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1 The Three Neutrino Scenario ∗ Hisakazu Minakataa a Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University, 1-1 Minami-Osawa,Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0397,Japan, and 1 Research Center for Cosmic Neutrinos, Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo 0 Kashiwa,Chiba 277-8582,Japan 0 2 I have discussed in my talk several remaining issues in the standard three-flavor mixing scheme of neutrinos, n in particilar, the sign of ∆m2 and the leptonic CP violating phase. In this report I focus on two topics: (1) 13 a supernova method for determining the former sign, and (2) illuminating how one can detect the signatures for J bothof themin long-baseline (>10 km)neutrinooscillation experiments. I dothis byformulating perturbative 1 frameworks appropriate for the∼two typical options of such experiments, the high energy and the low energy 2 options with beam energies of 10 GeV and 100 MeV, respectively. ∼ ∼ 1 v 1 3 1. INTRODUCTION Let me start by raising the following question; 2 ”Suppose that the standard 3 ν mixing scheme 1 Despite the current trend that many people is what nature exploits and the atmospheric and 0 jumped into the four neutrino scheme (see [1] for the solar neutrino anomalies are the hints kindly 1 complehensive references), the three-flavor mix- provided by her to lead us to the scheme. Then, 0 ing scheme of leptons, together with the three- / what is left toward our understanding of its full h flavor mixing scheme of quarks, still constitutes structure?” p themostpromisingstandardmodelforthestruc- It is conceivable that the future atmospheric - p ture of the (known to date) most fundamental and solar neutrino observations as well as cur- e matterinnature. Itisworthtonotethatthetwo rently planned long baseline experiments will de- :h of the evidences for the neutrino oscillation, one termine four parameters, ∆m223, ∆m212, θ23, and v compelling [2] and the other strongly indicative θ12, to certain accuracies. I then cite four things i [3], can be nicely fit into the three-flavor mixing X as in below which will probably be unexploredin scheme of neutrinos. I want to call the scheme r the near future: a the standard 3 ν mixing scheme in my talk. (i) θ13 Iwouldliketoaddressinthistalksomeaspects (ii) the sign of ∆m2 ≡ m2 − m2, the normal 13 3 1 of the three-flavor mixing scheme of neutrinos versus inverted mass hierarchies which remain to be explored untill now. While (iii) the CP violating leptonic Kobayashi- I have started with a brief remark on robustness Maskawa phase δ of the standard 3 ν mixing scheme, I do not re- (iv) the absolute masses of neutrinos peatitherebecauseIhavedescribeditelsewhere I make brief comments on (i) and (iv) one by [4]. In this manuscript I discuss mainly two key one before focusing on (ii) and (iii): issues,(1)thesignof∆m2 ,and(2)howtomea- 13 Measuring θ13 is one of the goals of the cur- sureleptonicCPviolation. Iwilluse,throughout rently planned long baseline experiments [6–8], this manuscript, the MNS matrix [5] in the con- and therefore I do not discuss it further. Among vention by Particle Data Group. themtheexpectedsensitivityinJHF,therecently approvedexperiment in Japan, is one of the best ∗Talk presented at Europhysics Neutrino Oscillation examined case [9]. Workshop (NOW2000), Otranto, Italy, September 9-16, Measuring absolute masses of neutrinos is cer- 2000. 