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Theoretical and Mathematical Physics The series, founded in 1975 and formerly (until 2005) entitled Texts and Monographs in Physics (TMP), publishes high-level monographs in theoretical and mathematical physics.ThechangeoftitletoTheoreticalandMathematicalPhysics(TMP)signalsthat theseriesisasuitablepublicationplatformforboththemathematicalandthetheoretical physicist. The wider scope of the series is reflected by the composition of the editorial board,comprisingbothphysicistsandmathematicians. Thebooks,writteninadidacticstyleandcontainingacertainamountofelementary background material, bridge the gap between advanced textbooks and research mono- graphs.Theycanthusserveasbasisforadvancedstudies,notonlyforlecturesandsem- inarsatgraduatelevel,butalsofortheresearcherenteringafieldnewtohim. EditorialBoard W.Beiglböck,InstituteofAppliedMathematics,UniversityofHeidelberg,Germany J.-P.Eckmann,DepartmentofTheoreticalPhysics,UniversityofGeneva,Switzerland H.Grosse,InstituteofTheoreticalPhysics,UniversityofVienna,Austria M.Loss,SchoolofMathematics,GeorgiaInstituteofTechnology,Atlanta,GA,USA S.Smirnov,MathematicsSection,UniversityofGeneva,Switzerland L.Takhtajan,DepartmentofMathematics,StonyBrookUniversity,NY,USA J.Yngvason,InstituteofTheoreticalPhysics,UniversityofVienna,Austria Francisco J. Ynduráin The Theory of Quark and Gluon Interactions Fourth Edition With94Figures ABC ProfessorDr.FranciscoJ.Ynduráin DepartementodeFísicaTeórica,C-XI UniversidadAutónomaMadrid CantoBlanco 28049Madrid,Spain E-mail:[email protected] LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2006925846 ISBN-10 3-540-33209-X4thEd.SpringerBerlinHeidelbergNewYork ISBN-13 978-3-540-33209-14thEd.SpringerBerlinHeidelbergNewYork 3-540-64881-X3rdEd.SpringerBerlinHeidelbergNewYork Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.Allrightsarereserved,whetherthewholeorpartofthematerialis concerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,reuseofillustrations,recitation,broadcasting, reproductiononmicrofilmorinanyotherway,andstorageindatabanks.Duplicationofthispublication orpartsthereofispermittedonlyundertheprovisionsoftheGermanCopyrightLawofSeptember9, 1965,initscurrentversion,andpermissionforusemustalwaysbeobtainedfromSpringer.Violationsare liableforprosecutionundertheGermanCopyrightLaw. SpringerisapartofSpringerScience+BusinessMedia springer.com (cid:1)c Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg1993,1999,2006 (cid:1)c Springer-VerlagNewYorkInc.1983 PrintedinTheNetherlands Theuseofgeneraldescriptivenames,registerednames,trademarks,etc.inthispublicationdoesnotimply, evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromtherelevantprotectivelaws andregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. Typesetting:bytheauthorandtechbooksusingaSpringerLATEXmacropackage Coverdesign:eStudioCalamar,Girona/Spain Printedonacid-freepaper SPIN:11590910 55/techbooks 543210 To Elsa, Marcos and Elena Preface to the Fourth Edition Asinformereditionsofthisbook,Ihaveexpandedthepresentonetocontain newsectionsonsubjectsbeyondthosefoundinthepreviouseditions,thereby filling some of the existing gaps. Thus, we now have a section on heavy quark effective theories, one of the more powerful methods devised to take advantage of the existence a large scale (the mass of the heavy quark) for observables involving at least a heavy quark; a new section on lattice QCD, a method of calculation that is already giving reasonably reliable results for a number of observables; and several sections with a detailed discussion of chiral perturbation theory. There is little doubt that, at least at the one loop level, chiral perturbation theory has led to an important insight into pion physics in a region where methods derived from ordinary perturbation theory are not at applicable, which justifies this substantial addition. Besidesthis,Ihavecorrectederrorsinthepreviouseditionandimproved, here and there, the material on several among the various topics; in particu- lar, including more information on experiment, and on comparison of theory with experiment. The values of the basic QCD parameters have also been completely updated. There are, of course, a large number of topics still not touched upon in thepresentedition:QCDhasgrownintosuchavastfieldthatnosinglebook can hope to provide anything near a full coverage of it. But I feel confident that, with the new additions, the book presents at least a fair sample of the main areas where QCD allows one to get quantitative results. It is a pleasure to thank the colleagues that have contributed with their collaboration, discussions and information, to whatever improvement this new edition presents: J. Santiago and, above all, J. R. Pela´ez and J. de Troc´oniz. Correspondence with J. Gasser concerning certain matters associated with chiral perturbation theory has also been helpful. Once again, I would like to acknowledge the continued support and un- derstanding of Springer–Verlag in all editorial matters. Madrid, January, 2006 F. J. Yndura´in Preface to the Third Edition QCD is an ever growing area of physics; when writing a new edition of a book dealing with it, it is thus impossible not to take into account some at leastofthenewdevelopmentsinthefield.Inselectingthosetobeincluded,I havefollowedtheprincipleofincorporatingdevelopmentspertainingtotopics already treated in the former editions. Thus I have not included sections on chiraldynamicsoreffectivetheories.