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Preview The trace formula for transversally elliptic operators on Riemannian foliations

The trace formula for transversally elliptic operators on 0 Riemannian foliations 0 0 2 n Yuri A. KORDYUKOV a J Department of Mathematics, 1 3 Ufa State Aviation Technical University, K.Marx str. 12, Ufa 450000,Russia ] G e-mail: [email protected] D . h September 1, 1999 t a m [ 1 Introduction 1 v 2 The main goal of the paper is to generalize the Duistermaat-Guillemin trace formula to the 8 case of transversally elliptic operators on a compact foliated manifold. First, let us recall 1 1 briefly the setting of the classical formula. 0 Let P be a positive self-adjoint elliptic pseudodifferential operator of order one on a 0 0 closed manifold M (for example, P = √∆, where ∆ is the Laplace-Beltrami operator of a h/ Riemannian metric on M). For any function f ∈ Cc∞(R), the operator Uf = f(t)eitPdt t can be shown to be of trace class, and the mapping θ : f trU is a continRuous linear a f m functional on C∞(R). Otherwise speaking, θ is a distributio7→n on R. The principal symbol c : p of the operator P is a smooth function on the symplectic manifold T∗M 0, and, by v \ ∗ i definition, the bicharacteristic flow f of the operator P is the Hamiltonian flow on T M 0 X t \ defined by the function p. r a By the theorem due to Colin de Verdi´ere and Chazarain [1, 2], the singularities of the distribution θ are contained in the period set of closed trajectories of the bicharacteristic flow f . Moreover, Duistermaat and Guillemin showed [3] that, under the assumption that t the bicharacteristic flow is clean, one can write down an asymptotic expansion for the dis- tribution θ near a given period of closed bicharacteristic. A formula for the leading term of this asymptotic expansion is the Duistermaat-Guillemin trace formula mentioned above. It involves the geometry of the bicharacteristic flow in the form of Poincar´e map and Maslov indices and provides a far-reaching generalization of the classical Poisson formula and the Selberg trace formula on hyperbolic spaces. In the paper, we prove a trace formula for an operator P = √A, where A is a positive self-adjoint transversally elliptic pseudodifferential operator of order two with the positive, holonomy invariant transverse principal symbol on a compact foliated manifold (M, ) (see F Theorem 6). One can consider such an operator as an elliptic operator on the singular 1 space M/ of leaves of the foliation (this statement can be made more precise, using F F the language of noncommutative geometry, see [4]) the trace formula stated in this paper as an example of a trace formula for elliptic operators on singular spaces. We hope that this formula will be useful in further study of a general trace formula in noncommutative geometry (see, for instance, [5, 6] for discussion of a noncommutative trace formula). It should be also noted that our trace formula can be viewed as a relative version of the Duistermaat-Guillemin trace formula. 