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CAMBRIDGET EXTS INT HE HISTORY OF POLITICAL THOUGHT CHARLES FOURIER TheT heoroyft heF ourM ovements CAMBRIDGET EXTS IN THE HISTORYO F POLITICATLH OUGHT Serieedsi tors RAYMOND USGSE ProfesosfPo orl itSicciaelnC coelu,m Ubniiav ersity QUENTISNK INNER ProfesosfPo orl itSicciaeilnn tc heUe n iveorfsC iatmyb ridge CambridTgeex tisn t heH istoorfyP olitiTchaolu ghits n ow firmly establiassht ehdem ajosrt udetnetx tbosoekr iiensp olititchaelo rIyt. aimst om akea vailatbosl teu denatlstl h em osti mportatnetx tisnt he histoorfyw estepronl ititchaolu ghfrto,m ancieGnrte ecteo t hee arly twenticeetnht urAyl.lt hefa milicalra sstiecx twsi lble i ncludbeudt, thes erideose ast t hes amet imsee etko e nlartgheec onventicoannaoln by incorporaatnie nxgt ensriavneg oef l eswse ll-knowwonr ksm,a ny oft hemn evebre forea vailaibnal meo derEnn gliesdhi tiWohne.r ever possibtleex,ta sr ep ublishiencd o mpleatned u nabridgfoerdm ,a nd translatairoesn pse ciaclolmym issiofonre dt hes erieEsa.c hv olume contaianc sr itiicnatlr oducttoigoent hweirtc hh ronolobgiioegsr,a phical sketchae gsu,i dteo fu rtherre adianngd a nyn ecessgalroys saarnide s textuaaplp aratWuhse.n c omplettehdes, e riweisl ali mt oo ffera no ut­ linoef t hee ntierveo lutoifow ne stepronl it_itchaolu ght. Foarl iosftt i tpluebsl iisnth hesede rpileessa,es eeen odfb ook. CHARLES FOURIER TheT heoroyft he FourM ovements EDITED BY GARETH STEDMAN JONES Readeirnt heH istooryfS ociTahlo ught UniverosfiC taym bridge AND IAN PATTERSON KingCso llegCea,m bridge �CAMBRIDGE � UNIVERPSRIETSYS PUIJL!SllED IJY TIIE PRESS SYNDICATE OF THI·:U NIVERSITY OF CA.MBRJl)GE TheP itBtu ildiTnrgum,p ingtSotnr eeCta,m bridgUen,i teKdi ngdom CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRt:ss TheE dinbur1g3hu ildCianmgb,r idCgBeZ 2RU,U K 40W est2 0tSht reeNte,w YorkN,Y 10on-42l1,U SA 477W illiamstRoowandP ,o rMte lbournv1ec,3 207A,u stralia Ruidze A larcqon,2 801M4a dridS,p ain DockH ouseT,h eW aterfrCoanpte,T own8 001S,o utAhfr ica htt/p/ :www.cambridge.org ![')int het ranslaitnitorno,d ucatnidoe nd itormiaatlt er CambridUgnei versPirteys1 s9 96 Thisb ooki si nc opyrigShutb.j etcots tatuteoxrcye ption andt ot hep rovisioofrn esl evcaonltl ecltiicveen saignrge ements, nor eproducotfia onnyp armta yt akpel acwei thout thew rittpeenr missoifoC na mbridUgnei versPirteys s. Firsptu blis1h9e9d6 Reprin2t0e0d6 Printiendt heU niteKdi ngdoamt t heU niversPirteys Csa,m bridge A catalorguuoerj di Jtrh L�b ooiksa vailafbrolmet hBer itiLsihb rary LibraorfvC' o ngreCsast alogiuniP nugb licadtaitoauen FourieCrh,a rle1s7,7 2-1837. IT heordiees q uatmroeu vcmencttds e sd estingeeense raasEl.n glish. Thet heoroyft hefo urm ovemenItCs h arlFeosu rieedri;t beyd GaretSht edmaJno neasn dI anP atterstorna;n slbaytI eadnP atterson. p. cm.