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THE TWELVE CORE ACTION VALUES Workbook for the Values Coach Guided Self-Coaching Course Created by JOE TYE, Head Coach, Values Coach America Dedication For Sally. Happiness is being married to your best friend. Table of Contents Introduction 1 Part 1: LAYING A SOLID FOUNDATION 11 Core Action Value #1: Authenticity 13 Self-Awareness 20 Self-Mastery 26 Self-Belief 32 Self-Truth 38 Core Action Value #2: Integrity 45 Honesty 50 Reliability 56 Humility 62 Stewardship 68 Core Action Value #3: Awareness 75 Mindfulness 82 Objectivity 88 Empathy 94 Refl ection 100 Core Action Value #4: Courage 107 Confrontation 114 Transformation 120 Action 126 Connection 132 Core Action Value #5: Perseverance 139 Preparation 146 Perspective 152 Toughness 158 Learning 166 Core Action Value #6: Faith 175 Gratitude 182 Forgiveness 188 Love 194 Spirituality 200 Part 2: TAKING EFFECTIVE ACTION 209 Core Action Value #7: Purpose 211 Aspiration 220 Intentionality 226 Selfl essness 232 Balance 238 Core Action Value #8: Vision 245 Attention 252 Imagination 258 Articulation 264 Belief 270 Core Action Value #9: Focus 279 Target 286 Concentration 292 Speed 298 Momentum 304 Core Action Value #10: Enthusiasm 311 Attitude 318 Energy 326 Curiosity 332 Humor 338 Core Action Value #11: Service 345 Helpfulness 352 Charity 360 Compassion 366 Renewal 372 Core Action Value #12: Leadership 379 Expectations 386 Example 394 Encouragement 400 Celebration 406 Conclusion 413 THE TWELVE CORE ACTION VALUES 1 Introduction A guide for making The Twelve Core Action Values your roadmap to a rich and rewarding life I know something about you, something you might not even know about yourself: You have good solid values. You intuitively know the right thing to do in most situ- ations, and you want to be able to take pride in who you are and what you do. If you’re like almost everyone else in this world, here’s something else I know about you: You haven’t really taken the time to specify what your core values are, much less the actions you can take to do a better job of living those values. You haven’t seriously refl ected upon how those values should be refl ected in the goals you set and in the choices you make, nor have you thought about how you would make a decision in situations where you could honor one value but not another. Fur- thermore, if you’re like virtually everyone else, there is a gap (perhaps a wide gap) between what you say your values are and what the proverbial Man from Mars would observe in your attitudes and in your behaviors. If I’ve described your situation, I have good news for you: The Twelve Core Action Values are your values. I know that because these values are universal and eter- nal; they have been honored in each of the world’s major cultures for thousands of years. It doesn’t matter what your political affi liation, religious beliefs, or national heritage is: these are your values. By the time we complete this course, you will agree with that statement. Before we began, let’s defi ne what we mean by “values,” a term that has been greatly misused in recent years. True values run much deeper than cultural traditions, political slogans, or business goals. Here’s my defi nition: Core Value (noun): A deeply-internalized philosophical guide that profoundly in- fl uences goal-setting, decision-making, confl ict resolution, and more generally how one lives one’s life. For this course, we will be adding the word “action” to this defi nition: unless val- ues are acted upon, they are nothing more than good intentions. In recent years, we’ve seen too many examples in the worlds of business, politics, and religion of 2 INTRODUCTION people talking a good talk about their values, but then failing to act upon them, often to the detriment of their organizations and to the people who have trusted in their leadership. Action is the distinction between good intentions and real contri- butions. Action (verb) The process of exerting energy (emotional and physical) direct- ed toward the accomplishment of a desired change or goal. For each of The Twelve Core Action Values there are four cornerstones. This is how we put action into those values, making them real in our attitudes and in our behaviors. This study guide will give you practical and proven ideas and strategies for living your values. And it comes with this promise: the more conscientious you are about living these values, the more successful you will be at achieving your most important goals, and the happier and more fulfi lled you will be as a human being. Before we get started, let me warn you that this course does not prescribe an easy “silver bullet” path to instant success and infi nite wealth. Quite to the contrary, the journey will be tough and demanding. It will