2 Preliminaries and main results Let (M, ) be a compact, connected, oriented foliated manifold. We will use the following F ∗ notation: T is the tangent bundle, H = TM/T is the normal bundle and N is the F F F F conormal bundle to . There is a short exact sequence F 0 T TM H 0. (2.1) −→ F −→ −→ F −→ We will consider linear operators, acting on half-densities. Recall that an α-density (α R) on a real vector space V of dimension n is a map φ : ΛnV R such that φ(λv) = ∈ → λ αφ(v),v ΛnV,λ R. For any real vector bundle E over a smooth manifold X, we will | | ∈ ∈ denote by E α the α-density bundle of E. | | Given a pseudodifferential operator A Ψm(M, TM 1/2), the transversal principal ∈ | | ˜∗ ∗ symbol σ of Aisdefined to betherestriction of itsprincipal symbol a onN = N 0. A m F F\ An operator A Ψm(M, TM 1/2) is said to be transversally elliptic, if σ (ν) = 0 for any A ν N˜∗ . ∈ | | 6 ∈ F For any smoothleafwise path γ fromx M to y M, sliding along leaves of thefoliation ∈ ∈ defines the holonomy map h , which associates to every germ of a local transversal to the γ foliation at the point x a germ of a local transversal to the foliation at the point y (this map is a natural generalization of the Poincar´e first-return map for flows). The differential of this map (the linear holonomy map) is well-defined as a linear map dh : H H and the γ x y ∗ ∗ ∗ F → F codifferential as a linear map dh : N N . γ yF → xF The transversal principal symbol σ of an operator A Ψm(M, TM 1/2) is said to be A ∗ ∈ | | holonomy invariant, if σ (dh (ν)) = σ (ν) for any smooth leafwise path γ from x to y A γ A and for any ν N˜∗ . ∈ yF Throughout in the paper, we will assume that A is a linear operator in C∞(M, TM 1/2), | | satisfying the following conditions: (A1) A Ψ2(M, TM 1/2) is a transversally elliptic operator with the positive, holonomy ∈ | | invariant transversal principal symbol; (A2) A is an essentially self-adjoint positive operator in L2 space of half-densities on M, L2(M) (with the initial domain C∞(M, TM 1/2)). | | Example 1. Ageometricalexample ofanoperator,satisfying theconditions(A1) and(A2), is given by the operator A = I+∆ , where ∆ is the transversal Laplacian of a bundle-like H H metric on a Riemannian foliation. 2 Recall that a foliation on a smooth Riemannian manifold (M,g ) is Riemannian if M F it satisfies one of the following equivalent conditions (see, for instance, [7]): 1. (M, ) locally has the structure of Riemannian submersion; F ⊥ 2. the transverse part of the Riemannian metric g (that is, its restriction to H = T ) M F is holonomy invariant; 3. the horizontal distribution H is totally geodesic. In this case, the metric g is called bundle-like. M ∗ The Riemannian metric g defines a decomposition of the cotangent bundle T M into a M ∗ ∗ ∗ direct sum T M = F H . With respect to this decomposition, the de Rham differential ∞ ∞ ⊕∗ ∞ d : C (M) C (M,T M) can be written as a sum d = d +d , where d : C (M) F H F ∞ ∗ → ∞ ∞ ∗ → C (M,F ) and d : C (M) C (M,H ). H → The transversal Laplacian is a second order transversally elliptic differential