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Preview The UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey ZYJHK Photometric System: Passbands and Synthetic Colours

Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,000–000 (0000) Printed5February2008 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) ZY JHK The UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey Photometric System: Passbands and Synthetic Colours P. C. Hewett,1 S. J. Warren,2 S. K. Leggett,3 S. T. Hodgkin1 1Institute of Astronomy, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0HA 6 2Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine, Prince Consort Rd, London SW7 2AZ 0 3United Kingdom Infrared Telescope, Joint Astronomy Centre, 660 North A‘ohoku Place, Hilo, HI 96720 0 2 n a Accepted Receivedinoriginalform J 6 2 ABSTRACT 1 The UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey is a set of five surveys of complementary v combinations of area, depth, and Galactic latitude, which began in 2005 May. The 2 surveys use the UKIRT Wide Field Camera (WFCAM), which has a solid angle of 9 0.21deg2.Hereweintroduceandcharacterisethe ZYJHK photometricsystemofthe 5 camera, which covers the wavelength range 0.83−2.37µm. We synthesise response 1 functions for the five passbands, and compute colours in the WFCAM, SDSS and 0 6 2MASS bands, for brown dwarfs, stars, galaxies and quasars of different types. We 0 provide a recipe for others to compute colours from their own spectra. Calculations / are presented in the Vega system, and the computed offsets to the AB system are h provided, as well as colour equations between WFCAM filters and the SDSS and p 2MASS passbands. We highlight the opportunities presented by the new Y filter at - o 0.97−1.07µm for surveys for hypothetical Y dwarfs (brown dwarfs cooler than T), r and for quasars of very–highredshift, z >6.4. t s a Key words: surveys, infrared: general : v i X r 1 INTRODUCTION Vega–based magnitudes in the SDSSsystem havebeen cal- a culated by assuming that Vega has zero magnitude in the TheUKIRTInfraredDeepSkySurvey(UKIDSS,Lawrence u, g, r, i and z passbands. Appropriate zero–point offsets et al. 2006, in preparation) commenced on 2005 May 13, to allow conversion to the AB system are given in Section and is a set of five surveys of complementary combina- 4.6. Quotedsurveydepthscorrespond to5σ significancefor tions of depthand area, employing the wavelength range a point source. 0.83−2.37µm in up to five filters ZYJHK, and extend- ThesurveyinstrumentistheWideFieldCamera(WF- ing over both high and low Galactic latitude regions of the CAM)ontheUnitedKingdomInfraredTelescope(UKIRT). sky. The new Z band, 0.84 − 0.93µm, and the Y band, A detailed description of the instrument is provided by 0.97−1.07µm,introducedbyWarren&Hewett(2002),are Casali et al. (2006). The camera has four Rockwell Hawaii- both characterised in this paper. It is anticipated that the II 20482 PACE arrays, with pixel scale 0.4′′, giving a solid surveys will take seven years to complete. This paper char- angleof0.21deg2 perexposure.Atthetimeofcommission- acterisesthephotometricsystemofthesurvey,andpresents ing,2004November,theinstrument´etendue1of2.38m2deg2 synthetic colours of a wide variety of sources. The paper is was the largest of any near-infrared imager in the world. oneofasetoffivewhichprovidethereferencetechnicaldoc- TheCanadaFranceHawaii Telescope WIRCam instrument umentation for UKIDSS. The other four papers, described (Pugetetal.2004)coversasolidangleof0.11deg2perexpo- below, are Casali et al. (2006, in preparation), Lawrence et suregivingan´etendueof1.22m2deg2.WFCAMislikelyto al. (2006), Irwin et al. (2006, in preparation) and Hambly remainasthenear–infraredimagerwiththelargest´etendue et al. (2006, in preparation). in the world until completion of the near–infrared camera In this paper all quoted magnitudes are on the Vega for VISTA (Dalton et al. 2004). Consequently WFCAM system. We use the nomenclature Z, Y, J, H, K for mag- provides the opportunity for new wide surveys, to depths nitudes in thefive bandsused by UKIDSS;J2, H2, K2 for thebandsofthe2Micron AllSkySurvey(2MASS,Cutriet al. 2003), and u, g,r, i, z for thenative bandsof theSloan 1 product of telescope collecting area, and solidangle of instru- DigitalSkySurvey(SDSS,Yorketal.2000)2.5mtelescope. mentfieldofview,sometimescalledgrasp 2 Hewett et al. substantially deeper than reached by 2MASS. WFCAM is J, H and K bands have been manufactured to the MKO a common–user instrument, but it is anticipated that the specifications. majority of WFCAM observing time will be devoted to Key science goals of UKIDSS include a census of very UKIDSS. lowtemperaturebrowndwarfs(Section5.2.2)andtheiden- The scope, layout, and broad science goals of the five tificationofquasarswithredshiftsbeyondthecurrentmaxi- components of UKIDSS are described by Lawrence et al. mumreachedbySDSS,z=6.4(Section5.4).Toenablesuch (2006). There are three surveys targeting extraGalactic goals,anovelfeatureofUKIDSSistheextensionofimaging fields. The Large Area Survey (LAS) is a wide, relatively observations to wavelengths shortward of 1.2µm where the shallow survey that will cover 4000deg2 from within the availability of broadband colours improves