2 tainly the ultimate challenge for neutrino exper- We draw in Fig. 1 equal likelihoodcontours as iments, but it is not clear at this moment how afunctionoftheheavytolightν temperaturera- one cando it. Presumably,neutrinolessdouble β tio τ ≡Tν¯x/Tν¯e =Tνx/Tν¯e on the space spanned decay experiments are the most promising. We, by ν¯ temperature and total neutrino luminosity e however,donotdiscussitfurther,butjustrecom- bygivingtheneutrinoeventsfromSN1987A.The mend the interested readersto look into a report data comes from Kamiokande and IMB experi- at this conference [10]. ments[12]. Inadditiontoitweintroduceanextra parameterηdefinedbyLνx =Lν¯x =ηLνe =ηLν¯e 2. SIGN OF ∆m2 which describes the departure from equipartition 13 of energies to three neutrino species and exam- Nunokawa and I recently discussed [4,11] that ine the sensitivity of our conclusion against the the features of neutrino flavor transformation in change in η. supernova(SN)issensitivetothesignof∆m2 ≡ 13 m2 − m2, making contrast between the normal 3 1 (∆m2 > 0) vs. inverted (∆m2 < 0) mass hi- Likelihood Contours for Inverted Mass Heirachy 13 13 1155..00 erarchies. Therefore, one can obtain insight on the sign of ∆m213 by analyzing neutrino events η = 1.0 from supernova. With use of the unique data η = 0.7 η = 1.3 at hand from SN1987A [12], we have obtained a strongindicationthatthenormalmasshierarchy, 1100..00 ]] m3 ≫m1 ∼m2, is favoredoverthe invertedone, rgrg τ=2 τ=1 m1 ∼m2 ≫m3. e e 33 The point is that there are always two MSW 00 5 5 resonance points in SN for neutrinos with cos- 11 [[ mologicallyinterestingmassrange,mν <∼100eV. EE b b 55..00 The higher density point, which I denote the H resonance, plays a deterministic role. If the H resonance is adiabatic the feature of ν fla- vor transformationin SN is best characterizedas 00..00 νe−νheavy exchange, as first pointed out in Ref. 11..00 22..00 33..00 44..00 55..00 66..00 [13]. Here, νheavy collectively denotes νµ and ντ, TT νν which are physically indistinguishable in SN. See ee also Ref. [14] for a recent complehensive treat- ment of 3 ν flavor conversionin SN. Nowthequestionis: howdoesthesignof∆m2 Fig.1: Contours of constant likelihood which cor- 13 respondto95.4%confidenceregionsfortheinverted make difference? The answer is: if ∆m2 is posi- 13 mass hierarchy under the assumption of adiabatic tive(negative)theneutrino(antineutrino)under- goes the resonance. Then, if the inverted mass HTνxr/eTsoν¯nea=nc2e,.1.8F,r1o.m6,1l.e4ft,1t.2oarnigdht1,.0τw≡herTeν¯xx/=Tν¯µe,τ=. hierarchyis the caseandassumingthe adiabatic- Best-fit points for Tν¯e and Eb are also shown by ity of H resonance, the ν¯ which to be observed the open circles. The parameter η parametrizes the e interrestrialdetectorscomesfromoriginalν¯heavy departure from the equipartition of energy, Lνx = in neutrinosphere. It is widely recognized that, Lν¯x = ηLνe = ηLν¯e (x = µ,τ), and the dotted duetotheirweakerinteractionswithsurrounding lines (with best fit indicated by open squares) and thedashedlines(withbestfitindicatedbystars)are matter,ν andν¯ aremoreenergeticthan heavy heavy for the cases η = 0.7 and 1.3, respectively. Theoret- ν andν¯ . Sincetheν¯ inducedCCreactionisthe e e e ical predictions from supernova models are indicated dominant reaction channel in water Cherenkov by theshadowed box. detectors,the effectofsuchflavortransformation would be sensitively probed by them. 3 Atτ =1, that is at equal ν¯e and νe temperatures, e−iλ5θ13Γ+δe−iλ7θ23 αβνβ, into theform the95%likelihood contourmarginally overlapswith the theoretical expectation [15] represented by the (cid:2)d (cid:3) i ν˜α=(H)αβ,ν˜β (1) shadowed box in Fig. 1. When the temperature ra- dx tio τ is varied from unity to 2 the likelihood contour where Hamiltonian H contains the following three movestotheleft, indicatingless andless consistency terms: betweenthestandardtheoreticalexpectationandthe observed feature of the neutrino events. This is sim- 0 0 0 c213 0 c13s13 pbleyinbteecrapurseetetdheasobtsheartveodf tehneerogryigsinpaelctornuemooffν¯νh¯eeamvyuisnt H =  00 00 ∆20E13 +a(x)" c130s13 00 s0213 # ptbhylieeasptrfheasacettnotcrheeoofofrτtihgtiehnMaanlSν¯Wtehteeemffobepcseterraivnteudν¯reochnmaeu,nsnlteeabl.deiInltogwimteor-  +∆2E12  c1s221s212 c1c221s212 00 (2). " 0 0 0 # stronger inconsistency at larger τ. ThesolidlinesinFig. 