ïêàëíéë êéÑàÇëü! CHRIST IS BORN! T U W he krainian eekly Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association Vol. LXXVII No.51 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2009 $1/$2 in Ukraine Poroshenko satisfied with results VOA’s Ukrainian Service of four-day visit to Washington marks 60th anniversary by Yaro Bihun December 12, following a full range of high- Special to The Ukrainian Weekly level meetings in Washington – with senior U.S. government officials, congressional WASHINGTON – Ukrainian Foreign and business leaders, representatives of the Affairs Minister Petro Poroshenko conclud- International Monetary Fund (IMF) – and, ed his four-day visit to the United States on while in New York, with the United Nations leadership. The focal point of the visit was his meet- ing with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, held in conjunction with the inaugural ses- sion of the U.S.-Ukraine Strategic Partnership Commission, established last summer to assist Ukraine in the various aspects of its development and to strengthen the U.S.-Ukraine bilateral relationship. Both officials expressed satisfaction fol- lowing their meeting. Secretary Clinton expressed the Obama administration’s com- mitment to assisting Ukraine “on the path to democracy and prosperity” and supporting its independence and “further integration” with NATO and the European Union. Yaro Bihun Minister Poroshenko was equally posi- Among those attending the VOA Ukrainian Service’s 60th anniversary celebra- tive in his remarks about U.S. assurances tion in Washington was its oldest living former staff member, Stefan Maksymjuk, about security, economic and other impor- who joined the staff in 1954. Standing next to him are the two newest members of tant issues for Ukraine. As he listed some of the staff – who came on board more than a half-century later – Mariya Yunko Yaro Bihun the problems the two countries “should deal and Tetyana Vorozhko. Ukraine’s Foreign Affairs Minister Petro with together,” he underscored – as he did in Poroshenko responds to reporters’ ques- by Yaro Bihun from President Viktor Yushchenko con- subsequent remarks during the visit – the tions outside the U.S. State Department urgent need for the renewal of the “crucially Special to The Ukrainian Weekly gratulating and thanking the Ukrainian following his meeting with Secretary of Service for its “long-standing support of State Hillary Clinton. (Continued on page 26) WASHINGTON — The Ukrainian the democratic movement in Ukraine, for Service of the Voice of America (VOA) the contribution to the victory over the marked its 60th anniversary on December totalitarian Soviet regime and to the Canadian businessman is latest victim 11 at VOA headquarters here with a half- revival of Ukrainian nationhood.” day celebration that included greetings On a personal level, the ambassador of unscrupulous partners in Ukraine from the president of Ukraine, members added that having grown up and having of the U.S. Congress and diplomats, as spent a good part of his early life in the well as two panels of experts discussing Soviet Union, he should understand better by Zenon Zawada his Ukraine venture. some of the important issues facing than most the important role played by Kyiv Press Bureau “I had no idea of the level of corrup- Ukraine today. VOA in bringing down, as he described tion. I knew it was greater in Ukraine The first Ukrainian-language program it, the “Berlin Wall in the minds of the KYIV – Canadian entrepreneur than America, but you can’t compare was transmitted via short-wave radio millions of people who were born, raised Steven Chepa is among the world’s the countries at all. My experience in from VOA’s New York studios on and educated and were living under a biggest supporters of the Rusyn people life doesn’t fit here at all – I’m just a December 12, 1949. Five years later the totalitarian regime.” of the Carpathian Mountains, the home- fish out of water. I knew there were Ukrainian Service was moved to VOA’s His American counterpart in Kyiv dur- land of his parents. risks, but I didn’t realize how big the present headquarters in Washington, ing the latter part of the 1990s, He was inspired, and his emotions risks were.” where it continued and expanded its Ambassador William Green Miller, also stirred, when two native Ukrainians Mr. Chepa is the latest diaspora broadcasting to a peak of five hours a day shared his experiences and views about presented a plan to renovate a sawmill investor brave enough to put his money at the height of the Cold War. the role of the Voice of America. It was, in the Zakarpattia town of Vylok on the where his mouth is and try to boost the After Ukraine gained its independence, he said, “a great endeavor” that should be Hungarian border, potentially creating Ukrainian economy, only to have been radio programs were scaled back and celebrated and continued. 100 stable jobs in the depressed region. burned by the government’s failure to were transmitted over local Ukrainian Little did Mr. Chepa know that it deal with corruption. stations as was the new weekly half-hour U.S. Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio), was a blueprint for a multi-million- Ukraine ranked 146th in the 2009 TV magazine program “Window on who co-chairs the Congressional dollar heist. Corruption Perception Index prepared America.” Ukrainian Caucus, also spoke from per- On November 6 a working group by Transparency International and A local correspondents network was sonal experience about how difficult it commissioned by First Vice Prime released in October. It is on the same established, and, more recently, a week- was to travel to the Soviet Union and pass Minister Oleksander Turchynov con- level as war-devastated Sierra Leone and day 15-minute TV news show “Chas- information to those living there during firmed that Mr. Chepa was the victim of Zimbabwe, a country ruled by a dictator Time” was added, as well as an Internet the Cold War. She recalled how a friend a corporate raid by his Ukrainian-born and without a functioning economy. news website (http://www.voanews.com/ described to her how they listened to business partners and recommended that Mr. Chepa visited his father’s village ukrainian/). VOA – after first closing all of the cur- law enforcement authorities investigate. for the first time in 2001, returning to Radio broadcasts in Ukrainian were tains and huddling on the floor by their “I thought these people were from Ukraine several times to support to sup- taken off the air on December 31, 2008. short-wave radio. Ukraine and knew how to handle port the cultural activity of Ukraine’s Among those expressing their greet- “For six decades, the Voice of America things,” said Mr. Chepa, an otherwise has provided an unfiltered flow of infor- ings at this anniversary was Ukraine’s successful entrepreneur, humbled by (Continued on page 3) mation to the people of Ukraine, a people Ambassador to the U.S. Dr. Oleh Shamshur, who also read a statement (Continued on page 6) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2009 No. 51 ANALYSIS NEWSBRIEFS Russia’s Gazprom agrees Poroshenko on dialogue with Russia December 15 amended the state budget not to penalize Naftohaz law for 2009 to allocate 608 million hrv KYIV – Ukrainian Foreign Affairs for combating the influenza epidemic in Minister Petro Poroshenko pointed to a Ukraine. The Health Ministry of Ukraine by Pavel Korduban eries early in 2009 with funds borrowed renewal of dialogue between the foreign has already confirmed 501 deaths due to Eurasia Daily Monitor from Ukrainian state-controlled banks, and affairs ministries of Ukraine and Russia, flu and acute respiratory virus infections is going to pay in December with money speaking at a meeting of his ministry’s pub- (ARVI) between October 29 and Gazprom and Naftohaz Ukrainy on borrowed by Ukraine from the International lic council on December 15. “It’s very good December 14 in all 24 regions of Ukraine, November 24 signed addenda to their earlier Monetary Fund (IMF), just like it did in that the dialogue has resumed, that this dia- the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, and contracts according to which Naftohaz will November. logue has become less emotional,” Mr. the cities of Kyiv and Sevastopol. A total not pay fines for buying less gas in 2009 However, Mr. Yushchenko believes that Poroshenko emphasized. He said the effi- of 2,546,622 flu and ARVI patients have than stipulated by the contracts. Gazprom Naftohaz did not go far enough in the talks ciency of contacts “is on a satisfactory been registered since October 29, includ- also allowed Naftohaz to buy less gas in with Gazprom, and he suspects that Moscow level.” At the same time, he cited an “alarm- ing 83,137 over the past 24 hours. Since 2010 – 33.75 billion cubic meters (bcm) received some promises of both a political ing” trend of a negative perception of the beginning of the epidemic 151,660 rather than 52 bcm. and economic nature from his arch-rival Ukraine by Russian residents. According to patients have been rushed to hospital, and Naftohaz in 2009 will import far less than Tymoshenko in exchange for concessions. the latest Russian opinion polls, “we could 119,740 of them have been released. the 33 bcm of gas stipulated by the January The president’s energy aide Bohdan see an absolutely disturbing, to my mind, (Ukrinform) 2009 contracts, and consequently fines could Sokolovsky warned that the main risks for trend when the state of the negative percep- amount to as much as $8 billion if the “take- Naftohaz had not been removed by the tion of Ukraine and Ukrainians has been Ukraine elected to UNIDO or-pay” clause in the contracts had been November 24 accords. Among the remain- rapidly growing, whereas there is an abso- enforced by Gazprom. This would have ing risks he listed, “the unjustified high price lutely different trend among our people.” KYIV – Ukraine has been elected into sunk Naftohaz. Ukrainian President Viktor of gas for Ukraine, a transit rate twice as low He added, “This state of affairs is absolutely the governing bodies of the United Yushchenko suspects that Prime Minister as it should be, and the asymmetric penal- inadmissible … and we are surely