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The Three-Body Force in the Three-Nucleon System: Proceedings of the International Symposium Held at The George Washington University Washington, D.C., April 24–26, 1986 PDF

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Preview The Three-Body Force in the Three-Nucleon System: Proceedings of the International Symposium Held at The George Washington University Washington, D.C., April 24–26, 1986

Executive Summar X It is clear that no two-body force model adequately describes all of the fundamental properties of nuclei and of nuclear reactions. In particular, Faddeev and variational calculations of the bound-state properties of zH and 3He with realistic models of the two-nucleon force have demonstrated convincingly that the calculated binding energies and electron-scattering form factors of the A = 3 nuclei do not agree with the data. This disagreement extends to polarization measurements in nucleon-deuteron elastic scattering and possibly to breakup reactions as well. The three-nucleon force has been invoked to explain some or all of these and other discrepancies. A number of theoretical approaches have been employed to model the three-body force (3BF): a model-independent analysis of low-energy ~N amplitudes, a chiral Lagrangian, and a coupled-channels NN-NA description. All include two-meson exchange with an intermediate delta as an important component. A more phenomen- ological approach has also been advocated, because no a priori meson model has yet Yielded a quantitative description of the basic nucleon-nucleon force. Neither has any fundamental field-theory model based upon quarks yet proven tractable. Given a particular 3BF, nuclear-structure properties and reaction cross sections can be calculated via Faddeev or variational techniques. Including a 3BF leads to improve- •ents in the calculated three-nucleon binding energies and radii and the neutron- deuteron spin-doublet scattering length. However, the details of the 3H and 3He charge form factors are still not understood for values of the momentum transfer squared of q2 = 10 fm .2- It is in this region, in which the form factor passes through zero, that nucleonic and nonnucleonic contributions cancel and that one is Particularly sensitive to the fundamental nature of the nucleon. It is here that one may be able to extract important information about the contributions of relativistic effects as well as those of mesons and deltas, or alternatively, quark distributions. ~ecommendations for future research on bound-state properties include the addition of rho-meson exchange terms in the two-pion exchange models and a better Understanding of the vertex cutoff in the pion-nucleon amplitudes, the inclusion of nucleon-delta interactions in the NN-NA model, and the testing of phenomenological approaches in nuclei with A > .3 Experimentally, the new electron-scattering data on elastic form factors below q2 = 30 fm -2 should be evaluated critically and con- solidated with older data sets. The low-energy continuum region (below I00 MeV in excitation energy) contains a wealth of new data with which to test three-nucleon theory in general and the three-body force in particular. Neutron-deuteron elastic-scattering data are now of a precision comparable to proton-deuteron data. Recent studies with polarized pro- jectiles and/or polarized targets have led to a comprehensive set of polarization parameters. Less extensive, but good quality~ three-nucleon breakup data also are available. Some aspects of polarized NN scattering (particularly np) need to be improved because they provide critically important input information for the three- body calculations. Vector polarization in neutron-deuteron elastic scattering may be sensitive to the 3BF; more and better data are needed here. Given the great advances in experimental capabilities already achieved and with more expected, an equal effort in the development of codes for the description of the three-body continuum using realistic two- and three-body forces is sorely needed. Indeed, perhaps the best place to test theories of the 3BY will turn out to be in the three-nucleon continuum. Separable-potential calculations seem to provide good qualitative fits to many data and therefore may provide an excellent basis for continuing work. Additional effort is needed to determine which features of the nucleon-nucleon force most affect the calculated values of various three-body observables and what changes are implied by exotic models of the nucleon. Certain regions of phase space (star and collinear geometries) appear to be more sensitive to 3BF effects than others and therefore should receive particular attention. Breakup reactions induced by tensor-polarized deuterons incident on protons at intermediate energies also show promise of being a sensitive testing area. Electromagnetic reactions are another potentially rich source of information on the 3BF. Two examples are the aHe(~,pp)n and H(~,y)3He reactions. In the first reaction the one- and two-nucleon currents are suppressed so that the three-nucleon current may dominate certain regions of phase space. In the second reaction the