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The Third Alternative 9 [Winter 1995/1996] PDF

60 Pages·1995·4.8 MB·English
by  Andy Coxed.
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Preview The Third Alternative 9 [Winter 1995/1996]

extraordinary new fiction: Rick Cadger, Catherine Dean Brian Howell, Jessica Anderson James Miller,Clinton Wastling Alan Frae¢kelton, Neil Williamson featured artist: = profile: DEWAR Gial arel.@a(y issue 9 - winter 95/96 NON-FICTION THE THIRD ALTERNATIVE Issue 9 - Winter 95/96 EDMORIAIN 3 nce use 3 ISSN 1352—3783 PROFILE: POPPY Z BRITE - Gary Couzens 33 Editor: Andy Cox LYE]B S eer rer ee oe certo a NWO ; - ays Publisher: FICTION TTA Press 5 Martins Lane, Witcham, Ely, SYMPHONY - Rick Cadger ...... 4 Cambs CB6 2LB ® (01353) 777931 THE BURNING FOOL - Clinton Wastling .......... ; 12 Design & typesetting: TTA Press. All kinds of DAYS AWA= SYaMm@ S: MINGK 2c. iescnsccrssescccs teecsteecsiacerrnts 10 typesetting and publishing - work undertaken. Contact TTA FIELD OF VISION - Brian Howell................. meee Press at the address above. CALLING HER BACK - Alan Frackelton .................. ay, Copyright: This collection © 1996 TTA POSTCARDS - Neil WilliaMSON 2.000.000... 38 Press. Individual rights revert to authors upon publication. API-A CaRtheYrin e Dean.............. PA a RON ere sci AO Subscriptions: MIRIAM’S GARDEN - Jessica Anderson ........................... 49 Single issue £2.50 Four issues £9.00 Europe £3.00/£11.00 RoW £3.50/£13.00 USA $6.00/$22.00 THE INTRODUCERS - Vincent de Souza...........................10 All overseas orders airmail Payable to ‘TTA Press’ STALK - Michael WilkKiNSON ..............00.0...000..00ccece Ao Submissions: DROUGHT - Steve Urwin................. pene ee Git Fiction, artwork (samples), ideas for non-fiction welcome COUNTDOWN TO THE NEXT... - David Chorlton 36 with appropriate return postage. MSS and queries that ARTWORK BY DAVID CHECKLEY do not enclose return postage will not receive a reply. Always PIN es cote ee 4 enclose a covering letter. No length restriction. One story at Pe et edEe A a time, mailed flat or folded once. HORNY ee ee Deh et 2 Advertising: All adverts must be ALLENS oo oacccsces Sere ter eae proportionate to column dimensions unless otherwise GIANTS «2... 45 agreed with the editor. SAE for full details and rates. Editorial We to TTA’s third year of publi- Take Me When You Go by Joel Lane cation. These days I suppose it could Jack Limer’s Monsters by Lawrence Dyer be said that the previous year was a good one Only Shadows by Rupert Loydell if the magazine simply managed to survive Coming and Going Like the Sea: London Wall it, so my thanks to all our loyal subscribers. I by Nicholas Royle hope the improvements we’ve made over the In by Brian Howell past eight issues, and will make in the future, The Absence by DF Lewis continue to meet with your approval. Some Cut Flowers by Kimberley Pad gett-Clarke of these improvements simply come with Supple Bodies by Conrad Williams practise, of course, but hopefully the maga- The Lie That Once I Dreamt- The Ties That zine is made more complete (and its potential Blind by Mike O’Driscoll increased) by the changes we have made Incident on Bleecker Street - Beyond the content-wise. Window: Other Trains by Peter Crowther Reader reaction confirms that the use of Apple for Teecha by Jim Steel one featured artist with several stand-alone Anasthesia Man by Bruce Boston pieces was a good move, and early reaction Tightrope Walker by Steve Urwin suggests that you are just as positive about A Breath of Not Belonging by Rick Cadger the expansion of non-fiction within the A Siren’s Kiss by Wayne Edwards magazine. Gary Couzens’ ongoing series of Slender Lois, Slow Doris by Andrew Hook profiles are proving popular, remaining Because of Dust by Chris Kenworthy (still firmly within the magazine’s remit but being considered for a reprint) making it a more varied and satisfying read. Hellon Earth Street by David Logan Just about every other magazine runs re- The Outpost by James Miller views, and often of the same material, so we Airbabies by Tim Nickels (and sent on to hope that this variation continues to please. Gardner Dozois) There is still some expansion to come in The Tides of Quiddity: Thrid & Shift by Paul this area yet though, with the recent transfer Pinn of Rick Cadger’s The Unquiet Soul column Four Miles to the Hotel California by Roger (albeit slightly modified) from the now Stone defunct Violent Spectres. Rick’s first column Cages by Neil Williamson will appear in TTA1O, and it will in turn The Guinea Worm by Julie Travis doubtless stimulate further discussion in the Slate by Michael Wilkinson letters column. Clean and Bright by Mat Coward Meanwhile, TTA’s critical success can be Other: Please Explain by Don Webb gauged to a certain extent by the number of honourable mentions its stories have recei- There is plenty more extraordinary new ved in Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling’s fiction still to come, of course, with brilliant Year's Best Fantasy and Horror anthologies. new stories in TTA10 from the likes of Tm assured that it’s an impressive list given Nicholas Royle, Mike O’Driscoll, Chris that this magazine is a quarterly, and that a Kenworthy and others, plus some exciting lot of the stories we publish could hardly be new talents. Don’t miss it, spread the word considered horror or fantasy anyway, at least and, especially if you’re a new reader, buy notin the traditional sense. the book! (See the back cover.) NB. This list does not include any possible ‘fantasy’ recommendations for 1995. thanks, Gary TTAQ Winter 95/96 Symphony Rick Cadger L:w as a relief to get into the air-condi- washed concrete balustrade. The view was tioned hire car. From the moment he and like something from a postcard; no wonder Penny had got off the plane, Ray had felt Penny’s family had been coming to the stifled by the heat. The air over the tarmac at Algarve for years. Despite the heat, Ray Faro airport had danced for him, distorting could think of no more beautiful place to the outline of the terminal and causing hor- spend their honeymoon. rible deformities in the figures of his fellow A few hundred yards in front of the villaa passengers as they moved ahead of him to- broad sandy beach stretched endlessly in wards passport control. both directions. In the far distance to his “You'll get used to it,” Penny said for the right he could see a few large, modern hotels umpteenth time, as she inserted the key into shimmering amid a nest of trees, but in the the Peugeot’s ignition. “And you'll love the immediate locality the only buildings werea villa. It’s within spitting distance of the handful of picturesque villas. The atmos- beach.” phere was decidedly desert-island, and he Ray grimaced at his new bride’s charming loved it. As he moved back towards the steps, turn of phrase. He clamped his teeth to- Ray caught a glimpse of something on the gether, firmly confining the remark which beach, about half a mile to the left of the had tried to slip from his lips. It was just the villa. A small building actually constructed heat making him touchy, he told himself; and upon the sand, surrounded by a little cluster the aftermath of in-flight terror. He wonder- of parasol-shaded tables. A beach bar. As he ed if Penny had noticed his white knuckles, descended, Ray wondered why heaven had to or the way his teeth had been gritted when- be quite so hot. ever he had smiled at her during the flight. His lethargy dispersed, and assoon as they He made a conscious effort and relaxed. had unpacked and covered themselves in Everything would be fine after a shower and sun-block, Ray challenged his wife to a race acold beer. down to the beach. The white, single-storey villa was indeed Sometime later he nudged Penny gently as very attractive. Palms shaded the part of the she dozed beneath her large parasol. drive just outside the front door, and Ray “Hmm?” appreciated how much more comfortable Ray leant over to kiss her. “Do you fancy a this would make getting into the vehicle. His drink?” thigh was still sore from contact with a “Mmm, but I can’t be bothered to move.” searing seat-belt buckle. He got out and “T was going to take a wander along to the opened the boot. bar.” “Leave it,’ Penny said. “Go up on the “Antonio’s? You don’t mind if I stay here, balcony first. Check out the view.” She do you? I’m socomfy.” She stretched. fumbled with keys and opened the front “Shall I fetch youa drink back?” door. “Mmm, please.” The ‘balcony’ was in fact the whole of the “Beer?” villa’s flat roof enclosed by an ornate, white- “Mmm.” TTA Winter 95/96 Ray kissed her again. “See you in a bit just here, that his tongue should touch there. then.” He surfed a tsunami of empathy and desire. Antonio was a balding Portuguese of He wasso hard he