interested Nations Industrial Development Yulia Tymoshenko reached secret agree- ties” for breach of contract (www.president. in breaking this trend.” the minister claimed. Organization (UNIDO) at the 13th ments with the Kremlin in exchange for the gov.ua, November 25). Mr. Poroshenko also said that a significant Session of the General Conference of concessions. Mr. Yushchenko claimed that Ukraine number of biased and negative reports UNIDO taking place in Vienna. Ukraine If the original January 2009 contracts had would pay a political price for Russia’s about Ukraine appear in the global media was elected to the Industrial Development been enforced on Naftohaz, the state-owned waiving the fines for Naftohaz. He specified space. He said that sometimes such reports Board (IDB) and the Program and Budget oil and gas company simply would have that Ms. Tymoshenko, if she is elected presi- are task-oriented, for example, reports alleg- Committee (PBC). Ukraine’s permanent nowhere to send so much gas. Ukraine will dent in 2010, could allow the Russian Black ing Ukraine is unable to guarantee the tran- representative to the international organi- consume relatively little gas this year as its Sea fleet to stay in Crimea beyond 2017. He sit of gas across its territory. (Ukrinform) zations in Vienna, Volodymyr Yelchenko, GDP is expected to plunge by 14-15 percent delivered a statement on behalf of GUAM also suggested that Ukraine under due to the global financial crisis. Gas con- Russia in Ukrainian media space (Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Moldova) Tymoshenko would make concessions to sumption by industrial enterprises in member-states concerning the develop- Russia on NATO membership plans and the KYIV – Russia is occupying the Ukraine should shrink from 30 to 17.6 bcm ment of cooperation with UNIDO. He ownership of Ukraine’s gas transit network. Ukrainian media space, according to par- in 2009, and there is already more than expressed interest in deepening of coop- Asked how he knew about it if the agree- ticipants of a December 11 roundtable enough gas in Ukraine’s underground stor- eration in introducing energy-saving tech- ments had been secret, Mr. Yushchenko meeting dedicated to issues of informa- age facilities for the country to live through nologies, developing and using renewable said, “I read the presidential post” (Inter TV, tion security. A member of the National the winter. energy sources, raising competitiveness November 27). Council on Television and Radio In exchange for the concessions on the of domestic industry and promoting tech- Naftohaz CEO Oleg Dubyna spoke about Broadcasting, Ihor Kurus, said that volume of gas secured from Gazprom, nology transfer. (Ukrinform) the actual agreements reached with Gazprom Europe looks at Ukraine through the eyes Naftohaz withdrew its request to apply the in detail at a press conference in Kyiv on of Russia due to its expansion. The direc- Ariana sailors are released take-or-pay principle to Gazprom’s gas tran- November 27. He specified that Naftohaz tor of the Agency for Strategic Studies, sit to Europe via Ukraine in 2010 would not be fined by Gazprom if it bought Dmytro Panko, said that in Ukraine only KYIV – President Viktor Yushchenko (Kommersant-Ukraine, November 25). Mr. 27 bcm of gas in 2009. This is more than the the president openly calls for active mea- hailed the successful completion of oper- Yushchenko insisted on introducing the ations to secure the release of 24 26 bcm predicted earlier by Ukrainian sures to be taken to protect Ukraine from clause in relation to transit in his November Ukrainian sailors from the Ariana bulk Economy Minister Bohdan Danylyshyn. the Russian informational aggression. 18 letter to Russian President Dmitry cargo ship that had been held captive by Naftohaz plans to buy 3.6 bcm of gas in “Other [officials] are absolutely paying Medvedev (Eurasia Daily Monitor, Somali pirates since May 2, the presiden- November and some 4 bcm in December in no attention to the problem of informa- December 1). tial press service reported on December order to comply with the requirement, Mr. tion security in their speeches or pro- Gazprom spokesman Sergey Kupriyanov 10. Mr. Yushchenko stressed that hard Dubyna said (Ukrainski Novyny, November grams,” he noted. (Ukrinform) explained that Gazprom “forgave” Naftohaz work and “difficult and tense negotia- 27). This is much more than average month- simply because it understands that the debt- Rada earmarks funds for epidemic tions” prefaced the successful operation. ly deliveries from Gazprom earlier in 2009. ridden Naftohaz has no money to pay (Ekho The government earlier admitted that the KYIV – The Verkhovna Rada on (Continued on page 28) Moskvy, November 25). It is true that deliveries in December would be paid with Naftohaz has no money, as it defaulted on funds received from the IMF. its $500 million Eurobond payment on September 30, paid Gazprom for gas deliv- (Continued on page 34) T U W he krainian eekly FOUNDED 1933 CAMPAIGN WATCH An English-language newspaper published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a non-profit association, at 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. Yearly subscription rate: $55; for UNA members — $45. 380,000 voters registered abroad diplomatic and other official representa- Periodicals postage paid at Caldwell, NJ 07006 and additional mailing offices. tion offices and consular institutions of KYIV – Some 380,000 Ukrainian vot- (ISSN — 0273-9348) Ukraine abroad, as well as military units ers have been registered in the foreign (formations) located abroad. As of The Weekly: UNA: election district, which was formed ahead December 9, the Central Election Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 644-9510 Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 292-0900 of the January 17, 2010, presidential elec- Commission approved a list of 25 states tion in Ukraine, Central Election Postmaster, send address changes to: in which many Ukrainian voters live. A Commission Vice-Chair Zhanna Usenko- The Ukrainian Weekly Editor-in-chief: Roma Hadzewycz total of 376,332 Ukrainians live in these Chorna said on December 7. She 2200 Route 10 Editors: Matthew Dubas countries. The greatest number of explained that these citizens who were P.O. Box 280 Zenon Zawada (Kyiv) Ukrainian voters live in Germany registered at Consulates in host countries Parsippany, NJ 07054 (101,928), Moldova (71,357) and Russia and included on election lists at polling (57,209). The smallest number of The Ukrainian Weekly Archive: www.ukrweekly.com; e-mail: [email protected] stations operating at Ukraine’s diplomatic Ukrainian voters lives in Italy (1,109). institutions abroad. All other Ukrainians living abroad can also vote in the presi- Convicts should not run The Ukrainian Weekly, December 20, 2009, No. 51, Vol. LXXVII dential election. To do so, they should Copyright © 2009 The Ukrainian Weekly KYIV – The majority of people polled visit the polling stations of Ukraine’s dip- by the Razumkov Center with the support lomatic representations. (Ukrinform) of the International Renaissance ADMINISTRATION OF THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY AND SVOBODA 114 polling stations abroad Foundation said individuals who have been convicted of crimes should be barred Walter Honcharyk, administrator (973) 292-9800, ext. 3041 KYIV – The Central Election from running for the presidency. e-mail: [email protected] Commission has set up 114 polling sta- According to the results of the public Maria Oscislawski, advertising manager (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 tions of the foreign election district, the opinion poll, published on the center’s fax: (973) 644-9510 commission’s press service has reported website on November 25, 57.5 percent of e-mail: [email protected] on December 10. The law on the election respondents say a person with a past con- Mariyka Pendzola, subscriptions (973) 292-9800, ext. 3042 of the Ukrainian president foresees that e-mail: [email protected] foreign election districts are formed at (Continued on page 29) No. 51 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2009 3 Canadian... was spun in only a year’s time, thanks to As a counter-offensive, Mr. Chepa has Ukraine’s legal and judicial anarchy. recruited the Canadian Embassy in Kyiv (Continued from page 1) Among the alleged crimes are forging to his cause, which twice petitioned the loans and documents, fraudulent sales, Presidential Secretariat and Cabinet of Rusyns. misrepresentation, theft and resisting law Ministers to take action. He wasn’t fooled immediately. Peter enforcement authorities. An Interdepartmental Commission Prytula and Aivor Khourkine, two Once the conflict ignited, Mr. Prytula on Counteracting Illegal Takeovers and Mississauga businessmen, came to Mr. and his brother-in-law Oleg Isachenko Raids created a regional working group, Chepa with several proposals to invest issued $4.8 million in promissory notes, which held its first hearing in April in in Canada. He rejected them, only before fraudulently dated on June 8, 2008, on Uzhhorod. revealing his soft spot. behalf of Starwood for Mr. Batkov in late Yet it was not until November 6 that it “I made a terrible mistake,” he said. “I December 2008, pledging the sawmill’s reached a decision, determining that Mr. told them my father was born in Malyi property as security. Chepa was the victim of corporate raid- Bereznyi in Zakarpattia, it’s very poor “We do not believe this document was ers and instructing Zakarpattia police to there, and I’d like to do something for in existence on June 8, 2008,” Mr. Chepa investigate. By then, much of the assets the people. They went away, and guess said. “And at no time did Prytula and were allegedly sold and money misap- what? The next time they came back with Isachenko have the authority to sign such propriated. a proposal for Zakarpattia. Now they had a document. It is not supported by the Following the ruling, Canada’s the hook in.” transfer of assets, movements of funds, Ambassador to Ukraine Daniel Caron and His excitement led him to skip the stan- by banking records, or any other valid a former Canadian senator, Trevor Eyton, dard due diligence, he