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’ The Transformation of Women s Collegiate Education PatrickDilley The Transformation ’ of Women s Collegiate Education The Legacy of Virginia Gildersleeve PatrickDilley SouthernIllinoisUniversityCarbondale Carbondale,Illinois,USA ISBN978-3-319-46860-0 ISBN978-3-319-46861-7(eBook) DOI10.1007/978-3-319-46861-7 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2016956261 ©TheEditor(s)(ifapplicable)andTheAuthor(s)2017 Thisbookwasadvertisedwithacopyrightholderinthenameofthepublisherinerror, whereastheauthorholdsthecopyright. This work is subject to copyright. All rights are solely and exclusively licensed by the Publisher,whetherthewholeorpartofthematerialisconcerned,specificallytherightsof translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilarmethodology nowknownorhereafterdeveloped. Theuseofgeneraldescriptivenames,registerednames,trademarks,servicemarks,etc.inthis publicationdoesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesare exemptfromtherelevantprotectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. Thepublisher,theauthorsandtheeditorsaresafetoassumethattheadviceandinformation in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publishernortheauthorsortheeditorsgiveawarranty,expressorimplied,withrespectto thematerialcontainedhereinorforanyerrorsoromissionsthatmayhavebeenmade. Coverillustration:MonoCircles©JohnRawsterne/patternhead.com Printedonacid-freepaper ThisPalgraveMacmillanimprintispublishedbySpringerNature TheregisteredcompanyisSpringerInternationalPublishingAG Theregisteredcompanyaddressis:Gewerbestrasse11,6330Cham,Switzerland A CKNOWLEDGMENTS I would not have been able to undertake this project without the help of manyotherscholars.Iwanttothankfirstmygraduateresearchassistants, Travis Gibler and Jon Gorgosz, a fine historian in his own right. They carried out much of the leg work during the first stage of data collection for a different project that eventually became this one. Thanks to James SotoAntony,whoaidedmebyaccessingandphotographingsomeofthe Elizabeth Reynard Papers, housed at Radcliffe’s Schlesinger Library. Special thanks to Kristen Renn, who found, during one of my crisis moments, ahalf-rememberedcitation wediscussedsome 15years ago. I appreciate my colleagues in the Department of Educational Administration and Higher Education at Southern Illinois University Carbondale, particularly Judith Green and Saran Donahoo, both of whom covered various duties for me while I was producing this work. I also thank Saran for her approval of funding research for this project; I am indebted to the department’s Marybelle Keim Student Travel Award Fund and the EAHE Emeritus Faculty Scholarship. This monograph developed from a series of papers I presented at the annual conferences of the Association for the Study of Higher Education and the History of Education Society. I am particularly grateful for the encouragement and support of a number of colleagues from those orga- nizations,includingLindaEisenmann,JackieBlount,KarenGraves,Lucy Bailey, and Andrea Walton. Mary Ann Dzuback provided a thoughtful response and commentary on an early paper from which this book devel- oped.Ialsowanttonotescholarswhohavepreviouslyexaminedaspectsof Gildersleeve and her work: Helen Lefkowitz Horowitz, Andrea Walton, v vi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Ruth Rosenberg, Robert McCaughey, Nancy Woloch, Lynn D. Gordon, andLinda Eisenmann;I amindebted tothem fortheir work. The bulk of the data on Virginia Gildersleeve from which I draw is housed in the Barnard Archives and Special Collections at Barnard College, as well as the University Archives at Columbia University. Jocelyn Wilk at Columbia University Rare Book & Manuscript Library wasveryhelpfultoanoverwhelmedresearcherwhoonlyhadthreedaysin NewYorkCitybutneededmoreoff-sitematerials.Similarly,TaraC.Craig of Columbia University Rare Book & Manuscript Library and Rebecca HaggertyofColumbia’sPreservationReformattingDepartmentwerevery reassuringandpromptinrespondingtoaharriedrequestforphotographs of Gildersleeve. Shannon O’Neill and Martha Tenney at Barnard were incrediblywelcomingoverthecourseofseveralyears,firsttomyassistant Travisandthentome.Theirknowledgeoftheirholdings–andtheability to access related items – was phenomenal. Martha continued to aid with my last-minute requests until the manuscript was turned in; I sincerely thankher forherpatienceandsupport. I owe Annie Abbott a debt of gratitude for her encouragement and support of this project. A special thank-you is due my editor, Mara Berkoff, who believed in this project from my first attempts to describe it. I also thank the anonymous reviewer for Palgrave Macmillan, who provided good suggestions and an impetus for an additional trip to the archives,andPalgraveeditorialassistantMilanaVernikova.Finally,Ithank HelenLefkowitzHorowitzforherscholarshiponthehistoryofAmerican collegesandcollegestudents;herworkfirstintroducedmetothesubject thatwouldbecome the largestpart ofmy scholarlylife. C ONTENTS 1 Introduction 1 2 Gildersleeve’sEarlyEducation andEarlyWomen’s HigherEducation 7 3 DeanGildersleeve: Redefining aWomen’s College 23 4 Progressivism,Race,and Feminism 55 5 Educational Philosophyandthe Responsibility ofCitizenship 77 6 HigherEducationand the War 95 7 TheLegacy ofVirginia CrocheronGildersleeve 111 Index 129 vii CHAPTER1 Introduction Abstract A brief overview of the life and accomplishments of Virginia Crocheron Gildersleeve (1877–1965), Dean of Barnard College at Columbia University (1911–1947), U.S. delegate to the United Nations Conference on International Organization, the only woman to sign the U.N. charter, instigator of women's paid military service in the UnitedStates,andprogressiveadvocateforwomen'shighereducationin the U.S. and internationally. Keywords VirginiaCrocheronGildersleeve(cid:1)BarnardCollege(cid:1)Columbia University Letusbehonestwithyouthandtellthemthatthereisnoonemagicformula of education for war or