St. Sophia Religious Association of me that after almost 20 years of indepen- Ukraine today, Mr. Marynovych Ukrainian Catholics, Inc. dence and five years post-Orange said that 55 percent of those sur- During the past four years, the St. Sophia Revolution, we still have ‘homo-Sovieticus,’ Myroslav Marynovych, vice-rector of the Ukrainian veyed said they believe that the Association has contributed over $1.5 mil- ” said the founding member of the Ukrainian Catholic University (left), presents a gift to Taras moral decline in Ukraine today lion to the Rome affiliate of the Ukrainian Helsinki Group who continues to be a Lewyckyj, head of the Organizing Committee of has led to the political chaos in Catholic University and its Institute of St. staunch advocate of human rights. the Philadelphia Friends of UCU during the fund- Clement Pope. “Our university was born of freedom, and (Continued on page 18) raising event on April 25. No. 22 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 30, 2010 9 SBU attempts... the letter (much less sign). the beginning of the meeting, I called in the The agent was evidently taken back by UCU Senior Vice-Rector Dr. Taras Dobko (Continued from page 1) my response. It seemed that the situation for to whom the official repeated the SBU’s in 1945 by the Soviet regime, which banned him was without precedent because in my concerns. Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church), have presence using his mobile phone he called Besides noting the SBU’s solicitude for always been civically conscious, often his (local) superiors to ask for instructions stability in Ukrainian society there are a few peacefully protesting the lack of reform in on how to proceed. The superior refused conclusions to be drawn from the encounter Ukraine. They were also very supportive of permission to leave me either the original and the proposals that were expressed: the Orange Revolution, spending time in letter or a copy, saying that the SBU fears I 1. Signing a document such as the letter Kyiv on Independence Square (the Maidan) “might publish it in the Internet.” I ques- that was presented for signature to me is to see that justice prevail. Many of the stu- tioned this entire procedure and the need for tantamount to agreeing to cooperate (col- dents have said they considered this peace- secrecy, and refused to look at the letter and laborate) with the SBU. The person signing, ful revolution a “living course in democra- read its contents. The young official was in effect, agrees with the contents of the let- cy.” disappointed and somewhat confused but ter and their implication. In KGB practice, When President Viktor Yanukovych and did not exert additional pressure and did not getting a signature on a document that was the Cabinet of Ministers led by Prime dispute my argumentation. drafted and kept by the KGB was a primary Minister Mykola Azarov took power earlier Our conversation also had a pastoral method of recruiting secret collaborators. this year, the students of the Ukrainian moment. I cautioned the agent of the fact 2. Such methods have no known (to me) Catholic University and Lviv State that the SBU, as the former KGB with precedent in independent Ukraine in the University were the first to speak out many employees remaining from the Soviet experience of UCU and of the Lviv against Education Minister Dmytro times, has a heavy legacy of breaking and National University whose longtime rector Tabachnyk, who wants to revert to a Soviet crippling people physically and morally, (and former Minister of Education, style of education, going as far as rewriting and that he as a young married person The Rev. Dr. Borys Gudziak 2008-2010) Ivan Vakarchuk I consulted should be careful not to fall into any actions modern Ukrainian history. immediately after the meeting. These meth- President Yanukovych was scheduled to that would cause lasting damage to his own the public. I explained that the 211 mem- ods were well-known in the Soviet times. visit Lviv on May 27. The Rev. Gudziak identity and shame his children and grand- bers of the International Federation of 3. The confiscation of the letter after sig- children. I sought to express this pastorally said he would gladly meet with him, but no Catholic Universities (IFCU) and the 45 nature makes the letter and signature instru- as a priest. To his credit, he both acknowl- invitation had been extended by the members of FUCE follow closely the devel- ments to be used at the complete discretion edged the past and declared his desire to Ukrainian president. opment of the only Catholic university in of the SBU. serve the needs of Ukrainian citizens. He the former Soviet Union. They will be mon- 4. The possible scenarios for the exploi- *** also asked that I indicate to him if I feel that itoring the welfare of UCU, especially since tation of such a document include the fol- he is exercising improper pressure. Below is the text of a memorandum in Japan in March at the annual meeting of lowing: Finally, I expressed my and the general regarding the visit to the Ukrainian the Board of Consultors of IFCU I had the a.) In case of the arrest of a student, the population’s profound