admitted. Mr. Chepa liability in Canadian or Ukrainian law. joined Mr. Chepa in meeting with Justice decided in November 2006 to partner with In other words, this credit agreement is a Zenon Zawada Ministry officials in mid-November. Bulgarian lawyer Todor Batkov, who recruited Messrs. Prytula and Khourkine complete fraud.” Canadian investor Steven Chepa is It’s Mr. Chepa’s otherwise successful to be his representatives in Canada. Mr. Prytula shut the factory and dis- fighting to defend his Zakarpattia saw- business career that has enabled him to By June 2008, Mr. Chepa had invest- missed its 60 workers in late January. The mill against corporate raiders. recruit diplomats and politicians to his Batkov group filed a barrage of lawsuits cause. ed $1.8 million and the sawmill was up throughout Ukrainian courts, gaining that happened hundreds of miles away. He has earned a fortune in manufactur- and running in Vylok, a town about 60 seven favorable rulings. Mr. Chepa’s law- Businessmen in need of a particular court ing smoke and gas detectors in Canada, miles from his father’s native village in yers appealed and overturned all except ruling often shop around for judges in Mexico and China, and distributing them Ukraine. It was producing about $100,000 one. Ukraine, paying bribes for a custom-tai- worldwide. He has founded, co-founded worth of kiln-dried flooring blanks per During their battle, Mr. Chepa said his lored ruling. or directed more than a dozen enterprises, month after being dormant for years. representatives made six attempts to serve Mr. Chepa’s lawyers argue that a Kyiv including the Mississauga-based Norstone The plan was for the factory to pro- court notices at the factory to block the court had no legal right to rule on a facto- Financial Corp. in 1975, a solely owned duce unfinished hardwood flooring, lami- sale of its assets without court approval. ry in Zakarpattia. Furthermore, the court merchant bank that has prospered from nated boards and fuel pellets from saw- Court officials accompanied by police ruled without notifying Mr. Chepa and numerous multi-million-dollar invest- dust waste. were thwarted by Mr. Prytula’s private his lawyers, in violation of Ukrainian ments. Just then, Mr. Prytula told Mr. Chepa armed guards, hired by Mr. Isachenko. judicial principles. Mr. Chepa has committed much of that Mr. Batkov would no longer invest in Most recently, on December 15, Mr. The Batkov group claims it’s the right- his wealth to preserving Rusyn culture, the sawmill, which included renovations, Chepa’s representatives, accompanied ful owner of the assets and should keep becoming the founder and president of new equipment, ongoing production of by a bailiff and police officers, arrived at the $12 million invested by Mr. Chepa. In the World Academy of Rusyn Culture, unfinished flooring and launching pro- the Vylok plant to enforce another court- a humorous attempt at compromise, they an organization promoting Rusyn cul- duction of laminated boards. backed order preventing removal of any offered “to pay $4 million some day in ture around the world. He established Mr. Batkov also backed out of financ- equipment. They again failed to gain exchange for immediate ownership of $12 the fellowship in Rusyn studies at the ing their venture’s Toronto-based opera- access after a two-hour standoff with the million in assets today,” Mr. Chepa said. University of Toronto, among other many tion, Starwood Manufacturing Inc., armed guards. Messrs. Batkov and Prytula didn’t funds. which makes hardwood flooring and was “Private armed security guards proved respond to e-mails sent by The Weekly Mr. Chepa is reconciled to his losses, the planned distributor of the unfinished to be more powerful than the law and for comment. Mr. Khourkine contacted but remains determined, even after his flooring produced at the Vylok plant. the government officials attempting to The Weekly by telephone and said he nightmare scenario, to renovate the fac- His withdrawal should have served as enforce it,” said Mr. Chepa, who has been would call again, but didn’t follow up by tory so that it provides the local residents a red flag for Mr. Chepa. He now believes unable to get the Ukrainian government the editorial deadline. with jobs. His appeal of the Sviatoshyn it was engineered to induce him to invest to protect his property from being sold by Mr. Chepa alleged at least $1.7 million Court ruling is tangled up in the judi- millions more into the venture. his enemies. was misappropriated by Messrs. Prytula cial bureaucracy, not yet scheduled for Mr. Chepa agreed to buy assets and Mr. Prytula invited potential buyers and Khourkine. Mr. Prytula used about review. shares from Mr. Batkov and become the to visit the Vylok factory several times, $44,000 of the stolen money to pay for He stands to lose the chance to retrieve sole owner: $2.4 million in cash and $4.8 Mr. Chepa said: “On more than one occa- his children’s private education in the his allegedly stolen assets if the appeal’s million in promissory notes that would be sion, our observers at Vylok have blocked United Kingdom, he alleged. review exceeds legally imposed deadlines. payable if the business was successful. attempts to remove several truckloads of Despite all the damage they’ve caused, “Everybody expected things to get better Unbeknownst to Mr. Chepa, his pur- processed wood products from the factory.” the Batkov group demonstrated they’re after the Orange Revolution, and they may chase was already rife with fraud. As Even before their conflict erupted, Mr. not yet finished. Mr. Prytula opened a have a little bit after the first year,” he said. he later learned, the closing documents Chepa said the Batkov group allegedly bank account for Starwood Zakarpattia “But since that time it’s been straight deteri- misrepresented $480,000 in purchased sold $850,000 in equipment in February on November 2, the same day the State oration, and things now are worse than they accounts receivable, which turned out 2008 without his knowledge, forward- Tax Service issued him a value-added tax were before the Orange Revolution. There’s to be uncollectible. Inventory purchased ing the proceeds to their own private refund worth 3 million hrv ($375,000), a lot of disillusionment among people who for $1.1 million was later appraised at accounts. Mr. Chepa’s lawyers said. hoped for better times.” $553,000 – half the sale price. The biggest setback to Mr. Chepa’s Throughout autumn 2008, Mr. Chepa efforts to save the factory was a ruling sent millions more in cash to his part- registered on August 10 by Sviatoshyn Quotable notes ners to refurbish the factory and buy new District Judge Bondarenko (in Kyiv) that equipment. At the same time, he made enabled the Batkov group to claim that repeated requests for accounting records, ownership of Starwood Zakarpattia and “…Today as we stand shoulder to shoulder in celebrating freedom, let us which were duly ignored. assets worth $5.5 million were legally pledge to never again allow Europe to be divided, let us reject the so-called ‘near On November 24, 2008, Mr. Chepa transferred to Mr. Batkov in November abroad’ and those who would appease the Kremlin. Let us reject the new ‘ism’ dismissed Messrs. Prytula and Khourkine 2008. being spawned by the Kremlin: Putinism. as the directors and officers of the firm. Not coincidentally, this alleged sale “Europe must embrace the nations of the East who so clearly strive for free- Two weeks later, Mr. Prytula refused occurred four days before Messrs. Prytula dom and democracy, as was demonstrated by the will of the people during to allow Mr. Chepa’s representatives to and Khourkine were removed as owners Ukraine’s Orange Revolution. Europe must embrace them into their institutions; review his books to confirm the where- and directors. In fact, Mr. Prytula was in NATO, the EU. abouts of about $12 million that Mr. no legal position to authorize the alleged “Friends, we are the most fortunate of generations, we have lived to see the Chepa had invested. sale of Starwood Zakarpattia to Mr. fulfillment of the dreams of independence and freedom of the ancestral home- “Their plan was to fraudulently gain Batkov because he had been dismissed by lands of our parents and grandparents. … ownership of Starwood Zakarpattia, then, Mr. Chepa said. “Let us not be the generation that sees a new appeasement and the loss of that despite the fact that their investment was “They claim this sale of Starwood dream. “Let us stand firm so that every child born in Europe, whether in Portugal or zero,” Mr. Chepa said, referring to the Zakarpattia’s corporate rights took place in Georgia, whether in France or Ukraine, is born into a Europe united in democ- company he established to renovate the in November 2008, yet in February 2009 racy and freedom and its consequential prosperity. …” Vylok plant. they came to me with a proposal to buy By then it was too late, as the Batkov back the very assets they now claim were – Member of Parliament Borys Wrzesnewskyj, speaking on November 9 at group had already employed intricate theirs all along,” Mr. Chepa said. Nathan Phillips Square of Toronto’s City Hall, on the occasion of the 20th anni- fraud schemes involving at least half a Judge Bondarenko backdated his rul- versary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. dozen alleged crimes, but likely more as ing to March 10, but Mr. Chepa’s lawyers alleged by Mr. Chepa. didn’t learn of it until September 18, hav- The lack of law enforcement in ing lost many months during which they Ukraine allowed the Batkov group to could have appealed. To subscribe to The Ukrainian Weekly, commit one alleged crime, usually some In Ukraine’s Byzantine legal system, form of fraud, opening the door to anoth- dozens of precedents have been set in call 973-292-9800, ext. 3042 er crime, creating a vast web of fraud that which a court has ruled on a conflict 4 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2009 No. 51 Lecturing in Chicago, Motyl says ‘Ukraine is here to stay’ by Maria Kulczycky to Dr. Motyl, is what kind of state will it be? CHICAGO – “Ukraine is here to stay,” Ukraine’s future is colored by several stated Dr. Alexander Motyl during a lec- concerns. First, Ukraine is burdened