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Thet hrisftor a nnilhtaiion Ani moprtalenirttya arndp hoislophfiigcuarGleeo ,r gBeast aille hahsa das ingificiannfltu eonnoc teh er wFrriestn,sec urhca hs FouaculDte,r raindBdaa urdildl.Ta hrTeh ifrosArtn nihiilsta htei on firbsoto iknE ngltiors ehs ptoohn idws ri itngIsnn. ow ayt,h o,u gh isN ick 'Lsbao noadkna ttetmoap ptp ropBraitaatiwelrt liien'gss toa secuilnaltirleg iboirlt ioct oym prowmiitstheh a eir idtoyf acadedmioisuccsr e- rathieitrsw , rt itaesna c ommunion. Theoreitsiscuiaenls philsooscloiop,oghp yys,y dcyhnoamics, poiltiacnspd o teyra rdei secdub susotn layss e tppisontnge isno t thdee ewpa toeftr e txusaalc rwihfiecwreoe r pdass osv eirno tt he brokveonio cfde e a.Ct uhltumroaedlr niidstai yg nodsoewdtn oi ts Kantbieaodncr wki tishtt ransecnetnadls opphohifytl hoej ceotb buBta taiwlrliet'ciusnvt gi son ltelaycor stsh tiistg lhdyi islpcined reiandtgo r evetahlse to rngu nedrlyciunrgr tenhtabste ar us towdascr haaonsdd i stsio-oltnuh vei eonlitm putloes sec atphee, thiforrsa tn nithii.ol na NicLka n,wd hosaeim i st os perawdh ahtec al'hltesv irulent horroofBr a'tl aliew'rist ihnigmssw,er lifwt ietsah v iivdnaensds commitmmeonrtue s uaalslcsayiot dew itwho rokflst i earteut rhan intellienecvtstiugaaltT ihoinss .ib soo for ke levtaoen vceenr ey o inettseeridn t hpeh liosoopfhd ye sitrhepe,s ypcahtolhoogoyf deviapnoclei,ta incdlga ealtl h oeyr,t hhesi toorfyr eliogri on poetIrtiy sa. l suogr enfotr a ltlh oisnet ribgytu hedes ixeru al tromenotrts h dee atthhem yi stackoenncloeyfia vste h eoiwrn . NickLan d 1sa lectmu rCeorn ttianPleh nilosaotWp ahwryi ck Unviertsyi. Preafce Ast hougtho g ivyeo ursae lcfe rta'ipno sitaisvseu'r anwchei,c h harboraesdw ella suspicoifos nu perioryiotuyh ,a veo ften reproacmhee dfo r whaty ouc almly 'appetfoirt dee struction' [TE1 13). Ther easofonrs w ritian bgo okc anb el edb ackt ot hed esitroe modiftyh er elatiwohnisc ehx isbte tweae nh umanb einagn di ts kindT.h osree latiaornejs u dgeudn acceptaanbdla er ep erceived asa na trociworuest chedness. Howevetro,t hee xtetnhta It h avew ritttehni bso okI have beenco nscitohuasit ti si mpotetnort e gultahteea ccouonftt hat wretchednUeps tso.a certaliinm itth,ed esiforrep erfecctlleya r humaenxc hangwehsi che scapgee nercaoln ventiboencso meas desiforre a nnihila[tIiI1o 4n3 .) * I havea lwayusn consciosuosulgyho tu tt hawth icwhi lble amt e downt ot heg rounbdu,t t hefl oori sa lsao w all. * Whatb esbte fitasn authoirst op refacae w orkw ithi tas pology, ornamentiitwn igt thh eg ilotfn ecessAifttye.ar l lo,n es houlndo t beg attentiwoint houetx cuseT.h ata writeprr ovidseo me rudimentjaursyt ificafotri oan b ooks eemsa modesetn ough expectatbiuotsn u,c ha demanodb litermaet,se isn cteh iissa text whichha sb eenr eareidnp erfescutp erfluciltuyt, chfienegyb