operator in ∞ the space C (M) defined by the formula ∗ ∆ = d d . H − H H Its principal symbol a is given by the formula 2 a (x,ξ) = g (ξ,ξ), (x,ξ) T˜∗M, 2 H ∈ and the holonomy invariance of the transverse principal symbol σ is equivalent to the ∆H assumption on the Riemannian metric g to be bundle-like. M From now on, we will assume that A satisfies the assumptions (A1) and (A2). By the spectral theorem, the operator P = √A generates a strongly continuous group eitP of bounded operators in L2(M). To define a distributional trace of the operator eitP, one need an additional regularization. First, let us introduce some notation. Recall that the holonomy groupoid G = G of the foliation is the set of equivalence F F classes of leafwise paths γ : [0,1] M with respect to an equivalence relation , setting h → ∼ γ γ if γ and γ have the same initial and final points and the same holonomy maps. 1 h 2 1 2 ∼ G is equipped with maps s,r : G M given by s(γ) = γ(0) and r(γ) = γ(1) and has a → composition law given by the composition of paths. For any γ ,γ G, the composition 1 2 γ γ makes sense iff r(γ ) = s(γ ). We will make use of standard n∈otation: Gx = r−1(x), 1 2 2 1 G ◦= s−1(x), Gx = s−1(x) r−1(x), x M. For any x M, Gx is the holonomy group of x x ∩ ∈ ∈ x the leaf L through the point x and the maps s : Gx L and r : G L are covering x x x x → → maps associated with Gx. We will identify a point x M with the element in G given by x ∈ the constant path γ(t) = x,t [0,1]. Let s∗( T 1/2) and r∗( T ∈ 1/2) be the lifts of the vector bundle of leafwise half-densities | F| | F| T 1/2 to vector bundles on G via the mappings s and r respectively, and T 1/2 = r|∗(FT| 1/2) s∗( T 1/2). The line bundle T 1/2 is the bundle of leafwise hal|f-dGe|nsities | F| ⊗ | F| | G| on G with respect to the natural foliation [8]. The space C∞(G, T 1/2) has the strucGture of involutive algebra (see, for instance, [8]). There is a natucral -r|epGr|esentation R of the involutive algebra C∞(G, T 1/2) in L2(M). ∗ c | G| 3 For any k C∞(G, T 1/2), the operator R(k) in L2(M) is defined as follows. According to ∈ c | G| the short exact sequence (2.1), the half-density vector bundle TM 1/2 can be decomposed | | as TM 1/2 = T 1/2 H 1/2. ∼ | | | F| ⊗| F| For any γ G,s(γ) = x,r(γ) = y, the corresponding linear holonomy map defines a map ∈ dh∗ : H 1/2 H 1/2. γ | yF| → | xF| Given u L2(M) of the form u = u u ,u L2(M, T 1/2),u L2(M, H 1/2), 1 2 1 2 ∈ ⊗ ∈ | F| ∈ | F| R(k)u L2(M) is defined by the formula ∈ ∗ ∗ R(k)u(x) = k(γ)s u (γ) dh [u (s(γ))], x M. Z 1 ⊗ γ−1 2 ∈ Gx Proposition 2. Foranyk C∞(G, T 1/2) and f C∞(R), the operatorR(k) f(t)eitPdt is of trace class. Moreover,∈for cany k| GC|∞(G, T ∈1/2),cthe formula R ∈ c | G| θ ,f = trR(k) f(t)eitPdt, f C∞(R), h k i Z ∈ c defines a distribution θ on the real line R, θ ′(R). k k ∈ D Let be a foliation in N˜∗ , which is the horizontal foliation for the natural leafwise N flat connFection in N˜∗ (the BotFt connection). The leaf of the foliation through a point N ν N˜∗ is the set ofFall dh∗(ν) N˜∗ such that γ G,r(γ) = π(ν), wFhere