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The Telegraph Magazine - 11 June 2022 PDF

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Preview The Telegraph Magazine - 11 June 2022

11JUNE2022 h p a Trinny’s r g e l e T ; 8 1 : 7 2 : 7 1 2 2 0 2 n u J . 6 0 : e t a D ; ) m m 0 0 . 0 7 2 x £180 million 0 0 . 0 3 2 ( : t a m r o F ; f d p . X X - C 1 0 0 A - 2 2 6 0 1 1 - 1 - M T M T D - C C 1 makeover 0 0 1 : t n e m u c o D h p a r g e l e T ; 9 3 : 4 0 : 7 1 2 2 0 2 n u J . 6 0 : e t a D ; ) m m 0 0 . 0 7 2 x 0 0 . 0 3 2 ( : t a m r o F ; f d p . M T - C 2 0 0 A - 2 2 6 0 1 1 - 1 - M T M T D - C C 2 0 0 1 : t n e m u c o D 2 The Telegraph Magazine 11June 2022 h p a r g e 1 1 . 0 6 2 0 2 2 l e T ; 6 0 : 3 0 : 7 1 REGULARS FEATURES 2 2 0 2 n MY SATURDAY TrinnyWoodall’s u J Coffeeaddictionand unlikelyrichestorags . 6 cookingforthekids torichesstory 0 BY STEPHEN MANGAN BY LAURA CRAIK : e P.5 P.8 t a D ; ) m WHAT IS 60 FOR? InvestigatingLondon’s m Isthewritingonthewall mostmysteriousdeath 0 0 forpenmanship? AS TOLD TO . 0 BY JAN MASTERS PETER STANFORD 7 2 P.7 P.16 x 0 0 . AGONY UNCLE Howtomake 0 3 Solvingyourproblems friendsatanyage:a 2 ( everyweek tried-and-testedguide : t BY RICHARD MADELEY BY CLAIRE COHEN a m P.73 P.30 r o F ; f STYLE FOOD d p . X X - C Followingthefashion Thefreshestherbsfor 3 rulesatAscot pastaandicecream 00 A BY STEPHEN DOIG BY DIANA HENRY - 2 P.59 P.39 2 6 0 1 1 Yes,youcanwear Makingthemostofthe - 1 whiteshoes season’sbeans - M BY LISA ARMSTRONG BY MARK HIX T M P.62 P.47 T PLATS DU JOUR AT DAWN D E - VENJOYC Inpraiseofwrapping HowBritainistakingontheclassicFrenchbrasserie Thepinkpowerof 03CC E:STE BY GINNIE BY ED CUMMING darkerrosés 10 G PA CHADWYCK-HEALEY P.24 BY VICTORIA MOORE : THIS P.65 P.55 nt H. e WALS um UNG HEADOFMAGAZINEADVERTISING,CLAIREJUON:claire.juon@mailmetromedia.co.uk.INTERNATIONALACCOUNTSALESMANAGER,JASONHARRISON:[email protected] oc R:T ©TELEGRAPHMAGAZINE2022.PUBLISHEDBYTELEGRAPHMEDIAGROUPLIMITED,111BUCKINGHAMPALACEROAD,LONDONSW1W0DT(020-79312000)ANDPRINTEDBYWALSTEAD. D OVE COLOUDRAIRLEYPTREOLDEUGCRTAIPOHN:NTOERLIETGSRAAGPEHNPTRSOADCUCCETPITOSNL.INAOBTILTIOTYBFEOSROLLDOSSSEPOARRDAATMELAYGEFRTOOMCTOHLOEUDRAITLRYATNESLPEAGRREANPCHIE.SWOHRILAENEYVOETRHYERREMASAOTNEARBIALLESCUABRMEIWTTILELDBTEOTTAHKEENM,ANGEAIZTIHNEERTHE C 11June 2022 The Telegraph Magazine 3 h p a r g e l e T ; 2 4 : 9 0 : 7 1 2 2 0 2 n u J . 6 0 : e t a D ; ) m m 0 0 . 0 7 2 x 0 0 . 0 3 2 ( : t a m r o F ; f d p . M T - C 4 0 0 A - 2 2 6 0 1 1 - 1 - M T M T D - C C 4 0 0 1 : t n e m u c o D 4 The Telegraph Magazine 11June 2022 Stephen Mangan h p My Saturday a r g e l e T ; 6 4 : 6 3 : 6 1 2 2 10.30am Mychildren–Harry,14, 3.30pm If Spurs are playing at 20 Frank,11,andJack,six–appear, home, I take Harry to watch. n u J declaring that they’re hungry, When he and Frank were tiny, . 