disappointment that Catholic University of a representative of opportunity to describe some of our socio- SBU could confront the rectorate and the work of the SBU is so uneven, that the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) political concerns and the threats to the charge that the university was informed security and police officers live lavishly on responsible for contacts with Churches in low salaries because they are involved in freedom of intellectual discourse (imposi- of the danger to students and did not take Lviv. The memorandum, dated May 19, is corrupt activities, and that the legal rights of tion of Soviet historical views, rehabilita- necessary measures to protect them from from the rector of UCU, the Rev. Dr. Borys citizens and equal application of the law are tion of Stalin and Stalinism, to whom a new violence or legal harm. In this case, the Gudziak. The SBU’s visit took place on May university administration could be severely neglected. I gave the recent exam- monument was unveiled in Zaporizhia 5 18 at 9:50-10:34 a.m. charged with both moral and legal respon- ple of my cousin, Teodor Gudziak, mayor May 2010) and new censorship of the press sibility. A charge with legal ramifications of Vynnyky, who in February 2010 (three and television that are incompatible with At 9:27 in the morning Father Borys could become an instrument to try to days after the election of the new president) normal university life. Gudziak received a call on his private was arrested in a fabricated case of bribery Subsequently, as had been arranged at (Continued on page 21) mobile phone from a representative of the that was set up by a notoriously corrupt Security Service of Ukraine requesting a political rival and former policemen through meeting. The meeting was scheduled for 20 the regional and city police. Despite the fact BACKGROUND: The SBU and UCU minutes later at the rectorate of UCU. This that two weeks before the fabricated affair official had had contacts with the UCU rec- the mayor, based on a vote of the Town torate a year ago at the time of the visit to Council, had given the SBU a video of SBU spokeswoman responds annual Dragon Capital-Korrespondent the university of the then president of plainclothes policemen breaking into his survey. Ukraine, Viktor Yushchenko. He had made In its response to the Ukrainian office and safe in City Hall in the middle of Mr. Khoroshkovskyi is the largest a visit to the rectorate in the late afternoon Catholic University rector’s statement, the night and using town seals on various shareholder in Ukraine’s largest televi- on May 11 with regard to a request of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) documents, the SBU took no action. (The sion network, Inter, whose daily news Ecumenical and Church History Institutes spokeswoman Maryna Ostapenko said leadership of the Church, specifically programs cast the administration of to sign an agreement to use the SBU the meeting with the Rev. Dr. Borys Cardinal Lubomyr Husar, fears that by President Viktor Yanukovych in a posi- archives. At that time members of the rec- manipulated association this case may be Gudziak conformed to the law and had tive light and offer little to no criticism, torate were away from the office. He had, used as a device to compromise the rector the intent of “preventing violations of particularly from the opposition. what Dr. Antoine Arjakovsky, director of of UCU and the whole institution which has the law.” Since taking the helm of the SBU in the Institute of Ecumenical Studies, called a a unique reputation of being free from cor- “The norms of the law were March, the 41-year-old magnate has “very good meeting.” ruption.) I also related that I had reliable explained to the rector, in particular, been accused of attempting to take over Upon arrival on May 18, in a polite man- testimony and audible evidence that my that involving students in illegal activi- the broadcast licenses of TV networks ner the agent related that certain political phone is tapped and has been for many ty, in possible mass disturbances, is committed to objective political cover- parties are planning protests and demonstra- months. against the law,” Ms. Ostapenko told age, particularly the TVi network tions regarding the controversial (and in The population of Ukraine continues to Deutsche Welle in an interview pub- owned by Russian exiles Vladimir some cases inflammatory) policies of the fear and distrust both state security and lished on May 26. Gusinsky and Konstantin Kagalovsky. new Ukrainian authorities. Students are to police personnel because of the woeful Radio Liberty report “The biggest problem of freedom of be engaged in these protests. There is a dan- track record of law enforcement and speech in any country is when an oli- ger that some of these manifestations may because of the diffuse practice of police In contrast to the UCU, the majority garch, who simultaneously leads the be marred by provocations. He stated that, intimidation of honest politicians, journal- of Lviv’s university rectors signed the SBU, uses his government position to of course, students are allowed to protest ists, common citizens and the wanton