ThTer acker Ou2r5 tAhn niveIrsssaurey ThTer acker Thfei irssstou fe appeairnte hFdea olf1l 9 5a6sa m imeogrnaepwhselde tter contaair neipnoogfrt thh ea ppeniinJn ugnoseft hayte asru rroutnhdbeie nggi nonfit nhges OrgHain stoSroicciaIelatt l r rsioemndee wnso tseosm,"e i ntersepsetcaisnan,dl g" i osft tevni ntoarggeat nhsef nos ra d iwtaoKsre nnFe.tS hi mmoannsda,,l thohuingsah m e dindo atp peiantrh i es stuhepe,u bliwsahAsel rb FeR.rot o-psoiiftex h sea dti tion wermea ilteotd h tee onr igfionuanld pelru3ss6p, e opwlheom igbheti nterienss utcaehcd tiviatshi iesst orreisceaianlAr mcehr iocragnba uni ladnitdnh gpe r eserovfoa rtgiawonhnsi ch repressiegnntim foidceaolnftst h airsIt ct.o $s4t. t4op0 r odtuhcfaeit ir ssts ue. Thnee xyte asra twh feo rmoarlg aniozfta htSeio ocniw eittayhne lecotfoi fofni acnedr s plafnosbr y -laanwadsc onstiptluuttshia eop np,o inotfsm eevnetcr oamlm ittees. Thteh iyredab re,g ininn1i 9n5gw8 a,os n oefg reaadtv ance-mreengtud luaewrse rien ThTer acker stit(urteepdl tahcfeio nrgmv eorl unctoanrtyr ibauntdi ons),a ppeairnpe rdi nted, eightf-opraTmgh.ece o osftt hfei irssstou fVe o luImIweIa $s6 4f.o0pr0r inptli$un1sg4 ,.f o0r0 postwaigtech,o pmiaeisl teo1d 8 m5e mbers. Sintcheat ti mset eagdryo whtahps r ovitdheeedn couragteopm reondtau b ceet ter ThBei centTernancikaelr , magazbiontiehnq, u aloifct oyn taennadtp pearAas aslu e, wapsu bliassah n"e edx it1nr 9a"7i 6ct;o ntanienae2rd0lp 0ya goefos r igmiantaelwr iitmahal n y fiinlel ustarnawdta idsoe nssit gonc eedl ebtrhSaeot cei 2e0ttyah'n sn ivearsws eaalrslty h nea tio2n0'0sbt ihr thCdoapyio.eft s h miasg nifiiscsaeurnseett aivlali lable. Andn owm,a rktihn2eg5 tahn niveorfts hafero yu ndoiftn hOger gHains toSroicciaelt y, wep restehnoitvs e rrseigzuiels asorufV e o lu2m5eN, u mb1e.Br e caoufis tceso ntaennidtm por tanwceeu ,r gyeot uop resiettr,ouv seie ft o rre fermeantceera intadoel n,c oufrraigetenob d usy copies. Outrh anakresex tentdoa elcdlo ntritbotu hteeod rist,bo orairtadotl, h a ed vercthiasiirng mana neds pectiooa ulirln yd efaptuibglaibfslohaerel t rlh,c e o ntheenrte in. AlbeFr.Rt o binEsdoint,o r ThTer acker ipsu blifsohuterid m aey se abryt hOer gaHni stoSroicciaIelnt cya.n, ,o n profeidtu,c atoirognaanli zation. ThTer acker): Annumaelm berdsuhe(isip n cluding Regumleamrb e$r1s2 .(5o0va egr6e 5 , full-sttiumdeea nntdas d,d itmieomnbaielnra h ouseh$o1l0d. C0o0n)t;r imbeumtbienrgs $20.S0u0s;t amienmibne$gr3 s5 .P0a0t;r$ o1n0s0 I.n0s0t.i taunbtdui soinnsme asybs een so n votsiunbgs cartti hbseea rmrsea tFeosr.e miegmnb earnssdu bscardi$db1 e.rB0sa0 c.ik s soufe s ThTer acker aroeb taianta$ b3l.ee2a 5co hr$ 12.p5ev0ro e mberdsuheiispn, quiraineadsd ,d rcehsasnt goTe:hs Oe r gHains toSroicciaIelnt cPy.0.,,. B o2x0 W9i,l mington, OH4 517M7a.ka el clh ecpkasy atbotl heOe r