Contributions The truffle-like Protubera canescens is an early developmental stage ofthe Cage Fungus Ileodictyon W Tom May1 Nigel Sinnott2and Alice Sinnott3 , 'RoyalBotanicGardensMelbourne,PrivateBag2000,SouthYarra,Victoria3141.Email:[email protected] 211SmartSt,SunshineWest,Victoria3020 35MoiraStreet,Sunshine,Victoria3020 Abstract Recentcollections from a site in the Melbournesuburb ofAltona North indicate that the truffle-like fungus Protubera canescens is the young stage ofthe Cage Fungus Ileodictyon gracile. Over several months, fruit- bodies consistent with descriptions ofProtubera canescens were observed, but later, at the same site, lattices emerged,typicalofIleodictyongracile.Intheunopenedfruit-bodiesradialthreadswereobservedinthegelati- nouslayeroftheperidium. Thesestructuresmatchwithliteraturereportsofthemorphologyofbothspecies, although theyhavebeen little discussed previously in Ileodictyongracile. Two other truffle-like species, Pro- tubera africanaandRhizopogon rodwayi, have theradial threads and co-occurwithIleodictyongracile. Thus, thepossibilitythattheyarealsoyoungstagesofIleodictyonshouldbeexplored.DevelopmentinIleodictyonis unusual in combining the benefit ofan enclosed, hypogeal truffle-like stage, where sporeproduction ispro- tectedfromdesiccation,andanepigeallattice-stage,fromwhichsporesaredispersedbyinsects.(TheVictorian Naturalist127(2),2010,49-54) Keywords: Phallales; Clathracae; Protophallaceae; LatticeFungus;hypogeal fungi Introduction Ileodictyon is the familiar Cage or Lattice Fun- hautuensis) and Protophallaceae (several spe- gus, comprising two species, I. cibarium and cies including the type ofthe genus, P. marac- I. gracile, both widespread in Australia (Grey uja). Hosaka et al. (2006) suggested that those and Grey2005). Theyemerge from an egg-like Protubera species that fell within families that structure and form a lattice with a slimy spore otherwise contained stinkhorns (Lysuraceae) massontheinside. Incontrast,Protuberaforms andlatticestinkhorns (Clathraceae)werelikely underground truffle-like fruit-bodies with the to be unopened stinkhorn fruiting bodies. We spore mass (gleba) remaining enclosed (inde- reportherefieldobservations thatconfirm that hiscent)withinanouterlayer(peridium).There Protubera canescens is an early developmental are about a dozen species ofProtubera one of egg’stageofIleodictyon. , which,Protuberacanescens hasbeendescribed , ObservationsatAltonaNorth from Australia (Beaton and Malajczuk 1986; While looking for fungi along a stretch ofKo- MaIlnlcolcahssi1f9i8c9a;tiCoansstbelalsaendooanndmoBrepehvoelro1g9y9,4)b.oth roroit Creek on 21 May 2006, two of the au- thors (AS and NS) came across a large cluster Protubera and Ileodictyon have been placed ofwhite, spherical fungal fruit-bodies, 3-8 cm in the Phallales (the stinkhorn fungi), but the former genus has been considered to belongto diameter, on or half-buried in deep, rich, loose the family Protophallaceae due to the indehis- soil near or under native trees and shrubs (Fig. centfruit-body, while the lattergenus hasbeen la). The location was at the bottom ofa bank placed in the Clathraceae (Hawksworth et al. south-west of (and below) John Street, near 1eg9g8’3)towfhoerrme atnheabfrouviet-gbrooduyndemferrugiets-bofdryomwiatnh HaWrhriesnRehsaenrdvleeidn,AlthteonawhNiotreths.pheres felt ge- latinous inside, so they were not just young arms, columns,tentaclesoralattice. In a recentphylogeneticanalysisbased on sev- puffballs, and they had white rhizomorphs eral DNA regions, Hosaka et al. (2006) found (root-like structures) at the base. Further ex- amination, particularly of the cross section thatspeciespreviouslyassignedtoProtuberafell (Fig. lb), revealedthattheyhadathree-layered within five different families: Clathraceae (Pro- peridium. The outer layer was thin and mem- tubera canescens), Gallaceaceae (P nothofagi), branous, and