the discrimina- footprintoftheSDSS,inthefourbandsYJHK.Thedepth, tion between brown dwarfs and high-redshift quasars. K = 18.4, will be some 3mag. deeper than 2MASS. The Attheinterfacebetweenconventionalopticalandnear- DeepExtragalacticSurvey(DXS),isofintermediatedepth, infrared observations the SDSS z-band has in practice be- K = 21.0, and will cover 35deg2 in J and K. The deepest come the “standard” and the availability of extensive sky- survey is the Ultra Deep Survey (UDS), which will cover coverage in the z-band from the SDSS is an important ele- 0.78deg2 in JHK toadepthK =23.0. Thentherearetwo mentfortheexploitationoftheUKIDSSLAS.Thereisthus surveystargetingGalacticfields.TheGalacticPlaneSurvey an argument for incorporating the SDSS z-band, or a very (GPS) will coversome 1800deg2, defined bythe sections of closeapproximationtotheband,intotheUKIDSSfilterset. the Galactic–latitude band −5◦ < b < +5◦ that are con- However,whiletheSDSSz-bandimagingisextensive,afea- tainedwithintheDeclinationlimits−15◦ <δ<+60◦.This tureofthepassbandisanextendedtailintheresponsecurve regionwillbeimagedinJHK toadepthK =19.0.Finally, extendingtolongwavelengths.TheSEDsoflow-massstars, theGalacticClustersSurveywillimage11stellaropenclus- browndwarfsandhigh-redshiftquasarsinvolvebothsteeply ters and star–formation associations, covering 1400deg2, in rising flux distributions towards red wavelengths, coupled all fivebands ZYJHK, to a depth K =18.7. with large spectral discontinuities. As a result, the magni- For typicalobservingprogrammes, WFCAMwill accu- tude difference between the SDSS z-band and a passband mulatedataattherateofapproximately1Tbperweek.All with a more rectangular or Gaussian transmission profile WFCAM data are processed by an automated pipeline, de- can be large for red objects. Furthermore, the form of the scribed by Irwin et al. (2006). The pipeline flat-fields the extended red tail in the SDSS z-band is defined by the de- data,subtractsthecountsfromthebackgroundsky,detects cliningCCDdetectorquantumefficiencyandisalsoaffected and parameterises objects, and performs the photometric by strong atmospheric absorption at 0.93−0.97µm, mak- and astrometric calibrations. The reducedframes and cata- ing the synthesis of a passband closely similar to the SDSS logues are ingested into the WFCAM Science Archive, de- z-band impractical. For these reasons a new Z-band filter scribedbyHamblyetal.(2006).Aprocessofcurationresults has been designed for use with WFCAM. The specification in seamless images and catalogues, matched across bands. involves: an effective wavelength of 0.882µm (close to the Access to the data is through a flexible query tool, which effectivewavelength of theSDSSz-band),close toconstant allows SQL commands for sophisticated searches. transmission over a 0.06µm wavelength range, and cut–on The present paper characterises the photometric sys- and cut–off profiles very similar to theMKO JHK filters. tem defined by the WFCAM ZYJHK broadband filters. The wavelength interval between 0.9µm and 1.2µm Thelayoutof theofthepaperisasfollows. InSection 2we has,untilnow,beenlargelyunexploited.Thelowsensitivity explainthedesignofthefivepassbands,inSection3weex- of most optical CCD detectorsat ∼1µm,coupled with the plain theprocedureforcomputingsyntheticcolours, andin relatively brightsky-backgroundcurtailed interest from op- Section4assembletherequiredingredients.InSection5we ticalastronomers.Forinfraredastronomers,thelackoflarge presentthesyntheticcoloursofavarietyofnon–degenerate near-infrareddetectors,thatwouldenablewide-fieldsurveys and degeneratestars, galaxies, and quasars. Finally,in Sec- to be undertaken, has meant that observations at ∼ 1µm tion 6 we compute colour equations between certain WF- would be of interest in only a few specialised applications. CAM, SDSS, and 2MASS filters. A future paper (Hodgkin Forthefirsttime, thetechnological advancerepresented by et al. 2006, in preparation) will describe the results of cal- the commissioning of WFCAM allows wide-field observa- ibration observations with the instrument, and present the tionswith an instrumentthatpossesses highthroughputat measured colour terms. These twopapers, then,are similar ∼ 1µm. Scientifically, the aim of detecting bright quasars in aim to the SDSS papers by Fukugita et al. (1996) and with redshifts as high as z = 7.2, provides a strong moti- Smith et al. (2002). vationforobtainingbroadbandobservationsatwavelengths between the Z and J bands. Tothisend,Warren&Hewett (2002) proposed aspec- ification for a new Y-band filter with an effective wave- length of 1.03µm. Hillenbrand et al. (2002) have also de- 2 THE WFCAM ZYJHK PHOTOMETRIC fined and characterised a Y-band filter with a similar effec- SYSTEM tivewavelengthbutasubstantiallygreaterwidth.Theratio- Extensiveworkonthespecificationofoptimalpassbandsin naleforthechoiceofthenarrowerY bandinvolvesavoiding the near-infrared has led to the development of the Mauna the wavelength region that suffers from significant atmo- Kea Observatories (MKO) near-infrared filter set that in- sphericabsorption byadopting abluecut-on wavelength of cludes JHKL′M′ bandpasses (Simons & Tokunaga 2002; ≃0.97µm.Attheredendofthepassband,theonsetofvery Tokunaga, Simons & Vacca 2002). The MKO filters