1areforthecaseofequipar- We first note the order of magnitude of a relevant titionofenergyintothreeflavors,η=1,whereasthe quantity to observe the hierarchies of various terms dotted and the dashed lines are for η = 0.7 and 1.3, in theHamiltonian: respectively. We observe that our result is very in- sensitive against thechange in η. ∆m2 =10−13 ∆m2 E −1eV. (3) We conclude that if the temperature ratio τ is in E 10−3eV2 10GeV (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:16) (cid:17) the range 1.4-2.0 as the SN simulations indicate, the Itmaybecomparedwiththematterpotentiala(x)= invertedhierarchyofneutrinomassesisdisfavoredby theneutrinodataofSN1987AunlesstheHresonance √2GFNe(x)where Ne denoteselectron numberden- isnonadiabatic,i.e.,unlesss2 < afew 10−4 [4,11]. sity in the earth; 13 × ∼ a(x)=1.04 10−13 ρ Ye eV, (4) 3. HANOWDCTPOVMIOELAASTUIORNE ISNIGNNEUOTFR∆INmO213 × (cid:18)2.7g/cm3(cid:19)(cid:16)0.5(cid:17) OSCILLATION EXPERIMENTS ? where Ye ≡Np/(Np+Nn) is theelectron fraction. Inviewoftheseresultsonecanidentifytwotypical The possibility that SN can tell about the sign of cases, the high and low energy options with ν beam ∆m2 is, I think, interesting and in fact it is the energies 10GeVand 100MeV,respectively,each 13 ∼ ∼ uniqueavailablehintonthequestionatthismoment. with a hierarchy of energy scales: We, the authors of Ref. [11], feel that our argument (1) High energy option andtheanalysis donewith theSN1987A data isrea- ∆m2 ∆m2 sonably robust. But, of course, it would be much 13 a(x) 12 (5) E ∼ ≫ E nicerifwecanhaveindependentconfirmationbyter- restrialexperiments. WithregardtotheCPviolating (2) Low energy option effectmentionedin(iii)itappears,tomyunderstand- ∆m2 ∆m2 ing, that the best place for its measurement is long 13 a(x) 12 (6) (> 10km)baselineneutrinooscillationexperiments. E ≫ ∼ E ∼We develop an analytic method by which we can Nowletusdiscussthehighandlowenergyoptions explorevariousregionsofexperimentallyvariablepa- onebyone. Thefocuswillbeonthesignof∆m2 in 13 rameters to illuminate at where CP violating effects the former and theCP violation in thelatter. are large and how one can avoid serious matter ef- fect contamination. Actually we formulate below a 3.1. High energy option: matter enhanced perturbativeframework tohaveabird-eyeviewofat θ13 mechanism where the sign of ∆m2 is clearly displayed and the In the high energy option one can formulate per- 13 CP violating phase manifests itself. Some of theear- turbation theory by regarding the 1st and the 2nd lier attempts to formulate perturbative treatment to terms in the Hamiltonian in (2) as unperturbedpart explorethe verious regions may befound in [16]. andthe3rdtermasperturbation;solar ∆m2 pertur- We rewrite the Schr¨odinger equation by using the bation theory. Theunperturbedsystemisessentially basis ν˜ defined by (Γ is a CP phase matrix) ν˜α = thetwo-flavorMSWsystemanditiswellknownthat 4 itleadstothematterenhancedθ13mechanisminneu- If the measurement is done in both neutrino and trino (if ∆m2 > 0) or antineutrino (if ∆m2 < 0) antineutrino channel, onemay obtain thedifference 13 13 channels. Therefore,thehighenergyoptionisadvan- tagious if θ13 is extremely small. ∆P ≡ P(νµ→νe)−P(ν¯µ →ν¯e) In leading order one can easily compute the oscil- 8 Ea ∆m2 L 2 lation probability in matter under the adiabatic ap- ≃ 3 ∆m2 L 4E13 Pvac (12) proximation. It reads (cid:18) 13 (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19) P(νµ →νe)=s223sin22θ1M3sin2 ξHE∆m4E213L (7) bIfasIeluinsee ∆∼m1021300=km3×an1d0−en3eergVy2,∼∆1P0 G∼eV0.1sPinvcaectfhoer (cid:18) (cid:19) first parencesis is of order unity in the high energy sin2θM = sin2θ13, (8) option. Thus, the sign of ∆m213 is determined as the 13 ξHE sign of ∆P [20]. My next and the last message about the high en- where ergy option is that the CP violating effect is small. 