the inner layer (which bounded Lysuraceae(P clathroidea), Phallogastraceae(P. the greenish-olive gleba) was also very thin. Vol 127 (2) 2010 49 Contributions Fig. 1. Ileodictyon gracile from Altona North, a. unexpanded fruit-body (each segment on the scale at left ^ cross secti°n °funexpanded fruit-body (agreeing with structure ofProtubera canescens), note the radial threads in thegelatinous layerofthe peridium (RT) and the circularstructures (Cl) at the baseof the threads, adjacent to thegleba (GL); c. partiallyexpanded lattice arising from ruptured peridium; d. fully expandedlatticeandremnantsofperidium (lowerright)showingpolygonalpatternoninnersurface. Photos' AliceSinnott. Between the inner and outer layers there was rial was gentlycutso thata section ofthe outer a thick gelatinous layer through which ran ra- peridiumandgelatinouslayerwaspeeledaway, dial, white threads, dividing the middle layer the whitish radial threads (sutures, see Fig. lb, into roughly equal compartments. This perid- RT) revealedon thesurfaceofthecentral gleba ium structurematchescloselythatofProtubera formed a mosaic or lattice pattern very remi- canescens, as described from Western Australia niscent ofan Ileodictyon. The arms ofthis lat- byBeaton andMalajczuk(1986) andillustrated tice ‘in miniature’ can be seen in cross sections byBougherand Syme (1998: p. 127). assmallcircularstructuressittingatthebaseof Fruit-bodies ofProtubera canescens and Ileo- the radial threads in the gelatinous layer, at the dictyon had previouslybeen observed (byTM) boundarybetween the gelatinous layerand the at roughly the same spot in the Royal Botanic gleba (Fig. lb, Cl). Gardens Melbourne, although at quite differ- As the Altona North site was easy to get to, ent times. This raised the possibility that the and there were numerous fruit-bodies, it was former might be the immature, unopened egg’ clear that an excellent opportunity had arisen stageofthelatter. Insupportofthishypothesis, to check whether the peridium ofP canescens when a fruit-body of the Altona North mate- really remained closed or not, and a watching 50 The Victorian Naturalist Contributions briefwas kept on this location. Several further visits byNS and AS revealed most ofthe fruit- bodies unchanged, though a numberhad been disturbed and damaged. A likely explanation for this was thatbirds had dug out and pecked openfruit-bodiesin searchofinsectlarvaethat were frequentlyobserved feedingonthe gleba. On a visit on 25 June 2006 there were small, almost dried-up lleodictyon lattices at the site. These had all been disturbed, and it was not clear whether the lattices were the result of natural opening or ofdamage bybirds. Undis- turbed fruit-bodies, of which there were still plenty, remainedclosed. The situation became clearer on 1 July when esommeer,geatdlenaasttu,roaflltyhe(lFaitgtsicelsc.weIrde).foIunndfactto,hoanvee cFiagn.es2c.enDsi’afgorrammofofllceroodsisctsyeocntigroanciolfetfhreom‘PrBoetlugbrearvae lattice, which had begun to emerge when the South,showing radial threads (RT) bifurcatingadja- fruit-body was picked up, expanded in one of cent to the gleba (GL) to form circularorpolygonal the collectors hands while the other collector structures(Cl). was photographing it. Mostofthe fruit-bodies, Protubera canescens from Belgrave South (Fig. however,were still closed. A number of unopened, undamaged fruit- 2) clearly depict the radial threads, with most bodies were removed and stored, half-covered ofthembifurcatingimmediatelyadjacenttothe with soil from the site, in a large pot. None gleba, to form triangular orirregularlycircular of the potted fruit-bodies opened, and by 7 structures. In the illustration in Beaton and August all had disappeared, probably eaten Malajczuk(1986) thereisalsosomebifurcation awayfromthe insidebythelarvaethatrelished ofthethreadsattheotherend,immediatelyun- the gleba. A few more lattices