have strong emission from OH lines occurs at 1.07µm. This in- beenadoptedwidelyandthefilterschosenfortheWFCAM creasesthesignalfromtheskybackgroundsignificantlyand The UKIDSS Photometric System 3 the Warren & Hewett Y-band cut–off wavelength is cho- Table 1.Wavelength dependence ofarraydetector q.e. sen to be ≃ 1.07µm in order to reduce the effect of the skybackground.Thenarrowerpassbandalsohasthesignifi- cantadvantageofallowingimproveddiscriminationbetween λµm 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.6 2.2 high-redshift quasars and T dwarfs, by some 0.15mag. The q.e. 0.53 0.55 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.57 0.62 0.61 narrower Y-band specification has therefore been adopted for the UKIDSS Y-band filter and several other observato- ries have also decided to incorporate the narrower Y-band matter to compute adjustments to any quantities provided specification in their filter sets (A. Tokunaga, private com- here. munication). Extensive work has been undertaken to determine the absolute flux-distribution of Vega from the ultraviolet through near-infrared wavelengths (e.g. Bohlin & Gilliland (2004);Cohen,Wheaton&Megeath(2003))butuncertainty 3 SYNTHETIC PHOTOMETRY atthe2%levelremains(seeTokunaga&Vacca(2005)fora All calculations of magnitudes and colours have been un- recentdiscussion).Aparticularconcerniswhetherthenear- dertaken using the synphot package in the Space Tele- infraredabsolutefluxesofVegashouldbeincreasedby≃2% scope Science Data Analysis System. The mean flux den- relativetothoseintheoptical.Whilethebasisforthecalcu- sity,fλ(P),in a broad passband definedbyadimensionless lationofthemagnitudesandcolourspresentedhereisclear, bandpass throughputfunction, P(λ),is calculated as: i.e. the Bohlin & Gilliland Vega spectrum has zero magni- tudefor allpassbands,ifsystematicoffsetsinmagnitudeor f (P)= R P(λ)fλ(λ)λdλ (1) colour at thefew percent levelare an issue for aparticular λ R P(λ)λdλ application, careful reference should be made to the above emphasisedstatementsonthezero-pointsdefinition,andthe wheref (λ)isthefluxdensityofthetargetobject(Syn- λ photUserGuide19982).Theassociated zero-pointiscalcu- adopted SED for Vega. lated by evaluating the same expression for a spectropho- tometric standard star, Vega in our case, “observed” us- ing the identical passband function P(λ). The technique is thus differential in nature and mimics the procedure un- 4 RESPONSE FUNCTIONS dertakenwhenperformingactualphotometricobservations, calibrated by observations of standard stars. The shape of Passband response functions have been computed by the throughput function is the key element in the calcula- taken into consideration all wavelength–dependent quan- tion, although, for all but the most pathological of target tities, including atmospheric absorption, mirror reflec- SEDs, errors in the form of the throughput function cancel tivity, filter transmission, and array quantum efficiency. tofirst-orderbecausethezero-pointdefinedbythestandard Wavelength–independent quantities are irrelevant for syn- star is calculated using thesame throughputfunction. thesisingcolours,buthavebeenincludedbynormalisingthe Synphot employs a reference SED for Vega from computed curves to the measured total system throughput Bohlin&Gilliland(2004).SinceinthesystemoftheUKIRT established from observations of standard stars. This result Faint Standards (Hawarden et al. 2001), that will be used ispreliminary,andtheoverallwavelength–independentnor- tocalibrateUKIDSS,VegahaszeromagnitudeinJ,H,and malisation applied is subject to revision. K,whereasintheJohnsonUBV systemVegahasnon–zero magnitudes, care must be taken in defining zero-points. In this paper the zero-points in all the UKIDSS, SDSS, and 2MASS bands are defined by Vega having zero magnitude. 4.1 Atmospheric Transmission Zero-pointoffsetstotheABsystemusedtobringtheSDSS The effect of atmospheric transmission was quantified us- bands onto the Vega system are provided in Section 4.6. ing the ATRAN code (Lord 1992). Models were generated Transfer to a system in which Vega has non-zero magni- over the wavelength range 0.8−2.5µm with a resolution tude(as is thecase for some near–infrared systems) can be of 3˚A using atmospheric parameters appropriate for obser- achieved by a simple zero-point shift. vations from Mauna Kea. Using four values for the airmass (1.0, 1.3, 1.6 and 2.0) and four values for the precipitable water-vapour (1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 5.0mm) resulted in a total 3.1 Accuracy of zero points of 16 models. The vast majority of the UKIDSS observa- We assume that the spectrum of Vega provided by Bohlin tions are expected to be performed at airmass 61.3 with a & Gilliland(2004) is an accurate representation of the true water-columnof≃1.0mm.However,moreextremeairmass SED. Employing this spectrum as the basis for the calcu- values and water-columns up to 5mm were included to al- lations presented here ensures that the results are repro- low investigation of the passband behaviour in both poor duciblebyothers.IfanimproveddeterminationoftheVega conditions on Mauna Kea and for sites with much larger spectrum becomes available it would therefore be a simple valuesofprecipitablewater-vapour,suchasthoseemployed for 2MASS. The impact of Rayleigh scattering and aerosol scattering(Hayes&Latham1975)ontheshapeofthepass- 2 http://www.stsci.edu/resources/software hardware/ bandsisinsignificantgivenourtargetphotometricaccuracy stsdas/synphot and no attempt has been made to include theireffects. 