extor- SBU’s letter, Radio Liberty reported on pressure regulatory organs, and simul- but that they should be warned by the uni- tion practiced by security institutions and May 25, citing “informed sources.” taneously tries to gain the licenses of versity administration that those involved in police with respect to middle and small Additionally, Ihor Derzhko of the all other television networks in an ille- any illegal activities will be prosecuted. business. I asked the young agent to convey Lviv Oblast State Administration, gal way, which we know is happening Illegal activities include not only violent these concerns to his superiors. I had the which is controlled by the Presidential currently,” Vitalii Portnikov, a promi- acts but also, for example, pickets blocking impression that personally he is open to Administration, denied placing a tele- nent Ukrainian journalist, said at the access to the work place of government moral argument but that he also was simply phone call to the Rev. Gudziak, as lat- May 21 Stop Censorship Forum hosted officials (or any protests that are not sanc- doing his job. It was clear to me that he was ter claimed, to find out how many stu- by the National University of Kyiv- tioned by authorities). dutifully “following orders.” dents were participating in the May 11 Mohyla Academy. “That’s true After his oral presentation the agent put During our conversation, the agent asked protest at the Verkhovna Rada. encroachment of freedom of speech on the table between us an unfolded one- me about the imminent (May 20-22) The Lviv Oblast State Administration from oligarchic capital, which is in page letter that was addressed to me. He General Assembly of the Federation of chair, Vasyl Horbal, told Radio Liberty power in Ukraine.” asked me to read the letter and then European Catholic Universities (FUCE) he never gave such an order. “I gave no Among Mr. Khoroshkovskyi’s first acknowledge with a signature my familiari- that will be hosted by UCU in Lviv. He one no commands, and my deputy Ihor moves as SBU head was to close the ty with its contents. He stated that after I characterized it as an important event (it has Derzhko called this a provocation,” said organ’s archives, which were opened to had read and signed the letter it would be received considerable publicity) and asked Mr. Horbal, a Lviv native and active the public by his predecessor, Valentyn necessary for him to take the letter back. about the program and whether it is open to leader in the pro-presidential Party of Nalyvaichenko, in a campaign to Since I could see that the document was the public. It was clear that he would have Regions. enhance freedom of information and properly addressed to me as rector (I also been interested in participating in the pro- establish historical truth about the THE SBU’s chief noticed that it had two signatures giving it a ceedings. I said that the main theme, KGB and its deeds. “The truth has been particularly official character) I replied “Humanization of society through the work The SBU is led by Valerii established,” Mr. Khoroshkovskyi said calmly that any letter addressed to me of Catholic universities,” was announced in Khoroshkovskyi, one of Ukraine’s big- of his decision to close the archives. becomes my property and should stay with a press release as will be the outcome of the gest oligarchs, whose wealth was esti- me – at least in copy form. Only under deliberations. The working sessions of the mated at $223 million in 2009 by the – Kyiv Press Bureau these conditions could I agree to even read university rectors, however, are not open to 10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 30, 2010 No. 22 Ukraine in danger... took office in early March. ate a Citizens’ Council on Human Rights and By then, the ministry announced that They include physically aggressive and would appoint known human rights activists Eduard Bahirov would lead its newly creat- (Continued from page 1) even violent tactics in dealing with demon- to lead it,” said an April 22 open letter to the ed Citizens’ Council on Human Rights. strators and restrictions on citizens attending president, signed by leading activists. “We never worked with him,” said Ukraine’s new police chief on March 18 political gatherings. Meanwhile suspected “We want to remind you that citizens’ Yevhen Zakharov, co-chair of the Kharkiv signed a decree cutting 27 of the ministry’s evidence of Ukraine’s notorious police bru- councils have already been working for four Human Rights Group and a veteran of regional human rights monitors, after which tality endures. years, and their leaders are chosen by the Ukraine’s human rights movement. three citizens remained to keep track of a In the latest case, a drunk university stu- citizens themselves – not by the department “Bahirov is a member of a great number 250,000-plus national police force. dent in Kyiv, celebrating his 20th birthday, head. Besides that, all ‘known human rights of various citizens’ councils and calls him- “As it turned out, the order to significant- was sent to a local police station on May 17 activists’ already belong, or once belonged, self a human rights activist. But I don’t see ly reduce