peace, no fruit of the tree of knowledge which, swiftly eaten, can make us wise as gods, knowing good and evil. Even in these critical days, when educated persons are so desperately needed, the processofeducationrequirestimeandworkandstriving.1 VCG1954 VirginiaCrocheronGildersleeveisanearlyforgottenfigureinthehistory ofhighereducationintheUnitedStates.Certainlyherplaceasoneofthe first women faculty members at Columbia University is noteworthy, as is her work in establishing the Seven College Conference of Women’s Colleges (colloquially called the “Seven Sisters”). Gildersleeve’s interest ©TheAuthor(s)2017 1 P.Dilley,TheTransformationofWomen’sCollegiateEducation, DOI10.1007/978-3-319-46861-7_1 2 THETRANSFORMATIONOFWOMEN’SCOLLEGIATEEDUCATION in women’s education across national borders led to her co-founding the International Federation of University Women, as well as to aid in estab- lishing the American College for Girls in Turkey. In the United States, Gildersleeve was a public academic at a time few women were even collegiately educated: she helped transition the American Association of Collegiate Alumni to the American Association of University Women, as well as serving in various capacities within the American Council on Education – including as its chairperson. She was the only educator (and only woman) delegate from the United States to the San Francisco con- ference at which the United Nations was negotiated; she was the only woman to sign the U.N. Charter. It was as dean of Barnard College, however, from 1911 to 1947, that Gildersleeve was most influential in determining the scope and shape of higher education for women in the UnitedStates;it wasGildersleeve’sphilosophyof aliberalartseducation, rooted both in a particular Progressive context, that formed the basis of the pathsofstudy forwomenin the twentiethcentury. WithinGildersleeve’sphilosophy,awomancouldnotbeacitizenofthe worldwithoutbeingfullyawareoftheopportunitiesandneedsofsociety at that time, nor without being allowed the opportunity to learn and to serve in the same areas as men. Further, after the effects of war upon womenandtheirfamilies,Gildersleevewasconvincedwomenneededthe abilitytosupportthemselvesandtheirfamilies,iftheysoneededorchose. Her feminism was less overt, perhaps, from other public advocates for women’srights,those“whofeltitnecessarytocallattentionfrequentlyto women and to their problems and to run in the fact that they were women.”2 Gildersleeve’sfeminismwasfirmlyshaped byanon-egalitarian notion of meritocracy and civic responsibility that would lead toward cultural understanding. Gildersleeveisaparadox:whilecertainlyanacademicelitist,shestrove to provide opportunities for girls to be educated to their height of their “natural abilities.” She was responsible for persuading her male colleagues to open programs of academic study to women at Columbia University, yet maintained the necessity of Barnard College as an envir- onment in which academically talented young women could enjoy the benefits of an autonomous liberal arts college, apart from men. Barnard under Gildersleeve promoted equality in higher education through a dual strategy: removal of the female undergraduate from repressive attitudes of collegiate women espoused by some, though not all, of Columbia’s older male faculty; and the inclusion in advanced and/or 1 INTRODUCTION 3 professionalprogramsofwomenwhoseacademicmeritwasequal,ifnot superior, to their male peers at Columbia. Gildersleeve advocated for women’s equality in the academy without “battering the doors from without, but working from within,”3 yet she usedherpositiontobecomeoneofthemostwell-knownpublicacademics of her time – perhaps the only academic to share a spot advertising the New York Times with a movie star. Gildersleeve’s views on higher educa- tionforwomenpermeatedtheU.S.Media,frompublicspeechestoradio addresses, from literary journals to print journalism, but she is practically unknowntoday.Hereducationalphilosophy–thateducation,particularly aliberalartseducation,wasnecessaryforbecomingacitizenoftheworld, and thus for becoming an agent of peace – was the backbone of the majority of her public comments from 1911, when she assumed the role of Dean at Barnard College, through the late 1950s. During World War II, Gildersleeve – through her professional connections in academia and the national government, and through her media savvy – promoted specific professional and educational opportunities for female college graduates. Gildersleeve promoted the advent of women in the sciences and mathematics, for the good of the war; it was she who crafted the curricula (and publications) for women’s education that were adapted throughout the United States during the war and after; it was she who alsoseizedtheopportunitypresentedbythewartocreatethefirstsystem of enlisting andtraining(paid) womenin the U.S.military. InTheTransformation ofWomen’s CollegiateEducation: The Legacyof VirginiaGildersleeve,ItrytoconveyGildersleeve’sviewsandphilosophies as she expressed them herself. I draw extensively from notes of speeches shegave,essaysshepublished,andcorrespondenceshesentwhiledeanat Barnard. I also utilize her reflection of those times in Many a Good Crusade, her 1954 memoir, which went through at least three printings from a popular publisher – an impressive feat for a memoir from an academic, althoughit isno longerin print. I present Gildersleeve in this fashion in order for the reader to obtain morefullyherpersonality,thewayshestructuredherthoughts,thepublic persona she constructed. I wish personal letters to or from Virginia Gildersleeve were extant, toprovide a more intimateunderstanding ofher life. Alas, most of the correspondence she left (housed in the archives at Barnard College and Columbia University) was more professional than personal. In addition, I briefly touch on the lives of other women who influenced,orwereinfluencedby,Gildersleeve,throughsharedprofessional

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