4 Hewett et al. 4.2 Telescope, Instrument and Detector showsthatthevariationsbetweenfiltersproducedifferences in the photometry of at most 0.01 magnitudes. Lightenteringthetelescopeundergoesthreereflectionsfrom aluminium-coatedmirrors(telescopeprimary,telescopesec- ondary andone reflection within WFCAM) before reaching 4.4 Summary: WFCAM system throughput the detectors. The variation in reflectivity at short infrared curves wavelengths, relevant for the Z and Y bands, is significant and three reflections from aluminium have been incorpo- Fig.1showstheZYJHK passbandtransmissioncurvesfor: rated in the calculation of the passbands using data from i)noatmosphere,ii)typicalatmosphericconditions,airmass Hass & Hadley (1963). 1.3 and 1.0mm of precipitable water-vapour, and iii) ex- Transmission measurements over the wavelength range treme atmospheric conditions, airmass 2.0 and 5.0mm of of interest for the remaining optical components within precipitable water-vapour. the WFCAM instrument show no variations exceeding 1%, The MKO JHK filter transmissions were developed and constant transmission, independent of wavelength, has with the aim of minimising the effects of variable atmo- therefore been adopted. spherictransmission dueprimarily tothechangeinthewa- The quantum efficiency of the Rockwell Hawaii-II ter content of the atmosphere. The same philosophy was 2048×2048 HgCdTe detectors increases approximately lin- adoptedinthedesignofthenewZ andY filters.Theresult early with wavelength. The change across the individual isareassuringstabilityoftheUKIDSSZYJHKsystemover passbandsamountstoonlyafewpercentbutthevariation awiderangeofatmosphericconditions.Thereareessentially in quantumefficiency has been incorporated in thecalcula- nodifferencesinthephotometryatthe>0.01maglevelfor tion of thepassbandsusingdata for atypicaldevice(Table objects with non-pathological SEDs for observations made 1).Themeasurementsat 1.2, 1.6, and 2.2µm arethevalues throughprecipitablewater-vapourcolumnsof63.0mmand supplied by the manufacturer, multiplied by 0.8. This fac- at airmasses in therange 1.0−1.6. tor accounts for an error in the computed gain used by the The insensitivity of the WFCAM ZYJHK system to manufacturer, as a consequence of covariance between pix- atmospheric properties is evident from consideration of ob- els.Toobtaintheremainingvaluesinthetable,therelative servations of the full range of stellar types included in the quantum efficiency across the interesting wavelength range Bruzual–Persson–Gunn–Stryker atlas (Section 5.1.1). Even wasmeasuredbytheWFCAMteam(Casalietal,2006),and for observations made at an airmass of 2.0 through an thevalueswerenormalisedtothemanufacturer’spoints.We extreme atmospheric model for Mauna Kea that includes have interpolated between the points in the table, with the 5.0mm of water-vapour (Fig. 1), only in the Z-band, for quantum efficiency assumed to be constant for wavelengths a narrow range of stellar type (M6-M8), are differences in >2.2µm. the photometry that exceed > 0.01mag level evident. The differences in the Z-band, compared to observations made in excellent conditions,amount tonomorethan 0.015 mag for thenarrow rangeof late-M spectral types.Similarly, for 4.3 Filters the adopted quasar SED (Section 5.4), differences between observations made through the extrema of the atmospheric Thefiltertransmission curvesarefromlaboratory measure- models differ by less than 0.02mag for redshifts z < 6.2. ments at 10˚A intervals, made by the WFCAM team. The Only at redshifts (z ∼ 6.5) where the very strong spectral measurements were undertaken at room temperature. The discontinuity at Lyman-α 1216˚A coincides with the atmo- dependence of the filter cut-on and cut-off wavelengths as sphericabsorption at 9000−9200˚AintheZ-banddoesthe a function of temperature was measured by the manufac- photometry differ by more than 0.1mag, reaching a maxi- turers. Filter transmission curves appropriate for the oper- mum of 0.2mag. atingtemperature(120K)oftheWFCAMinstrumentwere Syntheticphotometry for such truly unusualSEDs ob- then derived by us by applying the measured temperature servedthroughthemostextremeatmosphericmodelscanbe dependenceatthecut–onandcut–offwavelengths,withlin- obtained using the appropriate transmission curves. How- ear interpolation adopted for wavelengths between the two ever, for the calculations presented in this paper we have reference points.FortheZ filterthemeasured temperature adopted the passband transmission curves based on obser- dependencewasconsistentwithnochangeandthetransmis- vations at an airmass of 1.3 through an atmosphere with sionprofilemeasuredatroomtemperaturewasused.Atthe 1.0mm of precipitable water-vapour, typical of the condi- otherextreme,theK-filterexhibitsashiftof≃0.035µm,or tions under which the majority of UKIDSS data are likely ∼ 10% of the bandwidth, and the use of the temperature– tobeobtained. Thesedefault ZYJHK passband transmis- corrected profiles is important