alt zeroT.h erei sn ota singlsee ntenwchei chi so thetrh ana gratuitouasnndea s sc onfusioan c;r ya tl eashta llfa meda nd smotheriendi ronyE.a cha ppeatlh ati sm·a det ot hen ame 'Bataislhlued'd ebrest weean p retensainodna jokeB.a taiI lle. xiiP refea c known othianbgo uhti mH.i so bsessions mdei,hs itisug rnbo rances numbm e,I fi ndh ist hougihntc omprehentshieab blrea,s ioofhn i s writisnhge aruss elesasclryo smsy inarticuIlna crye.s ponIs e mumblea,sa resisttaona cnex iemtayd,d enimnygs elwift who rds. Lockeidn a celwli tmhy ownh ollorwa vin.g.s.b uta tl easitti s nott ha..t. (ande venn ow I lie.). . Int ruth, Basteaeimltslo me e far lesasn intellepcrteudailc a­ mentt hana sexuaaln dr eligioonues,t ransectthienl ge thargic suiciudpeo nw hicwhe area lelm barkeTdo. a ccephti sw ritiinsg s an impossibitloir teys,it shte ma n irrelevaOnncee i.s e xcited abnormalalpyp,a llbeudt,w ithoruetfu geN.a usepae rhapSsu?c h melodracmoam ersa pidtloya muse( althowueg sht ivlolm ijtu,s t asw e die). So I tryt op ersuamdyes eltfh aitt w ouhladv bee ernel atively straightfortwoaw rrdi tae s oundb ooko n thew orko fG eorges Batailal beo;o kt hawto ulhda ved iscustsheecd o ntribuhteih oans madet ot hep hilosopahnidcl ailt ercaurlyt uorfte w entieth-century Francee,x posithiinsgd octrinoefs ' genereaclo nomy''b,a se materialiasnmd'' ,ta h eologayp'p,r aistihnege xcelleonfch eiss variopurso sset ylaensd h isp oetrrye,c ommendtihnaght i sw orks be investbeyd s erioruesa dinsgc,h olarsahnidpe ,v entuaal ly judicieosutsi mat-iboynm y reckonian sgc,h lbeocokhS.tu c hb ooks area lwaydse presseinnogu ghb,u ti nt hec asoef G eorgeBsa taille thes ituatiiseo vne mno rea cutteo,u chionngs omethiankgit no t he purep ornograpchhya racteriozuirn cgo ntemporNariye tzsche schopl.aT or ssuhciceiendw ritian bgo oko fa nyk inadb ouBta taille isa lreasdoym ethiwnrge tchebde,c auistei so nlyi nt het wisted interstsiptaicaeolsf fa ilurteh acto ntacitn,f ectainodn- ,a tt he limi-tt hea negoiinct imatchyah te c all'sc ommunicactainot na'k e placAe r.e coveorfty h es ensoefB atailwlrei'tsii nstg h es urepsatt h toi trsa diciamlp overishmIetin sta .sp athettiosc e eekd ucation from Bataialsli eti st os eecko mfofrrotm Nietzsc(hBea.t aiilsol,fe coursseo,m ewhmaotr eh onetshta tnh iasb ouhti osw nh ypocri)s ies. Theries n od oubtth atto s easoBna taiilnlp er eparatfoiroh ni s comfortabdlieg estbiyoc na pitaclu'lst urmaalc hiniesa piecoef twistperdo stituotfti hoenk indh ew ouldfu llyh avea ppreciated. Thed elicioobussc eniAt wyr!i twehro t rietdoh elups t oe xpend, storeadw ayw itha llt heo therisn o urr eserovfei nformatico­ financiaasls etisno, r detro b ep impeodu ti nttoh ec arefleorw so f theW esteranc ademiTehse.r ea reN orthA mericawnhso have already lteoa grunrtg l'eB ataiclolnet rMaa rx'fo r instance, Prefacxeii