gaHni stoSroicciaIelnt cy., Advertmiasyae drdsri ensqsu tiorti hAeeds v ertCihsaiinrgm an. Editcoorriraels paonnaddr etnictceobl ece osn sifdoeprru ebdl icmaatybi eao dnd retsos ed thEed itRoers.p onsfiofbrai caltnisodt p yi neixopnrse isnas retdir celsuetpssot nh aeu thaonrds The noutp otnh Oer gaHni stoSroicciaIelnt cyA.,l mla tearcicaelp ftoperud b liciant ion Tracker becotmhepesr opeorftt hOyer gaHni stoSroicciaIelnt cya.,n,c d a nnboert e turned. ThTer acker Matepruiballi isnh ed mayn obter eprodwuictehpdoe urtm iosfst ihEoedn i tor. ThOer gHains toSroicciiaenslto byte holtdoae ncnyo mmericnitaeTlrh eesirtnse.o i nten tiotond iscorrer deicto mmaenneydx isotrignmagan n ufaocrct oornycN eors hn forma tioinn feorrcr oends tirnau nefydo rmma yb eu seidna dvertorif soairnn cygo mmerpcuiral posTeh.eS ociweittlyal k aels lt eoppset noi tto p revoerpn rto seacnusyt uecu hs oef i ts ThTer acker, matertihnaeal m,e ort hnea mTeh Oer gaHni stoSroicciaelt y. Copyr1i9g8Th1ht Oe r gaHni stoSroicciaIelnt cy., 2 Dedication Thi2s5 tahn niveirsssoaufTre hy Te r acikrsee rs pecdtefduilctlaoyt ed BarbJa.Or wae n whob rouagbhotu tm etehtoeif tn hgte e onr igfionuanldo eftr hOser gHains toSroicciaaetlt y StB.a rtholCohmuerCwch'hos Ri oro imNn e wY orCki tdyu rtinhge N1a9t5i6Co onnavle ntion oft hAem eriGcuainol fOd r ganainswdth sos, e rvaestd hS eo cifeitpryrs'etss iTdheoent th.e r ninfeo undweerrse : DoroBtahlyl inger HomeDr.B lanchard RobeNr.Ct l awson HoraDcoeu gl.a.s s DonaRl.dM P.a terson* AlbeFr.Rt o binson CharlSeinmem ons KennFe.St ihm mons• RandWaalgln er Mayt hceo uraangzdee aolft hepsieo neceonrtsi tnoiu nes pailmrlee m beorfts h Oer gan HistoSroiccisaeotlt h yea atcm ha ys erivhnei o srh eorw nw ayt om aintthaeihinir gi hd eals and dedication. * -Subsqaunendno twp asptr esident ••-Deceased. 3 ThOer gHains toSroicciIaenltc y., P.OB.o 2x0 9W,i lminOghtio4on5 ,1 77 witahr chaitvO ehsiW oe sleUynainv erDseiltayw,Oa hrieo, antde lepahtWo onrec esMtaesrs,a chu(s6e17t79t)1s -:2 169 TheN atioCnoauln cil Officers ThRee vC.u lvMeorw e.r..s. .................•.....P..r.e sident 237S1l aterRvdi.Bl olx1e 3 0B,r ooklonNdYa1 l4e8,1 7 GeorBgoez em.a.n. e.s.i.d.e.n.t. .. RFDf lD,e erfiNeHl 0d3,0 37 DonaCl.Rd o ckwo.o.d. ....,.. ................ ......T reasurer 50R ockwoRooda dN,o rfoMlAk 0,2 056 JamMecsF ar.l.a...n.d. ............................,S. e cretary 11N4. G eorSg.te,M illersPvA1i 7l5l5e1, HomeDr.B lanc,h..a . .r. d .. ..,.,. .. .. .............A.r chivist 10G3r iswSotlrde Deetl,a waOrHe4 ,3 015 Councillors WillViaaPnme Illt.l . ...................................1.9 81 Rt,4 ,B ox4 04G,l eAnl leVnA,2 3060 SamuWeall t.e.r. ..........., . ...................,.. .,. 1.9.8 1 83S choHoolu sLea nEea,sB tr unswNiY0c 8k8,1 6 RichCa.Hr adm a.r., .. .....,,.. . .. .. . .. ,. ....,., ,. ,. . .1•.9 82 Box3 341,0F roSn,tt,C ollinsCvT0i 6l0l2e2, RandEa.Wl alg n.e.r. .....,,. . ................ ,.. ..... ,1. 9.8 2 42V7e rmoAnvte .E,r iPeA,1 6505 DanHau l.l. .........................,... ..........1..9..8. 3. 140E7.S tadiAunmn,A rboMrl,4 8104 StepLhoenn..g . . . .. ................................., . 1.9 83 14W arrAevne .M,a rlboMrAo 0,1 752 ThTer acSktearf f AlbFe.Rr otb inson ...,.. .E .d itor FirPsrte sbytCehruirac2nh0 K, i ngH'isg hwEaays Hta,d donfNiJe0 l8d0,3 3 NormCa.C unning.h.a.m.. .,.., . . ..... .........,P. u.b.l.i sher 40E .M t,P leasRadn.Wt,i lmingOtHo 4n5,1 77 F.R obeRrotc. h.e.. .............,.. . .,.,.. ... ......A dvertising 60P arStt .T,a untMoAn ,0 2780 HomeBrl ancahnaAdrl daL na ufm.a...n.. ..........,.. E .d itorial AdvisBoorayr d ChairomfSe tna ndCionmgm ittees ChairomfTe enm porCaormym ittees F.R obeRrohtce. .............. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . .AdvertisiRnigc hCa.Hr adm a.r. ,.. .. ........, ,. . ...........N .o.m.inating 60P arSkt reTeatu,n tMoAn ,0 2780 Box3 341,0F roSnt.t,C ollinsCvT0i 6l0l2e2, NormMa.nW alt.e..r. .,,.. . ......... ..... .A.u dio-VisBurailFa rna n.c...k, , . . ........,. , . ...., ,, . ..,.1 .9.8C 1o nvention 25W atervRide.Ww,e sCth estPeAr1 ,9 380 14M onteSltl.Lo,e wisMtEo n0,4 240 LawreTnrcuep i.a.. n . o. ... ............, ., C hapCtoeorr dinator AIM-sMse rcSetr.N ,e wY orkN,Y1 0013 ChapCtoerrr espondents E.AB.o adw(aaynA dl aLna ufm.a.n.)• .,..C . o.n.v.e nBtoiooknl et AlaLna uf.m, .a .n.,.. . .,.. ...... ...........B.o stOorng Calnu b P.0,B ox8 63C,l aremNoHn 0t3,7 43 AlaLna uf.m.a.n,. ., . .,.. .. .,.. , . ..C.o.n.v enCtoioornd inatoPr0 . B ox1 04H,a rrisNvHi 0l3l4e5,0 MarAyn Dno d.d. ................,... ...•....C entNreawYl o rk P,0,B ox1 04H,a rrisNvHi 0l3l4e5,0 HomeBrl ancahnaAdrl daL na ufm.a.n. .,.. ..... . . ....E ditoria2l3B roaSdt, H amiltNoYn1 ,3 346 AdvisBoorayr d ThomAa.sB urr.o..w..s.. .................•.C.h icago-Midwest DavaindPd e s .. . .E.x taOnrtg ans 162B1 S alisCbtu.rW,yh eatoInL6, 0 187 P.O Box6 1D,u nstaMbAl 0e1,8 27 LoreVnezlo.e .z.. ..........._. .........G.r eaNteewYr o rCki ty SamuWeall t.e...r. .............., , .B igFgesl lowshi1p62 S6e coAnvde .N,e wY orNkY 1 0028 83S choHoolu sLea nEea,sB tr unswNiJ0c 8k8.1 6 ElizaSbcehtm.hi.. t.t.., .. . . . . .. .,... .......•.G reaSttLe.or u is ThRee vC.u lvLe.Mr o we.r.s. ... ... ..H.a.r riFmuannd 110J0o ycReo,l lMaO, 6 5401 237S1l aterRvd.,iB lolx1e 3 0B,r ooktonNdYa1 l4e8.1 7 PetNe.Zr i eg.l..e...r.. ...........H ilb(uWsa shington-Baltimore) AlaMn.L aufm..a..n. ......H.e adquaarnFtdoe urnsd aGtriaonnt s 1430M0e dwiCct.k,U ppeMra rlboMrDo 2,0 870 P.O.B ox1 04H.a rrisNvHi 0l3l4e5,0 JoseCpohr ked... a .. l e,... . .. . . ,. .........., . ,. . M id-Hudson DanHau l.l. ., . .. . . . . . . . .. • . . . .. . .. . . . .. .H.i.s tOorrgiacn s 17I nnAivs.e, N ewburNgYh1 ,2 550 140E7.S tadiAunmn,A rboMrl,4 8104 RandMaclCla r..t .. y. . . ... ...............P.a.c iNfoirct hwest CharFleersg u..s. .o . .n. . . . . .. . .. . . •. . . . . I nternIanttieorneaslt 1s62 B2e S eatWtAl e9,8 122 Box4 4E,. V assalbMoEr 0o4,9 35 ManuJeR.lo sa.l.. e. . s . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . . .. .P aciSfoiuct hwest WillTi,Va amn PIeI.lI.t . ..,..,,.. •..... ., ,. ...P.u blRiecl ationPs 0 ,B ox3 946L5o,sA ngelCeAs 9,0 039 Rt,4 ,B ox4 04G,l eAnl leVnA. 2 3060 MarJyu lRioay a.l ..l .. ..... .. .....S.o.u Ctahr olina EaMrill .l.e.r. .,.. ..... . .. ., . ..R eciStearli es 70B ayV ieDwr .,M t.P leasSaCn2 t9.4 64 Epipha1n1yJ5,e ffeArvs.eo .Dn a nviVlAl 2e4,5 41 JamRe.sM cFar.l. a n..d . . .T.a nnen(bCeerngPt ernanly slvania) JohKn.O gasa.p. .i . .a .. n. . . . .. . .. .R.e seaarnPcduh b licatio11nN4s G eorSgte,M illersPvA1i 7l5l5e1, 14P arSk.t . P epperMeAl.0l 1,4 63 WillViaaPnme llIt.I .. ........ ..V irginia Rt4., B ox4 04G,l eAnl leVnA, 2 3060 4 Contents Volu2m5eN, u mberl Fa1l9l80 Letters 7 StopDleitsati ls 7 ThOer gainnt hUen itSetda tes: HomeDr.B lanchard 13 A StuidnDy e siPganrI,tI WillSicahmu eMlakneu,f acotfCu hruerarcn hd ElizaTboewtnShec hmitt5 2 ChapOerlg ans ThHeo ookn t hRei ver GeorBgoez emJarn , 77 AlaLna ufman WillWioarmd en A Histooftr hyOe r gaonfts h Ceo lleCghiuartceh PetTe.Cr a meron 82 ofN ewY orCki t1y7,2 7-1861 AnO puLsi fsottr h Meu rrMa.yH arris JiLme wis 86 Compa1n8y9,4 -1905 ThOer gainnR ichmoAnnOd v:e rview DonaRl.Td r aser 89 AnE arJlayr dOirngea n CaroEl.Fy inx 96 PulpLietcst,ea rnnsOd,r gaMnesm:o roife s DonaRl.Md . P aterson9 8 F.RW.e bber BuilAdniE nlge vSetnoT pr acOkregraW nh ile WillHi.aB ma rnes 100 GoitnogH igShc hool ThMea soannstd h Bee echTehresCi:rr u sfaodre ElfrAi.Ke rdaae ge 101 CongregSaitnigoiinnAna mgle rica CovPehro togJroahpnhOs:ro gnCa on.W ,e stfMiaeslOsdp.,3., 6 108,72 F.i Mrestth oAdkirsoOtnh,,i o. 5 LETTERS STOPLDIESTTA ILS DeaMrr R.o binson, V -VOICAEn:e ntoiftt oynu en doenrce o ntornooelrm ; o re lti si ndeaep dl eatsoub reae b lteoc ongraytouuol na te ranokfps i pes. The Tracker. publitshh2ei5 ntAghn niveirsssoaufre y lh ave R -RANKs:e otAfp ipes. beeanna virde asdienrac lem otshbete ginanniidnht ga b,se ean S -STOPC:o nsmoelceh anciosnmt rvoolilcibenosgr, r ows, pleatsous reteeh fiisqn uea rtgerroilwnys coapnedf ormat. extenseit.oc ns, Havisntga ratsate ydp esncerwispltie htta tnseo rwe, v oltvoe d B -BORROWA: s ecounsdoef a nrya nokfp ippeesr,c us ah andspormien mtaegda zoifcn oeu;r tsheqe,u alaintidyn sioenxsc luded. teroefis ttms a tehraiasal lw abyeseh ni ourhsaevlef P -PIPEPSe:r cusnsoiitno cnlsu ded. playaenid m porptaairnnttt h wiosr akn dde setrhtvehe a nokfs alylo urre adIea rmss .u rteh antoo