2Ea It is obvious in leading order that no CP violating ξHE = (cos2θ13± ∆m2 c213)2+sin22θ13 (9) effectisinduced;itisatwo-flavorproblemandhence r 13 there is no room for CP violation even in matter. where referstoantineutrinoandneutrinochannels, ± Therefore, wehavetogobeyondtheleadingorderto respectively. haveCPviolation. Then,theCP andT violating ef- Let us expand the oscillation probability by the fect is always accompanied by the suppression factor mpaorsatmoefttehre∆pm4rEa213cLti.caIlncfaascets,;it is a small parameter in ∆∆mm212123 ≃ 0.1−0.01 which comes from the energy de- nominator. Therefore, CP-odd effect is small in the ∆m213L = 0.127 high energy option.3 4E ∆m2 L E −1 3.2. Low energy option: matter enhanced × 10−3e1V32 1000km 10GeV (10). θ12 mechanism (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:16) (cid:17) The high energy option is certainly advantagious Then,theoscillationprobabilityreadstonexttolead- for the determination of the sign of ∆m2 thanks to 13 ing order as larger matter effects by available longer baseline due ∆m2 L 2 tobetterfocusingoftheν beam. Ontheotherhand, P(νµ →νe) = s223sin22θ13 4E13 I will show that the low energy option is the natural (cid:18) (cid:19) place to look for genuine CP violation. 1 ∆m2 L 2 Because of the hierarchy in the energy scale (6), × 1− 3ξH2E 4E13 (11) thefirstterm in theHamiltonian in (2)is theunper- " (cid:18) (cid:19) # turbedtermandthematterandthe∆m2 termsare 12 smallperturbations. Itisimportanttorecognizethat Thefirsttermin(11) isidenticalwiththevacuum oscillation probability Pvac under the small ∆m4E213L idteigsenaedraecgyenienrattheepuenrtpuerrbtautriboendthHeaomryiltboenciaauns.eTofhtehne, approximation. It is the simplest version of the vac- onemustfirstdiagonalizethedegeneratesubspaceto uum mimicking mechanism discussed in Ref. [17] obtain zeroth order wave function and the first order where a much more extensive version including the correctiontotheenergyeigenvalues. Then,thezeroth CP (or T) violating piece is uncovered.2 order wave function contains the CP violating phase 2 InpassingIhaveafewcomments onthevacuum mim- effect. This is the reason why the low energy option icking mechanism. It might be curious that it works at theMSWresonancepointbecausethemixingangleiscer- 3Itappearsthatthisstatementmadesomeoftheneutrino tainlyexhanced. Butitworksinsuchawaythatthereisa factoryworkersunhappy;probablytheyfeltitdifficultto prolongationofoscillationlengthwhichexactlycancelsthe reconsilethisstatementwiththereportedenomoussensi- exhacementofthemixingangle[17]. Butthephenonenon tivitiesthatextends towardaverysmallvalueofsin2θ13 of vacuum mimicking is more general which occurs not whichwillbeachievedbyneutrinofactory[21]. However, only off resonance but alsoinnonresonant channel as far it appears that they are actually consistent because the asneutrinopathlengthisshorterthanthevacuumoscilla- sensitivity is in fact achieved by the CP conserving cosδ tionlength. Thismechanismhastriggeredsomeinterests termnotbytheCPviolatingtermintheoscillationprob- quiterecently[18,19]. abilityatleastforL<∼1000km[22]. 