i althoutghhei ssuiesr arye tlhiisn aneildye ologMiocraeli .n sidious ist he' hew asa libraryioaukn n owB'a taililnec,r easyi snngalrled­ upi nt hed econstrucptuilvipin sdtu storfey n dlecsosm mentaorny LogocentrWiessmt,e rMne taphysaincdso ,t hevra rioSuesi nsverges­ senhethieBt aetna,iw lhloer eaad l ota,n dh ads omethivnegrc yl ever tos ayB.a tailmlaey be praisoerdc ondemneidnt ermosf h is eruditibount,t hissc arcemlayt terwsh enc omparewdi thh is sanctaista y v oyagienrs ickn.e.s.sb utb ookmsa keg oodb urrows inw hictho h idea,n df ewp lacaersea sr edoloenftt h el itetslcaeas p e a libratrhye;s helvoefsfi ctiohni,s togreyo,g rapehayc,hb ooka pretefoxrt d erealizaptaitoine,na twlayi titnhgem omentw heni t wilble coupletods omev aguree verie. Nott hatth ibso okm akeasn ys pecipalle adifonrg i tseilthf a,s scratchaebdou fotr needlienst hem ostd estitguuttet eorfst he Eartcho,l d-tucrrkaewyl ionngi tksn eeasn,d b eggitnhgea cademy to pimp ite verd eepeirn toa buseE.v ers inciet b ecame theoretiecvaildletynh ta otu rp reciopuesr soniadle ntiwteirejesu st brand-tfoarg st radicnrgu mbosf l abour-poowne trh el ibidino­ economjiucn kc ircutihtev, e stiogfea su thortihaela trichaalviet y beenw earitnhgi nnWerh.o carewsh at' anyonteh'i nkksn,o wso,r theoriazbeosu Bta tailTlhee?o nlyt hintgo t rya ndt oucihs t he intenssheo ck-watvhea stt irlela chuessa lonwgi tht he textual ember.s. .fo r asl ongt,h aits a,s a nythicnagn s ti'lrle acuhs '. WhereD escartneese deGdo d tom ediathei sr elatiwointshh is felloswesc,u lmaarn ish appwyi thh ist elevisseitoa,nn dw itahl l theo thecro mmodificehda nneolfsp seudo-communiwciatthi on whichh isc ivilizhaatsis oont houghtfuelnldyo wehdi m.S uch thingasr efo r hiso wn protectoifoc no ursteo;fi lteoru tt he terrifytihnrge aotf infectiIofn o.p ennestso alteribtays,e communicatiaonnd, e xperimenctuarli osairteym arkso f an exuberant siotcosin eltyty r,u gea uglei eisn i ttse ndentcoyb e decimatbeyd s exualtlrya nsmitdtiesde asaensdn ihilrieslti gion. On thibsa siist s eemst hato urs ociedteys,p iitteso wn most strenuoeuffso rthsa,s n oty etc onsummatietdsl ongi dealized sclerionstiiosm permeaabtloem sT.h eg ristt ielxli satnsd,i ti so nly amongstth eg ritth awte connect. * Iti s0 3.3i0n t hem orningL.e tu s sayo nei s' drun-k'a n impoverischiepdh eforr altlh ostee rritbhlien ognse d oetso o ne's nervous-syisntt ehmed epthosf t hen igh-ta ndp hilosoipsh y xivP reface 'impossible' o(naels tthitolhulig nhke sv,e nt ot hep oinotf t error andd isgusWth)a.td oeist m eanf otrh iesp isoidnet her eahli story ofs pirtiodt i ew ithoturta cWeh?e reh asi ts trayteod?' It hougohft deathw,h ichI imaginteodb es imiltaort hawta lkw ithoaunt objec(tb utth ew alki,n d eatht,a ketsh ipsa thw ithorueta so-n "forever["I)I'2I 8 6]. An extraordilnuacriyd ifrtoys,ta yn dc risipnt heb