by ture sponsored by the Ukrainian Business Russia’s overbearing presence, its hege- and Professional Group of Chicago in mony. Russia is big, and it sets the rules. mid-November. It was a reassuring con- It spans 11 time zones, has 150 million clusion for a lecture promoted to discuss people and an enormous nuclear arsenal. “Is Ukraine headed for a breakdown?” However, its gross domestic product is Dr. Motyl, professor of political sci- comparable to Belgium’s and it is “far ence at Rutgers University in Newark, weaker than it pretends to be.” It is, in N.J., noted that seeing cracks in the infra- fact, “an Ivory Coast with a bomb,” he structure in Ukraine troubled him deeply said. (“Did the cracks portend collapse or Add to the mix of Russia’s fragility catastrophe?”). The concern wasn’t miti- that “It’s a one-man state. Its oil and gas gated when he returned to New York and reserves are a mixed blessing, corruption saw worse conditions of the infrastruc- is widespread. A recent tally indicated ture. “It’s because we sense that Ukraine corruption had increased fourfold in terms is fundamentally a fragile place,” he of what the man in the street has to pay to observed. obtain services,” he added. Despite its fragility, however, some More likely than invasion or war might portents of doom are unlikely, he said. be a scenario in which Russia instigates The first fear is that Ukraine will dis- an incident or provocation by a local appear as a state. This is not something Dr. Alexander Motyl (second from right) with Chicago Group members (from group, to provide justification to intrude, we should be worried about, at least for left) Orysia Cardoso, Zenon Babij, Anna Mostovych and Maria Kulczycky. for instance, in Sevastopol. Dr. Motyl the next 50 to 100 years, Dr. Motyl noted, because “states just don’t disappear proposed that Russia might do this Verkhovna Rada elections will still be Professional Group of Chicago sponsors today.” because “it’s the nature of the regime.” two years away, the lack of campaigning networking events and seminars that fea- Will Ukraine become a failed state, What better way to rally nationalist senti- will create a welcome lull in rhetoric. ture a balanced discussion of issues per- such as Somalia? Dr. Motyl gave that ment around the flag? Second, Viktor Yushchenko will lose. taining to Ukraine, the Ukrainian diaspora eventuality a 5 percent probability. While Ukraine has to deal with Russia, “Unfortunately, he has become unpopu- and the post-Soviet world. Members are The third fear is that Ukraine will it has room to maneuver, according to Dr. lar, an object of derision. Whatever he primarily Ukrainian American profession- become engaged in an all-out war with Motyl. “Essentially, it is doomed to pur- supports is immediately scorned,” Dr. als interested in establishing new personal Russia. This, too, is unlikely, he conclud- sue a multi-vector foreign policy. It can’t Motyl explained. and professional contacts while support- ed. A full-fledged conflict involving inva- get rid of its big neighbor to the east, but Third, “The most unstable form of ing Ukraine’s economic development and sion, tanks and military engagement is it can increasingly navigate around it,” he political entity is one with three princi- democratization. difficult to envision given the current noted. “It’s a hegemony Ukraine can live pals. Ukrainian politics have been under- Recent speakers included Adrian nature of the Russian regime, he said. with.” mined because they are dominated by Karatnycky of the Atlantic Council, “Russia is fundamentally decrepit. It is But, at least in the near term, Ukraine’s three major players, each with a public Roman Kupchinsky of AS East Group barely able to extricate itself from a politics are headed in a positive direction office. After the election, there will only and Anne Applebaum of The Washington 10-year war in Chechnya. And it can’t be for several reasons, according to Dr. be two, which will lead to stabilization,” Post. sure that Ukraine won’t fight back.” Motyl. he predicted. “And they will be able to For additional information and a sched- Given the likely continued existence of First, once the elections are held, the deal more successfully with Russia.” ule of upcoming events, readers may a Ukrainian state, the question, according campaigning will end. Because the The Ukrainian Business and e-mail [email protected]. Photo album about Galicia Division presented in Toronto by Oksana Zakydalsky logue of the photographs in English. At the presentation, three excerpts of interviews TORONTO – A unique photo album was published with division members held in the archives of the in September in Lviv – “Ukrainska Divizia UCRDC were shown. The center has 46 such inter- ‘Halychyna’” (Ukrainian Galicia Division) – was pre- views – 13 on video and 23 on audio tape. The sented in Toronto on December 6. excerpts were taken from interviews with Vasyl Subtitled “A history in photographs from its found- Veryha, Bohdan Bihus and Volodymyr Molodeckyi – ing in 1943 to the discharge from prisoner-of-war the fact that all three are now deceased underlined the camp in 1949.” The 254-page book, in Ukrainian, importance of the work in compiling this oral docu- contains 278 captioned photographs, contributed mentation. mostly by division members. The compiler and editor Information was given out about the Divisia Fund of the photo album is former division officer Bohdan at the UCRDC, which is designated for various divi- Maciw of Montreal. sion-related projects: doing more interviews proving The photographs were selected with help from digitizing existing interviews, grants for students Prof. Roman Serbyn, who also wrote the afterword in doing research on the history of the division and pre- which he examines the division in the context of paring of a film about the division using materials in Ukrainians in various armed formations in World War the UCRDC archives. The fund has designated five II. levels of financial support, and the center plans to A presentation of the photo album was organized implement more intensive fund raising. by the Ukrainian Canadian Research and A large number of young people attended the pre- Documentation Center. Evidence of the wide interest sentation and, on the initiative of Motria Ilnyckyj- in the history and fate of the division, was seen in the Rieve (daughter of division member Stephan Ilnyckyj) Cover of a new photo album about the Galicia Division. attendance of over 120 people at the event. All copies a Descendants of Divizia of the book, especially ordered from Ukraine, were Members group was sold out. announced, with plans to One of the most interesting chapters of book fea- engage the younger genera- tures photos illustrating the enlistment of volunteers tion into examining the issue in various cities, towns and villages of western of the division both in its his- Ukraine. Although the volunteers are obviously torical aspect and its current young, in their suits and ties they look more serious political context. than they probably were. To order the book The album describes the training of officers, nurses “Ukrainska Divizia and youths provided by the Germans and explains ‘Halychyna,’ ” readers may how, on July 15, 1944, the still only partly trained contact: Bohdan Maciw, 43 division was thrown into the battle of Brody, in which it endured massive losses. Further photographs show Aldercrest, Dollard des the fate of those who fought in the battle and the reor- Ormeaux, Quebec, H9A ganization of the division after Brody – in Slovakia, 1V1, Canada; telephone, Yugoslavia and Austria. 514-684-8212. Please include Photographs taken after the war include: prisoner- your full address, telephone of-war captivity and internment in Italy and Britain, number and a check or during which the division developed a rich cultural money order for $35 payable Oksana Zakydalsky life. to Mr. Maciw. (The book will The audience at the book launch held at the Ukrainian Canadian Research and The album has a summary of the text and a cata- be mailed from Ukraine.) Documentation Center. No. 51 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2009 5 6 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2009 No. 51 The Washington Group celebrates its 25th anniversary by Yaro Bihun Ambassador Oleh Shamshur, who was out of town that day. Calling TWG one of the WASHINGTON — The Washington strongest and most active Ukrainian Group (TWG), an association of Ukrainian American organizations, the ambassador American professionals known for its referred to its members as professionals and Ukraine-related socio-political, cultural and patriots, who live and work on another con- economic community activities in the tinent without forgetting the needs of their national’s capital, celebrated its 25th anni- Ukrainian homeland, helping in its drive for versary with a jubilee reception December 4 independence and working in its behalf. at the Embassy of Ukraine. Ambassador Miller, in his remarks, also The festive gathering to mark the occa- focused on how the Ukrainian American sion brought together more than 100 mem- professionals in TWG decided early on to bers of the organization, three former U.S. assist Ukraine, adding that he, too, gained ambassadors to Ukraine, and other U.S. and from their commitment. “I’ve benefited Ukrainian diplomats and government offi- from so many here before going to Ukraine,” cials, as well as a lady recognized by all he said. Since his service there in the 1990s, from her travels into space – Navy Capt. he added, Ukraine has become part of his Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper, the life. Ukrainian American astronaut known for “Ukraine is on the way to becoming the her two NASA Shuttle flights to the orbital great nation it was destined to be,” space station and five space walks during Ambassador Miller said, adding that he was her NASA career. very proud to have Ukrainian friends and to Welcoming the guests, after a prayer led know “that we are brothers in a glorious by the Rev. Taras Lonchyna, pastor of the endeavor, which is the celebration of life, of Holy Trinity Particular Ukrainian Catholic freedom in a democratic society, a goal that Church, TWG President