appeared at the dertheouterlayeroftheperidium,butwehave Altona North site in July, but most ofthe un- not observedthis inVictorian material. damaged fruit-bodies remained unopened. Radial threads in the gelatinous layer at an On 20 August there were no longer any fruit- early stage of fruit-body development have bodies at the site, just white mycelium under not been highlighted for lleodictyon, but are a thesoilanda fewfragmentsofdried peridium. characteristic ofthe Clathraceae (Dring 1980). Belowaverage rainfall inwinter2006 mayhave Radial threads are not mentioned in the de- contributed tothelackofexpansion oflattices. scriptions ofI. cibarium and I. gracile by Cun- ningham (1944), although in the accompany- SynonymyofProtubera canescenswithlleo- ing figure ofa cross section ofan unopened /. dictyongracile cibarium egg (pi. XII, fig. 4), the radial threads ProtuberacanescenswasdescribedasProtubera are visible within the thick gelatinous layer of because the Western Australian material was the peridium, and at their inner end are many not seen to open and yet contained apparently structures with convoluted outlines, that are maturespores. The onlydifferencebetween the the developing arms of the lattice. Semmens typedescriptionofProtuberacanescensandthe (1967), in an overlooked description of the AltonaNorthmaterialisthatBeatonandMala- development of lleodictyon gracile (as Clath- jczuk (1986) donotexplicitlynotethepresence rus gracilis), does mention the radial threads, incrosssectionofcircularstructuresatthebase calling them ‘hyphal threads forming a series ofthe radial threads (which they call sutures’) of membranous division-walls’. He also notes traversingthe gelatinous layer ofthe peridium. that the tubes that will eventually form the However, close examination ofthe original il- fruit-body are initially attached to the base of lustrations ofProtubera canescens (Beaton and the radialthreads, adjacentto thegleba, andhe Malajczuk 1986) shows aslight expansion ofat depicts the incipient tubes as roughly circular least some ofthe threads where they meet the in cross-section (Semmens 1967, plate XIV-7), gleba. Field noteswithacollection identifiedas although he does not show the tubes as occur- Vol 127 (2) 2010 51 Contributions ringatthebaseofeachradialthread.Theradial where joined (Cunningham 1944; Grey and threads are also illustrated by Dring (1980: fig. Grey2005). Lattices ofthe AltonaNorth mate- 17E) for Ileodictyon gracile, who does depict rialfitwellwiththe characteristicsofI.gracile. the developing lattice tubes as occurring at the Hosaka et al (2006) included three collec- base ofeach thread (as observed in the Altona tions ofI.gracileand one ofI. cibarium intheir North material). Castellano and Beever (1994) analysis ofmolecular data. It is not clear from comment on the general similarity between the phylogenetic tree in Hosaka et al. (2006) if Protubera and the Clathraceae, byvirtue ofthe collections of the two species fall in separate presenceofradial threads (‘sutures’) and small, clades (monophyletic clusters), because there smooth spores, but they do not comment fur- is very little difference in the DNA sequences theronthegreatsimilaritybetween Ileodictyon among the collections ofboth species. The two andspeciesofProtuberawithathickgelatinous collections ofProtubera canescens which were middle layerto the peridium. includeddonotclusterimmediatelyadjacentto We did not fully investigate the three-di- oneanother—oneseemsto fallwithcollections mensional structure ofthe radial threads, but ofI. gracile, with the other closer to the collec- Semmens (1967) shows that what appears as tion ofI. cibarium.Thereisverylittledifference threads in cross section are thin plates that are between sequencedatafortheProtuberacanes- embedded in thegelatinous middlelayerofthe cens collections and that ofthe two Ileodictyon