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The Transfer of Calcium and Strontium Across Biological Membranes PDF

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The Transfer of Calcium and Strontium Across Biological Membranes Proceedings of a Conference held at Cornell University Ithaca, New York, May 13-16, 1962 Edited by R. H. WASSERMAN Department of Physical Biology New York State Veterinary College Cornell University Ithaca, New York 1963 ACADEMIC PRESS • New York and London COPYRIGHT© 1963, BY ACADEMIC PRESS INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED NO PART OF THIS BOOK MAY BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM, BY PHOTOSTAT, MICROFILM, OR ANY OTHER MEANS, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE PUBLISHERS. REPRODUCTION IN WHOLE OR IN PART FOR ANY PURPOSE OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT IS PERMITTED. ACADEMIC PRESS INC. Ill Fifth Avenue, New York 3, N. Y. United Kingdom Edition published by ACADEMIC PRESS INC. (LONDON) LTD. Berkeley Square House, London W.l LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOG CARD NUMBER: 63-21408 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA \ LIST OF PARTICIPANTS ARMSTRONG, W. D., Department of Phys- CLARK, I., Department of Orthopedic iological Chemistry, University of Surgery, Columbia University, Col- Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota lege of Physicians and Surgeons, New ASDELL, S. A., Department of Animal York, New York Husbandry, N. Y. S. College of Agri- COM AR, C. L., Department of Physical culture, Cornell University, Ithaca, Biology, N. Y. State Veterinary Col- New York lege, Cornell University, Ithaca, New AVIOLI, L. V., Seton Hall College of York Medicine and Dentistry, Medical CONNOR, T. B., Department of Medicine, Center, Jersey City, New Jersey University of Maryland School of BARNES, R. H., Graduate School of Nutri- Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland tion, Cornell University, Ithaca, New COPP, D. H., Department of Physiology, York University of British Columbia, Van- BERGER, E. Y., Research Service, Third couver, B.C., Canada N. Y. U. Medical Division, Goldwater COUSINS, B., Department of Radiation Memorial Hospital, New York, New Biology, University of Rochester, York Rochester, New York BERGMAN, E. N., Department of Phys- CRAMER, CF., Department of Physiology, iology, N. Y. S. Veterinary College, University of British Columbia, Van- Cornell University, Ithaca, New York couver, B.C., Canada BERGSTROM, W. H., Pédiatrie Department, CURRAN, P. F., Biophysical Laboratory, S. U. N. Y. Medical Center, Syracuse, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mas- New York sachusetts BERNSTEIN, D., Division of Medicine, DANIEL, L. J., Department of Biochemis- Mount Sinai Hospital, Los Angeles, try, Cornell University, Ithaca, New California York BORLE, A. B., Department of Radiation DAVIS, A. K., Radiological Health Labora- Biology, University of Rochester, tory, Department of Health, Educa- Rochester, New York tion, and Welfare, Public Health BREEN, M., Northwestern University Service, Rockville, Maryland Medical School, Chicago, Illinois DAVIS, G. K., Nuclear Sciences, Nutrition BRONNER, F., Hospital for Special Surgery, Laboratory, University of Florida, Cornell University Medical Center, Gainesville, Florida New York, New York DELLA ROSA, R. J., School of Veterinary BUDY, A. M., Department of Physiology, Medicine, University of California, University of Chicago, Chicago, Davis, California Illinois DOB SON, A., Department of Physiology, BREUER, L. H., Department of Animal N. Y. State Veterinary College, Cor- Husbandry, Cornell University, Ith- nell University, Ithaca, New York aca, New York DRAPER, H. H., Animal Sciences Labora- CHEN, P. S., Department of Radiation tory, University of Illinois, Urbana, Biology, University of Rochester, Illinois Rochester, New York DUPUIS, Y., Centre National Recherche CHOWDHURY, T. K., Department of Bio- Scientifique, Laboratoire du Physi- physics, University of Buffalo, Buf- olgie de la Nutrition, Paris, France falo, New York EGAWA, J., Department of Radiation Biol- V VI LIST OF PARTICIPANTS ogy, University of Rochester, Roch- HEANEY, R. P., School of Medicine, ester, New York Creighton University, Omaha, Ne- FILONOWICH, L. K., Department of Phys- braska iological Chemistry, University of HENDRIX, J. Z., Endocrinology Depart- Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota ment, Rockefeller Institute, New FOWLER, E. B., University of California, York, New York Los