when calculating passbands. sionsareprovidedinTables2–6,eachofwhichlistsincol.1 The transmission measurements were undertaken from the wavelength in µm and in col. 2. the fractional through- 0.4µm outtobeyond3.0µm,wheretheWFCAMdetectors put. possessnosensitivity.Withtheexceptionofaninsignificant narrow “blue leak” of height 1% at ≃ 0.792µm for the Y filter, no leaks above the 0.1% specification requirement 4.5 SDSS and 2MASS Passbands were present in any of thefilter transmission curves. Thetransmissioncurvespresentedherearederivedfrom TheSDSSpassbandsarebasedondataobtainedbyJ.Gunn a single filter in each band — four filters per band are nec- tocalculatethe“June2001”versionoftheSDSSpassbands, essary to cover the detector arrays in WFCAM — but in- which were kindly supplied by X. Fan. The passbands are tercomparison of the four transmission curves in each band identical to those provided on-line with the recent SDSS The UKIDSS Photometric System 5 Figure 1.Transmissioncurves, fromabove atmosphere to detector, for the WFCAMfilter set. Three curves areshownfor each band. Theupper,thick,curveisfornoatmosphericabsorption.Themiddle,thick,curveisforthedefaultatmosphericconditions(1.3airmass, 1.0mm water), and the lower, thin, curve is for extreme atmospheric conditions (2.0 airmass, 5.0 mm water). These curves have been computedonthebasisofmeasurementormodelingoftherelevantwavelength–dependentquantities.Anoverallwavelength–independent normalisation has been applied to match the photon count rate measured for standard stars with the instrument. The calculation is preliminaryandthewavelength–independent normalisationissubjecttorevision. Table 7.ConversiontoABmag. magnitude. The former quantity is quantified in another way in col. 5, as the magnitude offset to convert the Vega- basedmagnitudesontotheAB-magnitudesystem(Okeand band λµemff JSy flWuxm−de2nµs−it1y oAffsBet −Gu2.n5nl,og1f9ν83()e,rgws−he1rcem−w2eHhza−v1e)+u4se8d.60t.hTehdeevfianliutieosnfoArtBhνeJ=, u 0.3546 1545 3.66×10−8 0.927 H,andK bandscomputedbyTokunagaandVacca(2005), g 0.4670 3991 5.41×10−8 -0.103 for theMKO system, are virtually identical. This is a coin- r 0.6156 3174 2.50×10−8 0.146 i 0.7471 2593 1.39×10−8 0.366 cidence,however,astheyemployedaslightly differentSED z 0.8918 2222 8.32×10−9 0.533 forVega,andadifferentzero–pointoftheABsystem,these Z 0.8817 2232 8.59×10−9 0.528 two differences closely cancelling each other. Y 1.0305 2026 5.71×10−9 0.634 J 1.2483 1530 2.94×10−9 0.938 H 1.6313 1019 1.14×10−9 1.379 K 2.2010 631 3.89×10−10 1.900 5 SYNTHETIC COLOURS OF STARS, GALAXIES, AND QUASARS DR4 release. The passbands are appropriate for the obser- In this section we use the apparatus described in Sections vation of point sources from Apache Point Observatory at 3 and 4, to synthesise colours of a wide range of sources an airmass of 1.3. — stars, galaxies, and quasars — to illustrate the colours The2MASSpassbandswerederivedbytakingtherela- of the types of objects expected to appear in the surveys. tivespectralresponsecurvesgivenbyCohenetal.(2003),di- Thefollowing sub–sections detail theorigins of thespectra, vidingbywavelengthandrenormalisingtoproduceatrans- and tabulate the results for each class of object. Fig. 2 (for mission function, P(λ),as employed in equation 1. brown dwarfs, stars and quasars) and Fig. 3 (for galaxies) illustrate the Z, Y, J, H, K, colours which are discussed intherelevantsub-sectionsthatfollow.Becauseofthewide 4.6 AB system offsets rangeofcomputedcolours,ineachofthetwofigurestheleft– In Table 7 we list the filters and provide in col. 2 the handsetofpanelsandtheright-handsetofpanelsshowthe computedeffectivewavelength,definedaccordingtoSchnei- same two–colour diagrams at different scales. As discussed der, Gunn & Hoessel (1983) (see equation 3 in Fukugita in Section 4.4 all calculations presented employ the pass- et al. 1996). Cols 3 and 4 list the flux-density of an ob- band transmission functions appropriate to observations at ject spectrum, of constant flux density in both Jy and airmass 1.3 through an atmosphere with 1.0mm of precip- Wm−2µ−1, over each passband, that corresponds to zero itable water-vapour. 6 Hewett et al. The results shown here may be reproduced by taking are typically 3%. Deviations between the measured JHK the tabulated passband transmissions, P(λ) (Tables 2-6), colours and the slopes of the spectra are 1-5%. Hence the andevaluatingthequantityf (P)definedinequation1,for errors in the predicted colours of the M-dwarfs, and the L λ a particular object SED (provided in the form f (λ)). The and T dwarfs discussed in Section 5.2.1, are expected to be λ zero-pointisderivedbyperformingthesamecalculation for 0.03-0.06mag. theBohlin&Gilliland(2004)Vegaspectrum.Coloursinthe InFig.2thecoloursofBPGSdwarfscoveringtherange same system may be computed for any object of specified of spectral typesfrom O toK, areplotted as bluefilled cir- SED by following this procedure. cles.Mdwarfsareplottedasgreenopencircles, andextend thecoloursequencedisplayedbytheOtoKdwarfstoredder colours. 5.1 Non-degenerate stars: the BPGS spectrophotometric atlas, and additional M dwarfs 5.1.1 BPGS spectrophotometric atlas The Bruzual–Persson–Gunn–Stryker (BPGS) atlas is a database of spectrophotometry of 175 stars, of a 5.2 Degenerate stars: L and T dwarfs, model Y wide range of spectral type and luminosity class, dwarfs, and cool white dwarfs spanning the optical and near–ir wavelength range. 