peridium. Whenthelatticehasfullydeveloped, species. Further analysis of morphology and thelooseand separatedfragmentsoftheperid- DNA sequence data that includes multiple iumshowapolygonalpatternonthe innersur- samples from both species ofIleodictyon is re- face (Fig. IdandGreyand Grey2005: 99). This quiredto confirmthatI.gracileand I. cibarium patternshowstheedgesofthosethinplatesthat are independent species, and to establish ifthe formed the arms of the lattice and indicates unexpanded material of both species has the wheretheyhaveseparatedfrom it.Thispolygo- formofProtuberacanescens, oriftherearesub- nal pattern is also illustrated by‘Gaye from the tle differences in the unexpanded stage ofthe Hunter’ (2009). two speciesofIleodictyon. The presence of radial threads in the thick- Within other families of the Basidiomycota, ened, gelatinous mid-layer of the peridium is regionssuchasthe InternalTranscribedSpacer remarkablysimilarinbothProtubera canescens (ITS)oftheribosomalDNAhavebeenfoundto andtheunopenedstagesofIleodictyon.Inother vary slightlywithin species, but differ between respects, apart from the maturity ofthe lattice most pairs of species, such as in Cortinarius itself, Protubera canescens and Ileodictyon are (Froslevetal 2007).TheITSwasnotoneofthe also very similar, including sharing abundant regions included by Hosaka et al (2006) and white rhizomorphs (although these are not analysis ofsequences from this region for Ile- unusual in the Phallales). odictyon wouldbeofinterest. ObservationofthedevelopmentoftheAltona FormalsynonymyofProtuberacanescenswith North material from unexpanded fruit-bodies Ileodictyongracile is not warranted until unex- tothoseproducingalatticeshowsthatthemor- pandedfruit-bodiesofIleodictyon cibariumcan phology of the young stage of an Ileodictyon be compared to those ofI.gracileto determine matches that of the description for Protubera if there are any distinguishing characters be- canescens. This conforms to the finding ofHo- tweenthetwospeciesatan earlystageofdevel- saka et al. (2006) that collections identified as opment. Protubera canescens, Ileodictyon gracile and I. SynonymyofothertaxawithIleodictyon cibarium were all extremelycloselyrelated in a phylogeneticanalysis ofDNA sequencedata. gracile In the type species of Protubera (P. maracu- If Protubera canescens is an Ileodictyon, to ja Moller) fruit-bodies remain closed in all whichspeciesdoesitbelong?Thetwospeciesof stages of development from initiation to final Ileodictyon, I.gracileandI. cibarium,aredistin- dissolution (Moller 1895 as cited by Malloch guished in the lattice stage by the former hav- ingsinuouslyfolded arms,which are expanded s1p9e8c9i)e.sNoefvePrrtohteulbeesrsa, mitayis bpeossiimbmlaetuthraet sottahgeers wherejoined, andthe latter having concertina- ofstinkhorns, especially given the range ofre- like folding ofthe arms, which do not expand lationships uncovered by Hosaka et al (2006). 52 The Victorian Naturalist Contributions Most species ofProtubera (Malloch 1989) have expanded fruit-bodies, but are produced once the glebadivided into several discrete sections, theprimordial fruit-bodies haveexpanded sig- and hence ifthey do turn out to be immature nificantly. In truffle-like fungi, where the fruit- forms, they will be unrelated to Ileodictyon. body remains wholly or partially buried, the Thereare,however,twospeciesthathaveasin- fruit-body never expands and mature spores gle, central, gleba surroundedbya thickgelati- remain within the un-ruptured peridium. Dis- nous layer which is traversed by radial threads persal oftruffle-like fungi is usually the result (sometimes described as sutures’), and that ofingestionbymammals. In contrast, the Cage also have well-developed rhizomorphs. These Fungus has an enclosed, truffle-like fruit-body, areProtuberaafricana Lloydfrom SouthAfrica initially in which to produce spores, with the (Malloch 