thought he would burst. about forty-five. He greeted Ray witha grin. There was not enough light for him to “English?” make out Penny’s expression, but her mur- “Yes.” murs and occasional gasps guided him along A couple at the other end of the bar the route to her pleasure. cheered and raised their glasses in salute. Something brushed his ear, but it barely “The Germans outnumber us,” the man registered in his mind. Penny was every- called to him, “but even they can’t hog a thing, nothing else existed. The fluttering beach this size.” contact came again, and this time he detected Antonio held out a large hand for Ray to a low humming sound that receded after the shake. “What may I get for you?” touch. Penny’s gasps came fast now as she “Large beer, please.” He raised his froth- approached her climax, and Ray moved with ing glass to the English couple and took his increased urgency as realisation of her ex- beer out to one of the tables on the sand. citement enhanced his own. He felt the first twitching spasms of his orgasm, and he hat first evening they sat together on the screwed his eyes shut as its force threatened roof of the villa, watching the sun melt to blow him away. Again something touched behind the silhouettes of the distant hotel his face, this time lingering around his complex. The sea sparked red on ink-black, mouth and nose. and the sound of waves breaking on the sand “Shit! He brushed an angry hand across vied with that of nocturnal insects for his face. dominion over the encroaching darkness. Afterwards they lay together in the They finished the last of their wine, then darkness, breathless, enjoying the cooling Penny’s hand on his thigh told Ray it was sensation of air against bare skin. Penny time to retire. broke the silence. They had slept together regularly before “Tlove you.” they married, but somehow this night was He reached out and took her hand, but his different. There was a breathtaking sense of mind had moved on. He remembered what occasion, of adventure. Whether it was the he’d heard about mosquitoes and the conse- effect of the wine, or of the beautiful setting quences that could result from a bad bite. neither could say, but they found themselves Someone had even told him about a man who feeling and behaving as if it were their first lost his leg to infection after a holiday bite time together. had turned nasty. Ray watched spellbound as Penny un- Despite the heat Ray reached out and dressed. He tried to emulate her grace and pulled the sheet over him. He lay in the dignity as he removed his own clothes, but it deepening night, listening for the sound of was difficult to resist the urge to cover the droning wings. embarrassing erection that jutted from between his thighs. Penny’s reassuring smile R ay awoke to the rattling of crockery ona could not have been more sensitively timed, tray. Penny waited, smiling, for him to and his discomfort evaporated as they slid gather his wits and struggle to a sitting simultaneously beneath the single sheet. position. She placed the tray on his lap and The first touches of fingers and lips were kissed him. hesitant, fleeting contacts discharging min- “Breakfast. You earned it.” ute electric shocks. Movement required no To his surprise Ray felt his cheeks redden, thought; sheer instinct had taken over and it but the embarrassment was nothing com- was that which guided them. Ray knew that pared to the pride her words instilled. Penny his wife desired that a hand should stroke sat on the bed as he turned his attention to TTAQ Winter 95/96 grapefruit, fresh bread and coffee. “This is he only allowed them to leave when all four great,” he quipped between mouthfuls. “A of them had promised to return the follow- taste of married life?” ing day for a meal cooked by his wife. This Penny slapped his leg and coffee slopped was indeed an honour, Penny told Ray. The into the saucer. “Don’t get any ideas, sun- beach bar only provided food in the eve- shine. I get breakfast in bed tomorrow.” nings. The lunch Antonio had invited them to would be a private one. “Just don’t offend hey were loading the coolbox with beer him by offering to pay,” she said. and sandwiches when someone knock- As evening drew near Paul and Louise edat the open front door of the villa. invited them to go with them to the village “Hello?” called an English voice. where the area’s modest nightlife took place. Ray stood dumbly for a second before