Alamos, New Mexico HENNEMAN, P. H., Seton Hall College of FRASER, D., The Research Institute, Hos- Medicine, Jersey City Medical Center, pital for Sick Children, Toronto, Jersey City, New Jersey Ontario, Canada HOGBEN, C. A. M., Department of Phys- FRIES, G. F., Department of Physical Biol- iology, State University of Iowa, Iowa ogy, Cornell University, Ithaca, New City, Iowa York, and U. S. Department of HOLLAND, R. F., Department of Dairy and Agriculture Food Science, Cornell University, Ith- FUERST, W. F., Department of Physiology, aca, New York N. Y. State Veterinary College, Cor- HUBEL, K. A., 9001 Louis Avenue, Silver nell University, Ithaca, New York Spring, Maryland GARLICH, J. D., Poultry Department, Cor- HUNT, B. J., Department of Medicine, nell University, Ithaca, New York University of Toronto, Toronto, On- GASTEIGER, E. L., Department of Physical tario, Canada Biology, N. Y. S. Veterinary College, ICHIKAWA, S., Department of Physical Cornell University, Ithaca, New York Biology, N. Y. S. Veterinary College, GIESE, W., Department of Physical Biol- Cornell University, Ithaca, New York ogy* N. Y. S. Veterinary College, JAINUDEEN, M. R., Department of Animal Cornell University; and Hannover, Husbandry, Cornell University, Ith- Germany aca, New York GRAY, L. F., U. S. Nutrition Laboratory, JAYASINGHE, J. B., Ceylon Cornell University, Ithaca, New York JOHNSON, R. F., Marine Laboratory, Uni- GREENFIELD, L. J., Marine Laboratory, versity of Miami, Florida University of Miami, Florida JOHNSTON, F. A., Department of Food and HACKLER, L. R., Department of Food Nutrition, N. Y. S. College of Home Science, Cornell University, Geneva, Economics, Cornell University, Ith- New York aca, New York HANSEL, W., Department of Animal KIRSCHNER, L. B., Department of Zoology, Husbandry, Cornell University, Ith- Washington State University, Pull- aca, New York man, Washington HARDY, E., U. S. Atomic Energy Com- KODICEK, E., Dunn Nutritional Laboratory, mission, Health and Safety Labora- University of Cambridge and Medical tory, New York, New York Research Council, Cambridge, Eng- HARKINS, R. W., Mead Johnson Research land Center, Evansville, Indiana KOPRIVA, P. C, State University of New HARRISON, G. E., Radiobiological Research York, New Paltz, New York Unit, Medical Research Council, Har- KOSIKOWSKI, F., Department of Dairy and well, England Food Science, Cornell University, Ith- HARRISON, H. E., Pediatrics Department, aca, New York Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland LAGUE, JEAN-GUY, Faculty of Dentistry, HAY, P., Strong Memorial Hospital, Uni- University of Montreal, Montreal, versity of Rochester, Rochester, New Quebec, Canada York LAZOR, M. Z., National Cancer Institute, LIST OF PARTICIPANTS vii National Institutes of Health, Be- Medicinsk — Kemiska Institutionen, thesda, Maryland Medicinaregaten 9, Göteborg, Sweden LEDFORD, R. A., N. Y. State Department MIGICOVSKY, B. B., Biochemical Research of Agriculture and Markets, Albany, Branch, Canada Department of Ag- New York riculture, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada LENGEMANN, F. W., Department of MILLER, E. J., Radiation Biology Depart- Physical Biology, N. Y. S. Veterinary ment of the School of Dentistry and College, Cornell University, Ithaca, Medicine, University of Rochester, New York Rochester, New York LINDQUIST, B., University of Umea Medi- MILLICAN, C, N. Y. State Department of cal School, Umea, Sweden Health, Rochester, New York LOOSLI, J. K., Department of Animal MONROE, R. A., Research and Develop- Husbandry, Cornell University, Ith- ment Division, National Dairy Prod- aca, New York ucts Corporation, Glenview, Illinois LUTWAK, L., Metabolic Diseases Branch, MOORE, W., Southeastern Radiological National Institute of Arthritis and Health Laboratory, Public Health Metabolic Diseases, National Institutes Service, Montgomery, Alabama of Health, Bethesda, Maryland MORI, K., Institut de Gerontologie, Hôpital LYON, L, Department of Biochemistry, Nôtre Dame de la Merci, Montreal, Chicago Medical School, Chicago, Quebec, Canada Illinois MORRISON, M., Department of Food and MCFARLAND, W., Department of Zoology, Nutrition, Cornell University, Ithaca, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York New York MCLEAN, F. C, Department of Physiology, MULRYAN, B., University of Rochester University of Chicago, Chicago, Medical Center, Rochester, New York Illinois NESHEIM, M. C, Poultry Department, MALETSKOS, C. J., Physics Department, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York Massachusetts Institute of