polarization parameter T20(O) is very sensitive to the D-state component in the ground state of 3He and therefore can he expected to be sensitive to 3BF effects as well. At intermediate excitation energies (above pion threshold) the pion and the delta resonance, which are the important ingredients of the 3BY, become on-shell constituents of the nucleus. Continuum calculations become more complex, requiring the inclusion of many partial waves. Experimental evidence was presented that elastic pion scattering from 3H and 3He does not follow the equalities expected from charge symmetry. Nucleon-deuteron breakup reactions are not well understood in this region. In the electromagnetic sector one needs a consistent picture of the connection between the two- and three-nucleon potentials and the currents which they generate in the A = 3 bound-to-continuum transition amplitudes. One- and two- nucleon knockout measurements in the quasi-free and delta regions are the best route to solving this problem. Theoretical guidance again si needed in order to choose the best kinematic arrangements. The existence of a three-body force is required by any theory of the strong interaction based upon the exchange of virtual quanta sa( in a proper relativistic field theory) and by the antisymmetrization of identical quarks in any three-quark cluster picture. At high momentum transfer, inclusive electron scattering begins to prohe the quark structure of the A = 3 wave function. Experimental work here has just begun, hut the results of measurements on 3He for y-scaling and the EHC effect for heavier nuclei show substantial nuclear-physics modifications to quasifree Scattering from a bound nucleon. Extension of the y-scaling measurements to aH and the EMC measurements to both SHe and 3H undoubtedly will facilitate our under- standing of the isospin dependence. Likewise, the data base for the elastic form factors should be completed up to q2 = 70 fm -2, where only the charge form factor for SHe si currently available. Quark-model calculations for the A = 3 nuclei are in their initial stages, but already they confirm that the 3BF is an integral part of QCD. The great challenge lies in understanding and quantifying this connection. The development of a comprehensive understanding of the three-body force is important for applications in nuclei with A > .3 The 3BF appears to explain some phenomenological features of many-body theory, e.g., single-particle high-momentum components in nuclei, the spin-orbit interaction, and nuclear compressibility. A ANN potential si required to explain certain properties of hypernuc]ei. In nuclear matter at high density the 3BF might very well dominate the NN force; the consequences for our understanding of heavy-ion reactions~ neutron stars, and supernovae are profound. We have taken giant steps in the last three to five years in our efforts to Understand three-body forces in nuclear physics. However, a much greater effort Will be required before we can claim a true understanding of the important role played by three-body forces. This ~uarantees that much exciting research lies ahead in this vital sector of experimental and theoretical nuclear physics. PLENARY SESSION Chairman: B.L. Berman JOINT SESSION Chairmen: B.F. Gibson, E.F. Redish ehT papers of S.A. Coon, P.U. Sauer, .K Maltman, G.L. Payne, J. Martino, R.A. Brandenburg, dna H.O. Kiages were given in the Joint Session. Their papers appear in these Proceedings under their respective Working Groups. THE THEORY OF THE THREE NUCLEON FORCE Bruce .H .J McKellar School of Physics University of Melbourne Parkville, Vic., Australia 3052 I review attempts which have been made to construct the three nucleon force from models of nucleon interactions with mesons and through other nucleon degrees of freedom, paying particular attention to developments over the last three years. tn_~_troduction The 3-body force between nucleons has been around for a long time as a concept 1 "- at least since 1938. However it is only in recent years that most nuclear Physicists have taken the concept seriously. This delay has been due to the great difficulties that have been in the way of deciding that the 3-nucleon force is necessary for the understanding of nuclear properties. Over the last five years or so it has become apparent that 2-nucleon forces, used in a non-relativistic frame- Work, do not quantitatively describe the properties of nuclei. The fault could be in many places -- relativistic effects, many nucleon interactions, renormalization of the interaction by the nuclear medium~ quark effects, etc. Of course the distinction between the various items on this list si not clear cut, and we find people using different labels to describe the same basic effects. It should be emphasized that the very concept of a potential between two, three or more nucleons is a nonrelativistic artifact. Were we able to do a fully relativistic calculation, it would become necessary to describe interactions in the many nucleon system through a field theory (of mesons or gluons) to avoid the instantaneous interactions implied by potentials. Were we able to include all of the relevant field degrees of freedom