π : N∗ M ∈ F γ ∈ F ∈ F → is the natural projection. ∗ ∗ Denote by H the normal bundle to , H = T(N )/T . For any ν N , N N N N ∗ F F F ∗F F ∈ F the space T N is a coisotropic subspace of the space T T M equipped with the canoni- ν ν F cal symplectic structure, and T its skew-orthogonal complement, therefore, the normal ν N F bundle H has a natural symplectic structure (see, for instance, [9]). ν N F Given an operator A under the conditions (A1) and (A2) with the principal symbol a, let p˜be a smooth function on T˜∗M homogeneous of degree one such that p˜(ξ) = 0 for ξ T˜∗M, which is equal to p = a1/2 in some conical neighborhood of N∗ , and f˜6 the Ham∈iltonian t ∗F 1/2 flow of the function p˜. Define σ to be the restriction of p on N : σ = σ . The function P F P A σ coincides with the transverse principal symbol of any operator P Ψ1(M, TM 1/2) such P 1 that the principal symbols of P2 and A are equal on N∗ . ∈ | | 1 F The holonomy invariance assumption on σ implies A dp˜(ν)(X) = 0, ν N˜∗ , X T . (2.2) ν N ∈ F ∈ F ˜ ∗ Using (2.2) and the fact that f preserves the symplectic structure of T M, one can easily t ˜ ∗ check that the Hamiltonian flow f can be restricted on N . The resulting flow will be t F denoted by f . By definition, the flow f depends only on the 1-jet of the principal symbol t t ∗ a on N , therefore, it doesn’t depend on a choice of p˜ and can be naturally called the F transverse bicharacteristic flow of the operator A. 4 ˜ ∗ Since f preserves the symplectic structure of T M and T is the skew-adjoint comple- t N ∗ F ment to TN , f maps leaves of the foliation to leaves. In particular, the differential t N F F df defines a map T T and a symplectic map H H . t νFN → ft(ν)FN νFN → ft(ν)FN We say that a point ν N˜∗ is a relative fixed point of the diffeomorphism f : t N˜∗ N˜∗ (with respect∈to theFfoliation ), if there exist γ G such that r(γ) = π(ν) N F → ∗F F ∈ and f dh (ν) = ν. −t γ For any t R, denote by Z the set of relative fixed points of f . We also introduce t t ∈ ∗ ∗ the corresponding set in the cospherical bundle SN = ν N : σ (ν) = 1 : SZ = P t Z SN∗ .Thissetmightbenotclosed, but, foranykF C∞{(G∈, T F1/2)),thecorre}sponding t∩ F ∈ c | G| part ∗ ∗ SZ = ν SN : ( γ suppk,r(γ) = π(ν))f dh (ν) = ν t,k { ∈ F ∃ ∈ −t γ } is closed. By the tranversal ellipticity of σ , the flow f is transverse to , therefore, the A t N F relative period set = t R : SZ = ∅ is a discrete subset of R. k t,k T { ∈ 6 } The following theorem was proved in [10], but we will give an independent proof. Theorem 3. Given anoperatorAundertheconditions(A1) and(A2) and k C∞(G, T 1/2), ∈ c | G| the distribution θ is smooth outside of the relative period set of the transverse bicharac- k k T terictic flow f . t Let G denote the holonomy groupoid of the foliation . G consists of all pairs (γ,ν) GFN N˜∗ such that r(γ) = π(ν) with the source mapFsN : GFN N˜∗ ,s (γ,ν) = dh∗(ν)∈, anFd×the Ftarget map r : G N˜∗ ,r (γ,ν) = ν.NTherFeNis→a prFojecNtion π : γ N FN → F N G GFN → GF given by the formula πG(γ,ν) = γ. Put also GSN∗F = GFN ∩rN−1(SN∗F). For any (γ,ν) G , denote by dH the associated linear holonomy map: ∈ FN (γ,ν) dH(γ,ν) : Hdh∗(ν) N Hν N. γ F → F It is easy to see that dH preserves the symplectic structure of H . (γ,ν) N ∗ F Denote by Q : TN H the projection map. The differential of the map (r ,s ) : N N N G N˜∗ N˜∗ dFefi→nes aFn isomorphism of the tangent space T G with the set FN → F × F∗ ∗ (γ,ν) FN of all (v1,v2) TνN Tdh∗(ν)N such that the normal components of v1 and v2 are ∈ F ⊕ γ F connected by the holonomy map: Q(v ) = dH (Q(v )). 1 (γ,ν) 2 The holonomy groupoid G has the natural foliation such that the tangent bundle F F N G N T(γ,ν)GFN correspondstoTνFN⊕Tdh∗γ(ν)FN under theisomorphism described above. The nor- mal space H(γ,ν)GFN to GFN is isomorphic to the set of all (v1,v2) ∈ HνFN ⊕Hdh∗γ(ν)FN such that v = dH (v ), and therefore the maps dr (ds ) define isomorphisms of H 1 (γ,ν) 2 N N (γ,ν)GFN with Hν N (Hdh∗(ν) N) respectively. F γ F ∗ Lemma 4. The set Z is a saturated subset of N , that is, it is a union of leaves of the t F foliation . N F Proof. By the holonomy invariance of p, the Hamiltonian vector field Ξ with the Hamilto- p nian p satisfies the identity ∗ ˜∗ dH (Q(Ξ (dh (ν)))) = Q(Ξ (ν)), ν N , γ G, r(γ) = π(ν), (γ,ν) p γ p ∈ F ∈ 5 therefore, there exists a vector field Ξˆ on G such that p FN ds (Ξˆ (γ,ν)) = Ξ (dh∗(ν)), dr (Ξˆ (γ,ν)) = Ξ (ν), (γ,ν) G . (2.3) N p p γ N p p ∈ FN Let Fˆ be a flow on G generated by Ξˆ . By (2.3), we have t FN p f r = r Fˆ, f s = s Fˆ, t N N t t N N t ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ or, if we write Fˆ : G G as Fˆ(γ,ν) = (F (γ,ν),f (ν)), t FN → FN t t t ∗ ∗ f (dh (ν)) = dh (f (ν)). (2.4) t γ Ft(γ,ν) t ∗ Take any ν Z with the corresponding γ G such r(γ) = π(ν),f dh (ν) = ν. Let ∈ t ∈ −t γ (γ ,ν) G . Then we have 1 ∈ FN ∗ ∗ f (dh (ν)) = dh (f (ν)) by (2.4) t γ1 Ft(γ1,ν) t ∗ ∗ = dh (dh (ν)) Ft(γ1,ν) γ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ = (dh dh dh )(dh (ν)) Ft(γ1,ν) ◦ γ ◦ γ1−1 γ1 ∗ ∗ = dh (dh (ν)), γ′ γ1 where γ′ = γ−1 γ F (γ ,ν) that implies dh∗ (ν) Z . 1 ◦ ◦ t 1 γ1 ∈ t The relative fixed point sets Z can be naturally lifted to the holonomy groupoid G : t FN ∗ Zt = {(γ,ν) ∈ GFN : f−t dhγ(ν) = ν}, SZt = Zt ∩GSN∗F, By Lemma 4, Z = r ( ) = s ( ). t N t N t Z Z Let us assume that is a smooth submanifold of G . By Lemma 4, the tangent space Zt FN to at a point (γ,ν) contains a subspace F , which is the graph of the linear t t (γ,ν) t Z ∈ Z Z map dft(ν) : TνFN → Tdh∗γ(ν)FN = Tft(ν)FN: F(γ,ν) t = (v1,v2) Tν N Tdh∗(ν) N : v2 = dft(ν)(v1) . Z { ∈ F × γ F } Let H = T /F , H S = T S /F . (γ,ν) t (γ,ν) t (γ,ν) t (γ,ν) t (γ,ν) t (γ,ν) t Z Z Z Z Z Z Definition 5. Let t R be a relative period of the flow f . We say that the flow f is clean t t ∈ on , if: t Z (1) is a smooth submanifold of G ; Zt FN (2) thenormalspace H at anypoint (γ,ν) coincides withthe set ofall(v ,v ) (γ,ν) t t 1 2 Z ∈ Z ∈ H such that v = df (ν)(v ). (γ,ν)GFN 2 t 1 6 Let T 1/2 be the vector bundle of leafwise half-densities on N∗ , and s∗ ( T 1/2) and r∗ (|TFN|1/2) are the lifts of this vector bundle to