neel rseea ljiuzsets hoDwI VISIONS geng e-neral manyl,o nhgo uyrosu h avveo luntiente hrieesdd i torshAi pA-.c companiment h h-armonic Mancyo ngratulations! AN- Antiphonal hp-h igphr essure Ina ddittiopo rno duacnio nfgf ijcoiuarltn haOelr ,g an B-Bombarde I l-ead HistoSroicciahelatd syo nvee riym porwtoarntkth roughoBuWt- Brustwerk m-metal thceo unitner nyc ourtahgpeir negs erovfma atnifyoi non led C-Choir me- metcaalp,p ed orgawnhsim cihg ohtth erwhiasvbeee elno satni,dne ncouragE E-cho mr- metraele,d F F-anfare ms- metastlo,p ped inrge seianro cuhhr e riotfaA gmee riicnasnt ruMmaennyt s. peophlaevt eh ubse eanp priosfte hdve a loufem echanicaGl G-reat o-open actoirogna ns. H-Harmonic ob-o verblowing HW- Hauptwerk om- opemne tal Ih opteh yaotau n tdh Seo ciheatvmyea nmyo ryee aorfs I C-elestial ow- opewno od produacntsidav tei swfoyrikn.g L S-olo pf-p repafroerd N S-tring rr-eed Sincerely, OW -Oberwerk re-gr egister IslA rthLuarw rence 0 O-rchestral rk-r ank(s) EdiatnoPdru blisher P P-edal se-ps eparation ThDei apason RP- Riickpositiv sm- spotmteetda l 38N0o rthHwiegshtw ay S S-well sm-rs potmteetdra ele,d DePsl aiInlelsi6,n0 o0i1s6 V P-ositiv sw- stopwpoeodd t t-in VARIOUS tc-t enco r b,B b-ass trT,R- treble Tot hOer gaHni stoSroicciaelt y, [ n]a m-ien[ n]a m-e tut-atlisl t ops Congratualnadbt eiswotin ssht eoTs h eT racoknei trs ons tocpo ntrol simultaneously twentya-nfniifvtehr sary! c c-apped u-cutup com-bc.o mbination w -wood Oumra gazTihnAeem ,e riOcragna nenijsaotl y,as ra gned comb-oand jusctoambbl.e wm- wooadn mde tal varrieeadd erbsuththi mipes,a tnhsta htce o ntmeunstctso ver cu-c opper wmr-w ooadn mde tal, mansyu bjeCcotnss.e quweena trnleoy at,b lteoe xplaonrye dm- doubmloeu th reed onaer iegnar edaetpf trhoo mnm eo ntthot hnee xbtum tu sptr e fa-ci nf acade wp- winpdr essure seang tr evaatr ioefat ryt icles. FO- fuolrlg an wr- woodr,e ed Ones pecwieaw lotuyll idtk oge i mvoer aet tenttoiti sho en f-rf rreeee d z z-inc historicaolr gAabmnuew,tre ci acdnao nt hoinsl oyc casional lyT.h ereifitogs ro eot dok notwh tahtsi pse cairaeiclaso vered SCALEEST,C . compleatnedel xyc elilneTn htTel rya cEkdeirtA.ol rb eFr.t 41 1/1x6 1"53 11-i6n"s wiiddeat nhdd e pdtihm ensions. Robindseosne mruvcechsr efdoitrth ien teraensidtn ifnogr 6"-i nsdiidaem eotfce yrl inpdirpiec.a l matiwvaeyh ep resseomn utcsi hm pormtaatnetr ial. 44s c-anluem ber. Wec ommetnhdOe r gaHins toSroiccifaeolitr tyw s o rikn 42--4462s caaltme o ut4h6a, tt op. publicainpzdri ensge oruvtisntga Anmdeirniogcr agna annsd, 213-tta pesroie nds diidaem e(tIeDar)tt oip2s 1t3h aatt wew isfhoi rtj so urmnaanlmy o rtew enty-fsipvaen-sy.e amro uth. 219-mm outwhi dt=h 2 1o9f c ircumfoefpr iepnaect e IslC harNl.He esn derson mouth. Editor l/4-muo utchu tiu1sp/ o4fm outwhi dth. ThAem eriOcragna nist 17½-s catloeh da lovnte h 1e7 tnho te. 81S5e coAnvde S.u,i 3t1e8 NewY orNke,wY or1k0 017 Ci-16C'-.8 '. c1-c2-'c42-.'l .'c 3-.6 "c'.