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Preview The Theory of Communicative Action, Volume 2: Lifeworld and system: a critique of functionalist reason

THET HEORYO F COMMUNICATIAVCET ION Volume 2 LIFEWORLADN DS YSTEM: A CRITIQUOEF FUNCTIONALIST REASON Jurgen Habermas TranslbayTt heodm aMsc Carthy BeacPorne ssB oston BeacoPnre ss 25 BeacoSnt reet BostoMnas,s achuse0t2t1s0 8 BeacoPrens s books are published tuhnead uesrp icoefs the UnitariUann ievrsalAisssto ciaotfiC oonn gregations. 'Ihlnslatorp'resfa cea ndt ransla©t 1i9o8n7 b yB eacoPnre ss Allr ightrse served Printeidnt heU niteSdt atoefsA merica Originalplyu blisash eTbde oridee ks ommunkiatiHvena ndelns, Ban2d:Z urKr itdierfuk n ktiosntaislcibVeernnu nft, © 1981by SuhrkamVpe rlaFgr,a nkfuramt Main; 3dc orrecetdeidt i1o9n8 5 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Lbrairyo fC ongreCsast agliong-in-PuDbaltiac ation Habermasj,i.i rgen. The theoroyfc ommunicataicvtei on. TranslaotfiTh:oe no ridee sk ommunikatiHvaennd elns. Includbeisb liograrpehfiecrale nacnedis n dexes. Contenv.t sI:.R easona ndt her ationaliozfa tion society-v.2 .Lif eworladn ds yste:m ca ritioqfu e functionarelasiosnt. I.So ciology-Philosophy-Cowlolrekcst.e d 2.R ationalism-Cowlolreksc.t 3e.dS ociaaclt ion- Collecwtoerdk s.4 .C ommunicant-iPohilosophy-Collected works. 5.F unctionalism-Cowolrlkesc.t ed I.T itle. "t" HM24.H321139 84. 301'.01 82-72506 ISBN0 -8070-15(0 6v.I-) 7 ISBN0 -807040-01-(1 2v.) Contents Volum2e:L ifewaonrdlS dy stem: A CritioqfFu uen ctioRneaalsiosnt 'franslator'sPre face v V. The ParadigmS hift inM eadan d Durkheim:Fro m Purpo sive ActivittyoC ommunicatAicvet ion 1 1.T heFo undatioonfS so ciSacli einnctbe eT heoryo f Communciation 3 2. TheA uhtoryio tft hSea creda ndt hNeo rmative BacgkrounodfC ommunicatAicvet ion 43 3. ThRe atioSntruaclt uoreftbe Lingtuiisflcaotfti hoen Sacred 77 VI.I ntermediaRteefl ectioSnyss:t eanmd llfeworld 113 1.Th eC ocnpeto ft hLeif eworladn dt hHeerm eneutic Idealismo fI nterpretSiovec lioogy 119 2. TheU ncpoluionfg sStyema ndL ifeworld 153 VIIT.a lcoPartsto ns:Pro blemins Constructian Thge oryo f Society 199 1.F roma N ormativThisetoircoy fA ctitooan S ystems Theoryo fS ocyi et 204 2. ThDee vleomenp to f sStyems Theory 235 3. TheT heoroyfM odernity 283 VIIIC.o ncludiRnegfl ectioFronms :Parso ns viaWe ber toM arx 301 1.A B ackward Glanwecbe:er' sTh eoroyfM odernity 303 2.M arxa ndt hTehe soisf I nternalC oliozntaion 332 3. TheT asks ofa C ritTihceaolro yfS ocyi et 374 Notes 405 Index 439 AnalyticalTh bleo fC ontenftosr\b lumesI and2 449 TranslatPorre'fsa ce Inp reparintgh itsr anslatIiw oansg, re atlreya ssuredby thea uthor's willingtnoere sasd t hrougah fir std raft ands uggeswth atevcehra ngehse thoughatp propriThaet er.e adesrh oulbde advisetdh atw,h ilteh ese changewse re introducteocd a ptumroer ep recisheilsmy e aninogr t o maket het ranslamtoiroen readatbhleeyo, ft enr esultienm di nodre par­ turesfro m theo rigintale xtA.t s uchp ointtsh,e nt,h ec orrespondence betweetnh eG ermana ndE nglivesrhs ionissn ote xacttlhya otf t ransla­ tion. I am indebtteodV ictoLri dz and JAelffreexya ndfeorrr eadianngd commentiunpgo nt het ranslaotfiC ohna pteVrI Ia,n dt oR oberBtu rns andC arolR osef orh elpiwnigt ht hel egatle rminoliongC yh apteVrI III . am particulgarraltye