lacknebsust, paralysleoddg;e idns omer eceosfst heu nivertsheac tl utcihtel si ke a snareA. waveo fn auseias a ccompanibeyd a peculiarly insinuahteiandga chaesi, ft hougihtts ewlefr ec opulatuinnrge ser­ vedlwyi tshu fferiAn dga.m pc oldnecslso,st eofo g,c reetphsr ough theo penw indowI.l augdhe,l ighattet dh efa tet hahta st urnemde intao r eptiTlheem. e talhlaircd neosfis n telsleeecmtls i kae c utting instrumiennm ty handt;h ed etachfreadg menfrto m a machine toolo,ra na battosiere,k ionugtt het erminsaeln sietw asa lwyas refused. Theo bjecotfp hilosopihnys,o faars t her eflectmievdei tation upont houghcta nb e takent o characteirti,iz sea rbitrarily prescriabsue ndd isturrbeeads on(itnhgce a seosfp sychopathology, psychiaatbrnyo,r mapls ycholoegtycd,.o n otr emotecloyn travene thirsi gorosuesl ectbieocna,u ssuec hs tudioefds i sturtbheodu ght arec onstit-uitnep dr inci-pwliet hoeuntt anglemeIntit st) h.u s thats uccessfualdlayp tetdr,a nqumiold,e rataen,d productive reasomno nopolitzheeps h ilosopchoinccaelp toifto hno ughitnt, h e samew ay thatt heg eneralirzoebdo tiosfmr egulatleadb our squeezaelsil n tengsees turoeusto fs ocieaxli steMnyc ea.b normal devotitooBn a taisltleem frso mt hefa ctt hanto bodhya sd onem ore thanh et oo bstrutchtep assaogfev iolebnlta nkisn tao pacified obliviaonnd,t hust oa waketnh em onsteirn t heb asemenotf reason. Nott hatth er epresissle odc kienda dungeointi, s s trandienad labyrianntdhc ,o nnectteotd h ed aylwiotr lbdy a secrceotn tinuity. A tangloefc onfusicoonm est os eeml iked oao ra, m azel ikae barriaenrd,o nes ay'sI ,'b utt hei nsiidsne o ta celilti, s a corridor; a passacguetfr om thes ofrto cokf l osIsn.n eerx perietnrcaev erses a sombrpeo rosiatnyd,t hem oanso ft hem inotaruerv erberate througiht sa rteriheisn,t inagt an indefinabplreo ximiItty . becomedsi fficutlots leep. * Ofc oursIei ,n dulmgyes elifni, n numerawbalyes '.I t'e lmly setlhfe Prefacxev personparlo noufani ltso m arkt hep seudo-neuptorsailt ioofan commentattohrti ism Teh.at i sr athear p rotracotfi' oBna taille's' incessjaneit n toa furtheerp isodoef d ebasemenFto.ri ti s remarkabhloew degradea dd iscoucrasneb ecomew heni ti s markebdy theo bsessrieviet eraotfit ohnea bstraecgto m,i xing arroganwciet hp allhiudm iliTthye.c hronwihci nteh arte sul-ts somethiankgi tno a degenerarteevde rberafrtoimo Dno stoyevsky's undergroumnadn - ist hei nsisteonfca e h umanittyh ath as becomaen unbearaibnldei gni'tIay'm. (alonaes)t ,h et asteless exhibitoifoa nn endogenotuosr menats,t heb etrayoaflc om­ municatiaosan f,e sterwionugn di,n w hicthh em onadikcn ittoifn g thefl eshl oseist seilnaf m esso fp usa nds cabest,c e.t .c. ..