vector bundles oFn G vNia|thFeNm|ap- N | FN| FN pings s and r respectively. Let T 1/2 be the vector bundle of leafwise half-densities N N | GFN| on G : F N T 1/2 = r∗ ( T 1/2) s∗ ( T 1/2). | GFN| N | FN| ⊗ N | FN| The projection π : G G defines a local diffeomorphism π : , that induces a G FN → G GFN → G map π∗ : C∞(G, T 1/2) C∞(G , T 1/2). G c | G| → FN | GFN| Define a restriction map R : C∞(G , T 1/2) C∞( , T 1) Z c FN | GFN| → c Zt | FN| as follows. If ρ = fr∗ ρ s∗ ρ , f C∞(G ), ρ ,ρ C∞(M, T 1/2), then N 1 ⊗ N 2 ∈ c FN 1 2 ∈ c | FN| ∗ ∗ R ρ(γ,ν) = f(γ,ν)ρ (γ,ν)df (ν)[ρ (dh (ν))], (γ,ν) , Z 1 t 2 γ ∈ Zt where the map df∗(ν) : T 1/2 T 1/2 is induced by the linear map df (ν) : t | ft(ν)FN| → | νFN| t T T . νFN → ft(ν)FN If the flow f is clean, there is defined a natural density dµ on H , being the fixed t Z (γ,ν) t Z point set of the symplectic linear map dH df (ν) of the symplectic space H (see, for (γ,ν) t ν N ◦ F instance, [3, Lemma 4.3]). Dividing dµ by dσ , we get a density dµ on H S . Z P SZ (γ,ν) t Z Using the natural isomorphism TS = F HS . t ∼ t | Z | | Z|⊗| Z | ∗ ∞ ∞ one can combine the densities R π k C (S , FS ) and dµ C (S , HS ) to ∗ Z G ∈ c Zt | Zt| SZ ∈ c Zt | Zt| get a smooth density R π kdµ on S . Let σsub(A) denote tZheGsubprSiZncipal sZytmbol of A. Define σsub(P) = 21a−21σsub(A) in some ∗ ∗ conic neighborhood of N . The restriction of σ (P) on N is equal to the restriction sub on N∗ of the subprincipFal symbol of any operator P Ψ1F(M, TM 1/2) such that the 1 compleFte symbols of P2 and A are equal mod S−∞ in som∈e neighb|orho|od of N∗ . 1 F Theorem 6. Let t R be a relative period of the flow f . Assume that the relative fixed t point set is clean.∈Then, for any k C∞(G, T 1/2) and for any τ in some neighborhood Zt ∈ c | G| of t, we have +∞ θ (τ) = α (s,k)eis(τ−t)ds, (2.5) k Z j X −∞ Z j where: 1. j are all connected components of the set S t in GSN∗F of dimensions dj = dim j; Z Z Z 7 2. α has an asymptotic expansion j α (s,k) s (dj−p−1)/2i−σj +∞ α (k)s−r, s + (2.6) j j,r ∼ (cid:16)2πi(cid:17) X → ∞ r=0 with α given by the formula j,0 αj,0(k) = Z eiR0tσsub(P)(f−τdh∗γ(ν))dτRZπG∗k(γ,ν)dµSZj(γ,ν), (2.7) Z j where σ denotes the Maslov index associated with the connected component (see j j Z below for the definition). 3 Reduction to the case when A is elliptic In this section, we will assume that A is an operator under the assumptions (A1) and (A2). We will use the classes Ψm,−∞(M, , TM 1/2) of transversal pseudodifferential operators F | | (see [4] for the definition) and the Sobolev spaces Hs(M) of half-densities on M. Put also Ψ∗,−∞(M, , TM 1/2) = Ψm,−∞(M, , TM 1/2). F | | m F | | By [4], the operator PS= A1/2 satisfies the following conditions: (H1) P has the form P = P +R , 1 1 where: (a) P Ψ1(M, TM 1/2) is a transversally elliptic operator with the positive, holonomy 1 ∈ | | invariant transversal principal symbol such that the complete symbols of P2 and A are equal 1 −∞ ∗ mod S in some neighborhood of N ; F (b)R isaboundedoperatorfromL2(M)toH−1(M)andforanyK Ψ∗,−∞(M, , TM 1/2) 1 ∈ F | | the operator