*Whathasbeenincludedareexpansions of a number of sections. In particular of those dealing with deep inelastic scattering: both on higher order calculations, quite a number of which have become available in the last few years and, especially, on the small x limit of structure functions where, triggered by the results of HERA, there has been considerableactivity.InthischapterdealingwithperturbativeQCDwehave alsoaddedasectiononτ andZ decays,atpresentthemorereliableprocesses from which to extract the QCD coupling constant, α . s Two more topics have also received special attention. One is the matter of bound states of heavy quarks, where inclusion of higher order perturba- tive and nonperturbative evaluations has led to a clarification of the QCD description, particularly of lowest states of heavy quarkonia: Chapter 6 has been almost entirely rewritten. The other concerns Chapter 10, expanded to include the results of high order (four loop) calculations of β, γ ; an m updated determination of the parameters of the theory (quark masses, Λ, condensates); and a few considerations on the character of the perturbative QCD series, including discussion of saturation and renormalons. Besidesthis,Ihaveprofitedtoimprovesomeofthefeaturesofthebook: a general polishing, including updating of Sect. 7.4 and relocating of the sec- tionsoninstantonsandlatticeQCDfromChapter8totwoseparatechapters (plus addition of asmallSubsection 9.5iii); and technical improvements such as replacement of the old fashioned figures by computer generated graphs. Forthisnewedition,Iwouldliketorecordmygratitudeto,besidespeople alreadyquotedinformerones,A.Pich,J.VermaserenandYu.Simonov,who read some of the new material in the manuscript; and to K. Adel for his program “Kdraw”, used for the computer generation of the figures. Finally, * Withrespecttothefirst,seebibliographyintext.Forthesecond,theinterested readermayconsulttheoriginalpaperofCaswellandLepage(1986)andthereviews of Lepage and Thacker (1988) and Grinstein (1991). X Preface the continued support of Springer–Verlag in all editorial matters is warmly acknowledged. Madrid, December 1998 F. J. Yndura´in Preface to the Second Edition The present book is not merely an elaboration of the 1982 text Quantum Chromodynamics: An Introduction to the Theory of Quarks and Gluons. In fact, a lot of material has been added: some of which is entirely new, and some of which is an extension of topics in the older text. Among the latter there are two sections dealing with the background field method, and the expansion of the section devoted to processes describable by perturbative QCD (other than deep inelastic scattering) into a whole chapter, containing adetaileddescriptionofDrell–Yanscattering,jetphysics,exclusiveprocesses, QCD sum rules, etc. Besides this, I have added a completely new chapter on constituent quark models of hadrons, including a derivation of the quark– quark potential and, also entirely new, a half chapter containing a detailed introduction to lattice QCD. An extra short chapter on the parameters of QCDandanappendixongroupintegrationcontributetomakingthepresent book a really new text, sufficiently so to justify the change of title to The Theory of Quark and Gluon Interactions: a change that also emphasizes the consolidation of QCD as the theory of strong interactions. Ofcourse,evenwiththeinclusionofnewmaterialtherearewholeareasof quarkandgluonphysicsnotcoveredatall.Amongthese,letmementionthe large N limit of QCD (the interested reader may consult ’t Hooft, 1974a,b, c Witten,1979b,1980);theinfraredproblemsinQCD,verypoorlyunderstood (see, e.g., the classic paper of Lee and Nauenberg, 1964; Muller, 1978 and Zachariasen,1980),and,especially,QCDatfinitetemperature,afashionable subject at present, which the reader may follow from the review of Gross, Pisarski and Yaffe (1981). Besides the people quoted in the preface to the 1982 edition, I would like to acknowledge the valuable influence of my scientific involvement with R. Akhoury, F. Barreiro, G. Lo´pez Castro and M. Veltman, and thank again A. Gonza´lez-Arroyo, who kindly undertook a most useful critical reading of the part concerning lattice QCD. Madrid, 1992 F. J. Yndura´in Preface to the First Edition Quantum Chromodynamics – An Introductionto the Theory of Quark and Gluon Interactions It is almost thirty years since Yang and Mills (1954) performed their pio- neering work on gauge theories, and it is probably safe to say that we have in our hands a good candidate for a theory of the strong interactions based, precisely, on a non-Abelian gauge theory. While our understanding of quan- tum chromodynamics (QCD) is still incomplete, there have been sufficient theoretical developments, many of them enjoying a degree of support from experimentalevidence,tojustifyareasonablysystematictreatiseonthesub- ject. Of course, no presentation of QCD can claim to be complete, since the theory is still in the process of elaboration. The selection of topics reflects this: I have tried to discuss those parts of the theory that are more likely to endure, and particularly those developments that can, with a minimum of rigour, be derived from “first principles”. To be sure, prejudice has also influencedmychoice:onenecessarilytendstogivemoreattentiontosubjects with which one is familiar, and to eschew unfamiliar ones. I will not pause here to point out topics which perhaps should have been included; the list of references should fill the gaps. This work grew out of graduate courses I have been teaching for the last few years: the book is intended to reflect the pedagogical and introductory nature of those lectures. With this aim in mind, I have tried to write a self- contained text which avoids as far as possible the maddening circumventions of sentences like “it can be shown” or “as is well known”. However, I have assumed the reader to have a basic knowledge of field theory and particle phenomenology,andhavenodoubtthatoccasionalrecoursetotheliterature will be necessary. Whatthis book owes to the standard reviewsand articles on the subject shouldbeapparentandisrecordedinthereferences.Ihavedirectlybenefited from collaboration with my colleagues: A. Gonza´lez-Arroyo, C. Becchi, S. Narison, J. Bernabeu, E. de Rafael, R. Tarrach and, particularly, C. Lo´pez and P. Pascual (who also spotted several mistakes in a preliminary version of this work), to name only a few. I also wish to acknowledge the invaluable secretarial help of Antoinette Malene. Madrid, 1982 F. J. Yndura´in

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