( You yawno fc oursbeu,tI contien.)uY esI, a m- definitioan fiallthlyy- begga(rl iGkoed )s,c rabblaitnt gh ec oat-toafia l rse luctaanndt embarrassed attednrtiivveiennn teaos g su,i lteh afuts esw retched­ neswsi tha ne lusievlee meonftt hreaItsi. tm erei ndoletnhcaet defeaatlstl e ndentcoyw arddesc oroiumsp ersonaSlciatryc?e Olry . ratheIr c;a nnobtr inmgy seltfot hinsko .I naga tt hem arginosf thisd iscoounrt shewe r itiofn Ggeso rBgaetsa iasl al eh ideous confirmatoifoi nt cso wardiacnedm oderatisoinm,u ltanweiotuhs thed rearinoefsi stp sr ostituat wihoene;z ipnagr odoyf l aughter teeteruipnognt hea bjecnta kedneosfas s obY.e ta tt hes amet ime its carcmealtyt ewrhse thIe wrr itoefB ataiolrlm ey selIf.ft heries a boundabreyt weeuns i ti so nlyi nsofaars h ew asm omentarily frustratienhd i sp assatgoet het rutohf h ist ext. Batai'lslw eritienxgh ibiat msa rkeda ttachmetnott hefi rst persopnr onouann,d t hec onfessimoondaeil se speciparleldyo min­ anti n his mo'rlei terwaorryk's a,l thouigths preadasl most everywheTrhee.m osto bvioucso nsequeonfct eh idse viciest o immersteh en arrateigvoie n t het ext, fusinagn dvd oisiccoeu irns e a fielodf i mmanencaen,dp uttiindge ntuintrye serviendtlpoyl ay (ejne uN)o.to nliys m osto ft hefi ctipounb lisdhuerdi nBga taille's lifetniamrer atientd h efi rspte rso-ni ncludTinhgSe t ooryft hEyee , MadaEmdew arTdhaIe,mp o ssiTbhlAeeb ,bC i. a,n dT hBel uofeN oo-n buti ne vercya smeo ret hano nec onfessivooniaciles i nvolv-ed evena fttehre v arioeugso osf d ialogaureee xclud-ewdh ethtehri s ist her esulotf 'authorpiraelfa'c eso,r stratifineadr rative structuTrheAse.b bCi. fo,r examplien,c ludneos l estsh ant hree distifinrcstpt e rsonna rratvioviec easn,dt emporraulp turients h e ordeorf i tdsi scourcsoemsp lictahtese i tuatsitoifunlr lt heTrh.e re isa nu nmanageaabplpee aal p,l igohfti solatai vooni,c ree sistant xviP reface toa lld elimitaatnii onn,fe ctsiot ohna,rte adiBnagt aiilsln eo ta contributtoip oons itivbiuttay ,p lea. Itd oenso tb efibte ggatrosg artbh emselivnte hse r obeosfp roud neutraltihtemy a,t teirsq uitteot hec ontranroyo ;n es inkbse neath theb urdeonf i ndividuaaslt ihteyyd o.I fb eggaarrse s oo ften drivetno r eligiitoi ns b ecausietc ann evebre i nt her ational interoefsa tn yonteo r espontdo t hemT.h eym usti nhertihte traditoifou nn answercerdi eesn cryptienmd o nastciecl lTsh.e se mendicahnatvse c ertaibneleynd estituitnae nde choo ft hed eath ofG od,b utw itnho s pacaew aititnhge mi nt hes eculoarrd etrh ey arefo rcetdo l ivteh eilri mitliemspso verishamsea nnti mpossible necessiAtsy fo.r mysel(fB ataiallls)eo t hem atteirs a ltogether morec omic. Do nott hinIk a m unsympatheTthiecs.et hickoefta sb stract identairteny o d oubutn pleastaons tt umbtlher ougThh.es crawny littsliego nf p romiscuionudsi viduiasla i pteyr petaugaglr avation; remindiynogui ne accha soef y ouorw ni ncarcerbayts ieolnTf. h at enunciatsihoonu lbde harriebdy an 'I'i sn o mere stylistic . infeliictii sta y l,o