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The type species of Aleurodicus Douglas, a whitefly genus of economic importance (Homoptera: Aleyrododae) PDF

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Preview The type species of Aleurodicus Douglas, a whitefly genus of economic importance (Homoptera: Aleyrododae)

Memoirs ofthe Museum ofVictoria 56(I):125—128 (1997) THE TYPE SPECIES OF ALEURODICUS DOUGLAS, A WHITEFLY GENUS OF ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE (HOMOPTERA: ALEYRODIDAE) J.H. Martin Department ofEntomology, The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road. London SW7 5BD. UK Abstract Martin, J.J., 1997. The type species ofAleurodicus Douglas, a whiteflv genus ofeconomic importance(Homoptera:Aleyrodidae). MemoirsoftheMuseumofVictoria56(1): 125-128. SlidespreparedfromtypespecimensofAleurodicuscocois(Curtis),heldintheMuseumof Victoria,Australia, haveallowed theirmicroscopicexamination, possibly forthefirst time. Alectotypeisdesignatedandanupdatedspeciesdiagnosisispresented. Itsstatusasthetype species ofAleurodicus is confirmed through validation of its synonymy with A. anonae Morgan. Introduction — Aleurodicus Douglas (in Morgan, 1892) is the NMV Museum ofVictoria, Abbotsford, Mel- type genus of the mostly Neotropical whitefly bourne,—Vic. 3067, Australia subfamily Aleurodicinae. It includes several USNM United States National Museum of agricultural pest species, most notablyA disper- Natural History, Washington DC 20560, USA susRussell (1965), apolyphagousandextremely fecund species. This insect hasgained particular Aleurodicus cocois (Curtis) notorietybyextendingitsnativeNewWorlddis- tribution to encompass much of the Pacific, Figures 1-2 southern Asia and Africa over a period ofonly Aleyrodes cocois Curtis, 1846: 284-285. Lectotype 15-20years,arrivinginnorthernQueenslandby here designated 1995 (Martin, 1996). A fewAleurodicus species Aleurodicus anonae Morgan. 1892: 32 (Lectotype are natives of southern Asia and the western designated andsynonvmisedwithA. cocoisbv Mound gParcoiufpi,c;oAc.cadseisotnraulctloyrbMeaccokmiien(g19a1p2e)stisionnetroofpitchails anAdleHuarlosdeiyc,us19c7o8c:oi2s29()C.urtis) Morgan. 1892:32. Australia. Typematerialexamined. LectotypepupariumofAtey- As part ofa study ofeconomically important rodes cocois Curtis (here designated): Barbados, on membersofthe Aleurodicinae in the Caribbean coconut tree [Cocos nucifera]. Sir R Schomburgk. sHreeigysit(oon1r,9y7i8t)Mwuhasasedduimmsi,csotvaLekroeenndldyothncarte(dMiBotMeudNnHtdh)eanNaadstuHratalhl-e Jpleaucpntauoratiryayp,e128t4(h5iNrM(dNViM,nVst)a.rBMlPaaNrrvHaale.e,cBtaoUtrSybpaNcdMso)so.,fsA.aAmdceodciodtiaisto:ana1al2s depositoryofsyntypic specimensofAleurodicus mslaitdeer),iaslevoefraAl.drcyocaoidsu:lts1 imnalreat.he1rfpeomoarlceonaddiutltion(oannd1 cocois(Curtis, 1846).A. cocoishasbeenregarded further puparia and third instar larvae on leaf frag- as the type species ofAleurodicus through syn- ments, Barbados, same data as lectotype (all NMV). onymy(seebelow)andthepurposeofthisinves- Lectotype and paralectotypeofAleurodicusanonae tigation has been to locate and examine type Morgan: 2 puparia, Guyana, Demerara, on Annona material in order to assess this status. A. cocois muricata, S.J.McIntire (Douglas collection 1236). was described from coconut in Barbados but 1891 (BMNH). material with the relevant data was absent from Diagnosis. Pupal case. Rather evenly oval out- BMNH. However five slides from Demerara line, widest at abdominal segment II, usually [Guyana] in BMNH, identifiedasA. cocois,bear 1.00-1.40 mm long, 0.70-1.00 mm wide. Sub- red labels as if of type status. This Guyanese margin with a broad band of wide-rimmed material may have mistakenly been used as the simple pores (terminology of Russell, 1965); basis for proposing the synonymy ofA. anonae inner margin ofthis band is very characteristic, Morgan with A. cocois (see Discussion, below). on meso- and meta-thorax almost straight and Thus it was necessaryto locate and examine the parallel to longitudinal moulting suture (Fig.1). true type material ofA. cocois in order to reap- but on abdomen curling around the large com- praise this important s—ynonymy. pound pores(Figs 1, 2). Dorsal surfacemesad of Depositories. BMNH The Natural History wide-rimmed pore band smooth, punctuated Museum, London SW7 5BD, UK only by scattered septate pores (Fig. 2). 