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The Trouble with Allie PDF

101 Pages·2016·0.39 MB·English
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Atlantic Bridge www.atlanticbridge.net Copyright ©2006 by Lisa Andel NOTICE: This work is copyrighted. It is licensed only for use by the original purchaser. Making copies of this work or distributing it to any unauthorized person by any means, including without limit email, floppy disk, file transfer, paper print out, or any other method constitutes a violation of International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines or imprisonment. Published by Liquid Silver Books, Imprint of Atlantic Bridge Publishing, 10509 Sedgegrass Dr, Indianapolis, Indiana. Copyright 2006, Lisa Andel. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the authors. This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogues in this book are of the author's imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental. Dedication To my editor Lynne. Her skill and her steady supply of encouragement, intelligence, and support transform my dreams into realities. Prologue My heart pounded in my chest as he lowered his fangs toward my neck. His arms, like steel bands around my body, held me trapped. I felt the long, slow glide of his tongue along my skin, then the slight pinch of pain when he pierced my flesh. I jerked as he started drawing my blood into his mouth with sensuous pulls. My vagina fluttered, the beginnings of an orgasm starting to ripple across my groin. "Ptthtp!” The vampire flinched away from me, and spat onto the ground. “That's just nasty!” He wiped his mouth on his shirt sleeve. Anger flashed red in the depths of his black eyes. “What kind of elf are you anyway?” He shoved me into the brick wall at the side of the alley where he'd trapped me. I blinked stupidly at him, unable to form any words. I was as surprised as he was that I tasted bad. Okay, so part of me was pleased that he found me distasteful. I hadn't asked him to suck on me anyway. But another part of me, the part that I was becoming all too familiar with these days, was only downright disgusted that I was proving to be a failure in just one more way. "What you got here, Darius?” Two more vamps approached. "Hey, is she an elf?” The taller of the new arrivals eyed me appraisingly. "Taste her.” The first vamp pointed at me. “I think she's spoiled or something." The tall one raised an eyebrow at this statement. Shrugging, he advanced, looked me in the eyes, then lowered his head to my neck. The now familiar swipe-sting of the bite did little to reassure me that I would make it home tonight, after all. Hell, if they got enough curious vamps to “taste” me, I'd still be bled out, one mouthful at a time. "Blick!” The tall vamp spat my blood on the pavement. “Arno, you've got to try her." The third vampire was short and stocky, with a surprisingly beautiful baby face. He moved in close to me, tipped my head the other direction, and sank his fangs into my neck. "Shit!” He muttered as he spat and spluttered. “What the fuck is that? I've never "Shit!” He muttered as he spat and spluttered. “What the fuck is that? I've never tasted anything like it." "What's your name?” Darius asked me in a commanding tone. I looked at him for several heartbeats, trying to determine if it would be better for me to tell him or not. Finally deciding that it didn't matter, I relented. “Allie." "Well, Miss Allie, from now on, you will warn a man before he bites you that you taste like shit.” His tone was imperious, his features drawn into a grimace. My face creased in a frown. “Get out of here. I'm not going to do any such thing. In fact, many men have found me quite tasty, thank you.” So it was a big fat lie. Who cared? This guy had been planning to drink my blood, and who knew what else, without my permission. The three of them laughed. Great belly laughs. They took several minutes to wind down from their mirth. “You'll forgive us if we have a hard time believing that,” the tall vamp said to me, a grin still on his face. "Like I care,” I muttered to myself, as I pushed off the wall, and started walking away from them. I had more important problems to think about than the way I tasted to a bunch of vampires. In fact, I had nothing but problems. I was, after all, above and beyond the worst elf that had ever been born. Chapter One Sunlight sparkled on the dew in the clearing. The effect, looking like millions of diamonds, took my breath away. I moved to the very center of the area and twirled with my arms in the air, saying thanks for this glorious morning. Taking deep breaths of the clean, crisp air, I failed to notice when my cousin Meridith joined me. "What could you possibly have to dance about?” Her acerbic tone always grated on my nerves, even though it affected me far less this morning than usual. "I'm alive.” I didn't really feel she deserved an answer, but praise Mith, it was true. "Heard you ran into some trouble last night,” Meridith said with a sneer. Not knowing exactly what she'd heard, I kept the smart remark that flew to my lips to myself. “Thank you for your concern." Meridith laughed, a bright, tinkly laugh, reminiscent of tiny bells ringing. I wanted to puke. "I don't know what you are, Allie, but when you find out you must tell me.” Still chuckling to herself, Meridith glided out of the clearing. "When you find out what you are...” I grumbled to myself, my good mood disintegrating. “I'm an elf.” I stamped my foot on the ground without much conviction. “I am an elf.” I said with more force. “I'm a really sucky elf, is what I am. I'm way too short, I have too many curves, my boobs and my ass are too big, my ears don't come to a nice little point, and my magic is rudimentary, when I can get it to work. Oh, and let's not forget that I taste—like—shit!" I stomped around the clearing, my voice getting louder and louder as I ranted. When