KR is a smoothing operator in L2(M), that is, it defines a bounded operator 1 from L2(M) to C∞(M, TM 1/2). | | (H2) P is essentially self-adjoint in L2(M) (with the initial domain C∞(M, TM 1/2)). | | Lemma 7 ([10]). Any operator P, satisfying the conditions (H1) and (H2), can be repre- sented in the form P = P +R , (3.1) 2 2 where: (a) P Ψ1(M, TM 1/2) is an essentially self-adjoint, elliptic operator with the posi- 2 ∈ | | tive principal symbol and the holonomy invariant transversal principal symbol such that the −∞ ∗ complete symbols of P and P are equal mod S in some neighborhood of N ; 1 2 F (b) R is a boundedoperatorfrom L2(M) to H−1(M) and, foranyK Ψ∗,−∞(M, , TM 1/2), 2 ∈ F | | the operator KR is a smoothing operator in L2(M). 2 8 Proof. Take a foliated coordinate chart Ω on M with coordinates (x,y) Ip Iq (I is the ∈ × open interval (0,1)) such that the restriction of on U is given by the sets y = const. Let F p S1(In Rn) be the complete symbol of the operator P in this chart. Assume that 1 1 ∈ × p (x,y,ξ,η) is invertible for any (x,y,ξ,η) U, ξ 2 + η 2 > R2, where R > 0, U is a conic 1 neighborhood of the set η = 0. Take any f∈uncti|on| φ | |C∞(In Rn),φ = φ(x,y,ξ,η),x ∈ × ∈ Ip,y Iq,ξ Rp,η Rq, homogeneous of degree 0 in (ξ,η) for ξ 2 + η 2 > 1, which is ∈ ∈ ∈ | | | | supported in some conic neighborhood of η = 0 and is equal to 1 in U, and put p (x,y,ξ,η) = φp (x,y,ξ,η)+(1 φ)(1+ ξ 2 + η 2)1/2. 2 1 − | | | | Take P to be the operator p (x,y,D ,D ) with the complete symbol p (or, more precisely, 2 2 x y 2 ∗ p (x,y,D ,D ) + p (x,y,D ,D ) to provide self-adjointness) and put R = P P . The 2 x y 2 x y 2 2 ∗ − operator P P has order in some conic neighbourhood of N , therefore, for any K 1 2 Ψ∗,−∞(M, −, TM 1/2) the−op∞erator K(P P ) is a smoothing opeFrator [4], that complete∈s 1 2 F | | − immediately the proof. Denote by W(t) = eitP2 the wave group generated by the elliptic operator P . It is 2 well-known that W(t) is a Fourier integral operator (see below for more details). Put also R(t) = eitP W(t). − Proposition 8. For any K Ψ∗,−∞(M, , TM 1/2), the family KR(t),t R, is a smooth family of bounded operators f∈rom L2(M) tFo C| ∞(M| , TM 1/2). ∈ | | Proof. Since P2 = A Ψ2(M, TM 1/2), by interpolation and duality, P defines a bounded operator from H1(M)∈to L2(M|) an|d from L2(M) to H−1(M) and, for any natural N, PN defines a bounded operator from HN(M) to L2(M) and from L2(M) to H−N(M). Since R = P P and P Ψ1(M, TM 1/2), R also defines a bounded operator from H1(M) to 2 2 2 2 L2(M) a−nd from L2(M∈ ) to H−|1(M|). By assumption, for any K Ψ∗,−∞(M, , TM 1/2), the operator KR is a smooth- 2 ∈ F | | ing operator, therefore, the operator KR PN is defined as an operator from HN(M) to 2 C∞(M, TM 1/2). | | Lemma 9. For any K Ψ∗,−∞(M, , TM 1/2) and for any N N, the operator KR PN 2 extends to a bounded ope∈rator from LF2(M| ) to| C∞(M, TM 1/2). ∈ | | Proof. We will prove the lemma by induction on N. For N = 0, the statement is true by as- sumption. LetusassumethatitistrueforsomeN,thatis,foranyK Ψ∗,−∞(M, , TM 1/2), the operator