TThhee TTrruutthh aabboouutt FFoooodd GGrraaddee HHyyddrrooggeenn PPeerrooxxiiddee “If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.” Thomas Jefferson wwwwww..FFooooddGGrraaddee--HHyyddrrooggeennPPeerrooxxiiddee..ccoomm JJaammeess PPaauull RRoogguusskkii “I drink hydrogen peroxide everyday and my ingesting of hydrogen peroxide didn’t poison me at all. It cured my arthritis and it did so for a total of $6. If this is con artistry, it’s the cheapest ripoff in history.” Walter Grotz President of “ECH2O2” (Educational Concerns for H2O2) “Hydrogen peroxide is a cheap substance that seems to help so many people with so many ills for so little money that its very mention is anathema to the drug monopoly.” Tom Valentine “Everybody reading this is a bag full of dirty fluid. I have been telling everyone for many years that the ultimate cause of ALLdisease is a LACK OF ENOUGH OXYGEN to clean our inner fluid environments.” “Mr. Oxygen”Ed McCabe author of “Flood Your Body With Oxygen” “The real problem with peroxide is that it won’t bring in money. It is a natural substance and therefore can’t be patented. There is really nothing the drug companies can do about it except scare people into thinking that it is bad for them.” George Borell author of “The Peroxide Story” “Hydrogen peroxide is involved in all of life’s vital processes. It must be present for the immune system to function properly. It is truly a wonder molecule.” William Campbell Douglass, M.D. author of “Hydrogen Peroxide Medical Miracle” “Hydrogen peroxide therapy can help achieve a multitude of therapeutic outcomes that would be unthinkable with a single drug or mainstream medical procedure. When levels of oxygen increase, the potential for disease decreases.” Nathaniel Altman author of “The Oxygen Prescription” “Oxygen is the conductor of the orchestra of life. It is the spark for the furnace of human metabolism. It is the primary nutrient of life.” Majid Ali, M.D. author of “Oxygen and Aging” “No other chemical compound comes even close to hydrogen peroxide in its importance to life. Hydrogen peroxide is involved in all of life’s vital processes.” Alwyne Pilsworth “If oxygen had to be approved by the FDA, it wouldn’t be.” Dr. Gregory Buckley Associate Professor of Surgery Johns Hopkins University “The Wallet-ectomy” The world’s most common medical procedure. The Problem With Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide In truth, there are no problems with hydrogen peroxide. Here’s my point, and my point is simple. It’s right here The problems rest with people. on page one. You don’t have to read this entire book to get it. Some people are skeptical. It all sounds too good to be true, so they never try. Hydrogen peroxide is a naturally occurring NUTRIENT that SHOULD be found in all of ourwaterand all of our Some people are impatient. They don’t think that it works. food. MotherNature puts it there, on purpose, and with They try a little, don’t receive miraculous, Divine good reason. Then we process it out! intervention that results in immediate healing of their life- long health problem, so they claim that it is a fraud. I believe that every human ailment is aggravated by a nutritional deficiency of hydrogen peroxide. Some people are overly-aggressive. They want results, and they want results NOW, so they take too much, suffer My goal in writing this book is large. I hope that one day, natural cleansing reactions and then go and say something everyone on earth will realize this and make it a habit to stupid like... “That hydrogen peroxide is dangerous!” or supplement theirdiet with hydrogen peroxide every day “I’m allergic to hydrogen peroxide” or “Hydrogen peroxide and also use hydrogen peroxide as a replacement for made me sick!” or “Hydrogen peroxide makes me numerous toxic chemicals that they currently use. I hope nauseous!” It’s the “American Way”. If a little is good, then that millions of people will make it a habit to prevent a lot must be better, right? disease so that the industry that has grown up around “treating” the symptoms of disease will simply wither Most doctors are afraidof the medical establishment. They and die. It’s a big goal. are also super-skeptical, hypocritical and closed-minded. They say that they want scientific proof, but when a patient The achievement of this goal starts with you. Are you explains the results that they observed, they say that type of willing to learn? Are you willing to try? Do you scientific data is “anecdotal” and they claim to need understand that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound information that is “peer-reviewed”. When you show them of cure? Are you in it forthe long haul? peer-reviewed scientific articles by the dozen, they won’t even look at them and pathetically argue that it isn’t Most people only become interested in theirhealth after “approved” by the FDA. When you point out that hydrogen they have misplaced it. Then they want a quick cure, an peroxide was in common use prior to the law that created the instant remedy for their dis-ease. Please don’t be like FDAand that it has been used by millions of people for more most people. An ounce of prevention truly is worth a than a century, they say it isn’t safe. When you show them pound of medication. that the pharmaceutical medicationsthat they recommend every day, (even when properly prescribed and administered I encourage you to make food grade hydrogen peroxide in a hospital setting) KILL over 100,000 people every a part of your life. It’s inexpensive and easy. Drink