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OXFORD ENGINEERING SCIENCE SERIES THE THERMODYNAMICS OF FLUID SYSTEMS WOODS L.C. OXFORD THE OXFORD ENGINEERING SCIENCE SERIES GeneralEditors L. C. WOODS, W. H. WITTRICK, A. L. CULLEN THE THERMODYNAMICS OF FLUID SYSTEMS BY WOODS L. C. CLARENDON PRESS OXFORD 1975 OxfordUniversityPress,ElyHouse, London W.l GLASGOW NEWYORK TORONTO MELBOURNE WELLINGTON CAPETOWN IBADAN NAIROBI DARESSALAAM LUSAKA ADDISABABA DELHI BOMBAY CALCUTTA MADRAS KARACHI LAHORE DACCA KUALALUMPUR SINGAPORE HONG K^ONG TOKYO ISBN 198561253 • OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 1975 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, storedinaretrievalsystem,ortransmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without thepriorpermissionofOxfordUniversityPress PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN BY J. W. AROWSMITH LTD., BRISTOL, ENGLAND PREFACE A suitable sub-title for this book would have been 'The time-variable in thermodynamics',forthroughouttheemphasisis placedontherole oftime scales, in determining both the state coordinates of equilibrium thermo- dynamics (Part I) and the affinitiesor thermodynamic forces ofirreversible processes(PartII).Thenotionthattheentropyofasystemdependsinteralia on thetime scaleonwhich it is observed (orequivalently on howdetailed is theobserver'sinformationaboutit)isemployedinbothpartstomakeclear the unity ofclassical, kinetic, statistical, and process thermodynamics. This practical approach also enables us to resolve the occasional paradoxes that arise withentropy and its increase in isolated systems, for thesecan usually be traced to the false beliefin the existence in an absolute entropy, a belief unfortunately encouraged by thecurrently-popular axiomatictreatmentsof thermodynamics.Thermodynamicsis,aboveall,anapproximatingsciencein which it is necessary not only to understand the various limit forms it can takebutalso thephysics oftheasymptotics involved. My aim initially was to write a concise account of the thermodynamics ofirreversibleprocessesingases,plasmas,andotherfluids,placingagreater emphasis on the underlying assumptions and less on chemical applications thanthefewreliabletextspresentlyavailable. Butitbecameclearatanearly stage ofwriting that the key and unavoidable hypothesis of'local thermo- dynamicequilibrium' needs muchmoreelaboration thanitusuallyreceives. The concept of thermodynamic equilibrium is not nearly as simple and preciseasmostaccountsimply;andwithoutaclearideaofitsmeaning,itis pointlessforthestudenttoadvancetoprocessthermodynamics. Thus PartI (onequilibriumthermodynamics)waswrittentoservebothasasurveyofthe principal ideas of the subject and, because of its emphasis on the relative natureof'equilibrium',as a suitable introduction to PartII. PartIstartswithwhatmaybecalled 'engineering'thermodynamics,forit deals with long-time-scale external processes; it is based on the first three laws of thermodynamics, which combine to define an entropy S via the fundamental formula TdS = dU+pdV. The observer's time scale is then progressively shortened, and at each step terms added to the fundamental equation to represent the increasing knowledge assumed of the system; andsoweproceedthrough'chemical'thermodynamicsand'kinetic'thermo- dynamicstotheultimatedescriptioncontainedinstatisticalthermodynamics. By introducing an internal coordinate ^ defined over an 'interior' space y, we are able to transform the fundamental expression for TdS into the pre- scription S = -k£ £,yIn £y,which,unconstrained,holdsonalltimescales. It is the constraints'that are added to turn the prescription into a genuine PREFACE vi definition thataretime-scaledependent, and theshorter theobserver's time scale thegreater the numberofconstraints that mustbe imposed. I hope this novel approach will provide a useful skeletal survey ofbasic thermodynamics suitable