- (Cambridtgeex tisnt heh istoorfpy o littihcoaulg ht) Includiensd ex. ISBNo 5213 56184 ( hardba-ckIS)B.No 5213 56983 ( paperback). I.U topiasno cialiIsmJ..o nesG,a retSht edmanI.I T.i tlIel.lS .e ries. HX704.F8711939 6 335'.-2d3c 20 95--805C0IP' ISBN o 5213 56184h ardback ISBNo 5213 56983 p aperback WV Contents Introduction pagvei i Pripnaceliv einnFt osu rliifee r's xxvn A brfin eootenfu rthreera d(iiEnnng gs lhi) xxx Trnasl'aistn otrroduction xxxu ThTeh eootfrh yFe o uMro vemaenndt so f thGee neDreaslt inies 1 180I8n troduction 3 Prelidmiisncaoruyr se 5 Plan 29 FirstE xppaorsotifs:t o imboern a nocfth hees genedreaslt inies 33 Geneirdaealab sot uhtde e stinies 36 Phaasnepdse riooftd hsseo coiradilen tr h e thiprldan naemte hlya rh te et 40 EpiloOgntu hepe:r oxiomfti hsteoy c ial metamorphosis IOI SecopnadrD te:s croifpt htveia ornib oruasn ches oft hper ivoardt oem edsetsitci nies 107 Firasctc oOunnt thp:er ogressivofe household thsee vepnetrhia onoddn, t hdei scontents oft hsee xients h ien cohheoruesneth old1 09 Secoancdc oOunnt ths:ep lenodfto huer comebdio nrder 15r v Contse nt Ont haeb andoonfmm oernpathl i losoph1y8 1 ThipradrC to:n firmdaetriifrovonemt d h e inadeoqftu haiecn ye xsaccitet nodc eeasl witahlt lhp er obtlhetamhtsce i vilised mechapnriessme nts 191 Firdsetm ons:tF rraeteimoaansnoidnt srsty i ll unknporwonp erties 149 Secodnedm onstTrhaienst uliar omonn:op oly anidts st uinlkln porwonp erties 230 Inte:rS lyusdtoeefdm e veloopfm ent Civilisation 217 Thidredm onstCroamtmieorlnci:ic aeIlnt cse : knovwinc aenisdt usn kndoawnng ers 222 EpiloOgntu hese:o ccihaaolof ts h gel obe 237 Omitctheadp ter 282 NotAe 289 Advticote hc ei vilised 305 181I8n troduction 3rn Index 323 VI Intrcotdiuon ThTeh eoyor ft he MFoovuerm aepnptesia nr ewtdah re- Ftroarnnc e of1 088.B1ya nsyt andiawtra adsns o ,u tladnidsiosrhga,an ndi sed disconmciexrttouifirn negg redAi weenltls-.oc brsietroivfqe ude marroifta hgieen ,i qoufifr tecieoe msp etititoo'n i nldeuasdtirniga l fuedaloifst hmte'e ,d ioufwm o riknc ivilainsodaft t hieeor nr ors oft hFer enRcehv olwuatssie sotin bd yes iwdieta hs seratbioounts thceo pulbaettiwpoelnea nno ertascp,ur loanro unacbeomtuehtne t s lei-fsopfat nhe ea retxht,r apvraogmaainbstoe ausn t e wr eligion of' voluptaunoaduc srnyeppstrsio'cs poeftc htaeum so raonuds gastrdoenloimwgihhciwt coshu alcdc omiptNa.ona yu thnoarm'es appeoanrt ehtdei ptalgaeen t dh pel aocfpe u bliLcyaotwniasos,n , misleasdtiatntbogee Lld ey i pFziingaw.lh laytt,eh voeet rhm eerr its oft hbeo otkh,ee x posoifTt heiT.ohe no rofyt hFeo uMro vements itswealbsfe wildberr:iib enafgrfoleuylrp y a gmeusc,oh fi itn a footnsoctaer,mc oertlehy at nhs ep aced-ifiglrleiosnntsg hi seoa nd decloifpn reo vitnhceiaatlr e. ow orraibeocsue tn ­ Someo ft hesoeb scurictainbe esa ttribtuted sorsdhuirpit nhFgei rEsrntp iSroec .a2sn o moeft hcei rcumlo- 1 TheT heyo orft hFeo uMro veme(nhtesn ceTfoTrFtMh)T .h efi rsetd itwiaosn republiin1s 69hTeC d.F ourTiheiro,dr eiQseu atre Moevtde emDsee nsttsi nies GenerPaa/re(Jis.Js, .P auve1r69t7T).h, es tanmdoadreder dni toifFo onu riise r Oeuvrceosm pldeetC ehsa rFloeusr i1e2rv ,o lsPa.r,(i Asn thro1p69o6s--)8, (henceOfoC)r'.tT hh edoer!u i'nei utnei veroscecluvlpoeil'1es1 s-. Ov nt. hdei ffer­ enetd itoifoT TnFsM s eter anslianttorro'dsu ction. 