I finally ran out of steam, I plopped down on the grass, and sprawled flat on my back. I decided to just lie there. It wasn't like I could do anything productive, and this way I was at least staying out of everyone else's path. "Allie?” The beautiful voice of my lifelong friend Terethial intruded on my self- absorption. absorption. "T.” I didn't bother looking at him, I knew what I would see. He was tall, lean, and breathtakingly handsome. Absolutely the most sought-after male in the entire kingdom. I'd heard endless stories about his abilities to please a woman. Stories were all I'd ever have, though. He'd never shown an interest in me. I heard the rustle of his clothing as he sat on the ground beside me. “I heard about last night and I figured I'd find you here.” He reached out and linked his fingers through mine. "How long have we known each other, T? Most of our lives, right?" "All of our lives, yes.” He smiled, and even that brilliant smile of his couldn't brighten me up again. "You know you can be honest with me, T. Tell it to me straight.” I swallowed the bile that was threatening to surge into my mouth. “I'm a human, aren't I?” I'd often wondered if I was really a human that the elves had taken in for some reason. It made more sense than my being an elf. Terethial laughed, a deep, melodious sound that actually managed to lift my spirits. “You're no more human than I am." "Then what am I?” I tipped my head up and searched his eyes, trying to assure myself he was telling me the truth. His features sobered as he scanned my face. “I don't know, though I have always been told you are an elf. I do know that whatever you are, you're something very special and I'm deeply honored to be your friend." With a huge sigh, I struggled to a sitting position, using Terethial's hand for assistance. "I need something to do, T. I need something to occupy my time with. I feel so useless this way." His face turned thoughtful as he looked at our clasped hands. When he started speaking again, his voice was so low I could barely hear him. “Perhaps you should go on a quest.” He raised troubled eyes to my face. “I'd miss you terribly, but my place is here. I'm sorry, but I couldn't go with you even if I wanted to." "What are you thinking? What kind of quest?" "When the Rangers pass through here next, I think you should see if they'll take you with them. Perhaps if you go out into the world you will find the answers to your questions." I thought about this for a minute. Leave Ethinran? Leave the only home I had ever known? Leave the only people—well, person—I had ever loved? Could I? "I don't know, T. I don't know if I'm strong enough to leave here." Terethial drew me into his arms and pressed his chin against the top of my head. “It's a scary thought, I know, but you've got to ask yourself if you can continue to live the way you've been living. If the answer is truly no, then I think you should go." "When are the Rangers coming through next?” Maybe they wouldn't be coming for months and I'd have time to make my decision. "They'll be here next week.” Terethial's arms tightened around me before he let me go. Perhaps it was for the best that I wouldn't have a lot of time to stew over the decision. There were a lot of things I'd need to take care of before I left and I'd barely have time to myself if the Rangers were going to be here within a week. "I'll help you get ready.” Terethial offered, his voice cracking as he spoke. "Thank you.” I hugged him tightly, then let him help me to my feet. The time flew by. Terethial did most of the actual work getting me set up with traveling clothes and a spelled bag that could hold a houseful of gear, yet be slung over my shoulder and weigh next to nothing. Before I knew it, it was the evening before the Rangers would arrive. Terethial had made me a special going away dinner, which I could barely eat at the thought of leaving home. He opened a bottle of Chivarous, an expensive and thoroughly heartrending parting gift. I drank more than I should have, and finally found myself in the warm glow of intoxication. As only the drunk or the insane would do, I leaned across the table to Terethial and planted a nasty, wet kiss on his lips. “I'm goin’ to mith you,” I slurred. The tall blond elf yanked me across the table and into his lap, laughing lightly as he brought my mouth back to his for a deeper taste. “I'm going to do something I should have done a long time ago.” He gathered me in his arms and carried me to his bedroom. "Waz that?” I suddenly noticed the gap at the top of his tunic where his chest was exposed. He had a great chest. It looked so tempting that I had to lean forward and lick it. "I'm going to make love to you,” he declared, as he set me on my feet and proceeded to undress me. I tried to help him with his clothes, but my hands weren't working quite right, so once he was done with me, I flopped down onto his bed and watched as he removed his own clothing. When he slipped his trousers off, and his cock sprang into view, I nearly fainted. "Fuck me,” I breathed. He was long, and thick, and very hard. The fine network of veins showed blue against his ivory shaft. The head of his cock flared larger and ruddier than the stem. "I intend to.” He lowered himself to the bed beside me. I looked at him in awe. I had never thought to be in this position with Terethial; we just weren't that type of friends. Not that I hadn't seen his appeal—I'd had more than my fair share of erotic thoughts about him. Hell, I was usually aroused on some level whenever I was with him. "I don't...” Having been my closest friend all these years, he knew that I didn't have much experience. He brushed his lips across mine, shutting me up. “Just let yourself go,” he whispered to me as his hands began to roam over my body. Nerves came to life and tingled under his touch. He brushed a hand to the base

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