it. year, but properly administered hydrogen peroxide (even Bathe in it. Spray it up yournose. Rinse yourmouth with when used by regular people under their own guidance) has it. Stick it in yourears. Soak yourfeet in it. Brush your been shown to be 100% safe and has never killed anyone teeth with it. Use it in every way possible. even after hundreds of thousands of treatments, they say that it’s not covered by insurance. Exasperating! I am sure that its benefits will absolutely astound you. Thank you. James Paul Roguski TThhee TTrruutthh aabboouutt FFoooodd GGrraaddee HHyyddrrooggeenn PPeerrooxxiiddee “If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.” Thomas Jefferson wwwwww..FFooooddGGrraaddee--HHyyddrrooggeennPPeerrooxxiiddee..ccoomm JJaammeess PPaauull RRoogguusskkii ((((((((((((((((((((((((((( o ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Under the Radar Publishing No Copyright 2009 James Paul Roguski No rights reserved This book may be reproduced in whole or in part and may be transmitted in any form without permis- sion of any kind. Any part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or other, without permission of any kind. The whole point of this book is to expose the lies of the medical and the pharmaceutical industries by sharing this information with as many people as possible. Please feel free to copy and share this book with everyone that you know and love. Their lives depend upon it! The recommended methods of using hydrogen peroxide found in this book are in no way meant to be interpreted as medical advice, because hydrogen peroxide is not medicine. Hydrogen peroxide is not a “drug”. Hydrogen peroxide is a naturally occurring substance that is made by Mother Nature and is also made by every cell in your body. All of the information in this book is designed to encourage you to realize that hydrogen peroxide is a necessary NUTRIENTthat your body desperately needs. I am not going to blindly and obediently tell you to “ask your doctor” about hydrogen peroxide before using it, because the odds are very good that your doctor has absolutely no knowledge or understand- ing of the scientific information that is provided in this book. I will advise you to give your doctor a copy of this book and encourage them to read it. I will also advise you to get a new doctor. Preferably one who is listed in Appendix C at the end of this book. The material in this book is intended for edu- cation. It is also meant to be construed as advice that is designed to help you keep yourself healthy and balanced. This is not medical advice. This is health advice. It is not designed to treat any dis-ease. By definition, drugs are unnatural substances that are not found in the body and are designed to “treat” your symptoms. On the contrary, the information in this book will show you how to address the most fundamental nutritional needs of your body. It is far better to strive to maintain health rather than to merely attempt to doctor up the symptoms of one’s dis-ease. It is suggested that you rely upon your body’s own inner wisdom as your primary reference for the care and maintenance of your own health. In my wildest dreams of the future, I see a world where doctors, pharmaceutical drug dealers, hospital administrators, health insurance claims adjusters, FDAbureaucrats and fundraisers for disease/ cure- seeking “causes” find themselves standing in the lines at the unemployment offices throughout the country for the simple reason that everyone else has learned the secret to vibrant health and no longer needs their services. You are encouraged to take full responsibility foryourown health and foryourown actions. CONTENTS Section 1 An overview of hydrogen peroxide and a sampling of the published scientific literature that documents its unquestioned safety and amazing effectiveness. All of the published scientific references are printed in RED ink. Section 2 A collection of “official” FDA notices and other government documents. Section 3 Directions (printed in blue) which detail the safe and effective use of the most amazing nutritional supplement in the world... Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Section 1 Everything you ever wanted to know about Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide, but didn’t know who to ask... “Having collected and studied medical texts from the early part of the 20th Century, I have discovered many treatments and some actual cures for diseases existed that were commonly utilized, which we are now told remain mysteriously incurable. Medical politics has corrupted our health care system and as a result, curative means for correcting the ravages of chronic disease were expunged from the knowledge base of the medical profession, due mainly to greed on the part of medical politicians of powerful position. Medical education textbooks were systematically re-written by the way of the influence of wealthy robber barons of the Industrial Revolution in order to expand their riches and control the world’s population and their governments through the sale of regulated pharmaceutical drugs. Many simple and efficacious non-drug treatment methods disappeared from the medical curriculum in all philanthropically subsidized schools practically overnight. Licensing restricted medical practice by the establishment of ‘standards of acceptable practice’along with oversight medical licensing boards which ordained rules of conduct and procedure that demanded that only the most profitable modalities were authorized for use in treatment. Physicians