he When the invitation was declined they didn’t recognised the couple he’d spoken to in the push it, but departed with waves and winks, bar the day before. “Oh, come in, come in.” promising to meet Ray and Penny on the The man entered, his wife following. He beach in the morning. extended a hand. “I’m Paul Frankham, and “Tlike them,” Penny said. this is Louise.” Handshakes occurred all “Me too.” round. “Hope you don’t mind us barging in. “Well, you seemed quite taken with Lou- We're about four villas that way” — he ise’s titsa ta ny rate.” pointed to the east — “and we thought we'd “Oops, do you think she noticed?” introduce ourselves to the only people for “No, you bastard, but I did.” Penny pinch- miles who would understand a word we say.” edhisarm. Penny laughed. “How did you know we “You don’t understand. I was just ad- were here?” miring Louise’s bikini.” “We saw your husband in the bar yester- “What colour was it?” day. We’ve been here about three weeks so we “Eh?” know that all the other villas are taken by “Her bikini.” Germans and Italians. It was pretty easy to “Er, yellow... no, green. Or was it— Ouch.” guess where you were staying.” Ray fled the blows that reddened his already Ray pulled four bottles out of the coolbox. sore shoulders, and busied himself switching “We were just about to take some provisions on the mosquito plugs. He also took the down to the beach. Why don’t you join us? If precaution of spraying aerosol fly killer you’ve nothing planned thatis.” around the bedroom and shutting the door as Ray remembered something as they walk- he left the poison to do its work on any ed. ““Won’t be a moment,” he said, dropping unfortunate bug that might have concealed his burden and going back into the villa. He itself inthe room. rummaged through suitcases and drawers Later, Ray reclined on their bed watching until he found the three plug-in insect kill- Penny’s head bobbing up and down over his ers. He put them on the table in plain view. groin. Soft pink light from the setting sun That way. he wouldn’t forget them when washed through the window and the level of evening fell. illumination decreased visibly with every The day was glorious. They basked lazily moment that passed. Ray hoped that he in the sun while it was early enough to do so would climax before it got too dark to see without frying, then they retired to the bar Penny take his come in her mouth. when thesun approached zenith. Something tickled his face and he flinch- Antonio greeted Penny with muss fuss, ed, flicking a hand across his face.“ Phuh.” and when he understood that Ray was her “What’s wrong?” new husband he clutched his chest with “Nothing. Please don’t stop. Please.” feigned heartbreak. The afternoon’s beer Penny chuckled and lowered her head was on the house at Antonio’s insistence, and again. TTAY Winter 95/96 The furtive contact was repeated, some- couple of hours of sunbathing and swim- thing brushed his ear and he heard a familiar ming prepared them for a visit to the bar, and droning sound that Dopplered in pitch and after another session on the beach the two volume as it approached and receded with a couples would part exchanging see-you- speed that made it impossible to pinpoint the tomorrows. insect’s location. Ray was buzzed twice more On the second night that her attentions before he realised his erection was subsiding. failed to elicit the desired response from her He concentrated desperately on the sensa- husband, Penny went for a walk. When she tions being produced by Penny’s lips and returned she wouldn’t talk to Ray. She just tongue, but he was attacked repeatedly, his turned her back to him and went to sleep, tormentor lingering before his face, invisible leaving him to probe the darkness in search wings brushing here, touching there. of the sound of tiny wings. Penny lifted her head again. The light had In the morning when he awoke, Penny was faded so much that he could barely see her already dressed. She sat on the edge of the face. bed looking at him insilence. “Ray?” “What’s wrong?” he asked, although he “Tm sorry,” he said miserably. “I’m being knew. persecuted by this fucking mosquito.” As he “That’s what I want to know,” Penny said. spoke he thrashed his arms to scare the “T don’t understand, Ray. That first night was creature away. SO:5 “Never mind.” Penny pulled the sheet over ‘Yes. them. Her fingers tried to restore the life that “But now you don’t seem to