Tech- NEUMAN, W. F., Department of Radiation nology, Cambridge, Massachusetts Biology, University of Rochester, MALM, O. J., Institute for Experimental Rochester, New York Medical Research, Ullevaal Hospital, NEWTON, C. F., Medical Department, Oslo, Norway University of Chicago, Chicago, MARCUS, C. S., Department of Physical Illinois Biology, N. Y. S. Veterinary College, NICHOLS, B., Electrical Engineering, Cor- Cornell University, Ithaca, New York nell University, Ithaca, New York MASUHARA, T., Animal Research Institute, NICHOLS, G., Harvard Medical School, Canada Department of Agriculture, Boston, Massachusetts Ottawa, Ontario, Canada NICOLAYSEN, R., Institute for Nutrition MASUROVSKY, E. B., Department of Food Research, University of Oslo, Blind- Science and Technology, Nutrition, em, Norway NORDIN, B. E. C, Medicine Department Massachusetts Institute of Tech- of Gardiner Institute, Western In- nology, Cambridge, Massachusetts firmary, Glasgow, Scodand MAURICE, P. F., Seton Hall College of OTERO, L. R., Department of Zoology, Medicine, Jersey City Medical Center, Columbia University, New York, Jersey City, New Jersey New York MAYNARD, L. A., Department of Bio- PACHA, F., Animal Research Institute, Re- chemistry and Nutrition, Cornell Uni- search Branch, Central Experimental versity, Ithaca, New York Farm, Canada Department of Agri- MELLANDER, O., Göteborgs Universitet, culture, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Vlll LIST OF PARTICIPANTS PEACHEY, L. D., Department of Zoology, Biology, N. Y. S. Veterinary College, Columbia University, New York, Cornell University, Ithaca, New New York York; and Harwell, England PEREZ, C. B., Department of Animal SAX, N. I., Radiological Sciences Group, Husbandry, Cornell University, Ith- Division of Laboratories and Re- aca, New York search, N. Y. State Department of PETERS, L. H., University of Oregon Health, Albany, New York Dental School, Pordand, Oregon SCHACHTER, D., Columbia University Col- PRITHAM, G. H., Frear Laboratory, lege of Physicans and Surgeons, Department of Agriculture and Bio- Presbyterian Hospital, New York, chemistry, Penn State University, New York University Park, Pennsylvania SCHRAER, H., Biophysics Laboratory, RAISZ, L. G., Department of Pharmacol- Physics Department, Penn State Uni- ogy, University of Rochester, Roch- versity, University Park, Pennsylvania ester, New York SCHWARTZ, R., Western Reserve Univer- RAY, R. D., Department of Orthopedic sity, Cleveland, Ohio Surgery, University of Illinois College SHANES, A. M.,* Department of Phar- of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois macology, Schools of Medicine, Uni- READ, M. S., National Dairy Council, versity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Chicago, Illinois Pennsylvania REEVES, R. B., Department of Zoology, SINGER, L., Physiological Chemistry De- Cornell University, Ithaca, New York partment of the Medical School, RIVERA, J., U. S. Atomic Energy Com- University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, mission, Health and Safety Labora- Minnesota tory, New York, New York SNELL, F. M., Department of Biophysics, ROBINSON, B. H. B., Pharmacology and University of Buffalo, Buffalo, New Experimental Therapeutics Depart- York ment, Johns Hopkins University, SOLOMON, A. K., Biophysics Laboratory, Baltimore, Maryland Harvard Medical School, Boston ROE, W. E., Department of Veterinary Massachusetts Physiology, N. Y. S. Veterinary Col- SPERELAKIS, N., Physiology Department, lege, Cornell University, Ithaca, New Western Reserve University, Cleve- York land, Ohio RUBIN, M., Chemo-Medical Research In- STEIN, I., Orthopedic Department, Albert stitute, Graduate Chemistry Depart- Einstein Medical Center, Philadel- ment, Georgetown University Medical phia, Pennsylvania School, Washington, D.C. STEVENS, C. E., Department of Veterinary ROSENTHAL, H. L., Washington Univer- Physiology, N. Y. S. Veterinary Col- sity, St. Louis, Missouri lege, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York S ABÊTI RAHMATI, H., Department of Physical Biology, N. Y. S. Veterinary TALMAGE, R. V., Biology Department, College, Cornell University, Ithaca, Rice University, Houston, Texas New York TAVES, D., Department of Radiation Biol- SALTMAN, P., Department of Biochemistry ogy, University of Rochester, Roch- and Nutrition, University of South- ester, New York ern California School of Medicine, TELLES, N. C, New England Deaconess Los Angeles, California Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts SAMACHSON, J., Veterans Administration TEREE, T., University