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The True Jesus Christ – Unknown to Christianity - The Restored PDF

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THE TRUE JESUS CHRIST UNKNOWN TO CHRISTIANITY by David C. Pack Herbert W. Armstrong led the Worldwide Church of God (formerly The Radio Church of God until 1968) until his death in 1986. Hundreds of millions heard his voice and read his literature. God called him in the fall of 1926 and he was converted in the spring of 1927. Over the course of Mr. Armstrong’s ministry, God revealed through him a great many true biblical doctrines, which had been lost to the Church through the centuries. After his death, his successors ceased to believe and teach these doctrines. Although copyright law prohibits The Restored Church of God from reproducing and distributing literature produced while he led the Worldwide Church of God, we are committed to the preservation and teaching of all of these truths! THIS BOOK IS PROVIDED FREE OF CHARGE AND IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST BY THE RESTORED CHURCH OF GOD. It is made possible by the voluntary, freely given tithes and offerings of the members of the Church and others who have elected to support the work of the Church. Contributions are welcomed and gratefully accepted. Those who wish to voluntarily aid and support this Work of God around the world are gladly welcomed as co-workers in this major effort to preach the gospel to all nations. Copyright © 2008, 2011, 2018 The Restored Church of God® All Rights Reserved. Printed in the United States of America A single book can change people forever. The True Jesus Christ – Unknown to Christianity does this! There has never been a book like it! Bringing God’s perspective, and in plain language, it is based entirely on Scripture, and known facts of history. It examines the life, ministry and teachings of Jesus as never before, and excludes popular tradition, theory and opinion—the usual approach to His life. Do you understand Jesus’ family life, social en- vironment and the first-century world, as well as how He was both God and Man, what His Coming achieved and the purpose of His triumphant Return? Have you comprehended the long, agonizing hours during which Jesus was illegally arrested, tried, hu- miliated, tortured and subjected to the worst instru- ment of execution devised by men? What about His clash with Satan, and how this determined the ulti- mate destiny of all nations? And what of how that bat- tle is tied to the true gospel, the only message Jesus brought—but so few have heard? The Bible speaks of “Jesus Christ,” but also warns of “another Jesus.” Almost impossible to believe, nearly all worship the wrong one! How does one know the difference—how do you discern which is which? In-depth knowledge of the true Jesus Christ is about to enter your view for the first time… TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ..................................................................... 7 chapter one – The Early Years .............................................................. 11 chapter tWo – The Missing Years .......................................................... 21 chapter three – The Ancient World ......................................................... 37 chapter four – Jesus’ Ministry Begins ................................................... 51 chapter five – Details of Jesus’ Ministry ............................................... 61 chapter six – By Whose Authority? ..................................................... 79 chapter seven – “I and My Father Are One” ............................................ 89 chapter eiGht – Jesus’ Final Passover .................................................... 97 chapter nine – …And Jesus Suffered ................................................... 111 chapter ten – Was Jesus’ Trial Legal? ................................................ 133 chapter eleven – Why Is a Savior Necessary? ......................................... 149 chapter tWelve – Three Days and Three Nights ....................................... 159 chapter thirteen – Where Is Jesus?—and What Is He Doing? ................... 171 chapter fourteen – “I Will Build My Church” ............................................ 179 chapter fifteen – Church Government—with Power and Authority ........ 201 chapter sixteen – The Good News Jesus Announced ............................... 215 chapter seventeen – The Coming Restoration .............................................. 231 chapter eiGhteen – 12 Statements of Jesus Almost No One Believes ......... 243 chapter nineteen – Vain Worship—and Another Jesus ............................... 265 chapter tWenty – What Will You Do? ...................................................... 