athesomeannedys est,t heo nlryo utoefse vasion leandgia wayfr omi ta reh ypocritTioct arlay.n dh idteh em anacle­ scarwsh ichw rectkh ec omplexiooftn h et exwto uldi tseblefa decisioncieslteibcr aotfia ount onomdye,b asitnhge t exfutr ther, brandiinteg v enm orec onclusiavsse elryv imlaet te(ro uotf w hich thee goh ast ranscenidnetidon visibiTloi wtryi}to.en eseolufto fa bookc anb em anyt hin;gt shed ilettanotfoi nsefom r w homw riting isfr om thes taratff ectatainodan r tificitahleip tryo,f essionoafl ism onefo rw homa bootke ndtsoa na nonymi-tiyfn oti mmediatteol y thaotf t hec ommoditayt,l eastto t haotf c areecra pit-atlh e authoritarioafon niesl mo sitn a monologiicnasla nictlyo steo solipsoirst mh,ea ll-too-ostehnutmaitliiootfouy ns e w hop refetros guidefr om behintdh es ceneIst. c an be genuintei midity, pomposiitnye,r taipaalt heyv,e enx perimebnuttw, h ati tc ann ever be,fo r asl onga si ti sr emotedleyl iberaitsfle idg,h t. Iti ss titlelm ptitnogr enountchee p ostuorfet hefi rspte rson, event hougiht fosr ceo fc orrosqiuvael ificarteidounc tehse r isokf complacoenbjte ctivoirsp ms eudo-colleTchteii vnidtuyl.g enocfe s personaolfis tpyu,r ioauust onomrye,s ponsibainldii dtiyo,s yncratic affectatiaornes, u fficienrtelpye llteonp tr ovokae m easuroef tacticcaarle lessOnnees psa.r alyas edsi mensioofnm essye ffec·· tiviotuyto, f d istaBsutett. ow ritoefB ataiilnls eu cah w ayi sm ore thana littalbes ursdu,g gestaisni gtd, o e,st haitm personailsia t y Prefacxev ii simptlheit noag c hiAeftveear.l t lh:'e I i'sn ottob ee xpe,lb luetd sbumtiettdo s aicfircWeh.e snuh ffieadb owuitt hai tne xutpo n Bataiiitlsc l oem petlorl eefde rt oan nao utth obru,rt a thteoar n, ennguiet,si cugl aattt hiveno ;it dhsey mptoofam n abtsreangti c cmomuinty. * Iitas l ontgi mneo ws inIc ewa affisci tebdyB ataiplole'emiR 'rse ' (L'augh)t:e r' Laugh laagnuhd att hseu n att hnee ltets att hseot nes att hdeu kcs att hrea m att hpee e-opfte hepe o pe atm ummy ata coffifunl olf s hit 13[I]V. This iptnoreuomcd etsh roefte h meu sctr ulct ihaemtersa versing Bataiwlrlniegtl':ias u ghetxeecmrre,n atn,dd eatShuc.h' htemes' ares upsendoendl myo mentaartti hlely i opf p hilosophical intelyl,ai ngtdih beirnle ilteianost eedapu horiimmco latuipoonn thbeu ronr-oecfl eirtatduirsteie,gnt rianign taso ensehleeetrsos­ genemoaus.sHs is otbesxetsss iveltyh atrthed eice toemorpsaetde bodiyes x ecmretna,al ntdh attho en lsyffiu ciernets ptoond seea th isl aughTtheecr o.r pnsoeot n ldyis solvienost nao xiboausse mattaenra gloautsoe xecmrenitit,as l isnof a dctfee cataeswd a tse byt hleei offt hsep iee.csF ort hceo rpisste h ter uotfht he bioloigniidcvuaialdl i,t csno summastueepr fluiItty o.in sl y throtuhgeh gpeai snosit ardreeemawbalsteth eat thie ni dvuiadils makrewdi tthhd ee libloefi tetsxr scasecI.iet b se ucsaee i lsi