5.2.1 L and T dwarfs The atlas itself is unpublished, but is available at e.g. http://www.stsci.edu/hst/observatory/cdbs/bpgs.html. Coloursof30Ldwarfsand22Tdwarfshavebeencomputed TheopticalspectracomprisetheGunn–Strykeratlas(Gunn fromspectracoveringthewavelengthrangeitoK,collated & Stryker, 1983). Most of the near-infrared data come from the following references: Burgasser et al. (2003), Chiu from Strecker, Erickson & Witteborn (1979), while the et al. (2006), Cruzet al. (2003), Fan et al. (2000a), Geballe remainderareunpublished.Stars1–12,70–77, 173, and174 et al. (1996), Geballe et al. (2001), Geballe et al (2002), have been omitted from the calculations due to incomplete Kirkpatrick, Beichman & Skrutskie (1997), Kirkpatrick et wavelength coverage. Stars169, and170 werealso excluded al. (1999b), Kirkpatrick et al. (2000), Knapp et al. (2004), because of an apparent mismatch between the amplitudes Leggett et al. (2000; 2001; 2002a; 2002b), Liebert et al. of the optical and near-infrared spectra. (2000), McLean et al. (2003), Reid et al. (2001), Schultz ThesynthesisedcoloursoftheBPGSstarsareprovided et al. (1998), Strauss et al. (1999), Tinney et al. (1998), inTable8.Thefirst12columnslistcoloursfromutoK,and and Tsvetanov et al. (2000). In Table 10, cols 1−9 pro- columns 13−15 list successively the spectral classification, videcoloursovertherangeitoK,col.10givestheK-band theBPGSreferencenumberandthenameofthestar,taken absolute magnitude, MK, with the source of the parallax from Gunn & Stryker(1983), if provided. determination indicated, col. 11 provides the spectral clas- sification and col. 12 lists the object name. As with the M dwarfs, in a few cases the spectrum does not cover the en- 5.1.2 Additional M dwarfs tire i band, and the i−z entry is consequently blank. The The BPGS atlas contains spectra of only six M dwarfs. accuracy of the synthetic colours that include the i, Z, Y Therefore we havesupplemented the list with spectra of 15 bandsissubjecttothesameremarksmadeaboveinrelation M dwarfs covering the wavelength range i to K, collated to theM dwarfs. from thefollowing references:Geballeetal.(2002),Hawley, The colours of very cool stars, of spectral type M, L, Gizis & Reid (1996), Henry, Kirkpatrick & Simons (1996), andT,acrosstheWFCAMbands,deservecomment.Inthe Kirkpatrick,Henry & Simons (1995), Leggett et al. (2000a; J−H vs H−K two-colour diagram, Fig. 2, moving down 2001; 2002a), McLean et al. (2003), and Reid, Hawley & the brown dwarf sequence, the early L stars firstly extend Gizis (1995). In Table 9, cols 1− 9 provide colours over the O to M colour sequence to redder colours. Moving to the range i to K, col. 10 gives the K-band absolute mag- cooler temperatures the colours reverse and track back up nitude, MK, with the source of the parallax determination the colour sequence, becoming successively bluer, until the indicated,col.11providesthespectralclassificationandcol. coolestTdwarfsarebluerthanOstars(duetothepresence 12 the object name. In a few cases the spectrum does not ofstrongabsorption bandsofwater,methaneandpressure- cover the entire i band, and the i−z entry is consequently induced H ; see e.g. Burgasser et al. 2002; Geballe et al. 2 blank. The spectra were observed in a small number (e.g. 2002). The consequence is that over a broad temperature three) of sections, each spectrophotometrically calibrated. range,frommidLtomidT,theJ−H vsH−K two–colour Toaccount fordifferentialslit losses, thesectionsofspectra diagram is ineffective for distinguishing brown dwarfs from were calibrated absolutely using published photometry, in hydrogen burningstars. A two-colour diagram involving Z, J, H, and K, and frequently in a wide Z filter that covers suchasZ−J vsJ−H separatesthetwopopulations.Nev- theentirerangeoftheWFCAMZ andY filters.Theresult ertheless very deep observations would be required in Z to is that our synthesised colours to a large extent simply re- detect the coolest T dwarfs, which have Z−J ∼4. The Y produce the published colours in the J, H, and K bands, bandprovidesacompromisesolution.IntheY −J vsJ−H whereas colours that include the i, Z, and Y bands involve diagram,plottedinthemiddlepanelsinFig.2,itisseenthat adegreeofinterpolationorextrapolation,andthereforewill browndwarfshaveapproximatelyconstantY−J ∼1.2,red- belessaccurate.Theuncertaintiesinthespectralfluxes(at der than the M stars, while the J −H colour (or J −K) wavelengths within the WFCAM photometric passbands) separates theL dwarfs from theT dwarfs. The UKIDSS Photometric System 7 Figure2.Toptobottom,three2–colourdiagramsofstellarsources,cyclingthroughthecoloursequenceZ−Y,Y −J,J−H,H−K. • Eachright–hand panel isa2× expanded viewof partofthe correspondingleft–hand panel. Key:BPGSO–K dwarfsblue ;Mdwarfs green(cid:13);Ldwarfsorange N;T dwarfsred△;Burrowsmodel cool browndwarfspurple (cid:4);Marleymodel cool browndwarfspurple (cid:3); quasars 0 < z < 8.5, ∆z = 0.1, solid black line, z = 0 marked by open hexagon; H white dwarfs dotted black line, He white dwarfs 8 Hewett et al. Figure 3.Topto bottom, three 2–colour diagrams ofhypeprz galaxy