Andrew Bihun both of our countries share.” Yaro Bihun noted the presence of the former U.S. The head of the Embassy’s cultural-infor- Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine William Green Miller recounts The ambassadors to Kyiv — William Taylor, mation section who helped organize the Washington Group’s efforts in behalf of Ukraine. Standing next to him at the Steven Pifer and William Green Miller — event, Oleksandr Mykhalchuk, and his col- organization’s 25th anniversary reception at the Ukrainian Embassy are its min- their colleague William Courtney, who was league Yevhen Schehlakov performed a ister-counselor, Olexandr Aleksandrovych (left), and U.S. Assistant Surgeon the first U.S. ambassador to Kazakhstan, musical tribute to TWG, singing new lyrics General, and Rear Admiral Boris Lushniak. and Lawrence R. Silverman, the director of Mr. Schehlakov wrote to the popular Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus affairs at the Ukrainian song “Marichka.” in attendance. In a message from Ms. Sluzar and other cultural events since its founding State Department. During the reception that followed, Mr. (who has moved out of the D.C. area) read 15 years ago by Laryssa Courtney, who was The first U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, Bihun noted the nine TWG presidents that by Ms. Stec, she said that it was “an honor introduced along with Marta Zielyk and the Roman Popadiuk, now the executive direc- preceded him — Natalie Sluzar, Daria Stec, and pleasure to watch this organization, start- current director, Chrystyna Kinal. Svitlana tor of the George H.W. Bush Presidential Yaro Bihun, Lydia Chopivsky-Benson, ed with such youthful exuberance, continue Shiells, who headed the fund after Laryssa Library Foundation in Texas, could not Nicholas Babiak, George Masiuk, Orest to be a vital force in the Ukrainian American Courtney, now lives in Vienna, Austria. attend but relayed his congratulations. Deychakiwsky, Ihor Kotlarchuk and Adrian community in the Washington area.” Mr. Bihun noted that the organization’s Speaking on behalf of the Ukrainian Pidlusky. Except for Ms. Chopivsky-Benson Also present were three of the four direc- next major event will be a leadership confer- Embassy, Minister-Counselor Olexandr and Ms. Sluzar, who was the moving force tors of the TWG Cultural Fund, which has ence in Washington in February, following Aleksandrovych read a greeting from in the founding TWG, his predecessors were been active in organizing concerts, exhibits the presidential elections in Ukraine. Orest Deychakiwsky of the Helsinki Commission and Nadia Diuk of the National Endowment for Democracy analyze Ukraine’s economic and political situations Yaro Bihun during a panel discussion at the VOA Ukrainian broadcasts 60th anniversary event. Former Ambassador to Ukraine Steven Pifer focuses on Ukraine’s foreign rela- tions issues during a panel discussion with (from left) David Kramer of the VOA’s Ukrainian... sion she placed in the Congressional German Marshal Fund, Myroslava Gongadze (moderator) and James Greene, Record. former head of the NATO Liaison Office in Ukraine. (Continued from page 1) Accepting the plaque, the chief of the who were and still are thirsty for the truth Ukrainian Service, Adrian Karmazyn, greeting also from Andriy Shevchenko, ry event consisted of two panel discus- – the truth about the present, the truth thanked her and her co-chairs on the vice-chairman of Ukraine’s Parliamentary sions of current important issues for about the past, and, hopefully, a keyhole Congressional Ukrainian Caucus – Reps. Press Freedom and Information Ukraine. on the future,” Rep. Kaptur said. Jim Gerlach (D-Pa.) and Sander Levin Committee, who, before embarking on The first, which focused on Ukraine’s “During the Cold War, the Voice of (D-Mich.) – the chairman of the Helsinki his political career, was a journalist and, economic and political situation, featured America could not be stopped,” she Commission, Rep. Benjamin Cardin for a time, a local stringer for the VOA Adrian Karatnycky of the Atlantic Ukrainian Service. Council, Morgan Williams of the U.S.- added, “by the troops on the border, the (D-Md.), and commission member Rep. From the Ukrainian American commu- Ukraine Business Council, Nadia Diuk of tanks on the ground, or concrete walls.” Robert Wexler (D-Fla.) for their statements nity, Michael Sawkiw read a greeting the National Endowment for Democracy In appreciation, she presented a plaque in the Congressional Record as well. from the Ukrainian Congress Committee and Orest Deychakiwsky of the Helsinki with a copy of the statement on this occa- Mr. Karmazyn noted that he received a of America. Commission. The audience at the commemoration The second panel – on Ukraine’s for- included a number of VOA Ukrainian eign relations – included former ambassa- Wherever you are, Service members not occupied with the dor to Ukraine Steven Pifer (now of the preparation of that day’s programming Brookings Institution), David Kramer of The Ukrainian Weekly can be there with you and some former members, among them the German Marshal Fund and James Stefan Maksymjuk, the oldest living Greene, former head of the NATO Liaison Check out The Ukrainian Weekly online at member, who began working at VOA in Office in Ukraine. 1954 in New York and then, the follow- Moderating the panels were Mr. www.ukrweekly.com ing year, in Washington. Karmazyn and Myroslava Gongadze, TV The second part of the 60th anniversa- anchor for the VOA’s Ukrainian Service. No. 51 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2009 7 T U n a F he krainian aTional ssociaTion orUm What does the Ukrainian National Foundation support? by Roma Lisovich lished and these are distributed yearly In recent years Soyuzivka has seen a Soyuzivka. This year, the foundation UNA Treasurer through the UNA Scholarship Program. substantial growth in the numbers of chil- commenced plans to build a full-size soc- By creating a specific individual fund, dren who participate in camp programs, cer field to be used by the Sports Camp Since the Ukrainian National one can memorialize a fund, specify a such as the Heritage Camp, where chil- Program. Foundation was created by the Ukrainian particular study or designate other crite- dren of Ukrainian descent learn about the • UNF Ostroh Academy Preparatory National Association, various funds have ria. All student members of the Ukrainian culture of their ancestors. Over 600 chil- Program Fund – sponsors a one-year aca- been established by caring and dedicated National Association qualify for these dren participated in the various camp pro- individuals. The UNF permits each donor scholarships. grams at Soyuzivka during the summer of demic preparatory program for students to specifically allocate his or her donation • UNF Soyuzivka Fund – all donations 2009 alone. from rural schools for entrance into the to a particular fund or the general fund, are allocated to educational and cultural The Ukrainian National Foundation National University of Ostroh Academy. depending on which he prefers. The UNF programs established at Soyuzivka and also organizes the Ukrainian Cultural • UNF Ostroh Academy Fund – spon- can also create specific funds to suit an capital projects where indicated. The mis- Festival at Soyuzivka, which showcases sors exceptional students who cannot individual’s request. Thus, the UNF and sion is to create a vibrant center responsi- local talent, allows for the best talent of financially afford to attend the university its donors have a true partnership in ble for cultural, educational, athletic, Ukraine to bring their music and song to and expends money for the building of a enriching our communities. artistic and informational programs for an American public and provides a forum state-of-the-art library. Please note the following established the Ukrainian diaspora community and through “Family Day” for amateur groups • UNF General Fund – funds that are funds: for those wanting to learn about Ukraine and children throughout the United States not specifically earmarked are allocated • UNF Press Fund – funds earmarked and its culture. Through its programs, the to perform and experience their unique to various educational, cultural and for either Svoboda or The Ukrainian Soyuzivka Heritage Center seeks to Ukrainian heritage. Weekly enable these newspapers to con- achieve its key goal: preservation and Within the UNF Soyuzivka Fund, sep- humanitarian causes, for example, pub- tinue their unique service. Svoboda, development of the cultural identity of arate funds exist for special projects and lishing children’s literature, aiding vic- founded in 1893, is the oldest continu- the Ukrainian people in the countries of interests. tims of the natural and man-made disas- ously published Ukrainian-language pub- their residence. The Dance Academy Fund helps the ters (such as recent floods in the lication in the world. The Ukrainian In facilitating the transmission of propagation of the Ukrainian folk dancing Zakarpattia region, mining accidents in Weekly was established in 1933 to serve knowledge about the Ukrainian heritage through dance camp programs, in partner- the Donbas) and many other projects. as a forum in which American-born gen- and traditions, the Soyuzivka Heritage ship with the Roma Pryma Bohachevsky Remember: The UNF depends upon erations could express themselves. Here Center promotes self-esteem and pride Dance Academy. A recent project includ- public donations to continue its work. these generations can familiarize them- among Americans of Ukrainian descent. ed the installation of a specially padded Thank you for your continuing support of selves with Ukrainian history, culture and The center also improves understanding floor, designed specifically for dancers. the Ukrainian National Foundation! tradition, and keep up with the most cur- among all Americans in the great cultural Part of this program includes scholarships rent information on national and political mosaic of the United States and encour- to the Soyuzivka Summer Dance Our donors are very important to us. struggles. ages an appreciation of Ukraine, its tradi- Workshop. Please feel free to contact Roma Lisovich • UNF Scholarship Fund – several