want me, and I had fled. don’t understand why.” “Sorry.” Ray felt inexplicably close to “Don’t be daft.” Ray struggled into a sit- tears. “The bastard’s put me right off.” ting position. “Of course I want you.” He He waited for sleep to come, but he wasn’t looked at her. “TI love you. It’s this thing with tired and they had retired early. It seemed the insects — the mosquitoes. It’s got me that he lay there for hours listening to the really paranoid. I can’t even sleep without advances and retreats of the insect as it dreaming about the bastards.” searched for a way through the sheet which Penny’s expression accused him of lying, Ray had pulled over his head. He felt as if he she didn’t need to say it. “I see,” she said were suffocating. Sweat poured from him, sulkily. soaking the sheet beneath. The sleep that “What’s that supposed to mean?” finally took him was as unpleasant as cons- “Nothing.” ciousness had been. A giant mosquito follow- “For God’s sake, Penny. I feel bad enough ed him around the villa. Almost as tall as as it is, without you throwing a tantrum on Ray, it shadowed his movements, buzzing me. It’s my honeymoon and I can’t perform. quietly to itself as it watched his comings and Fucking great. I’m sorry if I’m not fulfilling goings. Time after time Ray whirled to lash my part of the contract. Perhaps you can tiea out at it, but the mosquito was always too splint to my dick.” quick for him, and it would escape to perch “Tt’s our honeymoon,” she said. “And I’m on a wall or ceiling, glaring at him with sorry you're having such a rough time of it. I thousand-faceted eyes. And to make things was just wondering whether your inability worse, it was wearing Louise Frankham’s to ‘perform’, as you call it, is just with me. I bikini. bet you could get it up for Louise.” “W hat’s that supposed to mean?” F or the next couple of days it seemed that “Tl get breakfast.” Penny got up and left they had fallen into a routine. Breakfast the room. was followed by the short walk to the sand “Penny.” She didn’t reply. Ray swore and where the Frankhams would be waiting. A kicked the covers off. Despite his innocence, TTAY Winter 95/96 he did feel a pang of guilt as he remembered were very long and'slim. As if aware of his how he had masturbated in the shower the scrutiny, both girls looked over and smiled. day before. Pulling himself off, thinking He even thought he saw Penny wink at him, about Louise. But that was nothing. All men and his spirits began to rise. fantasise about attractive women. He looked The evening was fun. Penny and Louise down at his soft penis and prayed that he spent most of their time dancing, both with would be able to make amends that night. each other and with the several men who Penny was quiet all day. She replied to his asked them. Ray enjoyed an unexpected questions and comments, but at no time did attack of optimism. He felt very relaxed and she make spontaneous conversation. Words easy, and he greeted the wary glances of each were favours she granted unwillingly. man who danced with Penny with an indul- If Paul and Louise noticed anything they gent nod. He and Paul played several games were too tactful to show it. of pool, discovering that they were fairly Considering his wife’s taciturn mood, Ray evenly matched. They talked about football, was surprised when she agreed to the their jobs and a dozen other subjects that Frankhams’ cautious suggestion of a visit toa arose quite naturally without either man nearby disco bar; but any hopes he may have having to grope for a topic of conversation. had that her temper was improving were Eventually their wives emerged from the dispelled by the silence in which they both growing crowd, and Ray and Paul found showered and changed for the outing. themselves being led into the thick of the The disco was about twenty minutes walk action. It was getting late and the DJ had from the villas. Tucked neatly behind a low selected the music accordingly. Soulful hill, it was neither visible nor audible until ballads and outright slush were predomi- they were almost upon it. A number of rented nant. Ray enjoyed the feeling of his wife Peugeotsand Vauxhalls were parked in front swaying slowly in his arms. of the building, as well as the small-capacity Paul stole Penny away with a comment motorcycles and scooters of local youths about having to find ac rowbar if she and Ray who, no doubt, had come in search of danced any