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The Tomes of Delphi 3: Win32 Graphical Api PDF

928 Pages·1998·10.75 MB·English
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The Tomes of Delphi 3: Win32 Graphical API - Table of Contents ITKnowledge To access the contents, click the chapter and section titles. The Tomes of Delphi 3: Win32 Graphical API (Publisher: Wordware Publishing, Inc.) Author(s): Ayres, Bowden, Diehl, Dorcas, Harrison, Mathes, Reza & Tobin ISBN: 1556226101 Publication Date: 03/01/98 Brief Full Advanced Search Search Tips Search this book: Introduction Foreword About the Authors Chapter 1—Delphi and the Windows API The Windows API Versus the VCL Windows Data Types Handles Constants Strings Importing Windows Functions Incorrectly Imported Functions Callback Functions Function Parameters Unicode Chapter 2—Graphical Device Interface Functions Device Independence Device Contexts Device Context Types Screen, Window, and Client Area Device Contexts Coordinate Systems The Tomes of Delphi 3: Win32 Graphical API - Table of Contents Mapping Logical Coordinates into Device Coordinates Mapping Modes Problems with Logical Coordinate Mapping Graphical Device Interface Functions ChangeDisplaySettings ClientToScreen CreateCompatibleDC DeleteDC DPtoLP EnumDisplaySettings GetDC GetDCOrgEx GetDeviceCaps GetMapMode GetSystemMetrics GetViewportExtEx GetViewportOrgEx GetWindowDC GetWindowExtEx GetWindowOrgEx LPtoDP MapWindowPoints OffsetViewportOrgEx OffsetWindowOrgEx ReleaseDC RestoreDC SaveDC ScaleViewportExtEx ScaleWindowExtEx ScreenToClient ScrollDC SetMapMode SetViewportExtEx SetViewportOrgEx SetWindowExtEx SetWindowOrgEx Chapter 3—Painting and Drawing Functions Graphical Objects Pens and Brushes Painting and Drawing Functions Arc BeginPaint Chord CreateBrushIndirect CreateHatchBrush The Tomes of Delphi 3: Win32 Graphical API - Table of Contents CreatePatternBrush CreatePen CreatePenIndirect CreateSolidBrush DeleteObject DrawCaption DrawEdge DrawFocusRect DrawFrameControl DrawState Ellipse EndPaint EnumObjects ExtCreatePen ExtFloodFill FillPath FillRect FillRgn FrameRect FrameRgn GetBkColor GetBkMode GetBoundsRect GetBrushOrgEx GetCurrentObject GetCurrentPositionEx GetMiterLimit GetObject GetObjectType GetPixel GetPolyFillMode GetROP2 GetStockObject GetUpdateRect GetUpdateRgn GrayString InvalidateRect InvalidateRgn LineDDA LineTo LockWindowUpdate MoveToEx PaintDesktop PaintRgn Pie PolyBezier The Tomes of Delphi 3: Win32 Graphical API - Table of Contents PolyBezierTo Polygon Polyline PolylineTo PolyPolygon PolyPolyline Rectangle RoundRect SelectObject SetBkColor SetBkMode SetBoundsRect SetBrushOrgEx SetMiterLimit SetPixel SetPixelV SetPolyFillMode SetROP2 StrokeAndFillPath StrokePath Chapter 4—Region and Path Functions Regions and Paths Regions Paths Special Effects Region and Path Functions AbortPath BeginPath CloseFigure CombineRgn CopyRect CreateEllipticRgn CreateEllipticRgnIndirect CreatePolygonRgn CreatePolygonRgn CreateRectRgn CreateRectRgnIndirect CreateRoundRectRgn EndPath EqualRect EqualRgn ExcludeClipRect ExtCreateRegion ExtSelectClipRgn FlattenPath The Tomes of Delphi 3: Win32 Graphical API - Table of Contents GetClipBox GetClipRgn GetPath GetRegionData GetRgnBox InflateRect IntersectRect InvertRect InvertRgn IsRectEmpty OffsetClipRgn OffsetRect OffsetRgn PathToRegion PtInRect PtInRegion PtVisible RectInRegion RectVisible SelectClipPath SelectClipRgn SetRect SetRectEmpty SetRectRgn SetWindowRgn SubtractRect UnionRect WidenPath Chapter 5—Bitmap and Metafile Functions Bitmaps Device-Dependent Bitmaps Device-Independent Bitmaps Bitmap Operations Metafiles Enhanced Metafiles Bitmap and Metafile Functions BitBlt CloseEnhMetaFile CopyEnhMetaFile CopyImage CreateBitmap CreateBitmapIndirect CreateCompatibleBitmap CreateDIBitmap CreateDIBSection The Tomes of Delphi 3: Win32 Graphical API - Table of Contents CreateEnhMetaFile DeleteEnhMetaFile EnumEnhMetaFile GetBitmapBits GetBitmapDimensionEx GetDIBits GetEnhMetaFile GetEnhMetaFileDescription GetEnhMetaFileHeader GetStretchBltMode LoadBitmap LoadImage PatBlt PlayEnhMetaFile