forfinal-year students in the physical sciences. In Part II the concepts of process thermodynamics (often confusingly termed 'non-equilibrium' thermodynamics, despite the fact that local thermodynamic equilibrium is a sine qua non ingredient) are explained and applied to a variety offluid phenomena. There are four basic ideas. First there is the separation ofprocesses into reversible and irreversible elements,adivisionthatdependsonthephysicalmodelassumedtorepresent thesystem. Andwhen the reversible changes ofentropy are known, the rate <7atwhichentropyisirreversiblycreatedcanbeexpressedasabilinearform, say, a = JX, where J and X are vectors representing the various processes and thermodynamic forces in the system. In all this time scales play an importantpart.Asaisnon-negative,wehavethebasicinequalitya =JX 3*0, which has much the same role in process thermodynamics as does the fundamental equation dS = T_1 dV+T~lpdV+ ... = Z AY, say, for equilibrium thermodynamics. From the latter we use the fact that AS is the exactdifferentialofafunctionS = S(Y)toinfertheexistenceofstateequations Z = Z(Y); and likewise as a ^ requires J and X to vanish together, we may infer constitutive relations J = J(X) from the bilinear form. With the assumption oflinear constitutive relations, say J = LX, where Lisaphenomenologicalmatrix,wecome to thesecondbasicideaofprocess thermodynamics, namely, the existence ofreciprocal relations between the coefficientsLuofL,whichinthesimplestcaseareLtj = LJt. Inessence,these relationsareduetoW.Thomson(LordKelvin),althoughitisusualtodismiss hisargumentsasbeingtoointuitivetoofferaconvincingproof. Ontheother hand, the accepted treatment, due to L. Onsager, relies too much on the analogy taken to exist between the regression of large thermodynamic fluctuations andmacroscopic processes like heat orcurrent flux that persist not only in stationary flow conditions but, more importantly, in systems pressed to the (thermodynamic) limit at which fluctuations strictly vanish. Thenewapproachofferedinthis book (alongwithaccounts oftheworks of Thomson and Onsager) resembles Thomson's in being genuinely 'macro- scopic'.Bythetime-scaleargumentsrequiredtodrawthedistinctionbetween reversibility and irreversibility, it is shown that the essential nature of the reciprocal relations is that they ensure that the entropy production rate a = XLX is due only to irreversible processes. The two remaining basicconcepts are common to all branches ofmacro- scopic physics. They are 'reference-frame indifference', which requires the constitutive relations to be expressible in covariant form, and 'material invariance',bywhichspatialsymmetriesknowntoexistinthesystemenable us to reducesubstantially thenumberofindependentelements appearingin PREFACE L. Particular attention has been given to the lateral isotropy of magneto- plasmas,inwhichthemagneticfieldimposesacharacteristicdirectiononthe medium. Theuseofinternalcoordinates £ permitsagreatextensioninthescopeot processthermodynamics. Andwhenconstitutiverelationsforftt)areknown or assumed, some or all of these coordinates may be eliminated with the eifnfteecgtraolf rreelpaltaicoinngJ(tth)e=inJsLt,anWta-neWou)sdcofns,tituwthievererefltatt)ioinsJa=phLeXnobmyentoh-e logical response function. If,further, owing to thermodynamicfluctuations, the <f(t) are assumed to be stochastic processes, the theory leads on to the importantfluctuation-dissipationtheorem,ofwhichtheearliestexamplesare containedinEinstein'sworkonBrownianmotionandNyquist'sonJohnson noise. Fluid mixtures are systems for which the systematic approach ot process thermodynamics is particularly useful,forthenumber ofpossibleprocesses and cross-couplings between them may be quitelarge. A general account of mixture theory, which includes the effects of mass transfer between the components,isfollowedbyapplicationstotwoimportantexamples,namely, magneto-plasmas