templates, redshiftrange0<z<3.6, ∆z=0.1, cyclingthrough thecoloursequenceZ−Y,Y −J,J−H,H−K.Eachright–handpanelisa2×expandedviewofpartofthecorrespondingleft–hand panel.Key:Ered,Sbcorange,Scdgreen,Imblue.Forallcurvesz=0ismarkedbyanopenhexagon. The UKIDSS Photometric System 9 Table 8.ColoursofselectedstarsfromtheBPGSatlas u–g g–r r–i i–z Z–z Z–Y Y–J J–H H–K J–J2 H–H2 K–K2 Class BPGS Name no. -0.456 -0.066 -0.029 0.031 -0.012 -0.069 -0.120 0.006 -0.002 0.007 0.000 -0.001 B9V 13 HD189689 -0.043 -0.010 0.011 0.034 -0.010 -0.027 -0.094 0.000 -0.008 0.009 0.002 -0.002 A0V 14 THETA-VIR -0.133 -0.019 0.027 0.040 -0.002 -0.023 -0.084 -0.003 -0.007 0.009 0.001 -0.002 B9V 15 NU-CAP -0.012 -0.002 0.005 0.000 -0.008 -0.056 -0.021 0.003 -0.007 0.003 0.001 -0.002 A2V 16 HR6169 -0.068 -0.002 0.017 0.036 -0.002 -0.022 -0.010 -0.008 0.001 0.006 0.001 -0.002 A1V 17 HD190849A Note:Thefulltableispublishedintheelectronicversionofthepaper.Aportionisshownhereforguidanceregardingitsformandcontent. Table 9.ColourofselectedadditionalMdwarfs i–z Z–z Z–Y Y–J J–H H–K J–J2 H–H2 K–K2 MK Class Name 0.576 0.021 0.323 0.519 0.668 0.260 -0.034 0.020 -0.008 5.3a M1 Gl229A ... -0.014 0.292 0.458 0.593 0.237 -0.040 0.020 -0.038 8.2b M3 LHS5327 0.973 0.032 0.432 0.498 0.543 0.303 -0.037 0.026 -0.019 7.8b M3.5 GJ1001A 0.966 0.017 0.440 0.640 0.541 0.337 -0.053 0.026 -0.025 8.1a M3.5 Gl15B 1.147 0.023 0.432 0.492 0.514 0.316 -0.044 0.021 -0.052 8.2a M4 Gl699 0.957 0.055 0.559 0.496 0.476 0.288 -0.040 0.028 -0.029 6.9b M4.5 Gl630.1A 0.858 0.078 0.815 0.628 0.571 0.421 -0.040 0.027 -0.032 9.0b M5.5 GJ1002 1.508 0.113 1.056 0.718 0.548 0.433 -0.049 0.034 -0.031 9.5b M5.5 GJ4073 1.337 0.077 0.733 0.694 0.516 0.457 -0.048 0.031 -0.035 8.5b M5.5 GJ1245A 1.170 0.060 0.761 0.667 0.627 0.391 -0.052 0.025 -0.024 8.4b M5.5 Gl905 1.550 0.089 0.909 0.771 0.559 0.439 -0.050 0.029 -0.024 9.1b M6 Gl406 ... 0.037 1.012 0.698 0.417 0.380 -0.064 0.029 -0.053 8.7b M6 LHS5328 1.720 0.120 1.036 0.794 0.593 0.455 -0.055 0.034 -0.025 9.7b M6.5 GJ3855 1.559 0.092 0.992 0.796 0.538 0.472 -0.065 0.037 -0.026 9.7b M7 VB8 2.299 0.157 1.154 1.028 0.747 0.511 -0.051 0.034 -0.016 ... M8.5 SDSSJ225529.09-003433.4 aESA(1997) bvanAltena,Lee&Hoffleit(1995) revised to T8 by Burgasser, Burrows & Kirkpatrick (2006). Cooler brown dwarfs no doubt exist, butwill be difficult to find,becauseoftheirverylowluminosities.Oneofthemain goalsofUKIDSSistodiscoversuchstars.Atsometempera- tureanewspectralsequenceisexpectedtoappear,possibly associated withtheemergenceofNH inthespectrum,and 3 the nomenclature Y dwarf has been suggested (Kirkpatrick et al. 1999a, Kirkpatrick2000). In orderto develop a strat- egyforfindingbrowndwarfscoolerthanT ∼700Kwehave eff computed syntheticcolours from themodel spectra of Bur- rows, Sudarsky&Lunine(2003), which covermasses in the range 1−10M , and ages 108.0−9.7yr. In Table 11, cols Jup 1−9providepredictedcoloursovertherangeitoK,col.10 theK-bandabsolute magnitude, MK, andcols 11−14 list, respectively,the model mass, age, T , and surface gravity. eff Table 12 lists colours computed from similar models by Marley et al. (2002; 2006, in preparation). Cols 1-10 in Table 12 contain the identical information to that for the Burrows et al. models in Table 11, while cols 11 and 12 specify the temperature and surface gravity for the Marley et al. models. These models are for T of 700 and 600K, eff andsurfacegravities,loggof4.48,5.00and5.48cms−2,and Figure 4. Temperature–colour relation of model cool brown sosamplemassesaround15,30and60M aged0.4−0.6, dwarfs 3.0−4.6 and > 13 Gyr, respectively. AltJhuopugh the Y −J colours of the Marley models are bluer than the Burrows models, thegeneral trendsaresimilar —verylate Tand Y 5.2.2 Model Y dwarfs dwarfswillhaveY −J redderthanMdwarfs(Y −J >0.8) The current coolest known T dwarf is 2MASSJ0415-0935 while J−H will beextremely blue(J−H <−0.2). (Burgasser et al. 2002). The synthetic colours for this ob- Thesyntheticcoloursforthemodelsofwarmertemper- ject are included in Table 10. The star has T ∼ 700K ature,whichoverlapintemperaturewiththecoolest known eff (Golimowski et al. 2004), and spectral type T9 (Knapp et T dwarfs, are in reasonable agreement with the measured al, 2004) in the Geballe et al. (2002) classification scheme, colours of the T dwarfs (Fig. 2), giving some confidence 10 Hewett et al. Table 10.ColoursofselectedLandTdwarfs i–z Z–z Z–Y Y–J J–H H–K J–J2 H–H2 K–K2 MK Class Name 2.077 0.100 1.069 1.476 0.643 0.549 -0.085 0.041 -0.016 10.5a L1 2MASSJ03454316+2540233 1.996 0.188 1.322 1.193 0.610 0.527 -0.073 0.045 0.007 10.0a L1 2MASSJ07464256+2000321AB 2.165 0.232 1.419 1.412 1.092 0.997 -0.096 0.058 -0.020 ... L3 2MASSJ00283943+1501418 ... 0.251 1.460 1.289 0.819 0.729 -0.094 0.056 -0.024 ... L3 SDSSJ111320.16+343057.9 2.064 0.187 1.385 1.397 0.850 0.718 -0.088 0.055 -0.020 11.3a L3 DENIS-PJ1058.7-1548 2.137 0.248 1.503 1.366 0.896 0.665 -0.085 0.048 -0.011 11.5b L3 GD165B 2.138 0.215 1.458 1.472 0.733 0.550 -0.100 0.055 -0.004 11.3a L4 2MASSJ00361617+1821104 ... 0.168 1.235 1.274 0.899 0.728 -0.102 0.057 -0.017 ... L4.5 SDSSJ085116.20+181730.0 2.337 0.254 1.418 1.263 0.857 0.792 -0.093 0.056 -0.015 11.4b L4.5 LHS102B 2.139 0.231 1.392 1.291 0.902 0.738 -0.096 0.058 -0.017 ... L4.5 SDSSJ083506.16+195304.4 2.719 0.214 1.359 1.230 0.821 0.643 -0.096 0.054 -0.013 11.8c L5 SDSSJ053951.99-005902.0 2.789 0.196 1.443 1.062 0.810 0.636 -0.102 0.056 0.004 11.4a L5.5 DENIS-PJ0205.4-1159AB ... 