par- tions, history and contributions around The Soyuzivka Sports Fund is dedicat- at 973-292-9800 or via e-mail at una@ ticular scholarship funds have been estab- the world. ed to maintaining sports programs at unamember.com. The UNA: 115 yeArS Of SerVice TO OUr cOmmUNiTy 8 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2009 No. 51 CHRISTMAS PASTORAL T U W he krainian eekly The great light of Christmas On Lutsenko’s watch “The people that walked in darkness have President Viktor Yushchenko demanded the resignation of Internal Affairs Minister seen a great light; Upon those who dwelt in Yurii Lutsenko on December 10 for his failure to fulfill his most basic responsibility of the land of gloom a light has shone.” (Isaiah ensuring the constitutional rights and freedoms of Ukrainian citizens. “Unfortunately, 9:1) the police under Lutsenko’s leadership are demonstrating a progressive inability to handle the threats to public safety and civic order,” the president’s press secretary The winter solstice arrives, and with it the Iryna Vannykova stated a week later. dreaded darkness. Like the poet Dylan It’s a shame the president waited until now, in the heat of an election campaign, to Thomas, we “rage, rage against the dying of propose what millions have been complaining about ever since Mr. Lutsenko’s return the light.” We long for the fading light, hop- as police chief in January 2008 (with the president’s support). The timing confirms ing that the sun will return with renewed suspicions that Mr. Yushchenko’s demand is a political maneuver, aimed at removing vigor, bringing light to our darkness and Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko’s control on the police force ahead of the elections. warmth to our winter. We raise our hopeful Better late than never though. Replacing Mr. Lutsenko with a competent, indepen- eyes to the fickle moon, which waxes and dent career law enforcement officer would go a long way in alleviating the anarchy then wanes – tantalizing us with its glow, that currently confronts Ukraine. only then to withdraw it again. We look The Ukrainian Weekly, this week and next week, is examining three victims of longingly to the faithful stars, whose pin- Ukraine’s corruption-plagued legal system, including the dysfunctional police force. points of light fascinate us with their artistry Canadian entrepreneur Steven Chepa has tried six times to serve court notices at and draw our minds beyond our darkened his Zakarpattia factory to block the illegal sale of its assets without court approval. world. Bailiffs have arrived escorted by police, only to be thwarted by armed guards hired by In the dark winter sky appears the wan- the former business partners he’s battling with. “Private armed security guards proved dering star which would come to rest over to be more powerful than the law and the government officials attempting to enforce “Christmas” by John Jaciw (from a Bethlehem, the City of David. Two other it,” he said in shock. Ukrainian National Association card). wanderers also made their way to Bethlehem In Kyiv, police officers stood by as thugs, hired by real estate developers, beat Dr. Vadym Berezovskyi for attempting to defend a hospital’s property from illegal in the night: a carpenter named Joseph, and God (Psalm 41). construction. No arrests were made, and instead Dr. Berezovskyi, a state laureate and his pregnant wife, Mary. Darker than the We are drawn to warmth and light of the flight surgeon to astronaut Dr. Leonid Kadenyuk, was charged with hooliganism. night around them was the human darkness Church, where God speaks to us in symbols Meanwhile, police have ignored the charges he’s filed against his attackers. “That’s that they encountered: doors of inns and far richer than words. At the preparation the work of our glorious police,” Dr. Berezovskyi commented. doors of human hearts were closed to the table, where gifts of bread and wine are pre- In Odesa, police have allowed the city’s oligarchs and mafia bosses to usurp the homeless couple in need. As a result, the pared for the Divine Liturgy, we find a metal local media as instruments in vicious turf wars that threaten the city’s tranquility. They Divine Child about to be born received no frame referred to as the “star” because it use the media to slander, libel and incite criminal activity, civic activists said. Their hospitality except that of a dark cave, and should include a small hanging star; as the recklessness in spreading lies and distortions, whether attacking political opponents or lowly animals provided the only warmth – celebrant places the “star” over the bread smearing Jews and ethnic Ukrainians, encourages anti-social behavior among youths warmth that cold and hardened human hearts which will consecrated, he says words remi- and adolescents, in particular, activists said. The results were evident in the September had refused. niscent of the Christmas story: “The star 2, 2007, bloody attack on ethnically conscious Ukrainians, in which police merely It was in the dark cave that the impossible came and stood over the place where the stood by, and the April 17 murder of Ukrainian nationalist Maksym Chaika, in which happened: a virgin became a mother, and the Child was.” Indeed, these words are from the no arrests have been made. God of heaven came into the world as a frag- Gospel of the day, which recounts the story These cases are only the tip of the iceberg of the legal anarchy into which Ukraine ile Child. These strange happenings give of the Magi. The Wise Men sought Jesus has descended during the last five years. For most of that time, Mr. Lutsenko was in words to our Ukrainian Christmas carol, under the star; wise men (and women) still charge of the country’s 270,000 police officers. “Ñ˂̇ çÓ‚Ë̇:” “Wondrous tidings! seek Him under the “star,” recognizing Him Kyiv civic activist Volodymyr Chemyrys, a former comrade-in-arms of Mr. Today in Bethlehem the one Virgin Mary as present on our altar and in our Church. Lutsenko’s during the Ukraine Without Kuchma movement of 2001, said power gave birth to a Son.” Hoping to be among the wise ones who corrupted the former street activist, whose policies resemble those of the authoritar- When the Boy was born, the darkness of seek Christ, we come to church, where ian leader he once fought against. Under Mr. Lutsenko’s direction, the police have the cave was overcome: as the Nicene Creed everything speaks to us of Him. We see the become rent-a-cops for politicians and oligarchs, acting on the orders they’re given, tells us, He Himself is “Light from Light, great lamp proclaiming to all that Christ, the which often is to stand by and do nothing as crimes are brazenly committed and even true God from true God.” How appropriate Light of the World, is our light as well. As recorded on cameras for the world to see. that the coming of Jesus, Who is the Light of the gifts of bread and wine are brought to the On December 10 Mr. Chemerys joined other human rights activists in awarding the World, should be proclaimed in the heav- altar at the time of the Great Entrance, we are Mr. Lutsenko the “Thistle of the Year” award, a distinction named for the prickly plant ens by a brilliant star! Not only did the star reminded that we are to be like the angels and given to politicians who fail miserably in upholding their responsibilities. shed its light upon the darkened earth, but it who sing God’s praises: “we who mystically The reason millions of Ukrainians supported the Orange Revolution was they also led the Magi to look beyond the dim represent the cherubim and sing the Thrice- believed Mr. Yushchenko and Ms. Tymoshenko would introduce the basic elements of light of their astrology, allowing themselves holy Hymn to the life-giving Trinity”; in our a healthy society – rule of law, government transparency, equality before the law. Today to be led to the Child Who Himself is the caroling, we join our voices to the angelic its failures are epitomized by an impotent police force that prostitutes its services to aid Light beyond all human understanding. In voices that filled the heavens and the earth Ukraine’s illegal builders, fraudsters and oligarchs. A new police chief is in order. the Baby, they found not only the goal of on the first Christmas: “Glory to God in the their search, but the fulfillment of their highest, and peace to all on earth.” The Christ hearts’ desire. who came seeking the welcome of the inn- Not all are as wise as the Magi, however. keepers comes to us in the Eucharist and Dec. Darker than the winter night, darker than the asks us to welcome Him into our very hearts. Turning the pages back... cave is the darkness brought into the world If we indeed receive Him with faith, our 20 by human beings who flee the light. Greater lives are transformed, and we are inspired to than the pangs of birth is the pain of those sing: “We have seen the true Light. We have who suffer injustice at the hands of those received the heavenly spirit. We have found 2000 Nine years ago, on December 20, 2000, the International who, like Herod, ruthlessly grab for power the true faith. We worship the undivided Monetary Fund (IMF) announced that it would renew a $2.6 bil- and control. Colder than the winter’s night Trinity for having saved us.” lion Extended Fund Facility loan to Ukraine, after more than a are the hearts of those who act like the inn- Our transformation is not just for our- yearlong freeze on loans by the IMF to Ukraine that began in keepers of Bethlehem: thinking only of selves: we are to become convincing icons September 1999. themselves, they selfishly enrich themselves of Christ for a world so desperate for the sal- The decision to resume the loan was made based on the progress Ukraine made in areas while depriving others of what is needed for vation that only He can give. At the great of economic reforms, including implementing a sound budget and tightening non-cash life. compline of Christmas, we sing “God is with transactions in government finances and privatization law. In the latest transfer, the National Jesus was born in a cold, dark cave us!” God is not only with us, but for us and Bank of Ukraine received a $246 million tranche, contributing to the $1.2 billion total because He had been