Hospitals, Cleve- Hospital, Hines, Illinois land, Ohio SAVAGE, J. R. K., Department of Physical THOMAS, W. C, Department of Medicine, * Deceased LIST OF PARTICIPANTS IX University of Florida College of Med- WELLMAN, H. N., Division of Radio- icine, Gainesville, Florida logical Health, Robert A. Taft Sani- THOMPSON, R. C, General Electric Com- tary Engineering Center, Cincinnati, pany, Hanford Atomic Products Op- Ohio eration, Richland, Washington WHEDON, G. D., Metabolic Diseases TIDBALL, C. S., Physiology Department, Branch, National Institute of Ar- George Washington University, thritis, and Metabolic Diseases, Na- tional Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Washington, D.C. Maryland TOVERUD, S. U., Institute for Nutrition Research, University of Oslo, Blind- WIDDOWSON, E. M., Department of Ex- perimental Medicine, Medical Re- em, Norway search Council, Cambridge, England TWARDOCK, A. R., Department of Physical WILLIAMS, G. A., Radioisotope Service, Biology, N. Y. S. Veterinary College, Veterans Administration, Westside Cornell University, Ithaca, New York Hospital, Chicago, Illinois URIST, M. R., Department of Surgery, WILSON, D. R., Department of Medicine, University of California Medical University of Toronto, Toronto, On- Center, Los Angeles, California tario, Canada VAUGHAN, O. W., ROSS Laboratories, WOODARD, H. Q., Sloan — Kettering In- Columbus, Ohio stitute, New York, New York WALSER, M., Department of Pharmacol- WOOLLEY, D. W., Rockefeller Institute, ogy and Experimental Therapeutics, New York, New York Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, WRIGHT, L. D., Graduate School of Nutri- Maryland tion, Cornell University, Ithaca, New WASSERMAN, R. H., Department of York Physical Biology, N. Y. S. Veterinary YENDT, E. R., Department of Medicine, College, Cornell University, Ithaca, University of Toronto, Toronto, On- New York tario, Canada WAUGH, W. H., Department of Medicine, YOUNG, C. M., Graduate School of Nutri- University of Kentucky College of tion, Cornell University, Ithaca, New Medicine, Lexington, Kentucky York WEIL, W. B., University Hospitals of YOUNG, R. J., Poultry Department, Cornell Cleveland, Cleveland, Ohio University, Ithaca, New York PREFACE The present volume represents the proceedings of a Conference held at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, May 13-16, 1962. The Conference, being of the same name as the title of this book, was organized upon the recommendation of a number of experts in the field. It was felt that there was enough new information and concepts becoming available to warrant a gathering of investigators for purposes of discussion and exchange of in- formation. With the kind support of the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, the National Institute of Dental Research, the National Science Foundation and Cornell University, such a meeting was made possible. Calcium, of course, is an essential cation necessary for the functioning of several enzyme systems, for blood clotting, for normal nerve and muscle function, for bone formation and for maintaining the integrity of biological membranes. Its concentration in blood and other body fluids is closely con- trolled primarily by the action of the parathyroid glands. Strontium, not known to have any biological function, is of interest because of its presence in fissionable material and, for this volume, because of its similarity (chemical, physical and biological) to calcium. Considerable time and effort has (and is) being given to the problem of how calcium functions in these several systems. Perhaps related to this and of equal importance, is the question of how calcium moves across cells and cellular membranes. One may ask, for example, what types of transfer processes are involved and which pre- dominates under normal physiological and nutritional situations? In reference to intestinal absorption, what mechanisms are available for altering the degree of calcium transfer in response to varying calcium intakes. How does vitamin D exert its effect? And what of the other factors, such as lactose, that also influence these processes? Is calcium reabsorbed from the kidney tubule by the same mechanism that operates in the intestine? The problems concerning radiostrontium (Sr89 and Sr90) are perhaps somewhat different but just as significant. After these radionuclides have been absorbed and deposited in bone, only a small amount can be re- moved except by exceedingly drastic measures. A more promising approach would be to prevent or depress their intestinal