125 MAR 126 .1. II. I IN 9 09 O O CO C'\-1 W.V© 8 o o Q„"Q»0'J * I igurcs 1.2. lU'wodicu.saKois, puparium (after Martin, 1987). I. whole puparium,dorsal detail to right ofline. boundary ol submarginal ^n\c rimmed pore band shown asdashed line; 2, dorsal detail ofabdominal segments ii in to show submarginal wide rimmed pores, scattered subdorsal septate pores and large compound pore in lateral aspect. WHITEFLY GENUS OF ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE 127 Cephalicand anteriormost 4pairsofabdominal type-species of Aleurodicus. bv Quaintance compound pores usually 25-30 urn in diameter, (1908). posteriormost 2 abdominal pairs no more than A. cocoisisdiscussed in several places in Mor- 12 urn (in all cases measured as thewidth ofthe gan's 1892 paper, and the coconut sample cylinder when pores in lateral aspect). detailed in the Douglas diary is mentioned Distribution andhostplants. Widely distributed twice, most particularly "Habitat: cocoa-nut in New World tropics. Usually colonising coco- palm only. Demerara". However, the fact that nut but host records from 14 plant families are Curtis had described. A cocois from Barbados is quoted by Mound and Halsey (1978). Material nowhere mentioned, even though Morgan in BMNH from hosts other than Palmae com- acknowledged Mclntire for providing him with prises samples from Anacardiaceae, Annona- a copy ofCurtis'sdescriptive article, sections of ceae and Lauraceae. which Morgan quoted. 1 believe that this has been the sourceofmajorconfusion. Quaintance A (1908)quoted cocoisas"also[described] from Demerara" (along with anonae), and yet he Discussion included Barbados in its distribution data. Hornetal.(1990)indicatedthatthecollectionof Although no particular status is claimed on the JohnCurtis(whopublishedentomological notes red labelsoftheBMNHslides, it is probablethai in Gardener's Chronicle under the pseudonym Mound and Halsey.too,attributed unwarranted "Ruricola") had been deposited largely in the significance to this Guyanese coconut material Museum of Victoria, Melbourne. Ken Walker from the Douglas collection. (pers. comm.) confirmed that the dry material senttoCurtisfrom Barbadoswasindeed present Conclusions in Melbourne, but that no slides appeared to From examination of the type material of A. havebeen made. Thisdry material,thesyntypes cocois and A. anonae the author concludes that of Aleyroc/es cocois, was kindly loaned to the faiinuetdBhotMrhN.atHSt,lhiediecdseonnwtsieifrdieeerdpaarbsleepA.anrcueomdcboweihsrisocvohefrshtpaheveceiyemvaeerrnsis,- Aool.afnbyeaAlmnlloeeodnufraBAoe.dMiiccNsoucHcsooirssrD,leoiwcudtheglislycaohsfp.Ali.asctScehpoduecsocaiitsshmeaferntjosyumpneiocosnorpceoscrnyieunedt-s- are conspecific with the type material. in Demerara, which had been sent by Mclntire The red-labelled Guyanese specimens in BMNH are also from coconut. They bear J W ttaoiDnloyugcloamspaanrdedfobrywaMrodredgatno Mwoitrhgaont,hewrerGeuycear-- Douglas's collection number 1246/27, and one nese material he subsequently described as A. slide bears the following note, in Laurence A. anonae: however, they have no type status nor Mound's handwriting: "The specimens referred WD particular significance taxonomically. having —to in Morgan 1892 as from J ex-Demerara only been identified as A. cocois through com- see Douglas diary". Consultation of Dou- glas's diary (BMNH archive) reveals that batch parison with Curtis's written description. 1246 comprised a number of samples received from Mr S J Mclntire in Demerara, 12 October Acknowledgements 1891. Sample 27 bears the note '"small fly and The assistance of Ken Walker (NMV), who Hufffound on a cocoanut tree, alive when sent'. swiftly located the Curtis dry' material and Aleurodes cocois, Curt, true and diff. from that kindly arranged for its loan to BMNH, is grate- on Anona (sic), no.1236. Those sent alive in a fullyacknowledged.Theauthor'sthanksarealso bottle, to Mr Morgan". extended to Doug Williams and Gillian Watson Morgan's(1892). paperis confusingand ram- (CAB International Institute of Entomology), bling but is ofgreat importance because it was forhelpful suggestions madeduringthis investi- the vehicle for establishment ofthe genusAleu- gation. rodicus, which contains several species ofgreat economic significance. "Aleurodicus Douglas n.g." was proposed in the middle of Morgan's References pfaopotenro,tew,itinhitainalleexdt"rJeWmelDy".brIimemfeddiiaagtneolsyisunadsera Curticso.cJo.a-(ansut"RAulrcivcrooldae"s)),.G1a8r4d6e.nAelre'ysrCohdreosncioccloeis18(4t6h:e thegenericheadingis Morgan'sown description 284-285. ofhisnewspeciesAleurodicusanonae, although Horn.W., Kahle, I.. Friese,G.and Gaedike.R.. 1990. this was only subsequently designated as the Collections F.nlomohfiicae. Berlin. 573 pp. MARTIN 128 J. H. Mackie, D.B., 1912. A new coconut pest. Philippine Morgan. A.C.F.. 1892. A new genus and species of Agricultural Review 5: 142-143. Aleurodidae. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine Martin. J.H., 1987. An identification guide to com- 28: 29-33. mon whitefly pest species ofthe world. Tropical Mound, L.A. and Halsey, S.H., 1978. Whitefly ofthe Pest Management 33(4): 298-322. world. Chichester. 340 pp. Quaintance. A.L., 908. Homoptera, FamilyAleyrod- 1 Martin. J.H., 1996. Neotropical whitcflics ofthe sub- idae. InWytsman, P. [ed.]. GeneraInseetorum87: family Aleurodicinae established in the western 1-11. Palacarctic(Homoptera: Aleyrodidae).Journalof Russell, L.M., 1965. A new species of Aleurodicus Natural History 30(12): 1849-1859. Douglas and two close relatives (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). Florida Entomologist 48: 47-55.

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