the minister’s aides was already and died in custody. The Internal Affairs to the citizens’ councils in the Internal the results of his work in human rights,” Mr. ‘secretly’ signed at the very time when the Ministry claimed the student “fell several Affairs Ministry and its regional administra- Zakharov noted. “There were many com- minister spoke with the German ambassa- times, from which he suffered hemorrhaging tions,” they wrote. plaints about his actions.” dor,” said Volodmyr Yavorsky, the executive and traumas to his brain and skull.” director of the Ukrainian Helsinki Union for The 1+1 television network reported that Human Rights. “Human rights activists who an ambulance was called four times to the protested the minister’s decisions have yet London Ukrainians concerned police station, but paramedics declined to to receive a response to two open letters, one take the student each time. of which was signed by 250 citizens and Students also claimed that police pres- about developments in Ukraine organizations.” sured them to state that the victim, identified The ability of Ukrainian citizens to moni- only as Ihor, had already suffered a broken tor the police is critical, in the view of skull from fighting, prior to his arrest, the by Myroslava Matwijiwskyj • The increasing rapprochement with human rights activists. 1+1 news report said. Russia, both economically and politically. In 2008, following many years of cooper- Activists said it’s precisely such incidents LONDON – Ukrainians in London, • The denial of the Holodomor as an ation with the police, they succeeded in of suspected police brutality that the Human including representatives from the act of genocide against the Ukrainian establishing the Human Rights Monitoring Rights Monitoring Administration was Ukrainian Orthodox and Catholic Churches, people and the removal of the Holodomor Administration, which worked within the established to prevent and, if necessary, began gathering at 6:30 p.m. on May 11 for page from the official website of the pres- Internal Affairs Ministry, with the goal of investigate. a public meeting by the statue of St. ident of Ukraine. ensuring a policy of openness and transpar- The administration also prevented such Volodymyr located outside St. Sophia. • The appointment of well-known ency within Ukraine’s police force. Soviet-era practices as requiring the pur- The meeting was organized to express Ukrainophobes to key positions within “Hundreds of common citizens who chasers of train tickets to provide identifica- the deepening concerns of Ukrainians liv- the government. complained of the police’s illegal actions tion so that their names are printed on tickets ing in the United Kingdom, regarding the • The proposed reversal of National received help from the administration’s and stored in computer databases. current political administration in Ukraine Hero of Ukraine titles. aides,” stated a March 18 letter signed by 32 The Internal Affairs Ministry under the and, in particular, actions already taken Those present at the meeting then leading human rights organizations. “With government of Yulia Tymoshenko refrained by President Viktor Yanukovych. It was made the short journey from outside St. their help, serious police abuses were from re-introducing the practice, but Mr. planned to coincide with the demonstra- Sophia to the Embassy of Ukraine, where revealed.” Mohyliov is now reportedly considering its tion on the same day in Kyiv, being led the resolution addressed to the president “Obviously, without such an administra- re-implementation, reported human rights by the opposition movement in Ukraine. was handed over and accepted by a repre- tion, it won’t be possible to build a contem- activists. The public meeting was presided over sentative of the ambassador. porary European police that respects human While President Yanukovych publicly by Yuriy Tymoshenko. A resolution During the meeting, the Committee for rights in its activity,” the statement said. admonished Mr. Mohyliov in late March for addressed to the president of Ukraine was the Defense of Ukraine’s Integrity and Judging from his first months in office, liquidating the Human Rights Monitoring read out and endorsed by those present, Honor began the process of collecting Minister Mohyliov has good reason to Administration, advising him “not to save which expressed the concerns of the signatures on a petition addressed to the ensure that his police aren’t being monitored money on human rights,” nothing has Ukrainian community regarding: president of Ukraine that will also be sent for abuses. Scores of Ukrainians have com- changed. • The disregard of democratic process- out nationally. This petition will be for- plained of police abuses ever since the gov- “The recommendation was ignored, and es and the blatant disregard of the mally lodged with the Embassy of ernment of Prime Minister Mykola Azarov instead the minister stated that he would cre- Ukrainian Constitution. Ukraine at a later date.

Eurasia Daily Monitor. After the second round of Ukraine's 2010 .. gates with a round of applause. Convention 52 years. Petro Pytel. 50 years.
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