scorned; in this as in so through us as well. When others look at us, received from the IMF. Additional tranches were based on adherence by Ukraine to the many ways, Jesus came to share every aspect may they recognize the Christ Whose light terms of the loan program. of our life: the darkness, the coldness, the we are called to reflect, Whose love we are Prime Minister Viktor Yushchenko said that the resumption of IMF crediting was a pain. We see hints of this in the icon of the called to share. “green light” for Ukraine to press on with its economic development and attract foreign Nativity: the manger in which the Baby lies Christ is born! Let us glorify Him! investment. First Deputy Managing Director Stanley Fischer noted that the banking system looks like a sarcophagus, the swaddling needed to be strengthened to combat increasing inflation. clothes remind us of the shroud in which His +Stefan Soroka Prior to the IMF loan freeze on Ukraine, relations between the two parties soured after crucified Body would be wrapped, the cave Metropolitan-Archbishop of Philadelphia allegations in Western media suggested that Ukraine had diverted the IMF funds. But in which He was born is reminiscent of the Ukraine was exonerated after an audit by Price Waterhouse cleared the NBU of charges of tomb in which His lifeless Body would be +Richard Seminack misappropriation, but confirmed the central bank had misrepresented the size of its currency laid. Jesus shared all our sufferings; in shar- Eparch of St. Nicholas in Chicago reserves. Ukraine paid back the contested sum of money as a sign of good will. ing them, however, Jesus overcame them, +Paul Chomnycky, OSBM In 2000 Ukraine was in seventh place in terms of debt owed to the IMF ($3.24 billion), and He shows us the way to do likewise. He Eparch of Stamford between the Philippines and Brazil, and repaid nearly $1.3 billion in the previous 15 months. calls to us with the arms that He would open for us on the Cross, and our hearts want to +John Bura Source: “IMF resumes lending to Ukraine,” by Yarema A. Bachynsky, The Ukrainian respond: “Like a deer that yearns for running Apostolic Administrator Weekly, December 31, 2000. streams, so my soul is yearning for you, my of St. Josaphat in Parma No. 51 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2009 9 fOr The recOrD: UccA PERSPECTIVES statement on Stalin statue The following statement was released on of reasserting Russia’s imperialist drive. The by Andrew Fedynsky December 11 by the National Office of the shock of civilized society at Russia’s Ukrainian Congress Committee of America. attempts to rehabilitate this murderer pales with the anguish felt at the foundation’s Ukrainian holiday reflections The Ukrainian Congress Committee of shameful plans to include his bust in a America (UCCA), the representative organi- sacred place of honor in the United States. zation of the 1.5 million Americans of This country, which has served as a It was the morning of December 6, the more, as far as I know.) Ukrainian descent, is outraged that a bust of beacon of hope and liberty for generations, Feast of St. Nicholas and our 6-year-old Drawn from the soil and nectar of flow- Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin will be includ- sent its sons and daughters to defend those son, Mykhas, was explaining to his 2-year ers, the recipe for kutia hasn’t changed in ed at the National D-Day Memorial in ideals. The Ukrainian American communi- old sister, Olesia, how “Mykolai” had thousands of years, going back to when Bedford, Va. ty sent its sons and daughters to defend brought the Christmas tree to our home people observing how the sun stayed just To include this brutal Communist dictator those ideals in the ranks of the Allied forc- during the night while we were all sleeping. a bit longer every day, began celebrating in the pantheon of World War II heroes, side es. Unlike comrade Stalin, the Ukrainian As proof he pointed to the trail of pine nee- the Winter Solstice as the turning point by side with such leaders as Franklin D. American community lost children on that dles stretching from our living room to the toward spring. And so, Ukrainian-style Roosevelt and Winston Churchill, is not fateful day in Normandy. Further, our front door and from there to the porch out- Christianity blends the mystery of Christ’s only morally reprehensible, but historically community suffered first-hand the horrors side and the driveway. Having dropped off birth with ancient pagan traditions: kutia, inaccurate. The response [by the National perpetrated by Stalin. UCCA membership a tree, installed the lights and then hurried putting a sheaf of wheat (“didukh,” or D-Day Memorial Foundation] that Stalin consists not only of U.S. veterans, but also upstairs to leave gifts beside the children’s grandsire) in a place of honor to personify secured the Eastern front for the Allies is veterans of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army pillows, Mykolai apparently was too rushed the souls of departed ancestors, etc. nonsense. Stalin’s attempt to expand and who fought against both of the 20th centu- to clean up. The angels assisting him were A week after Christmas, we celebrate consolidate his empire is hardly the equiva- ry’s most devastating war machines, the also busy preparing a plateful of yummy New Year’s Day, marking the turn of the lent of the Allies’ liberation of Western Nazis and the Soviets. Our membership cookies that all of us enjoyed as we deco- calendar, another number in the parade of Europe. also consists of those who survived the rated the tree the next day. years since the birth of Christ (A.D.) and Doubtless, the foundation is aware of the Holodomor, Ukraine’s genocide of That’s how the “holiday season” used those that preceded Him (B.C.). Six days fact that it was Stalin and Hitler who started 1932-1933 in which 10 million people – 3 to be in the Fedynsky household. Over the later on January 6, we celebrate Epiphany, the second world war and that comrade million of whom were children – were past few years, Mykolai – nearly 2,000 or Jordan, marking Christ’s Baptism in the Stalin played no role whatsoever in the brutally starved to death by Stalin to sup- years old now – has slowed down and no river of the same name. Normandy invasion and D-Day. press their opposition to his regime. Mass longer delivers the tree. Now, we buy our And that completes the winter season... Furthermore, between 1939 and 1941 the murder is Stalin’s legacy and genocide is own and put it up ourselves. Kids grow up only it doesn’t. Soviet Union was allied with Nazi Germany Stalin’s true “narrative thread.” and times change. Still, deeply rooted tra- God’s time is not human time and the and Hitler under the Molotov-Ribbentrop Memorials are monuments to fallen ditions live on and Mykolai is one of rotation of our planet around the sun does treaty, and together these dictators had heroes, individuals whom our children can those. not exactly track a 365-day year, and so designs to conquer the world. More impor- emulate and admire. Contemplating the St. Nicholas (270-346) was a bishop in the calendar fell so seriously out of synch tantly, the decision to include Stalin, a tyrant inclusion of one of the pre-eminent monsters Asia Minor in the early years of with the seasons that Julius Caesar decid- who sought to physically destroy those non- in human history in a memorial designed to Christianity, known for his miracles and ed to fix it in 46 B.C. He did a good job, Russian forces who actually fought the Nazi reflect the ideals of the “Greatest philanthropy. Today, he’s still very much but didn’t quite succeed and 17 centuries invaders, is incomprehensible. Generation” is not only indecent, but it dis- with us. To Ukrainians, he’s Mykolai. later the calendar was off by ten days. In The claim that the inclusion of Stalin in honors the fallen, rejects their principles Americans know him as Santa Claus. He 1582 Pope Gregory XIII decreed another the memorial is to preserve the “the narra- and, regrettably, exposes the moral and ethi- even managed to infiltrate the Communist adjustment, only many Protestant and tive thread” of D-Day is an argument that is, cal bankruptcy of the foundation. system, disguised as “Did Moroz” Orthodox countries, for political-religious at best, disingenuous. Rather, it appears that (Grandfather Frost). reasons, didn’t go along. By the 20th cen- the foundation seeks to preserve the “narra- (N.B.: The Ukrainian Weekly published What’s amazing about Mykolai is how tury, secular authorities everywhere, bow- tive thread” of current extremists in Russia an editorial on this topic in its November 29 every year he makes a local appearance, ing to practical considerations, aligned the who look to rehabilitate Stalin in the hopes issue.) taking on the look of people you actually calendar with the Gregorian model, but in know. When I was a little boy, we’d go to the religious realm the Julian model the Ukrainian National Home on West remained. And that’s why Ukrainians cel- LETTER TO THE EDITOR 14th Street for a full-fledged play with ebrate twice. songs, dances and a scary plot where the Those of us who lived through the 1960s devil himself showed up. Then, at a cru- and 1970s remember the bitter calendar The commitment tity in the forefront of the Ukrainian cial moment, Mykolai would always wars waged in many Ukrainian Catholic nation-building process (both nationally appear, walking in a stately manner from parishes when the date for Christmas was of the Yushchenkos and internationally) has earned him the the back of the hall to the stage, where he moved from the traditional January 7 to honor of a monument for this achieve- calmly swept the demon away. Then, after December 25. Mercifully, that’s past and ment. While his personal motivation for exhorting the children to be good boys wounds have largely healed. Now families Dear Editors: undertaking this mission is important, it and girls, he distributed gifts. For a time, pick one calendar or the other and invari- I am utterly dumbfounded by the con- is hardly the primary basis on which we Mykolai looked like Dr. Volodymyr ably end up observing both. cluding statements in the article “The should judge the