1989) and P. parvispora Castellano benefitofprotectionfromdesiccation,butthen and R.Beever from New Zealand (Castellano switches to an epigeal fruit-body, which gives and Beever 1994). In addition, Rhizopogon access to insects (such as flies) which are pre- rodwayi McAlpine from Tasmania shares a sumed to disperse the spores. Insects are at- verysimilar morphology, with a gelatinous pe- tracted to the foetid-smelling spore masses ad- ridium traversed by radial ‘fibres’ (McAlpine heringto the innersurface ofthe lattice, which 1895). The illustration accompanying the type explodes to its full size on rupturing ofthe pe- description ofRhizopogon rodwayi also shows ridium (Bougherand Syme 1998). a lattice-shaped pattern on the surface of the The Altona North material was initially half- peridium. Despite the close morphological buried and the ‘Protubera canescens collection similarityofPparvispora to P canescens, DNA from Belgrave South was hypogeal. Bougher sequence data place the former species in the and Malajczuk (1986) note that Western Aus- Protophallaceae, along with P maracuja and tralian material of Protubera canescens was severalotherspeciesofProtubera (Hosakaetal. mostly hypogeal and decayed in situ. Further 2006). Therefore,caremustbetaken inmaking observations are required on the proportion of judgements aboutrelationshipsbasedsolelyon fruit-bodiesthatremainburiedandunexpand- morphology ed, and whether this is due to unfavourable The closesimilaritybetween Protuberacanes- weather conditions or other factors. The role cens and P africana and Rhizopogon rodwayi ofinsectlarvaeobservedto devourthegleba in suggests that these two species could well be unopened fruit-bodies also needs investigation immatureIleodictyon. ItisalsorelevantthatIle- as to whether this provides the fungus with an odictyon gracile is known from Tasmania and alternativemethodofsporedispersal. South Africa (Cunningham 1944; Dring 1980), Initially, in the ‘Protubera’ stage, we observed which is where Protubera africana and Rhizo- alattice‘inminiature’surroundingtherelative- pogon rodwayi occur. Cunningham (1944) al- ly firm gleba. However, just before expanding, readysuggested thatRhizopogon rodwayiwasa the lattice occupies the whole interior of the phalloidstinkhornegg,andChangandKantvi- fruit-body, with the arms tightly folded within las (1993) note that the type ofthe species has the peridium (Semmens 1967). Growth in the been annotated as being theyoung state ofIle- lengthofthelatticearmsapparentlypushesthe odictyon gracile (as Clathrus gracilis). As with lattice into the area initially occupied by the Protubera canescens, until developmental dif- gleba. The gelatinous middle layer of the pe- ferences between I. gracile and I. cibarium are ridium becomes a little thinner before the pe- known, it is not possible to definitelylinkPro- ridiumruptures(Semmens 1967),whichwould tubera africana or Rhizopogon rodwayi to par- also create some extra room for expansion of ticularspecies ofIleodictyon. the lattice. Thus, production of spores within DevelopmentinIleodictyon the unopened Cage Fungus fruit-body forms a Connection of the two ‘phases’ of the Cage slimymasswhichadherestothearmsofthelat- Fungus, Protubera canescens and Ileodictyon tice as it expands before bursting from the pe- ridium. Presumably, spores are mature before gracile, indicates an unusual strategy for the thelatticebursts fromwithin theperidium. btiomdiyngexopfansspioorne.production in relation to fruit- Comparison of spore dimensions for Ile- odictyon gracile and the various Protubera and In the fruit-bodies of epigeal fungi, such as Rhizopogon discussed above shows onlyminor agarics, mature spores are not present in un- Vol 127 (2) 2010 53 5 5 Contributions Table 1.SporedimensionsreportedintheliteratureforspeciesofIleodictyonandselectedspeciesofProtubera Species Sp6o-relengthxwidth (pm) Reference 4.5- Ileodictyongracile 5-6.5(-7.5) x2-2.5 BougherandSyme(1998) Ileodictyongracile 6x 1.5-2. Cunningham(1944) Ileodictyoncibarium 4-6x 1.8-2. Cunningham(1944) Protuberacanescens 4-5.5 x2-2.5 BeatonandMalajczuk(1986) Protuberacanescens 4-5(-5.5) x 2-2.5 BougherandSyme(1998) Protuberaafricana 4. 