in our calculations, potentials would be banished. As it is, however~ we must still use two- and three-body potentials to Parameterize our knowledge (and perhaps conceal our ignorance) of the underlying field theory. In this review I will emphasize the attempts which have been made to deduce the three nucleon potential from some more fundamental theory. After a period in which many different forces were tried on a more or less ad hoc basis, but the basic forces we still used today were introduced, 2 the modern development of the subject of three body forces began with the realisation by Brown, Green, and Gerace 3 that the development of current algebra constraints on K-mesonic amplitudes provided a relatively unambiguous way to fixing the properties of at least some of the important components of the three body force. This possibility of model independent calculations of the 3-nucleon potential was developed by Barrett, Coon and Scadron 4 and exploited by the Tucson-Melbourne group 5'6 New Developments The development of the theory of 3-nucleon forces up to ]983 has been surveyed elsewhere 7 so in this review I want to concentrate on developments since the Bochum workshop and the Karlsruhe meeting. To briefly enumerate them: .I ~,p and p,p potentials: These potentials were being developed at about the time of the Karlsruhe meeting and our understanding of them has improved in the meantime through the work of the Tucson-Melbourne and Brazilian groups 6'8. .2 Form factors and how to allow for them: One of the contentious issues at Karlsruhe was the decision on the scale to be used in the form factors, a parameter to which the resulting force is extremely sensitive. There was also dispute over how one should smear the contact part of the potential with the form factor. There have been some developments in understanding the physics of the form factor, but the major development has been the Los Alamos-lowa work on the triton 9 which shows that in many practical circumstances the dominant cut-off is provided by the 2-body correlations, and the different treatment of the form factor does not change the result too much. 3. Z graphs, o and w contributions: II years ago Barshay and Brown I0 intro- duced a 3-0 exchange potential. This year o exchange has been revived by Keister II and Wiringa , in the context of the Walecka-type of meson-nucleon interaction Lagrangian. In this context w exchange also enters. 4. Many channel A contribution: The many channel treatment of the A contribu- 12 . tion to the many-body force was reported by the Bannover group in 1983, and has 13 been further developed since then as we will hear at this symposium 5. Quark contributions: In contrast to the flurry of activity on quark contri- butions to the 2-nucleon potential there has been rather little work on the 14 analogous contribution to the 3-nucleon potential. This of course reflects the conceptual and practical difficulties of working with the constituents of nucleons -- after some better understanding of the 2-body force is developed we can expect more applications to the 3-body force. I will discuss the ~,~ exchange potential first -- briefly because there is little that is new, but it is important as background material and as the inescap- able long-range interaction in the three body force -- and then turn to survey each of the above areas of new developments in turn. Th~Exchange Potential Basic Remarks The basic ~,~ exchange potential is illustrated in Fig. .I It is immediately apparent that the essential ingredient is the ~-N scattering amplitude. The question is how to best model the ~-N amplitude in the region of interest for the three-body amplitude. There are two approaches in the literature -- one either tries to use as much experimental and theoretical data as is available to tie the amplitude down as much as possible, or one builds dynamical models of the amplitude~ fitting parameters to the data. It is perhaps instructive to remark that the same dichotomy confronts those who Work on the the 2K exchange nucleon-nucleon potential, and both methods have been Used. The Sydney 15, Paris ,61 and Stony Brook 17 groups adopted the approach of using as much K-N and ~-~ data as possible, together with theoretical constraints on the 18 ~-N amplitude to construct the N-N potential. The Bonn group built A intermediate state models for the K-N amplitude. The advantage of the first method is that the data build in at least some information about resonant states which are not included explicitly -- in fact in the analysis of Epstein and McKellar 15 the constraints are so limiting that even the A contribution to the s-wave amplitude is largely built in automatically. On the other hand, the second method has the advantage that explicitly exhibiting the A structure of the amplitude allows an easy application of the Pauli principle in the intermediate N-A states in many-body calculations -- an effect which otherwise appears as a many-body force. Note that, if the Pauli Principle is used explicitly in the intermediate states, care is required to avoid double counting the 3 body force. Tr Fig. 1. The fundamental ~,~ exchange 3-nucleon potential. The blob