absorption as quickly and as efficiently as feasible. In order to attack this problem intelligently, one should know by what process or processes strontium is actually absorbed. It was to such problems and questions as alluded to above that the theme of this volume (and the Conference) was addressed. Certainly, all of the answers are not yet available and many of the solutions are still many years away. It is hoped that this undertaking will serve to shorten, if only briefly, the lag time. xi Xll PREFACE With gratitude, the fine cooperation of the program committee, consisting of Dr. R. H. Barnes (Cornell University), Dr. C. L. Comar (Cornell Uni- versity), Dr. D. H. Copp (University of British Columbia), and Dr. H. E. Harrison (Johns Hopkins University) is acknowledged. Sincere appreciation is extended to the session chairmen who also served as sectional editors, these being: (I) Dr. A. K. Solomon and Dr. P. F. Curran (Harvard Uni- versity), (II) Dr. B. B. Migicc/sky (Canada Department of Agriculture, Ottawa), (III) Dr. R. Nicolaysen (University of Oslo, Norway), (IV) Dr. Bertil Lindquisf (University of Umea, Sweden), (V) Dr. Felix: Bronner (Hospital for Special Surgery, Cornell Medical Center), (VI) Dr. F. C. McLean ^University of Chicago), (VII) Dr. D. H. Copp (University of British Columbia). Many others, particularly Howard Spicer, Jennifer Whel- don, Ruth Ditzell and Eleanor Rosica, were most helpful in the organization of the Conference and in the preparation of the discussion for the publisher. The suggestions and advice of Dr. C. L. Comar proved most valuable and his contributions are acknowledged with many thanks. Ithaca, New York R. H. WASSERMAN October, 1963 INTRODUCTORY COMMENTS Rapid progress in the gaining of fundamental knowledge is bound to result from a happy convergence of men with ideas and motivation, an opportunity for personal communication, a highly developed state of the art, and availability of material capabilities. The men with ideas are well represented here as contributors to this conference on calcium and stron- tium transport. The conference itself provides the market-place for ideas where sparks are expected from the clash of minds. Over the years there has been a sustained research interest in the nutritional and physiological aspects of calcium metabolism. Nevertheless, it is fair to state that the problems posed by the advent of atomic energy on a large scale provided considerable motivation and stimulation that led to intensification of studies of both calcium and strontium. Ironically, but perhaps with a measure of poetic justice, the same developments that brought the issue into being have also provided specific experimental tools and material capabilities that have furthered the solution of these problems as well as of many others. Since the very early experiments, it has been generally accepted that cal- cium and strontium are interrelated in metabolic behavior. This means first of all that possible effects of radioactive strontium should be looked for in relation to those functions known to be dependent upon calcium:—skeletal processes, coagulation of blood, contractility of muscle, reactivity of the nervous system, and linkage in the nucleus of the cell. There is still a mild controversy about whether the behavior of adventitious radiostrontium in the mammalian organism is governed by the levels of stable strontium or by the homeostatic action of calcium plus strontium. Though many incline to the latter view, numerous observations yet remain to be explained. Hopefully, clarification will be provided by an understanding of the details of transport (e.g. competition, if any, for binding sites; carriers; energy sources). This conference, not entirely by chance, comes at a time when research in the broad area of mineral metabolism is about to take another tack. We know reasonably well what happens in the body under certain conditions to minerals such as calcium and strontium. Now we require to know why it happens and how we can change the pattern of events at will. When the strontium problem first blossomed, it was optimistically thought that all the necessary information was existent in the voluminous literature on calcium:—ready for the taking. But the welter of conflicting views on even the most mundane aspects of calcium metabolism was dis- illusioning. It appeared that, if generalizations were to be possible, there must be much more basic information provided to shore-up the innumerable ad hoc findings. Xlll

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