closer. Ray was left to escort English, Italian and German girls. Louise onto the floor. Louise also danced They took a table outside, anda young bar- close, and as he felt her hair brush his cheek, man came to take their order of beers all he glanced nervously at Penny, but she round. He did a double take when he saw seemed quite content with her partner. She Penny, then smiled in recognition and shook and Paul were happily laughing and chat- her hand. Beneath the slight colour that the ting, trying to make themselves heard above hot sun had already brought to her skin, the music. Ray became aware of Louise’s Penny blushed. Ray said nothing, and with an breasts pressing against him, and he realised effort he pushed a dozen questions to the that his hand had been stroking her back, back of his mind. feeling the sleek material of her strange After the first round of drinks, the girls dress beneath his fingers. He pulled away. went todance. “T like your dress,” hestammered. Penny looked lovely. Her long chestnut “Thanks. Iseverything okay?” hair was pinned high on her head, and she “Yes. I’m justa bit hot.” wore a white cotton dress with thin straps She took his hand and moved towards the and a long skirt which almost reached her doors. “Let’s go outside. People are dancing ankles. The skirt swayed as she danced, out there too.” As she spoke, light from the accentuating her graceful movements. Ray’s rotating glitterball on the ceiling splashed eyes moved to Louise. Her dress was shorter, her face and for a moment her eyes seemed to a long mini. The fabric had a metallic sheen be made of thousands of coloured jewels. sometimes appearing blue, sometimes green. The fresh air made Ray aware of how Her legs, as he had noticed several times, much he had drunk. The world danced along TTAY Winter 95/96 with them, and unseen creatures sang from Images churned in a fog that was only partly the cover of the trees and grass around the due to alcohol. Ray wondered idly where bar. Ray could no longer hear the music from anger and outrage were — they should have inside. The only sounds were those from the been burning inside him, but instead a kind invisible insects and the gentle humming of vacuum threatened to drag him into him- that escaped Louise’s lips as they brushed his self. He fought the sensation of imminent ear. implosion, managing to throw up, reassuring They danced for a long time, then Ray himself that the gravity growing inside him seemed to wake as if from a trance. He rea- was not irresistible. lised with horror that Louise must be able to Louise was waiting for him at the villa. feel his hard-on pressing against her. She made him coffee while he showered “Tll get some drinks,” he said, breaking under cool water. She seemed content just to away and stumbling towards the bar. stand in near silence, watching him as he The crowd inside was a seething thing towelled moisture from his hair and body. made up of countless inseparable parts. Ashe The only sound that escaped her lips was the forced his way deeper into the mass of flesh same low humming he had heard earlier. She in search of Penny, Ray found it hard to swayed gently in time to the rising and fall- breathe. Sweat poured from him, and he had ing of the melody, her movements bringing to keep dragging his sleeve across his face to her slowly closer and closer to him. clear thestinging salt from his eyes. A seed of He sat naked on the bed as she came to panic germinated in his gut. He was certain stand before him. She bent down, but instead that if he didn’t get out soon the monster that of kissing his mouth as he had expected, she surrounded him would digest him, leaving brushed her lips against his ear. At the same no trace. Just when he could stand it no long- time her hands fluttered against his thighs, er, he saw Penny, still dancing fluidly against making only fleeting contact but bringing Paul Frankham.Herarmsweredrapedaround him to instant erection. Louise hummed that his neck as she ground her groin against his. strange tune as her lips moved against his ear. Frankham had hitched up the back of Still somehow familiar. Still somehow dis- Penny’s dress and his hands were thrust turbing. down her pants, kneading her buttocks. Louise’s clinging dress fell to the floor, Ray tried to cry out, but the crowd closed and she pushed Ray back upon the bed, around the dancing couple, and he found straddling him. She took his