represents the KN+rd4 amplitude with the forward propagating Born term sub- tracted. Exactly the same advantages apply to the two approaches to the 3-nucleon potential. To see the nature of the constraints on the amplitude realize that in the Feynman Diagram of Fig. I the ~ mesons are off their mass shell, so that the amplitude should be considered as a function of the usual variables v and t and of the masses q~ and q~. At constant ~ = 0 the constraints may be usefully represented in the diagram of Fig. 2, due to Sid Coon .91 The Adler and Weinberg ~f/o- points at which the amplitude vanishes and takes the fixed finite value are, a on hadronic scale, quite close together. Satisfying these constraints places severe demands on any model. While it is not difficult to construct a mode] which so21, 22 satisfies these constraints, 20 none of the models in present use do Because the contraint points in Fig. 2 are separated by small distances (of the order ~) on the hadronic scale (of order 1GeV), the constraints, together with the value of the amplitude at any point in Fig. 2 not in the plane of the Adler and Weinberg points, determine the amplitude up to terms quadratic in the momenta 5. Should it become necessary to know the amplitude to higher order in the momenta, then recourse to models becomes essential. Models are already necessary for the nur amplitudes other than the non-spin-flip amplitudes. The point at issue is not really whether one can do without models -- that is not possible -- but rather noitamrofni whether all of the "model independent" is used effectively in the con- struction of the model. I submit that amplitudes, and thus potentials, which do not include the experimental and current algebra information are built on sand. L./2 2 ! / It I / I / I/ C" = //[ --' ..... i_A I I I // I / I I I/ / ^ / .... X 2 ,,/w I/ q2 2 2 Fig. 2. The u = 0 hyperplane in v, t, ql' q2 space. 10 Should it become necessary to know the amplitude to higher order in the momenta, then recourse to models becomes essential. Models are already necessary for the Ni/ amplitudes other than the non-spin-flip amplitudes. The point at issue is not really whether one can do without models -- that is not possible -- but rather whether all of the "model independent" information is used effectively in the con- struction of the model. I submit that amplitudes, and thus potentials, which do not include the experimental and current algebra information are built on sand. One of the most important open questions regarding the ~,R exchange 3-nucleon potential is the relative importance to be attached to the terms in the potential which are of higher order in the momenta. This question will recur when we discuss the form factors, and when we discuss the A-N coupled channels approach to the three body forces. For the present we can make some general remarks about the terms of higher order in the momenta. It is clear that high order terms in the momenta are describing short distance effects, and one may hope that short range correlations induced by the 2-nucleon interaction will reduce the magnitude of the wave function in the region in which these terms are important to the extent that any observables are insenstivie to the high momentum effects. There is some evidence from the Los Alamos-lowa results 9 on the triton that this is indeed the case. But there is evidence from the Hannover work 12 using the A-N coupled channels approach to the contrary. A definitive analysis of this point is one of the opportunities for further work which can be identified. Some comment on the expected order of magnitude of the effects is possible. The current algebra constraints on the ~-N amplitude demand that there are rapid varia- tions in the amplitude on the scale q ~ p~, hut that the amplitude of these variations is small, of order ~ -l, compared to the overall scale of the ~-N 2 amplitude which is set by the Born amplitude at gKNN/mN. Quadratic terms in the amplitude suffice to satisfy these constraints, so that the quadratic terms have the dimensionless form (q2/g~). The open question is the natural scale for the higher Order terms. Both the Tucson-Melbourne and the Brazilian potentials introduce higher order terms of the type (q2/A2)2, with A ~ m . On the other hand the ~ p Hannover group in effect have higher order terms of the same type, but with A2 ~ mN(m ~ - mN). Since the short range correlations in the nucleus introduce a length scale of order 0.5 fm, the maximum momentum of interest is of order (0.5 fm) "l ~ 0.4 GeV. This is relatively small on the scale of mp, but not on the m(Nm{4 ~ Scale of - mN)}, so that one can understand the different results obtained by the Los Alamos and Hannover groups. The question which needs to be settled is the size of the "expansion scale"~ A. It is the value of A which will determine whether we need to obtain the terms in the amplitude of higher order in the momenta. Futhermore one can observe that, if we ultimately desire to work in con- figuration space, then an expansion to high powers of the momentum is not physically reasonable. As a simple example consider the series 11

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