6 so I make pancakes with Itookapictureofthemout- 0 : bacon and maple syrup. side White Hart Lane with e t Whenyouhavechildren, a Tottenham scarf around a D ; littledoyouknowyouare their heads – we live near ) m basicallyagreeingtoopen Arsenal and my greatest m 0 ashort-ordercafé. fear is them becoming 0 . Arsenalfans.Mycharacter 0 7 12pm Itaketheeldesttwototheir in[BBCdrama]TheSplitisone; 2 x music lessons. It’s an excuse to I deserve all the awards going 0 0 read in a café and drink more forstomachingthat. . 0 coffee – I’m practically levitat- 3 2 ingbythispoint.Harry’snowa 6pm Lou cooks Thai curry and :( t better guitar player and taller I wash up. I tried to become a a Theactorandwriter, m r thanme,whichisannoying.My hunk for the first few weeks of o 54,onhisloveofSpurs, F wife[LouiseDelamere]andIare lockdown,butendedupbecom- ; S f MAGE cateringforkidsandhis both actors and hoped one of ing a chunk and a drunk. After pd ETTYI addictiontoeatingout our children would rebel and dinnerwespendanhourargu- XX. OW.G become an accountant, but it ingaboutwhattowatch. C- N 5 SOUT 8am The doorbell goes: our doesn’t look likely. I got inter- 00 £7.99)I Ocadodelivery.Wemanageto ested in theatre because my 8pm I put Jack to bed, 2-A HOLASTIC, forgeteveryweek. mbruigmhtlobvuetdunite.dMuycaptaerde;nthtsewyleerfet tHhaemn snneetakbyoffMtoagregaide 1062 C 1 D(S 9am Imakeapotofcoffeeand schoolat14.TheywereIrish–I O’Farrell. When I was - ORL -1 W write. I came up with the grew up in London but sum- a kid I read non-stop, M HE T DT ideaforacomedy[asyetunti- mers were spent in Ireland, so and I’d do the same M E T NG D HA tled] with my brother-in-law I’vealwaysfeltit’shome nowifIcould.Mysecondchil- - C C THAT RobertDelamereandweman- dren’s book [The Fart that 5C FART aged to sell it. It’s terriiffyyiinngg – 1.30pm We meet Louise and ChangedtheWorld] has a hero 00 HE 1 BB.T writing it, producing JJaackforlunchatFischer’s called Frank and is illustrated : E t EW it,starringinit.Ican’t iinMarylebone.I’vegota bymysisterAnita.Frankwants n R e CLAI turn around on set rrestaurantandtakeaway toreadittoJack–I’lltrynotto um BY c W and say, ‘Who wrote aaddiction – I’m not pre- stand outside the door needily o VIE D ER thisshit?’ paaredtoputinthework. toseeiftheylaugh. NT I 11June 2022 The Telegraph Magazine 5 h p a r g e l e T ; 1 2 : 9 0 : 7 1 2 2 0 2 n u J . 6 0 : e t a D ; ) m m 0 0 . 0 7 2 x 0 0 . 0 3 2 ( : t a m r o F ; f d p . M T - C 6 0 0 A - 2 2 6 0 1 1 - 1 - M T M T D - C C 6 0 0 1 : t n e m u c o D 6 The Telegraph Magazine 11June 2022 W Jan Masters H Englishcountryside AT forNewYork.Howtheywere I S alifeline.Alinktohome.Oneofher h 6 p Fighhtt ffor your wriitte other UK friends, who corresponded 0 a r wwiitthhhheerrffoorrlloonnggeerrtthhaannmmee,hhaasskeptall F g their missives. They plan to meeet when O le they’reoldtoreadthemallandrrelivetheir R e ? T earlyangst,amoursandadventuress. ; It’salmostasthoughaperson’sspiritexists 8 3 intheirhandwriting,theirpersonaalityintrinsi- : callylinkedtothosestrokesonaapage.The 3 2 styledecisionsthatthey’vemadde.Whether : 6 theira’sareroundlikeapplesorbrriskandslim. 