5 allows large CP violation unsuppressed by the hier- σE =10 MeV. Wepresent our results in Fig. 2. archical mass ratio ∆m212, which is to my knowledge theuniquecase. ∆m213 105 In this setting one can derive the oscillation prob- (a) Neutrino 104 ability P(νµ νe) as follows: → ) νe103 → No CPV, No Matter νµ102 CPV + Matter P (νµ νe) N( → ∆m2 L 101 = 4s2 c2 s2 sin2 13 23 13 13 (cid:18) 4E (cid:19) 100 + c2 sin2θM[(c2 s2 s2 )sin2θM (b) Anti-Neutrino 13 12 23− 23 13 12 104 ∆m2 L + 2c23s23s13cosδcos2θ1M2]sin2(cid:18)ξLE 4E12 (cid:19) → ν)e103 No CPV, No Matter − 2JM(θ1M2,δ)sin ξLE∆m2E212L (13) νN(µ102 CPV + Matter (cid:18) (cid:19) 101 100 where ξLE = ξHE(θ13 → θ12,∆m213 → ∆m212), and 1.4 (c) Ratio JM is the matter enhanced Jarlskog factor. The 1.2 probability(13)represents,apartfromthecosδterm 1.0 wickhiinchgmisescmhaalnlidsmueitnoittshemfoascttoerxtse1n3s,itvheefovramcuiunmclumdiimng- atio 0.8 No CPV, No Matter R 0.6 CPV + Matter theCPviolatingJarlskogterm. Tocheckhowwellthe 0.4 Only CPV system mimics vacuum oscillations see Ref [17]. Only Matter 0.2 The number of appearance events in water Cherenkovdetectorfora beam energyE =100 MeV 0.0 1 10 100 1000 isestimatedbyassuming10timesstrongerνµ fluxat L=250 km than theK2K design flux (despitelower Distance from the Source [km] energy!) and 100% conversion of νµ to νe as Fig.2: Expected number of events for (a) neutri- nos, N(νµ νe), (b) anti-neutrinos, N(ν¯µ ν¯e), N 6300 L −2 V F250 .(14) and(c)their→ratioR≡N(νµ →νe)/N(ν¯µ →ν¯→e)with ≃ 100 km 1 Mton 10FK2K a Gaussian type neutrino energy beam with hEνi = (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:16) (cid:17) 100 MeV with σ = 10 MeV are plotted asa function of distance from the source. Neutrino fluxes are as- sumedtovaryas 1/L2 inallthedistancerangewe wtehcetorer Fat25L0 a=nd25F0K2kKmaarnedthteheasdseusmigendnfleuuxtraintoaflduex- consider. sin22θ13∼istakenas0.1, a”maximalvalue” allowed bytheCHOOZlimit. The remaining mixing at SK in K2K experiment, respectively. The latter is approximately, 3×106 P10O2T0 cm−2 where POT p[1a7r]a.mTehteeresrruosredbaarrseaorfetohnelyLMstaAtisMtiScaWl. solution; see standsfor proton on targe(cid:16)t. (cid:17) To estimate the optimal distance we compute the Whilethisparticularproposalmayhaveseveralex- expected number of events in neutrino and anti- perimental problems it is sufficiantly illuminative of neutrino channels as well as their ratios as a func- the fact that the low energy option is in principle tion of distance by taking into account of neutrino more appropriate for experimental search for CP vi- beamenergyspread. Fordefiniteness,weassumethat olating effect. There is a large CP violation and the theaverageenergyofneutrinobeam E =100MeV h i matter effect is small or controllable. The remain- andbeamenergyspreadofGaussiantypewithwidth 6 ing question is of course how to develop a feasible 6. JHF Neutrino Working Group, Y. Itow et experimental proposal. A possibility which employs al., Letter of Intent: A Long Baseline medium energy ( 1 2 GeV) conventional ν beam Neutrino Oscillation Experiment Using the ∼ − israisedbyaneminentexperimentalistandtriggered JHF 50 GeV Proton-Synchrotron and the much interests [23]. Super-Kamiokande Detector, February 3, 2000, There were many debates between supporters of http://neutrino.kek.jp/jhfnu high and low energy options in the workshop. I have 7. The MINOS Collaboration, P. Adamson et al., concludedwithmypersonalbestthreeflavorscenario; MINOSDetectors Technical Design Report, Ver- we measure CP violation by low energy superbeam sion 1.0, NuMI-L-337, October1998. in Japan, and you measure δ by neutrino factory in 8. OPERACollaboration, M.Guleretal.,OPERA: Europe, and then let us compare theresults! AnAppearanceExperimenttoSearchforNu/Mu Nu/Tau Oscillations in the CNGS Beam. ←→ Experimental Proposal, CERN-SPSC-2000-028, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS CERN-SPSC-P-318, LNGS-P25-00, Jul 2000. 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