287 INTRODUCTION 7 Introduction Opinions range widely about Who and What was Jesus Christ—as well as what He means in today’s world. But few disagree that He forever changed the course of history and civilization. In the first century AD, huge throngs of listeners followed Him in every city, in awe of the powerful miracles He performed and the words He spoke. Demons were cast out. People were raised from the dead. Food was multiplied. People were healed. Myths were shat- tered. Lives were changed. Through the centuries, thousands of books, stories, television documentaries, films and even novels have been written and pro- duced about Jesus Christ. Hundreds of thousands of churches have been erected in His name. Millions have claimed to be His ministers. Billions have professed Him “Lord and Savior.” Today, Jesus is renowned the world over, commonly known in one way or another in every culture of the world, whether one professes to be Christian, atheist, or of any other religion. Many have positive comments about Him, regardless of their beliefs about who He was and what He taught. His name also stirs great controversy and debate. Yet, despite worldwide recognition—despite billions professing to be His followers—despite all the knowledge circulating about Him— Jesus Christ remains unknown—even to Christianity! We must ask: Is it possible the central figure of a religion could be unknown to almost all who profess to follow Him? If so, how did this happen? 8 THE TRUE JESUS CHRIST Popular Views Many have accepted without question what they have heard, read or were taught throughout their lives about Christ and the teachings He brought. These same people usually vigorously defend their beliefs while feeling no need to examine proof of why they believe what they do—or to consider how they came to such beliefs. Human nature follows the crowd, which follows what is popular. This has been the case with virtually every one of the wide- ly accepted teachings, traditions and practices of mainstream Christianity. Few are aware—or even care—that these have been taken almost entirely from paganism, false customs and human reasoning—and not from the Bible. Most of the teachings of Christendom have no biblical basis whatsoever—and in many cases Jesus actually commands the exact opposite! Thus, the Jesus Christ of the Bible has been left out of professing Christianity—unknown to vast millions, hidden in a cloud of deceit, confusion, lies and commonly accepted falsehoods. What is your view of Jesus? What image does His name evoke? Perhaps you picture a weak, long-haired, sickly-looking man in a flowing white robe. Maybe you think of “baby Jesus” in a manger, with three “wise men” giving Him gifts on December 25. You might think of a figure in a loincloth hanging from a cross with trickles of blood oozing from His side and the crown of thorns piercing His head. Maybe Easter eggs and sunrise services come to mind, or the Christmas season. You might also envision Jesus standing on a street corner plead- ing with people to give their hearts to Him. Perhaps you hear Him saying, “Love is everything. Show love to all people and accept Me into your hearts to be saved.” You might also picture Jesus walking through villages giving money to the poor, or saying, “Just believe in Me. Obedience is no longer necessary, nor are works of any kind.” These and other well-known views of Jesus Christ have been driven into the minds of countless billions over the centuries. Though commonly believed—and they are!—these images and per- ceptions fail the test of careful biblical and historical examination. The popular, mainstream ideas about the supposed Christ of the Bible and what He taught simply do not measure up to the facts— the largely unassembled facts that have always been available—and you will see proof of this beyond doubt. Introduction 9 Truly Unique Unlike anything ever produced, The True Jesus Christ – Unknown to Christianity accurately examines the life and teachings of the most influential Person in the history of mankind. It takes you on an extraordinary and gripping journey through the corridors of the life and time of Jesus Christ and correctly answers the greatest questions about Him—straight from the Bible and secular history. You will learn what only a tiny few have understood. What did the real Jesus look like? What was His life’s pur- pose—His ultimate mission? When was He born? Why did He need to die? Has He always existed? What did it mean that He was the prophesied Messiah—the Christ? Did He abolish the Ten Commandments? Was the gospel He preached about Himself—or something else? What did He teach of being born again? Did Jesus teach that Christians should observe the Passover—and, if so, how? What about the observance of other days? Who will rule with Him in the world to come? What is the kingdom of God? Who is the “another Jesus” of whom the apostle Paul spoke? All these questions—and many more—are clearly answered in plain, easy-to-understand language. As with some movies, the book returns to certain events, in this case regarding Jesus’ life, bringing occasional repetition where additional points must be made. The most difficult thing for any person is to admit being wrong. Unlearning false knowledge and learning true knowledge in its place is not easy. This can be a painful, shattering experience. Throw aside all preconceived ideas. Do not permit yourself to discount any of this book’s contents simply because you are accus- tomed to a particular belief, even one held your entire life. Instead, diligently investigate in the pages of your Bible what is revealed. Be like the Berean Greeks who “received the word [the apostle Paul’s preaching] with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so” (Acts 17:11). Read the book, including every inset, all the way through the stunning conclusion. Prepare to be surprised—if not shocked—at what you are about to learn! As you read with an open mind, you will have absolutely no doubt the true Jesus Christ is unknown to Christianity! A narrative style in the early chapters best opens the book…

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