1 Whether their writing is conntained and 2 economicalorshowywithaflourissh.Writingis 2 0 asindividualasafingerprint.Anditt’sstilllovely 2 Inaneraaofdigital toreceiveahandwrittenenveloppe–amIthe n onlyonewhostaresatanythatccomein,not u connectiion,ourcolumnist J openingthemuntilI’vemanagedttoputaname . 6 asks:isthhewritingonthe tothescript? 0 MyfriendfromAmericaalsotolddmethatnow : wallforhhandwriting? hermotherhaspassedaway,seeinngherhand- e t writingfeelsespeciallyimportannt.Igetthat. a D WheneverIfindsomethingmypparentshave ; Itypelikeadeemon,yetgivemeagreetingscard written,howeverhumdrum,theeffffectisheart- ) m towriteandI’mmhighlylikelytomakeamistake. warming.Andintheloftnestlesasmmalltrunkof m I’lltransposettwocharactersormakean‘o’look lettersthatmymumanddadswappedwhenDad 0 0 likean‘a’andhhavetofudgeit.IfIreallycockup, wasayoungladonaminesweepeerduringthe . Imightwrite‘ooops’abovetheerror.Notthatmy warandbasedinIndia.Thepaperiissolight,so 0 7 handwritinghhaseverbeenparticularlyneat,but translucent,it’sasiftheyarewrittennonbutterfly 2 thisisn’taneaatnessissue.It’sbecauseIhand- wingsthatflewbackandforthacroosstheocean x writesolittleandusekeyboardssomuch,put- betweenthem.Whispersontheairrthroughthe 0 tingpentopaaperfeelsratherawkwardformy stormsofbattle. 0 . QWERTY-traiined fingertips. Given younger Mydad,wholeftschoolat14,laterrtaughthim- 0 3 generationshavegrownupwithsmartphones selftowritecopperplate,whichhasadecidedly 2 and social meedia, using or seeing very little ( : cursivescriptduringtheirday,isthewritingon Thereissomethingspeccialabout t a thewallfor,well,writing? seeingsomeone’sthoughhtsset m r Possibly. Exam regulator Ofqual has o announcedthhatit’sexploringa‘pensdown’, downintheirownhand F ; onlineapproaachtoGCSEsandAlevels.How- f d ever,someressearchsuggestsitmightbeamis- Dickensianappearance.Heusedittthroughout p taketoletitsllidefromschoolworkentirely.In hislife,evenifhewassimplywritinggabetonthe . X onestudy,whhenstudentswereaskedtotake backofafagpacket.‘Thinup,thicckdown,’he X - notesonalapptop,theytendedtotypeevery- usedtosay.I’vejustwatchedaYouTTubevideoof C 7 thingverbatim,whilethosetakingnotesby real-timecopperplatecalligraphyanndit’salmost 0 handwereforccedtobemoreselective,enabling meditative.Eventhesoundissoothhing.Indeed, 0 A themtoundeerstandthematerialmoreeffec- MontblancputseachofitsiconicMMeisterstück - DE8 tivelyandremmemberitbetter. pensthroughaseriesofrigorousquualitychecks, 