-" 3 TAlr. F.AN( ;ENCY HOWARJD. B AITCHER RuPtlhu mAmrteirRs,et psr'e sentative PIPOER GANT ECHNICIAN 25H2y5p eArvieLo.oAn,sn geClA9e 0s0,2 7 T11l11phone(213)665-30144 85E5. ESltmS. k,o klilel l8n0o0l7s8 Phon(e3 1827)3 -1348 7 2O fO urM anRye cent RelocaPtrioojne cts KoehnGkreinm Cmi,n cicnan1.8a 7to5i,r, i ginal & locautnikonnof womnra; ny ye airnAs s bury ThiMredt hoCdhiusrCtci hn,c iwnhneiarwttea i s, HutchPilnagi&s sC,to, s tOopn6.0, ,1 875,visdiutretidhn1 eg9 6 O5H SC onvention; buifloHtri ghCloanngdr eCghautricohn,a ls ubsequentalnpyda rdtiriseamslatblnoyytr leedd RoxbuMrays,sw .h,ei rwtea vsi sdiutretidhn eg CunninPgihpaem OrgWainlsm,i nIgntco.n,, 196O1H SC onvesnhtoihwoenn1r ;J e a nuaryO hiaod;d itrieosntaowlro arptkei rofnbo yr med 198i0m medpiraittooder il sym abnytv loilnugnt DeaenHraus lAnlAn,r bor, MBioczheimgaann, froImm macCuolnacteCeph tuirNocenhw ,b urypGoirbts,Co onD. e,e rNfHi.ea,ln dvd,o lunteers & Massu.n,dt ehsreu perovfBi asrib1oa.nOr wae n,f roSmtM .a tthCehwu'rAscl hb,u quNeerwq ue, AmorAyt kiAnlsaL,na ufamnaAdnn ,d rveoans Mexiwchoet,rh oeer giassnh obwenii nngs talled Heutnobe e;r estaonirdne sdt aatNl elwebdu rypboyAr mto rAyt kiAnlsaL,na ufamnaSdnt ,e uart byM essiLeauhraBsio sset1,9o 8n0T,.w om anuaGloso dHwoilnWy,e e1k9 8O0.n mea nuaanld anpde d1a6rl a,n mkesc,h aancitciaoln . ped8ar la,n mkesc,h aancitciaoln . ALALNA UFMEAXNE,C UTDIIVREE CTOR POSOTF FIBCOEX 104 HARRISNVEIWLH LAEM,P SH0I3R4E5 0 603-827-3055 PipOer gaTnu nianngMd aintenance JI TCAoY LOR ORGANIDUllDER TRACKERA CTIONO RGANS Webor[j)aehe / BUILT TUNED ConsufloOtrra gnDaten s aingRnde building REBUILT & RESTORED MAINTAINED 60N2O RTHS TATSET REET 763P6i ney RBoraadn ch APPLETOWNI,S CONS5I4N9 1411 4-731-8229 RichmVoinrdg,2i 3n2i2a5 (80247)2 -1943 B��IATES 6 LEDGEWOORDO AD ROBEGRLTA SGOW WILMINGTMOANS,S 0.1 887 TheU niveorfsM iitcyh igan locatrieocno rd-irnegc oprrdo duction AnnA rbor 6176-58-6565 SCOTKTE NT JOHCNO URTER DAVIGDO ODING M.M .,F .A.G.O. LakEer iCeo llege BerCeoal lege BereKae,n tu4c0k4y0 4 PainesOvhii4lo4l 0e7,7 JEFFRRE.DY A WSODNi,Mr u.s . FirPsatr iCshhu rch TauntMoans,s achusetts DON'BSA RANN TIQUES ChinGal,a sFsu,r niPtruirneRt,es eO,dr gans BryaPnotnR dd .a,nd l aconPikcw y. MahopNaYc1 ,0 541 914-528-5041 RAYMONGDA RNE&R CO. EsteMyi nuectitre1c,9a 3 1w,i tahu tomatic playcehri,m tehsr,re aen ksst,r ifnlgustv,eo sx, Mechanical-Actionh umantaw,mo a nuaanlfd,u pleld baola rOdn.e PipOer gaSnp ecialists horspeo weSrp encbelro wAelril.n e xcellent playing c$o1n5d,i0t0i0o.n00. Write: P.OB.o x478 Telephone LARRWYE BB CrestClA9i 2n3e2,(5 7 1343)8-3751 508 41E.sS tt reBeatl,t iMmDo2 r1e2,1 8 fopra mphwlietpthi ctaunrsdep ecs sen$d4 .00 10