0.317 1.577 1.383 0.963 0.764 -0.101 0.056 -0.017 ... L5.5 SDSSJ134203.11+134022.2 2.884 0.181 1.411 1.158 1.186 0.971 -0.105 0.057 -0.029 12.6c L5.5 SDSSJ010752.33+004156.1 1.472 0.194 1.375 1.195 0.778 0.563 -0.111 0.052 -0.009 ... L5.5 SDSSJ020608.97+223559.2 2.949 0.196 1.616 1.182 1.097 0.884 -0.094 0.056 -0.024 12.7ac L6 2MASSJ08251968+2115521 ... 0.230 1.419 1.261 0.730 0.525 -0.107 0.052 -0.011 ... L6 SDSSJ103321.92+400549.5 ... 0.188 1.286 1.126 0.738 0.669 -0.105 0.062 -0.011 ... L6 SDSSJ162255.27+115924.1 2.494 0.257 1.615 1.284 0.885 0.695 -0.103 0.057 -0.011 11.1a L6 DENIS-PJ1228.2-1547AB 1.317 0.298 1.501 1.246 0.756 0.732 -0.086 0.048 -0.028 ... L6 SDSSJ065405.63+652805.4 ... 0.390 1.747 1.229 0.834 0.675 -0.107 0.054 -0.013 ... L6.5 SDSSJ141659.78+500626.4 ... 0.202 1.280 1.188 0.699 0.484 -0.100 0.053 -0.013 ... L6.5 SDSSJ142227.25221557.1 3.105 0.168 1.461 1.160 1.049 0.822 -0.108 0.056 -0.009 12.9a L7.5 2MASSJ16322911+1904407 ... 0.173 1.184 1.125 0.594 0.425 -0.113 0.058 -0.021 ... L7.5 SDSSJ112118.57+433246.5 ... 0.176 1.406 1.112 0.928 0.667 -0.112 0.057 0.004 12.3c L8 SDSSJ003259.36+141036.6 ... 0.247 1.631 1.089 0.827 0.618 -0.124 0.060 -0.004 ... L9 SDSSJ100711.74+193056.2 3.089 0.198 1.470 1.133 0.870 0.653 -0.107 0.055 -0.013 ... L9 2MASSJ09083803+5032088 3.201 0.197 1.542 1.025 0.942 0.688 -0.117 0.060 0.034 ... L9 2MASSJ03105986+1648155 1.765 0.354 1.738 1.215 0.587 0.546 -0.112 0.052 -0.008 ... L9.5 SDSSJ080531.80+481233.0 ... 0.272 1.664 1.193 0.583 0.698 -0.143 0.050 -0.001 ... L9.5 SDSSJ151114.66+060742.9 2.605 0.184 1.513 1.066 0.870 0.730 -0.135 0.062 -0.004 ... T0 SDSSJ085834.64+325629.1 3.044 0.220 1.517 1.114 0.799 0.550 -0.125 0.058 -0.003 12.0c T0 SDSSJ042348.57-041403.5 ... 0.148 1.410 1.066 0.743 0.506 -0.140 0.058 0.001 ... T0 SDSSJ120747.17+024424.8 1.527 0.422 2.133 1.148 0.604 0.472 -0.153 0.057 0.023 ... T1 SDSSJ103931.35+325625.5 1.903 0.276 1.787 1.097 0.546 0.224 -0.147 0.059 0.045 ... T1.5 SDSSJ090900.73+652527.2 3.684 0.310 2.020 1.257 0.567 0.332 -0.179 0.067 0.041 ... T2 SDSSJ075840.33+324723.4 4.712 0.325 1.989 1.021 0.534 0.275 -0.168 0.063 0.054 13.1cd T2 SDSSJ125453.90-012247.4 1.550 0.223 1.835 1.121 0.414 0.258 -0.170 0.053 0.058 ... T2.5 SDSSJ143945.86+304220.6 ... 0.280 2.048 1.004 0.255 0.160 -0.151 0.056 0.064 ... T3 2MASSJ12095613-1004008 ... 0.313 2.100 1.119 0.287 0.295 -0.193 0.062 0.046 ... T3 SDSSJ153417.05+161546.1 3.352 0.296 1.991 1.105 0.443 0.183 -0.187 0.057 0.056 12.8cd T3 SDSSJ102109.69-030420.1 ... 0.390 2.157 1.044 0.234 -0.144 -0.179 0.045 0.076 ... T3 SDSS120602.51+281328.7 1.976 0.509 2.608 1.122 0.317 0.062 -0.212 0.070 0.090 ... T3.5 SDSSJ121440.94+631643.4 ... 0.487 2.447 1.020 0.050 -0.108 -0.188 0.049 0.107 ... T4 2MASSJ22541892+3123498 4.590 0.491 2.526 1.198 -0.090 -0.131 -0.211 0.046 0.119 13.7acd T4.5 2MASSJ05591914-1404488 3.357 0.423 2.372 1.021 0.001 -0.038 -0.203 0.048 0.104 ... T4.5 SDSSJ092615.38+584720.9 ... 0.612 2.836 1.091 -0.288 -0.251 -0.222 0.041 0.110 ... T4.5 SDSSJ135852.68+374711.9 4.009 0.477 2.614 1.178 -0.321 -0.152 -0.258 0.038 0.131 15.4acd T6 SDSSJ162414.37+002915.6 4.120 0.307 2.397 1.141 -0.382 0.066 -0.262 0.036 0.138 15.1cd T6.5 SDSSJ134646.45-003150.4 4.291 0.567 3.006 1.164 -0.399 -0.023 -0.254 0.016 0.103 15.6e T7 Gl229B 4.545 0.618 3.083 0.946 -0.474 -0.259 -0.284 0.031 0.155 16.7e T7.5 Gl570D 4.261 0.582 3.093 1.061 -0.433 -0.152 -0.296 0.034 0.152 17.0c T8 2MASSJ04151954-0935066 aDahnetal.(2002) bvalAltena,Lee&Hoffleit(1995) cVrbaetal.(2004) dTinneyetal.(2003) eESA(1997) in the synthetic colours of the cooler objects. The range will allow candidate very late T and Y dwarfs to be iden- of masses and ages considered give rise to a wide range tified from their blue J −H colours; these objects will be of predicted colours. The models however all suggest that followed up spectroscopically. The LAS should find several thecoolestbrowndwarfscontinuegettingbluerinthenear- brown dwarfs later than T8 in the first two years of the infrared with decreasing T for T > 400K. Burrows et survey. Adopting a detection limit of K = 18.4, the LAS eff eff al. (2003) describe the reddening at cooler temperatures to should detect dwarfs as cool as 450K at 10pc in all YJH beduetotheappearanceof water cloudsand,moreimpor- bands(col. 10in Tables11and 12).This temperaturelimit tantly,thecollapse of fluxon theWien tail. translates to a lower mass limit of 10M for an assumed Jup age of 1-5Gyr. Spectral changes occur at temperatures hotter than 400K:thealkalilinesareexpectedtodisappearbelow500K, Should young, nearby, even cooler objects be detected and at 600K NH is expected to be detectable at the blue in the Y and J bands, Fig. 4 shows that the model Y −J 3 edgeoftheH andK bandpeaks(Burrowsetal.2003).The colours are approximately constant with temperaturedown appearanceofNH inthenear-infraredmaysignalthenext to 400K, then move rapidly redder. Stellar objects redder 3 spectral type after T, i.e. Y, as discussed above. WFCAM thanY−J =2wouldbeextremelycool,andveryinteresting

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