22 GCO Anothersttudylookedatpeoplefillingout thelastrequiringexpertstolistentothesound 06 USIN adetailedschhedule,someinputtingtheinfo thenibmakesonpaper,withonlythhosedeemed 11 AS digitally,otherrsusinganotebook.Forthiskind smooth,notscratchy,passingtheteest. - M 1 HO oftask,handwwritingnotonlyprovedfasterand Sowhatwillmygeneration,anndthosewho - ELT moreaccuratee,buttheprocessalsoactivated aremuchyounger,leavebehindthat’shand- TM HA multiplebrainnregionsassociatedwithmemory written?Notalot.Wemayhavecoomposedmil- M AC T R morerobustlyy. lions of emails and trillions of ssocial media D E-UP: Scienceasidde,thereissomethingratherspe- posts,buttherewillbeverylittleoffourimprint C- AK cialaboutseeiingsomeone’sthoughtssetdown onapage.Let’sfaceit,whenI’mdeeadandgone, C M 7 ND intheirownhhand.Ihadn’tspokeninaeonsto myWhatsAppgroupchatsaren’teexactlygoing 0 A 0 AIR oneschoolfriiendwho’slivedintheUSallher totugtheheartstrings. 1 VIVAS.H aafdtuerltrleiafedi–nngootthtiusnctoillusmhenrfercoomnhneerctWedaswhiinthggttmone penMtaoypbaep,tehreonn,Ispshecoiualldoccocnassiiodnesrrocormtomreitctoinrdg nt: RAPH:PAOLA bcaodamesesm.oWufnrhaiicdlaeitoisoosshhnielethhnaactielheianddatahfleleowwwoqendudiuceskrtsocloliecfakdpsi,gdsiethcae-l bmkeeeaysusmtiitfeuumlploaenaritdehssep.reIbanoksocfkrro.iTmbaetkhtehemohuyeagtrihhmmtt.tsSeoswmoieIthtdhioninn’gat ocume OG alsotalkedmovvinglyaboutthelettersweusedto thathasalittlemoregravitasthhanalineof D HOT swapasyounngteenagerswhenshe’dleftthe emojiswithgrittedteeth.Lol. P 11June 2022 The Telegraph Maagazine 7 Wordsby Photographyby LAURA CRAIK TUNG WALSH ‘I want women to feel h p a r g e l e T ; they’ve become 0 0 : 7 3 : 7 1 2 2 ageless... that they’re 0 2 n u J . 6 0 : feeling phwoar ’ e t a D ; ) m m 0 0 . 0 7 2 x 0 0 . 0 3 2 ( : t a m r o F ; f d p . X X - C 8 0 0 A - 2 2 6 0 1 1 - 1 - M T M T D - C C 8 After fashion expert Trinny Woodall disappeared from TV screens, she 0 0 1 faced the dramatic death of her ex-husband and the indignity of having to : t sell her clothes and house. Now she’s a mogul with a beauty brand worth n e m £180 million, followed by legions of fans who adore her candid at-home u c o make-uptutorials.Howdidshepulloffquitesuchaspectacularsecondact? D 8 The Telegraph Magazine 11June 2022 h p a r g e l e T ; 4 5 : 6 3 : 7 1 2 2 0 2 n u J . 6 0 : e t a D ; ) m m 0 0 . 0 7 2 x 0 0 . 0 3 2 ( : t a m r o F ; f d p . X X - C 9 0 0 A - 2 2 6 0 1 1 - 1 - M T M T D - C C 9 0 0 1 : t n e m u c o D 11June 2022 The Telegraph Magazine 9 h p a r g e l e T ; 5 2 : 9 0 : 7 1 2 2 0 2 n u J . 6 0 : e t a D ; ) m m 0 0 . 0 7 2 x 0 0 . 0 3 2 ( : t a m r o F ; f d p . M T - C 0 1 0 A - 2 2 6 0 1 1 - 1 - M T M T D - C C 0 1 0 1 : t n e m u c o D 10 The Telegraph Magazine 11June 2022

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