require hard work on your part. You’ll be challenged mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. You will make incred- ible progress one day, only to be discouraged by fi nding yourself backsliding the next day. You’ll be tempted to quit, probably more than once. Be ready for all of these things—they are just part of the process. Your frustration will not kill you, it will make you stronger. There’s something else you need to be ready for. What you learn through this course, if you take it seriously, might scare you. Introspection can always be frightening, and this course demands lots of introspection. The most frightening thing of all might be when the “you” of today comes face-to-face with the “you” that could be, the “you” that you are meant to be. We’ll be taking the basket off a candle that you’ve carefully kept covered up all these years, and exposing the incredible potential of that shin- ing inner light of yours. When the “you who is” comes face-to face with the “you who could be,” it can be intimidating, so prepare yourself now to confront that fear with courage and determination. It can also be liberating and exhilarating. THE TWELVE CORE ACTION VALUES 3 The structure of this curriculum Each of the 60 modules in this study guide will follow a consistent format. First we’ll outline our goal for that module, and illustrate it with a short story or anec- dote. Then I’ll share essential ideas and actions for living that value, plus several Rules for the Journey. We’ll conclude with a take-home exercise and a suggestion for further reading. Here is an outline of the anatomy of the course—the contin- uum that links the process of internalizing and operationalizing your values with the achievement of your goals in the real world: Core Values The why that motivates personal transformation and galvanizes action toward authentic dreams and goals. Cornerstones The what that makes core values become real by making them actionable and observable. Action Steps The how of achievement—without action, even the best of values are nothing more than good intentions. Outcomes The where of achievement, the new destination arrived at as a re- sult of working with and living your values. The power of The Twelve Core Action Values curriculum lies in this structure. Phi- losophy backed up by action, theory reinforced by experience. While the curricu- lum rests on a rock-solid theoretical foundation, the emphasis from start to fi nish will be on practical action strategies which at the end of the day will help you be more effective in just about every facet of your life and work. This course will help you make the changes in your beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that are necessary for you to achieve your goals and your dreams. Here’s a preview of the course out- line, including some of the benefi ts you will realize for each value: 4 INTRODUCTION Core Action Values 1-6: Laying a Solid Foundation Core Action Value #1: Authenticity You will gain a greater sense of who you are, and of who you are meant to be; you will learn practical strategies to overcome the inner barriers that are holding you back, and to build the solid self-belief that is required for you to become that meant-to-be person. Core Action Value #2: Integrity To be considered a person of integrity is the highest honor. I’ll share specifi c actions you can take so that you never become your own worst enemy, but rather earn the sense of pride (and the reputation) that come from knowing that you always do the right thing. Core Action Value #3: Awareness This is a foundation of both emotional intelligence and spiritual peace; you will learn disciplines that will help you enhance your ability to more accurately and objectively observe what’s going on within you and around you. Core Action Value #4: Courage You will learn to identify the fears that are holding you back, how to make those fears work for you and not against you, and how to confront the dragon of fear with the sword of determination. Core Action Value #5: Perseverance You’ll learn practical strategies to prepare for adversity, and for confronting the inevitable obstacles and setbacks with mental toughness and a positive perspective. Core Action Value #6: Faith Throughout history, faith has been the most powerful form of human motiva- tion. I’ll show you how, whatever your religious beliefs happen to be, you can reinforce the power of faith in yourself, in your future, and in a power that is beyond human sight.

By the time we complete this course, you will agree with that statement. having fun; they're happy because they're doing work that matters, and this gives purpose and .. PHILLIP C. MCGRAW: Life Strategies: Doing. What Works, Doing
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