2 ].B eechCeharr,Fl oeusr TiheeVir s. ionaanryhd i Wso rlBde,r keClAe,1y 89,6 p,. 162.Be echbeoroi'ktss h bee asntm do scto mprehmeondseisrvtneu o dfFy o urier anhdi isd eFaostr.h hei stoarnibdci aolg rabpahcikcgartloo tu hnpedu blication ofT heTh eooryft hFeo uMro vemesnetcesh ,a p6t,pe pr1. 1406-.- Vil Introduction cutiFoonirsn .s ttahnweca ebr,e twFereanna cnEedn gland was prudernetnlaym ed 'thei nbsaumtlotanlroe p oTalhgyea' i.n st authhaoadrl redaidsyc otvheBaroten da poafrfitciwiseatrpl eas r ­ ticulartlomy i lailptleaesrrsygi imcig semn.e rtBahubletil ,zy a,r re formo tf hbeo ofka itrhefufllelacyut tehdio nrtieaTnlht aeiu otnh.o r, theen igmantaimce'adMl Crlh ya raltLe yso nwsa'is,n fa ctth e genuionbeslcCyuh raerF loeusra is emras,lib llr ko aknecdro mmer­ citarla vaerloltuehnfaredi orfEs u r.oH pede indo itn ttehnbedo ok toc larbuittfot y a,n tHailbsio sosekh. lo dpu rovniomd oert eh an 'gal imopfts hete'r uItwtha .os n tloyb eap rospTehcteth ueso.r y itsweolubfle rd e veianals eidx -vtorleuaomtneics seue p,p obryt ed onteh oussuabnsdc .r ibers Buwth etnhb eo owkap su blirsihdeiwdca,tus hl oeen altyt ention FourrieecreR ievveided.wi nedor ntso t'itcpheeer ai ln t hmeu d':3 thoisnet imoafatg iroesnacsti entifidci sdcirdseecepootvsleiyrt ye d byF ouraimeitrdh q eu eearslsyop ratsesdwa hgiemcsah d uept he booTkh.e aitrt ewnatrsii ovneb tyte hdpe r omtihstaeht Ee a rth wourledc oivt'esnr o rctrhoeawrnnntd' h taehts ewao utladso tfe lemonTahdeme o.c kheurrFytr n.ca ew atsh er'epfournei bsyh ed' thaeu thsoirl'eTsnh cfieer .is nts taolftm hepenr to mtirseeadt ise dindo atp puenatr1i 8l24 2. Despiitwtsee i rdanniedts issn ausprieccieopTuthsTieh e oonry, oft hFeo uMro vemdeinrdtes p raensi emnpto rmtoamneitnnt t h e histoofpr oyl iatnisdco actlih aeloN rooytn. dl iyid at n notuhnec e mosetx traourtdoiopnfita ahrn eyi netceeennttiuhtwr a yas,l so perhtahpfiesr tsotd efi'ntesh oec piraolb alset mhn'ei neteenth centcuarmtyeoc oncietTi.hv eee violf's fr eceo mpettihtei on'; povetrhtaayct c poamnciievdi ltihsueas teiloeonsf;ts hnreei sgsh ts ofm awni tharo iugtth owt o rokrt hrei gthoamt i nimsutma ndard ofl ivtihnrege ;s tooar dtu lotrpe rroys taistt uhpteri oodnou fc t womesnu'bso rdtihnheay tpioocanrn;'di c suyc kwohlidbcrehyl 'i ed civimlairsreitdah mgeie s;e wrays,at neod v erprowdhuiccthi on resufrlotmte hdle a ocfka ssocbieattwiceoaenpn il taabalon,ud r 3 BeechCeharr,Fl oerusi epr.u, 1 ;t htiesr dme rifrvoemas n 18 1m6a nusc'rLiep t SphisnaxnO se dippueb'l,i isnIh aeP dh alaPnagre1i,48s 9,p, p 1.9 -3206. 