KR PN extends to a bounded operator from L2(M) to∈C∞(M, TMF1/|2). | 2 We have the equality P2 P2 = R P + P R as operators from H1(M|) to|H−1(M), therefore, for any K Ψ∗,−∞(−M,2 , TM2 1/2), 2 2 ∈ F | | KR PN+1 = K(R P)PN = K(P2 P2)PN KP R PN. 2 2 − 2 − 2 2 The operator P2 P2 Ψ2(M, TM 1/2) has order in some conic neighbourhood of N∗ , therefore, fo−r an2y∈K Ψ∗,−|∞(M|, , TM 1/2) th−e∞operator K(P2 P2) extends to a bouFnded operator from Hs(∈M) to C∞(MF,|TM|1/2) for any s and K(P2− P2 2)PN extends to a bounded operator from L2(M) to C∞(|M, T| M 1/2). − 2 | | 9 Since P Ψ1(M, TM 1/2) and K Ψ∗,−∞(M, , TM 1/2), by the composition theorem 2 [4], KP ∈Ψ∗,−∞(M|, , |TM 1/2) and∈, by inductFion| hyp|othesis, KP R PN extends to a 2 2 2 bounded o∈perator fromFL2|(M)|to C∞(M, TM 1/2). | | By the Duhamel formula, we have t R(t)u = i eiτP2R ei(t−τ)Pudτ, u H1(M) D(P), Z 2 ∈ ⊂ 0 therefore, for any K Ψ∗,−∞(M, , TM 1/2), ∈ F | | t t KR(t) = i KeiτP2 R ei(t−τ)P dτ = i eiτP2e−iτP2KeiτP2 R ei(t−τ)P dτ. Z 2 Z 2 0 0 Any operator K Ψ∗,−∞(M, , TM 1/2) is a Fourier integral operator (see below for more ∈ F | | details) and,using thecompositiontheoremforFourierintegraloperators,onecancheck that e−iτP2KeiτP2 Ψ∗,−∞(M, , TM 1/2). Therefore, the operator e−iτP2KeiτP2R extends to 2 a bounded op∈erator from LF2(|M) t|o C∞(M, TM 1/2). Since eiτP2 maps C∞(M, TM 1/2) to C∞(M, TM 1/2) and, by the spectral theor|em,|ei(t−τ)P is a bounded operator| in L|2(M), for any|K | Ψ∗,−∞(M, , TM 1/2), the operator KR(t) extends to a bounded opera- tor from L2(∈M) to C∞(MF, |TM |1/2). Moreover, one can be easily seen from above argu- | | ments that the function KR(t) is continuous as a function on R with values in the space (L2(M),C∞(M, TM 1/2)) of bounded operators from L2(M) to C∞(M, TM 1/2). L | | | | For any u H1(M), the function R H : t KR(t)u is differentiable, and ∈ → 7→ d KR(t)u = iK(PeitPu P eitP2u) = i(KP R(t)+KR eitP)u. 2 2 2 dt − TheoperatorKP R(t)+KR eitP extendstoaboundedoperatorfromL2(M)toC∞(M, TM 1/2), 2 2 | | and, moreover, the function t KP R(t) + KR eitP is a continuous function on R with 2 2 values in (L2(M),C∞(M, TM7→1/2)). Using this, one can be easily seen that the function t KR(Lt) is differentiable|as a|function on R with values in (L2(M),C∞(M, TM 1/2)) 7→ L | | and d KR(t) = i(KP R(t)+KR eitP). 2 2 dt Let us proceed by induction. Assume that, for any K Ψ∗,−∞(M, , TM 1/2) and for ∈ F | | some natural n, the function KR(t) is n-times differentiable as a function on R with values in (L2(M),C∞(M, TM 1/2)) and the derivative KR(n)(t),t R satisfies the equation L | | ∈ KR(n)(t) = iKP R(n−1)(t)+inKR Pn−1eitP. (3.2) 2 2 To prove that thefunction t KR(n)(t) isdifferentiable asa functiononRwith values in (L2(M),C∞(M, TM 1/2)),as7→above,itsufficestoprovethatthederivative(d/dt)KR(n)(t)u L | | exists for any u from a dense subspace of L2(M), it extends to a bounded operator from L2(M) to C∞(M, TM 1/2), and its extension is continuous as a function on R with values in (L2(M),C∞(M| , T|M 1/2)). L | | 10

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