fpure suprlutsh atthc eh iolf'd iR r-es't anbdyit nhsgei odfeh iqsui etly weepmiontgh aenrtd r ansbfiytx hesedt inrkuiinonfghs ifa st h-er igsr ipbpyce odvn ulsoifho onrsrt oherax tp lionodpt ee aolfms i rth, asu ncomopmrisaisn go r'giaRrsiems'i., n paac rottnr,it biutoon thteeh oroyfm ournLiaunggth.ei rsa c momuonniw itht hdeae d, siend cehai tsno t otjbcheeto fl aug:h itidset er hai ttselfifn dtsh at av oiwchee wne l auLgahu.g hittseh rwa hti iclsho tsodts i course, thhea meorrhaogfpi rngagm atiinoct esx citaantdfii lotnh . xviiPir eface Baatiltleel ltsh atuths ue n iverissee n geteriacn,d fatthee inherteoen ntge yri su ttewra tseE.n geyrfr omt hes uni s dicsahrguendit learaalnlwdiyt hoduseti .gT nhafrta ctoifso onl ar raidtaiownh icshti rketsh eea rrtehs ouarlctlee srt rreiesanl­ daeovurp,r oivnotgkh feve eriosbhs cye wneic ta'llle i'f. Liefa ppsea asra pauosne tehngeey rp atahs;a p recarious stialbtiizoaann cdo mpliocfsa otlidaoernc ayi.sm otIsb ta sically copmreenhibslaes t hgee nesroallu ttoti hopenr obefl ecmo nsumption. Sucahs ol-oargr eneral-peecrosnpoeemcxithcii pvbreiou tdcisto n asa ni lolnut;sh ihey ptoasttiizooafna d giresisnci oounnms pito.n Top roudciets o p artmiaanlgalety hr ee leoafes ngeey ri nittols o ss, anndo thmionr.ge Detahw,a tsa,go ere xpeintedu irst heo nleyn dt,h oe nly defitniitveer nmuis'.Ut ilciatnyni'onr t e albieat nyy thbiutnthg e characteorfai zfuantciito,on hna vinnogs enssheo orfta n expdeintew uhriecshc aiputett se rlyi.s' e rTlhaitusit vyie'lT .iht e odreorf W etserhnit soyr haass i tmso tsp etrintse ynmptom the dirfto fu tyia lwiatfryo mt hriestl iasveen tsoew,a arp dasr adoxical absuotvleau leA. c reespilvnaemg o racloiltoyn viazlesusbue o,r ­ dinianitgtt ot hdee fitnii'ohnta wth iscevhre 'sT.h e'g o'bo edcomes synonywmiotuuhts i lwiittmyhe; a nmse,dt iia,oi nnstrumentality, anidm pildtie cpendence. Ther eatlrj caetyo orfl osiss' imnmeaen'cc,ot ninyu,bi atse maetrto,rfl owI.tf h sert icrtelogyni arle sisotfea vnetcrheyi tnhga t delaiymsp,e doerms o,m etnarairelrsytt hsme o evmeonfdt i ssolu­ tioinsa bsatcrtfreodm t hseo lflaorw i ti si nrtpeertabalse transceSnucdhea nbcsetrr.ea scits ttola onsicssec hariazcetbdey r autonomhyo,m eongeiatnydi, d ealaintdiy sw, h aBta taille summariazs'ea (sb lsuotuet)yi 'li.t The(n ietvaibrlteeun)r o fc osnrticetnegedyr t oi mmnaenicse reloinwg,hi ocsoer iess a crgiefinceer,oa ft istvahece .r S eadcrifice ist hmeo veemnotfv iloelnbite rafrtoimos nevi rlitthcyeo,l la posfe tranndsec.neI chneibitthisena gcc riirafiell aopfis seo lbaetieindsg theb oradui ttlaiiraniisnmh etroeh numta nictoyrl,ra etweidta h profadneel iimoifrnto amft reocuisno ateut rhfiantd istfo sr muilna thoelo.gI yni tpsr ofaansep ercetl,i igsi onm arutnidaael rl ed concepotfGi oodnt; h fien aglu araonftp oerrt seinbste intgh,e subsmiiosonf( uriunsot)i