6.2x 2-2.8 Malloch(1989) differences (Table 1), which could well be due References to spores in theglebaofunopened fruit-bodies BeatonGandMalajczukN(1986)NewspeciesofGelopellis notbeingfully mature (such as ata stagewhen andProtuberafromWesternAustralia. Transactionsofthe the lattice arms were at a very early stage of BoBurgithiesrhMNyLcoalnodgiScaylmSeocKie(t1y98978,)4F7u8n-g4i8o2f.SouthernAustralia. development). Further comparison of spore (UniversityofWesternAustraliaPress:Nedlands) fduilmleynospieonnsfriunitt-hbeodsieeqsuewnocueldfrboemoufnionpteernesetd, atso CalosotmbeyalctloaatnaionnadMoAPfroNtaeunbwderZBaee.aelNvaeenrdw:RZGEeaalll(aa1c9ne9da4,)JoHuTyrrsnutfaeflrleao-nflgiBikouetma,BnaPyshiad3li2-,- wouldtestsofmaturity(suchaswhetherspores 305-328. can germinate). Chang YS and Kantvilas G (1993) A catalogue ofLeonard Rodway’scollectionoffungi. I. HymenomycetesandGas- Conclusion teromycetes.TasmanianHerbariumOccasionalPublication 4, 11-52. Protuberacanescensisconsideredtobeanearly CunninghamGH(1944)TheGasteromycetesofAustraliaand Id.evgrealcoiplem.enCtoanlsesqtuaegentolfy,Iletohdeicntyaomne, moPrsottulibkeerlay DrmNieenngwtDZoefa(lt1ah9ne8d0C.)la(tCPhournbatlcrieisabheeu.dtiKboeynwsthBteuolawluaettrhidonsr3)5a, arrange- canescens should only be applied in terms ofit Froslev TG, Jeppesen TS, Lasssoe T and Kjoller R (2007) being astage ofIleodictyon. Unexpanded fruit- Molecular phylogenetics and delimitation of species in Cortinariussection Calochroi(Basidiomycota,Agaricales) bodies ofIleodictyon shouldbe observedto see in Europe. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 44, what is the shape ofthe lattice that eventually 217-227. emerges,inordertoidentifytheparticularspe- GreyPandGreyE(2005)FungiDown Under:theFungimap GuidetoAustralianFungi.(Fungimap:SouthYarra) cies. Fresh collections of Ileodictyon cibarium ‘Gaye from the Hunter’ (2009) Australian fungi - a blog: needtobeexaminedcarefullytoseewhatisthe #32 Ileodictyon gracile. <http://australianfungi.blogspot. form ofthe unexpanded fruit-body, and howit Hacwokms/w20o0r9t/h06D/L3,2-SiultetoodnicBtyCona-ngdraAciinlsew.ohrtmtlh>GC(1983)Dic- mightdifferfrom thatofIleodictyongracile. tionary ofthe Fungi, 7 ed (Commonwealth Mycological TheoriginaldescriptionsofIleodictyongracile Institute:Kew) haenndceI.,ciifbianrdieuemdbaontyhodrataellforfoPmrotthuebe1r8a40csanaensd- HoDSsRoa,mkSiainmgK,puseBozantLeNSsB,,SNTS,opuaBhteraefavoerEraR,JR,WGCeaamnsldteTlJ,rlaaGnipoapceMhJiAnM,i(CA2,o0l0Kg6e)annMnoWe-,y cens P. africana and Rhizopogon rodwayi are lecularphylogeneticsofthegomphoid-phalloidfungiwith conf,irmed as synonyms of particular species, atnwoesnteawbloirsdhemresn.tMoyfcotlhoegniaew98s,ub9c4l9a-s9s59P.hallomycetidaeand they do not threaten the priority of the two MallochD(1989)NotesonthegenusProtubera.Mycotaxon long-establishednamesinIleodictyon. Mc3A4l,p1i3n3e-1D51(.1895)Australianfungi.AgriculturalGazetteof SpecimensExamined NewSouth Wales6,752-758. SemmensEJ(1967)Notesonthedevelopmentandstructure Material ofIleodictyongracile (including the P. ofthe‘BasketFungus’,Clathrusgracilis(Berk.)Schlechten- canescens stage) from Altona North has been dal.Muelleria1,219-221. lodged at the National Flerbarium of Victo- ria (MEL) and the Herbarium, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew(K) (N. Sinnott3535,3548, 3566, 3631 and 3642). The collection from Belgrave South is lodged at MEL (H. Weatherhead s.n., Received17April2008;accepted13August2009 =T.W. MayB534). Acknowledgements We thank Teresa Lebel, Sara Maroske and Frank Udovicicforusefulcomments. 54 TheVictorianNaturalist