4 CF.o uriTreiartd,ie / a 'ssocdioamteisotni quoeu-a atgtrriaiccnotdleiu osntz r ielle � vosl.P,a risL oannddo1 2n82,r, e priunntdetedhrt e i t'lTeh eodre!i 'eu nuiit­e verseilnOl eeu'v croemsp ldeetC ehsa rFloeusr 6i evro,lP sa.r (iLsaL i brairie ' Socie1t4a81i-rv5eo),ln -sv.. VU! Introduction taltehntete ;d iaunmmd o notoof'n cyi viwloirske:d w'et rhee se issrueepse artaeidislnesy du bseqnuienentte entdhi-sc­entury cussoifto hn'ess oqcuieaslot ri' otsnho'ec eivaill '. Equanolvlweyal Fs o urdieefirn'iostf ti h'oesn o cTihaiwlsa' s. nowas phewrheia ctoh n cuen dearnctdur ta nsctehtnerd ae­d ditidoonmaaloi fln asmw o,r aalnipdto yl iFtuirctsh.et rhmiosr e depioctfti h'oesn o pcrioablwl eenmtt'o gewtihttehhrr e e jection ofa lplr e-emxoirsaatnlpid on lgi ticaanildts sut phperooesrseyud l t, thFer enRcehv olutionc.h gaHenwe annsco le ofonrtgtoehb r e expefrcotmte hdpe o liatniedct ahrlie caabllum frt,o m' tihned us­ trainaddlo me'sP.to ilciittisbceeslc fan mome o rteh aasn y mptom oft h'ed eclpihnaoisfane ng' 'i ncoshoecroierandlatep 'ra ,t hologi­ caplr odouftc htme i stparkeemnui psoewnsh iccihv ilwiassa tion basSeidm.i ltahurenl oiyftc, h anwganeso l ontghepero ltihtey , soccihaalno gfte hfu et uwraets ob ec osmic. Fotrh erseea sTohneTs he,oy r oft hFeo uMro vemewnatss acknownloestdi gmeapdsla p y i oneeringo fte hsxeop clioarla,t ion buatl assaofo unddioncgu moefsn otc ialisItnH atrhmooungyh t. whiwcahws i trheianoc fhh u mantihetew yro,u bledn on eefodr thceo nvenstainocnotafpil oo lnisat nirdce allia guitohuoHsre irtey . thweanos n per imsiotuiorvface lte lh onsien etaenetdnw tehn tieth­ centvuirsyoi fto hn'esw ithaewraiytn hsgoet f at taeka'esa nc onse­ quenocfte hs eo luttoti ho'ens opcrioabll em'. RepresenFtoiunrgi er Atfe1r380 ,F ourbieecraw mied kenloyw Innt. h fier ssutr voefy s socioarul tiospdtio acnth rei ndweea,ps i acostn eoedtf h foeu nding fatheorfts hs eo cisaclhioAsoftlt t.eh5rse p laimto ntghS ea int­ Simonianas F,o uriermiosvte menwta sf omred.U ndietrls e ader, VicCtoonrs idiebtre acnaotmn,oee f t hfoer emsooscti garloiuspt­ inignst hyee abresfo 1r8e4 B8y.t 6h1 e48 0sa,tt hhee iogfhi tts 5 M. RLe.y baEutdu,sd ue!r e rsifo rmatceounrtse mpoousr oacliiinsasmt,oe dse rnes: SaiSnitm oCnh,a rFloeusr Rioebre,r t POawr1ei4n8s0,,A ; . B lanHqiusit,do ei re /'ceonopmoiliet einqE uuer oPpaer,li8 s3,7L .; SvotneD ienSr,o zialutnsCdmo ums� munisdmehuses gu etFnir ankrLeeiicph1zs4i8,2g ., 6 Ont hFeo urimeorviesmtie nnF tr ansceHee. D esroLcahS co,c ifeestteiD vue . FourieercirasiumtFxe o urieprriastmiPeqasur is1i,79s 5,H; . L ouvanDceoH uernr,i deS aint dS CihmaornFl oeusr Eiteursd.ue l res ociarloimsamnefrt ainqrudaeei s 183C0h,a rt1r9e;1sA 3,l exanLderS ioacni,a rloimsamnet Piaqru1ie7s9,9, M; . lX

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