futloS ydneLye niMta,r inRao sienaen,d C laudia Meschf oru ndertakitnhgeh ardly inconsitasdke orfat bylpei nagn dre ­ typintgh em anuscript. ThomasM cCarthy NorthwestUenrinv ersity v TheP aradigm iSnMh eiaftda nd Durkhiem:F romP urpsoivAec tivtiot y CommunicaAtcitvieo n Int hMea rxirsetc eptoifoWne btehre'osor fry a tionalfriozmLa utkiaocns, toA dornthoer, a tionaolfisz oactiwieaotsany l wathyosu ghotf as rae ifi­ catioofcn o nsciousAsn eIhsa s.vea rguienVd o lu1m,te hpea radotxoe s whicthh icso ncepstturaaltl eegasydh so twh arta tionaclainznaboteti on deawlitt ahd equawtietlhtyih nce o ncepfrtuaamloe f t hpeh ilosoofp hy consciouIsnVn oelsus2m. Ie w illt akuepth ep roblemoaftre iicfi cation oncaeg aainndre formuilitan tt eer omfso, nt hoen eh ancdo,m munica­ tivaec tianodn,o nt hoet hetrhf,eo rmaotfis ounb sysvtiesamt se ering mediBae.fo red oinsgoI s hadlelve lotph ebsaes cioncc espi tnt hceo n­ texotft hhei stoofsr oyc tihaelo Wrhy.e reast hper obleomfar taitci onal­ ization/rleiiaefilsco aan"t gGi eornm lainno"ef s ocial-thtehooreutgihcta l runninfrgo mM arx throuWgehb etro L ukaacnsdC ritTihceaoltr hy,e paradisgmh iftfro m purposaicvtei tvoci otmym unicaacttiiwveoa nsp re­ pared byG eorHgeer beMreta da ndE milDeu rkheMieamd.( 1 863- 1931an)d D urhkeim( 1858-1b9e1ln7og,)l iWkeeb e(r1 864-1t9o2 0), theg eneraotfti hofoenu ndifantgh eorfms o derns ocioBlootgdhy.e vel­ opebda sciocn ceipnwt hsi cWhe bert'hse oorfry a tionalmiayzb aet ion takenu pa gaainnfred e dfro m thaep oroiftas h peh ilosoofcp ohnys cious­ nesMse:a dw ithhi cso mmunicationf-otuhnedoaoretftsi iooccn i ology, Durkhweiitmah t heoorfsy o csioalli idartcyo nnectsoincgi inatle gration tosy steimn tegration. The ideoasfre conciliaantdfrei eodno mw,h icAhd omo-whiont he final analyresmiasi nuendd etrh es peolflH egelthioaungh t-mreely circdlar eoundi na n egative-dfiasahnli,eso cttaiinndcn aeleo dfe xlpica­ tioThne.y c ainn fa ctb ed evelopbeymd e anosfth ec onceopfct o mmu- 2 TbPae mdigmS hifti nM ead and Durkbeim nicatiravet ionatloiwtardy, whicthh eiru seb yA dorno poiinna tnsyc ase. For thipsu rposwee candr aw upona theoryo fa ctiothna t,l ikMee ad's, isc oncernteodp rojeacnti deaclo mmunicatcioomnm unitThy.i su topia servetso re construcant undamageidn tersutbijveicthtayt al lowsb oth foru nconstrainmeudt uauln derstandamionngg individaunaldsf ort he identitoifie nsd ividwualhso comet oa nu nconstraiunnedde rstanding witht hemselvThees .l imiotfsa communication-thaepoprertoiacco hf thisso raret evidenThte. reproductioofsn o cieatsya wholec ans urely notb ea dequateelxyp lainientd e rmosf t hec onditioofnc so mmunica­ tiver ationatlhiotuy,g weh cane xplatihne s ymbolic reprodoufct thieo n lifeworolfda so ciaglr ouipn t hiwsa y,i fw e approacthh em attefrro m an internaple rspective. Inw hatf ollowIws i,l (l1 )ex aminheo wM eadd eveloptsh eb asicc on­ ceptualfr amework ofn ormativreegluyl ateadn dl inguisticmaeldliya ted interacthieo anr;r ivaetst hipso inbty w ayo fa logicgale nesisst,a rting from interactmieodni atebdy g estureasn dc ontrollbeyd i nstinacntds , passingthro ugh thes tagoef s ymbolicmaeldliya tiedn teractiinso ingn al language(s2.) I nt het ransitfrioomn s ymbolicamleldyi atetdon orma­ tiveguliyd edi nteracttihoenrei, s a g api nt hep hylogeneltiinocef d evel­ opmentw hichc anb efil ledi nw ithD urkheim's assumptions concerning thes acredf oundatioofnm so ralitthy,e r itualplreys ervefudn d ofs ocial solidarit(3y. ) T aking as ourg uidelthien ei deoaf a "linguistific[alt>r t­ion" spmchligc]ho uft nhirsi talulys ecuredb,as icn ormatiavgreee ment,w e can arrivea tt hec oncepotf a rationalliifzeewdo rwlidt hd ifefrentiated symbolisct ructureThsi.s concepttak esu sb eyontdh ec onceptulailm i­ tatioonfst heW eberian thoefao crtyi ownh,i chi st ailoretdop urposive activiatnydp urposirvea tionality. 1.T beFo undatioonfSs o ciSacli enicnte b eTh eoroyf Communication Earlyi nt het wentiectehn turty,h es ubject-ombojdeeclot f t hep hilos­ ophyo fc onsciouswnase sast tackoendt w o fronts-byt hea nalypthiic­ losophoyfl anguaangde by thep sychologitchaelo royfb ehaviBoort.h renounceddi recatc cestso t hep henomenoaf c onsciousannedsre s­ placeidn tuitive self-knowledgeo,ri nretflroescpteicotwnii,ot nhp roce­ durest hatd idn ota ppeatlo i ntuitioThne.y proposeda nalystehsa t startefrdo m linguisetxipcre ssioonrso bservebedh avioanrd were open toi ntersubej etcetsitviLannggu.a gean alysaidso ptepdro ceduresf orr a­ tionarelcloyn structoiunrkg n owledogferu lest hawte re familifroamr logiancd linguisbteihcasv;i oprsaylc holotgoyo ko ver them ethodosf observatanido snt rateogfii enst erpretaetsitoanb liisnhs etdu dioefas n ­i malb ehavior.' Despitthee irc ommono rigiinnst hep ragmatiosfCm h arleSansd ers Peirce,t hestew oa pproachteos tchrei tioqfuc eo nscioushnaevsegs o ne theirs eparawtaey sa ndh avei,n t heirr adicfaolr msd,eve lopeidn depen­ dento fo nea notheMro.re over;l ogicpaols itivainsdbm e haviorpiusrm­ chased theirre leasefro m thep aradigmo ft hep hilosophoyf c onscious­ nesbsy re ducintgh et raditiroosntaelor f p roblemwsi tha s inglceo upd e main-in onec aset hrough withdrawitnogt hea nalyosfil sa nguacgoens­ structedf orsc ientifipcu rposeisnt, h eo thebry re strictiintgs etlfo t he modelo ft hei ndividouragla nissmt'ism ulus-inbdeuhcaevdi Thoer .a nal­ ysiosf l anguaghea so,f c oursfreee,d itsefrlofm thec onstrictoifio tnss dogmatibecgi nningsTh.e complexiotfty h ep roblemadteivce lodp bey Peirceh as beenre gaineadl ontgw op aths-onruenn ingfro m Carnaanpd Reichenbathrocuhgh Poppert op ostempiricist pohfis lcoiseonpchey, the othefrro m thee arlyW ittgeenisnthrot ugh thel atWei ttgensatnedi n Austitnot het heoroyfs peecahc tBsy.c ontrast the psycholoigcalt heory ofb ehavihoasr, n otwithstandoicncgas ionmalo ves forl iberalizadtei­on, velopedw ithitnh eb oundso fan objectivmiestthiocd oloIfg wey. wan t tore leaset here volutionpaorwye ro ft heb asicc oncepotfsb ehavior theory,th e potentiinalt· h iasp proactho b urstth ebo undso fi towns paradigmwe, shalhlave tog oba ckt oM ead'sso cipals ychoy.l og Mead'tsh eoroyfc ommunicatiaolns roe commenidtss easl fap oinotf intersectoifot nh et wo crititcraald itisotnesm minfrogm Peirce.Alz­ though Meadt ookn on oticoefth e linguisttuimci np hilosophy,l ooking backt odaoyn efin ds astonishicnogn vergences behtiwses eonc ipsya-l 3

One of the broadest, most comprehensive, elaborate and intensely theoretical works in social theory. Social theory and philosophy may never be the same again. (Philosophy and Social Criticism)
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