sincerity and great Bodnar, my father’s best friend. A couple For us, it would start with Mykolai on Yushchenkos and the Holodomor” meaning of this action. years later, he more closely resembled my December 6, repeated thirteen days later (November 29) by Zenon Zawada. As a Let us not belittle the courage and uncle Modest Wolchuk. For several years, on December 19, when he came at St. scholar and historian I am shocked to magnitude of the Yushchenkos’ commit- he reminded me of Zenon Kwit. One year, Pokrova in Parma. (He still does.) Then read Mr. Zawada’s uncritical presentation ment and its much larger meaning to the he looked like my friend Ihor Kowalysko. there’s Christmas on December 25, repeat- that “The Yushchenkos’ critics argue they identity and continued development of Mykolai has been good to me. There’s ed on January 7, with New Year’s in should address the present-day genocide” Ukraine as an independent, sovereign never been a year when he hasn’t left between. On January 13, there’s a instead, citing numbers provided by the nation. something. I really appreciate the early Malanka ball, followed a week later by Institute of Demography and Social 1950s when he came to our poor immi- one of my favorites, Jordan at St. Myron O. Stachiw Research at the National Academy of grant family struggling to establish itself Vladimir’s Cathedral in Parma where on Kyiv Sciences of Ukraine which estimates that in a new country. Somehow he knew. January 19 assembled clergy stand in front “the nation’s population fell by an esti- Even in 1966 when I was studying in of a massive cross of ice, presiding over mated 1.2 million people during the We welcome your opinion Europe, he sent me a package with good- the blessing of the water. Yushchenko presidency, about one-third ies. And ever since, he’s remembered me In December and January, things slow of the Holodomor’s 3.2 million deaths.” The Ukrainian Weekly welcomes letters in one form or another, year after year. down. Schools and offices close, and we This statement is delivered without any to the editor and commentaries on a vari- The “holiday season,” however, is not take time off to celebrate, rest and wor- commentary on the outrageous nature of ety of topics of concern to the Ukrainian about Santa Claus or Mykolai. It’s about ship. Ukrainians, for better or worse, have such a comparison. First of all, of the 1.2 American and Ukrainian Canadian com- the birth of Jesus Christ. Ukrainians have found a way to extend the season, a period million decline in population, how much munities. Opinions expressed by colum- been celebrating His nativity, death and I’ve heard described fondly as “Ukrainian nists, commentators and letter-writers are is due to voluntary immigration? How resurrection since the 10th century. Ramadan.” Whatever… their own and do not necessarily reflect much to death resulting from illness? Like millions of other Ukrainian fami- Our traditions, rituals and faith have the opinions of either The Weekly edito- Most importantly, as to the absurb claim rial staff or its publisher, the Ukrainian lies, we get together on Christmas Eve for withstood the test of time, making winter of genocide, made by the president’s der- National Association. “Sviat Vechir” (Holy Evening). brighter and warmer as we enjoy family, ractor’s were there direct government Letters should be typed and signed (anon- Technically, we’re fasting because it’s ancestry and community. This year, the orders to destroy a particular group or ymous letters are not published). Letters are meatless, but actually it’s a 12-course end of the season in Ukraine coincides segment of society? accepted also via e-mail at staff@ukrweek- feast. Invariably, someone jokes about with a momentous election on January 17. While there are many reasons to be ly.com. The daytime phone number and tossing “kutia” to the ceiling to see what May God guide the candidates and elec- critical of and disappointed in the address of the letter-writer must be given sticks. Kutia, for the uninitiated, is a desert torate this holiday to make good choices for verification purposes. Please note that a Yushchenko presidency, I feel that Mr. made of honey, poppyseed and boiled for their country and families. And to all: daytime phone number is essential in order Yushchenko’s focus on placing the criti- wheat kernels. The ritual, whose origins Veselykh Sviat! for editors to contact letter-writers regarding cal discussion, evaluation and commemo- clarifications or questions. are lost in time, divines the future based ration of Ukrainian (in its widest sense) Please note: THE LENGTH OF LETTERS on the pattern the spatter leaves on the Andrew Fedynsky’s e-mail address is cultural and historical memory and iden- CANNOT EXCEED 500 WORDS. ceiling. (No one actually does this any- [email protected]. 10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2009 No. 51 HURI co-sponsors exhibit on Mazepa’s impact on non-Ukrainian art by Peter T. Woloschuk tion inspired by Hetman Mazepa given by of the concepts of betrayal, disloyalty and Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m.-10 a.m.; Dr. Lubomyr Hajda, associate director of treason; and, for still others, a national hero Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Saturday 1-5 p.m.; CAMBRIDGE, Mass. – Harvard HURI, in the library’s Spaulding Room, on and liberator. and Sunday, 1-10 p.m. University’s Ukrainian Research Institute Monday evening, November 9. The lecture The multiplicities of Mazepa’s life, per- (HURI) and Loeb Music Library have also served as the opening event of the insti- sonality and deeds, and their ongoing impact joined forces to co-sponsor the exhibit tute’s International Conference on Poltava are vividly represented in the selected liter- “Hetman of Ukraine, Ivan Mazepa, and drew almost 100 conference partici- ary, musical and artistic works on display. 1639-1709, The Cultural Legend,” which pants, as well as members of Harvard’s aca- The exhibit is arranged in such a way that it explores the impact that the story of Hetman demic community and greater Boston’s is also clear that the various represented Mazepa’s turbulent youth, political promise Ukrainian community. works mutually reinforced and inspired the and ultimate tragic fate had on poets, novel- Soldier and poet, statesman and intriguer, artists who produced them. ists, composers, and painters around the lover in youth and old age, patron of the The exhibit is on display in the library’s world, and, most particularly, in the 19th Church, architecture and the arts, Hetman Richard French Gallery in five large cases century. Mazepa has provided, and continues to pro- and two vitrines, and consists of some of The exhibit was conceived as part of the vide, rich material for the creative imagina- the original scores for the 19 known operas institute’s commemoration of the 300th tion for the last 300 years. For some, he dealing with Mazepa, as well as other anniversary of the Battle of Poltava and was became the Promethean archetype of unre- musical texts; copies of novels, poems and opened with a lecture on the artistic produc- strained genius; for others, the embodiment other printed works; and artistic works including paintings, lithographs, woodcuts and ceramics. The exhibit runs through Friday, January 29, 2010. The Loeb Music Library is located in Harvard’s Music Building, 1 Oxford St., and is open Two depictions of Ivan Mazepa from the Dnipropetrovsk Museum: Above, a por- trait by an unknown artist of the young Hetman Ivan Mazepa shortly after his elec- tion while he was still a courtier of Peter I. At left, a 19th century French painting by Emile Vernet showing Mazepa tied to the back of a wild horse and driven into the steppe where he was pursued by wolves. The punishment was meted out by the Polish Nobleman Pasek, who charged that Mazepa had seduced his wife. Holodomor exhibit held at United Nations Program honors Raphael Lemkin, Gareth Jones NEW YORK – On Monday, November pared to expose the true nature of the totali- 23, in the presence of many United Nations tarian Soviet regime that resulted in the diplomats, an archival photo exhibit dedicat- 1932-1933 Famine.” ed to the 76th anniversary of the Holodomor She continued by stating that the panels was opened at the United Nations. The eve- are “displayed in chronological order to pro- ning also honored the distinguished legal vide the viewer with an overall picture of scholar Raphael Lemkin and the courageous the motives and methods used to kill up to journalist Gareth Jones. 10 million innocent men, women and chil- The event was hosted by Ukraine’s dren… in the hopes that this educational Permanent Mission to the United States, and exhibit will shed light on one of darkest Ambassador Yuriy Sergeyev opened the pages of Ukraine’s history… and perhaps proceedings by paying tribute to the millions the most extreme example of the use of food of innocent victims who perished during the as a weapon.” Famine-Genocide of 1932-1933 and thank- The program continued with the ambas- ing the diplomats in attendance for their sador’s introduction of Nigel Colley, the “solidarity, sympathy and participation.” He grandnephew of Jones, “the fearless, uncom- noted that, “We are confident that through promising Welsh journalist who traveled to such commemorations we are achieving Ukraine during the Holodomor.” Thanking [our] main goal – avoiding similar crimes in Dr. Colley for his work, Ambassador the future.” Sergeyev emphasized that a “huge part of Thanking the Ukrainian Congress this tragic history would have been lost for- Committee of America for preparing the ever” had Jones not recorded his findings in exhibit, Ambassador Sergeyev then intro- his personal diaries. duced Ivanka Zajac, president of the Mr. Colley opened his remarks by noting UCCA’s New York City branch, who briefly that just last week 180 newspapers across relayed the horrors of the Holodomor and the world reported the remarkable story of described the display, stating that the archi- Jones and his graphic eyewitness accounts val photos were recently released by the security services and the exhibit was “pre- (Continued on page 27) Nigel Colley in front of panels at the Holodomor exhibit at the United Nations.