and helium II. A magneto-plasma can be described ade- quatelybyatwo-fluidtheoryonacertaintimescaleandisagoodexampleof an anisotropic medium. Helium II, on the other hand, has the interesting feature (rather neglected in standard treatments)that its normal and super- fluid components can exchange mass elements. These aspects have been pursuedtothestageofobtainingsomenewresultsforeachmixture.Rotating heliumII,whichisan anisotropic medium,isalso given someattention. Kinetic constitutive relations are described in the final chapter. The set (SFx,Sdi2s,t..r.iSbrutoifoenntfruonpciteisonfsoryitehledosnae-speaqrutiecnlcee(oFfx)n,otnw-o-npeagrattiicvleee(nFt2)r,o..p.yr-ppraortdiuccl-e tiro)n rates S,,S2,... 5r from which may be inferred constitutive relations for F F ofincreasingaccuracy.Thisapproachyieldsthekineticequationsof Boxl,tz2m..a.nn,Bogoliubov,andothers,andmayhavesomemeritovertheusual methodsofclosingtheBBGKYhierarchyofequations. Inanycaseitreveals the close similaritybetween kinetic equations and the constitutiverelations ofmacroscopicfluid dynamics. Part II will, I hope, be of interest to graduates working in continuum mechanics and otherbranches ofmacroscopic physics. AmongthemanyrelevanttextsandarticlesIhavestudied—ofwhichonly those essential to the textual argument have been cited—I am particularly indebted to the work of S. R. de Groot and P. Mazur (1962), which first engaged my attention in the thermodynamics ofirreversible processes. And perhapsitisrighttoadmittoothatagrowingaversiontoaxiomaticthermo- dynamics,withitspenchantforsubstitutingdeductivemathematicalconstruc- tions in place ofphysics, has stimulated me to write this book, and in it to PREFACE viii emphasizetheapproximationsinherentinthermodynamics,oratleastthose approximations associated with time scales. It is, ofcourse, the existence of such approximations that makes thermodynamics such a rich and diverse branch ofphysics. I am grateful to both H. Troughton and Stanley Morris for help with checking the manuscript and proofs, to Mrs. Ina Godwin for her excellent typing of rather complicated material, and finally to the Delegates of the Oxford University Press for accepting my biased recommendation as a serieseditorthattheworkwas suitableforpublicationin the Oxford Engin- eering Science Series. Mathematical Institute L.C.W. Oxford University August, 1974 CONTENTS PART EQUILIBRIUM THERMODYNAMICS I. 1 THERMODYNAMIC VARIABLES AND PROCESSES 3 1. 1. Thermodynamicsystems 3 2. Theempiricaltemperature 6 3. Workprocesses ' THE BASIC VARIABLES OF THERMODYNAMICS 15 2. 4. Internalenergy 15 5. Heat 18 6. Theempiricalentropy 20 7. Absolutetemperatureandentropy 22 8. Degeneracyofsimplesystems 26 9. Thesecondlawofthermodynamics 28 10. Heatcapacities,compressibility,andotherderivatives 30 11. Systemsinelectromagneticfields 38 SYSTEMS INVOLVING INTERNAL VARIABLES 44 3. 12. Compoundsystemsnotinthermalequilibrium 44 13. Thelawofentropyincrease 47 14. Homogeneousopensystems 50 53 15. Characteristicfunctions 16. Thermodynamicinequalities 57 17. Equilibriumandstability 59 18. Chemicalequilibriaandstability 63 19. Thetimevariableinthermodynamics 66 70 20. Irreversibility SYSTEMS POSSESSING INTERNAL DEGREES OF 4. FREEDOM 73 21. Internaldegreesoffreedom 74 22. Kineticdefinitionsfortheindependentvariables 78 23. Thestateequations 79 24. TheMaxwelliandistributionfunction 84 25. Kineticentropy 87 STATISTICAL THERMODYNAMICS 95 5. 26. Entropyasastatisticalaverage 96 27. Theprincipalensemblesofstatisticalthermodynamics 101 28. Otherensembles 105 29. Fluctuationtheory 109 30. Ensemblesinphase-space 112 31. SomeapplicationsofHamiltonians 116 32. Thedistributionsofquantumstatisticalmechanics 118 33. Stateequationsforperfectgases 122 34. Crystallinesolids 128 35. Thethermodynamicsofradiation 132 36. Informationtheoryandthermodynamics 135

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