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The tragoedy of Othello, the Moore of Venice : as it hath beene diuerse times acted at the Globe, and at the Black-Friers by His Maiesties Seruants PDF

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Preview The tragoedy of Othello, the Moore of Venice : as it hath beene diuerse times acted at the Globe, and at the Black-Friers by His Maiesties Seruants

Ace OS sioils Slu^lC \o. liar/on L/Z/jmr tyy/wf^iUci ^^^/z^/ta/i^^ t>(y,<X/l^9fy. Hn^tmt Ciltmm JIultltr — /f /.' X' // /:' • /7 /,' G- ry^-i^/^///Y:y-&m(}/i ^l/^m/ y^/y^/^/^/^^Ujf j^ THE Tragoedy ofOthello, The Moore of Venice. %As hath beene diuerfe times acted at tht it Globe and at theBlack-Friers bf , , hu Maieflies Seruants. William Shakefpeare. Written hj LOJSTD O N, Printed byN. O.for Themaswdiley^and arc to be Ibidat his (hop,attheEagle and Child, in Brittans Biirffe. ^ fcai^*f*--.-'^. The Stationer to the Reader, m ^^^Ofetforth a booke without Epifik, A \'VpereliketotheoldEngliPjprouerbe, blew coat without a badge, Au- if///;/? thor being dead 1 thoughtgood to take ; , thatpiece ofy^orke nupon mee To com- : mendit^l loillnot^forthatwhichisgood /hope euerj , manypillcommend^without intreaty : and 1amthe bol dcTj becaufe theAuthors nameufufficientto nuent hu \ worke. Thusleauing euery oneto theliberty ofiudge- ment : I hauerpenteredto print thuPlay^ andleaue it tqtbeg^crallcenfure. "Yours Thomas Waliileyo A d >\\i\V4 • - V 'V. , . ivj ii. C' f ,: I The Tragedy ofOihdlo the Moore Venice, (9/^ Enttrlagoand Rqderigo^ Roderigo* [Vfh^neucr tellme,!takeit muchviikindly ThatyouIago;^ho has had mypurfc. Asifthe ftringswere thine, Hiould'ftknow of thiy^ Ing, S'blood,butyouwillnotheareme, Ifeiier I did dreamc offuch a mattcr,abhorre me. Rod, Thoutoldft me^thoudidft holdhim in thyhate. lag, Tyt(^\(t meif I doc not ; threegreat ones ofthcCitty Inpcrfonaliruiic tomakemehisLeiutcnar.t, Oftcaptto himjOntl bythefjirh of^man, I know my priceJ amw^orth no worfe a place. But he^aslouinghis owrne pride andpUrpofes, Euadesthem,with a bumbaft circumftaoec, Horril ly ttuftwith Epithitcs of warre Andinconchifion, ^jon-fuits my mediators for certes/ayes he, : I haue already chofenmy officer^and wiut was he? Forfooth,a great Aritbmetitioiij One MtchadCafshy2^Florentine, A fellowalniofi dambd in a fairc wife That neuerfet a fquadron inthe field. Nor the deuifion ofaBattellknowcs. B Merc : , , : TheTragedy o/DthcUo Mofc thenaSpinftcrjVnlcffc the bookifliThcorique* Wherein the toged Confulscanpropofc As mallcrly as he j meerepratclewithout praftlfr. Is allhisfouldicr-fhippc: buchefirhacitheek6lion^ And Ijofwhom his eyes had fcenetheproofe. At RhodcSfti0/?rw,andon other grounds, Chriftian a«d Heathen,mull be leJ^anJ calni'd. ByDebitorandCreditor,this Gounter-cailcr He in good timf,murthis Leiutenantbe, And IjGod blefle thcmarke,his Worfl\ips Ancient, Rok^ ByhcauenIrather would haue binhis hangman* /rf. But there's no remedy, Tis the curfcofferuice. Preferment goes by letter and aflFc(5ion Notby the olde gradatJon,whereeaehfecond Stood heiretothefirft: Now fir be iu.^.gcyourfelffi WhetherI,in any iuft tearme am aflignd toloue the Moore. i^tfd'. Iwould not followhimthen, O la^ fir,concent you, I follow him to feruc my turne vponhim. We cannot beallmafters,norall matters Cannot be truelyfol!owed,you fhallmarkc* Many a dutious and knee-crooking knaue. That dotingonhis owne obfeqiiious bondage, Weares out his time muchlike hismatters Afle, -Fornoughe but prouendcr^and when hee'sold caflbicrd^ 'fi Whip mcefuch honeftknaues Othersthere are,who trimd ia formes. And viflagesofduty^kecpeyet theirhearts. Attendingon themfeJues,aHdthrowing Bi)t fhewes offeruice on theirLordsit Doewellthriue by'em. And when they hauelin'd theircoate^j. Doc themfelues homage, Xhofe fellawes haMcfomcf^uIe^

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