PlayEnhMetaFileRecord SetBitmapBits SetBitmapDimensionEx SetDIBits SetDIBitsToDevice SetStretchBltMode StretchBlt StretchDIBits Chapter 6—Icon, Cursor, and Caret Functions Carets Icon and Cursor Masks Icon to Bitmap Conversion Icon, Cursor, and Caret Functions CopyIcon CreateCaret CreateCursor CreateIcon CreateIconFromResource CreateIconFromResourceEx CreateIconIndirect DestroyCaret DestroyCursor DestroyIcon DrawIcon DrawIconEx ExtractAssociatedIcon ExtractIcon.Pas ExtractIconE GetCursor GetIconInfo HideCaret The Tomes of Delphi 3: Win32 Graphical API - Table of Contents LoadCursor LoadCursorFromFile LoadIcon LookupIconIdFromDirectory( LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx SetCursor SetSystemCursor ShowCaret ShowCursor Chapter 7—Palette Functions The Windows Palette Manager Identity Palettes Color Specifiers Palette Functions AnimatePalette CreateHalftonePalette CreatePalette GetBValue GetDIBColorTable GetEnhMetaFilePaletteEntries GetGValue GetNearestColor GetNearestPaletteIndex GetPaletteEntries GetRValue GetSysColor GetSystemPaletteEntries GetSystemPaletteUse PaletteIndex PaletteRGB RealizePalette ResizePalette RGB SelectPalette SetDIBColorTable SetPaletteEntries SetSysColors SetSystemPaletteUse Chapter 8—Text Output Functions Fonts Font Families Character Sets Character Dimensions The Windows Font Table The Tomes of Delphi 3: Win32 Graphical API - Table of Contents Font Embedding Text Output Functions AddFontResource CreateFont CreateFontIndirect CreateScalableFontResource DrawText DrawTextEx EnumFontFamilies EnumFontFamiliesEx GetCharABCWidths GetCharWidth GetFontData GetGlyphOutline GetKerningPairs GetOutlineTextMetrics GetRasterizerCaps GetTabbedTextExtent GetTextAlign GetTextCharacterExtra GetTextColor GetTextExtentExPoint GetTextExtentPoint32 GetTextFace GetTextMetrics RemoveFontResource SetTextAlign SetTextCharacterExtra SetTextColor SetTextJustification TabbedTextOut TextOut Chapter 9—Resource Functions Creating Resources Resource Names and Types Binding Resources Using Resources User-Defined Resources Resource Functions EnumResourceLanguages EnumResourceNames EnumResourceTypes FindResource FindResourceEx LoadResource The Tomes of Delphi 3: Win32 Graphical API - Table of Contents LoadString LockResource MakeIntResource SizeofResource Chapter 10—Window Movement Functions Z-order Special Effects Window Movement Functions AdjustWindowRect AdjustWindowRectEx BeginDeferWindowPos BringWindowToTop CascadeWindows CloseWindow DeferWindowPos EndDeferWindowPos GetWindowPlacement MoveWindow OpenIcon SetWindowPlacement SetWindowPos ShowOwnedPopups ShowWindow Windows.Pas ShowWindowAsync TileWindows Chapter 11—Shell Functions File-based Applications Item Identifier Lists The Application Bar Shell Functions DragAcceptFiles DragFinish DragQueryFile DragQueryPoint FindExecutable SHAddToRecentDocs ShlObj.Pas SHAppBarMessage SHBrowseForFolder ShlObj.Pas ShellAbout ShellExecute ShellExecuteEx Shell_NotifyIcon SHFileOperation SHFreeNameMappings The Tomes of Delphi 3: Win32 Graphical API - Table of Contents SHGetFileInfo SHGetPathFromIDList ShlObj.Pas SHGetSpecialFolderLocation ShlObj.Pas Chapter 12—Menu Functions General Menu Information The System Menu Pop-up Menus Owner-drawn Menus Menu Functions AppendMenu CheckMenuItem; CheckMenuRadioItem; Return Value CreateMenu; CreatePopupMenu; DeleteMenu; Parameters Return Value Example DestroyMenu; EnableMenuItem; GetMenu; Parameters GetMenuDefaultItem; GetMenuItemCount; GetMenuItemID; GetMenuItemInfo; GetMenuItemRect; Parameters GetMenuState; GetMenuString; GetSubMenu; GetSystemMenu; HiliteMenuItem; InsertMenu; InsertMenuItem; IsMenu; ModifyMenu; RemoveMenu; SetMenu; SetMenuDefaultItem; SetMenuItemBitmaps; Return Value SetMenuItemInfo; TrackPopupMenu;

Is this a tome? I was expecting deep subject coverage. What we have instead is a reproduction of the API docs. Does that a tome make? I think not. What's missing? Complex examples. Real-world examples (who creates windows with API calls when we have TForm?). Undocumented insights behind the APIs --
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