stiffness inside himself being carried along by undulations her, rolling so that Ray was on top. As his in the sea of humans, squeezed towards the movements became faster and more urgent, door as if by the contraction of monstrous he was aware that Louise’s song was also oesophageal muscles. He was vomited from growing in pitch and volume. the doors, landing face down in the dust. As his climax was almost upon him Ray He lay still for some time, until the sounds cried out. Searing pain consumed his groin, of laughter from the bar had subsided to be and he struggled to withdraw. Louise clung replaced by the drone of insects. He knew fiercely, unwilling to release him, but as the they were watching him. He glanced back at pain increased he yanked himself free of her the bar. The doors were closed, and pale embrace and sat up, clutching his genitals threatening faces leered at him from the and searching for some trace of injury to other side of the glass. He brushed dirt from account for his suffering. He looked up his clothes, and began to walk in the direc- through eyes misted by tears of pain. She lay tion he believed would take him back to the spread-eagled and unmoving on the bed. Her villa. eyes were closed, and as the pain slowly His mind buzzed so loudly as to rival in subsided, Ray realised that the musical mur- volume the noise of the hateful night crea- muring was no longer coming from Louise’s tures that paced his progress along the track. lips, but from between her splayed legs. TTAY Winter 95/96 A dark cloud emerged from her vagina; a ribbon of tiny motes that danced and buzzed aat u laligeye|b(er>g) s around him. Ray flapped his hands to keep the mosquitoes from his face, but there were too many of them. He watched through a WWalaleislalme(sieieley4al spiralling veil of insects as Louise’s body deflated like a leaking balloon. Within mo- ments she was a flat, empty bladder draped upon the bed. They referred to science The room was filled with flies. He could As the dream of recorded life; feel them entering his mouth and nostrils They respected ferocity of thought when he breathed. They walked on his eyes, And the ability to abandon logic. but he dared not blink. A tiny proboscis They inherited traits punctured his skin, then another. Dozens of them, hundreds, thousands... Of the old condition: Music filled his ears, rising and falling in Intelligence, morality and valour volume, the rhythm now clearly discernible. And they raised realism Its thick, near-monotone saturated the air, hanging heavy like oily smoke. Somewhere Toa strand of consciousness, in it was a subliminal, almost soporific A plane where elders undertone that soothed fear and assuaged Controlled the future and past. confusion. His thrashing arms became more regular in their movements, falling in step with the fluid cadence. Swirling flecks enveloped him, spinning him around and The individual had lost around as they fed. The utility of sign and word. He conductetdh e whole performanceas if born to the art; arms sweeping bold, authori- Communication, or the passage of clues, tative arcs in the air. Pain was gone. Fear was Was usually enacted ina public place; gone. Only the music remained. In each of three identical phases, Symphony fora Million Wings. A numbered crowd would grow @ Rick Cadger regards writing as an obsessive To encircle a caged beast... compulsive disorder, and has accepted that he is unlikely to be cured of it. With his shaven head, Doc Martens and tendency to wear black, Cadger finds that people often cross the In the ritual sequence, street to avoid him, especially at night. He A striker would plunge a knife insists that the eff ect is accidental. In the base of the creature's neck: @ Vincent de Souza was born in Scotland in Stirring wildly with rhythmic twists, 1958 and studied English at the University of Waiting for the myth blood East Anglia. Founder member of the London Tof ountain and steam, based experimental group Physical Poets. He is To harden its pigment currently studying fora n MA in Poetry at Shef- field Hallam University where he is working On the barbarous mouth, on a full length manuscript with the poet EA And this death was a code Markham. He works asa freelance advertising Pulsed at the frailty of stars. copywriter. His poetry has been published in numerous magazines and anthologies. 10 TTAQ Winter 95/96

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