mteor eoansa,n dt hutsh e ultimate princoifup tliel ity. Coweriintn hgse hd aow isotg fod sh,u maniitst hpyer j oceto fa defiinviaetb orgtaioonfe xnpdeuirtea,ndi st huasni mpoislsiitby. Prefacxei x Theh umanizpirjnoegch ta s the anfour nms auoisfnt albalwe. Desptihtfoeer tiifiocnoasfpt roihbittihoienm o,ps sicbolreers o d humaniitney r otitchieesr mu;p otfiir orenud ciebxlcese ,ws hiicsh thbea sueny io tfs exuaalniddte ya tEhro.t igcniaswumssa st he inevittramibpulhe e ovfi( tlut leors.s ) Iti st hpiass sisounbasmtsieit oofan t e= d(e atthh)ag tu ides Bataiolwnl ree'iasnd gisnL, i teraantdEu vriefol r i ntsan,ct ehe greawtoeroskfta tohleogpiocteailLci st.e raantEduv riielas s eroife s respotnows rteiistn hgea xtih btihtce o mplbiectiwtletyiee nyr a arrt andt ransssgirBoeanat.i lilnes'isss gutgeetsnitoi nst hatthn eo n­ uittlairwirainit nseo rit tn ereisnst eerdv mianngk oirnfu drt hering thaecc umauitloonfg oosd,ho wervfieenrde ,d eliocras tpieit,ru al themsaeyb eI.n esat,ds uhc wrist eE-rmiBlryo nBtaeu,d elaire, MiclheeBtl,a kSea,dP eor,u sKta,fk aa,n dG eneaetr B atalile's exampilnte hsti es-x atr ceo ncewrintcehmod m unicawthiiocnh, meantshv ei olaotfii niodvnui adliatutyo,n oamnyid,s ol,at thieo n incfltiioofan wountdh rowuhgihc bhe inogpseo nu itno t the communiotfsy e nswealseLtsiest. e riaastt urraen sgargaeisnssito n transcetnhdee nadcnaeudr,n k h orleyn doifans ga criwfiocnuid,a l allowai cnogmm unicatmioorbnea stihca tnh ep seudo-com­ munciatoifio nnts rumednitsacsloeT u.hr eh eaorflt i atteeuri rtsh e deaotfhG o,dt hvei olaebsnetn cet hgeoo fo, da ndt huosf evyetrhtihnagot t epccrotnss,ao tleoisrgd, u atreatenhsie tn eroefs ts thien idvuiadple rsonTahledi etayot.fh G odi s uttlhiem ate traenssgsritohnre,e leoafhs ueam nyi frtomi t,sb ealcfikno t the bliinnedfr neaxlat vrgaanocfet hseu n. * Iitas m erceo nsoltaott htieio mnti oid m gainteh pahtoi slophhays di.e dhTefa cotf t hmea ttiesqr u ittote h ceo ntrPahriyl.o sophy wiblelt ehl aosfth umatnhn ig;sp erhtahpeesffi ciiemnptu olfs e theen .dT hahtu mnaiitsfay t det ot emrinaitsae m ontghsmeto ts bastihco tusga,hn ndo m orteh atnh meo tse letmaeyrqn uafilcia­ tiofonrp hilossoipnthcoyte ,h ionnkb ehoaflo fn es'pse ciisae s miesrabplaerh oicaml.i s Man ai lsi ttthlietn hga hta lse artnost t ammtehrwe o rd 'inyfi.'nI indt oisnoig mt a keevsye trhgis nmadlilm,si hniienvge n it.sO enlenf eeodn lyi nodtt ihphe it soorfym onothteoni osttmeh e wretcheodfhn ueamsns' inifitniiensc o'm partiots homeno ts casuoafnl a taulir mmensIitit sfii resnste. c eys sfoartr hait nog shirvfoerli tt os heaa rnythwiintughs t;ob eco'mheua mn.e '

Foucault, Derrida and Baudrillard. The Thirst for Annihilation is the first book in English to respond to his writings. In no way, though, is Nick Land's
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