The Three Hundred A large galaxy cluster catalogue for cosmological and astrophysical applications. Weiguang Cui,* 1 In collaboration with the core team (Alexander Knebe, Gustavo Yepes and etc.) of the nIFTy and the Three hundred projects and the participants of the CCC workshop. ∗DepartamentodeF´ısicaTe´orica, UniversidadAut´onomadeMadrid,28049Madrid,Spain Simulated skies for new-generation spectroscopic surveys workshop at ESA, Madrid, April 24, 2018 1 Email:[email protected] 1/16 Typically a few Mpc across, contain ∼ 100 - 1000 luminous galaxies and many more dwarfs, masses (cid:38) 1014.5M . (cid:12) Dark matter: ∼ 85%, gas: ∼ 13%, star: ∼ 1−2%. It provides plentiful information for baryonic processes, galaxy formation and cosmology models. Figure: The Coma cluster. Background: Cluster of Galaxies: Galaxy cluster is the final state of the hierarchical structure formation. Email:[email protected] 2/16 Dark matter: ∼ 85%, gas: ∼ 13%, star: ∼ 1−2%. It provides plentiful information for baryonic processes, galaxy formation and cosmology models. Figure: The Coma cluster. Background: Cluster of Galaxies: Galaxy cluster is the final state of the hierarchical structure formation. Typically a few Mpc across, contain ∼ 100 - 1000 luminous galaxies and many more dwarfs, masses (cid:38) 1014.5M . (cid:12) Email:[email protected] 2/16 It provides plentiful information for baryonic processes, galaxy formation and cosmology models. Figure: The Coma cluster. Background: Cluster of Galaxies: Galaxy cluster is the final state of the hierarchical structure formation. Typically a few Mpc across, contain ∼ 100 - 1000 luminous galaxies and many more dwarfs, masses (cid:38) 1014.5M . (cid:12) Dark matter: ∼ 85%, gas: ∼ 13%, star: ∼ 1−2%. Email:[email protected] 2/16 Figure: The Coma cluster. Background: Cluster of Galaxies: Galaxy cluster is the final state of the hierarchical structure formation. Typically a few Mpc across, contain ∼ 100 - 1000 luminous galaxies and many more dwarfs, masses (cid:38) 1014.5M . (cid:12) Dark matter: ∼ 85%, gas: ∼ 13%, star: ∼ 1−2%. It provides plentiful information for baryonic processes, galaxy formation and cosmology models. Email:[email protected] 2/16 Background: Cluster of Galaxies: Galaxy cluster is the final state of the hierarchical structure formation. Typically a few Mpc across, contain ∼ 100 - 1000 luminous galaxies and many more dwarfs, masses (cid:38) 1014.5M . (cid:12) Dark matter: ∼ 85%, gas: ∼ 13%, star: ∼ 1−2%. It provides plentiful information for baryonic processes, galaxy formation and cosmology models. Figure: The Coma cluster. Email:[email protected] 2/16 Background: Cluster of Galaxies: To understand these observational results, especially how they are formed, we need simulations. WeiguangCui Email:[email protected] 3/16 The Three Hundred: A successor of the nIFTy project The nIFTy galaxy cluster comparison project2 11 different (in both algorithms and baryon models) simulation codes are used to simulate the same galaxy cluster. 2Ref: Sembolinietal. 2016a,b;Elahietal. 2016;Cuietal. 2016;Arthuretal. 2017 Email:[email protected] 4/16 The Three Hundred: A successor of the nIFTy project What did we find? I ThemodernSPHcodesproducecorrectentropyprofilesasAMR,movingmesh. Thebaryonmodelshavelargereffectsthanthefluidsimulatingtechniquesbymixingtheentropyprofiles. Entropy profile. Ref: Semboliniet al. 2016a,b. Email:[email protected] 4/16 The Three Hundred: A successor of the nIFTy project What did we find? II Differentbaryonmodelsproducesimilarglobalproperties,largescatteratsmallscales. E.g. Baryoneffectsondensity profile. Ref: Cuietal. 2016 Email:[email protected] 4/16