who dare to cross the demarcation line in the sand of the established dogma are promptly erased from the membership roster of the antiseptic club. Medicine is profit based and the status quo is to palliate symptoms rather than address the cause of the offending disorder. The profits are in the treatments, not in the cure. Medicine for profit is inherently evil.” Carmi Hazen author of “Cancer, Its Cause and Treatment Without Operation” For centuries, people who have worked in the health Human beings can go for several months without food and sciences have been seeking to identify the primary even for several days without water, but we all require a biochemical cause of all disease, and the cure-all that this continual supply of oxygen in order to survive. We cannot basic principle would yield. The cause and the cure have live without oxygen for more than a few minutes. If you had been found, but their utter simplicity makes them difficult to guess which vital nutritional compound you most needed to accept at first. It seems that if it’s really that simple, to supplement, wouldn’t you be inclined to guess... we should have discovered it ages ago and we should have been using it all along. OXYGEN? Well, I’ve re-discovered it. I am absolutely NOTthe first Of all the nutrients needed by the body, only oxygen is in to do so. I’ve been using it and I know that it works (as do such constant demand that its absence brings death in just a many thousands of other people). It is literally right under few minutes. Most people tend to get caught up in the small your nose, and you can’t see it! details of nutrition and tend to overlook the fundamental necessity and importance of oxygen and the role that its EXPERIMENT - PART I deficiency plays in every disease or illness. What if you could very easily add that oxygen to waterand consume Please start by doing a very small, very simple experiment it directly? Well, MotherNature beat you to it. Did you with me right now... know that hydrogen peroxide is simply oxygenated water? Hydrogen peroxide is water that has extra oxygen in Just stop breathing. Don’t take a deep breath first. Just hold it. Made up of two hydrogen atoms and two oxygen atoms, your breath right where it is right now. Just stop breathing. it is known chemically as H2O2. Quietly start counting. As soon as you begin to feel any discomfort whatsoever, start to breathe again. Ready? Set? I humbly suggest that you stop focusing on inconsequential Go! details and start focusing on the most important NUTRIENTin the world... How long did you last? Ten seconds? Twenty? This exper- iment quickly shows you exactly how important oxygen is to HYDROGEN PEROXIDE! you. I will bet my last dollar that, at the count of 30 or above, you were definitely NOT thinking about how glad Hydrogen peroxide was first discovered by the French you were that you eat organic food. You were definitely chemist Louis-Jacques Thenard in 1818, who very NOT thinking about how well your multivitamin was appropriately named it “eau oxygenee” or oxygenated water. serving you at that moment. You were definitely NOT In Spanish, hydrogen peroxide is known as “agua thinking about the benefits of the “anti-oxidant” formula that oxigenada” and in Italian, it is called “acqua ossigenata”. you have been consuming. You weren’t even thinking about that bottle of water that you are always drinking. I would bet Low grade pharmacy/grocery store hydrogen peroxide is my last dollar that you were thinking about getting your next well-known to most people. When we apply it externally to breath of OXYGEN! an open wound, hydrogen peroxide produces a bubbling sensation, which is just the extra oxygen being released. When something as vital as oxygen is taken away in a Unfortunately, pharmacy grade hydrogen peroxide is filled dramatic, immediate manner, its importance becomes quite with toxic stabilizers designed to prolong shelf life obvious. However, if that same oxygen is slowly and (phenacetin, acetanilide, sodium stannate and others). These methodically removed from our system by pollution, poor toxic chemicals are also added in order to prevent you from diet and a host of other means, it is less obvious. using hydrogen peroxide internally in ways that can result in nearly miraculous health benefits. EXPERIMENT - PART II Hydrogen peroxide occurs naturally within the Earth’s bio- Please get a medium sized paper or plastic bag. Hold it sphere. Here’s how Mother Nature makes it... Plants take in over your mouth and nose so that the only air that you can water from soil. During the process of photosynthesis, they breathe in comes directly from the inside of the bag. OK? remove the hydrogen atoms from the water (H2O) and then Now hold it there for the rest of your life! combine the hydrogen with carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air to make carbo-hydrates/hydro-carbons/sugar. The plants Breathing this way is analagous to living in New York, then “breathe” out the oxygen that is left over from the water Tokyo, Los Angeles, Mexico City or just about any other that they have de-hydrogenated. This oxygen is lighter than city in the world. With limited oxygen intake, how long do the air at ground level, so it rises higher up into the you think it will be before you begin to develop chronic atmosphere. At high elevations (from 6-22 miles) this symptoms such as fatigue, irritability, aches and pains and so relatively stable form of oxygen (O2) is bombarded by on? photons of light in the ultraviolet range of the 1